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The 427th Wind

>CURRENT: Just talking in your ear while waiting for food to arrive (Space)

>LAST STREAM:【#hololivefesEXPO25 KARAOKE OFF-COLLAB AFTERPARTY】silly happy party together #holoEN【FUWAMOCO】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzPU6Pni-XQ [Embed]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks

{COVER} Forgotten Words | 忘れじの言の葉 #歌ってみた #cover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twto2g0FwTQ [Embed]
【MV】Odyssey - Hololive English (Original Song) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wO8d70KSXw [Embed]

HoloPro: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/ceciliaimmergreen
GeekJack: https://shop.geekjack.net/pages/hololive
hololive closet Cecilia Immergreen New Year Outfit: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololivecloset_ceciliaimmergreen_newyearoutfit
hololive English Advent VS Justice Valentine's Day https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_advsjus_valentine2025
hololive English Spring Party!: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_springparty
hololive SUPER EXPO 2025 Merch: Check HoloPro link above [Order period : 2025/03/08 12:00 ~ 2025/04/28 18:00 (JST)]

#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>97164117 →
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>Matching with Biboo
>Has pinched Biboo’s cheeks
what cheeks
ceci should stop snacking at random time of the day. its almost time for bed and she EATS again? the only thing she should start back home is a weight loss program.
I am healed. Wish she did one sooner but better late than never, she's so cute just chatting.
Probably the face one but she didn’t specify.
You sleep at 10pm?
>>97218824 (OP)
What if... CC wears a skirt for her idol outfit?
It's 10pm and, judging by their tweets in the past days, they go to bed at 3am.
Zeitplan: regular streams resume next week
what if ceci felt so insulted by weak arms that she started doing strength training exercise streams weekly.
>regular streams resume next week
cc said maybe
And that strength training is just milking my massive schlong for hours on end.
She has to fix her sleep schedule first to have the energy to do that.
They will, unless she gets sick.
ok cc
I wonder if her phone mic is just really sibilant or if she has it naturally but it's tamed by eq on streams
you are either an audiofag or work in audio
it's just twitter space audio with phone mic. go listen to biboo or gg spaces, they suddenly have a lisp too.
I just watched Wayne's world 2 as a kid
Some Otomo are old.
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i usually go to sleep at 11 pm and cc streams usually start at 10 pm for me... it's hard
I'm kinda glad she decided not to stream much during the trip this time. Her average is nearly a stream per day for the 7-8 months since debut. She needed a little break
Try living in Australia, CC’s streams start at 4 ~ 5am for me daily
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>She needed a little break
Try living in Europe.
Literally every other Holo EN streams at 4 ~ 5 am daily.
this few weeks have been really stale, cant wait for this fes arc to be over. Ceci shouldn't be having so much fun. They should be streaming to entertain ME
I was thinking about what to do at next fes.
Would staff let you put little 3D printed otomos in slightly out-of-the-way places?
They'd have a little note
>Hello! I am an otomo!
>Can you bring me to Cecilia Immergreen?
Maybe translated to japanese on the other side.
So by the end of the fes there are a pile of little otomos around her stand.
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>Would staff let you put little 3D printed otomos in slightly out-of-the-way places?
They will see this post and update their rules for the next fes, because
You can message or email them to ask, they probably have to check all of them out of fear some one put a tracker or substance on them but I do think it’s probably okay if it is next to her stand.
Yeah, that's my expectation too.
Also there's the problem of actually having to place them. It's not like I could do it surreptitiously, any time it's open to the public it's going to be crowded, so I'd be this weird oji gaijin leaving cheap plastic toys in places.
People would definitely steal them first.
you could print them out and stick them to surfaces as a dangling like sticker or something that is easy to take off, just take care it doesn't make the surface dirty nor damage it in any way
Or as keychain or Pin. Those are also easy to take and place / remove, they are also pretty cheap to produce so you can give out a bunch to other Otomo as gift or help placing them if you want.
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I cringe reading that tweet
I feel reading that tweet was a waste of my time and brain resources.
Pretty girthy. I bet it would feel good
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>wake up
>TL full of cc+gg
Many such cases
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nta but imagine how nice fresh warm cum would feel on your body
Is that your fetish, femtomo?
You really didn't need to share it with us.
other option is gaytomo, but if you prefer it that way...
Why would he need to imagine? Just jerk off.
are you guys fucking new to the x/twitter vtuber community or what? this is pretty much the typical holofan tweets nowadays
I don't read holofan tweets. I read this one only because of >>97221845
It's cringe when it's a dude doing it....
Other people's cooking always seems to taste better.
I don't see the issue with it.
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made me laugh have a (you)
Did they put something weird in the water they served at holoexpo/fes?
yeah what exactly was cringe about it
>beep boop beep boop did you know that I'm jerking off in Japan lmao. Just kidding
He's just being silly, anon. Have you no whimsy?
I don't care anymore
Just listened to the space
She had a lot of fun, yay!
>Next week might return to normal
But it does seem like everyone is getting sick
nta but being silly is being cutely stupid
if you're not cute all that's left is just being stupid
>>97223770 (me)
Also, do these spaces stay archived?
>didn't listen to space
>it does seem like everyone is getting sick
what'd happened? throat issues or colds?
Maybe that anon think he cute
>guy jerking off
Multiple things I guess
In the space Gigi was laying down and coughing the whole time
Ceci is also coughing a bit now
Other girls have bit different problems
When has silly ever been about being "cutely stupid" lmao silly is being foolish, ridiculous, childish, playful, lighthearted, being cute was never a mandatory part of it
Yeah, I said that anon is gay
I see. Well, it's that kind of weather probably. During the day it's warm, evenings are still cold.
Easy to get cold or something.
Yeah, people always get sick around seasons changing and being in a new place makes it easier too
But CCGGRR are going to an onsen soon so that will help with it
Cali got sick and it spread to all of them as they hung out over the last week
>being ridiculous, childish, playful, lighthearted
is kinda cute
Finally something I get to blame Mori for again! jk
Jerking off can also mean being idle or not doing what you should be doing, which in this context makes sense if op was away for travel

probably intentional wordplay given theyre an nsfw artist and are travelling?
add to that morning recording sessions and evening group drinking sessions combined with karaoke or other activities
being treated as a "cute" guy isn't fun at all
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>Do these spaces stay archived?
Yep, you can download it if you are worry since twitter has been acting up lately.
yeah and someone can totally do something that's "cute" while being an ugly disease ridden fat bastard irl. We all know despite being depicted as cute little otomo robots most CC fans are just as such
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>ugly disease ridden fat bastard irl
False. That's no longer cute...
It can come off as infantilizing, yeah. If it makes you feel any better, women feel the same way if it isn't another woman saying it.
It is influenza season so its not surprising, happened in my work place around december, almost everyone got sick
Oh yeah, she's trying to maximize the amount of things she's doing before she's leaving so the lack of sleep is expected
Sleep deprivation also makes it easier to get sick as well
I think I'll get it then, just in case
hows the CC noises voice pack? anyone buy it yet and review
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0rSQNpKMlg [Embed]
>women feel the same way
nta but if a woman was asked if she's a guy she'd probably flip the table and murder whoever asked that
at least those normal ones
>Sleep deprivation also makes it easier to get sick as well
yeah, sometimes all you need to prevent getting sick is just go to bed early and warm yourself up properly after all... but you might not catch the hint your body is giving you while having fun with friends
Something tell me CC wouldn't
You mean Ao-kun?
I now need a one-on-one collab with CC playfully bullying IRyS pronto
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I bought it. It's pretty cute, but I expected more. It's cheap though, so I guess you get what you pay for. I liked her first notification/alarm VP much more. Oh, and there's no point in buying both languages for this one, unless you just want to support her extra. She isn't talking in most of the files, so it's 90% the same.
>but you might not catch the hint your body is giving you while having fun with friends
Oh it's really easy to push yourself when you're having fun with friends
Resting a bit will help a lot with it
mittsu organized an otomo photoshoot, did she upload it anywhere? Cant find it on her twitter
I'm still traumatized by those fat, balding male grems kissing eachother in front of Gigi. You are grown ass fucking man, you have no pride and had no father figure in your life. You are not cute weeb. You are gay, drooling retard in your 30s
Pretty sure I saw something like that on twitter, but I have no clue if it's the same one you are talkig about. Just go through the tags.
Bro chill
Anon, they're not doing it because they think it's cute, they did it because it's funny, please go outside
He just mad, let him rant
What kind of things does she say in it actually?
Is at all simple stuff?
sorry, I had to get it off my chest
you are saying it like it is common for men to kiss eachother for lols. I think you should change your friends
baseball huh?
You're just mad no one is kissing you
1. Singing/humming some song for a few seconds
2. Plop-like mouth sounds followed by a giggle
3. Cranking her key followed by a weeeoom
4. Positive affirmations
5. Brrrrrring
Oh hey, good news
>>97224764 →
It was fake thankfully
I will live without balding fat men kissing me, I promise.
You on the other hand, should stop using overheard buzzwords to pretend you are right and actually grow your own personality and soul
Ook ook numbermonkey want banana?
>tried to post soundpost
>Error: Maximum allowed video duration is 120 seconds.
why the fuck
Okay, yeah, that's really cute
I need it!
Will probably get both versions just to see the difference
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Ok here you go
She retweet it since another Otomo took the picture.
I think it's important to know that she's not actually being botted and it's normal growth so it doesn't feel fake when she reaches 400k
Why otomos so fat..
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otomos, I thought we are white
>1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOKtOs0HxNQ [Embed]
2. >pic
They look American to me so...
And I thought we're mostly in Europe and not Japan...
>Anon wouldn't have survived male friendships pre world war
Well, it's not actual plops, but similar. I don't know how to describe sounds.
I see... guess there's only one way to find out
Does this cyan/blue greenish flag means something?
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Have you seen us ?
joking aside, a decent amount of them look like they are wearing multiple coat since it’s still snowing Japan.
I don’t think so ? Could be her theme color or favorite color but correct me if I’m wrong.
It's either her eye and hair color or just a reference to those being her favorite colors
Are Otomos edible?
I assume they were a couple, in which yes, it would be very common for them to kiss.
I like the green otomo sweater from the guy in the front. Overall it seems like a nice group of people.
I'll be there next year
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>>97227179 (me)
Should have a line from Biboo to Ceci too honestly
CC also met up with Kiara. Should be a direct line if she is actually patient 0.
>patient 0
you're talking about it as if it's some epidemic
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All baked good otomo are !
Maybe that too, yeah
It's funnier to treat it that way
It is. It starts with a sore throat and a fever. You think it's just a cold, but then it happens - your body starts to change. You develop weird mannerisms, strange speech patterns, and a compulsion to wander towards the alps. Before you realize it, you've already turned into an Austrian.
Woof, I'm too old to be in this fandom.
What why do two of them have their faces censored?
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>Before you realize it, you've already turned into an
probably they're mythical creatures known as femtomos which existence cannot be revealed to the masses
Some of those guys look like they can be in theirs 30s. How old are you ?
> why do two of them have their faces censored?
Probably want to keep their privacy, some people don’t like social media or something.
Fuck, you're right
They really do exist...
Only the one in front looks like one though
Which one is Mittsu?
I'm just joking. It's more likely >>97227923
>Probably want to keep their privacy, some people don’t like social media or something.
She's a big girl
>Some of those guys look like they can be in theirs 30s. How old are you ?
I could pass for 30s if I shave. Maybe.
They should stop being fat and brown
Just got it and yeah, I have no idea how to describe the plop sounds properly either
It's like a 2 piece plop with one in and one out going, such a weird but nice sound
So cute...
Also the JP sounds are a bit different
Yeah, her giggle is noticeably different, which is kinda weird. Why would you record it twice when you're doing the exact same thing.
to give it a different flavour perhaps?
I guess it's for those of us who buy both so we can mix them around with the variations
Goddamnit I was finally on the road to recovery from being a Gosling and now after that twitter space I'm right back where I was...
>on the road to recovery
>back where I was
your recovery was just an illusion
there was never a way to recover to begin with
If that's all it took, you were never on the road to recovery.
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All roads lead to Rome.
Moving in a black hole always leads to the singularity.
You can not stop the forward progress of time, until the universe stops changing.
No matter what you do,
No matter what happens,
There is no escape.
You cannot run.
You cannot hide.
The only thing you can do is accept your fate.
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I'm starting with the man in the mirror (Who?)
I'm asking him to change his ways (You)
And no message could have been any clearer
If you wanna make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change
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Gonna try to nap. See you in a few hours!
it's hard to change your own face...
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Heal your spirit and the body will follow
https://youtu.be/mcgIS0jHhEM?t=9 [Embed]
oh, then it is okay. I thought they were just clowns
no way that's okay, if you let them kiss then you'll encourage them to do even more... like HAND HOLDING
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the perfect merch doesn't ex-
So uh...
I've been listening to the files, but I'm not sure how to make my phone use them...
I asked the same question and got an answer.
Technically for Android, but should work for Iphone
>>97203690 →
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>knowing how to customize your phone's sounds isn't common knowledge anymore
Thanks, I've an android so that worked just fine
I wonder how hard it is to change the system sound though...
I never bothered to do it before because I'm always on PC so...
It's so dumb
I want it
top left one
>all phones are the same black rectangular thing
>only customization people do to their phones is the wallpaper
i hate it here
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You mean again?
I've never customized my phone in 15 years of smartphones. Too distracting
I surprised some people by telling them that I changed the way the power button on my pc works... that instead of hibernation it shuts down my pc and closing the lid puts it to hibernation instead of sleep...
I told them those are basic functions, they didn't believe me...
no, they also buy some retarded cases for their phones

personally whenever some of my family members gets a new phone I am tasked with transferring all the data and sometimes I'm even playing entire day or two learning all the features on how to use and customize this new phone... it's addicting
btw my phone never goes out of vibration mode only, especially for the alarms
i thought it was a reference to this random spoiler she posted back in november, since it looked like a flag
although the width of the middle bar isn't quite right. idk

i still have no idea if we ever saw the result of this lol
I didn't notice it earlier. I can't believe it.
She equipped Schedule with a chat feature!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-35UzQOnzRE [Embed]
slowtomo she did it today for twitter space
probably the censored one who is holding this
yeah thats the reference
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I thought I was scrolling my feed on twitter, instead I was still under that tweet of hers...
found something funny though!
I want CC to stream i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna i wanna
i wanna i wanna i wanna
i wanna i wanna i wanna
i wanna i wanna i wanna
The onsen trip is today(JST) so that's not happening for a while
onsen stream???????????????????????????????????????????????
Not a bad idea, but it probably won't happen
I saw that Ollie said Gigi and Ceci are always next to each other and that it really does look like they're dating
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How much kiss and sex do you think the two of them had during this trip?
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Onsen space!
Is she actually gay for gigi...
Where did all of you come from suddenly?
Yeah, that is probably the reference. Prop to that Otomo for remembering about this.
> although the width of the middle bar isn't quite right
Probably hard to see that color in broad day light or they didn’t have it.
Shut up. Dont ruin another thread.
I'd really prefer if you would be quiet
Otomo kinda look like the kind of egg they boil in hot spring.
uh huh
You know there's a perfect thread for this right?
Here >>97200011 →
Let this one stay comfy
You are mentally ill, in the extreme minority, nobody fucking cares or agrees with what you have to say, and YOU are the one ruining the past couple threads. Fuck off. Dont even respond to me or anybody else. I wont respond again.
You must be annoying as fuck in real life lmao.
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>anonymous keyboard warriors picked up the keyboards yet again
Can't we have a nice thread to sip the tea in peace for once?
Classic projection
I'm here every day helping to keep this thread alive at dead hours, but yes, I am the problem, not the random shipping that happens every few days at around the same times actually
Every other thread ships them constantly, let's have at least one that doesn't, please
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>you are all wrong, I'm better than everybody
How can one man be this mindbroken, are you actually rider??? no way anyone else is this retarded
>tages: mindbreak, inability to see norms (gaslighting?)
It seems the CC thread is the one thread not allowed to talk about CC ships for some reason, weird rule
Why always 2?
Heres a third you stupid piece of shit. not that you have any fucking way to know not like we have IP counters any more. Dumbass.
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I didn't complain about ship talking. I complained about keyboard warriors, see the difference?
For me, both you shiptalkingcomplainers and shiptalkingdefenders are guilty
This place is note your hugbox, bro. Anons can post whatever they want, obviously staying on topic, if it bothers you so much use the hide function, it's that easy, just stop shitting threads with this stupid discussion.
no, im fairly sure the retard picking fights all the time (singular) is at fault, hope this helps
https://youtu.be/SSWobCOLxHs?t=6729 [Embed]
>honestly they look like girlfriends. If people ship them hard, I dont blame them, they look like they would be making out
I guess he also tends to reply to himself a lot and talks both ways too.
Weirdly aggressive
>just stop shitting threads with this stupid discussion.
I'm not the one that randomly comes here just to say how much they love the "orgies that everyone is clearly doing"

You know, it's weird because we didn't use to have these discussions at all, but the last 2-3 weeks they suddenly popped up, always at around this time as well so it's clearly like 2-3 people doing it at max
Is it shipping if it's a canon event?
Yes... CCGG shipping didnt exist until 2 weeks ago.... And SURELY it is only two people who are in some sort of conspiracty against YOU the amazing altruistic and favorite anon of the thread who single handely keeps this threads afloat.
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Well, if you're going to shit the thread anyway then...
Pull out the knives! Fight it out like the real otomos!
At this point I genuinely wouldn't be surprised
>I'm not the one that randomly comes here just to say how much they love the "orgies that everyone is clearly doing"
No, but you're the one that starts stupid discussions, stop that. You don't see anons going "ugh stop gosling posting, she's lesbian!!", do you? So why are you trying to start shit with something as innofesive as ship posting? Can't you do the same as them and just ignore what you don't like?
>You know, it's weird because we didn't use to have these discussions at all, but the last 2-3 weeks they suddenly popped up
It started with that poltard cuck tourist, shippers got way more active because he stirred shit.
Oh hey, I feel like I have seen you in days.
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cecila immer...
No, I didn't say that
The shipping always existed, just not in this manner
It was softer, more focused on how cute they were and not always about sex, that's the new part
I want that kind of shipping to stay, not the constant sex talk
I'm fine with shipping as long as it stay on the cute side, that's nice
I don't think it's that hard to keep it cute
Shut up.
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>not enough blood
>not enough knives
should I help you out guys?
Didnt you JUST see him brag about keeping the thread alive, it wouldnt surprise me
Didn't know doing the bare minimum was bragging
>I'm not the one that randomly comes here just to say how much they love the "orgies that everyone is clearly doing"
how much of a faggot can you be man, how are even /here/ with this much estrogen in your body, hopefully every ship post ruins your day
Clearly it drives him crazy. I personally will make sure to keep posting about CC and GG being cute together just like I have been, now knowing it makes the resident schizo seethe.
It affects me a lot less than you think it does
>CC and GG being cute together
That's exactly what I asked you to do so please do that
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Unless his goal is to increase the amount of ship posting and it's just his reverse psychology trying to turn this thread into shipping thread instead.
But surely he wouldn't try to use such manipulation techniques right?
WHY!!!! im having fu n
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Otomos are such a cute toys...
so much bullyable...
Ceci is right...
Otomos are... so much bullyable!
Hi Ceci!
ok carry on
do an impression of what you think an otomo sounds like
>Im clearly unbothered by this, so I'll keep whinning and responding to show just how much I dont care
thats what they sound like, i wonder what type of girls ceci ACTUALLY likes
I don't want to sound like animal crossing character
Hoping for more singing and music creation streams when she gets back. It'd be cool if she can create an original song for her 3D debut and maybe even do some of the creative process on stream, would be unique since everyone's usually just ultra secretive about their songs till release.
Stop making this posts, it makes me miss her more
That femgrem has a hot voice though
stip being horny ceci wouldnt like it
can we skip couple cancerous steps like namefagging and can you and this whore already move to some discord server?
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its LATE

im just bored and interacting with fans of the same vtubers i like why are you being weird about it
ceci would glance at this and then ignore it because she doesnt wanna talk about evil lewd stuff
>vtuberS i like
Definitely more singing stream, she still lack confidence with the high notes during the off collab karaoke.
interact? You mean farm attention from weirdoes like this retard?
i msotly like gigi... dont be PARASOCIAL
when a man does it its jsut shitposting, when a woman does it its farming attention kys whore etc <_<
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Could he be paranormal?
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Those are some crazy proportions.
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I am glad Cecilia is enjoying the success she deserves and the new great friends she has met.
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Tourist here, is CC actually a lolicon?
Gakuen Alice was her sexual awakening, you tell me.
Just a bit
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My CC looks weird.
man i missed the twitter space because my twitter account has been suspended years ago and i never cared to unsuspend it
She was cute!
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got an archive here if you need it, otomo
hey perfect, you saved me from waiting on my appeal, ty!
I never learned how to tie shoes properly, are bunny ears okay?
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Someone told me long ago
There's a calm before the storm
I know, it's been coming for some time
When it's over, so they say
It'll rain a sunny day
I know, shining down like water

I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
Coming down on a sunny day
I want to be both of them
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Can't believe ceci thinks 10k yen shoes are expensive. I buy my ultraboosts way more than that.
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>Good Night!
I miss Ceci...
>>97261686 (me)
I fucked up... too tired...
are you serious about running/jogging?

I just buy a pair of cheap runafalcon and they do the job for my needs
You don't understand, he NEEDS the best quality athlete shoes for the 3 minutes he walks around in them. There isn't any better option.
I am the coolest otomos in ultraboosts
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>Artist's interpretation
D.. Do you have greeeen? O.O
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Ask, and you shall receive.
I should have scrolled down, I would have used these instead in a cog turn.
full kit wanker version where??

I bet anon also got the adidas shorts, tshirt, glasses, cap, headband, wristband, socks, watch and underwear
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I can't do all of that, do you know how hard it would be to add shorts and a t-shirt on a ball? How do you even show underwear.
I can get close though...not quite the same type, but it still works.
Is that otomo happy with all those things?
Until he realised it is practically worthless, which won't ever happen, yes.
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They won't fill the automaton-shaped hole in his heart
It feels so weird to not have CC right now, and I barely even watch her live due to college. It's just...odd.....why can't she stream...
Because she is currently on an onsen trip ? She will back by next week.
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I said it's the perfect canvas for my cum.
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Move Over:
>>97269797 →

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