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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Rosepilled Edition

>Divegrass team

▼Former Tsunderia Members
>Inukai Purin - Mesugaki dog
>Hoshino Char - Gunpla extraordinaire
>Kamiko Kana - Stinky NEET fox? Stinky succubus? Stinky ghost wolf?
>Ember Amane (formerly Yazaki Kallin) - Beloved tomboyish firestarter with an appetite
>Matsuro Meru - Sweetest person alive, recovering menhera
>Kirihime Ria - Accursed king of the rrats
>Nini Yuuna - The embodiment of chaos, breadcrumb-sized braincell
>Miori Celesta - Freaky deaky beertuber and your new girlfriend
>Orla Gan Ceann - Half-toxic, half-wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Amemachi Hanabi - The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town
>Shimada Tiger - The fighting tiger of the Shimada dojo
>Tetsuya Kazune - Insomniac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa - The giggling and screaming little sheep sister experience, music nerd
>Uzuki Tomoya - Punished bnuuy; a brotuber denied his bants, now focusing on music and looking for a new roommate
>Tsurugi Nen - Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha - Itsy bitsy spider mom and certified retro hag
>Dizzy Dokuro (formerly Umiushi Urara) - Bane of Tsunderia, invader of Phase Connect, and savior of /tsunX/
>Yomi Cham - World's cutest singing wolpertinger
>Haewon the Heartstring - Frenemy of the thread and wannabe cumdumpster
>Toffee (formerly Maria Paradisia) - Spicy Latina red panda work in progress
>Juri Shima - Tall, handsome, and rich chad king of Shima Kingdom

>/tsunX/ Friends
Muu Muyu, Saya Sairroxs & Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Chisaka Airi, Phase ALiAS & Phase Invaders >>>/vt//pcgia/
Alias Anono, Mono Monet & V4Mirai >>>/vt//v4m/
Daisy Dandelion, Shabel Tonya & Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Arisu Oshiro & PixelLink >>>/vt//pxl/
Production Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
Prima Project & other small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
V&U + Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Hakos Baelz >>>/vt//rrat/
Onolumi, Super Meche & Retro Vtubers >>>/vt//vrt/
Sheeptubers >>>/vt//wool/
Rosemi Lovelock - https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock
Seiryu Komatsu & Duskward - https://twitter.com/seiryukomatsu
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii - https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii
Mogi - https://twitter.com/monomogi
Synthion - https://twitter.com/synthionmusic
Yukinoshita Peo - https://twitter.com/yukinoshitapeo
Arakita Seigi - https://twitter.com/ArakitaSeigi
Crystal - https://twitter.com/crystalmilktea_
Sleepy Project - https://twitter.com/Sleepy_Proj
Shinominya - https://twitter.com/shinominya
Dreamy - https://twitter.com/DreamyEtude
PillowDear - https://twitter.com/pillowdearASMR
KK Cyber - https://twitter.com/KKCYBERai
Eva Ananova - https://twitter.com/EvaAnanova

Previous Thread: >>97127260 →
>Mios friends are trying to push her into a real relationship
This is why girls shouldn't have any friends.
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>over 2 years of me calling Mio cute did nothing
>less than a week with her friends made her more confident than she's ever been in her life
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Ember chatting
https://youtu.be/OAMjJaoSA-A [Embed]
She needs a real non toxic relationship instead of what she currently has with tearpals
Almost like the internet isn't a replacement for real world connections or something.
is anyone streaming later aside from alias? might just treat today like a sunday if it's just gonna be ntr-kun spamming all day.
We always call her cute, tell her she did a good job, say we're proud of her, etc for the smallest things, of course it means less than hearing it from someone that isn't saying it all the time
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Ok now that was a HUGE red flag
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Does Kazu need to remind this thread again?
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i miss ember..............
I know she's hiding it but the only advice other girls give is "get a boyfriend that will fix you"
Especially Americans
Fuck this shit
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>>97170923 (OP)
Rosemi will never EVER get R18 skebs...
I guess the girls I hang around typical american girls
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I want to fuck badlumi
Not having one as a woman is gimping yourself. Guys will bend over backwards for a 4/10 woman.
I want to tie her up and force her to watch me fuck the rest of the invaders including that other one
Prepare for the breakup
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baker i love you but you really should have let this thread have, like, a two hour nap.
The only thing keeping mio in check is her low self confidence and morals
And getting her ego stroked like this for no apparent reason isn't going to help
She's going to think she can do better than honeymeads and ruin the relationship just to regret everything once she realizes the truth
I really want to have sex with korean women
But she can do better. Much better.
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But I would miss you guys
Quitter talk
Are you saying she can't or that she'll lose her morals?
I promise not all of us are bad eggs
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Just Lisa for ex-Tsuns I think, but Muyu, Daisy or some others could guerrilla. Some friend streams today too.
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I really want to suck on Airi's huge tits while Mio rides my dick
But Alias will be live soon...
https://youtu.be/zjVitF0cl50 [Embed]
Odds of Alias throwing up?
Girls change their morals depending on their cycles
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i know it's just ntr-kun and some irregular bb
She is already ruining it by keeping secrets, getting more distant, stopping doing things she likes and honeymeads enjoy, all because of 2 /here/ shitters
Looking at some RotR gameplay I estimate an approximately 77% chance of barf
>doesn't want to think about her long term
Yeah her friends are spewing poison into her ears
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The lemon's ex-wife
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Chances of graduation before the end of the year?
I want her to puke on my dick
Sex with extremely dumb burger-loving Korean women with big tits, names beginning with A, and some connection to the word "alias"!
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Good morning everyone. I think this spider is cool.
This is what, year four of "Mio will graduate this year"?
I guess if you just keep saying it you'll eventually be right.
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She would have already graduated if she wasn't too dumb to keep up with summer classes
i may have gotten just a tiny bit giddy yesterday when marton was fangirling about her the other day
That's a Metroid
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Nice dog, can I fuck it?
Get away from the dog white woman
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newfag here, is kana actually a white person?
Dumb cutie is live again btw
Is there any porn of Kana fucking a dog? There should be
She's technically a dog, so wouldn't she be the one doing the fucking?
Why did this dog fucker quit just to return to her indie anyways
No but a few of her fucking a horse.
She's Latina (maybe)
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are all latina women just womanlets??
Catbox or source?
She hates making thumbnails and scheduling streams. Phase wouldn't let her fully move to Twitch.
And if she's going to stream to just a handful of people and never utilize management, might as well cut out the fish's vig.
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hello hi i am wosemi
Literally meant to be spanked on my lap before rape
hello wosemi! :D
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Metroids are cool
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did you guys know that "dawose" is actually short for "the wose"?
I need to tentacle hug Kana
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prove that you are wosemi by posting your large bobbles please
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lately rosemi art has REALLY been activating my femboy radar but maybe i've just been spending too much time with buckos
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check these bad boys out
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Pee is stored in the boobs
I like that Kana is still playing Wilds solo instead of calling in viewers to sodomize every monster in the game in under three minutes
uuuu I want to see Alias achieve all her idol dreams
I want to push my meat skewer into Alias' mouth
These new meds Mio is taking are amazing to actually succeed in stopping her from biting bait
Just check a booru
because she doesn't care anymore
She doesn't care about you, but she still cares about me and is doing the right thing of focusing on people that matter instead of internet schizos
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Damn bratty fox, bullying a giant octopus...
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You would have to be retarded to think things are still the same. Mio is clearly very different, she's changed a lot.
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hehe i kinda like this one
Drop her then
>Mio is clearly very different, she's changed a lot.
Yeah, for the better. Now fuck off from her chat, her socials, this thread and life itself
>My controller's vibrating! My controller's going crazy!
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Hello my name is ntr-chan and I love to torment innocent girls! I love stalking their socials and commenting and misconstruing any and everything she says in order to shit up threads! It helps me deal with my crippling relationship with my whore of a mother!
Phase will be at VeXpo again this year unsurprisingly, no word on who specifically yet though
I checked a booru and didn't see it
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Do you mean to tell me that you think a girl like this could possibly be a guy? the thought does occasionally enter my mind that Rosemi is like a reverse Nen though. maybe her mom pulled a Sleepaway Camp on her or something.
>I'm not a vtuber
Fleas it's fucking OVER
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well, duh, she's on twitch. she's a vtwitcher.
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90% of this stream will be this, and then she'll get 10 minutes into the actual game and throw up cutely
This thread is freakin it
>Kana is bored of Wilds and wishing she had other games to play
>But also doesn't feel like playing anything at all
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I'll freak in you in a minute
I'm thinking of going back to Rise since I never played Sunbreak. Or trying GU if I find my switch
I bought a baconator for lunch
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>Sorry, I shouldn't be sexualizing myself... but-
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dianko posted a silhouette of the model ami's making
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Holy shit I'm going back to watch Ami's post debut Q&A and she sounds so much different. What happened?
>There were two characters to customizer and she didn't realize it
We were almost in there for another hour
I miss Ami...
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Is Kana even going to be able to debut her next model when her PC implodes at the slightest provocation?
Shes filipino / hispanic
Toxic Alias is hot
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she already left PC dummy
They replaced her voice actress, its crazy how many times vtubers do this and nobody notices.
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not even the first time in tsunderia it happened
>Stealth mission
>Two guards fucking beheaded in two minutes
Good work Alias
Kana gone... again...
SURPRISE: Lisa will not stream today
We just had a historical moment, she can take a day off
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/tsunX/ be like:
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Mio has been fed now she will be bred,
All these visual glitches make it seem like Alias's character is off her meds.

Yeah, by me
I'm retarded, this is a joke right? It just feels surprising because most vtubers get less of a character voice early on but she sounds much more natural in the old stream.
I didn't even realize there were visual glitches until just now, I'm so used to modern games highlighting interactive elements with conspicuous bright colors that I thought a bunch of random shit being blue was related to some kind of game mechanic
It's not a joke, the long running vtubers change voice actors but they acclimate their viewers slowly so it's not too noticeable. Think boiling frogs
it's "a joke" until we find out where she resurfaced. we've had a few theories and that one anon is pretty certain he knows but nothing genuinely conclusive yet. although it's plausible yet unlikely she just retired from vtubing altogether
Is there a certain time period where her voice shifted?
I think it's nice we get reunion episodes every now and then, Ami's first voice actress comes to mind
certain as in specific? no, there's no specific stream you can say was her last one, but it was definitely sometime within the first year, possibly even first few months, as this anon >>97177128 implies
Its true, Ami changed her VA after she went independent. It's why she has no problem emulating games now.
source: trust me i'm a lawyer
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Airi's new VA is an improvement and I'm tired of pretending she's not, she's an expert at sounding so dumb she's begging to be knocked over and bred right there on the office floor
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Alias... don't swear in front of the baby
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hand feeding Mio bites of freshly grilled meats, with spoonfuls of pistachio cake in between bites until she's so full she can't move. while slowly thrusting into her, watching her tits and belly bounce with each thrust, filling her womb up with cum
Alias whining and crying erotic
Alias feels nauseous
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Alias wants her senpais to cum
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tenshi time
March-April of debut year just after some con think
Alias is hungry
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Fat fucking ninja milkers have entered the building
[Good news]
Alias is eating
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enough meat.png
>Alias bullying Yae for washing dishes like a real tradwife
This is cute as fuck
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Yae fucking ate Alias...
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I want to show her what happens to Korean women around here
>You ordered a sandwich!? I am judging you so hard right now.
But she's Japanese...
>Stops Alias from muting her eating noises
>Alias can't touch her toes
That's kinda hot
there's a specific stream in april 2022 where her voice completely changed
it wasn't a gradual shift over time
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Not when I'm finished with her...
Lisa, point at this man....
She CAN keep getting away with it!
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>My body is soft
>Good... good, good...
Oh to be a cat so Alias would grab my little toe beans...
https://youtu.be/CLaqnWmMHKo?t=3418 [Embed]
Why are all chibi models literal tiny balls of jiggly sex
>Booquets, do you only take care of me because you think I'm pathetic?
How do we tell her it's so she doesn't accidentally kill herself?
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>Boobies aren't sexual, it's nourishment
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>Senpai, are we late for our meeting?
Alias... Yae...
God I want to fuck Yae so bad
Does she actually?
uuuu I miss Alias
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>Would you let me turn your blood into serum, Seeder?
Yes, tench... anything for you, tench...
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I get so confused when I open this thread and see skinny girls.
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lisa has gotten absolutely enormous by lisa standards
holy shit there is actually maybe something there
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You call them skinny girls, I call them works in progress
That's very much the opposite of what I see. I generally see women telling each other to never involve themselves with a man because men are all evil lazy sexists that will drain the life from you, do nothing to help you raise your children or keep the house in order despite working the same hours as you, and give nothing back.
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Slug scheddy
I cannot imagine a woman so bad that she can't do better than honeymeads. I'm sure they must exist but holy shit what a disaster of a person that would have to be.
That's some great art, very beautiful Dizzy
>Moonlit karaoke
Lovebugs are utterly done for
giving yuuna a litter of grandkids
oops my tabs
Tonya belongs here
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tf you mean "tabs"? we deserve a crumb of smilocunny too
Pastelmelon just released new Vsnacks keychains featuring Alias and Eva
but anons told me this is a hag general...
hags, cunny, architecture, just about everything but NTR is appreciated here.
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Uhhhhh I summon fishman???
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Cumming on breads bare toes...
Ember really doesn't want to do the bald stream, she tried to put it off to 60k like 4 times this stream
bridal cumshots...
It's cringe and lame I just don't want to be the only person in chat against it.
The biggest issue is that it's a 10-minute bit stretched out to a whole stream. Like, once you get the bald jokes out of the way, what do you do?
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Pillow with some friends
https://youtu.be/2s0pWtJ8jlM [Embed]
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I can think of a few things.
Finish a burger
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Enya is such a cute little murder machine
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They also seem to have restocked the older ones. Ami was out of stock for a while and she's in stock now. idk if other /tsunx/ chuubas like Tsukimi and Panda were but they're in stock now in any event.
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>>97170923 (OP)
da world shall know da wose
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hehe :D
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Attention all Vtubers! This is your new manager speaking!
Throw away all pride. Throw away all pride and just pander. Pander to the lowest common denominator. Eat bugs if you have to. That is my advice. Eat slime, yeah, just eat slime. Just throw away your pride and eat the slime.
Thank you for your attention.
Is Eva ok?
Is Eva ever ok? The answer is no
>Do you want to download this file again?

I laughed at the previous one who went through this... and now... the lesson is, don't jerk off to your little sister's burps too much or you will get brain damage
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https://youtu.be/4-01mTJrSM4 [Embed]
My little sister and her friend both pushing their fat chests in my face and making me suck all the milk out of them!
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a whole ass
Fyi that guy is a known tracer
forcefully fucking ember's tits for being a brat
Sleepy's been Dark Souling some 2 btw
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i don't really care about the race of fanartists anon
Nee-san in /tsunX/!
Could be worse, could be a Hanzo player
I'm already Tracer
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she makes me so happy
I want Eva to rape me
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Hello please give me some simple drawing ideas to try and probably fail at, I'm rusty and want to start practicing again tomorrow
ember eating breakfast in bed with a food tray nursing home style
Ember naked apron all cutely, but the food she's preparing is that awful slop she was tweeting about
Eva naizuri
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https://youtu.be/705i38oxGDg [Embed]
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Yuuna on all fours in a flowery gown showing off her weighty, hanging, stretch marked belly
eva teaching lisa how to suck dick
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Happy Jelly at the animal farm
Eva sucking Lisa's dick and burping on it and I'll allow it
sans the burp and you've got a deal
For the last time that's not how that works.
Mio with a mouthful of food and a blissful smile, with her deliciously plump body spilling out of her clothes that are two-sizes too small
explain in the form of a mspaint doodle
what is this even referring to
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they're not all that hot
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I'm madly in love with Inukai Purin
If you think about it cows are just big, dumb, tasty dogs.
cow's don't tend to have 5/6 babies at a time.
muyu and i are gonna drive that average way up
why are anons watching chuubbas?
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we like chubbas itt
Yuuna dated Tonya to take a vodka shot. She's not going to survive bros...
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dated, huh?
They do asmr streams sometimes and that's a form of entertainment that actually benefits from the format.
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Bread is giving the Smilodon vodka and feeding Mio cookies at 1am. I'm so jealous!!
Can't believe Yuuna is actually a MILF now
Why Mio is even hiding she is in the US because Yuuna's wedding?
shouldn't you be storming a jollibees because duterte got arrested or something
Lets goo?
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Mio Love!
I think Poopy Playtime SUCKS
ehh she's didn't pump out a kid yet right?
surely she's going to do an impregnation stream when they start trying for a baby
Tonya is right there are you blind? Do you even watch streams or even follow her twitter
Good morning. I love Amiya Aranha.
if adopting a cat makes you a milf then i'm making a fansly
each cat counts as 1/3rd
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Friendly reminder to take care of yourself
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an especially fatto catto counts as 2/3rds though
Speaking of fatto catt jidf isn't sharing the Smilodon art they commission
She is doing this marriage out of nowhere because she is already pregnant
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Adopting so many talking cats, sheep and raccoons at the very least makes her a Disney Princess
I believe it
Damn bratty thread... divegrass correction needed
Sex with Ami's original VA
This but while she strokes me from behind and plays with my bucko button....
I miss 1.0. She's a big dork and I love her, but there was something uniquely dorky about 1.0 and the costuming then.
The closest I'll get to relieving that customer service call from 2015, Jessica I miss you please come back I'll buy more of your cleaning products
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Waking up to warm and fuzzy thoughts about my beautiful spidermom; tangled up in soft silk sheets, plump spinneret pressed into me transferring heat, fluffy hair in my face so I can breath in her Amismeel...beautiful...
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Prepare for fast board of shitposting
What happened this time
Shondo mother an hero herself
You'd have to be a really evil human being to shitpost about someone's mother dying.
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We're on the wrong board for good human beings
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holy shit...
>tweet made less than 10 minutes ago
Gonna have faith monkeys won't be monkeys for this one
Now fuck off
>take a look at /shon/
Do you know where you are?
That was my first check and christ who needs antis when your fans look like that
That would be Mio case too if she had her own thread and was a 4view
Mio already gets it here
Not as bad, not even close
Obviously thats awful and my condolences to her but you're massively overblowing its effect on the board, not every piece of bad news causes mass thread creation on that scale
In this case you're going to get people ruining any thread that talks about her but it'll probably stay contained there for the most part, it'll maybe get a few catalogmonkey threads but nothing that'd meaningfully increase prune rate.
Not related to /tsunx/ you're part of the problem. Not every happening needs to be reposted in every thread you spam.
I just hope shondo has the discipline to not check the board for a while if she still comes /here/. A single shitpost, even in a sea of supportive posts, can send someone down a spiral in situation like that, specially considering her already fucked up mental
Tonya Mio and Yuuna all in a sugar and alcohol induced coma after last night
Mio rarely drinks with us now but drinks with friends all the time. And when she drinks with us she just falls asleep right after.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf6JHLqw_kw [Embed]
Jellers love!
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Alcohol and soft serve mixing together in their bellies, imagine the sounds...
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I want to play this driving a convertible down the pacific coast highway as the sun sets, really good. Jelly LOVE
Imagine their groans and weak protests as you massage their bellies while they're exposed and unable to move
New thread
>>97222618 →
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>>97222618 →
Mio gape

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