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Previous: >>97200807 →
>>97209693 (OP)
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Hololive sites

Twitch sites
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I don't mind watching My Wife Kronii and her wife Kaela clamfighting
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>>97209693 (OP)
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>>97209135 →
How is their viewership down? You didn't seriously buy into the thread narrative that Nijisanji was dying, right?
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this one please
>Vesper got to fuck this
Kronii JP speaking skills improved
>>97209679 →
Anycolor was not willing to spend any money on anything. That's why their 3D tech(that was above holo's) and their 2d rigging (they are one of the first to use it) are cycles behind Covers
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>>97209693 (OP)
nice op
Kronii won
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>>97209641 →
Maybe they'll be into it because of Jutard's brap story, who knows, but this is the audience that they truly earned and deserve.
Nice bots
>sub 50k for 7th anni
The retard who tried to gaslight me this mongrel is Niji 2nd man behind Kuzuha was trolling me
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Damn, strong bot plays there, anon
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Nijibros... Don't look
kronii is being fucking racist what the hell
Anycolor wins because something something profit margins.
Kronii soon will get banned from SEA countries...
no wonder why nijifags were gloating these past few days. they're trying make it look like the investor report is looking good.
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>>97209693 (OP)
>64,057: Subaru (Hololive)
>55,014: Miko (Hololive)
>42,047: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>34,866: Pekora (Hololive)
>26,147: Miko (Hololive)
>24,377: Okayu (Hololive)
>22,126: AZKi (Hololive)
>19,115: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>17,559: Shiina (Nijisanji)
>16,846: Koyori (Hololive)
>16,520: Vivi (Hololive)
>15,203: Patra (Indie)
>14,382: Korone (Hololive)
>13,953: Nose (VSPO)
>13,830: Shion (Hololive)
>11,985: Sho (Nijisanji)
>11,702: Matsuri (Hololive)
>11,398: Botan (Hololive)
>11,344: Speciale (Nijisanji)
>11,297: Hinano (VSPO)
>11,018: Moka (VSPO)
>11,010: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>10,719: Raora (Hololive)
>you pay for things using a qr code in Indonesia
How new
I mean, he is either 2nd or third in niji. Niji is the most top heavy corpo
Is Anycolor Vtuber Boeing?
>>97209395 →
>Cover seems to go out of its way to make as little profit as it possibly
why though? also some anon said the niji sololives are management mandated while on holo its more on the talent side
What the fuck are you talking about, how is qr racist?
>>97209693 (OP)
supposed numberbros would rather use a thread with tits instead of one with stats >>97209683 →
wtf happened
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>>97209693 (OP)
>03/11 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999) | [14 entries]
4.982: Elira (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
4.687: Wilson (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
4.430: Luca (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
3.820: Uki (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
3.162: Shu (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
1.960: Sonny (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
1.595: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.527: Alban (Nijisanji) | NIJIENchanted
1.315: Enna (Nijisanji) | Undertale
1.291: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Song Live Recording Stream
1.209: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | R.E.P.O w/ Clara, Runie, Uruka
1.176: Dizzy (Phase-Connect) | Make Good Choices
1.144: Lumi (Phase-Connect) | Minecraft
1.093: Bettel (Holostars) | Week in Review
Plugging your ears and shutting your eyes won't change reality.
Your ENshitters could never fuck boy
good 3D and 2D doesn't matter if the fans aren't gonna notice it anyway. if that's the case, the twitch whores with their over-rigged models would had been the most successful vtubers today!
Kronii got hit on by an ntr doujin protag
>shit out acrylic stand for $60 each
>sells out instantly
>print out some more AI art acrylic stand for $100 each, special anniversary memorial edition
>sells out instantly
Nijisanji fans are crazy people
I'm sure she will manage.
Behind those tits are endless amount of happiness stats, anon
Correct, you new?
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>>97209693 (OP)
>3/11 TALLY:
10,719: Raora (Hololive) | Eating EU Snacks Offcollab w/ Kiara
8,744: Shiori (Hololive) | Portal 2
7,571: Vox (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
6,623: IRyS (Hololive) | Post-Fes Talk
5,431: Maria (Nijisanji) | Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted

1) Bijou (Hololive) - 16,359 - Monster Hunter Wilds w/ Gigi, Ina, Raora
2) Hololive English (Hololive) - 13,872 - HoloEN Spring Party w/ Cecilia, Ina, IRyS, Kiara
3) Ina (Hololive) - 16,923 - Monster Hunter Wilds
4) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 14,925 - Holo8
5) Ina (Hololive) - 12,421 - Monster Hunter Wilds
6) Bijou (Hololive) - 14,054 - Handcam Offcollab w/ Cecilia
7) IRyS (Hololive) - 14,718 - Birthday Karaoke + Announcement
8) Wilson (Nijisanji) - 13,200 - Minecraft RP #NIJIENchanted
9) Maria (Nijisanji) - 13,144 - Cooking Simulator
10) Bijou (Hololive) - 19,622 - Monster Hunter Wilds & Post-Fes Talk
11) Raora (Hololive) - 10,719 - Eating EU Snacks Offcollab w/ Kiara

9x: Hololive
2x: Nijisanji

3x: Bijou
2x: Ina
1x: FuwaMoco, Hololive EN, IRyS, Maria, Raora, Wilson

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
21p: Bijou
13p: Wilson
11p: Ina
9p: IRyS
8p: Kiara
7p: Cecilia
5p: FuwaMoco, Hololive EN, Maria, Raora
4p: Vox
3p: Shiori
1p: Baelz, Elira, Nerissa
much safer than tapping a card
Sorry, just like with vtubers I can only get off to Hololive numbers, not Nijisanji
So Kronii immediately take flight to Indonesia right after Fes ends?
yeah, they are women
Yeah. Niji handles the concerts, that's why only company mandated groups or their top members can get them.
In Holo, Ollie or Iofi do have the potential of getting a sololive, even if it's extremely low
>Yo, you look pretty cute, wanna hang out with me?
>>97209573 →
Cover has 150 more employees, they are bloated as hell.
She left the 11th JST
Kaela meet Kronii's parents in Japan and she had to fly to Indonesia to meet Kaela's.
She needs to fuck Kaela
And this is a good thing for Nijisanji proper. Eventually Anykara is going to reclaim their crown in Japan because the company is the Japanese's Choice, unlike Hololive with the IDs and ENs and Europeans and shit.
Because Niji is majority female fans, they'll literally go into deep debt to buy merch of their favorite organs.
your oshi dokibird couldn't even get 4k CCV today BTW. literal permashitter of a vtuber
Nah, it's actually in line with the company's situation
Cover has more active projects in general.
Anon Nijiniggers hate doki
I know why Iroha lost her voice
https://youtu.be/nC_d4SkzXK8?t=79 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/nC_d4SkzXK8?t=79 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/nC_d4SkzXK8?t=79 [Embed]
Yeah, about that..
>Kronii is learning indonesian
Yeah she's totally will move to live with Kaela
>the all look the same
Jesas, Kronii that's a little much
Satay mentioned
>they smell bad
calm down kronii
>Nijiniggers hate doki
Why would they? Doki is the most annoying Nijinigger out there
So Cover can afford to create project without huge dent on profits compared to Anycolor
>Kronii is counting in indonesian now
Kek wtf is this
Selen shock nijinig
>>97209693 (OP)
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Your oshi will learn Indonesian
Next thing we know Kronii will partake in Ramadan fasting next week
Anycolor can, they just love resting on your laurels
Justice mentioned
kronii being botted? this seems a bit high for a 3am zatsu
Choose: Holostars gone or Nijisanji gone
>Not being able to eat food when she wants to
She’s rather die
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>>97210040 →
any validity to this?
Anycolor Q3 2025 Revenue: 11,564 yen
Cover Q3 2025 Revenue: 11,758 yen
easily holostars, niji doesn't affect me in any way
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The jag in the beginning was because ID's ISPs are pretty shit in general.
Holostars, I guess. That would free up more recordings days for the girls
Side branches gone. Go back to Hololive's roots. EN was a mistake.
The homos. Niji being around doesn't affect me.
Doki/Selen deserved Nijisanji, though. They're literally perfect for each other, a black company and a loud, annoying bitch who everyone with a sense of common decency hates on sight.
It's a long story, but basically
>start out with girls courting a holo audience
>do ok but not holo tier or anything
>debut males
>massive explosion of viewers and revenue
>girls at first keep the guys at arms reach
>certain faction of girls desperate for money throws themselves vagina-first at the guys
>the original male audience all leaves
>but it turns out the males audience was illusory
>many non-English speakers leave for other kpop entertainment options
>many other fans are chased away by hetshipping and drama
>major meltdowns within the branch because of favoritism
>the new waves were chosen by twitter femcel managers and flop massively
>as the female fans leave, the girls realize their male fanbase is nonexistent besides a few crazy zealots
>start fearing the parasocial fans and lecturing their fanbase to fuck off
>as more fans leave more and more menhera breakdowns among the livers
>some high profile graduations shake the branch, basically anyone with a future is leaving
>one girl tried to kill herself and exposed her coworkers bullying her
>branch became radioactive in the west
>sea learns to hate them too because of dramatubers
>now only japan watches them
>most of them start streaming in JP time and learning Japanese
>another sexpest rape scandal causes two talents to be indefinitely suspended pending termination
>many more graduations coming
He should name the mod and provide proof first
>why though?
I have fucking no idea. It baffles me how the tickets to be on location at 6th fes were practically the same price as a streaming ticket.
It makes no fucking sense. Being there in person should be at-minmum twice as expensive as a streaming ticket. Prices need to go up. I have no idea why Cover is so fucking retarded and is so profit-avoidant. It makes NO SENSE to any kind of business logic to price the on-location tickets the same as the online stream.
I haven't checked in the past few years, but Blizzcon tickets for the actual convention were ten times more expensive than the streaming pass to watch the panels online.
Cover has the opportunity to make a shit ton more profit. People will absolutely 1000000% pay more for tickets to be in Makuhari for holofes, but they don't seem to understand the bare minimum of supply and demand. The tickets to the venue have a limited supply and greater demand so their price should be MUCH higher than the online tickets which have a relatively infinite supply.
It's the same retard from last thread
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so close to 1k kek
There is >>97208086 → last thread but it might be the same guy
What do we have on the landlord botter?
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You want THESE gone? What are you, a fag?
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how she doing compared to the other girls so far?
Funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say
Sounds like somebody didn't watch Kronii's Papers, Please stream. When she needs to reject someone from the country of Impor, she says "Impor? More like Impure, hahaha!" Pretty based moment and it's only grown since.
Holy shit, it a raid, i thought it was natty.
absolutely nothing. He hasn't posted any screencaps. until further evidence is presented you should treat this as some kind of 5D bait.
Chikawa cute
going by that thread his name is apparently PLandlord
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Wouldn't surprise me, every mod over there were part of the botted holosub raids.
>kronii calls erb elizabeth
I'm noticing
Just above biboo right now. 15-20 in the JP-EN-ID table
That retard should just post evidence instead of acting like a woman.
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I know that FAG, hes one of the Fuckers thats botting the homopost in the sub(both holo and homo sub)
What I want is proof of him bragging about it
Noticing what?
maybe they're trying to get the audience sympathy. But they really need to hire some kind of business oriented leader in the management side that's not too overkill
his 3D might break the low record at least for ENhomos
>still no proof posted
It’s not a surprise if it’s true but no proof means it could be a psyop
Kronma mentioned
>Top 5 in EN
Is kronii back?
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Well, I guess you'll just have to take my word for it when I say that as someone who only watches Hololive, I've hated Selen for years. Most people who only watch Hololive also hate Selen, and hated Pomu too, hoping she'd be gone for good after she graduated.
All of the scuffle over these pathetic, shitty 4k viewcounts is literally just bottom feeders fighting for scraps. If you like any of them, you're basically a Hololive anti by association
Easily the homos
By far the largest source of strife in the fanbase and probably the largest waste of resources that's not holoearth, not to mention the opportunity costs
Kek really who is ERB even close with in the company right now i know you anons will answer dubais so beside them
>kronii had a real heartfelt conversation with kroma
uh oh
Then why are you spouting nijinigger psyops?
She seems to get along with kiara and nerissa i guess
imagine if cover had the same business people at anycolor. They would make so much more but maybe at the expense of the talent's happiness? thought they would probably make more money
desperate and pathetic, nijisis
What the shit is that collection of dots in... Colorado? A group from Denver came or something?
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Fes makes them a lil fruity
Her superchats were always decent. 182k for MiSide, 103k for Chained Together with Gigi, 280k for House Flipper. Like everyone else, lower supas on collabs.
Denver boys love them hologals
how do we get africans to watch holo?
Some JP bros put their dots in random places since japan is covered up.
Redebut Sana and force her to learn wallahi language
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I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm definitely going to continue hating Selen and Pomu and whatever reincarnations they have, because it's literally part of Hololive fan culture to do so.
You might be too much of a newfag to even know that much.
Nijinigger, nobody believe your shit, not mintfag, not selenfag, noone on this board.
>>97210179 (me)
So from the replies I have gathered that niji is the rival but stars are the arch enemy
The next big markets to chase
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What does the color represent?
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Lap was watching. She must be happy about the shout-out
nijisanji can't stop reclining
Because the onsite ticket's price is already pretty reasonable compare to even big name artists? Their biggest revenue from fes is mostly from streaming tickets anyway, which Yagoo said in 3rd fes to be triple to quadruple the amount of tickets he could sell for physical one iirc.
Nice try nijinig but you're going to need to work harder to ply your psyops
Kronii hinting birthday 3D live at a later date
you sound like a jew.
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I miss mori...

I mean if their shit looks bad, then cover and niger stocks go down. So I would prefer for their shit to "look" good until the Yatch needs to be replaced and Riku commits fraud and gets sent to jail.
Is the center of america just a desert
Correct, Cover's profits would probably be 4-5 times what they are now if they had the Anycolor heads of business in charge but the talent happiness would also be lower, but there have been lots of graduations anyway, so it doens't seem like the talents even care that they are treated way better than Anycolor talents.
They have a fucking HUUUUUUUUUGE vehicle for revnue which they aren't even using. They could put on monthly concerts in HoloEarth similar to Yamato Phantasia. They sell a bunch of digital goods (t-shirts, signboard, etc) for you to cheer at the concert, perhaps a relatively small entry ticket charge. Boom, major cashflow. They'd actually be getting money from HoloEarth instead of it just sitting there and doing nothing.
>Their biggest revenue from fes is mostly from streaming tickets anyway,
I doubt that's the case anymore when the restreams get thousands of viewers
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Be patient anon, I'll send her back to you next week
The population of America is overwhelmingly concentrated on the coasts, at least the ones who can afford to travel to Japan for a concert are
Now now, we're still kinda busy with the Anycolor report
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Does getting rid of Nijisanji also get rid ofthe reincarnations of any current or former NijiEN member? If so, that option, 100%. Dragoons and wisps are the only vtuber fanbases that I think real world violence would be completely justified against
>Superchats 100,000,000,000 ZWD
>it's green
You sound kinda dumb
Yeah I bet you think EA is losing tons of money too because battlefield gets cracked and pirated
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only thousands?
I'm not from this shithole
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Anya gold today?
Bottle crinkling on stream
Kronii just called everyone else not from Canada sewer drinkers.
You're not slick, Noor
The kind of retard we have in this place...
Another lie, uh?
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SEA won.
Holo boys: kiss each others hands
Be thankful the actual retards are off doing damage control in >>97208298 →
flyover states
nice parks and stuff to visit though
Indobros... You guys lost to the fucking flipland.
9800 yen for "general reserved" for 6th fes. That's just $65 per stage. Meanwhile Breaking Dimensions were between $90 and $140 per day. Cover could easily raise the prices to at least match Breaking Dimensions for holofes
they do. they could be earning like 10x more if every pirated copy becomes a sale
The High Plains was known as the Great American Desert before being settled, and most of the area east of it and west of the Mississippi is just farmland.
What is that island beside madagascar
I just discovered that one of the most popular doujin/hentai artists is a GIRL, and she's a VTUBER as well... Holy fuck her voice is kinda cute, and her art is absolute SEX
>that one sticker from best korea
They would make even more money if every single person in the world bought it
Are you a suit at EA?
libertalia, a 17th century pirate colony with the most unfound pirate treasure
Which one, we have multiple girls with those criteria
Réunion island
These faggot make everything they do seem faggotry anon.
If they have talent and charisma the hand kissing your homie could seem like the manliest shit ever. EX: Ryan Gosling's "I'm just Ken"
niji is the funny clown who falls down and goes HONK and water squirts out of his corsage
stars are the retarded guy who gropes women when he escapes his tardwrangler
I mean, there's a very good reason there's no ID4. Their fanbase can't actually buy merch or buy event tickets to support their girls. It's basically North America and Japan that's buying everything from the ID branch, so why not just add more EN/JP talents instead.
central USA looks like the type of land you usually see on horror movies
>why though?
This is how you build up brand loyalty. Maintaining long term customers and partners.
If you look at the audience age demographic, Nijisanji is filled with young audience while Cover has a more diverse demographic.
Nijisanji had been around for at least seven years, but you hardly see long term Nijisanji supporters.
Most faded out before reaching 25.
Apparently the Kim dynasty likes vtubers.
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anon, everyone is turning into vtubers, even the mangaka from that yuri isekai turned into vtuber
It's actually in Manchuria
Anon the map is right there
some of her doujins got animated and were really good
>>97209554 →
It's nothing unusual, Cover is just very very inefficient
Kyockcho? Kaede and Suzu is pure sex btw.
That's not Hololive number.
Ah, I follow this artist closely too.
I like her maid series, not much a fan of her twins series.
Which one? there's quite a lot of them
Yes, her. I prefer the other doujin that got animated, forgot the name, Lovely-something something
there an old Chinese saying that goes
>it's okay low profits, but more sales
no wonder why most successful businessmen are chinks.
It's not crazy.
Some women can go into debt since they think their future partners will be the bread winner.
It's a free money like getting a loan under a dead person's name.
Nijinig level of retardation rn.
>Nijisanji still leading in conceptual market share
Holobronies will NEVER EVER win the conceptual war
I knew it Kyockcho is a woman, supper soft art style, dem eyes, skinny dude, rapey shit that Marine would into.
How is that possible? Aren't our cabal conceptual as well? Are you saying the cabal is real?!
I can see one...

https://youtu.be/efy5KOyzIjE [Embed]
She's doing art stream of Kaede and Suzu rn
>handsome male
Ah, no wonder
I will conceptualise my dick into niji girl pussy.
Q4 has nijifes and holofes, right?
>4x-5x profits
Cover is like only .1% ahead of Anycolor in revenue despite 2x the expenses.
At best they're going to make the same or slightly more profit if they apply the same business practices
>That one russian escaped from the war to enjoy holofest
Makes you wonder why some of the best/most rapey doujins were made by female artists, almost like its a projection of their inner sexual desires or something..
jwu qrd on the yab?
aside from the things she's doing for her personal project, Kronii's done with all her homework.
There's a reason why people call them "flyover states"
Don't tell the Daisenpai you are a hipster...
LMAO good one Sora
Ollie said they met up with holostars
How is 2025 NijiJP so close to Holo even after all the drama and yab
It feels like all these black company exposes attracted more fans, the female fans of anything be it kpop/anime/vtubing are so weird
Welcome to nijinigger hours
Strong showings by the second army.
First army is very low. Their fans are milked dry every month, huh?
I mean when they're talking about nijisanji business practice it's practically talking about being a miser like them.
Theoretically their profits will ballooned if they're playing with Niji's business strat.
oh its just Ollie lol
yes, holofes is a loss leader for hololive though
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NTA, but a graph would be nice
This is why they are botting them. Next report, one of the categories will now be up
3 times as many organs
he said handsome male anon
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>kaede and suzu
I only like the chapters where I can ignore the guy and just enjoy the yuri twincest desu
nah she said other girls were there
Hololive always reaches new revenue heights on Holofes.
>other girls were there
do male artists not draw rapey doujins?
>How is 2025 NijiJP so close to Holo even after all the drama and yab
Nobody cares about Selen in the real world. She was unironically negligible when it comes to the bigger picture, and her being a forever 2-3k shitter is the perfect proof of that.
did twitter died?
One thing that stood out to me in her recent work was her sister contemplating if it's okay for her bf to fuck her sister despite the 3 of them having done pretty much everything to each other.
they prefer cunny sex doujins
kronii about to raid into ollie tangenting about her adventures with the homos the time is now to leave the stream
They should bot sc rather than ccv lol
>one guy from Portugal
Iofi, ERB is my guess
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Yeah you'd like to believe that wouldn't you nijinig?
no way kyockcho is a woman
didn't specify likely because she knows people would get angry
> shion, pekora, subaru, miko
oof. rough schedule for anya there.
>Oh geez why is this big company with 200+ vtubers outearning the other big company with 70+ vtubers
is how it's supposed to be
the fact that they're only
>So close to Holo
is actually pretty grim
its true, watch her stream right now
Probably one or more of the other ID girls, like usual.
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some female hentai artists like Kanzarin draws her males ugly while her OC person is getting plapped.
NijiJP still gets Hololive collabs, and will continue to. Meanwhile, no active Hololive member will ever collab with Dokibird. It's never going to happen, and since Hololive is the only vtuber corpo that matters, it means that Selen/Dokibird will always be a shitter
Male artists draw mesugaki/wholesome cunny sex
>5x the livers than pre-luxiem
>pre-luxiem earnings
I am not talking about revenue per talent. I am talking about absolute amount of fans of niji and amount of money they spending as a whole for Niji is almost as much as Holo
they do, but it's mostly loli/mesugaki.
Ollie slapped Shion in front of Yagoo
why did rosarians love to drag other people to their cuck state?
holy fuck i nutted to alot of her doujins
>prefers the Ugly Bastard types raping her OC
>NijiJP is good actually
Are nijinigs still using that cope?
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>Capcom trademarked Dino Crisis on March 4 in Japan
>Mr Goro started playing Dino Crisis
Does Gorosan have an insider knowledge of what they're going to do with the franchise
Nothing makes me feel better than knowing Nimi is probably crying and miserable. She has no friends to comfort her. She has nobody. She doesn't even have pets anymore. I hope she wakes up every morning expecting to see something that isn't there. I hope it eats away at her and that she won't come back.
BAAAAAAAASED Nimi's misery is my greatest happiness
They make 3x more profits than holo anon, its not even close
Dominating the female customer market who like someone else said will go into debt to buy as much merchandise as they can. Host club culture also leads female customers resorting to prostitution to keep pay host clubs. If you look at flesh idols you should know Johnny & Associates had a scandal with its CEO sexually abusing young teens that girls go crazy over. They renamed the company and distance themselves from Johnny Kitagawa though I'm pretty sure they are still uneffected by the scandal. For instance, the Yab thing with Nijis getting recorded while passed out was swept under the rug.
as always, their charts dont show the nijiEN numbers anymore. but looking at their financials page, it still paints a bleak picture

nijiEN YOY is down by 47%, no revenue from events due to no events planned, no mentions of any upcoming plans for EN despite already announcing a new male wave. JP is basically carrying EN already.

interestingly on page 23, they also addressed the quarterly fluctuations on their business models, citing that their charts fluctuate depending on the time period when they hold their events. i dont remember them talking about the chart fluctuations in their previous financial reports

all in all, still pretty standard. EN is still bleeding revenue and all, but are still being kept in life support thanks to the JP branch still kicking strong. im guessing that they will launch their new wave this coming Q4 to help boost their numbers and hopefully try to rehabilitate EN
She is going to be the Dino Crisis ambassador
kek same, godly art, I'm surprised she's also a vtuber and have been so for over a year
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Without anyone noticing, Vox's stepson got blessed by Elira's algo magic
I meant the kind of rapey shit that women would normally more into. Show more of the woman complex inner thought/expression/ perspective, and i notice they tend to portrait it less violent too.
Read more and you'll be able to acquire our gift.
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This one, I guess.
what the fuck is this shit man
so holoEU should pander to the germanoid sphere in EU, what a surprise that the most autistic area of the EU are vtuber enjoyers
Based. I hope she sees all the fun the Holo girls are having and regrets leaving knowing she can't go back.
why would iofi/ollie/risu fans be angry? they offcollabed with jp homos before
Good. If it's ID, then I hope they never ever wonder ever again why people are indifferent to them. If it was some of EN then they better pray to god no one ever rats on them.
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It's the 100% transferred raid forbidden technique, anon
Because unlike what these threads likes to think, your consumer base isn't just 1 swath of demographic that behaves the same way which is watch streams and buy merchs.
Cover has more stream watchers but Anycolor has a lot more merch buyer. Their merch revenue is significantly higher than Cover.
Spirit bomb
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kek, look at this anon
It's the algorithm working its magic
Based. Traitor whores deserve nothing
3x profit for almost the same revenue just means your organs are poor as fck
Dont think its the point you want to make
holo x porno collab?
They still publish the NijiEN chart anon.
They're not like Cover who desperately hid failing branches to appeal to potential investors.
More like DEV-IS gen 3 lol
Good morning holodrones, have you licked the boots of your corpo for the day?
>They're not like Cover who desperately hid failing branches to appeal to potential investors.
Yeah, they just merge the branch and throw them into the limbo that is Nijisanji's shitters community....
Kronii raids Anya waiting room
Or idk, Niji having more female fan means that there're more kind of customer who'd mass buy cheap acrylic stands/ postcards which has insane markup. It doesn't prove that they have more buyers though.
damn i didn't realize there were so many kyokucho fans here. ive been subbed to her channel for over a year. always enjoy her streams.
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>DMM.com LLC (合同会社DMM.com) is a Japan-based electronic commerce and Internet company with a diversified group of businesses that includes online shopping, eikaiwa, and video on demand service. The company manages DMM.com, an online entertainment site that allows users to purchase goods and services like e-books, games, mainstream DVD releases, and 3D printing. As of February 2024, DMM.com had over 45 million registered users.
Sounds kinda big
I like her artstyle.
So smooth to fap to.
This nijikek is going to get a stroke.
I remember back when homoEN debuted sisters were spamming about how women are better consumers and more loyal despite not watching streams jej
Maybe one day I'll do a proper archive dive and compile some
I can't wait until she gets back, gets a temporary boost from her dead cat, then starts becoming Doki tier in numbers.
she's using tts though? are we sure that's a girl?
Ollie is with mumei and gura she said
Based and Amen to this
I like her work, she made good shit, shit that i can't buy though...
>haachama not part of the collab
spurned again...
Imagine taking a month off for a cat lmfao
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DMM won't allow me to have more than one item in a basket.
Anyone else had this issue?
Like, and understand I'm not trying to take away the love and support she's getting for this... But she's taken 2 weeks off already, and about to take more time off... for a cat.

When my dad died, home depot gave me two unpaid grievance days, which they forgot to register so they counted as no-call no-shows. And that was my dad, who I was living with, who died rather suddenly. It's mildly irritating how people normalize the working class not getting time to deal with these things, yet have no problem telling entertainers like her to "take all the time you need" over a cat.

This society's priorities are busted, and unfortunately there's just no explaining this that sounds like I'm complaining about her not streaming, I'm not really a fan of Nimi and don't care if she streams or doesn't, I'm just mad at the system we live in being paid for by the buffoons with money.

I've lost a family member or an animal every year for the past 5 years, a couple years were pet AND person, and got 0 paid leave, lost 2 jobs because of it, had to be the one that dealt with the brunt of the crap that comes with it. All while having family members grieve in ways that indirectly cast blame. "If I was there then this wouldn't have happened" Well I was here, it happened and I did more than I can really ever expect any of my family members to do, all while losing my jobs, getting thrown into poverty, and watching celebrities lose their pets and getting this level of support is just a massive disconnect from reality.
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wow I bet someone will definitely be convinced when you crosspost all your spam lmao
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post the fixed one
in all seriousness though how even you're supposed to mourn a cat for a month.
Like I understand if it's a close living relative, but even then, again, how the fuck you mourn for a month.
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Who should be replacing them in HoloWitch?
A new project
you guys never had a pet you truly loved or a loved one that passed away
The thing that's disconnect from reality is your expectation.
Take gig jobs if you want flexible hours.
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Ollie was with Biboo and Gura
I mean you're talking from a working class perspective anon.
Pretty sure you have to be financially priveleged to even worried about eating meat and turn into vegetarianism.
Depends who has about to graduate vibe aside from these two
Women are the reason why Kpop can get away with selling cheap-ass low effort crap for insane price.
According to Cover and Anycolor's latest financial statement their talent remuneration rate is virtually the same or very close in average.
Her works are amazing. I lost GALLONS to them over the years
It's Muslims. They have a "weird" relationship with pets
I loved my first cat and I only mourn for 3 days.
That lil fucker wasn't even dead or something, he just lost.
Life goes on.
roru. rumao even.
This is simply false.
Anycolor doesn't explicitly disclose the breakdown while Cover does.
Ollie saw suisei with sora walking
I watched her other vods, she's a girl
her style is top tier good ffm stuff is my jam
that's a fucking lot of chatgpt in this thread.
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Nigger everyone has lost a pet, no one takes a month off from work to mourn
KEK look at this nigga
She wasn't mourning for a month. I feel like you are all being willfully retarded.

It started with her taking it to a vet because it started vomiting more than usual. She wanted to watch him because she was worried for him. They couldn't get a proper diagnosis so she was waiting for the labs to come back. It also still didn't get a proper diagnosis through that so she went the onlyu real option they had, exploratory surgery. When they did that, they found a golf ball sized tumor on its liver and extracted it. This was over the course of like 4 or 5 days.

This is when she made the "GOOD NEWS!" stream because it seemed like things were finally looking up, since the tumor was in the spot of the liver that could regenerate. She started streaming again because he was feeling better, it's when she did the DLE stream and the walking dead stream. A bit over a week ago.

Then his health suddenly crashed again and she, once again, took off to watch as they try to re-diagnose the issue. We don't actually know if it metastasized or what-not, she hasn't explained, but eventually the cat died 3 days ago, She's only NOW in proper mourning mode rather than "please dear god get better" mode.

It was a fucking roller coaster of emotions for her.
ame will be back within hololive in a year. fauna, fortunately, will not.
The TTS is for the chatters
Flare's papa also used it
Holo girls should play this
no, SEA are chinese adjacent so you know what they do to their pets
>ame will be back within hololive in a year.
To do what? Not stream?
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I see, so that will be her excuse for not streaming for 2 weeks.
She's in a proper mourning mode.
Based desu
That project is gonna be dead as fuck.
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Holy cope she's just regretting her decision after seeing how much fun everyone had at holofes but she knows there's no going back
Can you time the hour? it's just keep happening after a major niji shitty news and botting.
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Ideally another mentally unstable women
When was the last time she interacted with him?
>"i made zero cent from these merchs" - Kuzuha
if people had the choice of taking a month off work to mourn a loved one, they would. but they can't because they know they've got bills to pay.
It's a cat.
i guess not everything can be about him
yes and?
Not for 3rd worlder...
bro its a cat not even Kronii cared about hers shut the fuck up
Ollie's oshi is matsuri
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So how did a thread discussing about niji finance suddenly pivoted toward nimi again exactly like yesterday during king willy bots? It's like... nah it cant be.
The next time a holo girl loses a bet she better go on break for at least a month or she will be being disrespectful and rude to Nimi by making her look lazy
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Talent remuneration is accounted in CoGS as stated on all of their financial reports.

Cover (left)
>Revenue: 28.8B yen
>CoGS: 13.9B yen
>GPM: ~51%

Anycolor (Right)
>Revenue: 28.9B yen
>CoGS: 15.3B yen
>GPM: ~47%

For every dollar they earn, Cover gets more money than Anycolor did in the expense of their respective talents.
Cover is a lot less profitable because they spend a shit ton of money on HoloEarth, HoloPlus, Administration fees (staff payrolls), and other undisclosed projects.
These are the statements that are submitted regularly to the JSX so you can guarantee it's accurate and if it's not that means it's a corporate fraud scandal.

If you believe that Anycolor is not paying their talents enough, then you should be concerned at Cover since they pay their talents estimatedly around 10% less in average than Anycolor
Roboco literally took a fucking month off after hers died I don't even understand this seethe
if she doesn't take a month off then she didn't truly care about her pet
It's one thing if it's like three days but she's literally been on break for 2 weeks now. It's fucking ridiculous
I pity you
she doesn't owe you anything
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Pic related is Cover's CoGS details
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not looking good
the most popular one was sub 10k already
the hate marketing flip is the only other popular one and is baiting with guest
Faunaschizo just unironically misses her... She gave his miserable life... purpose.
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All we know is sister are seething when we talk about their shitty number, make a summary and dramatuber will cover their shitty number tomorrow.
The cat has not been dead for a month
She has spent these past few weeks making sure he doesn't fucking die while she's sleeping. What part of that do you not understand? She was taking him to a vet, waiting out results and hoping he'd get better again. But then he still fucking died.
They stretch this out for a whole month?
>holodrones accuse niji of botting ccv
>turns out they are the ones botting holos ccv
>holodrones accuse brave group of botting subs
>turns out jailbirds are the ones botting subs
>holodrones accuse anycolor of underpaying their talents
>turns out Cover is the one underpaying their talents
Im sensing a pattern here.....
do animals do that thing that people sometimes do where they seem to have a sudden burst of energy/health right before dying
isn't that the second cat that died
How many talents does each company have? Trick question, nijisanji has no talent at all
And we don't owe her sympathy, but that doesn't stop naplings from chimping out when people don't think a 2 week and counting break for a dead cat isn't reasonable
That's exactly what happened apparently, yeah.
I just noticed the dates. That gap of time is going to kill the minimal amount of momentum it could have had
Ollie said they have a little outing lmao
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they kinda did give up
>paying LESS then the literal black company
That completely explains 6 graduations in less than a year huh, I apologize to nimifags
Anycolor and Cover seems neck and neck revenue-wise in the 3rd quarter. What stands out to me is just how high the revenue share from Merchandise is in Anycolor's case (62.3% vs 46.3% in Cover's case). Since merch usually has much higher profit margins compared to other sources, I'm guessing that's a part of the reason why they post significantly higher profit compared to Cover.
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Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking about, she lost a 22yo cat right around the time Roboco lost hers (loved the cat cams she used to have on screen).
Why is she killing so many cats?
Yes the average holo makes more money than the average niji talent, but they get less of the money they earn than their niji counterpart.
If you are going to copy shit from reddit, at least post it as an image
>comparing total cost of sales instead of talent remuneration
>comparing total "talent remuneration" (fake) when one company has three times as many talents
Sister... Come back to the discord to complete your training please...
The part where that means she can't stream for 14 days and counting when that's her precise reason for graduating
lmao yeah...
So, you don't watch her and just pretend to care for retards on this site?
>revenue up 300% since 3 years ago
>talent remuneration stagnant
not a black company btw
Holy shit, this shut up the holofag immediately
>when that's her precise reason for graduating
Holokeks, what happened...
Remuneration is based off of profits not revenue
Obvious raid is obvious
isnt the livestreaming revenue comparable to pre luxiem nijien i.e. lazulight + obsydia + ethyria (the wave that almost killed nijien)
also a point of comparison it is about what ludwig in a year made purely from streaming on twitch minus his subathon
First nijifag to bring the receipt, holy shit
Nijisisters have been camping the board to deflect every time anycolor does a quarterly report
threadly reminder that filipinos lack empathy to animals
Yeah, the mass reply to dodgy math isn’t subtle at all.
>comparing total cost of sales instead of talent remuneration
Cover's remuneration rate is only getting lower each year btw
Used to be ~50% before 2023, now it's only 25% lmao.
Change in direction btw.
Cover is truly exposed
One guy is not a raid
so that explains why fauna said they werent millionaires when obviously they should be millionaires
their main purpose in life is to work and accrue income too
every flip I've met brags about how little time they take off like that's a good thing
Not a Flip but it's just a fucking cat. I took off a single day of work and moved on with my life when the cat I was pretty much raised with died.
Damn, they paid for the overbloated staff while the talents get nothing? Did Yagoo also buy a yacht?
>Cover's remuneration rate is only getting lower each year btw
How does this address what I said? Please compare the talent remuneration figures and not the total cost of sales.
Ollie said she showed jurard his oshi's irl picture
gross profit, yes.
Which is still on the declining rate for holo talents
>HoloEarth, HoloPlus, Administration fees (staff payrolls), and other undisclosed projects
All useless aside from the card game, no wonder the talents are frustrated
Anycolor unfortunately doesn't publish their remuneration figures.
Dumb samefag
Damn, the corruption inside Cover must be worse than we think
who riled up the napkins again?
Ollie said that they were having an orgy and Yagoo was sitting on the chair
https://youtu.be/06VqpSTiSG8 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/06VqpSTiSG8 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/06VqpSTiSG8 [Embed]
Because they know it would make them look bad lol, now stop with your retarded conceptual comparisons
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Do the Japs know about this? Could be a major yab for Cover if they find out.
t-thats not how that data is read...
>dodgy math
>doesn't elaborate
Continue pretending you talents are paid fairly btw, Im sure that'll stop high performing holos from graduating every other month.
Holy samefagging
NijiEN is dying and we learned why they are now getting botted.
Did she show miyabi face, ahahaha retardgod
I warned you about the Nijiniggers bro
Doesn't change the fact that Anycolor spends more on their talents than Cover
>ollie talking about hanging out with ERB and homos and people talking about it on global
>suddenly global full of ccggrr cuckposts instead of ERB
why are nijiniggers camping global, is this thread not enough?
>the fact
really wish they's stop calling it a collab when it's just sponsored streams
Pointing out that taking a month off for a cat is fucking retarded makes them seethe for some reason
True, btw 90% of that amount is spent on the lawyers who write the termination notices
Why do you think we call them Nijiniggers?
Man, imagine spending all of that on staff instead of the people actually making the company money
It's public so of course they know, but unlike /#/ and the western audience. they don't have an image of niji talents being underpaid at all. so holos getting less than they earn than nijis do doesn't really mean much since to their understanding both are making bank
i dont think black men cuckpost
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ina cookie
Don't they?
>Anycolor: 51%
>Cover: 47%
Can't believe we manage to see the day Anycolor has more integrity than Cover
Because they happen to be African American Nijisanji fans?
>Nijinigger projection
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Haachama is doing it
talking about chrono gear
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KLQ3pVP9l8 [Embed]
is Yagoo's golden yacht worth it, anons?
I played and greatly enjoyed the first one to the point I 100% it. Is it worth playing the other ones?
That’s how you know they’re full of shit.
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How do you explain this
>Post purposely misleading information, based on incomplete data, without the proper context
>Proceeds to samefag it 20 times to make it seem legit
The report mustve been really bad
Truly black company behavior
Elaborate how you would read the data then
Oh nice
Wrong thread
You niggers do know profit sharing might not even be included under talent remuneration right? There's a reason why cover's general & administrative expenses are always over 3x higher than anycolor. And no, holoearth and holodreams development cost is not included under those expenses cause inhouse staff remuneration are included under cost of sales.
You think they have to pay extra 7 billion yen to the yakuza or some shit?
Like this, retard >>97212616
>ollie zeta anyer iofi moona risu
>one holoen member
ollie said they met, rraats ?
monetized soundposts!
Nijiniggers are desperate to damage control please understand
i thought the entire point people shitting on nijisanji since 2022 is they never investing back to the company while making tons of profits unlike cover. Considering that post got so many yous, did i miss something here?
Yagoo gotta squeeze as much as he can I guess
It looks like they planned to make make comparison just for this day
hmm I wonder. oh wait theyre nijiniggers nvm
No, it’s just one retard samefagging.
It's a nijinigger samefag to try and project what we said about them against hololive
I have been wondering, what is GPM suppose to be?
The nijinigger is manually solving the captcha each post btw
>So many (you)s
See >>97212619
Oh wait nvm you might be the one samefagging lol
the OG
That's a good shitpost tactic. Not a single person will click fucking Ollie stream and check.
Now that nijiniggers have been mindbroken, which fag do we mindrape next #Cabal?
Obviously Kronii
So she didn't lose the cat and is just lying? That's even worse anon
the fuck are you accusing me for nigger
They need money to staff and maintain that 27B yen studio anon. SG&A also includes depreciation assets which is a lot of money if you have the "largest" 3D studio in Japan.
And yes in Cover's case HoloEarth etc should be accounted under SG&A since it's basically all other non-production costs that aren't also accounted elsewhere. If they have an account for R&D it'd go there, but they dont.
Susei gold?
That's grim, I really liked this artist's cute videos but to then turn that into a voice pack??
Doesnt need to, we all know its all same made up bullshit
Gross profit margin
global did >>97212327 →
And we cant rely on jannie, if you report it they will ban you instead
Did you really take 20 minutes to reply to reply and it was you creating a fantasy. I guess acting like a minstrel show for us if fun
That's gotta be Biboo
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Thoughts on this upcoming holoindie game?
It's obviously Bae
That's what I said in the post anon, Cover spend a shit ton of money on administrative and overhead costs which is why their profits are low. it's not some noble cause like paying their talents more or some shit.
I'll play it simple as
It beats the nijinigger samefagging seethe, that's for sure
It has an extremely high fun potential for both fans and the girls. Hopefully the game loop is fun
Oh, well if Global said so, then it's obviously true. No one ever lies In Global. Fucking mongoloid.
You're retarded
Obviously Kronii
If they weren't retarded they wouldn't be nijisisters
So you think "the girls" in this case also hanged out with the homos?
I’d assume it’s partially true, but that he added extra people so he could cuckpost about Zeta. The anon who posted in /hlgg/ about it only mentioned ERB and Moona with the homos.
I'm thinking sharkie
potato potato
are you dumb? did you read my post and the post i linked?
Anon you're not making sense, can you decided if she lost a cat or not
roru. rumao even.
Yes and that's exactly why talent profit sharing is also included under SG&A by your logic. Also you're a stupid fuck if you are factoring in depreciated assets cost one year into the new studio life.
>>97212790 (me)
Just wanted to put in my thoughts too. I love coop farming games and the trailer shows different player names so it's already kino in my book.
kek look at this nigga
I don't think anything about that, you fucking mongoloid. Go back to global.
No mods no gods
Well the report on niji JP is fine actually
But nijinigs here don't give a shit about them other than "they're on the same team as niji EN"
It's niji EN's continuing catastrophe that's riling them up
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>the shark
I didn't say she did or didn't. I said you are just pretending to be a care to shitpost.
I'm just responding to this anon's claims that Anycolor doesn't pay their talents >>97211620
Which isn't true in average based on the financial statements I provided. Im sure both holos and niji made a shit ton of money
We should've used the other thread then
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NijiEN failing, good enough for me.
But they don't though?
What's with the seething Indocucks?
I’m pretty sure he’d be melting down even more if that was the OP.
Send it to falsed, needs to shame nijiniggers publicly again
AIEEEEEEE advert your eyes sisters.
Talent remuneration is explicitly accounted on CoGS according to Cover's financial documents
See >>97212129
He already has it set up to get the reports.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EW__2gnC8w [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfDN_TjmG3c [Embed]
Pekoshio monhun collab, but streams start at different times?
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Just like what I said. Cover does a breakdown on CoGS while AnyColor does not.
And you are still parading a false narrative that AnyColor has higher talent remuneration rate.
Learn to read nigger
What does "pretending to be a care" even means?
Are you some sort of judge who has a say on who can or can't care about something or someone?
I think you may be autistic anon, you should check with a specialist
But Niji doesnt state talent remuneration? How can you even compare data that doesnt exist?
Bae's membership post...
kanzarin as a mama for hololöive when?
Good, I fucking hate nijiniggers, specially this brigaders
Imma spam it on twitter once it came out
Then if you genuinely believes that and want bad things to happen to Anycolor, you should report that to the JSX and have them involved in a corporate fraud scandal considering their financial statements says otherwise.
its not on steam yet
draws weird faces
The answer to one of your questions was known for 3 years.
Where's AnyColor? Did you make up AnyColor's rate?
I can't believe she wished whole SEA to get nuked.
I'll start by saying that Holoindie is one of the best things Cover has done, the level of the games being released through this is crazy good.
Answering to your question it looks really good, but very ambitious too, so I hope the devs can keep up with the demand of content when it releases
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anycolor doesnt do a breakdown of performer expenses i wonder why
When mignon becomes a Holi mama
It's not surprising that Cover's profits are so much lower
They have a lot more staff being paid to sit around doing nothing
Nice way to dilute the conversation FAGGOT!
Niji is getting paid "in less" compare to holo talents
Stop bending reality FAGGOT!
Their financial statements don't say shit nijinig, but I'll go and report it anyways just in case
Obvious falseflag is obvious
>hiding the breakdown of talents remuneration
Nijibro, what are they hiding.
Mmm pagpag...
i thought you were talking about the rant.
Uh oh nijinig melty
i clicked Ollie streams and checked using playback, she did say exactly that, just 3 people with no space to cuckpost other girls. now what?
Pretend she said whatever it's needed to cuckpost
t. Nijifag trying to delegitimize everyone telling him he’s a retard
>Get asked about xer shitty misleading math
>*Cricket noises
Why are you asking me? Ask indocucks.
To give a venue for bad faith posters to spread misinformation like this >>97211820
T. Eurocuck
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>HoloEarth etc should be accounted under SG&A
In-house labor cost is always included under cost of sales retard, R&D too.
Also picrel states talent revenue share is not included under COGS so now you know why Cover's SG&A is always 3x higher than Anycolor's.
As always, it looks like he really prepared the shitpost just for today
I wonder how he able to do all of that that fast, its as if he already read if beforehand
we argue this shit everytime, even moreso when it's niji report
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I saw no one congratulating our unicorn queen
The shithead in /hlgg/ at least tried the “they were there, but Ollie is intentionally omitting their presence” angle. This retard just made shit up.
>1 hour of pekovivi clips
holy shit, this is doing numbers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDI_X2m_b04 [Embed]
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>nijisanji prison
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ak-Wy1MMwA [Embed]
How many?
She got it before the stream started
I cheated in my economics course so I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
Nijiniggers need to ply their psyops please understand
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oh fuck! IM SORRY, thread is shit
>AI response
Just refer to cover's official documents here anon >>97213044

Cover CoGS breakdown
>Performer remuneration
>Manufacturing costs
>Event related costs
>Outsourcing expenses
>Studio related costs

None are of HoloEarth R&Ds or their staffs salaries.
Cover also already said they already broke down the investments of HoloEarth into the depreciating assets account, which is part of SG&A
In this report it says Nijinis below cover and nijiEN somehow is in a more grim state.
Spy x family has been utterly disastrous for Anya's SEO
Nah, it's not that hard when you been building up false narratives for the past few reports.
Makes more of their money than the average holo talents btw
>Check the report thread in the catalog
>Nijinigs are still using the "HoloEN has made no profit" narrative
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Its coming
because you said its a lie? what kind of response is this
No. They been hitting that algo real good lately and new gen will bring the avarage high up.
No, they haven’t unplugged the iron lung yet.
>CoS 13B
>Graph CoS 5B
Can you even read numbers? And I would trust google AI more than your illiterate brain
It's the only thing they can cling to please understand
Taiwan is a Holo bastion.
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Merge ahead
Which ones? I may miss some since looks like I'm the only one willing to defend reality than blindly worshipping cover itt
Repeating old, debunked statement is their counter.
It's grim to be nijisanji defenders.
> Cover also already said they already broke down the investments of HoloEarth into the depreciating assets account
Let me guess, source is your blue waffle?
The financial statements referred here (>>97212085) is of a 9 months period as stated in the image. The 5B figure is of a single quarter.
>google AI
you aren't trusting an AI. AI doesn't Exist. You are trusting a retarded LLM which is a glorified larping chat bot.
He just assume that Anycolor has same talent remuneration rate as Cover?
If that's what he assumed, of course Anycolor would look like they paid their talents better but we don't know how much talent remuneration that Anycolor paid
Dear mongoloid, I only said that Global is full of bullshit and it should stay there. Every other specific you made up in your little mind. Go. Back.
Suisei karaokes are extremely rare and always get great numbers
Not now ennacuck
We are laughing at the NDF
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I can't wait bros
Are you copy-pasting your own posts? I read this shit yesterday.
Will king aster be in it?
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If you're browsing a chuuba with such a common name that way, it's kinda on you desu
You could always come back in 3 months for another deader report.
Their manufacturing cost is super high
luna-hime playing sekiro. nice.
>Kanzarin prefers her characters like THIS loli getting plapped by ugly ojisans in doujins
Lol. Lmao. Rumao even
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No, their official documents.
Also I needed to go back all the way to 2024 to find any detailed mention of HoloEarth. looks like they don't want investors to know much about that investment much anymore.
My point still stands, unless you have the breakdown of cover's SG&A then inhouse production cost would still fall under COGS under other cost of sales and talent revenue share is included in a different category.
Your mom wishes her child is more reliable than a glorified larping chat bot.
Joined an EDF 6 online lobby hosted by a JP streamer. I used the Holo collab decoy items and the jp host was really into it. He would always included a "san" when he recognized the holomem and say their names.
Arent they migrating Holoearth to Unreal5?
You know why they don't fat sister.
Where in this image does say it's included under SG&A?
is this what they call projection
They churned out so many merch that I'm not surprised if their manufacturing cost is high, right?
No, I assumed Anycolor and Cover both has similar costs for everything but Talent-remuneration considering it's mostly manufacturing costs, event costs, etc.
Such assumption is what made the conclusion that their remuneration is similar in average due to the their GPM.
hitmen don't count as talent remuneration, sister.
that's why Nijisanji has these creative names like Doppio Dropscythe, instant brand recognition
The one where it's said it's capitalized to their balance sheet (as an asset, which is deprecating in nature)
Anon... all their merch are the same cheaply mass produced items with just the respective liver printed on it
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Go back to cleaning my toilets
Nijihomobrown subhuman
Yeah and Willy AlgoGOD!
Why would you assume those things are the same for both companies?
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don't forget my guy fungus covid
He never saw Niji merch ""quality"".
Anya is a common name. you'll get much better results if you add "ch" after their name
>inhouse production cost would still fall under COGS
Cover brokedown their CoGS expenses, none are in house product development. It can't be on other costs as they have announced how much the project costs and the number doesn't add up even ignoring studio costs which they explicitly stated as other costs).
>talent revenue share is included in a different category
Cover explicitly stated Performer remuneration in their CoGS breakdown and referred them there as their large direct variable costs in other materials.
...And you think development cost for it would be 7B in FY2025?
Even if they have higher talent remuneration, would that still total talent remuneration and not average?
Would the average talent remuneration is worse because Anycolor has more talent than Cover?
To be fair, Anycolor is retarded enough to pay extra to produce the cheapest merch imaginable
Because they don't manufacture stuff themselves
Blue leeching whore pekora already leeching on shion
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so... it started... the yuri sloppy kissing chain...
Somehow, the nijinigs itt are way less retarded that the ones in the catalog thread
Those must be getting paid because they are just spamming the same old copes
What is this phenomenon? She is already gone.
Not all of SG&A are development costs. Cover may also have unannounced or undisclosed projects other than HoloEarth
Anon they are the same people
That's a lot of assumptions on the cost breakdown when these two companies have a different supply chain structures, event organizers, and other pipelines.
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People loved Fauna. Some didn't get theirs before she graduated.
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Its selling like hotcakes
Look Pagpap bros
Our Homotroon talked to a real girl while
while he was flipping burgers
Now I can self insert my Incel ass
>Cover explicitly stated Performer remuneration in their CoGS breakdown and referred them there as their large direct variable costs in other materials.
And nowhere in their documents have they explicitly stated if that would include their talent profit sharing scheme that the talents have been yapping about, which should not be included under COGS.
its a tranny
This one is when they met in Studio
Fauna as an IP is still strong.
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ootl what's going on with Bae
Merch deal are done a year before
Thats why Promise Figurine doesnt include fauna
why do aussies love ollie so much?
White Aussie or ID Aussie?
are they still allowed to profit off Fauna?
if anything I'd wager Anycolor has better supply chain infrastructure and therefore cheaper more efficient logistics since they've been doing commercializing merchs earlier than cover with Sony guidances. The only costs that Cover can be more efficient than Anycolor is studio related costs which is just a very small part of their cogs.
It's their IP, so yes.
>ID Aussie
Wha... QRD?
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Thank you based Nenechi for providing us with a paizuri hole
For some people crying over Sana is their favorite part of being a holofan, expect Fauna to get the same treatment. Hell Aloe streamed like twice before graduating and we got the cancer that was MASS out of it.
oh its this retard again lmao, i see youve been samefagging a lot
Don't see how it's fair to compare Sana or Aloe to Fauna when Fauna was around for 3 and a half years
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new development on the streamer murdered this shit is wild
they are just emptying their already made inventory
>We got some Fauna shit in our stock
>plan A: burn it
>plan B: sell it who cares
Technically yes, but they don't for graduated talents
I feel like it should be ok to continue to monetize a graduated talents IP if the talent is ok with it and it is also communicated that the talent is ok with it
Betting on brand vibes rather than actual numbers often leads to disappointing results.
Hololive is loosing mindchair in the west
They always empty their inventories. Aqua's 5th FES acrylic was restocked and sold after her graduation.
Suisei karaoke vs Miko Monhun(with Subaru
Brown Aussies, like Sana
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Hurry up, sing already
Miko Subaru collab? They will get gold, its basically 2 First Army versus one First Army
Didn't Suisei have a different thumbnail before?
she had 3. One by Okayu, One Subaru, and this one made by her.
Only merch that have been finalized, no new merch.
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So are you just going to ignore this huh?
around 50% of all expenses before 2023 goes into something that isn't talent revenue sharing because Cover refuses to account direct variable costs into CoGS?
What are you doing?
MikoSuba audience will be split
For Cover to have better talent remuneration rate than Anycolor then you'd have to believe that the incompetent staffs at Cover who can't even scheduler song releases properly even after countless times of issues are able to move and manufacture goods significantly a lot more efficient than Anycolor to close the 4% gross profit gap and then some more
Show their SG&A expense history for before 2023 then
Not really it's a multipov vs one single pov why are you dumb
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This Yuri arc is going to end badly...
believe in lapu she gonna take the flare route
Rare suisei gold. But I'm fine with it since a suisei gold is a Miko gold
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lets not forget that every exniji that leaves the corpo confirms this
Yep, I'm thinking that Suisei is undoubtedly the best singer in hololive.
Is that filthy frank?
Little did Kiara know Lapu must have eceleb cock in her mouth at all times
they are getting less than a mcd worker....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InoRtYSxtjg [Embed]
thread theme
Nah, moom is still the best
Laplus Feminization Arc is imminent. Kiara can do it.
Tell your Ennawhore to buy more pagpag Homotroon
We already knew this and more since yesterday including the receipt and chat log.
You want a retard race?
AnyColor staffs drive their liver to suicide attempts, so yea, Cover staffs are a lot less incompetent.
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Unfortunately Cover went public mid 2023, so they don't have any data before then in public. This is their SGA in mid 2023, HoloEarth has been announced and under development at this point.
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I only watch Hololive and Nimi
>holo gets paid less than this in average
oof..... nimi is justified
>I only watch Hololive and [traitorous dumb bitch who doesn't stream]
not new, the killer being someone who got scammed with no money left thinking either suicide or doing the deed is known already, its just how the fuck that trashtastefag make it about parasocial and idol out of nowhere
But the post was talking about manufacturing. Why are you talking now about staffing? And why do you keep saying talent remuneration is equal if Anycolor doesnt state that data?
Apparently she also scammed other men for money. so it's not just that one person who was getting his money drained.
uh oh ennacuck, 3 stars voice packs are 50/50
I heard they also releasing their organ confidential document like a working passport with their legal name and mailing address, in hope for their fan to personally hunt them.
She's being a bitch as usual
They don’t bother looking at details, they just rattle off what they think their audience wants to hear.
is this the latest breaindead spam?
If you have dumb staffs, you'd also have dumb deals with manufacturers
What happened to mumei
>why do you keep saying talent remuneration is equal if Anycolor doesnt state that data
You actually know why he does that there's no need to ask.
This was zaion right?
nijien literally makes no, there's no way they are getting paid good
Can you prove that Sony is not scamming AnyColor's dumbfuck, borderline malicious staffs?
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always pay up your debts, anons
Visa related, but she says Cover isn’t the one at fault (either she screwed up filling something out or the Japanese government is dragging its feet).
It happens every time a financial report drops because retards here are too retarded to read a document.
Suisei is singing a Russian sing
Suisei 50K
got thing mr P is distracted with the retards at saudi arabia
How does twitter note work again? Can anyone just post evidence and his shit?
The guy is a simp and the girl abused this knowledge
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Slip slip slip
Slippery king!
Nijisanji JP makes more money on its own vs Holo EN, Holo ID, Holo JP. The stock market Anycolor is higher then Cover.
Is talent remuneration that show is total rather than average?
So if Anycolor has same talent remuneration as Cover, their average talent remuneration is worse because Anycolor has more talent
the dogs are numberfagging monsters when they want to.
https://youtu.be/2orEW6Lp-4U [Embed]
>mogged for DOUBLE the ccv....
>talent remuneration is equal if Anycolor doesnt state that data
I said they're virtually the same or very close in average. I made no assumptions about their talent remuneration rate, if I did I'd assume they'd be lower than holo based on what I know.
I made assumptions on all their other direct variable costs but talent remuneration, which concludes what I stated.
Fantasy, sensational channels shouldn't be treated as a news channel.
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Joysound has a new Streamer plugin? You can now see the lyrics on stream.

This is… long overdue!
ok so the girl ask the guy(a fan) for money and the guy took a loan to lend her the money?
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yeah, but no clipping allowed.
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Assuming 700M is taken out of SG&A for ~500 employee salary which also includes the developers involved in the holoearth project for the first 3 months of 2023, where does the other 1B go?
So you're saying they are paying Kuzuha 80% of that while the rest struggle to keep up?
That would mean victim blaming(even tho its true), and normalfags like this narrative more
Will she transform into a butterfly after a month?
If your oshi didn't join the EN karaoke and she isn't Mori, Kronii or Mumei how do you cope? I'm curious.
Yes, possibly. which also explains why their top talents are very comfortable there.
>I made assumptions on all their other direct variable costs
But you dont have that data either...
I love suzy
>irl streamer
really trying hard huh?
Your oshi is a Nijihomo
4 millions yen, yes.
My oshi is JP.
only rosarians have to cope because of that one tweet
>with kiara
she has a damn good reason
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They're really riled up aren't they
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This is the size of Doggos plushie BTW
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another very strong day for nijiEN
>waited the 15 minutes like a good puppy
good boy ennacucky, here's your (you) as a prize
That's why it's an assumption anon. If anything the assumption should be Anycolor is more efficient in logistics since they've been dealing with the for a lot longer and their annual merchs are all uniformed plastics with a different png.
Unlike Cover which has custom merchs.
Is this "real"?
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hes not showing the avg ccv for a reason
probably algo boosted raids
Your assumption that a much larger company, like Sony, is providing AnyColor a better supply chain rate shows your maturity on economy.
Companies always charge a premium for convenience.
Your 3 view botted Nijihomo is cleaning Indian toilets in London
tbf the ttfag only pushing for the parasocial part, but lot of replies to the news has been about japan=obsessed fan=idol culture
is a combination of bots and spiritbombs they are trying to create a nijibox with the minecraft server
nijien's tinbox isreal
Depreciating assets, administrative costs, C-level salaries, etc
Another Holo 50K
Raiding scarle almost feels malicious even if most of the raid is bots, she makes good money but she does it by giving her small audience a lot of attention, and that audience is almost totally disconnected from the rest NijiEN
Show the 5k bots
even the plush has disgusting cow tits
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Then i can also assume most of the profit is going into Riku/the investors's pockets, because there's no data about anything
Why is Jun playing that?
>50k utawaku
EN could never
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is wild how scarle is so detached of the other nijis kek
Why is he playing that?
He wants to get Pekora
His numbers dropped and is looking at that hate marketing strat
attention whoring of course
Every nijiEN raid has the exact same rate of bleedout. Don't question it.
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I said guidance anon. that means contacts to whatever chinese suppliers they usually or no longer use and such.
wtf why is that fag playing that game
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I recalled a report where the vendors (youtube, spwn, etc) cut were included.
Would be interesting to see this chart again. But some vendors usually don't want this to be disclosed.
nijikeks... at this point you're bullying some of your organs like this
HP means Hololive Power btw
That would be neat, but it would be accounted for in CoGS on outsource expenses instead of SG&A since it's a direct variable costs.
Wow Sony consultation rate is free of charge.
their ENsharted raids are always so constant in shredding ccv
What's the Holo record of this game?
the same fucking decline rate
Score ingame or ccv?
I think the report you're thinking of is the securities report which only comes out annually, and only in Japanese
and is also a real bitch to work with because it's a secured PDF so you can't just copy text to translate it
Does Jun know FlowGlow?
Can't imagine Kaela losing ingame
Does the shark?
I was right then and I still am now
Translate the image migga
What shark
Kaela is nowhere near pekora's score
of course
Jungang, i don't feel so good.
I was fine with Wilson but the fact they are dragging my side oshi into this is to much.
>Post a bunch of "assumptions" based on no data from anycolor
"This is fact. Im right"
>covid numbers
meanwhile an almost full branch offcollab utawaku from EN can't even get half of suityan's regular utawaku numbers. the shark's birthday buffed unarchived announcment stream barely broke 30k too. face it, EN is dead.
Only people from Niconico maybe?
What about Suisei
Time to move on chumbud
anon... nijiEN is dead... stop deflecting using nijiseethe and face it... it would be healthier...
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>doomposting about nijiEN when Luxiem 2.0 will be debuting soon
They did this 3 months ago. They'll do it in 3 months time as well.
Man Holo JP is so Kino when it comes to sponserships meanwhile EN is getting lamps
HoloEN still have the biggest sponsorhip retard
HP bricked my printer
Fuck em
Ya, I think that's the one. Thanks
chuubas are way more established in the mainstream in jp, en is bigger and still refraining towards anime stuff and ESPECIALLY niche things like chuubas
>50k on an utawaku
>in jp where they arent even buffs
also is this unarchived? first time seeing a joysound one
>Nijicope stops
>Holo vs Holo starts
Im noticing
Taco bell sponsorhip exist
EN hasn't made a return on investment after 5 years for a reason. Nobody outside of their little "box" gives a single fuck about them.
>hyte defection from selling niji pc case to only hololive and indie.
stop noticing
You can't nooticing, that illegal.
nice to see some mainland chinese people still stayed
1. it's Suisei
2. Suisei utawaku is so fucking rare at some point the only way to hear Suisei sing is by watching her paid concerts
3. archived but no clipping because JOYSOUND
4. Chihaya also used JOYSOUND https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5RmtZj9eYA [Embed]
It's the new plugin thing where it shows the lyrics too, and yea no clips.
Also, Suisei hasn't done a karaoke in ages and is known for singing (hence rarity buff)
Think its archived, but due to joysound no clipping is allowed
dont let all the shit flinging at the wall deflect from the fact that botting isn't going to save nijien's bottom line.
>the shark
Its ennacuck discord
Suisei does once a year birthday karaoke that gets 50k
While Gura can appear any moment with a karaoke and get 40k
I don't think some HoloEN fans want HoloEN become more mainstream because the chance of collab with male is higher when HoloEN become more mainstream
Pretty sure that’s her like 3rd or 4th biggest stream CCV ever
Gura's 40k has rarity buff too. It was way lower when she was doing it semi-frequently.
Which is a shame, as it's blatantly obvious that Niji is botting EN
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this thread is still alive? we are getting old
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/lig/ (op)s are always bangers
He did it
Another collab with Miko that the company goes out of its way to turn into a spectacle. She's just too powerful.
Wonder about the future of EN I can't see CGDCT group interacting with male celberites like JP does without backlash.
>Post an opinion
>Fags reply with buzzwords cause they have no real arguments
Every time.
micomet sex commentated by the biggest micometfags known to man
Who is that pink blob
>HoloEN soaring higher than ever
>sharkie dead
>niji dead
>Nimi's cat dead
Hololive won a complete victory
idk I'm not a lig resident, i just steal their (op)s
Now all we need is for the shark to official leave and holoEN can enter a new golden era. No more lazy shitters.
You can really tell when they switch
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ID4 doko?
they should start banning for samefagging
>without backlash
There are also schizopost on the jp side, JP holofags are just a trillion times better than EN holofags not to put a spotlight on obvious schizos.
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Samefagging again again Ennacucky
Shit taste
holy shit, just use hepburn japs
The next post is gonna be irys lost to vox
They got rid of the IP counter specifically to encourage samefagging.
Go check risu's latest mengen
FWMC too
/#/ needs thread id just like /biz/
Since someone mentioned OtakuLamps their best sellers are STILL in order Gura, Ina, Ame, Mori then Zentreya then IronMouse,2 Solo Levelling keychains then Kiara
So, soon then?
all me
its to save server costs
that and region flags. It won't stop them from threadshitting but at least it would be way funnier for me to watch
FWMC care about hololive. the shark couldn't even show up to Japan for holofes and she had to be skinwalked. She does not deserve to be under the hololive brand.
Get well baubaus
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Isn't 50k kinda low for suicyan karaoke?
Has she been away from streaming for too long?
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jwu, always funny to see nijinigs damage controlling their shit reports
how about you fags aske your willy wonkers to use his dark algo magic on the revenues kek
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14.7 mil views
Hololive only grows stronger
Shit music choice, also joysound has dogshit instruments
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sending positive bau baus to the silly dawgs
This but Kobo
Is this woman even playable yet?
She's the face of the company at this point.
thread ID is fine, I dont want flag because the thread will revolve around it instead
Why is she a cat now?
her playlist is BAD
>We’re sorry, Ruffians!!

>We’re both feeling rather under the weather and exhausted, so we’re going to cancel our next FUWAMOCO MORNING and Superchat Reading for now! bau bau… ⤵⤵ We’ll rest up lots! We’re looking forward to spending more time together soon!

Can they go even 2 weeks without cancelling streams
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If this was nijisanji, they would demand them to stream.
So that Karaoke is a ground zero?
Would they?
Even then, her last one was 63k and... 10 months ago
oh, that dude is the asmongold of jp
it's GG. You know she's gotta be really dirty and gross.
yes, she's not sick so idk why you posted that
No. Mori did not have an illness that spreads and with her general health, image would have picked it up
No, they probably got homework again
So another 60k-70k gold for miko today?
Yea a groud zero for rm work maybe
skip all this shit, just say "Suisei is falling, she'll graduate soon" and be over with it.
Would be a different case if she started with Bansanka followed by Hai Yorokonde instead of all these old ass songs
so which EN wsa hanging out with Liz, Ollie and the boys then?
no one every said
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>during the time of COVID
Pathetic. Find me a Gura Karaoke within the year 2024-2025 and use that to compare to Suichan's 50k karaoke. NOW.
isn't it terrible to pull this kind of shit on that bitch
i went to check her channel and i've kept scrolling i couldn't fine a fucking collab with niji
i think she's been ignoring them for months kek
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>skipped Japan
>thus also avoids the sickness spreading at all these offcollabs and gatherings with other holos

Well well look who's laughing now. By dodging these she can now continue to work and stream like normal unlike the other unfortunate holos
no, flags are distracting discussions.
Rangeban SEA already
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Surely you won't samefag this
Literally fucking none Ollie only talked about IDs
True, just rangeban SEA
Taiwanese EMT got a free penlight
Her birthday announcement boosted unarchived karaoke barely broke 30k. The shark's numbers are shit now.
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LMAO, go ahead show me when was the last time Gura had a stream during 2024 that reached 40k, NOT 3d lives or any special events btw.
When you remove all of the fake covid numbers, Salome is the holder of the karaoke CCV record followed by Chloe.
MH waiting room
>Pekora 4k
>Miko 3k
>Subaru 2.6k
>Shion 1.2k
Miko gold today.
Gura is a worthless shitter. Nobody has given a single fuck about her since 2021.
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That's nice of cover to send them a replacement
I've always wondered how zatsus and karaokes handle Youtube supposedly hiding tabbed out viewers. Because during this karaoke Suisei's numbers rose by 1k or so when she left the screen for a bit ie. during the moment something happened on screen.
Africans watch anime
Has Suisei's taste in music gotten more mellow and sad this past year?
There was this portion of songs during her Yokohama live where there were too many in a row and I actually got bored, even though she sang well and they were good songs. Getting the same feeling now.
So the top 4 stream for nijiEN today is still botted. Seems their management really trying to salvage their image with this minecraft event especially that q3 repotrt is out and their branch is really on the grim side on the report
Jesas, they can't even go for a full month without cancelling a stream at least once? There's TWO of them! One can stream breifly while the other rest, then switch.
You can't be sick if you are already sick
Didn't Mumei get a superchat from Tanzania or somewhere once?
Historically karaoke are the most affected, since people leave it in the background as a playlist.
It's one entity in two bodies
Like post-Unalive Mori?
At least Mori's latest album is better again
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Those raiders are very polite
Not a single one of them typed in chat
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>Not a once a year birthday karaoke
Youtube applies different algos, and they keep changing the algos every few months.
It's never the same.
They really should just fucking drop schedules at this point. This is ridiculous.
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OkaKoro my beloved
They are batmen
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I hope it's a fatal disease and they die.
This butt for all Niji Livers
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Yeah and all 4 streams today have the same pattern. so this bot do move to another nijiEN stream automatically?
Flags would make things worse, all means of proper thread discussion would automatically just lead to shitflinging about the nationalities and stuff instead.
suisei general is melting down
We already do that anyway.
Hololive are so warm
don't know but it's not normal for 95% of a raid to transfer either so obviously something is fucky
perhaps viewfarms instead of bots
Suisei, don't mogg my daughter...
Sora-senpai is still the only one that can sing stuff like this with no issues
>Pekora 40k doryaaaa and bleed view to 20k after
>Miko 30~40k
>Subaru 50~60k gold suikek get mogged doryaaaa
>Shion 20k
Post UnAlive was Shinigami Note which was Mera Mera, CapSule, and Make Em Afraid how was that sad or mellow
I hope that every Nijihomo will die from AIDS
One Ruffian is a Nigerian
Make that two
Koyori and Gigi are sick too, both just tweeted about it

One of the holos is a superspreader
Probably an ID
someone tell them that bots don't send spacha
They don't call her her human vocaloid for no reason
Suisei has never performed in Yokohama retard.
Yeah thats what im thinking. might be chinese viewfarm bots on which im sure its not some schizo in here doing the botting since its been going for like how many days
ohh so that's why I felt I heard this song recently. It was Kanade during Fes, right?
half of the replies are already like that tbf
Can Indonesians carry human diseases?
>We already do that anyway
Multiply that by ten. That's what we will get if flags were implemented. I've seen a brief glimpse of that during the finals of the world cup (eurocup? the one that Wawa had a series of watchalongs to support her nation Austria). I went to the Sports thread (you know what it is). They have Flags... And it was so fucking BAD. Downright horrendous. The level of shitflinging I've seen over there makes our usual stuffs here look like child's play. You get what I mean.
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AIEEEEEE invisible raid
Fuck, true, it was Saitama.
I don't know Tokyo regions.
1000 replies??????????
Numbers strong
We're inclining!
that whole shitshow gets even better when you go and check their SCs for it, that's the best king willy wanka got the rest is half of it or a quarter on his other MC streams
vt slowed down by a lot
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>4.25 hour thread
Guessing there are a lot of bait threads removed from the catalog.
So we expect a merge for NijiEN soon?
so close to kanade...gook assemble
no but they will probably post the increased watchtime of nijien in the next report. Stating that there is a increased interest for nijien
Expect more desperate botting
I don't think nikinis going to merch EN. That's would signal that they don't have any influence outside Japan and that they would be fighting in the only market they exist in
Don't think it would make much sense at this point.
>But IF... was really a great choice! We were thinking about singing Orange Parade, but the management people said "one million views on IF, what about playing that?"
>Korone: It's all about numbers, guys, Remember that!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCe3wCrgL54 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCe3wCrgL54 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCe3wCrgL54 [Embed]
They literally can't or investors will shit themselves.
>1000 post thread of nothing but bait and shitposting
Everyone here should die
they're busy here
Not with ENchanted inclining the branch, no
Last Post of the Thread and I say I love Moona.
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good morning /cunny/
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me too anon
why do you reply with random kpop negroes? post tits?
I miss Nimi

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