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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Flaunting something that does not exist Edition

>Divegrass team

▼Former Tsunderia Members
>Inukai Purin - Mesugaki dog
>Hoshino Char - Gunpla extraordinaire
>Kamiko Kana - Stinky NEET fox? Stinky succubus? Stinky ghost wolf?
>Ember Amane (formerly Yazaki Kallin) - Beloved tomboyish firestarter with an appetite
>Matsuro Meru - Sweetest person alive, recovering menhera
>Kirihime Ria - Accursed king of the rrats
>Nini Yuuna - The embodiment of chaos, breadcrumb-sized braincell
>Miori Celesta - Freaky deaky beertuber and your new girlfriend
>Orla Gan Ceann - Half-toxic, half-wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Amemachi Hanabi - The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town
>Shimada Tiger - The fighting tiger of the Shimada dojo
>Tetsuya Kazune - Insomniac head popper and music dork
>Chikafuji Lisa - The giggling and screaming little sheep sister experience, music nerd
>Uzuki Tomoya - Punished bnuuy; a brotuber denied his bants, now focusing on music and looking for a new roommate
>Tsurugi Nen - Scuffed dream eater and dick confuser
>Amiya Aranha - Itsy bitsy spider mom and certified retro hag
>Dizzy Dokuro (formerly Umiushi Urara) - Bane of Tsunderia, invader of Phase Connect, and savior of /tsunX/
>Yomi Cham - World's cutest singing wolpertinger
>Haewon the Heartstring - Frenemy of the thread and wannabe cumdumpster
>Toffee (formerly Maria Paradisia) - Spicy Latina red panda work in progress
>Juri Shima - Tall, handsome, and rich chad king of Shima Kingdom

>/tsunX/ Friends
Muu Muyu, Saya Sairroxs & Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Chisaka Airi, Phase ALiAS & Phase Invaders >>>/vt//pcgia/
Alias Anono, Mono Monet & V4Mirai >>>/vt//v4m/
Daisy Dandelion, Shabel Tonya & Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Arisu Oshiro & PixelLink >>>/vt//pxl/
Production Kawaii >>>/vt//pkg/
VReverie Extended >>>/vt//vrex/
Prima Project & other small corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
V&U + Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Hakos Baelz >>>/vt//rrat/
Onolumi, Super Meche & Retro Vtubers >>>/vt//vrt/
Sheeptubers >>>/vt//wool/
Rosemi Lovelock - https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock
Seiryu Komatsu & Duskward - https://twitter.com/seiryukomatsu
Moon Jelly - https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
Tsukimi B. Dohrnii - https://twitter.com/TsukimiBDohrnii
Mogi - https://twitter.com/monomogi
Synthion - https://twitter.com/synthionmusic
Yukinoshita Peo - https://twitter.com/yukinoshitapeo
Arakita Seigi - https://twitter.com/ArakitaSeigi
Crystal - https://twitter.com/crystalmilktea_
Sleepy Project - https://twitter.com/Sleepy_Proj
Shinominya - https://twitter.com/shinominya
Dreamy - https://twitter.com/DreamyEtude
PillowDear - https://twitter.com/pillowdearASMR
KK Cyber - https://twitter.com/KKCYBERai
Eva Ananova - https://twitter.com/EvaAnanova

Previous Thread: >>97170923 →
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Good morning /tsunX/
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if only life could be so perfect
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Good morning everyone. I think this spider is cool.
Why is this so arousing?
When is Mio drinking with us again? Is drinking only meant for friends now, and when she "drinks" with us she's going to fall asleep right after she starts drinking to avoid us again?
Mio just stopped caring entirely, huh?
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it's that time of the day when I'm incredibly horny for my spidermom
That gentle tummy crease
Ember is better GFE now too
It's March already and Mio's streaming year still hasn't actually started, this is the worst year to be a honeymead.
the cakemead slip up is how she really views and treats us
Ember doesn't read my chats therefore she is not gfe
Mio doesn't even make waiting rooms in advance anymore
Ember has explicitly stated that she's not GFE before.
That's okay Ember's wroong pretty frequently, she'll understand later
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Last month a whoremead was caught with Mono, now there's another whoremead going for a new GFE girl. They just can't control themselves. At least no seal drawing this time.
And if Mio continues to treat honeymeads this way there will be more
Context or is this ntr-chan spamming the thread yet again?
Mio in like 2 hours?
good morning to you cucko
more like 1 hour of Mio whenever she has time for honeymeads
I hope everyone /here/ can see how painfully obvious the solo spam/samefagging is now
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wtf is that creature on my big sister's tit?
I need the waiting room up already....
I wish honeymeads would make their own thread or a discord so I wouldn't have to hear about their endless bitching and crying.
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I think that's supposed to be one of Shiina's bees but Eber beenapped it
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Thirsty bee
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He does such a shitty job at it and then here comes " hurr these damn honeymeads should get their own thread" every single damn time. Fucker won't even bother to get new material
I'm not the schizo posting about Mio. I'm just tired of hearing about it and wish the schizophrenic faggots would go somewhere else.
It's always one single guy, he even has multiple accounts and names membered to Mio to cheat multiple months in a row
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>tfw officially Beeber, the bee full of Eber milk
Waiting room when uweeee
5 minutes before stream because SHE HATES US UWEEEEEE
Me just chilling and wishing it's in no more than a couple of hours.
She actually does hate you.
Mio needs to do nighttime PT streams
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Ember and South Parkhunter Wilds will save us
It's already almost 11AM PT so it's either gonna be very soon or nighttime
What she has said is that she doesn't know how to be GFE, which she unwittingly already is for the most part
She also made fun of people who actively looked for that sort of content and told anyone who wanted that from her to fuck off during an elden ring stream
I don't have the timestamp but in this stream from last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fpxx1dcRYE [Embed] she said outright that she isn't here to be chats girlfriend and that most streamers aren't either
Because GFEfags are cancer and should be driven away. "GFE" should be only for real fans
Ember is "GFE" in the style of that girl you've been good friends with for a long time and think you'd be perfect for each other but you're both afraid to try out a relationship fearing it would destroy your friendship if it didn't work out so neither of you make a move until your 40s.
Hardcore GFE attracts the worst audience possible. Look at Mio or Shondo
so not GFE
No Mio morning stream
Still a bummer to listen to because I remember early on during that old fish game she had said she wished she was gfe and wanted to know how to be more gfe.
just out of curiosity which timezone is california? PT?
PDT right now
West coast is either PDT or PST depending on daylight savings time. "PT" just refers to Pacific Time (whichever is currently being used). PST/PDT is literally non-US autistic semantics, most american's don't even know there's a difference and assume any PDT/PST/PT is just "west coast time".
>non-US autistic semantics
It's an important distinction when multiple parts of the world either don't have DST or observe it at different times of the year
>if they
Yeah she is outside so stream in the evening likely
The soundbite you're looking for is https://youtu.be/_Fpxx1dcRYE?t=3858 [Embed]
Just make up your own time at this point, who's gonna stop you, if they call your time bullshit then their made up time bullshit is put under spotlight and suddenly we all realize it's actually 2098 and we're being fucking Village'd
Everyone uses the 3 names interchangeably so there's no distinction. You can just google the time to know how many hours of difference you have
>You can just google the time
I thought we were mostly on the older side on this thread, where did all these permanent access to the internet since forever people come from
She should stream when she gets back
>Google the time
>AI overview tells you the new york times best seller at that hour
You only need to look up the time once to know how many hours of difference you have. Or just add a new clock for a city in that timezone in whatever device you're using to post on this site, I'm sure it can do that.
Back when mobile data wasn't as easy and you were using a watch but had to be on time for meetings or calls that were cross continent it's important, the US doesn't observe daylight savings time at the same time as the rest of the world. For example this year in the UK DST starts on the 30th march but it's the 9th march from the US, you don't necessarily have a constant difference, then you have things like AST which don't move so they don't even have a two issue-phase twice a year but are out for half the year
You're still not changing the fact that for burgers
>PDT/PST/PT is just "west coast time"
You'll need to figure out yourself what your difference is to their timezone
I'm not arguing that I'm just arguing about it being called "autistic semantics" when it actually matters
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>Couldn't even bother to mention at what time she would have a stream today
But she cares for Honeykeks so much
Thought I was in the liker thread for a second with this autistic argument
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r81oFDVwAbI [Embed]
potential 2hu mention soon
Lisa keeps crashing out
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oh is that what we're gonna do today anon? we're gonna kill each other with our bare fucking hands? is that what you want? you posted that knowing how it would end, right?
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Ami is live and showing off her PC98!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r81oFDVwAbI [Embed]
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>Alias Split Fiction w/ Yumi
https://youtu.be/zjmQnHIVVaQ [Embed]
>Ami PC98
https://youtu.be/r81oFDVwAbI [Embed]
>Ember South Park: The Stick of Truth
https://youtu.be/N1GQ1z6Vqag [Embed]
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> gets emotional when filing taxes
anyone who does not approve of this should get the fuck out of this thread
That was really cute.
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we need to do something about lisa and eva's rebellious phase.
Let them be, they didn't get to do this before
The fact that Ami has to pay taxes just shows how much of a failure the great American experience really is. Our constitution doesn't give anyone this power of THEFT to inflict suffering on her.
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ami is brazilian retard
not a buggo
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You can't escape the irs
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ami comes from AMI PLANET learn the lore!
eber sounds cuter than usual today
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I can't believe the rrats were real...
She's sweating...
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sweaty chibi sex
sweaty chibi sex
Okay okay America is terrorizing Ami planet with unlawful taxes.
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Authentic PC98core music!!
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To think there was a time when Ember was too underweight to donate blood...
I will become a guerilla fighter for Amiplanet if America tries to push its boundaries.
Hello, I hope you're having a fine day today. I love my cool, gorgeous spidermother and feeling her sweaty fists hitting harshly into my abdomen. I'm Ami's punching bag
>Cartman would make a really good Thanksgiving roast
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Guys don't call me crazy but I'm starting to think, that there may be a possibility that Ami cute.
Mio went from
to not even making a waiting room in less than a day
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>For the dessert, see Cuisine of São Tomé and Príncipe § Desserts and sweets.

>Aranha is prepared with coconut, sugar strings and food coloring.[6]

>Sao Tome and Principe – Kathleen Becker. pp. 74-79.

>Another desert is aranha ('spider'), filigrane sugar strings stuffed with food colouring, prepared with eight coconuts to one kilo of sugar.

..................................................... is ami scran?
little bee do you have any proof to support such a claim?
>When Dizzy walked into me she fell down... when Yuuna walked into me she also fell down
Sturdy girl...
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Trips of undeniable truth
Ember's professing her love for cute chubby girls again
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>Cheeber has facial paralysis and has gone missing
my brother in christ, why do you need a waiting room so bad you've cried about it 4 times in the last 3 hours?? just turn on youtube notifs and shut the fuck up
I want her to care about us. Not even making a waiting room shows how little she cares
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oh that's gore. that's gore of my comfort creature
Emba... you spent all our money on food, PC parts and blind boxes... now we are homeress...
She cares about me. Sucks to be you I guess
i can't find an actual picture but that doesn't look like coconut & sugar strings to me
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>no waiting room = she doesn't care
seek help
Talk about streams that are currently happening or shut up faggot.
>Alias got a new hard drive so she doesn't have the game installed
Not leaking anything fag
Thanks Ember now I'm thinking about Dizzy x Lumi yuri pregnancy
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So no proof and you're delusional
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>Don't worry, I'll beat your kid for you... before the age of four!
The best PCs are the ones with yellow plastic because the owners are diehard chainsmokers.
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Ember HATES Wosemi...
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I wanna buy this computer
Impressing Ember with a bouquet of HOOOOIIIYYEEEEEAAAAHHHH flowers!
>"I'm sure there's a PC-98 game called "Crisis" where 2 ladies in leotards have to shoot dinosaurs with laser guns" yeah and then they take off their clothes...
Amiya Aranha is a PERVERT.
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>I saw people commenting on how they bought a PC98 keyboard to use with their modern PC
>Well, I need that, give me that, you can just use a normal keyboard IDIOT
Wtf that stream is damn late lol
>Fingers are raw because she got hyperfixated with pulling glue off of the wall earlier
I think Ember might be kind of a weirdo
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Imagine her using your balls as a hyperfixating pinching target,,,
>12AM PT stream
You got your waiting room, stream in 12 hours at ultra shit on clock
Maybe she scheduled the time wrong
>Fuck you dad, you're just jealous because mom wants to fuck me!
She scheduled at fucking midnight her local time
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>It wasn't that catastrophic of a power supply failure
And she was eating cookies at 1AM, your point? She can easily fit a 1 hour stream at midnight with how late she woke up today
>can't even make a waiting room properly
Kill yourself you threadshitting moron
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You first waiting room begging spammer
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Any word from Daisy lately? She's been radio silent for a couple of days on all her public accounts.
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Techbuckos rate Paparanha's tape work
Papa Aranha managed to build his own power supply for an ancient JP PC...
didn't she say she was going to go out more in her last stream
Mulchpilled loammaxxer
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Easiest thing in the world.
Mio only changed time because otherwise ET guilt trippers would cry
who is this "Sandy Loam" and why can't i find her?
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Ami is literally Johnny Mnemonic
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50% sand, 25% silt, 25% clay
i get it now
Oh hey i remember when I majored in geology
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I WANT A GOTH GF!!!!!!!!!!
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ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
new hex maniac art of dizzy when?
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Sex with Bread's goth daughter
>Ember's getting backseated more playing Stick of Truth than she did during Elden Ring
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I love white women
all mio & dizzy's alts btw
I love Red 40
To be fair she was pretty decent at Elden Ring
Chikanova Liiiiiiiisa
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>a-ah, yes, shalom, as the jews do...
Ami is urinating right now
>Shalom, goyim!
Yeah, into a cooking pot.
fuck you faggots, 12am PT is way better than 4pm
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> it's december 1994
> winter in osaka has started hard this year
> you stumble into your apartment and shake off the cold and the clamminess that you leave work with from putting up with those lechers in middle management
> you get out of your pantsuit and into something more comfortable, light your first cigarette of the evening, and sit down in front of the PC-98
> it's time to update DOS
Lisa is dying again...
No it isn't
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The few seconds it took her brain to connect it once she read Tanagra lmao
Damn, peggle straight up ripped a few more years of her lifespan as a goodbye
Romantically pissing into a urinal while Ember shits in it...
It all comes back to star trek...
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my mom's buying me a car
later, virgins
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this is all that remains of women that approach buckos
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>Always preferred Misato
>Never liked Rei or Asuka
>End up becoming a bucko years later
what do you call this behavior
Black belt brapper Ember Amane!
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literally groomed
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I probably wouldn't be so goddamn Shinji coded if some forward older woman just did all the work of making me a man FUCK
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why do strangers keep telling me i'm groomed? i shower once a day. isn't that normal? isn't that what everyone else does?
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>showering daily
And Ami likes Misato the best...
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>cute boys that smell good
don't let the likers find out...
Meanwhile all I've got is overwhelming boymusk and no Ember and Jelly both to shove into my crotch...
is that a boy i smell?!
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>don't let the likers find out...
I fear it may be too late...
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the inherent eroticism of a stack of pancakes in front of a hungry woman
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i didnt post merch yet
shes not going to eat me
why even live
Over 100 men have tried to tame her but failed. In highschool she was a modest art student but her mother would buy her slutwear to get her noticed by boys. Now she's a 30+ retro game playing hag and wonders why she's not married. Janny can suck my hairy asshole.
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Actually a bop as the youthful sheep say
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmlRcihNRfs [Embed]
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Poppy Playtime more like Rosie Plaptime
Stop posting here, wose.
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Ami in this form can molest so many buckos at the same time...
Hell yes, Clericmiya and the buckos ready for the expert level dungeons, this is cute as hell
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toehoe time
looks great, love the bucko party members
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It has been zero streams since a /tsunX/ girl brought up cannibalism
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Ami is officially playing the first Touhou game on her own PC98
Which tsunx girl would most likely eat human flesh?
I'd do anything to have Ember eat me
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"most likely"?
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All of the above.
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these fucking brats making fun of adults for just trying to have a fun relaxing time playing video games i'll teach them a lesson they'll never forget
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Do NOT the smol defenseless touhou girls
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they need to learn to respect adults!!!!!!!!!
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The 2hus...
[Ember news]
She thought the hate against Longsword users in MonHun was overblown until she tried it on stream and got backseated so hard that she now hates them and thinks they're obnoxious autismos
It's not even my main but Longsword is cool
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buckos... pie day.
For me, it's the Wigan kebab
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>No scran allowed on pie day!
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The She-Ogre...
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Want nothing more in the world than to hug and squeeze this scared spidergirl after bad dreams and thunder storms
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmlRcihNRfs [Embed]
Ember feels like a homosexual
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[Jelly news]
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I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
I miss Ami...
We're so back
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>Rosemi lifts her pinky when drinking
oh god not the rrats, they know not what they do
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Believe in the Jelly!
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eh... would.
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I want to sniff Ember so bad, just suction cup my face to her soft armpits and pussy and butthole and underboob and bellybutton...
Rosemi is gonna freak it
did ember just find enjoyment from shoving a child into a gay man's ass?
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My favourite dumb horror game trope
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Ember would never!
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please don't post something that scary where my daughter might see it
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>Who did he die to? How did he die to? WHY did he die to?
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>Me after vomiting 20 times in Japan
>I feel like I rarely get bullied... unfortunately
I'm gonna call Ember a dumb fat bitch until she cums
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Fursemi Yifflock!
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Girls are freaks and want to be bullied until they're crying and cumming I tell you, all of them!!
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No yiffing.
Rosemi will die as she lived...
Every time a girl asks to be bullied it tends to backfire and cause drama soon after. They forget that chat is a lot of people and it starts feeling like a pileon.
Ember is a small girl
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too far...
Absolutely beautiful
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5b43g7bH1g [Embed]
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I'm gonna forcefully fuck embers tits and make her parasocial
i want to cover her in sweet smelling oils and massage her all over and under
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>Some of Rosemi's hair came out in the shower yesterday
>Ended up on the wall and made the shape of a hanged man
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I want her to tie me up with her silk and tickle me until I cry, I want that giggling, kind of lost it manic drooling at the mouth Ami when she sees how she's really got me totally vulnerable and at her mercy...
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I want to kiss and sex Sleepy
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I want to punish Muyu for being Filipino
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He really is her spirit animal...
Warming up Mio with my benis
>I don't wanna go back home
She finally said it, she doesn't want to stream regularly again lmao, she just wants to go out with her friends every day
Mio should move to America so we can cure her Korea syndrome.
>Please no aliens, please no butt aliens
Eber PLEASE you don't realize how lucky you'd be...
Ember got GNOMED
I'm going to kill embers chat if they spam about censoring
With donothon money
Would you torture a tiny Ember clone?
Ember is hungry
True American freedom instead of Korea's bullshit
Also fuck Mio's outfit artist for stringing her along
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It's called karma. She got what she deserved. Everything she promises to do for honeymeads she takes forever to do, country roads is already 3 years old and still nothing, still nothing about virtual meet and greets. This time it's her getting to wait and she keeps throwing a fit over it.
Them telling her she should censor the swastikas was funny as hell
>Rosemi puts her hand on a pad that says "scanning"
>Read it as "scranning"
I'm beyond cooked...
https://youtu.be/dZlIpjAR0Mw?t=795 [Embed]
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>no mentions of wanting to go back to be with honeymeads more
>Intrusive thoughts about falling into sinkholes and getting her head crushed by a shutter
Rosemi is truly one of our more mentally stable girls
why is Lisa collabing with dudes
>Mio wants to be fit as a long term goal
she's fat and unsightly right now so it's an admirable goal
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Nobody tell him
Trying to call somebody fat as a genuine insult in this thread of all places is the funniest shit
No idea who Mia is but I hate her now
Also just general Idol hate
Its the same guy too. Whenever I talk about Mio's stream its the same anon that replies.
When is Mio masturbating on stream again? Now that she has hand tracking she can do a VR masturbation stream
Being fat is gross. Sorry you're a degenerate who wants people to be unhealthy.
I doubt she feels eepy when she's with her friends
The moment she removes her R18 limiters.
Rosemi calling us "chat" to dehumanize us...
She also has no problem drinking with them, but when she drinks with us she "falls asleep" for hours shortly after
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>Why do all bots have the name Miguel?
>Get out of my chat! And don't come back as another Miguel!
Wosemi that's wacist...
Glad that Yuuna is still feeding Mio at least.
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Deporting Miguels is just good policy
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Dizzy karaoke!!!
https://youtu.be/Ff5F42PmymI [Embed]
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I want to tie Ami up to bed posts and tickle her obliques with my tongue until she cries laughing.
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I cant believe Jerry is fuckin dead
It's like walking into a church and insulting god.
I swear sometimes you americans can be just as retarded as she during her highs, not even realizing how much of a shithole your country can be because you don't know anything about the world . And at least she has an excuse because she's excited and not objective, you retards don't
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Her only problem in the US would be health care and she has plenty of people perfectly happy to foot her bills if she needs it
Streams like this remind me that Dizzy is literally perfect
>Knocked over a glass halfway through the song
America at least is a country where its good if you have money and you're in a relatively peaceful suburb. If its not then you're fucked like Mexico.
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i want to cum on mio's tum
I want to cum on Mio's face while her soul is at the bathroom
And Mexico is the bordering country of Texas too...
Wait a minute... the moon... has Jelly's face on it... Jelly Moon!
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I'm going to gosling
>Fly me to the moon
>Those giggles
[Good news]
Rosemi is eating
>Fly me to the jorb and let me jork-
Dizzy jorking on that jorb
I know there's plenty wrong with this shithole, but at least it's not a society built around convincing everyone that they're worthless if they don't measure up to their impossibly perfect cousin with a BMI of 16.

Catpcha: JVKKK... the junior varsity kkk?
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>the junior varsity kkk
absolute unit
[Dizzy news]
She's nervous and it's making her tummy bubbly
Are all retro girlies like this?
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New thread
>>97247096 →
>>97247096 →
>>97247096 →
>wants to be a mother now
yeah, her friends aren't being a good influence on her
when you say it like that you make it sound like you have a really bad relationship with your own mom.

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