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If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0 [Embed]
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Alt Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised!

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think!

Previous thread :>>97177906 →
How's your mom?
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Anything new in the discord?
>>97224960 →
Bad people automatically go to hell because the criteria to meet for heaven is being good, or in other words moral perfection. And everyone falls short of that, but those that put their trust in Jesus are covered by the grace of God and Jesus will forgive their transgressions and make it so the price is paid in full by His death and resurrection. This also means that bad people will be in heaven though, if they trust in Him that offers salvation through repentance and faith in Him
Also, purgatory is a place where people have to be perfected before entering heaven when they're saved
regular anti thread
fuck off gary/kevin/tuff/dewd/linkthedot
don't bake again
i only came here to say KILL YOURSELF PEDOPHILE
michael status?
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She's strong and she has good friends. It'll take time but she and her family will be okay. When she returns, her community will receive her warmly.
not a shitpost but im glad she has big M now. i think she'd have killed herself after this but with him looking after her she has a rock to lean on and help her get through this troubling time

she'll pull through shoggas
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i think i feel the worse for baby bunny
they slept together every night
shit sucks for someone as young as her
was rita a portent of this?
>worst news imaginable
>t still finds a way to make this into a groomfest and take pot shots at d
i really wish it was you instead of her tuffy you waste of DNA. youre a disgusting person
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Gary I hope there's a hell just because of scum like you. If I got my hands on you your brain matter would be splattered all over the pavement
Gary I like you and I'm glad youre back. Your silly nature has helped me cope with the news
in our darkness time only gary was there to bring a smile to Shondopolis with his shitposting c:
baby bunny...no...i forget they'd share a bed together..i can only imagine how empty its going to feel now
probably woke up next to her lifeless eyes and bloody corpse. shes fucked for life, shes got sex work in her future
PLUS SIDE: Shondo can finally have her own room :DDDDD
that room will be locked off just like the fucking couch
big M offed her to make sure he has unlimited access to the shunny
shonspiracy hours
Motis would NEVER do that to shadowmama
Can someone give me a rundown on Shondo's family life? Just want a clearer picture of what's going on there
sup dewd you dont need to post about tuffnar in the thread right now you should be busy sending her dms
this is going to sound very horrible but it might lead to her life getting better with time. the critters may have to move out and there'll only be FE, shondo and FT left
why her? why not gary or tuffy?
we don't know anything about what happened you retarded nigger anti fuck you
you're subhuman tuff. i hope karma comes for you
wow chester ur so fuckin brave and real for that it will surely make her feel better
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i should be there for her right now
It is pretty surprising how socially retarded half of her regulars and all the dramatourists are. Something terrible happened? Better post a fucking SadCat in the offline chat or donate, or come into Discord to speculate.
Stay strong shonshon
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why kick her back down just when she was trying to get better?
>all these fake husbands coming out nowhere to show "support"
fucking disgusting
they don't even watch her, never seen your names in chat
you are an outsider nobody. fuck off
she has big M don't worry, he won the race at the right time
they need money right now for the funeral so do your duties
Can't she catch a fucking break.
My condolences, and continued support to her.

She really doesn't deserve all this hardship and struggle, and neither does her family.
Tourist here, that's some fucked up shit. Stay strong out there you guys, hopefully you can channel some of that toward your wife.
>She really doesn't deserve all this hardship
lol irl
cause its all fabricated
>you are an outsider nobody. fuck off
You don't know who I am. If you think that posting a crying cat gif or speculating about the circumstances of what happened in the open in her Discord is appropriate, you are retarded.
We get it, subhuman, you're edgy.
>She really doesn't deserve all this hardship and struggle
Yeah she does, she's a ligger. All liggers deserve this
how is he wrong
this is shoshos reaping season for all that sowing c:
in a month or two these tweets will be repeated by ft discussing shondo.
Exactly, what do you expect when your oshi and entire fanbase is built on just anti-ing Hololive? You get what you fuckin' deserve
just move on to your neppie alt dewd, shitposting in the thread like this is unbecoming
you don't know shit. you are an outsider. you are retarded. fuck off newfag
another reason to do your twitch sub one month at a time instead of 6mo in advanced
You act like someone who already had a failed suicide attempt isn't likely to do it again. It's a shitty situation for the family but Shadowmama was a ticking timebomb with all the pain she was going through. Probably thought ending it all was easier than continuing to suffer.

Also a great example of the British healthcare system failing. They took too long to actually treat her. Disregarded her suicidal tendencies and she was still months away from getting the actual operation to remove the abscess.
Obviously. Even the most retarded person itt (t) doesn't believe this is anything but an excuse to have a lazy vacation with big M
Make sure to ask her how it happened when she shows up in Discord.
Yeah, can't say I'm surprised unfortunately.
the reality is shadowmama was mentally ill and mentally ill people do things for reasons beyond your comprehension because to them it makes perfect sense. if youre sat here saying well its because of X or Y youre just speculating pointlessly. just shut the fuck up about it
gary fuck you for stealing my gif you troon cunt >:c
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Because they exist mainly to anti Hololive and CGDCT, same think with Phase Connect. If they just left us alone it'd be a different story, but since they constantly mess with the people who actually like vtubers, this is just desserts
As an empath I can feel her emotional state right now, shes sad.
i hope she still goes to the dentist
Every talent of Hololive despises your entire existence
Wasn't her 6 week check up for her cysts next July or something?
you cannot be physically retarded enough to believe those words. no one is
She would still be alive if they lived in America. Third world healthcare is garbage
living in now empty shadowmama's room.
that's the case with every country with le ebin amazing free socialized healthcare btw. always gotta wait to be treated, or they'll just straight up deny your treatment. i have similar experiences living in a different european country
You are not fooling anyone, /#/monkey.
>see someone grief the death of her parent
"I would offer my condolences but I'm not real fan so I won't"
Gatekeepers are crazy
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Give me the Michael reandown
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>>97229701 (OP)
awwww don't be sad shonfags
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>>97229701 (OP)
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fuck off swarmniggers
He's a harmless autistic, leave him alone!
Shondo's mom on the left LOL
lel ^_^
I'm retarded, does her post imply suicide or am I reading into things wrong
yes, shondo talked about her being at risk not too long ago as well.
Hi, shadow mama here, I'm alive and well its just an epic prank on shondo to boost her numbers
shondo's mom here, that bitch is lying to take the heat off of her boyfriend reveal
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I don't like making these "I am sorry for your oshi suffering" posts since its kinda cliche, but damn, shit sucks. Hope she is able to get through this.
I just wrote my mom that I love her too
I don't remember that. I do recall her physical condition to not be in a good place to do lewd things, which made me think cancer again, but cancer doesn't spring up and kill you overnight
why dont the lazy fuck meidos do anything about blatant raiding like this? hope you all get what is coming to you one day
Posting a tako in a noose after this is nasty work.
Thank you Takodachi
twitter alt going ham groomer bros
>uses 'grandfather' instead of 'forest elder'
>uses '9y/o sister' instead of 'baby bunny'
larp status: confirmed over
All I can think about is shadow mama's bf who would cancel plans, do you think he will say he can't make it to the funeral lol
any opportunity to grift
can she take a rest day for once in her life
Lol lmao even. mutts are the most retarded beings on planet earth
fuck off retard
I sympathize with Shondo's situation but it doesn't in any way excuse what she did
If its suicide I fear who found her
Odds on it being shondo
God I hope so, that'd make my day
Now what? Is she going to be alright?
if it wasn't suicide, shondo wouldn't have said
>i cant believe she'd do this after the devastation my grandfather's death caused
Very small chance it was that she did something stupid and it was an accident, but yeah suicide is 99% the reason
one more for old times
https://youtu.be/0rg1GrN7-f8 [Embed]
Guys how can I save her
I don't mean in a groomer way what can I do right now to help
She worded it like that of a suicide. Sadly, it's probably baby bunny who found out first since she sleeps with shadowmama.
Thought of that already and I'm hoping that isn't the case, I just hate this beyond words that she's having to go through this rn. She doesn't deserve any of this at all. I wish she could be happy so bad. Can't believe it happened right when things were starting to look up.
If you killed yourself, your corpse wouldn't be found until it started stinking up the place worse than what your rotten putrid existence already does. Your passing would be mourned by none.
Pay up, she needs funeral money
I doubt she did it with bb there. She likely sneaked out in the night while bb slept. So it could be anyone
Realisticly there's not much any of us can do, except wait for her (hopefully) return.
I'm kind of surprised that the catalogshitters have held off on making bait threads so far. At least none that I've seen. Is this a sign that even living filth like them have lines that they won't cross?
Of course it can.
It could be growing somewhere in secret, make someone feel under the weather but what they never realized is they have been bleeding internally in to their colon and bacteria is now flooding their body, sepsis, dead in hours.
She's never going to be the same girl after this is she
I think Baby Bean dying shortly before helped. Draws the biggest schizos to those threads instead.
There's been a few already, I shouldn't be surprised. I can't imagine the subhuman who make them though.
you know i didnt really feel completely awful about this until you posted this and i heard her singing it in my head and now im crying
fuck you
Maybe she can rekindle her friendship with LL now that they have something to bond over
There has been several already.
There's several right now.
You forget we're on a board filled with subhuman scum.
My heart hurts more now thanks
Unironically, that wouldn't be the worst idea at least. If the UK's burial industry is anything like the US's, it's predatory as fuck and the prices for everything should be considered criminal.
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I dont really understand what would have pushed her to such an extreme
I know we don't have a deep insight on her life, but she had some financial freedom, loving children, seeing people, was she really just that far gone
I hope she carries this guilt for the rest of her life. If she wasn't such an insufferable cunt her mom might have had a reason to stay
probably FE, shondo keeps weird ghoul hours
Yes its predatory here. Maybe even worse. They charge thousands for every fucking thing. Preying on those grieving while they're vulnerable
its a matter of perspective. theres always going to be people that have it better or worse
I don't remember if it was discord or twitter, but she explicitly talked about being terrified that shadowmama would attempt if the hospital let her go home. If it was twitter it's gone now.
If it has to be someone, an adult would be best and not shondo.
Unless she did it outside and it was a stranger
I just hope she doesn't follow her mum to where she's gone to.
I was just about to do my ligger reps until I found out about this. Man. Shondo is really cursed.
All the best to her.
That is exactly what scares me right now
Rich people kill themselves same as poor people. There's almost never any rational reason to. It all comes down to brainworms.
I'd like to think that she had enough maternal feelings to do it in a way that would protect her kids from that.
people said that about Robin Williams. their brains are just wired different
but is Otis okay?
The whole bloodline is beyond saving
>I was just about to do my ligger reps until I found out about this
Honestly? Probably for the better.
Stick with Hololive, nothing outside of it is worth watching anyway.
It'd be the only good thing she's done in her life
She was in extreme pain for awhile due to the abscess. Literally needed to be heavily dosed on painkillers just to get by and the operation was in like July because British healthcare.

She'd literally still be alive if she lived in America. The fees only suck if you don't have a large amount of fans who can donate and flip the bill for you.
tfw you realize you're in love with the modern day incarnation of Job
these generals are going to be 95% antis and tourists for the next 4 months, get out while you can (I am posting this for myself, the rest of you aren't going to make it)
but anon, its always been like this
you know we have the option to pay for healthcare too, right? NHS is a safety net. Shondo should have paid for the operation
the tragic thing about suicide is that it seems completely irrational to everyone else while completely rational to the person doing it, any speculation or trying to understand their motivation is almost pointless
every time we have seen shadowmama on stream she has seemed like a happy energetic normal person and most of what shondo said after the recent things happened seemed to indicate that she was getting back to normal and laughing and doing fun things (other than one melty mentioned) but mentally ill people do mentally ill things.
So what you're saying is that this wasn't suicide but homicide?
Average brainwashed american in denial
Thanks for the post in the discord niners, youre a good one
its hard to feel empathetic when she has more support then ill ever have
>Average brainwashed american in de-ACK!
i will save their bloodline with my semen
From personal experience, it can take a year or more to settle after the death of a parent. You never "get over" it, but at some point you settle into a new normal and you stop waking up every night after seeing them show up in your dreams.
that was literally what they were going to do, but if you watched streams and weren't a tourist nigger you would know that
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mfw I can't say I want to fuck shadowmama anymore
came from another general to share my condolences.
is there anything further a clip-only viewer who's never in streams can offer or do I just post here and shut the fuck up?
Based Doompiller
If I were her, I would struggle with ever trusting hospitals again. Despite that I am really worried that her health is going to suffer
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the antis here are even more mentally unwell than shondo and her family. get help.
>Takes one of her friends and not one of her moderators to step in and tell people to stop speculating.
Lol irl.
I mean you could but it's just necrophilia.
How will you ever cope now, Somnium?
I'm pretty sure she pulled the classic "reply with what the therapists want to hear until they let you go" trick
Has anything significant happened in the discord since the tweet??
Nothing other than Nina dropping by to do the job of her mods.
just be there for her redebut and dont act like a nigger
I like warmth :( can't get hard in the cold
So then she gets badly sick herself, refuses to go the hospital, and dies as well?

great plan
paid third world garbage is still garbage
yes that is a tactic shondo employs regularly when she actually visits a doctor or other healthcare professional and most likely what will happen since the rest of the time she employs the avoidant strategy and doesnt go to the hospital at all
I wonder what shondo is doing right now
I hope you're not reading this, there's some souless bugs about.
But if you are
I love you
even if she could have received better care it doesnt matter because thats not why shes gone
>chance to become shondo's daddy taken from me forever
I love you too anon
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my condolences shonbros
shadowmama moved to an apartment and that's why she's gone
weird post since the UK is a healthcare tourism hotspot
she's gone because the UK is a third world shithole
She would be still alive in America
Thank you rosebud
Would be the best outcome possible desu
and an islamic hotspot
you wish
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You live in a third world country and every corner of the world laughs at you for your ignorance
Don't care
I feel very powerless today
Nothing I say or do will reach her
There's nothing I can do for her
there are more muslims in america than the uk also enjoy your niggers now FUCK OFF
in what fucking world
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I think the big difference between FE's death and Shadowmama's is that current Shondo has a much healthier outlet to grieve to thanks to the Barbies. I imagine being able to talk to them right now is very therapeutic for her. Obviously this is a very rough time for her and her family but I think she'll be able to tank it. Just need to give them time.
Do we consider all the chuubas who reply to her as nice friends or grifters
>more muslims in america than the uk
They aren't a problem in america because we have guns. You will become a caliphate. Cope.
real marriage btw c:
You can be nice without being a friend. Being kind of strangers is not against the rules.
Your guns didn't stop 9/11 lmaooo
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>mother dies suddenly and she has to explain this to a 9 year old
No wonder there's a graduation queue at Hololive right now
The UK is like the size of Idaho. Of course theres more of everything in America.
That was our government not some towelheads.
We can cosider them as people who would like to express some sympathy.
It would be really hot if Shonders could fib this convincingly. I was no joke beginning to feel tears well up. It would be really unlikely for Shonders to fib so well.

She's a nise and good and usually honest girl that deserves all the love in the universe
but the universe is painfully tsundere for her.

I know you'll get through this episode even stronger and more beautiful than before. Please don't spend a lot of it here.
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Hololive has the mandate of heaven.
Bad things happen to all who oppose it, like Shondo.
Yeah because /vt/ represents Hololive mgmt, fucking idiot.
Aren't they a public company now? That's probably bad for mandates.
>showing the bare minimum human empathy by saying "sorry your mom died" is now considered grifting
Humanity is cooked
We have to do our best so that we can be the version of ourselves that can support her best when she redebuts.
not a good argument from someone trying to defend the quality of their country
was it your own government who slaughtered you, or ragheads who got the better of you? pick
Jesus please raise shadowmama from the dead for the glory of the Father
Thank you
honestly i posted that to see and im glad it came back as 0 calling it a grift
90 percent of the time people talk about america theyre making ass pull assumptions
When the healthcare system kills your mom, that kind of behavior ain't illogical
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Rule of thumb: if M*nt is replying to a tweet offering "condolences", it's grifters being grifters. She did the same thing with Nimi
Our government slaughtered us so we have an excuse to go into the middle East and fuck with Israel's enemies, sometimes you gotta slaughter a few thousand of your own citizens to achieve something greater but I wouldn't expect a Britbong to know anything about self-sacrifice.
>woman kills herself
>well erm she definitely wouldnt have done it if she lived in X
anons have never met a suicidal person and how irrationally determined they can be to off themselves
KFP here popping in to say hi. Many subhumans and fake husbands out there. Blamefags and dramafags too. For ourselves and our oshis, stay strong frens
genuine cuck mindset
She killed herself because she found out that Somnium and Forest_Fires wanted to fuck her.
Neither. They're just being considerate during a rough time. No one wants to be the asshole that ignores the elephant in the room.

At the same time though theres really nothing they can do anyways. They can't un-kill her, no one can. Just show your support and move on so Shondo and her family can grieve.
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AKA confirmed indieshitter sympathizers. You don't represent the Hololive fanbase, fag.
I know this is 4chan and people shitpost about everything, but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that some posters on here are disgusting subhumans
why are nijisisters raiding the thread did they get bored of making threads about nimis cat
how does a mind get to a configuration where it receives 'a mother committed suicide' as a cue for 'larp as an american and shitpost about politics' ?

you should donate your brain to science after you are finished with it.
Did her grandfather kill himself as well? Shondo needs someone to take care of her, from herself.
sad and lonely
I can't believe Saru won't support her after she bpd dumped on Shon for years.
When triggered Brits get offended over ignorant Americans craping on the slowness of NHS. So they have a pissing contest over muh national pride.
>third-worldie seething about America
lmao many such cases
we know T
Fucking die, mongrel.
Nope, I live in a suburbian community that's 90%+ white. Many of them exist here too. You just have to leave the cities cause that's where we dump all the minorities and avoid the south because that's where all the rednecks are. We've created zones to keep the unwanteds out. You just need the money to live in them.
thats nice dewd
I've talked with the barbies and they've assured me they're taking good care of her. You can rest easy.
hi FF
Thanks for the update LinkTheDot aka Michael.
How come you get private access to barbie pussy?
kev there's a bridge nearby that should be high enough
>dawn telling people that care about things to go away
old faggot groomer trying to make husbands go away now that shondo is vulnerable
sad that Michael lost one of his harem members but he still has the rest of the family to dick down
He is LinkTheDot, Shondo's IRL boyfriend who arrived in her community after her 'health hiatus' and immediately began to receive most of her attention on stream and on Discord despite not being a big donator or artist.
She shouldnt have announced it on twitter, much less on main.
She definitely should have and I'm happy she let us know
kevtard stop spam-replying to yourself
Genuinely, wtf is wrong with you? Acting like an edgy 13 year old just to try an piss people off is pretty damn pathetic
Why wouldn't she? would you rather her go off the grid without telling anyone? it's obvious that she's not going to stream for awhile after this. She didn't say that outright but anyone with a brain would know if you've every experienced a death in the family to someone you were really close to.
Kevin is LinkTheDot
do you realize where you're posting
>>97221201 →
cynicism is not a sin
>UK is a healthcare tourism hotspot
Tu mereces estar en el infierno con todos los Hololive fans. Por viejas chismosas. Y que te pasen cosas malas por distribución del karma. Hololive and # deserve to rot in hell. For being from kiwi farms and the shantywojak. They are deserve it anyways.>>97235870
Hololive is not good is bad..
>Hololive is hell. And every fan is a demon.>>97235882
Yes /vt/ is phase connect and Hololive jannies protected. So they deserved going to >>>/hell/>>97236993
Yes 4chan not kiwi farms or reddit shartyjak.
And condolences from my heart to the death of a good person.
You're right but bearing false witness certainly is.
4chan are not moralfags. Do a flip faggot
I really wanted another Shondo/Shadomama stream moment.
And now there'll be nothing. Shadow's going to feel all alone. Who's even left? Her controlling grandmother, her sister who fights her, her baby sister who's going to have to cope with all of this, and her brother who she doesn't exactly think highly of.

Should've taken that deal to join Hololive all of those years ago. Structure, salary, a support network, reliable social contact. Rules that would bind her menhera a little.
i knew we should have sent shadowmama a nice card or something like we did for shondo
we could have stopped this
>using a death to shill your company
there's a difference between Chaotic and Evil, go back to sharty/kiwi
Why are you shocked? Yagoo has been going to insane lengths to isolate her and break her spirit since she was a teenage girl.
je ne parle pas français mon ami
please realize after these decades fhat when literally anything happens, good or bad, you'll have faggots farming (You)s irregardless whether it's warranted, and you're the one choicing to engage with it newfriend
git gud or git bent :^)
very probable
This is the most cancer thread I've ever read in vt
I am sorry your oshi has to go through this, but especially her little sister, nobody should have to go through that shit at age 9
bend me over and fuck me kindly the ESLs are getting to me
Thread getting raided by tourists
Loss can drastically change someone, i wonder how little critter will handle this
upon closer inspection i should proofread my posts more while i'm phonefagging
Shadowmama, pray for us, keep praying for your daughters and son also
I'm estranged from her at this point. My support won't matter much, but in times like this the words and the individual never matter much anyway. She'll see the wave of support and it'll give her some strength, and ultimately those closest to her, her family especially, will be whose words will truly impact her.
>baking /shon/ and allowing this to be discussed
fucking kill yourself you subhuman piece of scum anti

bake again and everyone will know who you are
>>97223366 →
she is indeed vegan
The absolute state of Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutralfags.
I guess we're not going to see the final version of pettan #113
>>97223650 →
this is not a competition you retard
It's a testament to what a shining light she is. Dogs need to reach absurd levels of malice to even attempt to damage her or her fans.
This whole place is full of tourists. All /vt/ is like a weird version of kiwifarms,the asylum and /lolcow,nyfco/ thanks to phase connect fans. And jannies and mods are very permissive of that behavior. Too from any social media as possible.
Nijicucks are behind the cancer
They are any Nijisanji fan here. All Nijisanji fans move to 8 chan.
Go tell your mom that you love her
Waw these past days have truly shown how much of a cessPIT /vt/ is, top 3 for this site for sure.
Pretty much
first day?
Kyousha, why are you samefagging?
Does it surprise you? A good chunk of the faggots who post here are people that think vtuber fans are losers but spend most of their time keeping up with vtubers, memorizing rrats about vtubers, shitting up threads about vtubers, and piggybacking off of kiwifarms gangstalking to harass vtubers. They're subhumans that lack any sense of shame or self-awareness.
I mean /r9k/ encouraged numerous mass shooters. /pol/ unironically bombed people in the Syrian War by doxxing their locations and passing them to Russian intelligence. /b/ encouraged plenty of suicides and serial killers, and tricked kids into making mustard gas.
That's just normal 4chan stuff
It doesn't have to be. That stuff has always been an exception to the norm on 4chan.
I agree with that other anon; this board is home to some of the worst posters on the entire site. It's like a convergence of /trash/, /pol/ and modern /b/.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=T8wiV29Znxg [Embed]
It's wild how fags like this can spend all day on 4chan saying the most reprehensible shit imaginable but suddenly when something happens to THEIR pretend internet wife they expect the site culture to suddenly be respectful and reverent lmao
/vt/ is one guy
shondophrenics- real shondophrenics- aren't the ones going and attacking either people, hope that helps
these guys have been larping as fans and antiing her for years like it's their job
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You'd very rarely find actual fans of shondo on /shon/. Its sad but it is what it is.
FT if you're here please don't let her try to fill the void alone
I think if you're an indie or smaller corpo vtuber fan, you should expect by now that /vt/ is going to shit on your oshi for anything and everything possible. This is still a hololive board, by and large.
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>my family member dies
>tell manager im taking bereavement for a week and ill be back soon

>internet personality family member dies
It's the same story for my oshi's general (/ahoy/) too.
It's because having a good oshi undoes what 4chan does
That is also why /vt/ is so cancer. The platonic ideal of a vtuber is diametrically opposed to what the worst of 4chan is. The very theme of this place is its doom.
What do we feel about Nimi getting 3 times more likes whilst having the same amount of views on their post?
this has always been the worst board on 4chan
we think you should kill yourself
Nimi got several people depicting her dead cats as firearms and ghosts - I think the intense retardation of her fanbase counters the pedophilia and autism of shondo's. Equilibrium y'know
>vtuber builds her entire persona on being edgy and saying the stuff you're not supposed to say
>somehow has the most fragile fans imaginable
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so what's going to be our homework for the week?
there is nothing rational about deciding to be alive; if people were truly rational, they would have killed themselves a long time ago.
shadow the hedgehog right here
rewatch breaking bad and send her memes to uplift her
Shadow the Fallen right here
Crazy how this exact thing also happened with Pippa, Tenma, Nyanners, and Silvervale
>Shrek failed the last homework assignment of the year
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the healthcare system didn't kill her mom. what are you even about
That said, having to bury your child is a terrible thing
18 or older
i will marry * irl and make her happy
Doubt its nijifags anymore. They're a convenient scapegoat but most of them have been so broken down that the actual fans just stick to their generals and ignore all the noise.
Like most of the shitposting here its probably /#/ subhumans and possibly quite a bit of HoloGlobal as well.
The only evidence you need is that most of the Nimi's cat shitposts disappeared around the same time shitposts about Shondo's mom started popping up, and we all know what thread was celebrating the death of a cat the other day.
She, FT, and FE suspected this was a risk and wanted her to remain in the hospital's care but they insisted she was fine to go home.
Shrek The Quadrinity Killer
>one of the last things shadowmama ever did was complain about shondo's pancakes
what a legacy to leave
That's what they're the most based boards
I don't think I've seen actual CP posted here once in 5 years so, no, this isn't the worst board on the site.
the ESL of this post is so damn fitting
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>killed her mom and made it look like a suicide
holy shit, never criticize his pancakes again
Ok sartre
The NHS isn't some symbol of "national pride," you muppet. The real tragedy here is that Americans have been so thoroughly brainwashed, many genuinely believe the rubbish they're handed is something worth celebrating.
Fair point. I don't think I've seen any gore or scat on here either.
just saw this vtuber tweet about her mom dying and I just wanted to say
uhh lol?? why would you tweet that???
A webm of someone getting shot in the head from behind was posted here at least once I think
The parasocial relationship is a two-way street, especially so in this vtuber's case.
Nah he died of the rona
Because she is honest with her fans even at the cost of some privacy
Donde esta la biblioteca?
this is an anti post larping btw
Loli hentai doesn't count.
hololive fans aren't even people, they are just NPCs.
She eats eggs and milk which is not vegan
Shes ovolactovegetarian
LinkTheDot pretty quiet today, busy consoling her IRL (he is Michael).
Based corpoGOD who thinks saying nothing and ghosting your fans is normal
Tbf we mostly say reprehensible shit about Shondo not your oshi
yeah she should be like Gura and just fuck off for months with no explanation
get fuked iproe u cat postin piece of cunt
Kill yourself Kevin
what did you expect the hospital to do? they can't keep a person in there against their will.
why do you think telling thousands of strangers on the internet that your mom just killed herself is better?
to be fair to Gura, her community isn't nearly as supportive or close to her as Shondo's but her antis are as deranged and even more numerous. She has no reason to consider the risk and still feel that she owes anyone any information.
They could have if they had brains in their heads
the flip catalogdwellers love to post cp of their kind
I kneel corpoGOD
You are using the food industry's propaganda definition of "vegan" (which equates it with strict vegetarianism), to make it easier to market for. To be vegan is to oppose the exploitation of any animals, so you can still eat eggs and milk if you live in the UK (where, unlike the US, they don't mistreat animals to milk or deegg them).
but not your dad
like just tell me, you can be serious for a moment
Maybe in a third world country like the UK, in America she would have gotten the healthcare she needed
this is why she needs an irl bf unironically
she will be alone with a social worker soon
your an absolute fucking retard, animals are mistreated everywhere
if any member of hololive saw you saying "this person deserves hardship and struggle", they would dislike you. they would not allow you to send supa. they would ban you from chat.
I'm a tourist to this thread, but I can't say I really see anything wrong with it.
She's grieving and obviously doesn't have anyone in real life that she can turn to. It makes sense that she would turn to an audience she already knows to be very receptive to hearing about the myriad problems in her life.
It isn't the healthiest thing, but it's what she has available to her right now.
Yes America is famous for its mental illness care.
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in America, they would have just told her she couldn't remain in the hospital as soon as it became overcrowded. They care more about keeping their image than actually help people.
What did he say and do?
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Why was he not beeing nise in a time where she needs us to be the most nise?

deserved desu
told a nice chatter to kill themselves after the chatter replied "Sincerely In My Prayers" to someone's message about the situation.
That's not very nise, i hope there's just context missing and it wasn't merely a sudden outburst
>sticker spam begins
>deleted the retarded blogpost right before initiating it
baseg mods
dewd got bored of trolling in the threads so he went to the discord to bait iproe into attacking him to get him banned so he could attack the mods
based cuckchad
>This is still a hololive board
Only 10% of the board is holo related these days, you lost.
I wonder which sticker will get spammed when Shondo dies
>/pol/ unironically bombed people in the Syrian War by doxxing their locations
that's gigabased though, I wish /vt/ did something like that
Replied to who?
Did she say anything in the discord?
the syadou death squish
wrong but thats the point of your post
Aww mad your little orange retard made you hate Europe? It's okay, at least you can be fat, short, retarded, ugly, and every other derogatory buzzword whilst we keep sieving money from your pathetic ass
Now kiss.
>little orange retard
orange has been banned for a while after trying to extort money from shondo for maintaining her YouTube channel
do reps
america just existing makes you people seethe
Orange is LinkTheDot is Michael.
Keep every /shon/ as political as this one so she gets too bored to read them
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He's Michael, He's Michael, I'm Michael! Are there any other Michaels I should know about?
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Shrek is Hikachu who is Orange's alt who is LinkTheDot who is michael who is the Quadrinity Killer who killed Rita who is Shadowmama in a bathtub
i realy wish she would slow down on the lore building .i miss the comfy silly streams
I don't believe she's dead
Can't even hornypost today. I'm just sad.
Seriously, why the fuck would I, as an individual, envy another individual in the US?
low test
Hornypost then, big boy
I love her!
nta but i will cure shondos depression with a hot cum injection
i will save you shonshon
Maybe she really can be fixed with a good dicking down
you dont need to envy anybody
people judge and mention america way more than other countries for no reason at all
the fact that iproe was banned shows the mods dont care about notifying shondo in regards to regulars
kill yourself dewd
because centuries ago England used to rule the world. Everything had to be done their way. They would sail the seas and colonize everything they saw. Those days are long gone. Just an old empire past it's prime pretending that it's still important while it's son remains the superpower in control of western civilization.
the funny part is it wasn't even a newfag mod, it was a guy who has been around for years and should have known better
either way based get rid of all the regulars
Why would they notify Shondo right now when her mother just fucking died? priorities anon. Things will have to be done within the community for a bit until she's confident enough to return.
And now it is their turn to be colonized by bbc
iproe is a known infighter and was infighting in discussion on today of all days
he deserved a serious warning if not a timeout and any other regular does too
you should be banned as well
so no watchalong tonight?
for what? agreeing that arguing with randoms on the day her mother dies is unbecoming behavior and the mods were justified to do something about it?
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Condolences to your wife, I just saw the news when I got home. She's a really strong person for enduring everything she has while trying to support others despite her own mental health struggles. I hope the best for her. Or at least that things stop being THIS bad for her.
ban dewd
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thanks Naplingbro. Sorry to hear about Baby Bean.
>your wife
sorry, but real husbands don't come /here/, only antis
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I saw Shondo's message on Nimi's announcement, she's got a kind heart.
you should be banned because you're a regular and all regulars should be banned
that 100 pounds just donated? all me btw
most of you aren't following the alt and it shows
>>97242975 →
I never said she would get custody. Of all the possible outcomes, shondo is a likely candidate, other possible alternatives are her fathers (though they weren't given full custody before for a reason, even though her mother was BPD), or possibly some unrelated foster parents.
most of you aren't following gary and it shows
you wont be getting unbanned low t c:
fallen shadow :(
Literally the last possible chance to win her btw. Another chance like this will never appear again
Waltuh, put your dick away Waltuh.

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