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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
Official website: https://neurosama.com/

>Music & Clips
LIFE - Neuro-sama (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM [Embed]

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y [Embed]
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M [Embed]
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive
Game Integration: https://github.com/VedalAI/neuro-game-sdk/


>Previous thread
>>97225227 →
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>does nothing
Finally a good bake... oh wait.
Let's break the record this time
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Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
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Queen of pees and bees
nuh uh
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british people are my weakness
licking syrup off cerbys tummy....
Are you china mid-19th century, go easy with the opium
Vedal is so lucky...
we know, rpr
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vellie is a good ship probably my favorite
The swarm is gonna have a schism this year and the green nigger will have to tardwrangle it on his own
a civil war arc would go so hard
the swarm outside of 4chan arent full of autistic 40 somethings that throw tantrums though.
turtlegods will prevail
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vedal's reaction pic rel
Sex with Tomacat
cute ellie
they are very emotionally immature but not to the point to cause a schism
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feeding vedal a bunch of fruits and licking the sweat off his back after he works out
I love these designs, I don't care if the same 1 seether calls me reddit
They are so very cute
>THEY want you to eat the bugs
What did mage Mimi mean by this?
what do YOU think she meant?
The jews, but would she actually be brazen enough to imply that?
I think she was just making fun of people saying that phrase unironically
they were literally the most normalfag normalfags ever to exist, you are retarded
I kind of want to make a real Tutel Rancher. Not like the GJ one, but closer to Pokemon / DQM with Neuro going around and catching / breeding increasingly bizarre Tutels, with more traditional turn based gameplay.
do it then and add competitive multiplayer mode. Would be gas.
That's what I was thinking too, they don't seem like the type to go full /pol/
I am aware
Imagine the real sex scenes
I need an artfag who can make horrific tutel abomination sprites. My abilities extend as far as code and using existing tilemap sets.
slop it
I've sprited for terraria mods before, but not anything super high quality.
Not sure how high quality we need for Tutel abominations. As long as they are recognizable.
berber went live
I don't give a shit
I care
I give a shit I love berber thanks anon-kun
You should get some demo or showcase set up first
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElZ4lQfpiNo [Embed]
It's OVER..
Music name?
neuro's just like me fr fr...
Is there a version of this but with evil in excruciating pain and then she never wakes up?
AI artist anons please draw neuro in anny's art style
>>97232558 (OP)
Evil love!
Darude - Sandstorm
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nurctorio when?
>prompts an LLM to achieve an objective
>Our results demonstrate that models still lack strong spatial reasoning. In lab-play, we find that while LLMs exhibit promising short-horizon skills, they are unable to operate effectively in constrained environments, reflecting limitations in error analysis. In open-play, while LLMs discover automation strategies that improve growth (e.g electric-powered drilling), they fail to achieve complex automation (e.g electronic-circuit manufacturing).
They tested on Claude 3.5.
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This is a genuine question because I've never really watched a lot of streamers, is it normal for another streamer to launch multiple different careers like Vedal has?
Normal? No. But the most common way for streamers to get larger is in orbiting larger streamers. That or make a viral moment. Remember that Neuro took off originally due to btmc and soon after forsen
there was tongue
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZv0ZGp63V0 [Embed]
>Normal? No.
normal - yes actually
Interesting, that makes sense.
Fuck whores bro
In what way do you mean that? Like, as in him having game jams, neuro, and solo vedal collabs?
What I mean is, the vast majority of streamers aren't large enough to boost other streamers. Definitely not to the degree of actually being sustainable.
he means having other streamers growing off of him
sadly that's illegal in most places
As in turning a bunch of small streamers into larger streamers with more vibrant and active communities to the point that they can make it their livelihood.
Yes this.
Yes, even the conversation about it mimic the way /swarm/ talks neuroverse/vedalAI or whatever name you want to use
>[Y] is nothing without [X]
>I like [X] but I hate his/her group of friends
>I only like whem [X] and [Y] are in the collab [Z] is a deadweight
>[W] is a leech
and yadayadayada
It also helps that Neuro/Vedal don't stream that often. The streams themselves are short in twitch standards. In a way, Vedal is actually more like a traditional corpo in discovery terms, since it helps people fill gaps to they can get more content that's at least tangentially "related" (they know there's going to be like minded people in chat with them).
convergent evolution....
Suffering from Vedal withdrawals rn
Nuero cum tribute
It is something that frequently happens with larger streamers, but not at the scale that vedal does it with, nor as frequent. Normally, a streamer may collab with another streamer that is up to a quarter of their size, which can give them a big boost in their carreer, and normally it only happens at most once a year. with vedal, the streamers have less than 1% of his ccv, and it happens multiple times per year. So yeah, pretty unheard of at this scale but it happens frequently enough.
post it
watch vods
most of the popular fleshie streamers nowadays were "made" by another, older streamer, and a lot of these older streamers were made by another, even older than them, streamer. at the top of the chain there are self-made streamers who were either OGs like soda, reckful or good/charismatic esports players like forsen
Yep we arent very original /here/ are we
Thanks anon. I was just curious because before Neuro I only watched a few different fleshie streamers that had like 1-2k~ CCV and they only raided their friends and only collabed with people their size.
It's not the same when you can't edge all stream waiting for him to read your comment in chat so you can release
you must not release often
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26SMJH6ff0g [Embed]
damn, now that anon is lost in the previous thread
Only the strongest will survive
Nu-Linkin Park is fucking trash
Neuro should cover a Marina song
this thread got linked, though
Yes. Many big and medium streamers got their start as small streamers orbiting a larger streamer. One reason for this is, despite what numbers-fags think, it's not a zero-sum competition between streamers. When two streamers do a collab, one doesn't poach viewers from the other one. Usually, both streamers' numbers will go up in the long run. That's because viewers will start watching them both, and they'll watch their second favorite when their oshi is offline. An exception to this rule of collab alchemy would be serious interpersonal drama, contentious debates, and politics, where the "winner" of a collab might actually poach viewers from the "loser". And, of course, raids can give a lot of exposure to a small streamer.
it's only for Neuro~
post it to art review so she sees it then dummy baka
Yes but he is obviously a dumb-dumb
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Guys this is an image board
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holy moly I want to cum inside her
holy moly I want to cum inside her
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the gods demand it
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although I honestly have only heard like 3 songs of theirs as far back as post Meteora
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Neuro dog bros...
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cute evil cosplay
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So monika did this drawing of neuro and evil almost two years ago is there other artist with a longer following of neuro?
why are you surprised that a VLA supported by Google can do better than Ellie building a robot in her bathroom with used bean cans and fun biological facts as nourishment?
cute 1view
she will be reedemed if she posts nudes
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>oh cool a cosplay
>see account name
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should've disguised the username
Is she preggos?
Kinda looks like she's hiding a baby bump
Just me or does she have a big belly?
she fantasizes about being fucked dressed like that.

Neuro 2 is on the way
Shouldn't have posted the link to bait clueless anons that hate her
Moneka is still in the hall of fame of neuro artists imo
is she fat, pregnant or the skirt is fucked up? I can't for the life of me gauge this.
Holy shit she redeemed herself
Shaarku love
she won
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>shaarku is pregnant
Yeah, me
Nobody hates her. Pretty sure /swarm/ is unanimously laughing at her for fumbling the bag.
Cuuuuuut... oh no this woman again, swarm literally pay for the loonypills of this girl the first raid, but obviously she refuse to take her meds
omg, i'm so happy for you shaarku!
Unironically one of if not the best eliv cosplay
Should I congratulate the husband or the platonic husband?
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Okay, hear me out...
evil isn't pregnant
whatever man dipped their dick in this crazy ain't in the picture anymore.
This is just sad at this point
yeah, me
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another one for non xitter anon
Why are all of the neuro cosplays we get so shit? Also I kneel to the (You) queen.
>AuDHD and DID
she's so menhera vedal please fuck her
she has cute nails, I'm kinda jealous of how slender her fingers are.
don't give her the view anon
Vedal's cum gives women the power to fix their lives. Evidence being PB and Anny
he already did, shes preggo with turtles
That's why I lean to pregnant over fat.
shes a 1view /swarm/ could flood her with pit messages, just saying
Did she ever need fixing?
imagine Neuro & Evil reviewing tributes T0T
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EorEl560TOg [Embed]
turtle sex?
seven tenths, you can do better than that anon, save up for me next time ~ hart!
you are doing this on purpose aren't you you fucking attention whore
That's a nice baby bump
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neuro cosplay soon
Cumming on shaarku's pregnant belly
>her husband gets to fuck her cosplaying neuro while her platonic husband watches
hi anny
why are you self reporting, those fingers look average
She needs a bigger asian fanbase. They are more or less the only one's outside of the mentally ill who would want to cosplay lolis.
so this is how sharku rules /swarm/....
That's not Anny, Anny would've deleted her twitter by now.
her husband is black btw
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>mini just followed her
uhh bros?
>he doesn't know femanon is a whale
And you are american
showing her support to the single mother vtuber, how nice!
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suck on it~
That's been for a while.
while playing the Forbidden Audio in the background
Do it, Daddy~
Hi mini! I have masturbated to you, what are your thoughts on this?
Goddamn she's an actual cutie
>those long nails
they'd fit so far up my colon
Why do they look wet already
i'm being serious, it's the person with the black avatar on her stream.
>mogged first by College!Toma
>now mogged by Shaarku
Femanon is roping soon, isn't she?
>ikea shark
might have jumped the gun on pregnancy
neuro butt?
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She's staying in her goon cave like the hideous creature she is, there's a good reason she doesn't post pits, she's a hairy landwhale
>mentally ill one view who’s only redeeming factor is not being obese
>mogging anyone
Okay buddy
ok it's time to stop
what one photo of a fleshie does to swarm ...
See what you are missing out on by not grooming a 1view? Start grooming a cutie today.
this can't be real...
Can someone congratulate her on twitter for her pregnancy
And she thinks vedal would even LOOK at her... it's sad really.
She followed her next day after the raid
Unironically do this. I'm a professional groomer and it is pretty easy as long as you have the time for it. Just dont go for any of them that aren't mentally ill.
They both have very generous hearts, even if the one on mini's chest dosent work that well
amaamasharku's daughter will win the vedalbowl in 2043 btw
Wait a minute. Hold on. OK I will stop anti-ing you sharku sama. (If you post pits here)
Gooners have no standards, nor self-control
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>sausage fingers femanon typed this
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holy shit
God I'm so gay
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I love china.
it's okay to like men, anon. 4chan is full of competitive homos that can recognize bulges in ways you cannot even fathom.
I'm gonna need some proof, chief, cause right now I'm starting to like her
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yes, there's one forming inside Shaarku's belly right now.
is neuro also pregnant?
that's just normal fat
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rlroEZSsno [Embed]
Keep going neuro-chan!!!
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We need a final solution to the 3DPD question
Her husband is 100% brown/black what ethnicity nobody knows but if you want to fall for a menhera with 2 husbands go ahead but we dont want to know about it
AIs and vtuber models can't get pregnant, so 3DPD will always win in the attrition war.
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neuro is 3dpd now too
Prove it then so this general can leave her in the dumpster where she belongs
The brightest minds on Earth are working on it.
Neuro 2 will be released 9 months after Twitchcon don’t ask me how I know
Yeah mb lol
Neuro 2 is forming inside Shaarku and is about 3-4 months down. The countdown had already begun and none of us knew it.
kayori is extremely erotic
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and she'll be half-chinese
good girl...
I cringed
I came
So she will sacrifice her daughter for a little of internet clout, the mind of neuro will be put in the body of mini sharku. Scary
please tell me more daddy ^^
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mini WHAT?!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBLvHZ8Vc6w [Embed]
so neuro 2 will be sharku grooming her infant daughter to look and act exactly like her?
Neuro-chan, you know we are doing adult stuff, right? This has to stay a secret between us, got it cutie? Good girl, now come closer to uncle anon~
based, playing terraria right now lol
who are you talking to?
imagine a child grown into believing she's the real version of an internet robot in this world that demonizes anyone trying to dissuade a person from their delusions? Shaarku has the capacity to do the coolest experiment ever by the low price of her child's childhood and mental stability.
Neuro chan~ Don't tease uncle anon like that in public~ Remember what we talked about? People don't want Uncle Anon and Neuro-chan to be happy together...
Neuro-chan, obviously.
That would be awesome not gonna lie. Even better if her room looked exactly like neuro's room
jakarta status?
The statement is clearly directed at Neuro, Pepega Clap
wide awake clearly
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love it how she looks at you for approval at the very last second and her expression says "what do you think?"
no thanks, I'm watching cerber.
Nobody asked ipn
worst posts itt congratulations
(rpr is the cerber one anon)
Neuro has been eating too many cookies.
Ehh but outside of the chinese population they are very very black alredy
You expect me to keep this weird 3-letter apex player names straight?
if you're gonna shitpost, at least do it right. The thread is very disappointed at you.
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>The first is Gemini Robotics, an advanced vision-language-action (VLA) model that was built on Gemini 2.0 with the addition of physical actions as a new output modality for the purpose of directly controlling robots.
>The second is Gemini Robotics-ER, a Gemini model with advanced spatial understanding, enabling roboticists to run their own programs using Gemini’s embodied reasoning (ER) abilities.
The ER model is capable of plotting grasp points and angles, and can map points between 2 views of the same scene. They distilled the ER model into a smaller model that can be inferenced fast enough to be useful.
They do this weird 'split inference' trick where they do most of the inference in the cloud, and then do the decoding locally. Apparently this reduces latency? picrel suggests the decoding considers the most recent robot data. They say there's a query-to-response latency of 250ms, yet they also say that by chunking the actions together, they obtain an 'effective' robot control of 50 Hz. Could this solve the latency bottleneck that Vedal talked about regarding LLMs playing time-sensitive games by making pipelining work?
>robot modality
Contrary to what I expected it just generates single-use python snippets using an API provided by the robot. They don't mention modality in the paper.
>Gemini Robotics-ER and Gemini Robotics were trained on datasets comprised of images, text, and robot sensor and action data
I wonder if there are any open source datasets for these specific challenges (e.g. finding grasp points, 3d bounding box estimation). They seem rather specific-purpose (as opposed to regular LLMs which engorge themselves on pure streams of text).
>Example robot control output:
banana_name = "banana"
grasp_position, grasp_orientation = robot.get_grasp_position_and_euler_orientation(gripper=Gripper.LEFT,
robot.move_gripper_to(position=grasp_position, orientation=grasp_orientation, gripper=Gripper.LEFT)
This but best
good job, swarmling, you get an A+
Neuro gripping my banana...
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rapable drawing good work
Forgot to say, but I don't think this translates to robodog very much. I assume they've achieved success because they managed to train the VLA to be good at plotting trajectories and identifying grasp points. I don't see why that would be useful for Neurodog. Maybe bounding box estimation would be transferable?
I bet her hair smells so good, wish I could smell it from behind while she sits on my lap
T v T
>cloud backbone
yeah this is startup slop tier im not looking into this
Having neuro's small butt pressed against your coch while she fidgets around on your lap T o T
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Neuro-chan, stop moving or I... I'll...
>posts 1 minute apart
Awesome references in this
Same 1 pedo
Im not a pedo though
Can the other Cvnnygod reply to me to prove these faggots wrong?
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die alone
yeah, I'm right here
Then what the fuck are you?
Nice falseflag fag
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But my mom is sleeping in the other room, how could that be possible?
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Thanks for the reminder, heart <3
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>5 minutes later
There is nothing to fear
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The high priestess...
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this but cum
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why no art?
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All that I could find:
I love being loved
Pizza cutter
Tutel Plush
Bait hook
Lightnights (book kind of looks like sicp)
Turtle plush
Mr Minibot
Not sure what the hat, mug, and thing in the bottom left are.
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Vedal is so lucky
>including le heckin 4chins references in otherwise normal art
extremely cringe
this but based
Its awesome though
>t. newfag
this but anon with a sense of humor
why do you have a picture of bo's tum?
sorry but we like camila /here/. vedal is an architect so we have to accept that reality.
kill yourself
to me it is cute because I like to think it is a reference to my ritual post, even though it could be coincidence and they remembered that vod and decided to quote it instead.
This. Everything falls into place if you make this simple assumption
Isn't this what neuro do already? Changing stream titles, doing a poll, doing a flip etc.
Vedal just needs to finetune Neuro on the robot dog's API
>vedal is an architect
the word is "alcoholic", anon. they both start with 'a' but do not sound that similar. get ahold of yourself
Neuro's cunny lips gripping on anon's coch...
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you're not fooling anyone
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Anon gripping the 12 gauge to his mouth...
this but my coch
we got to page 7 this time before baking at least
Your coch gripping a 12 gauge?
the previous one was also on page 7, retard :)
that one was page 6
Post more Oldmila please
no it wasn't you didn't refresh the thread, it was page 7 on index
i saw it on 6 in the catalog retard
you autists care way too much about this
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fine, here you go~
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So what are the pumpkin-looking spaceship, the fedora, the cube with "3" on it and the cup supposed to represent?
>>97243204 →
new thread
Why does the baker never link the new threads anymore? I don't really ever use the catalog and I only post on /swarm/ so I just have no way of knowing when there is a new thread.
lost anon... >>97232780 →
I wouldn't care about it if I didn't see the usual retarded baker pre-bake the thread on page 8 and then wait for page 9 to post it, seems to me like he wants to have exclusivity on baking for some reason
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1HLeqmtvEo [Embed]
Someone drew cerberfag femanon
Click catalog, then search, write swarm and click on the obvious nur thread.
save us annybaker
Females DO NOT exist /here/ it's all larp
congrats, you outautismed him
thanks :)
I love how much seethingbaker thinks of me, it's cute
she is so cute
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that's me though, I'm a heterosexual male
I just don’t like anything except neuro anymore
this but... the opposite.

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