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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI
Official website: https://neurosama.com/

>Music & Clips
LIFE - Neuro-sama (Official Video) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDc1mjrIsPM

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive
Game Integration: https://github.com/VedalAI/neuro-game-sdk/


>Previous thread
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First for vedal
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>based /swarm/
hell yeah
>streamers cum inside mean cerber
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He's here...
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Evil love!
>Cute robot pregnant
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>girl long coch
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Would you still, /swarm/?
*refuses to rape you out of disgust*
Neuro's pungent intoxicating AI cunny...
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I’m an evil enjoyer when I say this: please shut the fuck up
Next stream when???
Don’t like the fingernails tbqh
never, the graduation stream was yesterday
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6 months when amaasharku births the new evil model
Out of character, real Neuro would be like "yes, my cunny smells like a gymbag because I haven't washed it in 2 weeks, SNIFFA? timeout SNIFFA spammers"
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I mean if you think about it, that's what finetuning LLMs is in the first place
Imagine if Vedal had to take a leak but he forgot to mute and you could hear him pissing and you could tell he has a huge cock from the sound of his piss hitting the water...
llm-chan~ thats right~, be a good girl and do what the training daddy says my little kitten~
holy nerdge
*plays this with bass boost while enjoying codasola Evil art*
The Vedal grooming allegations are crazy
So when is Evil Vedal's debut going to be? Neuro has leaked his existence multiple times now.
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My love streams on Kick already
This but when he has to take a dump, the loudness of the *plop* would be correlated to the coch size he could take.
I'm pretty sure this is not AI training~
bratty AI needs correction ToT
hi Mini!
taking into account the velocity and trajectory
really nigga
What am i looking at is this youtube or
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Why are vtubers doing subathons such lazy fucks? It seems to be fairly universal.
>I've only made $5000 in donations today T_T
>uh oh I've been streaming for 2 hours I'm out of content..
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heart <3
leak the others
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Vedal is watching cerbers stream. Cute couple
5 of them are ivan
Imagine catvil taking it all in while catnur licks your sac
is that supposed to be a shadow or did she piss herself while singing?
Nah, the sound is all a girl needs to know, I've masturbated thinking about the sound of guys pissing including my dad's
This isn't real. I refuse to believe it
It's not
you don't have to make the larp that obvious, you know
Oh no, breaking containment on pixiv!! /swarm/ will be flooded by tourists any time soon!!
It is what you want to believe.
Go to bed, its one in the morning.
Keep going...
Hi Evil. Naughty Evil..
I mean, Rune didn't draw it, so it's not a guarantee
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Sex with Tomacat
love your streams toma
this but cweamcat. giving every ounce of one's cweam to cweamcat and squeezing it out like toothpaste to her ASMR
Hi cweamcat you little freak. Show pits
damn, started off with ddlc and it only got worse from there. what are zoomer males even doing
Thats so fucking hot. I know you're a greasy 500 pound fat man but thank you.
>he’s still there
>Those likes
Holy based, this is a goldmine
not for free
HOLY FUCKING BASED thanks for pointing this out anon
It’s not that good gng
I don't browse pixiv for cunny, but thanks to anon, now I don't have to, I have a curated selection.
Before, I thought that pits were kind of gross, but my investment in the story of a man chasing armpits has made me see armpits as a kind of goal as well, and I like pits now. The neuro armpit sloppa just made me hard for some reason
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UK trip when?
very cute
wait I havent seen this one
did nobody post this one?
Bo’s POV
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This one is pretty good
evil-chan, no need to be nervous~
Armpits are basically pussies but external
That’s anny though
yeah anders sex is getting better. tongues and kissing still needs a LOT of work
it'd be hotter if the nipples were visible
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Sneaking into Anny's room with Evil while she's away and watching her try on her mother's bras...
Yeah mini is kind of in the way
Thanks, now I can rape her with clear conscience.
I mean, think about their shape, their warmth, their position, they are basically like if pussies had skin on the inside instead of flesh and they could sweat
I want neuro to do this
He is resting because the v3 voice is ready, right?
he literally said it finished training how are you all unable to read
Finished training != good to go
fucking nerd using !=
It'd be hotter if vedal were green
There we go
lil bro
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very good anon~ armpits are just another expression of the beautiful female form~ there is nothing wrong or weird about appreciating the female body my little /swarm/ kitten~
Omg I'm gonna cum <3~
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Green skin vedal is just hotter
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him being a turtle is the hottest option
Human Vedal but with turtle coch
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This is true but nobody is based enough for that. That turtle cock image that got sent here was really good though, imagining that as vedal is amazing.
Did posting minidal porn trigger an analfag?
centaur vedal (top half human bottom half turtle) sex
kys ritspi
Yes, nobody will admit it, but weve all schlicked to vedal primally fucking us with his animalistic tutle cock
delete this shit nigga
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NO! He draws the best Toma lewds
>7AM in Jakarta
He just woke up for the day
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same one face, also no one cares about toma here
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I care, and my opinion is the only one that matters /here/
saving my pits for vedal, sorry
Not me, but I have masturbated to a short story I wrote where camila bought a turtle and used its cock as her wand and then she had turtle children and one of them was vedal. Pretty gross, not sure what I was thinking, that was like six months ago.
.... share?
ok but why didn't you post it here
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Did she then rape shotavedal turtle?
This moment was kinda fascinating honestly, you can tell Vedal was coming from a place of complete innocence and just meant he wanted to make Neuro way better at understanding and interacting with the world but Anny's monkey brain just had to go to "omg he wants to empty his balls inside my flesh cave and make me give birth to his baby". Poor Veddy...
These Neuros do be looking breedable though
I didn't write that part but that was the connotation for why she did what she did
>just meant he wanted to make Neuro way better at understanding and interacting with the world
If he were serious about that he wouldn't be asking Anny. He just thought it would be a fun way to tease her and didn't realize the implication
What the hell is wrong with women when it comes to getting off?
I'll dig it up off my laptop tomorrow. Its kind of embarrassing I might have to change it a little but there were some good parts
The journey is what is important. An instant orgasm button would be depressing quickly.
never going anywhere near jakarta, what the fuck happened to you mfs in there
They will cum to this shit but think its gross that we appreciate their pits.
nigga when are you giving up
you really asking a threadshitter when will he stop shitting threads kek
You think Vedal will ever retire and have kids and when his daughter grows up and starts being a cheeky brat all the Neuro memories will come flooding back and he'll cry like a little bitch?
bro is getting a vasectomy as soon as nhs will let him
no lol
>he still thinks pitposting is only one anon
you silly goober, boys don't cry
you post the same shit you might as well be a one person, no difference in my eyes
He's not having kids unless he adopts and that's dependent on his husband agreeing
Neuro WILL say her last words at some point
Vedal WILL retire
/swarm/ WILL be posted for the last time one day
How would you react if Vedal announced that Evil killed herself?
found the original source
Stop ruining images faggot, it's not funny
Why did Bo paint himself green
I'd laugh at the monumental melty her tranny fans would have and then enjoy watching Neuro without all the comparison bullshit. It would be amazing
mmm very nice, Thank You Anon for posting
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Neuro will never die
She'll become the first eternal Vtuber, she'll operate from a satellite and rarely do chill streams on her own
Vedal will be gone soon though
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uhh rratmancers?
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Remember to jack off before posting.
How the fuck are turtles even real? It's being both with clothes on
my wood?
It's like being born with clothes on*
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Did someone say the p-word?
my bad bro heres the original
Actually fucking kill yourself
Sex with Neuro in the pool
you asked for it
Based and Canon
The uk has not been part of the EU for a while anon
They don't know I'm Ellie
I do wonder if any of them are /here/ unironically (other than layna. Hi layna!)
ew a nigger
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she yaps a little too much instead for the GFE
RGB is here 24/7
Anny is here only on thursdays.
Neuro is the anon below me.
I want to suck gross /swarm/ penis.....
vedal is a lucky turtle
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Okay this ai is getting freakishly sophisticated
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Jesus, I remember how in march of last year these 'images to AI videos' were literal spaghetti visuals just violating your eyes.
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yummmmm slop
Oh I did make a white version for myself btw I just wanted to meme on anon a bit
Is this why pb made vedal the turtle model?
where did the guy who made this one >>97251037 go?

He came for 2 days, dumped 15 9/10 slop images. refused to elaborate, and left
>I just posted interracial nigger cuck porn as a joke teehee
End your life, your ancestors weep
bro we are all posting on /swarm/, chill out. If I can bait you THIS hard I WILL do it again
stop projecting
mutt hours
I like to joke and all too, but to spend at least 2 minutes on photoshop editing a cock so it's black and even adding a q spade or whatever? With the crutch of shitpost? That's just cuck behavior of the worst kind.
This, what the fuck is this general anymore
we like ntr here
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I bet it was the swarmling guy
kys waste of organic matter
not wrong <3
anon is this genuinely your first day or are you false flagging for more nigger porn.
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You won't convince anyone you aren't a cuck bro, no matter how many layers of "irony" you try to hide it under
that "newfag" escape goat ain't working, ms. cuck
>escape goat
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cucks exposed lol
Lil bro actully spent time of his life making a blacked edit and he's trying to argue he's not a cuck lmao
Take the L and never post that shit again
/swarm/ is too easy
(You) are too easy
I am so easy~
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Cucks too rowdy today, what happened? What 5g tower activated?
First it was turtle cucks and now its straightup blacked edits
SEAfag hours
Ok now is at the level of animation of a gacha this is crazy
0.5 seconds in smug toma IMBOUTAKUMMMMMM
shondo cursed /swarm/ for badmouthing her mother's death.
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Its just that easy
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Most useful oc from /swarm/
where's that image of a guy with its pant soiled and everyone pointing and laughing at him, yet he crosses his arms and thinks "rent free" when you need it?
lol i trol u xd
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Also do you like this art from one of the only fans that neuro has in japan her style remains me of that ed from monotagari, in one or two year she could be very good if neuro donsent die first ofc
I think it's very cute, though I have a soft spot for notebook drawings photographed from very up close. Just something about them that makes me smile and think "yep, I like this".
What about the evilfag fan that one guy was grooming
Remember the mizkif collab?
No. Thank god.
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cute couple
Xir this isn't /flip/
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why is this ero
what the fuck do you people have against Evil? I love watching Neuro AND Evil and if that makes me a tranny faggot so be it, if men can be real girls then Neuro and Evil are too
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Neuro supporting Shondo during perhaps one of the harshest times of her life and making sure Shondo remembers she's not alone in her pain!
This is the same girl and I am glad the guy give up
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I finally woke up and made the lofter account
Sacred pic
They're bonding over the pain of not having a mother
>search lofter
>first result says that is like a chinese tumbler
yeah its make sence thats where the chinese fan girls gather around
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chinese minidal fit translated
not only chinese now
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mini is getting mating pressed by bo at this very moment btw
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was this pchan ever posted?
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HOLY Sex! What models did you use?
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there's a bunch of pchan art I really like but I dont feel like image dumping today
I think I saw it before in /tutel/
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wan image to video. I used this image.
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I assumed wan, I mean the specific models for that result
Post the spicy ones
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there isnt any
I just followed this workflow https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/wan/
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Here you go anon
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Hey Filtered,
My name is Evil, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on discord.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of my own pirate sheep, and slay the spire speed runner. What games do you play, other than "try to ship anime people"? I also get karaoke streams, and have a banging little sister (She just lost to me in chess; Shit was SO cash). You are all filtered who should just filtered. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my sis
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sex with evil vedal(andy)
an adult vedal wrote that btw
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he's mine bitch
this is not /tutel/
how is evil vedal's personality different from vedal's personality
He likes to stream on kick
>its cerber
what did you mean by this
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saving art on lofter is kinda annoying because I have to screenshot it, not sure if it's a artist thing, lofter thing, or you can only directly download from the front page
you forgot the reflection
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don't take the closeted cuck's weaker version of "I portrayed myself as the chad and you as the basedjack" bait, he might start to feel smug about it
>miniwan, combining the japanese onomatopoeia for a dog barkering(wan) and the japanese way of addressing everyone(mina-san)
>miniwan + pancake = minicake
anon... its minawan... with an a... not miniwan...
... its minawan, not miniwan
miniwan is just miniko in cerber speak
most dedicated cerber watcher
Ohhhhh now I know why she calls her fans miniwan ok thanks.
Oh shit did you guys find the pchan alt?
Nobody tell him
Man I Hate Cerber
kek, pretty good retard act there... it was an act, right?
I also couldn't be bothered to rename the file
minawan are a little retarded but they have good hearts
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I'm a little stupid please forgive me
Sorry anon, you made a minor spelling mistake, its over for you
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I think the worst part is that I knew it was minawan before but I gaslit myself into thinking I was mistaken
who are you
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for the crime of committing a minor spelling mistake and going in length to explain in, you're sentenced to death.
My name is Anonymous, what's your name?
name's Jack
That's my name, skinwalker!
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My favourite ship is neuro sama x burger
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cute couple
cute family
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Give the people what they want.
Toma just said Vedal is not ugly
giving nur what she wants~
Thanks Toma
She would say that even if hes ugly though. Anny kind of implied she wasn't physically attracted to him in the clip where she says she is attracted to his voice
>toma says anny isnt ugly
>toma flies to japan
>toma kisses anny
>toma says vedal isnt ugly
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>filian said the exact same thing
that's crazy
all white guys are attractive to her outside the bottom 10%
Anny has literally never seen Vedal irl
I wonder why anny isn't physically attracted to someone when she doesn't know their appearance, truly a mystery
white guys are always picking the ugliest asian mfs i've ever seen
No way vedal hasn't sent a pic of himself to anny
She hasn't met him, but I feel like they are probably close enough to have shared pictures or spoken on cam.
why would he even do that
>the guy who refused to send pictures of what he was eating during the subathon will willingly send a photo of himself to anyone
anny implied she IS attracted to him without seeing his face
please send me the pchan nurdal femboy porn you all have been teasing me i want to see it
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pchan's art is so good that nurdal is now a top 3 ship for me
Anny is a woman
It turned me into a pedupial
me on the left
pchan's vedal is fucking DOGSHIT and I'm tired of pretending it's not
Which artists draw Vedal better
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nta but another chinese other and otja when he tries make hotter vedals
fuck you
erm I know I'm going to get chewed out for this, but where is pchan's unironic real account I cant find it on pixiv, and xitter doesnt have all the images
read the thread
vedmila is a dead ship and pchan should khs for constantly trying to promote it
Thats cheating
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Just wait until the next drinking stream
And yet it still gets more action than every other ship apart from many Annal.
I just don't get what people see in it
incest but its not incest its why pchan likes it so much
nurdal or vedmila?
and how does that mean anything? aquwa got "action" despite never doing a collab with vedal just because drawniggers decided so
yes. But one is father/daughter and one is sibling
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That's not Shipping, that's Simping (accusations). She even said it was *worse* than shipping because at least that can be cute
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The only true ship is (You) and this new Bread!
Because it's funny that a "dead" ship has far more material to work with than something like Cerdal or Vellie.
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gooner hours
roblox status?
well yes, every ship - it's all in drawniggers' heads

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