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Winter Solstice Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm
/ASP/list: https://rentry.co/asplist

Leave a helpful post today.

Previous thread: >>91901579
How do I speed run getting on False's channel? I only ask because it seems to be working out fine for Gumpai
Well, you first need to be big enough for anyone to give a flying fuck about you
Or do something so big that people will look at your direction, like baiting someone big enough to go for you "without cause"
Do what that shylily lookalike did but dont fold this time
I'm watching all the flowers dying away
In heated breath of life at the dawning day
I'm waking up in spring and kissing your face
A sweet and burning thing, I feel your embrace
It's "bated breath" you vague-posting, mouthbreathing, MONKEY.
Orange give me another hint
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I'm a 0 views but I'm having fun
Trans can work Kuku pulled it off for years
?? Even a nobody like me gets 4 views. Why are you not seen.
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No advertising whatsoever + model isn't moving yet (pngtuber for the time being, currently waiting for the rigger to deliver) + weird time zone + ESL + male. I don't even care I just want to play videogames and this gives me a good excuse to do that.
Ok keep up the good work anon, you'll get there some day
Not sure I want to "get there", this is kinda relaxing. Today I had 3 viewers for a few minutes and it was my peak, ever.
If I could hit Affiliate as a nocam with zero self-promo, so can you. Keep it up fren.
Chrii has rebranded as Tinky Winky
How common are neet vtubers? I know money to buy a model/assets would probably be a big hurdle for a neet, but there are some neets that are bankrolled by their middle class parents. Would you be able to spot someone’s neetdom by their streaming schedule? How do you hide being a neet to your audience?
There are plenty of neets judging by how much some /asp/ stream
why care
why hide it
just stream retard
Fucking shit I tought it was, like, 7am or such but its almost 10. I fucking need to fix my sleeping schedule I wanna stream
had a dream where haru was working at some local store that's going out of business and since all they had left for sale were some furniture he decorated the space with/tried a side-hustle by selling acrylic standees
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Live now with some Hunt Showdown, i feel like im five seconds from painting the cieling with my brains, and im not sure why
Seasonal depression? I know you've mentioned before that you don't see the sun very often, winter + overcast removing what little vitamin d you get might tip you over the edge
Funny since he's been trying to get merch going for a while now.
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morning /asp/ies, mama gave me a sketch and I want some thoughts on things that should be added or changed before we finalize the design.

My last advice seeking post before I disappear into the shadows, ty anons, any help is appreciated!
make him m preg
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anyone know of any good skeb artists that do character sheets
True greatness is achieved this way
Drop link
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your wish is my command
I like the design and the coiled tail
Its pretty cute
Dont forget to drop link
Real Riddle Rabbit link hours

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0RFjdxJ3H2c4ogjBChDjUg (you can find the rest of my links through here!)
Not another mpreg artist...
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this bit gives slicked back mullet vibes
ill watch you
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having a bunch of shit going on when people are trying to read emotion and expression can be visually annoying, especially in motion
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and these will forever be amateur hour
it's a nicer design than previous
the horn and puzzle details are better
but big ass wings are always a nuisance and extra nuisance because you want to be messy with them
always in the fucking way, always have to be shuffled to the back of a collab stack, always jumping up in front of shit if the model rotates at the waist
at least get them toggleable

the new shirt's nice, gradient is a good play
booties are nice, not that they matter
shorts ties are cute
I plan to have a toggle for removing them for the sake of space on my gameplay screen, and collabs.

I'm rigging the model myself like I did last time, so it shouldn't be a massive issue!
dropped. I hate women
What Aspies have the easiest design?
ok who's design should I copy?
Copy denpafish's model she is too dumb and schizo not not bite the bait lol
I'd say mostly all the mages or wizard types since they're usually a person in a hood, like Geltaran or Regulus. The guys in hoodies are also pretty simple, like Kai.

From my personal collection:
https://skeb.jp/@chu2_sec 4k yen
https://skeb.jp/@asnshk_0108 5k yen
https://skeb.jp/@H1aMx 5k yen
https://skeb.jp/@_NEOGORILLA 8k yen
runo spotted
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