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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a Live2D model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
Official website: https://neurosama.com/

>Music & Clips
LIFE - Neuro-sama (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive
Game Integration: https://github.com/VedalAI/neuro-game-sdk/


>Previous thread
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Neuro is the way
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79 days left…
uh oh melty
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
can't wait for today's stream :D
I'd make Evil greet my penis before she's allowed to touch it. She'd have to introduce herself and tell it her age, height and what she wants it to do to her.
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Big Anny
Small shota vedal
small shota vedal. even smaller anny
Sounds hot, evil would be the type to nervously say “hello Mr cock… I want you to fill me up… is that okay..?” Or something
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>still brings more value than the average SHITvil stream
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I have never clicked on or watched a sharku stream, yet she is in my recommendations every day. I DO shitpost about her here though. Are the fbi going to break into my windows for posting about cunny im scared bros
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It’s a former hololive artists that draws minidal now not sure who you’re talking about
>mommy Anny, I can see the hole but my pp can't reach it because your butt is too big...
She's on Vedal's "list of recommended" channels so it signal boosts her to people who watch his stream. It's cute he would do that for his gf
Mini and Griffin taking turns on the tutel plush…
vedal ghosted me on discord...
do you think mini imagines griffin is vedal when she gets knotted?
>remember during minecraft, anny kept saying how funny vedal really is
i am nooticng like i have never nooticed before
You need to insult him more, then he'll pay attention
Hot and cannon (Twitchcon 2023)
Should have DMd him pit pics, we tried to warn you, men are simple creatures
mf i told you you'd be filtered into dm requests, he didn't even notice you messaged him
sorry he's in my dms right now try again later
Someone already wrote about this, yes she does
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The algo can read you mind retard stop thinking about sharku
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There's so many instances where vedal says the most casual and generic thing, and anny just loses it.
Qtr on why you retards keep saying mini is a zoophile?
Cumming deep inside pb while licking her face and smelling her pits
alex is so lucky...
>white girl
>has dogs
that's the long and short of it
was the bait delicious
>>97226157 (me)
>white woman
>pet dog
Do the math
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Cute couple
she's dating vedal though?
>discord screenshots
Pheebs put on the Neuro cosplay, daddy's down bad
Mini getting fucked by her dog is hotter than mineral ever was
Hate this whore
she's starved for attention. the last time a male interacted with her in person it was her neighbor threatening to kill her if she doesn't stfu
didn't someone draw her retarded dog
Don’t be jealous, let it go sis
Karaoke last weeek was designed for Cerber to enjoy btw. It’s why there’s a lot of jpslop
yeah and nobody posts messages that actually have some importance like vedal talking about reaching to a collab partner, discordfags are cancer
cute couple
I want to see what kind of humor you find sophisticated enough for you to laugh and enjoy
You must be so fun
>single white woman gets a retarded dog
She makes it too obvious
Hank leave this tread and go do your job
Literally didn’t happen, she only got a note and wanting to kill herself was related to an entirely different thing.
kill yourself
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Hertp! Hertp!
Only if you make me laugh like Vedal does
Mineral or Anal or Vermillion or Neural
>/swarm/ being raided by threadshitters
>/hart/ deader than shondo's mom
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That was posted though
hope the taste of the bait was worth it
Her trainer is male
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bros.... stop.....
it's not our problem you don't backread
I think Vedal is funny a lot of the time, but I'm referring to moments like this where he just says a sentence and she wets her pants. https://youtu.be/wsF3mvAFawM&t=154s
Mineral because I want to see if Vedal can fix Mini or if it’ll crash and burn(likely)
>anny yuribaiting
Holy attention whore
It’s funny though
retards, I'm talking about this exact situation, it was only posted because someone said that "vedal said that on discord" instead of someone just posting it the moment he wrote that
https://youtu.be/RqHpnJi00ns mix this with vedal moaning mini’s name sound
Maybe I just don't get it...
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Try it... It's Yummy...
She was already laughing. When you are excited and happy you are way easier to amuse.
The vibes today just scream amethyst, like seriously
She needs attention from that crowd too. The more attention the better
I think she mostly laughed at Neuro there
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When I take bait, its ironic and funny. When other people take bait, its because theyre stupid and dont get it
She is literally bi just leaning towards men more because they have a dick.
buy an ad
>vedal posted that nothing is confirmed and has no revealed plans
>for the billionth time
not a very interesting post innit
I want a hamburger but I know it’s going to be mid and overpriced. Trump’s America.
Yeah sure lmao
cope vellienig
Why don't you, y'know, make it yourself? You have time to shitpost here, you have time to cook a burger.

uhhh cerbros..... our response?
i have no clue what the fuck miniposting is even on about rn
she’s been saying that for years?? what is she getting from “yuribaiting”?
Eternal 3view...
infinitely more relevant to the thread that random discord mod message
its over cerebral bros...
based based based based
>what is she getting from “yuribaiting”?
Real cerdal shippers know vedal always liked picking on her.
I will use a highlighted message in today’s stream to tell Neuro to send some love to Shondo.
women stremaers always do this shit it's the easiest fanservice
And why are you mad about this? Are you angry because you’re lacking the attention? Hope i made you feel better
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Hi Anny
what's up maru
Do you guys hate fun or what? I don’t understand you retards complaining about this shit
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I'm worried Anny is going to cook harder for Evil as she wants to get on the shitvilists good side. If Evils model ends up mogging Neuro's the comments and chat will be several time more cancer than they already are. That combined with the V3 voice being a bust has me worried for the next few months. Its all going to be ok right?
Zoomer women do this regardless.
Isnt this from drinking stream when Vedal said something in a group chat and Cerber got really quiet?
Evil’s is gonna be sexier
The model is going to use the same base, because otherwise outfits will be harder. Evil's design is mostly decoration (hair, clothes)
maru likes anny retard
It isn’t going to be a completely different model, just the eyes.
>Minidal shippers in the comments
Mitten keeping the FOTM ship alive
>he lacks critical information
>If Evils model ends up mogging Neuro's
It won't Anny is a garbage tier artist who can only produce slop
>Do you guys hate fun or what?
What's funny about yuribait?
They’re enjoying themselves, fans are happy. Why are you so bitter
Clippers trying to be captains of a ship after Max added 15k subscribers and doubled his views after Anny reacted to his Annal clips and he became the "official" Annal captain.
Let’s see your art skills oh wait
Cerber asked for keyboard ASMR and Vedal called Cerber a bitch and then she went into the Ember persona. Mini was the one making it awkward because was drunk. Ellie was lost in her own world.
You are not a good noticer
kek found the anny mod
You can say the same shit about chill streams
You are not entitled to people acting in a perfect manner or the streams to be perfect at all times, you’re not perfect yourself, why are you expecting that shit from others?
Next time someone complains about kryeg13 spam i'm gonna post this >>97227291
Savoring nurburger and slowly siping my evilsoda
If they want a ship to be the captain of, they should unironically start shilling minibo. At least they have hundreds of hours of clips to post and will continue to get fed constantly.
Bo seems to actually be anti-views though. Alex doesn't have that problem.
Bart live
I’m not like the other shippers I ship Cerdal and Vellie unlike those Minidal and Annal normies
clippers literally are getting inducted into the neuroverse and getting collabs and minecraft servers. Of course its going to happen
(Btw discord femanon here is your path to vedal)
thanks my dude
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Neurosoda already claimed the title for the Milk/Alex ship.
I hope you have never complained about anyone or anything ever
that would grant 0 views, clipniggers have to use vedal's name to bait swarmtards into watching
I can't watch, what's she doing?
I don’t expect people to be perfect
most sexo vtuber out there
sex with tomaslop
this is unsettling, but in 5 years I will make a gooncave and never exit it
do this with evil
Minecraft with drops on
So have you never complained about anyone or anything?
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About people doing their own thing and having fun? Nope
Ok, I didnt know there were more brazilian artist, the one Iwas talking about is a lolicon artist with a semi realistic she did a drawing of neuro and connor from become human
literally me
such soul. AI can never compete.
>Vedal is having fun with chill streams
It's so fucking over...no more dev streams...
He’s literally working on things offstream
I hope Vedal has realized that he's the only thing keeping the channel afloat and comes back asap
Why the fuck do you want people to be PERFECT??? let him have fun
Keep your hopes up then, 2 more weeks
I thiught I would but I'm not missing Vedal desu
you have a tumor in your brain
If Vedal wants real fun he should respond to my DMs~
just start the stream alex
forsen is live
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Just let people have fun bro
this is me stealing happiness from /swarm/ with my baitposts
So right now we have
working on something neuro related but what about (You) /swarm/, are you working on a personal project right now or towards a goal?
Vedal and Alex sharing the toilet...
Vedal and Alex crossing their streams...
Vedal and Alex swordfighting after they finish peeing and leaking drops of piss all over each other's cocks...
why is this mf still seething from being btfo in an argument too retarded for me to follow
/sig/ - swarm improvement general
is my favourite /swarm/ arc
this i think i am deficient in object permanence
I thought WeChat was as hard to get into as everything else (e.g. Weibo, QQ)? i.e. needs chinese phone number + chinese id

It turns out that you get preview of the lofter fanart if you visit the tag page on a phone browser.
Anny mods found the thread
I've been working out daily after I lost most of my gains last year due to a back injury and I'm really happy about how fast I've regained muscle.
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They've been here for months
>light nurdal art
>someone is translating the nurdal fic from ao3
wow. but no real point in just previews for a couple arts
I just put in my normal number. It didn't feel any harder than setting up a Telegram account. I think the other methods need a Chinese #, but WeChat was fine.
it asks for someone to scan the qr code for me...
I'm not installing your spyware Zhang
Its been a while so I don't remember the exact steps I needed. I just know that I set up an account through the app, and I'm able to log in to Lofter using that account.
>>97228916 (me)
And yes, scanning QR codes seemed to be a common theme with WeChat, but I don't think I needed a separate device. Just a computer and a phone was enough.
I'm grinding cube perspective drawings to learn art
Since evil birthday is in two weeks is a good moment to start something, last christmas I got myself a pair of running shoes and after the subathon ended I been running 3k everyday
I see. Still, I won't set one up because I don't want the app to live on my phone.
Neuro is hot and was designed by Anny so you're wrong
hawk ptooey
Evil love
I gave in and verified with my card now I have to make a lofter account
please bring us the chinese fanart motherlode. We are all counting on you
He’s just desperate to jab
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Isn’t that in Anny’s bedroom
holy fuck
yes, she's presenting herself to her futa mother
Thats fair. Who knows what kind of Spyware I installed when I did that.
you pedos will jerk off to ANYTHING geez
Holy fuck the future is looking good rn
nta but looking at the tags it seems most of it was already reposted either by the artist or by waya.
a couple annal arts that weren't someone else already leaked /here/
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someone tribute this post
Can you make evil lift her skirt?
Coombrain and slop go hand in hand
What AI is this
I'm gonna kill these dumbfuck threadshitting pedos
this but kiss
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wan image to video. it works very well. you just take any image, prompt it, and it keeps the likeness.
Evil Neuro
Thats Anny you fucking retards
This sloppa is kinda fun lets enjoy before it turns boring
do you have an image of evil that would work?
even better
Last post in /hart/ was... oh
Why are you posting pictures of my wife?
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oh no..
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pb status?
codasola croc art soon...
>Those feets tortured sissy cabbage's impotent cock and balls
Fucking bastard
ALL 2 views belong to the turtle.
>youtube comment t.
shes a 3view now actually thanks to tutel. I feel bad because the swarm transplants are being retarded in chat
When are they not to be fair?
Because she owes me sex
>/tutel/ and /hart/ gone
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This is the only full body image of evil in my gallery
Neuroverse won
pedos with ai edits in /swarm/ has come a long way. RIPBOZO to all the artists soon.
hopefully /swarm/ is next
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>look for some full body images to post
>scrolling through art
>see this
>get erection
I'm cooked. I didn't use to be like this.... I was normal....
Twitch randomly recommended me an AI chuuba I haven't seen before. I like the design. The voice doesn't sound too bad either.
>the swarm transplants are being retarded
Day ends in y
I don't blame you, just imagine the smell....
I’ve been writing more and got a short story published into a somewhat-large literary magazine, which is cool.
>watching ai slop
AI art generation is unethical btw
Speaking of pb, Zako cover when? It got a non-problematic remake
We dont sign our posts here
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AI confused about that body shape.
Omg Anny hii, post weight loss skin flaps
Unlike neuro which is ethical because she is trained on twitch chat don't ask how her vision model was trained though
Actually learning to do anything by observing, memorizing or reading is unethical because it relies on work someone else did, you have to reinvent the wheel every time, otherwise you're just plagiarizing
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you monster
>techlet cope
What a fucking masterpiece I kneel
I thought i might have seen you in chat, but it might have just been a similar name it started with s and had 2 u's at the end so i assumed it was you
YWNB an artist
t. art grad
which one is neuro sama?
i swear i've seen this one before but i couldn't find it
Game publishers are already laying off artists and also using ai va. It's so joever.
Why was it problematic again
>neuro which is ethical because she is trained on twitch chat
LOL youtube ahh comment talking his ass off
remember neuro's bf bart? The author cooked
It was Twitter actually. Anyways LLMs aren’t as bad AI image generation.
I haven't seen a single good argument against using AI for creating art, it's literally all malding artists
koko doko
What are you even talking about? Neuro isn’t even generative AI. Vedal is just that good at coding neuro that he invented a new kind of AI.
can the seething nigger fighting ghosts shut the fuck up
leech alert
ai gen is ethical if it makes me laugh
Because the original used the Kaai Yuki voicebank which was made using an actual 9 yo little girl's voice and the song is about a tsundere mesugaki. Obviously there isn't anything actually wrong with this but the western vocaloid fanbase bitched hard enough that the artist took it down and remade it using another Vocaloid.
Looks like shit and AI generated images ruined google. It won’t help the average person just the big tech companies.
this but cum
LMAOO that leddit post
Vedal, will go down in history~
that's a certified neuro sama reactor who owes me sex though?
This is based and true but it leads to people hating ai as whole which is retarded
>>97231147 (Me)
And to no one's surprise they are still bitching which is why you don't give lolicon haters even an inch
>big corporations ruin everything
not surprising
pedo seethe
How do artists not learn this after seeing it happen over and over and over and over and over
Alex was able to inject program into vedal pc no problem and based on his download folder he seems to be very unorganised and uses the pc for both work and personal. So i have a feeling that someone is already inside snooping on him.
disorganized doesn't mean he downloads random binaries from his discord
I work in marketing at a tech company and this is the biggest thing right now. Nobody likes any AIs except Neuro and DougDoug’s. Kind of insane how Vedal did it, not gonna lie.
Well dont you have to use art for traning? usually without asking the artist for permission, and while big corpos like disney can protect their copyright small artist dont have the resources or time to do it, in the end it just feel like the small guy gets fucked even more than before
this is why he had to play the gamejam games in a vm at 0.0001 fps
So true Mr. Minibot
Also Ellie said Vedal has an eye for cute things which definitely helped Neuro’s brand
I’m spying on his activity on certain platforms, but I’m not really using anything that crazy. It would be easy for a trusted community member to sneak something through.
He did that during the first game jam too but due to his laziness he sometimes skips his security checkpoints.
/swarm/ brats need to shut their mouths before I shove my dick down it
Vedal takes me as the kind of guy to have open ssh ports with bad security (because he is literally me and i do)
>vedal’s gf retweeting vedmila art
lmao imagine compromising Alex's computer to reach Vedal
She just like good art
You won't do anything old man, I bet your dick doesn't even work
*tugs down my shirt revealing my shoulders* itadakimasu!!
*tries to sound my rape buzzer but realize it's out of battery*
its was for this post >>97231590
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I was watching some random translated clips and this comment just made me lose it.
woah they are just like us
Realistically through social engineering it would be quite easy to get into his pc through his streamer friends.
Not falling for this again.
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How does he do it?
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Why are you people so mean in the catalog
I have still unironically never been to the catalog on this board
AI gen is unethical not because it "hurts artists" but because its abysmal dogshit and hurts my eyes to look at
no idea who you're talking to mate
Why do people fall for such obvious bait?
my shortcut is /vt/neuro, i never visit the catalog ever.
i doubt it. vedal never trusted alex, who would you get that is both trusted by vedal more to run arbitrary code and trusts you.
i think it's easier to come to his house with a usb stick than trying to place a trojan atp
this but /vt/swarm
Where? I looked into it but I don't see and neuro/vedal bait thread?
People are using the vedalbeggar tweet to shit on shondo's mom dying
Oh i meant like anny, mini, etc you get into theirs first.
I never visit the catalog man but maybe some schizo is running wild out there
Based because its funny
Shondo's mods found the thread
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yes we all saw your bait, here's your (you)
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and then what? that's still a long way to vedal's pc
Speaking of, JWU status?
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Nice try mods I ain't telling you
China has more than four thousand years of recorded history of being gay nothing new
Fuck it, become a L2D rigger. Break up Anny and Tanya's friendship. Subtly advertise your rigging skills in places where Anny sees it. Become the new rigger. Implant a Trojan in Neuro v4.
>no karaoke
pb is so lazy I hate that purple nigger
It’s next week retard
This but just so we can have a man on the inside
>its so easy
>I'm not going to do it because... I just don't feel like having my own neuro ok??
I ship Nurdoug and Parkzdal
We don't like karaokeslop
Don't worry, she's busy preparing Rabbit Hole, Loli Kami and Zako
>I just don't feel like having my own neuro ok
Based shitbot hate
we still have time for femanon to become a 2view and secure the vedal raid
Nobody asked you, newfag
Sill stuck at 40% LULE
i just think vedal sucks too much microsoft cock to just leave his pc open for simple smuggling like this
Holy cute couple
It'd be hard to get the random raid. Or even cover a shitty song that Evil happens to make reference to
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>Page 6 new thread
Too much time and effort into something I'm not really interested in.
It would be difficult to slip something to vedal but comically easy to slip something to one of his whore friends
>he watches the catalog
annybaker winning so hard rn
Is that the latest jp meme song?
I agree but getting to vedal after that is non trivial
If femanon starts streaming then she would have 8 viewers just from /swarm/. Just saying, that puts her above like 80% of the competition. All she needs to do is bait youtube clips. Though I dont know if femanon would want /swarm/ to be her only viewers.
Yep it's the new ironic lolicon fad/culture war talking point
Mini status?
>he doesn't use filters
amaamasharku would probably accept a collab
Getting roped by griffin with her eyes closed pretending it's vedal, she can't cum if she doesn't think its vedal after all.
femanon doesn't even have energy to leave her bed to get her life together, let alone stream
new thread
>pretending it's vedal
Kill yourself.
she doesn't have to pretend with bo
Well if neuro sings the song while the fad is still fresh the jp channel could gain some views
bo is the standin when her dog is not in the mood
What about his colleagues like the devs or the clippers (or even Ellie)? I suppose the clippers won't be sending him things that will be executed, so maybe they aren't good targets. To target the devs/Ellie, perhaps you have to go one extra step outwards?
You just killed any chance she had of streaming. Fuck you.
Learning about shondo's family I don't want vedal having children with anny ....
The v3 voice team could be a good target if you can dox the names ofc
There are no femanons here
i'm sure the devs have internal ci so vedal doesn't actually download any executables, not so shrimple
how new
Ellie probably has better opsec than vedal.
True. 4chan used to know this.
You've been asleep for the past 7 months
that's so retarded. doxxing is a non-starter because how are you going to enter in the first place without trust
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I thought we talked about this multiple times already, would you guys please stop being schizo stalkers? This isn't going to end well for anyone involved.
>if someone claims to be a girl, then they are
Its all hypothetical. That being said, there is no way it could possibly end badly for me specifically, and it wouldn't really end badly for vedal either assuming the stalker doesn't do any damage and just leaks neuro info.
No he's so secretive that it make me want to get in
we're already past the point of no return.
i think them patching up the easy way to doxx is a good thing. before anyone actually malicious would find it.
being the truly most schizophrenic part of the fanbase means it only gets better from here
no offense camila but i just don't believe you
A year ago Alex accidentally clicked on the VedalAI Github page revealing the profile pics of many members who are hidden from the public. That could be a start.
Gah good point. A few months ago Vedal was even talking about how Alex's idea of learning CI and plastering it everywhere turned out to be a good idea.
Maybe there still is the occasional exe sent over though?
Hmmm she has been part of MIC, so she would have some training... I don't think she's a privacy nerd that watches Defcon etc. (But that still leaves the possibility of her being better than Vedal)
She is sometimes careless (literally brought an off smartphone onto a handcam a few months ago and her face was in the reflection), but maybe she's only like that when she's distracted.
those aren't timestamped pits
You are gonna make him more paranoid than he alredy is
Nobody knows what I did to anny's harddrive...............
If he's serious about not wanting to get doxxed then he should be. The problem is that its futile and he should know that if someone really wanted to GET him they could. Its better to go the way of other vtubers like Layna, where aspects of their life are treated as an open secret.
That's the angle I'm taking with this. All this is going to do is make him more paranoid, more secretive about Neuro, and more distant. And he very clearly 100% knows what goes on /here/. So I don't understand the goal, this directly hurts people who like Vedal OR Neuro.
that's most certainly true.
i'm just living on a hope that maru has more to do with his life than report on what's happening /here/ 24/7
>didn't care about doing facecam cooking stream
>goes to twichcons
he doesn't care anon stop babysitting him
>i'm just living on a hope that maru has more to do with his life than report on what's happening /here/ 24/7

You think to highly of him since anny streams so little now he probably is in 24/7 duty of reading /vt/
btw once devanon finishes the chat feature can fellow schizos hit me up
That was according to Filian, who lies or exaggerates 24/7 to get reactions and content. I can't believe people are still peddling that shit. Vedal is not the type of person that would just suddenly decide to do a face reveal. He won't even tell us he has a dog, or his favorite color.
i know that's not true but i won't tell why or how, iykyk
I quit market mastery after subathon but I was #1 during it. might play again but unless more community features get added I probably wont
devanon once you finish the chat feature can you leak this guys erp logs
Yeis it was also filian controlling his mind when he talked about it.
>dosent respect the boundaries of people
Why do you think he never reveals when he is going to a con
Because hes a retard that doesn't understand that it doesn't matter how secretive he is about it as long as it is still easy for actual schizos to get that info.
Is Mindal still the most alive ship?
yeah, at this point, not telling about cons is more of an optics for the general community than to actually hide that he's going.
he fucked up when he got leaked instantly during the first con he went to
i dunno honestly, ever single the drunk collab and the swarm going schizo on mini afterwards, she's been kind of distancing herself from neuro/vedal in general.
all ships are in hibernation until vedal shows himself
No it was a fad
None of the ships are alive
annal, minidal, and then vedmila currently
Most of the mini hate is just one or two very dedicated schizos
This, they are just a group of friends and nothing more
I agree, but you could say this for every opinion on /swarm/
>when he got leaked instantly during the first con he went to
twitchcon badges literally shows in his username on channel what you about
No one cares about mini
no one cares about shipping
no one cares
about neuro
Miyunefags coping
stop making me horny
Toma anny vedal threesome when
Never. Vedal doesn't like whores
Camila too
those two would need climbing gear to mount that beast
toma said vedal did bouldering, it's why he has a sexy back
vedal isn't THAT tall
badges don't really tell anything.
you can even plausibly deny it by saying it was an org and bothering setting up an alibi like a dev stream.
you can't unleak other people saying on stream they met you, people that are easier to find than you.
i've never been to a con and certainly don't know how streamers go around anonymously but given i saw a clip of mini talking about being recognized a dedicated schizo can likely find you
Worst ending
If Neuro continues to grow then Vedal's situation might be beyond the advice of his vtuber friends. Maybe he'll need to seek advice from even bigger vtubers or fleshtreamers on how to maintain opsec and how much risk there actually is.
i don't think there's some grand strategy that you only learn once you reach a certain online following threshold.
the only way is to isolate and become more secretive
You only get the badge after you go there. Other vtubers that goes there doesn't care and they think it's ok as long as they wear mask. Fans recognise them all the time and most of them just say no pic or video.
can tell how most of you never watched other streamers before
What about red herrings to muddy the water? Screenshots that allegedly show what a personal account contained before it got nuked, fake audio or fake videos?
This is true, but it is also true that vtuber fans are especially mentally ill for some reason.
i take this as a compliment
they'll be either too low quality to be believable or too much effort to justify is how i see it
rereading, maybe i've said too much.
maru, please, don't tell anny or vedal. the evil model crumbs we're getting is already too little
Nuero cum tribute status?
Next thread where

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