The 428th Wind>NEXT STREAM: [Pending]>LAST STREAM: Just talking in your ear while waiting for food to arrive (Space)【#hololivefesEXPO25 KARAOKE OFF-COLLAB AFTERPARTY】silly happy party together #holoEN【FUWAMOCO】>Links:YouTube: Videos:>Music:{COVER} Forgotten Words | 忘れじの言の葉 #歌ってみた #cover -【MV】Odyssey - Hololive English (Original Song) ->Merch: closet Cecilia Immergreen New Year Outfit: English Advent VS Justice Valentine's Day English Spring Party!: SUPER EXPO 2025 Merch: Check HoloPro link above [Order period : 2025/03/08 12:00 ~ 2025/04/28 18:00 (JST)]>Tags:#ImmerScreen (Stream) (Art) (Music) (Memes)>/grün/ OP Template:>Previous Thread: >>97218824
Zeitplan: regular streams resume probably next week
Nyam Nyam Nyam
gm (noon)
headlock pronebone
I hope CC is okay but i guess we need to wait and see
>>97273925She's hung out with Gigi almost every day and went to an onsen with her and Raora yesterday. Gigi has a bad cough, so it's really a question on how well CC's immune system can combat the fever.
>>97274056>yesterdayToday for her, it's 8:30pmBut yeah, hopefully she'll be fine
>>97274056She drank tumeric shots every day. She'll be fine.
>>97274056the woman I indent do have children with, would not be that weak to catch flu from asian-american dwarfs
>>97273925they definitely all caught a really bad strain of the same flu
>cc asked kiara to gather all the hair she left at the apartment and give it back to her as a flower bouquetthis minx
>>97277023german humor
CC hair bouquet moment 31:00
>>97275994Deaftomo?It was Kiara who asked CC to gather all the hair and make it into a bouquet for Kiara.
>>97278489my hearing is quite bad...
>>97278489Why would CC gather her hair at her apartment?
>>97278564Kiara was supposed to move in to the apartment CC used, but she got things mixed up and she was going to another one.Kiara then messaged CC telling her this. CC said "Aw, but I left my hair everywhere for you to collect". Kiara then asked CC to collect it for her in a bouquet.These are all jokes.
>>97278826big cat means HUGE head
>>97278826>>97278845Wow she's so talented
>>97279013Really cute
>>97278826>>97278845>>97279013There must be a word to describe this... Hmmm... I'm thinking... CUTE!
>Raora and CC didn't get sickEuro antibodies are something huh
>>97279295Tumeric shots STRONG
Kiara talking about Gigi and Ceci
>>97279295The plague trained our blood well
>>97279334I wonder if her and ollie hinting at them being more than friends is real or just to push the ship for engagement. They feel closer than nearly every vtuber pair past and present that I know of. Even one that turned out was an actual couple
>>97279782Do you really think they went "Hey Ollie and Kiara tell everyone that we did gay shit together it'll help our numbers"?
>>97279952Who the fuck cares about numbers
>>97279645This will keep escalating before it dies out huhInteresting>>97279782Kiara is the biggest shipper in EN and Ollie is the biggest shipper in holo, there's not much to think about really
>>97280033>before it dies outLol
>>97280060All ships die out eventually, it's always a matter of timeWonder how this will go because escalating it too far could make it end explosively, we'll see
>>97279952No, but they could do it independently since it's already established in the fan base.>>97280033That's why I'm questioning. It easily could be just them thinking like content creators, but there's definitely is some truth to it. Ceci is definitely closer at this point to Gigi than she ever was to a certain magical girl and those people were 100% convinced that was going to happen for real.
when will you be able to order the new plushies
>>97280266like half a year if it goes at advent speed
>>97279782They're friends who live on different continents, it's obvious they will spend as much time together as possible.ID girls spend more time together and have constant sleepovers but people seems to care only about EN ships
>>97280193They are definitely really close, yesPeople will exaggerate things a bit for both the content and to make it more interesting, that's why when Ollie talked about them eating she went back and said that they were feeding each other before moving on to add more fuel to the fireBoth Ollie and Kiara love to entertain the shippers so it's not surprising what they saidOn a serious note, they just became best friends and that's really all it is to it
>>97280149The thing is how the girls play it out, they could be like pekomiko and never talk again, like noefure/okakoro and do shit offline or like miComet and go strong for years ignoring the unhinged schizo shipping
>>97280397Living together and being "for real" are not the same thing and considering how hard it is to go full time as an indie it offers a lot benefits to live in the same house>>97280399Yeah, there're lots of ways this could endWill one of them break and force it to end?Will it just fizzle out?Will they just ignore it and the shippers will get bored?Who knows, we will see eventually
>>97279952In fairness, both of them know perfectly well how to entertain and engage an audience without prompting, and CC and Gigi are clearly good friends regardless. But above all, it is entirely fucking pointless to speculate about this shit because even if you could somehow magic eightball your way into the right answer you'd never actually know anyway.
>>97280397>She asked her to move in with her.I guess I'm gay because I lived together with two other guys as a student...
>>97280582i find myself not caring one bit
>>97280683It was definitely before she knew she got in considering how she moved back to Germany before debut>>97280743You don't have to, it won't matter for a while yet anyway
>>97280396Part of it is the tone both Kiara and ollie had. They're distant and almost sad sounding, like they wish they had something like that in holo. not cheeky like they usually are with shipping.
>>97281222Kiara literally said why she was sad.
>>97281222You got it wrong. Kiara was happy about them being such good friends with each other. What made her sad is that she couldn't hang out with Gigi more because of that + her being insecure
>>97281222Kiara said the she wanted to spend more time with Gigi and was sad she couldn'tApart from that, both of them have been wanting to be part of a ship like that for a long timeKiara had Takamori at the start, but that died out mostly and it's low level shipping nowOllie tries getting a ship with almost every new gen and fails to make them long termThey both want a pairing that people go crazy for, but they couldn't really get them
>>97281222Everyone wants to have a best friend they also get to work with and vacation with in a cool place like Japan. Happy they're having so much fun. Glad Raora went to the onsen with them too, she seems to love CC a lot as well. CC is the sweetest bully in this world.
>>97281548>CC is the sweetest bully in this world.FactShe's so cute...
>>97281548I think it's great how Justice kind of revolved around CC in that way. She always takes a natural leader position in Justice collabs and you can tell everyone is gathered around her.
>>97282118>She always takes a natural leader position in Justice collabsShe really doesIt's kind of funny in a wayERB is the De Jure leaderCeci is the De facto leaderYou could make an occupation joke with this now that I think about it
>>97282324Ceci is the mastermind in the shadow behind the Justice which makes sense because she's ancient compared to baby erb
>>97282324It's even kinda in the lore, because while the other 3 got chosen for Justice, CC came with the headquarter. I always think it's fun, because at one point they off-handily mentioned how they were all tested for being good to join Justice or something (don't quite remember), so in turn one can assume that the morally ambiguous automaton wasn't, because she was already there.
>>97282384>baby ERBHow did they make the art of that so cute...>>97282708Yeah, Ceci was in the HQ before anyone else, but she's also older than it as well so clearly there was a reason she got chosen without a testMaybe there's some hidden power that we don't know yet, maybe something from the ancient times that she forgot
>>97282935The key isn't just for her. There's something hidden in hq that needs it to activate
>>97283516Ohh I like thatThat would mean that she would need to be sleeping to activate that because she runs on the keyWould explain why she wouldn't know about it and creating a new one is not possible currently because of the lost ancient materials and technologyThat would also mean that the HQ is at least partially ancient design too, maybe that's why it's floating
So they saw each other naked. Do you think CC has a bush?
>>97283805She made Gigi shave her.
>>97283805>plays violin>worked in a cat shelter>worked at a games store>french connectiondude it is impenetrable set of vines down there.
>>97283805The answer to a European girl having a bush will be "no" 90% of the timeSo, no
>>97283805Ceci and rara are shaved all over Liz and Gigi have some hair
>>97283848With her beaver teeth?
>>97284362High quality doll can have arm and pubic hair too. It’s just stitched on the same way you stitch the regular doll hair.
everyone has forgotten about updatilia by now sigh
>>97285362No just her regular teeth.
>>97286178Nah, I could never forget about that lazy bitch.
>>97286447please be considerate. She is taking a sabbatical after her overperformance the months before. Mental health is no laughing matter.
I think this is it for me.I have never been this creative before in my life and it's thanks to her & grün, all the shitposts and weird otomo edits and whatnotMade me really happy see you use themHell I even made the jibun wo vid thanks to you guys (that she never saw but w/e)So thanks OtomosI had a lot of fun hanging out with you guysSry for blog
>>97287082Why is this a goodbye? Don't do anything stupid.
>>97287082AwwWhy leave?
>>97287082don't kill youself otomo. Think of poor bilionaires you won't be able to work for. Or landlord you won't pay rent to. Or corporations whose products you won't buy
>>97287082don't go brotomo
>>97289636I really don't like that they look like this punchable little shit.
>>97289767why are you so rude... you should rest :)
dumb looking creature
why does every love song feel like it's about ceci?
I just listen to her twitter space. She sounded so different. Does she have a lisp? I want to kiss her so badly
>>97280033>>97280396Shut up.
>>97291002She did sound like she had a lisp, but apparently that's just how twitter makes some people sound. Or the audio setup, or whatever.
>>97291002Nah it's just the combo of Twitter audio processing and a phone mic making the s sounds more prominent
>>97291002Phone mic and twitter does thatIt does the same thing to others as well
>>97291002it sounded more like she had those removable dental braces on and that she called me during her night just before sleep to talk about her trip in Japan with her bestie in the background
>>97291002Twitter space does that to people. Probably some auto compressor/de-esser. Same shit happened with Gigi.
>>97291347its normal for girls who are friends to hold hands in public...It has nothing to do to with wanting to feel the warmth of someone who wants you romantically...!!
>>97291520Ceci isn't warm, she's cold, hard and cruel
>>97291748but Biboo said Ceci has warm hands...
My tummy hurts. I think I'll eat some chilli sausage later, to show it who's boss.
>>97292042how about you drink some water and hold on food for several hours otomo?
>>97292447Yeah, I'll try to sleep now, but I set an alarm for 3am. Then it's time to punish my weak flesh.
What are you sinking about, fellow Otomos?
>>97294583Getting some replacement power tools.mine are all beat to hell. Also how I feel about Ceci. Trying to keep it in check so I don’t gosling unironically
>>97294583oh look, a pbbele!
>>97294583why coconut substrate in my growbox is not getting any moisture despite autopot working correctly and those material lines are getting water, but top of the soil is dry as fucking sandyou wanted blogpost? Here you have it
>>97294583PizzaYou know Pebble... you aight
>>97294583nyeninia innyernyinn nyelp
>>97295832>PizzaGet outta here you furry imposter
>>97294583i'll soon sink into my bed
>>97296015Jesus Christ what is that
Do you believe Ceci is strong like she claims she is? She lost arm wrestling to pretty much everyone. Do you think her lower mouth has a strong grip? I bet she’s loose and slippery from excessive use of Gigi’s bad dragon
>>97295738Surface dries out fast stick your finger in and see how the top half inch or so is. Coir isn’t as bad as peat but it still doesn’t like water if it gets dry enough so just mist the tops a few times over a couple minutes if it really bugs you
>>97297681Her legs and core, absolutely. Her arms and shoulders are delicate and should be treated with gentleness
>>97297760yeah, I think deeper it is moist enough for coir+granulate. I'm overthinking it. It is my first time trying autopot and coir.It it dies, I will learn and actually rinse this soil, because I forgot about it
>>97299628Cute date outfit
>>97299719Really cute, yeah
Cutecilia Immercute
>>97299628I wonder if she was wearing her otomo pouch in Japan.I guess not because doxx, but it would be cute
Sleeping on CC butt while heating system is on!
Ceci thinks a 10k yen shoes are expensive. Pffft my ultraboosts cost way more than that. I would impress her with my sneaker collection.
>>97304987>sneaker collectionyou sound black and gay
>>97304987Why again?>>97260795
>>97304987>ultraboostsbro it's not 2020 no one buys adidas anything anymore
>>97304987>my sneaker collectionmaybe try collecting something that is at least SLIGHTLY less cringelike funko pops
0% sex appeal doll
>>97307562that's a boy
>>97307776With childbearing hips like that?
>>97307940That's clearly going to be a trap
>>97307940b-but she's artificial not a real woman, she has no womb
>>97308436Yeah, a trap for my future offspring>>97308479About that...
>>97308658So cuuute! Great lines and coloring, I love how soft everything is.
>>97309058CC it's not xitter
>>97309136It really is written in the same style
>>97308683I'm going to stretch her womb and shove an otomo into it.
>>97309815Like, by hand or?
>>97309815that otomo? ME
>>97308683Ceci might not be aware that her purpose was to be a sex robot... Justice saved her and erased her memories. They just told her she was a maid in the past....
>>97310211Now that is LORE
>>97311224Looking at me like garbage… I want more
Ceci is such an enabler. Imagine having to bust your nut once, she leg locks you and say Do It Again.
What is the risk of Ceci getting sick I want numbers dammit
>>97312337that's a good number. I prefer a good 9 or 7 myself, but to each their own.
>>97294583CCs pussi
>>97311987God that's so hot>>97312290I can't give you numbers, but it seems like Biboo might get sick too so Ceci might be next after her considering the whole sharing food and kazoo thing they did
>4:47Good Night!I miss Ceci...Please don't get sick...
>>97312883I trust her strong automaton immune system.
Would CC like a circ'd guy? Asking for a friend.
>>97312290Gigi is sick too. Considering how intimate they are to each other. 90% chance to get sick.
Tourist hereWhat cocktails does Ceci drink in her drinking streams?
>>97315572Gin and sprite if she’s lazy, her regular cocktail recipe is this
>>97315791Thanks. I have never crushed a vegetable into my cocktail mixer but I will do it for the green woman.
>>97307524100% gay anon
>>97315414oh god, they're both out of commission for a while OH GOOOOD NOOO
I've been thinking of getting into misogyny
>>97318274>I've been thinkingDon't do that.Either way, that is fine to do, but it doesn't feel like a super engaging hobby. You can do that, I just personally don't find fulfillment there. Good luck with your hobbies.
I bet Gigi is getting pampered by Ceci right now. So lucky.
>>97314756Most likely doesn’t care but thinks it shouldn’t be done to begin with
>>97319082I feel like GG is 'pampering' CC right now.
>>97317668Imagine a stream or twitter space where the two of them are just laying in bed (together) and yapping while they recover from this flu. They might fall asleep mid stream and then it turns into a sleep ASMR stream. Or their fever gets high enough and in their confusion they start confessing their real feelings to each other
>>97319953Ceci is probably just happy it gives her a real reason to have a week off after she gets back to actually relax
>>97314756She's not a brainwashed American so it looks like the disgusting, mutilated dick that it is.
>>97318274There's no point in doing that unless you're already gay.
Would you still love ceci if she
>>97321602Potentially, depends on if she
I want Mamma Raora to change my diaper in front of Cecilia. I imagine the look on their faces when she takes it off and they both see my small pepee and they start to laugh making fun of it. Cecilia teasing and laughter makes my pp hard and mamma then kisses it making me immediately cum making a mess everywhere and she says:"don't worry chattino it's all right, mamma is going to get you all clean now so don't be sad, accidents can happen". While Raora is cleaning the mess she asks Cecilia to finish changing my diaper. Cecilia then comes close to me and in my hears she whispers:"You are a naughty chattino with a naughty and small würstel, I think a punishment is in order". She then starts to spank me. After a while she stops and starts powdering my bottom that after the spanking had become as red as the red on the german flag, she closes the diaper and Raora calls us to come in the kitchen because the pasta is ready. We have a really good pasta together!
>no stream on white day
>>97322019shoo shoo! don't bother the otomos
>>97322963>otomo want poisoned chocolate
>>97323402immerred would never poison the only otomo willing to stick with her
I am the one true otomopebble.
Honk shu honk mimimi
>>97318274become misanthrope like me anonRealize that you hate women not because they are women, but because they are humans. Selfish, insecure and constantly seeking validation.I don't hate women, I hate normalfags>>97322019I'm going to put jetpack up your ass and turn it on
>>97320284>thinks japs will let a little thing like influenza let her skip 2:00 AM meetings and 4:00 AM zoom dance lessons
>>97322963wtf is a white day?
>>97327873Reverse valentines
>>97327873Valentine's is primarily boys giving things to girls. White day is girls giving things to boys.
Did rara say anything about their onsen trip?
Miss CC.