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I overslept and missed Anya's 3D Live. Did Towa rape anyone on stage?
nene rabu
>>97220196 →
Mumei and Gura
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I love this doll
the twitter space was fun
>Moona in Hoshimachi Project
I’m imagining
Also Moona didn’t learn she would be in the cube until a few days before the concert
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUbCnt-iEkM [Embed]
>>97220806 (OP)
cute boy
Moona said the cube was last minute addition
>not in TCG
>no 3.0(just like Ame who didn't get 2.0)
>missing from majority of new promo and merch stuff
>heavily implied that her 2 year project will be the end
>has been complaining about her health more lately
>randomly organised Myth collab and reached out to Justice girls
>Kiara doomposting
>dropped a few not so subtle hints in streams
>PL activity, following artists and riggers, #1fan &
>sang dango song with a very telling choreography(the biggest hint yet)
Writing on the wall couldn't be more clearer and Gura wrote majority of it herself to subtly let people know before the official announcement.
>>97220685 →
Well this time it was because Brats started attacking Kiara after Bae tweeted about being sick
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Skinny Kronii
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she raped me
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no EN in cube, no good singers in EN
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I really, really love my wife Gigi and I want to hold have her bite me with her cute sharp teef and also even though her throat ache isn't serious I hope she gets well soon and
>>97220806 (OP)
Ao kun… your limited birthday merch…
unko w
She's back
You saw what I meant right? It's peta-woke because this kid is obnoxiously woke and doesn't like hunters to hunt troublesome monsters
>Kiara goes to Japan while sick
>purposefully interacts with everyone and gets everyone sick
>fucks up Mori's already fucked lungs possibly giving her pneumonia
So at this point antiing Kiara is completely justified right?
she scored...
It's your moral duty
>>97220167 →
This is more retarded than the cookie angle
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this is what mental illness looks like btw
So the trick all along was just to pair two women who can't score together?
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Kek I love her
Peace on earth
Not a cube
Nta but he's just stating the truth
All the signs are there
Nope, just compiling all the facts into a single post. Nothing I said is made up.
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Which way, itties or titties?
Seriously he's ignoring that it's flu season and the fact that a kazoo with combined spit was passed around
Kronii is so sexy
Anya is so sexy
Well she wasn’t being attacked until Bae posted
it's a win win angle, if she doesn't interact with anyone while in japan, she's excluded and everyone hates her, and if she does, she's literally killing everyone around her
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Big cats mean?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtTO1HMGjqA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtTO1HMGjqA [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtTO1HMGjqA [Embed]
The absolute size of that hand.
Famitsu holofes article
It's almost like you have to make sacrifices when sick, wao
>>97220806 (OP)
I want to put my erect penis inside this dude.
Advent won
What the fuck
I can't unsee it now
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>>97220582 →
Why does she always specify that they were doing something organized by Mori
kronii on my pp and anya sitting on my face
In pog form?
Anya should've had titties
Kek imagine if Mori's lungs get even worse and she will be forced to go on a ventilator because Kiara infected her.
Because Mori organized it and wants to give her the credit?
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Wheres Mumei
>open big cat stream
>see la creatura
>close stream
It's just forced perspective, like Gandalf and Frodo. Peter Jackson must've directed Fes.
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Who gives the best footsie in HoloEN?
What that hand do tho
Nah, the pacing is awful, but the last chapter of High Rank shows character growth for him when he explicitly understands of his own accord that Hunters do what is necessary and ends up asking you to stop the Arkveld that's fucking up a Rey Dau with a "that's what I would do if I were a Hunter".
Moona is talking about her large breasts again
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Lapsama my friend
moona should be naked with choker and socks on
she wants to make it public that her girlfriend is always organizing fun things for EN
>be me
>finally get a realistic dream
>about to have sex with a mesugaki brat that looks kinda like Shion(she's my cousin in a dream, walks around with no bra on with her flat tits for all to see)
>we go to bedroom
>I see her pussy for like 10 seconds
>Wake up with a boner
I fucking hate how being overstimulated wakes you the fuck up from a dream, what's even the point then? I was so fucking close to greatness.
The jap who wrote this is a pebble (based)
First it was
>wouldn't it be funny if Ina died so Kiara would look bad
Now this. Kiaraschizo once again proving he's a bugman.
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Bae a cute.
she should show instead of tell
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Dude just ignore him. No one falls for his shit at this point
The shipping almost doubles the prize for me YIPPIE
these two
And she gets super defensive of it
you forced it bro I warned you about forcing it bro
Yeah but character growth is executed cheaply and poorly here, like you said, the pacing is awful.
whoa famitsu?
kind of cute...
>>97220806 (OP)
i always knew you were a fuck'n filipino
>>97220806 (OP)
My husband
Remember, he also spammed cp when she debuted in Holofightz
yeah right
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dude would be happy with all of hololive getting wiped out as long as it could somehow be pinned on kiara
Nobody cares about if 3rd worlders are dying or what
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Yeah, but it's so stupidly anime that it glorifies him going "Monster hunters... hunt monsters? I UNDERSTAND NOW" in yet another unnecessary cutscene.
Nnnnnnnn BB
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>Arachnophobia option doesn't work on Lala Barina or Nerscylla
then what's the fucking point
Moona please stop making me want to suck on your tits
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Just found out about recognizing random patterns, shit sucks man
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>kanade is still signing her december merch
Infinite signings strike again...
Is this legal?
based lap
based me too
back in the US baby!
>still no streams
EN is finished
She should ask Kiara's team to make a song for her at this point
highly suspicious…
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Moom finally takes her account back
she should get herself an asteroid team song too
>EN getting wiped out because of ONE kazoo
Wait, moom runs the @nanashimumei_en account?
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Forgot Moom was in Japan. Nobody ever talked about her
Two kazoos actually
It's a Kiara-coded song produced by Kiara's music people, it's no wonder she likes it
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QRD on the kazoo?
Kissable lips
Kiara said Mumei was as cute as always and that she had a long conversation with her
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Would be a shame if Cover had to deal with some financial punishment from the government due to their poor handling of Visas.
I need a Japanese gf so bad wuffians
They used kazoos during the offcollab karaoke and some of the girls passed it around and shared spit
They used kazoos during their off-collab karaoke and passed them around
being big breasted woman in the land of japan is not convenient
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I guess it's a good thing my Ina was too busy with doping and recharging to join
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XddC3iR-r6Q [Embed]
But Kiara hates Anya though
I almost had sex with Calli in a dream. I was grabbing her titties, even sucked the milk out of it and she got mad at me because it would give me an upset tummy she said.
>likes to sing
>likes to dance
Also they enjoy having fun
Kiara queefed in it as a joke
Anything I missed in last few hours?
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>Kissed the super virus spreader
>Nothing happened
How did she do it?
/baubau/ is two blocks down
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Unprotected kazoo sharing is how polkafication happens.
wuffian... wrong tab...
A facade to mask that they had a lesbian orgy after the karaoke...
cats don't catch human flu, silly
Sora mentioned her, does that count?
Idiots don't get sick
She milked the sickness out of Kiara's cock before kissing her
big cat means big antibodies
Fr though I think she might still have some immunity from the viral tokyo cold she got in dec/jan
How the fuck does anyone in Hololive get sick then?
>When it's repeatedly emphasized that none of the people you meet really knows what's going on while you and Alma always do
It's definitely dumb and badly written, but it's consistent. The hunter and the Guild are never shown or even implied as being in the wrong.
If they said anything that implied she was working without a work visa, bad things would happen.
ruffian… stay in your containment thread…
Healthy big cat.
Makes sense about what's happening now then.
Biboo is too erotic here...
>>97220806 (OP)
they didn't kiss
both Raora and Kiara are straight
Kissable li li lips yeah
Uh that's karma
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They weren't allowed to say she was working to implicate her
Speak coherently please
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what a cutie
Did anyone here watch the OkaKoro stream?
Vivi why are you using ugly gold blocks like that
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Shiori's orifice? No, I'm talking Shioriface.
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Cute cute cat
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The duality of dopes...
The post contains a reference to the song "Go Getters" by Mori Calliope, playing off how "kissable lips" has a similar cadence and sound to "loosen my lips" from the "Go Getters" lyrics.
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childbutt and childpits and childtummy uoohhh
looks like she has a blue bowtie on
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Finally got Ayame paper knives
They barely have a point andare rounder than my fingernails so I can't really call them knives but man they are pretty
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>everyone ignoring that Towa spread his super AIDS to every girl he fucked
Aww poor schizo wants validation for his mental illness
I see
>cat with bowtie
When was the last time someone mentioned John Cat?
https://youtu.be/ACVnxDj1Jwo?si=9r9z3WSCf7NZ6JRz [Embed]

Make it now 12 holomem Matsuri has kissed or made out with
>have listened to nothing but yoko-taro game osts
WOW, Ina's now song is very Nier-coded!
They were only pretending...
Towa doesn't fuck
she makes love
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pemacucks... krocucks...
she's already back home
Live catto reaction!
towa is a girl
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big cat means big immune system...?
anon... Onion granulated...
girl with a banana!
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they're having non-sexual fun
No, t. this
Matuli got 2?!
I watched some of it while waiting for Anya's 3D earlier
Kronii is taking Kaelas virginity in the next 2 weeks
How do we cure the Kazoo Flu or at least prevent it from spreading?
Kronii is a quickshot...
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Which one is the lesbian?
Missed the bijou shakedown
>Kaela on X bragging about fucking Kronii
If it helps her get over Sally, jam those fingers in her deeper Kaela.
They look cool are they still available to buy or was this from Anniversary merch?
ward it off with the Sax Vax
And other people have said that they knew about it since last year.
>HoloEN was a mensa organization this whole time
jwu has EN been gay today too?
Sora talked about eating with her and Ina before fes, towa tweeting that she gonna have a dinner with her and Bae after fes day1, IRyS talked about being invited to eat by GGCCKroMei group to eat together and having a houseparty at night with +InaBaeSora after fes day2. did i miss anything?
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We don't talk about that "thing" in her lap.
yeah mumei having sex with me
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I just wanted to sleep a little bit more and I missed everything
QRD on Kronii's stream
QRD on Anya's 3D live
QRD on CC's twitter space
EN is sick and everything is terrible
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Nice, good for them.
>the girls are so wrapped up in multiple 4d schemes that they appear retarded
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>Anya's 3D live
holy fuck
over an hour tl of botan's previous playtrhough
https://youtu.be/yNez5jcUxUU [Embed]
Kiara talked with her.
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Why are they like this?
>kronii stream
she fucked an indo
>anya 3d live
anya has a giantess fetish
>cc space
she was with gg
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They're a married couple
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>houseparty at night with +InaBaeSora
>Kronii got the Ollie Phasmophoba treatment
>Anya got mating pressed by her guests
>CC and Gigi were swapping spit. Gigi is now losing her voice.
>replied to shitposter who never watches streams
you forgot to mention that the girls described the kazoo as 'dripping' at several points during the stream. they were making a HoloEN spit stew in that thing.
cute girlfriends
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And a Tokino Sora for scale
Anniversary merch
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old school clipper too
unless their immune system is absolute shit
symptoms usually take a few days to show
>>Kronii got the Ollie Phasmophoba treatment
she got fingered?
Meant for >>97221957
watch out this Sora is armed and dangerous!
I don't get what's going on in Raora's stream?
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What the fuck does krow4it mean
Crow for it?
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wait are we just going to stare at her face during the entire fight?
capcom autism forbids her to show stuff
she's not allowed to show the final monster as per the Capcom perms fax
Has Raora shared any stories about the other girls?
Kaela has busy hands
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What is this bullshit?
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Nope. I'm not. You forgot that I also reported on Korea's Martial Law
Fucking kek lmao
Those edited faces are the best OC we've had in years no cap
Isn't Raora kind of ...
I don't think Kaela has ever touched a vagina, not even her own
They've done this every year
no 3D Live this year?
Every dream I have with a Holomem is always some weird shit like playing Guilty Gear with Mori or driving alone a highway and seeing ads for a casino featuring Chloe or something
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This is what Raora is fighting right now btw
>Valor Form.png
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CC screamed very loudly yesterday
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Sorry but studio is full because we need to give failed homos their 3d please understand
who was it that moaned? I think I heard everyone except Fuwamoco
Feetfags deserve death
I remember two holo dreams, first one Gura was my sister and we just goofed around in in another one Raora and Shiori were sucking me off
She was getting fingerblasted...
I like the stories from the ENs during Japan/fes/expo arcs like this. It's nice hearing about them being friends
they are banned from showing certain parts of game and saying some words like dino, dragon ect
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Any rrat why is CC so good at moaning?
This morning I had a dream I had a dream I was at a Sponsored Halloween party with a special musical that I'm not sure was going to be Katy Perry dressed as Mori, Mori dressed as Katy Perry, or some third thing.
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What stains
Based and correct
She's a woman
Someone should make a soundpost out of it
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzPU6Pni-XQ&t=1383s [Embed]
i can only hear cc here
>saying some words like dino, dragon ect
Explain this to me. Are they not dragons or dinos?
When is Raora finally going to use her googles?
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who ISN'T good at moaning?
It's good that there are still long clip translators out there, but man that kind of stuff is getting rare these days.
>all the holos are getting sick
>first Fes a certain germ-an attended
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now that's what i'm talking about too!
copcom says no
why is sora trying to seduce me with this thumbnail
Then what are they? And why would it be bad to call them that?
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I miss Ceci already
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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>Gigi is tiny, according to Ceci
>It's a well-accepted rrat that Ceci is a lolicon
Wait the fucking fuck...
if you miss her so much why don't you just marry her, gigi
But she's an expert at grinding
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watommy WILL cry during the sad part of the martian
She thinks you should play the new Romancing SaGa game, it's a really good Roguelite!
/#/ is the other tab if all you can think about every day is the homos
It's delayed
u wot m8
feels like there are an incraese of people spamming bullshits just to push dumb shitpost angles in the past few days
japanese copro autism works in mysterious ways
So cool...
Utter kino, yes
>Oh shit they finally added an EN member to one of the Holoalt Manga
>It's only for 2 pages
what the hell is watommy??
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She always goes for the smallest ones
it is? i thought it was just a basic jrpg
that actually sounds interesting
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Thank God, she can finally go back to streaming
Nerissa and CC
Yes every woman can moan but why did she go above and beyond?
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Asserting her dominance
for pleasure
Can you give me a qrd of the things they talked about?
why couldnt she stream
Reminder, if you report this you WILL be banned. Slander against the protected people will not be tolerated
The other girls were dildoing her
German sex science
Women don't learn how to moan, it's not a skill or anything. It's built in. They moan in spite of themselves, and the deeper, louder and more sultry the moan the more they were holding back deep, loud and sultry feelings until they couldn't hold them back anymore.
truly the nu-gurame
Voice + visa hort
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To remind Biboo that yes, she is just one booty call away from getting more of that
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I can't marry a girl
Flips aren't Jews, stupid.
kino no matter what
I could hear Kiara and Biboo too
how? I can only hear Nerissa
How can she be stopped?
When girls get into a group like this, they have a weird knack of trying to outdo each other. Even the most quiet girls can wind up doing some crazy shit because of it.
Why not?
she lazy
fes is over... so Gura can finally stream again
SEAniggers are the holy people of this board
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but CC was the extrovert of the group
Maybe they joined in on the second time but during the first one it was just Nerissa and CC I think
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Lol, no.
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any EN stream today other than Nerissa being a wet cat and Shiori doing the hunting of monsters?
kronii rape
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>DMM A large-scale project from Hololive has begun!
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Mumei please...
She's based
She doesn't need to be stopped
now reply to yourself next, sis
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meme shark gtaduating announcement in 2 weeks, its over for you delulu chummkeks lamaoooooo
Seems to be JP only though
It was towa dressed as katy perry dressed as mori
Miko sounds exactly like Wudwuds
>actually just merch
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Its a nice 3D model. I want holoEN to get swimsuits this year so bad
>pretty much all 1 minute apart
Why was teh final boss in WIlds such a pushover?
I just listened to it. It should be illegal to be that cute
>didnt watch the Gigi collabs
>hiding membership
I think sex with Takanashi Kiara of Hololive English -Myth- would be delightful
Sorry, DREAMS™ will take all the resources
>Suddenly, multiple posts in close proximity about "muh no stream"
Organic as fuck
Same reason Ina couldn't
Same I want to lick her body, especially her pits
wait for the MR raid version
>streamed less than Gura this year
Grim. Graduation practically confirmed. Probably right after Gura
What the fuck that's not GG
Yes and?
Are you gonna whine about how /hlgg/ is not allowed to like HoloJP?
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I know right, and the silly giggles over nothing and the fact she sucks at crane games makes me laugh... the way she tells stories is so funny
I was working
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no good steam
what is wrong with you? I just asked if anyone else is streaming before or after them
Arrested for JK sexual harassment?
The final boss is always a pushover because the gigantic setpiece monster designs always suck.
It's kinda of funny how the thread quality immediately took a dive since the last one
>bullying amongst the girls captured on stream
this nigga needs to change 10 buzzwords on his post to bypass filters
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Can't wait for chummshart and hoofarts melties when they're both announce it back to back kekkitykekaroooooo
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It's DMM Scratch, so probably lots of new merchs.
They are usually good merchs, so I'm still excited
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Hey your trash branch is dying, sister
Better support them instead of shitposting here
they got the kazoo sickness so no streams today
I don't like this soundpost. Never post it again
>you can see all the way to 5 months ago
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are fwmc ok?
>stream didn't start early or at all
>chat disabled
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Now you have sexual nephilim thoughts
bro? >>97222985
What's that slutty desotomo doing there? Kanade is streaming.
>I just want more streams
>nooo you are a sister
They canceled the stream but forgot to remove the room
Tism Meith? What could it mean?
Did biboo catch the kazoo curse too?
>Pre-emptive seethe
No it just means that whatever it is, it will be untranslated and only available in Japan
Meth made by autists
what is this obvious catalog and /#/ raid
Only redi can activate my almonds
My favorite part is when she recalls something and starts giggling before she's even started talking about it.
I didn't even ask for more streams, I just asked if any other EN said anything about streaming today and got called a shitposter for it :(
If it's merch it doens't need to be translated
We don't mind our /#/ bros retard, people from /hlgg/ browse /#/ too
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>she's looking at your dick
The retards clocked in and their pet janny is protecting them
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I'm glad she did this space it made me feel better but I still miss her, I relate to that story about story clerks going around you and recommending you stuff.... like just leave me alone to shop
>When is this gonna end?
Kek, same with Biboo then.
Let them hunt the monsters, Capcom
I doubt it'll only be merch since they call it a large scale project, but we'll find out soon.
It should be against the rules for girls to clap. It makes me think of their asscheeks clapping and makes my penis all stiff.
4 meter wide acrylic stands.
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>just finished listening to Ceci's Space
>"Giig is tiny"
>now watching Kronii's VOD while scrolling through the thread back then
Kek, this fag >>97209108 → had the last laugh after all
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Friend gone.
Since when did we hate /#/?
Dogfuckers are our only enemy
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This big cat just cleared MonHunWilds
Please clap
What did Kronii say about Giig?
just go to holodex and view the vod for the Live TL log
>All the Justice girls were pretty
>generic statement to make nobody feel bad
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Ina has gotten worse at VAing.
I'm pleased to hear this.
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God footfags are the worst. Now where's the massive futa cock?
The live translator left midstream
NOW we're talking
She knows she didn't deserve the organizer of EN label in the fan-vote for CTW
Oh fuck I'm sneezing and I feel weak
Maybe I nabbed that kazoo through astral projection or something...
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>bothered to make it a up-skirt shot
>just left it like that while focusing entirely on the feet
Bruh, so gay
based on Kiara, Nerissa, Kronii, and CC
this shitpost angle is dead
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It's OkaKoro
Just wait a bit for the clips to come in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Csjmp_hjIM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gtt3C_OC8i4 [Embed]
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giga cope
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I will hotglue fuwawa's panties
that's a guy
why do you guys even care about flesh appearance? its fucking vtubing
Do you have the Lui one?
finally a sane post ITT
literally one nigger who keep bringing it up to push his shitpost narrative
that's an impressive tuckjob
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I wish..
Is Moona's album good? I'd like to support her instead of just typing skip ads, but I also have no idea where my CD player is
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I'm not even watching the movie since I don't have my laptop with me I'm just listening to cute sheep noises while lay in my capsule.
There’s not much to tuck in, in the first place
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If you wanna support it just buy it. I own 2 hololive CD and I have no way to play them
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I can't believe there was a time where I just didn't have any sexual attraction towards Fubuki at all. I want to say it absolutely wasn't because she got a redesign and she got fatter tits, but maybe it was and I'm just simply misremembering. When she got that casual at-home outfit with the black shirt, my lust went from a 60% to a 100%.

I wish I could pinpoint that exact moment was where I was freely thinking "Wow I'd fuck Fubuki into the bed until the springs break."
the contents are pretty good, there are 3 unreleased songs. i buy cd or even vinyl just for display
Ina has gotten cuter at VAing
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she had too many burgers
Yeah Startend has my back (Startend gaming chair)
Not really.
Anya had a live and we had EN streams, EN and ID discussion will always take priority here.
>kiara is gay at nearly every chance she gets
>even kissed raora a few days ago
>big en karaoke with gigi and kiara and some others
>gigi at one point literally said she wished kiara kissed her
>kiara changes topic nearly instantly
i dont hate gg but she must really be ugly or something
Raora is big and Okayu is fatto, but which cat is larger?
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Look at them hangin' out and having fun.
I have a friend who does cum tributes to Holo girls and it makes me wonder if he's taking supplements or if he's just a genetic freak.
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she's so gay for kronii wtf
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fucking GAY
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Hoshiyomi has Iroha as their Hoshiyomi Prime
I guess that makes Kaela Kronie Prime now
The secret ingredient was love...
that charred rice are amazing
I just realized the only short hair alt outfit I like is Pekora's, otherwise longer hair always wins
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kaela please
Theres easy ways to make you cum much more
Drinking 2 liters of water a day, taking zync and L-argenine supplements and exercising will make you shoot a lot more in like a week
Kiara wishes that was her
your only mistake is
bro that's fucking burnt
They had sex
she gay
>leaves homophobic country for fes
>instantly starts romance with some queer
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That's some actual JRPG dialogue right there.
this sentence alone is gayer than anything autofister could ever produce
what's their problem?
Europeans act gay without actually being gay, it's just european culture. They're actually prudes when it comes to romance, but they do a lot of skinship with other straight girls because it doesn't mean anything. It's just skinship.

When you suggest that there's a romantic or sexual undertone to platonic european skinship they get shy or grossed out. Many american gays and lesbians are confused when they come to europe and realize all the people kissing their homies aren't actually down to fuck
What's fucking wrong with Kaela these few days?
Kronii please stop caring about sally when you can get a cute indo wife that will play kusoges with you
seeking for love
she got fingerblasted hard by a koren girl
Post an example I love cum tributes.
She's in love with a clock.
you can be small and fat. just look at cheebs.
That seems gay
In a world without Sally, Kronii would be making all of the girls happy
Is this character development?
That sounds A LOT like you just had amazing lesbian sex with your oshi, Kaela.
just sayin'
Yeah. Now post an example.
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Sex with Kronii is that good, huh?
>chad harem protagonist could be climbing a mountain of bitches but instead lives in self-imposed pussy seclusion due to terminal one-itis
This could be a seasonal romcom anime.
Damn that's cute af
Grindstone status?
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This is the gayest thing thats happened this week and we saw 2 europeans kiss
Kronii is not Kronii withou Sally
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>all the red faces in the replies
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approaching PekoMIko's Xmas eve tee-tee level before the fall
FuwaMoco doko?
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don't post black history..
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>Bragging about fucking kronii
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this kind of shitpost doesn't work with grindstone
Too soon...
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Subscribe to this guys R-18 account and you’ll see tributes
Just me or is it starting to come off as she's treating her like some exotic girl. Kinda like what happens when a 5/10 white girl goes to India.
Grindstone has always been an "oneechan and imouto' thing for me
>aww beebo dont look so sad you can always join my harem
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Why so sensitive grindstonefags cant take a joke?
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Hey nerd gimme all your money!
endgame ships
>Taka and Mori
>Ina and Bae and Mumei
>IRyS and Biboo
>Kronii and Kaela
>Fuwa and Moco
>Shiori and Nerissa
>CC and GG
In 2025 we should get

>justice 3d around june-july, probably late junes, ince advent got it 12 months and some days after debut
>advent yukata 3d, either a month before justice 3d or a month after them. Promise got it 23 months after their debut, a month before advent 3d
>possibly advent swimsuit 3d

I have no idea what to expect from Promise and Myth though
stop replying to your own dumb post
Kaela has never had sexual feelings to biboo, kaela mothers her
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>and Mumei
What the FUCK happened???????
Gigi i think you should be more worried about Biboo stealing your wife.
more graduations
Biboo is just CC's onahole
Unironically a graduation from either of those gens
can i have a sex friend
I literally have never seen any fanart of Kaela having sex with Biboo.
Grindstone is not a ship.
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mumei has yellow fever?
How cute are you?
oh theres quite a bit.. more than timesmith in fact. you just didn't search for it
Post pits, then we'll talk
for Myth: Gura's graduation
for Promise: Mumei's graduation
No way. He only shares with friends. I'm not just going to put my friend's dick on the Internet.
>Wants to fuck Bae
uh oh, schizo melty
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Sorry anon, I'll fuck you but I'll have to pass on the friend part
Isnt that ship pretty much dead?
I have not seen this level of gay TimeSmith is having since the first Kiara and Reine vacation.
>that 2nd chat
We're all friends here. Now post an example.
grindstonefags rn
you're trying very hard at this fanbase vs fanbase thing, sis
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Dude, Kaela is literally in love with Kronii. Kronii also tries to impress Kaela, even when she's not on stream.
Its always been a corpo ship but the alleged kiss at breaking dimensions put some life back into it
Man I really hated the Snake Eyes in Sekiro.
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i just wanted sexy fubuki pics
I believe there will be a revival later this year
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Just ask, man
Word your posts better...
New 2D outfits, IRyS said that her outfit was getting a bit delayed, but that means that it's kinda ready. Also 3.0
Kronii's gonna get raped?
who in japan do you think is actually banging because surely theres atleast something going on
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Scrap Shioraven, FuwaRissa is endgame
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Ain't out yet
I’m imagining kronii getting swarmed by hundreds of Indos
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but what about Mococo...
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fuwawa and mococo
Ccgg have been cited as literally inseparable by multiple holomem, when one isn't busy theyre attached at the hip like fuwamoco and gg just hangs out in ccs room when shes bored
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kissable fox tummy
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For me it was this
She will have two older sisters who love her very much!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4f9wPuhyaEk&list=WL&index=4&pp=gAQBiAQB [Embed]
Why are we pretending that Friend is eroi and ecchi now?
she is for headpats no lewding
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Make sure to buy that new figure of hers then
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someone post THAT fubuki and poruka
Shioraven is the cope ship, because people would rather kill themselves than admit that bldraven is the more popular ship for her (Same with KroMei before Kaela entered the picture
Are FWMC dead?
Bae and ina have been too suspicious for far too long
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She always was. She was just way better about approaching her than most Holos who oshi another one.
I will headpat Mococo's head while I creampie her
very cute and gay
their barkers are not in the best condition
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Shioraven is the female brained ship, Gothrock or Zetorin is the male brained ship.
She posted her butthole
Remember when Kiara went to ID?
Typhoid Mori killed them and soon to be Bae and GG
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Picrel is widely believed to be her first ever fanart
fuwawa will cut your dick and feed it to you with natto
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Kaela won't get Kronii to move on from Sally though!
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biboo gets kaela
fuwa gets moco
rissa gets erb
and what do i get?
I want my cum to be dribbling out of her.
true, sisters are allowed to fuck though
Isnt it just that one anon that loses his mind everytime its mentioned?
still worth a try
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Kronii, the thinking woman ship.
Mori didn't have anything contagious.
Foob's default outfit is just insanely sexy but people keep forgetting it because it looks seiso enough while she's streaming
Fujo books
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New meds, and she's sleeping more. It's fucking weird sometimes because she'll get hyper and make autistic noises.
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Here's a guide
Isn't that just her artist?
Dungeon AI
archival duties...
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it's cute!!!
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>i love Iroha! She makes cookies! I love gozaru cookies!
Ina and Bae
Yes and?
it's not official art for Cover
da bois
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It’s easier to see how erotic it is when cosplayers wear it.
begging so hard
post THAT fubuki cosplay
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Wait for EN5 i guess?
cute girl handwriting
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do you think she likes to watch the homos fuck men?
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She turned Calli gay.
My dreams with holomem never involve sex, it's just them being my gfs and we cuddle.
Most of the dreams involving sex are with my mom because I was raped when I was a kid so that might be it.
EN is done hiring since NA market is unsustainable
Now that you mention it, I probably should get one before the stock runs out. I doubt they will make more of it
my tongue needs to be in there
I dont know but when Ina and Bae are in the same country they "mysteriously go off together" and "show up at group events together" and Ina gifted Bae a cherry blossom tree
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I want to lick her pits
I want to lick her pits
I want to lick her pits
I want to lick her pits
I want to lick her pits
I want to lick her pits
just don't get raped? idiot
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They don't want it to clash with Mio's statue, sorry
I think you guys are way more obsessed with Sally than Kronii.
As usual /hlgg/ takes a horse and after whipping it until it drops dead beats it until it resembles a soup
>because I was raped when I was a kid
Based. Was she hot?
Haha what if someone made fanart of them kissing and frotting their big futa cocks as a joke haha
The duality of man
She is really good at giving massages and you know how women get after they get a good massage.
In this thread, maybe
But I can name at least 2 other threads that hate that particular ship
And at least 1 retarded has spregged out on Twitter about it
How does Kaela's pussy taste, Kronii?
Every time I watch Ollie, I just want to pat her head.
>Moona doesn't know the difference between Chattino and Chattini
post THAT fubuki cosplayer
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Nah, Kronii fucks. She just seems unable to realize that other people are in love with her. Like she genuinely doesn't seem to realize that Kiara is in love with her.
>Your oshi
>Most overweight holomem
Same, but with my cock
CC can carry her
the piss one?
not now, doxxfag
the small penis one?
>and she's sleeping more.
wait, what?
>she genuinely doesn't seem to realize that Kiara is in love with her.
I don't know if she geniknely doesn't realize how much Kiara wants her or if she's scared of getting closer to her because of her trust issues
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>1 retarded has spregged out on Twitter about it
Imagine being that mindbroken over a ship kek.
white wonen have no reason tovisit indo as there is other more suitable places near
>Bae meets up with Ina for the first time
>Ina cuddlefucks her for two hours
>Bae and Ina meet up in Japan again later on
>Ina cuddlefucks her under a blanket for an entire night
>Bae and Ina have a collab with Subaru
>Ina cuddlefucks Bae in front of Subaru during the entire collab while massaging Bae's thighs and stomach (Bae was sitting on Ina's lap the entire time in the Japanese heat while Ina groped her)
>Bae and Ina hang out in Japan at another time for a few weeks
>Ina cuddlefucks her in a karaoke booth, makes her shave and moisturize her vagina, and then eats Bae's homemade meals
>Bae moves to Japan and offers Ina a room, something she says she wouldn't offer anybody else
>Ina thinks about it and even mentions she can't see herself moving in with anybody else but her with the first thing she does after landing in Japan is crash a date Bae has with Mori
>Ina streams on Bae's channel for a drawing stream
>Starts sticking her fingers in all the crevices on Bae's body
>Bae shaves her vagina after Ina gives her a grooming kit and gets told to use it and show her after
>Bae and Ina travel to NYC for the concert and hang out constantly
>They disappear and nobody sees them again for almost a day
>Bae announces she's gonna be streaming with a "special someone" and starts giggling and getting excited
>It's Ina
>Ina gets arrested for her JK crimes and goes into hiding
>Bae still takes the time to feed her
>Ina escapes Japan but sneaks back in just to help Bae with her 24 stream
>Bae repays Ina by feeding her and cuddlefucking at night for warmth
>Ina and Bae spent long nights together alone and had a Valentine's karaoke date
>Bae considers Ina to be one of her closest true friends
>Ina gifts Bae a sakura tree with hopes that it'll remind Bae to slow down a bit and remember to take a breather so she can remain healthy.
My fault JPniki
The one who starts the video by slowly pulling a 10 inch dildo out of her pussy?
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>IRyS didn't even realize that she could make THIS face
Ok link this one
FACT: Fubuki cosplayer porn looks better in image than video
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Shiorin has the best teeth in Hololive
Shut the fuck up Towa
She's afraid that Kiara might genuinely rape her
just friends
>your oshi
>did you get those photos printed?
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Truly depraved shit
another one to add to the collection
The best surviving teeth.
Amelier Watson, my toothy detective...
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That's not even the good pic.
mooner has been talking about gozaru cookies for 20 minutes
This would be a good yuri manga
Ame was literally at Fes.
I'm gonna be balls deep in this soon.
Remember the one who spregged out in front of Kiara because of fucking League?
People do be crashed out due to the dumbest thing
bro that is cock and balls
late night pokemon
https://youtu.be/BMiD5eS5fbU [Embed]
https://youtu.be/BMiD5eS5fbU [Embed]
https://youtu.be/BMiD5eS5fbU [Embed]
Where's her vagina?
Huh... where's her pussy?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMiD5eS5fbU [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMiD5eS5fbU [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMiD5eS5fbU [Embed]
I need Kiara to play a Pokemon game too
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They are both just bonding over their shared grief of the one that got away.
jeeesus sanatards are pathetic
Wait a minute, that's a boy!
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He should do picrel
She doesn't realize it. She just think that Kiara is being nice. She said as much during the last stream.
Kaela is no longer a single parent.
Oh no, Pokemon has escaped the JPs, it's over
>I deserve kisses and hugs and maybe a little Kiarasex
>Maybe that could cure me from any sickness, you know
he didn't want one
You are infinitely more pathetic.
Is it true that Kiara gave everyone a rare strain of enterovirus?
>listening to CC twispace
>store closed on sunday in most europe
eu bros, is this real? how am I supposed to prep for mondays?
Don't do this, it creates mustard gas
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Yep, she's sleeping more than four hours a day so she has way more energy.
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Not when I'm done with him.

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