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Get Well Soon Edition
Previous Thread: >>97208281 →

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzPU6Pni-XQ [Embed]
>Go watch it again: Birthday 3D Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQF2A1l_cI [Embed]

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aThUfmKQgaY [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kttt7pb5o6I [Embed]
>3D Debut
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqiU63uqC9U [Embed]
>3D Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouQF2A1l_cI [Embed]
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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Sex with Mococoe!
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Today's streams are cancelled since FWMC are feeling under the weather. Expecting things to go as planned on Friday until we're told otherwise https://x.com/fuwamoco_en/status/1899776552277303541
So, what's the cover song?
To make up for no FWMC Morning, I jerked it to Fuwawa shitting on Mococo.
No idea, but I'm hoping it actually comes out this time
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>cover release
This time for sure
>>97224427 →
I've made the laughing at us and melting down posts before, but only one at a time, not paired like that.
You're a wikespwee poster aren't you...
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NTA but yes I am
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How could you
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Mococo is a slutty temptress and she gets in heat when she thinks about the Ruffians manhandling her little body.
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It's happening right?
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If it doesn't then it's just 100% cursed
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Fuwawa 3:16
"For Fuwawa so loved the wuffians that she displayed her floofies, that whosoever looketh upon them should not perish, but have everlasting life"
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I just think of Nerissa’s cover of Lilium getting nuked after release and hope they never have to deal with something like that
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EE_0UZN5qM&t=5557s [Embed]
No, I only posted when hlgg is actually making fun of us/ruffians in general or baubau is actually melting down, and only a couple times
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Mococo would cry
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FWMC got a #FWMCscoop that a faggot ruffian was doing puptalks so they decided to cancel today. Enjoy the replacement.
>making fun of us
There's no "us", faggot. Stop trying to pretend you are a Ruffian. Your post directly make the threads worse by announcing to the antis that they can come here to shit on FWMC when the jannies are too busy masturbating with their dildos to moderate the thread.
Another day of not kiling myself because mom, dad and FWMC would be sad.
>>97223970 (OP)
Praying for FWMC’s downfall
Fuwawa is mine and mine only.
>FWMC would be sad
No they wouldn't be lol
Yesterday was a lot of fun.
Today? Eh.
I'd pray for your oshi's downfall, but I don't think she can have a "downfall" when she is already a pathetic failure.
: (
Praying for FWMC's uplift
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I want to rape Mococo's fuzzy tail.
I played that dynasty warriors roguelite another anon was talking about before, and can confirm that Mococo would probably like the skill tree in it
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im gonna get crabs from this image
I have been subscribed to FWMC from the moment their channels were out, and I have not given them a single cent, be it through super chats, merch, etc.
>>97224674 →
Just don't be an idiot this time, Mel, or try to burn what few bridges you have left and it should work out fine.
I'm not Mel, why do you think she'd be hanging out in /baubau/?
KYS /pol/ faggot

No one cares, go back and cry there
I just want a few more real vtuber farts.
And that's why everyone hates Americans. The US won't exist in 5 years.
Cringe /pol/ faggot FWMC aren’t even American

Go back to your containment board you freak, this is a board for Vtubers
Don't think you'll be getting anything like that from her again, she seems pretty repulsed by it now. Which is probably for the best so she doesn't go completely menhera again
Nice thread twannyffians KEK
What game
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wrong board you fucking tourist schizophrenic subhuman waste of fucking skin. This isn't /pol/ you fucking brainlet, this is the 2D anime girl streamer board where people discuss 2D anime girl streamers, we do not give a single fucking shit about your offtopic /pol/faggotry at all and it is not relevant to anything.
Fuck off and find the nearest rope, tie it around your neck and leap off a bridge with it or better yet chug your anti-psychotic pills so you fucking choke on them and drown in your own fucking vomit. Nobody here gives a single fuck about your epic and based views, about your culture war or which side of anything you are on politically.
This is the 2D anime girl streamer board. Not every single board on this website is /pol/ you fucking redditor tourist cocksucking faggot. We do not fucking care about your /pol/faggotry, you do not post like the other anons on this board and you do not belong here. You are not being based or savvy or 'seeing through the bullshit' and owning people, you are just a fucking drooling threadshitter that doesn't know where the fuck they are, you should have been aborted. You are walking proof that abortion is a moral good to prevent more fucking downie protozoa brained fucking clueless retards like you from existing and bumbling into the wrong board and spraying your shit everywhere like the fucking mongoloid that you are.

Go back.
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Actual melty KEK
baused fww
FWMC attended feminist sermons
Why does a red had consistently send sisters into a tantrum?
Waiting for the inevitable nuke
>a red had
American education right here
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Wuffians are twannies...
This mindbreaks the wuffians...
Baused. 4ch never really recovered since /pol/ trash came to life but especially since the tourist influx in 2016, awful decision to make that board in the first place
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Is this true
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Why is it that every single time I come into these threads in the past week I have to read some pol garbage
I'm here for my virtual anime demon dog girls escapism, not to see pol shitters bring their shit here
Stay on your containment board
Ask this insufferable containment breaking faggot >>97226134
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Yes, it's the reason Mococo developed her allergies out of nowhere.
How did Nerissa remove FWMC's socks with her feet if Mococo doesn't like wearing socks?
>Why would Mel hang out in any thread she got mentioned in
She searches her name despite pretending she actually listened to her friend with blocking this site kek
She's the last of her kind, enjoy the fake farts anon
/pol/ retard FWMC are Canadian weebs
Eh, they'll be slip-ups every once in a while.
They just can't help themselves
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Can you please stop engaging the /pol/posters if you want them to go away? Most of the people that talk like this don't even believe in what they're talking about, they just know it annoys you so they keep doing it
Kill yourself
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And boom goes the dynamite

Fuwawa sex
I know she egosearches, but she would have had to already be hanging out here to respond that quickly about it I think, and I just don't think this thread of all places would be somewhere she'd hang around, even if I don't really know how she feels about FWMC
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Do you sometimes wish they had human models and human themeing?
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No, I like their ears and tails. I also just can't really imagine them as any other than dogs at this point
No. That's what Cover does with DEV_IS, but I'm glad they are in normal holo with fantasy elements.
Also fluffy tails are hot.
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Hell no
No I’ve always liked catgirls
Elves would've been fine too but just human would've been meh
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I want them to find a way to legally stream something like Pokemon Platinum
Are the new pokemon perms just for the nip versions?
No but Nintendo wouldn't allow any emulators and also no "hacked" 3DS etc. with capture devices in them, so they'd need to find a way to stream those games on original and unmodified hardware
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>Elves would've been fine too
Didn't you forget to ask someone?
You will NOT depict her as a wood elf
They have official 3DS set up with screen capture shit that nintendo gave to cover so they could ask for one of those
The latest one I remember using one was Luna for one of the 3DS MH
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No. I love the dog theme.
did a paypig knock them up or something? Why did they hold a party when people were sick? Why did they rush to bring back fuwamoco morning with 0 changes only to cancel it again after a single episode?
If Mogogo is so bautistic why did she use the communal kazoo? Wouldn't she get pretty ocd about it?
no, council did this and their model are shit
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She's being ruined by her sister and all the other girls turning her into a whore. She finally got caught up in the moment and let loose and now everyone got sick because of her. She'll probably never forgive herself.
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I've been saving my potent semen since their debuts well over a year ago. Finally, it happened.
Fuwawa got the brunt of it, I think she took around 27 of my 40 loads. The rest went deep into Mococo.

I'm sorry wuffians, I couldn't hold back.
Shut up faggot I'm gonna cut off your leg and ship it to Zimbabwe
Why were ruffians so horny in Japan? Sounds like they are terrorizing all the women with their desire...
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How much did they pay to take a photo? Ruffians are pathetic.
Aren't Fuwawa's breasts a little too big?
I'm the only one that posts her rm here though
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You seem to be lost, let me help you out
Does she really find enjoyment in seeing the wuffians leaving a trail of cum as the terrorize Japan? Why is she like this?
Should I ask them the same question?
>>97231118 →
I don't think they're interested in women
Fuwawa merely wants the wuffians to be true to their desires.
She needs to take responsibility. What is she going to do when the wuffians go after their true desire and try to give her a litter?
I never smile with my mouth open (desu I rarely smile at all) and I try to hide my teeth as much as possible
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 582: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've started watching new JP stream.
Don't get braces they suck and ruin your gums
the bautism smile...
Do fertility pills actually work?
I did this before my teeth were even fucked up.
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only one way to find out
If FWMC had ebola, would you kiss them?
Stupid question. Come up with something better.
this is what happens when you rap. look how cali ended up
That's actually an unnatural smile and people can tell you look uncanny even without realizing why. You're only making yourself look like a creep.
Different Mel anon, don't worry about it
No I have someone else to kiss
I think they should have a cool guitar offcollab metal karaoke with Patra in the future
so if my smile is shit, my gums are fucked and even if I smile naturally my teeth are covered what do I do? kill myself?
I guess, I did have to train myself to show just enough teeth to look normal in photos since opening so wide you show gums also looks weird.
I don't smile with my mouth open either, but it's not like I smile super wide
I lost my teeth ages ago
wape wuffians
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I think it's too late for Miosha... you have to give it up...
Shondo’s mom committing suicide should keep the sisters busy for awhile
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Anyone applying for this
How about you go back to the catalog tranny-kun?
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I can still give her the children she deserves...
Why'd she kill herself? Doesn't shon support FWMC or something
She was bipolar and had cancer or something
How was FWMC morning? Was busy so I missed it?
It was good, nattou challenges returned but instead of nattou Fuwawa fed Mocochan actual cum
I wish a few menera Ruffians would follow her lead
Nice thread twannyffians KEK
What's a menera
Tourist here.
Since thread seems slow could someone provide me with a tier list of FWMC's strongest ruffians?
Considering how much you seem to discuss about figures such as tekzi, raul, purityscizho and pissnix, someone surely must have ranked them and comparatively notable ruffians in terms of their prominence at some point.
I would assume Nerissa is at the top due to being the so called "ruffian prime" but I would like to know how the rest of them stack up
Cool, I'll check it out later. Days have been so messed up I thought today was Tuesday. What a week.
It's mostly a scam like ZMA and testosterone boosters. Diet and sport/idol reps will be better for their female health
Depends, what do you define strength by?
It's something you get on your ass hole.
Stop larping twannyffian
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Check the gem thread we shitted up yesterday
Nwissa is top
in terms of fans anal only is the top because he's paid for their entire move to Japan and they constantly stalk him on twitter and live streams. They cried when he was gone for less than a week when other paypuppies have gone months missing and they didn't even notice.
>tourist here, I know about all these names so let me list them
It was just me
And I was seriously defending Biboo getting mistreated by fuwamoco
Kinda baused then, noble even. It must suck for her, but perhaps her mom's intentions were decent
Wasn't there also like multiple ruffians that literally offered to become their manager and pay all of their finances?
FWMC should symphogear my ass
Beautiful narcissism
There's a few that like to think they are that. In their PL there's the guy that was their mod that made it weird when they graduated by offering to do as you said and pay for everything to make them go indie. Totally with "no strings attached" because he's that good of a guy.
I guess how much attention FWMC seem to give them or how important they are seen as by other ruffians

I know all their names because I lurk this thread sometimes but I don't know much else about them
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>>97216078 →
Ruffians are such selfless individuals... just like their oshis...
Don't crosslink an actual good thread in this shithole
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/fluffy/ should be brought back for ENReco 2
>watch VOD with thread sync tool
>see >>97190299 → just like 5 mins into the stream

They got rabies from Gigi...
where did the piss and shit names come from anyways?
When you have no running water and smell like shit it's easy to come up with those type of phrases on the fly.
Because Shitzki is easier to say than Tekzi
It's 4chan, we also turn the names of games we don't like into "piss-, shit-, slop-" or whatever.
For example I want them to play less chillashit.
Why did they stop retweeting shitzki and pissnix? Do they hate slop clips now?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCIFbTuP9X0 [Embed]
Go back
They already hired a clipper for their channel so they don't want to take away from his profits.
Reminder that Tekzi doesn't need to settle for inferior Japanese whore pussy when he has both Koahri and Fuwawa under the shaft of his cock.
Oh, for real? It is about time.
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White Day Plan B is in the fridge, had to be something super simple, but hopefully it's at least somewhat maybe presentable. Wish me luck, bros.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0b2_riDiX0A [Embed]
cute, hope one day they play more Donkey Kong
When you're as ugly as shartnix you gotta take what you can get I guess. Pathetic that it allegedly happened, fuwamoco are ashamed I bet.
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I always like how Fuwawa was about to say "thank you" extremely sweetly.
>suddenly remember the folder organizing stream
>chuckle remembering how they save every thing to the downloads folder
>reminds me I haven't checked my downloads folder in a while
>check it
>100 gbs of shit
That reminds me I need to sort my many, many holofes screenshots...
I'll do it tomorrow
mine is filled with hololive porn
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I've let myself slide recently, it's a mess
don't forget sobbi too. And that gorgeous Mococo cosplayer. All the hottest femruffians are in love with chadzki.
can i see it?
>And that gorgeous Mococo cosplayer
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we're doing a watchalong for eurovision this year, right?
No, one of the ones him and his boyfriend have been stalking.
may I see it?
They're addicted to his zoomer dick... how can I even compare...
I don't want to go on vacation again. It's 70% members with huge floofies and 25% cute flatties like beebs
It's more they see that he has numbers on his posts and once one of them followed him they all did. Women only want what other women want.
Daylight savings time. Your clock is forward by a day
they HATE us now
How do I get liked by one woman then?
send them money or reply to every single post they make with compliments. That's how tekzi got koahri to love him. It works on almost all women because in the end they're just shallow whites that want to serve a man.
They should cancel FWMC Morning. It's already gotten old.
They should have never brought it back. Especially now that it's clear they aren't going to take feedback or improve it at all. zit could genuinely be summarized in an ad tweet or community post. There's no reason to watch it if you already follow them on Twitter. Not to mention the start time is unsustainable as seen by them already canceling it again after only one episode. Everyone would be happier without it besides the attention whores that want to get picked for a submission or ESR.
So all I need to do is
>Send woman money and complement them
>Show that I'm interested and rich
>Have women fight over me
Thanks, I'll try that
The first one is always the hardest to get. It helps if you have a friend that's a girl to jump start it. If girls see you with a woman at a con they'll instantly view you as desirable and you continue falling towards. Or if you have no shame join in with the twitter whore clique like tekzi. Cosplay whores have no self esteem so if you say they are cute in a few posts they'll follow you and start amplifying you to other girls. Be careful though a lot of hololive cosplayers are young and menhera.
>>97237740 (me)
Okay I checked twitter and I guess they canceled it but left the frame up for some reason. Doesn't exactly bode well for the grand return to cancel the second episode but if they're sick they're sick. I blame Kiara
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Orange women hate.
Unironically they're the ones that just got the rest of holoEN sick by hosting the off collab. Stupid mutts.
I hope biboo wasn't hit.. I need a stream
the Advent spit kazoo...
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>gets everyone sick
I hope they feel bad about that. It's completely their fault if anyone gets sick from that. Anyone with a brain knew there was a sickness going around especially when everyone they were closest with was already actively sick like Mori and Koyori.
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>young and menhera
Eh? What's the problem with this?
I don't think anything strong enough to knock out everyone like that can develop symptoms this quickly. They all got it during fes rehearsal and MCs.
>KFPiss deflection
Give their senpai some motherfucking respect!
They're dogs, lord knows they were hiding symptoms so that they wouldn't have to cancel the karaoke.
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You'd forgive her
Maybe, but everyone who was in the karaoke was also in fes rehearsals and MCs, getting lunch together, going shopping and stuff. Everyone already got it before the karaoke.
Koyori being out at the same time tells the rest of the story. She had nothing to do with any of the EN outings. It was fes.
FWMC are the dumb ones for agreeing to swap spit
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Gigi would have fever sex with CC
Well yes it was fes but guess who was with koyori live during fes? bau bau
They're the superspreaders for most of EN.
They would have gotten sick anyway just by being in one small room with radioactive Kiara
When FWMC said they would be a JP to EN bridge I didn't think they meant bringing the supervirus from JP breach to EN members... What if someone has their career affected because of their negligence hosting this event? They'll never be forgiven.
Reminder that you're microdicked pajeet faggot tranny and no matter how many shitposts you make on this board you will will always be as worth about as much as a cockroach. This thought will live rent free in your head until the day you kys, you worthless retard. You will never be good enough.
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Imagine if Newissa gets horribly sick from this then vows to never go back to Japan for real this time.
aww someone's having a melty that they had to pay to fuck a 3/10 JP hag when tekzi is swimming in pussy for free.
The frame is kill, they actually slept for about 9 hours, at least some good came of it.
That was Kiara, not them
fuckmucko morning...
just ate a bunch of raw eggs and then I looked it up and you're not supposed to eat raw eggs and now I feel like FWMC said once that you're not supposed to eat raw eggs
But why? You can soft boil them you know.
I want to kiss her on the lips to see how soft they are and find out the depth in millimeters.
Raw eggs are good
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B-B-B-B (remix) BAUSED
I'm so sad, can someone post fluffy Fuwawas
What was? They said multiple times that they would be an EN/JP bridge. They even tweeted to Yagoo about it after he congratulated them on 1M.
I need to have sex with FWMC CC and GG in their feverish states
Getting everyone sick
FWMC were not patient zero of this
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>Mori first to develop symptoms in EN
>Rat is also down
>Koyori down in JP but she didn't do much with Mori
Who interacted with all three of them?
Getting sick won't bring Shondo's Mom back
Bae is sick too and she wasn't at the karaoke. And her symptoms also presented the same time as FWMCs so they got sick at the same time from someone else
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Bae and FWMC likely both got from Mori, then?
Or could be unrelated, FWMC got from Koyori and then the other EN girls like ERB got it from FWMC during that lunch with Kiara, her manager, ERB, Newissa and someone else.
I'm not saying FWMC are patient zero but they made damn sure the rest of EN that wasn't sick got sick for sure with their stupid off collab.
Biboo survived the plague spread, potentially still incubating though
She continues to be the rising star and face of EN.
FWMC please play Darkest Dungeon to fit the plague theme
I'm gonna say it. I don't like the zogog design. I think mococo got shafted on this model set. She even looks super fucked up in the team Tomodachi music video.
I think you're gay
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She's gonna start to feel the fever coming in midway through the stream
It's cunnyover
sorry to hear you're homosexual
Holostars did
She loves us... despite being sick as a dog...
Yeah she should probably call it sick all things considered.
I hate the glasses most of all.
She looks like a child
Yes because that karaoke was definitely the big recent event that had every holo in close proximity
Japan has had its biggest flu season in decades this winter. They're getting sick because all the hikki Holos were forced to go to the studio and interact
They were kissing and sharing a kazoo. If made damn sure that everyone in that room was sick. It was a completely retarded move.
fes performances arent all recorded at the same time
Look at Doctor Snakes here
The funny thing is that this is a possibility, since Bae and ERB spent the afternoon with some of them.
Holos were all together backstage, we have lots of stories about that. Plus the MC. And at least some of the performances were live, not recorded
They could all have gotten sick anywhere from holofes backstage to practice just before it to MC to post fes meetups to the offcollab etc.
And then because they all meet each other again here and there it can spread through hololive easily in all directions
quite a fun coincidence they get to play the sick card to explain what they're doing on white day, huh...? Didn't they already pull this excuse for valentine's and Xmas eve too?
Stop noticing things
i dont think they said anything about being sick for those two ?
I don't even save stuff anymore, everything gets streamed, and while I hate the media planned obsolescence companies force on us, my shitty hard drive from my 2011 laptop ain't gonna be the reason some obscure anime from out time will get rediscovered 100 years from now on.
Xmas for sure they canceled the live karaoke
Mococo is going to die from the bird flu isn't she...
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Congrats! You are the biggest faggot in 4chan.
So it wasn't the unprotected kazoo sex. Just another case of what happens at every fucking con (an international one to top it off)
she should retire and enjoy her last years in happiness not stress. Fuwawa can handle the channel on her own.
They caught the chickenpox from Wawa...
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Mococo was almost paralized because of a back injury during practice and they didn't say anything about it and keep streaming like usual. For them to cancel streams and stay out of twitter for so long they must be in the hospital right now. I hope they survive...
She looks like she can dominate my penis
Fuwawa will survive. she's strong. I find comfort in that.
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>she should retire and enjoy her last years in happiness not stress
Yeah, with me as her husband and owner.
Yeah in the hospital from all the dick they took from their favorite paypuppy / boyfriend the past week.
The valentines day stream... our cold chicken...
Yeah me
Mococo would die in childbirth. Her body is far too sickly and frail.
Ore da
and Rabies from Gigi...
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She'd be the one getting dominated.
Some of these JP broads are so tight i can't even get halfway into them. Is this normal? Do they do special exercises or something? Would Mococo be this tight?
Why do you always think about the cocks of other men? I can almost hear you salivating at the thought of their cocks too... It's gross.
God I wish I was him
Sorry, ate too much pineapple so they just can't stop it
Hopefully the Homos get sick and graduate
No, he's thinking about MY cock, specifically.
mamma puppy birthday, they are in the NWP right now
Why? D*de looks like a goblin and they look like a dime a dozen girl on the streets.
Yeah well, he seems pretty hungry for your cock then.
They are in me specifically, sorry.
he has everything? FUWAMOCO love, a femruffian from jp and a crap ton of money to go abroad and buy merch
Mococo's a demon guard dog. She's not Japanese
>skipped his sc
heh, nothing personnel kid
So is she tight or not?
They literally roll their eyes when he SCs and speedrun through it. Sometimrs they even skip it because they're sick of his attention whoring. Not once have they thanked him for a clip despite him desperately begging for it. I assume he paid this random girl to take a photo with him. And money doesn't mean shit when you're a creepy faggot like that.
he did bribe her with plushies
that she already got kek
its gonna be auctioned off soon enough
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She is just a puppy, she is too tight for vaginal sex. It literally wouldn't fit.
>schizo delusions
KEK you are just jealous of HIM.
>she already got
holy kek is that true? Couldn't have happened to a more deserving loser. Goodbye 200 bucks, faggot. Hope that trash pussy was worth it.
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You can always make it fit
dogs don't have vaginas but I'll make it fit for Mogogo. She'll be a mother. cum sleeve mutt.
But I'm him???
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Mococo fantasizes about that every time she masturbates.
Oh do they have cloacas or something?
Mococo doesn't masturbate, it just makes her feel like she's about to die.
dogs have vaginas that guy is a retard. source: i was just pumping Fuwawa's full of batter.
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I'll get her addicted to asphyxiation then
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Mococo doesn't masturbate, she just humps her Ruffian plushie because it makes her feel tingly down there.
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Would Mococo know what a dick is? Would I have to teach her how nutritious semen is?
I can’t get enough of dicks
She has seen hundreds of 2D dicks
You’re literally a poorfaggot kek I bet he can buy you and your entire family
Unknown to death, nor known to life?
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>Would Mococo know what a dick is?
Yes, she sees the VNs that Fuwawa plays, but she has never seen an uncensored dick.
>Would I have to teach her how nutritious semen is?
Good luck with that, Fuwawa has tried training Mococo to eat nattō for years and Mococo still cries every time she eats it.
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In exchange for their cover being released, they get really sick
I don't care what I am or am not it's pathetic to give money to women that don't and won't ever love you just for attention. He's the biggest loser Rufdian and the worst example of idols ruining men's lives.
I can see it already
>Cover gets delayed for some reason because they got sick
this is a post of fuwawas breasts with exposed pink nipples
Unknown to 3DPD, nor known to flaccidity
Have withstood pain of so many veins
So as she pray
Does he actually buy people? I'd like to be his slave...
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What did Fuwawa have to give up in exchange for her massive floofies?
Fuwawa pls you’re supposed to be looking after Mocochan
>it's pathetic to give money to women that don't and won't ever love you just for attention
that is literally the backbone of the vtubing industry
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HOLY SEX!! I need to drink Fuwawa's milk NOW!
which is why his biggest sin is cheating on his idols
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Don’t let the faggot jannies see this one
Read the rest of my statement. It is terrible what idols and vtubers do to men. It ruins lives. Do you think it's lasting happiness to give money to someone wealthier than you just so they can say your name and pretend to care about you? Or to give up expensive merch for companionship? No, it's fucking sad.
Uh oh, jannies are NOT going to like this post...
okay so why are you on a vtuber board?
As opposed to stalking other men on the internet? And he does it for free?
We are ODST
I watch them for free and have never given them or cover a single cent. It's entertainment it should be free. Let sponsors pay for things. The biggest scam ever was convincing fans they need to pay money for their idol to succeed at all. Maybe if they were indie and struggling not hololive members. The entire point is the company pays for shit. Retards donating to rich people are the reason everything is fucked.
Which twitch streamer raised you?
Banging some random whore while claiming you love FuwaMoco. It's pathetic. They must hate his guts seeing that.
Other guy will denounce you, but know that you're the pariah
damn bro sorry you're that poor
kek... unbaused... but it's the truth...
enjoy your jp aids, cheating whore. hope it was worth it.
you know that if no one pays for the entertainment your freeloader ass won't have anything to watch, right? you should be grateful that people out there are generous enough to subsize your broke ass
they dont like this one mate
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Fuwawa must have a hard life.
No one buys anything from ID yet that branch is still existing. It's up to the company to make it financially viable not find to subsidize holoearth.
do you personally send money to movie stars after you watch a movie they are in?
Fuwawa might not even be sick. She didn't use the kazoo and Mococo is the weaker one.
Real women are worse. They'll do the exact same and make you throw away all your vtuber merch and break off with all your friends and leave you a hollow mess drowning in booze.
>No one buys anything from ID yet that branch is still existing.
Fuck you, do you know how hard we need to fight to get the fucking local donation choice before the fuckers takes it out?
do you not pay for movie tickets
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9qgXaihce8 [Embed]
Mococo threatened to kill herself after the last Fuwawa solo stream. That's why Fuwawa has to stream in secret.
Is it true all I have to do is give a paypig a blowie for the plushies? I'd do that in a heartbeat. How long could it last, 2 minutes?
lol only the top A stars get ticket sale cuts
even then not always
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This you?
And...? Still not free entertainment. Which is why you expose yourself as a twitch child who grew up watching lowest common denominator trash to assume all entertainment is free.
>he doesnt know the speedrun tech
30s wont even make it into the leaderboard, buddy
Hell no, do you? I've never bought a movie ticket in my life yet they keep getting made. You're the retard that fell for the manipulative guilt tripping.
>I was just pretending to be retarded, LOLLLL
see >>97242736
I've never sucked a cock in my life but if it gets me those cute plush I'd do it no question. I didn't even know that was an option I thought it was a larp.
Sounds like cope by you to justify all the money you needlessly spent. Invest in yourself not lining the pockets of people with more life than your entire family line has ever had.
>lowest common denominator trash to assume all entertainment is free.
i didnt grow up watching vtubers?
Stop believing lies and schizos. No one had sex for goddamn plushie merch. All I've heard has been people bringing extras to give out like Andy or pissnix.
I pay for my local movie tickets, thank you very much
We got "Turbo Granny vs Slit-mouth Woman 4" next week
If it were a loval project made by people in your community then that's different. I'm talking soulless shit pumped out by massive companies like Disney, cover, media. Their biggest success is convincing retards they totally have to buy the $100 merch or $30 movie ticket to support the rich actors and tubers. Fuck that.
Rich of you saying that while posting in Ancient Tibetian Butterfly Catching Forums
>massive companies
Are you paying to use this website? If so you're a collosal retard. There's more free entertainment available in the world than anyone could ever enjoy in hundreds of lifetimes. Why waste your money paying for what you can get for free?
You're paying your time
is your time free?
then so much for investing yourself, hm?
Time isn't free but if you're enjoying what you're using it on then yes it's worth it. Better than retards that work a 40 hour week then send half of it to a company worth a billion fucking dollars
are you pretending to be retarded or are you really unable to follow "no one should pay for anything" to its natural conclusion?
>he's enjoying his time in this god forsaken board
so much for investing in yourself
Are you enjoying it right now though?
I'm shitposting while riding the train home from work
>not reading
so much for investing in yourself
she's showing off her whole body sexxx
The argument about ruining lives has weight but you're trying to shoehorn paypigs into it. None of the current paypigs are even close to being worried about running out of money. A Japan trip cost thousands of dollars for a few days; their SC habits are negligible in comparison.
What you're saying might apply to people who went super hard when they first found their oshi and then disappear into the void when they run out of savings but I guess you can't help but talk about the names that you're obsessed with.
This is reinerfaggot in case that wasn't obvious already
Lol I see this guy everywhere seething about how vtubers are so rich. Its a jealous woman right?
paypigs are constantly losing their sanity
You. are. a. poorfaggot.
Not only that, but tranny, your existence is more pathetic than any paypig or idol. Kys already.
Her previous look was much better. Sorry for your shit taste
That's why the freaks above like it so much.
it stopped having any weight the moment it was posted in this fucking korean basket weaving forum anyway, the culmination of wasted human potential
One of those is your friends, mate
Sorry to hear that you are gay.
What's with sisters and thinking they're some sort of pariah for stating the obvious about vtubing? I'm so fucking glad Nijisanji en crashed into the fucking ground because holy shit the amount of insufferable retards they brought into this medium is astounding.
The funniest part is FUWAMOCO can't even bother to pretend to care about the fans or all of the money they're asking us to spend. They constantly shill stuff at an extreme level and all they can manage is a tiny "apology" while still begging that Ruffians buy it because it's really important to them. And they get superchats and give no effort at all to read them in a timely manner. Then when they do read them they just speedrun through it. They should just stop accepting them if they can't even fake caring about them. Just no gratitude at all.
SirO who asked?
So trueee sis. Keep crying kek.
Shut up nigger
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poorfag / SEA monkeys constantly crying that people that are supporting their oshis and enjoying life are loved more than they are.
Aaaand we're back
Though we coulda had a civilized discussion for once
>The funniest part is I'm such a faggot and can't even bother to pretend to care about myself or all of the money I don't have. I constantly shill my mental illness at an extreme level and all I can manage is a tiny (You) while still begging Ruffians to buy my retardation because it's really important to me. And I don't have money for superchats and give no effort at all in my posts. Then when Ruffians do read them they just speedrun through it. Ruffians should just stop accepting my shitty posts if they can't even fake caring about them. Just no gratitude at all.
uh oh melty. hope the tens of thousands you've given FUWAMOCO bring you happiness because they don't even remember who you are.

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