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Last thread

Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhUrYtAWENI [Embed]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJHbamGIOVM [Embed]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qW2EN6fyftY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g [Embed] (MV)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI [Embed] (MV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E [Embed] (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 [Embed] (MV)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAr2lHZLNyU [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aozNBX2dF6c [Embed]
Renai Nou 「New song」
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75mpgWnhJpo [Embed]

>>Collab songs
[FRUITS ZIPPER] NEW KAWAII (w/Lamy, Ayame, Okayu, Korone, Kanata) [NEW]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sogpRSCNLo8 [Embed]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IW2t52ps27s [Embed]
PekoNoe ASMR
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mr9iteEQqE [Embed]
PekoMoona Offcollab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihDS4yulSbg [Embed]
PekoMama April's Fool 2024
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RNfOikz3Is [Embed]

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template
lol someone is bringing PS4 to the match
isnt pekotyan winning too much today?
well her opponents is not that stong
>A team
speak too soon
In sporting terms it's called the calm before the kwab
Can't believe Pekora is infected by Raden's disease too
Nice suicide squeeze
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I'm so cute
Nice 1-0
Pekora made the other team's cute girl cry...
fuck that is so close
can't believe pekotyan won that
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well she needs a miracle now.
it's so over...
That could have easily been a double with that fumble
2 more points to make it tied
One of these fielders is secretly nousagi
actually i wonder why i dont get ads on pekora stream but there are ads for another member like matsuri during her mario party stream.
pekotyan comeback
They're beginning to believe.
Definitely a nousagi or is definitely distracted by the Pekora's cuteness
They can turn them off
Do you have membership?
No God slots this year?
dont remind her
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she really make a comeback
I'm gonna commit a crime
I find art like this OP infinitely more erotic than any skimpy ass shit you can imagine.
Absolute destruction
pekotyan stop bullying them...
bruh 24 - 4 is crazy
cant believe she won
>he didn't belib in pekosama
Usada "red knees" Pekora
my bad
i guess. but i will not trust those stats because even C team can be strong
i guess today is the last powerpro if she lose the match
I need Pekomama
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pekotyan's raburabu sleep ASMR
Pekora seems to like the squeeze play
Its coming soon
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It has been known.
she really need to do something about gozaru
kek gozaru got chance F. man poor her
random permanent debuffs is bullshit
>horses tomorrow (today)
why, your voice was broken just yesterday...
Because it's Arima Kinen.
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well now what
Fap to that drawing anon made
I already did
poor gozaru...
she did her best...
This is the reason gozaru got that debuff...
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Peko-chan, your voice.....
I'll wake up at 5am to hear her destroy her voice...
I'll be watching her voice die as well
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I'm playing basketball!
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I did that for Aki"V"rose's playthrough of cp77 and Pekora's afternoon streams, we'll be fine.
I dont mind the time, its just the fact I know she's going to scream and break her voice doing it
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site doesnt autoupload for me rn so cant reliably bump
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Debating whether I bother to wake up for horse gamba...
I will because I wouldnt miss a stream regardless of whatever slop it is but I completely understand
It's less about it being slop & more about me being tired but it's still partially about it being slop that will last only an hour before I crawl back into bed
I'm used to 4h sleep a day by now so it isnt too bad but I get it
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Beautiful as ever, this bune I swear.
Short nap before stream time
My bune lust is kicking again...
>Eats your dick
What a cute retard
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so do you think she will win this time?
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Ok I woke up
Go back to sleep
is she going to play powerpro after marine?
not until pekotyan closes stream again
she will play powerpro later today but I dont know when
fuck the race actually will not start for another 2 hours
See I told you to go back to sleep
She said 22:00 JST last night unless I misheard
2h of peko talking is better than the race, sadly most of it will be about the horses
i will still keep her stream open. i love when she talk about something she is passionate about, even if it horse racing
Pekosama always wins(not money tho)
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that is the face of someone who is going to lose 500k yen
And she's going to be really cute losing it
This is the face of someone who says steam deck is expensive
Today she is extremely cute
It's pretty funny. I don't really care about gambling or people that are into gambling, but the fact that she breaks her throat from these stupid horse betting streams have done a good job of actually making me hate horse racing...
same honestly
You may don't remember it, but she used to scream much more and I kinda miss that.
you are not alone. i dont mind the stream but hurting her voice is what i hate about it.
I wonder if she actually has ear piercings
Controversial opinion, but I think Pekora is cute.
I remember and I miss it too, but if her throat cannot handle it anymore to the point singing for a bit is too much I would rather she doesnt break it screaming on horse betting
Sui-chan also put her bet on no.7 cuz there's star in the horse name
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I hear pekosnack
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The cutest
Seeing Lemaire won the recorded race now eroding her anti's conviction lol
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>jap ads end
>YT ads start
Holy shit the noises
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Here comes the revelation
Pekora should've been a baboon
what is happening right now?
monkey holo when?
She lost again...
She needs more lucky magic stones from Mio
the race didnt happen yet
I'm from the future
And there she goes 1m yen with single winner bet again...
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tell me future anon, who is going to win sanksiei koshien
Pekora luckshits during the last inning
just like in UmaMusume...
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fuck i really want to sleep
never stood a chance
Well at least she didn't scream her throat to oblivion... her heart on the other hand though...
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yeah I'm glad she didnt destroy her voice too much
due to this lost she have to sell asmr mic and there will be no asmr stream
she still have 1m from her previous win
>lose 1m yen
>do it again next year
It's called gambler's fallacy anon
as gojo satoru said always not bet on rumeru
baseball frame
gonna sleep until that
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alright time to sleep. hope thread survive
Reminder: this counts as winning in a gambler's mind.
That single win in 2023 really made her uppity enough to triple her betting habit huh
>trying to do pekora runs
>don't get a single stamp drop until 15+ minutes in
How does this happen with Pekora's luck buff
That's also lucky, in a way
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I don't trust Pekora with a skirt
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Nope. It's just near christmas again that's all. In case you're wondering, source is JP streamer fan the Jun fag kind
So what did we learn? Gambling is bad. Just invest your money into VT and chill.
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but anon, if i can double my money on gambling, i can invest more money into vtuber
Marine won last summer Koshien
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JP 35p are angry that the recent Hololive leaks which predicted the Fauna graduation also includes a description of Miko's appearance irl. Pic related
oh my god
the kwab is coming
Was meant for>>92025214
I was confused for a sec lol. Reread the whole thread trying to understand why the need to link takamori sinking ship thread from 2021. Brings back a lot of memories actually
>even a random post from 3 years ago was some nonsensical schizo rambling
There was never any hope for this board
This is why she only buys kalvin clein panties not the original ones
Just auction off her used ones to pay her gambling debts
kek i dont think pekora can win this summer koshien
What about usaken 3d live
this is not cover studio quality
Cause it's not produced by them lmao, this is what happens when you scrape the bottom of the barrel like Cover does & offers garbage salaries.
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Fuck you anon(and not the lewd type) it's better that they don't have to do this
Anytime it's not Cover studio it just sounds and looks better kek
The monitor on the stage isn't delayed like when it's cover studio
That was some JAV tier screaming kek
Oh this is the sex young asskey song
your picrel is a schizo headcanon meanwhile cold chicken is real, nousagi lmao
I didn't know Kanaken had a song
Man i want to fuck asskey and shakamata
Oh no...
I miss pekotyan karaokes... xmas relay?
She's not in
what is M1?
Yearly Manzai comedian contest. TV only
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nice peko
Money corrupt women
she really love that song for gozaru
>know that the song is debuff
>keep singing it
>0 award
When's the next dq
tomorrow likely
Nice, I don't really understand this baseball thing
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I'm going into the Home Run area!
Was that team A rank?
is that peko's signature or did the artist just ape it
I bet artist did it, I have no proof but the writting doesnt look the same and pekotyan does the right bunny ear connected to the left and only leaves a gap between the left one and the rest of the body
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They can easily reach the deepest part of their uterus with these fingers.
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Those are some really long fingers
shit i really want her to win
But she won
lapu has been carrying
the koshien i mean. i really cant see her team win this last koshien
Ah ok. Yeah, she will win!
She'd have to get completely fucked by rng to not get 魔物 off her 3 3rd year 内気.
There's chance unless her luck really turns south today. I'm more worried about matching against Noel and Marine though.
slow start is not working, we are back (for this match)
One thing is that all three of them have had a lot of help from chat with what play to run at what times. I assume they wont have that direct reading of chat during the games against each other.
(pekora will cheat)
i hate this feeling
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Those games will be almost fully automatic.
what shimoneta peko
Are you sure? Didn't they have full input in the koyori games?
Only subbing and denrei were manual iirc. Definitely not full control.
Runner on third, she'll almost always bunt
ah, yea then it's over. Not even rabbit's luck can save her.
On the contrary, it's gonna be all luck.
That center fielder keeps getting distracted by the cute bune in the dugout
Her opponents have very poor catching skills
gozattenai yoru o iranai...
kanade why
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mamono really help her so much
S team. now its truly over
Oh shit, this got serious
time to pray for a miracle
she still have a chance
She only needs one single point to win
Nousagi's time to shine!
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bring me out pekotyan, I'll do it
Small ball wins
we are fast
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pekotyan said daisuki to me hehehe
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mami is graduating to be a housewife
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last opening
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raburabu ASMR soon, believe
oh ah oh ah oh

She promised asmr soon too but for christmas she decided to do SAO pachinko...

My second oshi is dumb
Pekora will do both
It'll be pachinko ASMR with aggressive daipan as a treat for your ears
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now what
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fap to pekochan and sleep
but I just woke up for the stream...
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Anyone got an mp3 of Peko's Haruka cover from her sololive?
I have the entire sololive, would have to cut it
Yeah I have it too but I'm too lazy to do that and thought maybe one of you got one on hand
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me inside the microphone, the nousagi in the bottom right is AZKi, it has Pioneer eyes
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