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Rudetuber Edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm
/ASP/list: https://rentry.co/asplist

Leave a helpful post today.

Previous thread: >>91958736
Oh? On Jah?
wrong thread weirdo
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fuck my tight little yuumi cunt like a dirty little pussy whore im just ur cockwarmer i need to be pounded while i play yuumi and only heal u master i love ur cock so much daddy
fine, I'll settle for an older brother then
Late night strim! :D Come join in the fun on Twitch! Last stream until Christmas!
thanku bakersan mwa, rude / meantuber is indeed coming soon
If you do it I will commission nsfw of you stepping on my balls
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So is she the new thread darling now?
The most popular VTuber in the world is specifically one for kids.
Gura is the 2nd most popular and is very kid centric.
Cookie isn't the most popular vtuber. Yes she has the most YouTube subscribers but she has only recently become a Vtuber and her content doesn't do that well anymore compared to her golden era when she wasn't a vtuber.
the fleshie to chuuba pipeline doesnt count
>Cookie isn't the most popular vtuber.
>Yes she has the most YouTube subscribers
So she's the most popular vtuber.
>cheen having a mental breakdown on twitter
you love to see it kek
Don't get my hopes up like that
>popularity must only equal number of subscribers
Okay then Fred is popular than every single Holo except Gura and Marine
Ancient ass nigga
>Okay then Fred is popular than every single Holo except Gura and Marine
yeah, he is
ask 1000 people in the streets and more of them will recognize fred than any vtuber even though he is no longer active
I'm sure you'll have the stats to back that up from your personal survey
do you even know how niche vtubers are?
You know how niche 2006 youtube was?
that would be a valid point if he didnt continue making content and growing for years
>growing for years
cashed out his bum ass channel ages ago to some chink company because it WASNT growing
We've learned from this little detour that mindshare and engagement are not strictly equivalent. Mindshare is cumulative engagement, not instantaneous engagement.
dumb it down for the retards because they wont understand those new words you looked up in the thesaurus
you'll never be smart enough to understand why your post is a truly humiliating self-own and that's kind of funny to me
Imagine being pretentious and trying to prove your intellectual prowess while posting on an image board full of people who roleplay as anime characters. Embarrassing!
exactly this
the original post wasn't doing this, it was insightful. you're insecure.
Lowercaseniggers are always the armchair psychologists too
It’s a dead giveaway that the anon is a turbo brainlet at this point
Hello chat.
I want to return to stream real bad.
But I want to stay png. However, instead of creating one, I would like to commission somebody.
PLEASE give me good examples whomst'dve to ask or where to look
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>I would like to commission someone
do NOT enable artists. It's easy to just generate a png with AI, and it'll have just as much soul as some shit an "artist" will slap together for you. Comming is a massive waste of money unless you're an ironmouse style billionaire and wipe your ass with benjamins

Please refer to this video for more vtubing tips and tricks
Do not listen to r*bel, assume non-tripfag replies to this are him without his trip as he gets caught doing this often.

Do not use Ai, I feel like it's pretty self explanatory why.
highly recommend using picrew to brainstorm (you technically can't use many of these for your reactive png if you get paid, but no one's going to care), then vgen to find an artist with good reviews. otherwise it's just kinda trawling twitter (which you should do anyway)
>I feel like it's pretty self explanatory why
Damn, you can't even explain your own reasoning. This is so sad.
is there any /here/ or /here/ascendant artist I should talk to for a png?
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Live now with some LoL norms, also now hiring a clipper
if you're familiar with aspies and aspie artists, that's what i mean by trawling twitter.
It's not that we don't have great artists /here/, I just don't know which ones are currently taking commissions, your best bet is just browsing around skeb/vgen/Twitter
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do you already have a design or anything of the like? if you don't have a design i agree with the picrew notion
if you do scour through vgen.co as it's the #1 spot for vtuber-related commissions, spend a good amount of time looking and you'll find some really good deals, pngtubers are not expensive at all
yeah i probably will check /here/ bros first and the vgen.
Thanks for the recommendations ~
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karaoke not karaokeing
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Is YouTube payout and Adsense a different thing I’m so confused…
Top picture is my YouTube earnings page, the bottom is my Adsense page. I’m confused why the numbers are so vastly different, even considering cuts on the revenue..
Adsense is the money you make thru ads only. It doesn't include donations and subscribers, etc.
Thank you, I wasn’t entirely sure.
No problem Beryl
Path of the Exiles (two) and maybe some Fortnut
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Hey everybody! How are we doing today? You guys have fun plans for stream?
Graduating by the end of the year
Christmas shopping last minute
Watching Shania try to groom Mel on his alt.
bro stop blowing up my spot
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lmao she rebranded AGAIN
Thank you :)
Hi slushy!! ILY!!!
She reads the thread anyway.
I'm probably the tallest biologically female aspie btw
I'm probably the shortest biologically male aspie btw
wanna fuck and see who out child ends out like
I'm probably the second strongest aspie but I have longer reach than first place
I’m 5ft
I have the wingspan of a really big bird but not in a sexy way picture slenderman or an enderman
How tall are you? I may be taller
I don't have anything interesting going on in my life so I feel like I have nothing to talk about on stream. The people I follow are always talking about going out with their friends or going on vacation or going to a con or something. I'm a friendless shut in and I have nothing to talk about.
most of your viewers will be the same, so talk about your interests
>doesn't pay attention to anything interesting to react to
pretty sure slug does comms for models
how many fucking accounts is elfin (mel nekomata) going to make?
Make a new thread and speculate there.
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Her current Elfin Grift is profitable so she's just reusing her Rei Kirihara reincarnation.
Cody we don't fucking care.
I hope more vtubers block you
>less views than the most boring males here
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I’m sorry to hear that. We all have different paths we follow and I hope this one you take leads you to bright places.
Got mine done two days ago B)
Idk who you are, but chances are, I love you too! Wish I could answer your Adsense question but idk YT stuff lol
I'm depressed as fuck. I don't have any real interests since I stopped watching anime.

Wathalong podcast about the vtuber kukukaeru, and their adventures in fallout new vegas.
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I'm not an artist, just a hobbyist but I can wip you up a fumo doll with two mouths (for yapping) if you want pic related, I have a package with my rigger too for a riggable version if you want.
I'm still setting up vgen cause i just got a code

But yeah just get something silly to start and getting the vibes, don't make my mistake of looking for the right fit as what you invest rarely transforms to gratification so you'll be either stalling like I did or a bit blue if things don't fly well at the start. Hoping you have lots of fun and do great, if you ever need something hit me up o7
It doesn't matter. She can change skins as much as she wants. I WILL acquire the brap tapes.
Me too. Being blacklisted is a badge of honor.
>the brap tapes.
already on youtube
The fuck is wrong with this schizo bitch no one should have this much gas. Is she fat as fuck or something?
Also this how it looks once rigged
if u watch streams u can talk about that, also might as well start watching anime again right?
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This vid fucking rules. First you laugh, and then amusement turns to disgust as the braps get progressively more disgusting and beefy. I've never been able to make it more than 1 min in. True kino.
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Reminder that all of this Cody aloging is against board rules. Do with that information what you must.
She's not fat as seen here >>91456887 when she was posting nudes barely a week ago and posted it on the wrong account instead of her Elfin account
Nobody wants to watch someone who only talks about depressing things.
>not fat
you must be a fucking American as that is fucking fat
Cody doesn’t even use 4chan anymore that’s the funny part
In majority of the world this isn't fat. You must be an indog and not used to seeing women that aren't skeletons.
You guys heard the fart in my vocaroo didn't you...so immature.
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I'm awake and ready to purge.
It's time to start Aliens: Dark Descent, a squad-based RTS game that's full of tension and xenomorphs to burn to death.
I've been quite eager to play this for a while, but I am fearful of how hard it might actually be.

Watch the facehuggers give my marines a friendly greeting live here:
It makes you hotter, shota vampire
Which Aspies are actually decent singers?
only me everyone else sucks
Mawg was killing it at the Megino event last night.
Haters will tell you this is bad, but it's actually album of the year
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FE6 Finale with Roy AI
me when i schizo and promote myself
me too
Superchat me!
all she did was change her username on her same twitter and twitch accounts and use yet another $20 model
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Ebil? Ebil girl is a vtuber now??
Fred is not a vtuber
If I add a avatar to these podcasts what do you think would be the most fitting PNG model?
>look through a potentially engaging post for people to network with
>first two are AI generated PNGs that use text to speech including the person who made the engagement farming post
What the fuck.
In comparison to most vtubers, /asp/ is relatively high.
firstfl0wer, the bury nice girl actually but will be adding ebil toggle redeem soon!
thats runespoon you fucking retards
We already heard rune's voice before, it's not him
>He is using a filter
You are retarded
not as retarded as you are if you can't see it
I wrote that one in 2021 before I found out everyone uses Twitch. Thought about changing the lyrics, but "Send Me Bits!" doesn't sound as good
we don't care
Papaya's gonna flesh stream aany minute now
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How does it feel knowing that Hololive have deemed Males to be completely useless and have decided to graduate the entire branch?
anyone who's tried to network outside of /asp/ can see how high quality this community this compared to most vtubers out there
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cocomelon for fat guys
Ignore the avatar poster. He probably lost all his bitches, and is going for a few hail mary crab grabs.
You could DM Laine Ikaros or Charleyfolds. They don't really show they have comms open but you can ask.
Otherwise, VGen is pretty good. I got a nice character design for $20 for a full body TRPG character. You can get some nice stuff for cheap if you spend some time looking.
People hate on AI, but there's an extremely popular group of vtubers called "flavor" and they're not only accepted by the vtuber community at large, but have been able to join the pipkin pippa phone circle. You can GMI for free.
Don’t dm Laine you’ll regret it
Big waste of time and she’ll up charge you
Unironically Alpin
mexican andy...
How do you find good artists on vgen? I feel like I just have too many choices. I don't know who's charging fairly for their skill level. I mean I'm sure most of them are fine. But it's just so hard to choose when you want to get the most out of your money.
pick one you like that is affordable. it's not something you can optimize. decide if its worth it for yourself
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Live now! Back to some cozy reading for tonight!
We're looking further into Martin Luther & the thoughts of the Reformation as one of the three direct strands of thought to come from the Nominalist revolution!
he's retarded and fell for the catalog bait
>be a femboy
>want to make friends with other femboy vtubers
>find random cute femboy vtuber on twitch
>chat with him a bit and give him a follow
>he never follows back
I don't think he even realizes I'm a femboy vtuber. Feels kinda awkward to just stop by someone's stream and say hey I'm a femboy vtuber too, wanna be friends. FUCK WHY AM I SO AWKWARD.
I hope you’re getting better and that you’ll be what you feel is good enough soon. Nyanbatte
just use grindr lol
reach out on twitter not twitch. on twitch, you're just another name in chat. on twitter, your whole profile and account are on display so you better make sure it's up to snuff
trust no artist, just have me make everything for you for free isntead
People on Twitch don't typically do follows for follows. They MIGHT follow you back after a raid but don't expect a follow until you get active in their community.
I don't know if I ever will feel good enough but thanks

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