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Previous Thread: >>97247947 →
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I miss jelly
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Perceive Her radiance.
Illuminate one and all in Her splendor.
Captivate those with Her light.
Obey only Her brilliance.

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What do you want? I'll kill you.
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Product X being a reskin of Product Y is an old concept, Pippa.
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[shiina news] She will keep streaming for a while.
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Why is panko depression posting?
genderbent runie and clara
Jelly tomorrow!
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Shiina just be zatsin
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GN gayblackanon
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHCmZJWJu5k [Embed]
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next offcollab the talents need to recreate this
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we love whores here
3.8k ccv
I'm thinking Pippa is BACK
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crispy nuggets
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This thread is lacking in sex bears.
>gifted membership to Eimi
oh HELLL YEEEEAHH brother I didn’t even know she was live!
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man, why aren't I making dogshit mobile games and milking retards for their money
Isn't everyone in Phase pettan
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Lumi has a dirty pussy
loki dizzy tenma can recreate this
There's Chinese literally EVERYWHERE. There's multiple Chinese/Viet restaurants in nowhere midwest
Hime Loki and Clara can recreate this
this >>97254085
but with 3 perfectly smooth chests
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I love my druggie ravewife.
She's getting better so I've gotta be strong.
no one else is streaming. no overlap = bigger numbers
you might be on to something
>only one pair of good tits
unfortunate whores
I closed my tab just to spite you
That's a good idea, they can put sadbee in the middle
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It's never too late to start. Or just make AI storytime videos.
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I thought girls was supposed to be hairless, those bitches has more hair than me
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_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________i dont know_________
Just make a shitty phase / holo mobile huneypop, publish in china and never work again
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I love Shiina!
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Someone can explain me what the fuck happened to panko? some of her family died or she is in some kind of emotional woman crisis?
she has been doing it all month
get sued for unauthorized IP use, go to jail, never work again
Why's Lumi wearing a wedding dress
Wrist hort
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I'm not into those kinds of creatures, they're an invasive species that need to be put down.
>publish in china
You can evade copyright in China?
>pippa doesnt browse /pcg/ daily anymore
Pippa broke free of the Holo mind virus
It's so over!
Pippa News: She HATES vtubers now.
>Pippa hates phase

It's over
China is literally the go to for ip theft you can do whatever you want
Fucking finally, we can finally shitalk about her without limiting ourself
Maybe fish be pressing
She's getting used to the size of my penis during sex
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Shion graduation is what got her?
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>>97254025 →
i KNEEEL!!!!!
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I thinks Pippa SUCKS
>She ended up giving away some of her vtuber merch

It's over
yeah, me
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Fauna's graduation
If Pippa can free herself, so can you.
[Controversial Shiina News]
Runie isn't actually that evil
hey what was that game lumi played where you guess words and it tells you hot or cold relative to the word you’re supposed to guess that looked like fun
Bad break up
Big cat tids
This tangent would have happened 2 months ago if it was Fauna.
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>tfw no eimi gf
WTM was good at fes though, what changed?
She is set to have her period in about 2 days if it's still consistent
why would you want an eimi gf
How many girls actually play games
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she has a body of a pig
I've been free for a while.
EN is basically fubar now. Tons of JPs dropping. It's not good looking.
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Do you think Pippa owns a Large "Chance the Flared Stallion" ?
Watch streams or read the rest of her tweets anon
Fair enough, I'm somewhat disillusioned with that as well.
That's not Himebird
What happened to Panko
And people wonder why poor people stay poor. The only good that comes with giving them money is that it circulates through the economy, heading towards the wallet of someone who isn't stupid
At least one of the girls in Phase owns a bad dragon
It's the cuckinrobin, tweet tweet tweet
I think it's easy to doom, but I also have hope I guess. It won't be the same of course, but I don't think hololive is on a death spiral yet.
>Pippa finally burning out
Its over

Pippa just got lost in the sauce of buyfagging. All that extra income prob would have cooked me a bit as well.
lazy hort
Pippa non cam streaming arc incoming in 3 years, irl 1 after than
Member when someone here posted their bad dragons with time stamp? My money? Pippa
>Pippa unironically hates vtubers now
How hard is Sakana slamming his head into the wall rn?
which phaser could fit the whole thing?
and a large rex
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stop saying mean things about the chuuba I like
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That hope?
>Pippa doesn't want to give up her microphone and camera setting permission in case she gets caught gooning
It literally was on the verge of happening, and she said as much, but her managers talked her out of it and she maintained a small level of optimism about the community, but evidently the past few months have been too much for her now.
It doesnt make me happy like before and all it does nowadays is bring pain and dissapointment every other month with a another favorite graduating. Pippa is literally just using one of her subconscious self defense mechanisms if she does not notice why she wants to sequester herself.
do NOT repost this
you are not allowed to right click and select save as
reposting this is ART RAPE
Can Pippa take the knot?
Pippa can handle inches

So pippa is actually burning out or the streams are interrupting her gooning sessions?
pippa is a massive sheep who only continues to be a vtuber because her favorite vtuber is still in holo
if watame or gura quits pippa will graduate in solidarity
I would help Hime lose weight and tell her I unironically like her music.
I don't understand the direction of Hololive. Their shareholder notes indicate that they basically want to get rid of their talents and turn the IPs into sone kind of expanded showcase for selling brands and sone big Hololive universe. I have to ask who the audience is? Hololive feels like a giant bubble that's gonna crash hard because of all the investor funding propping it up to absurd levels that aren't sustainable. If I were one of their talents I'd be wanting out too, you're basically playing chicken with a brick wall on a motorcycle.
Interrupting her goon sessions
Might be hard if it's her meds, but you're a bad enough dude to handle her at her medless
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Hololive's focus on not streaming prob isn't a good idea. Just saying.
pippa is an untrustworthy scheming retard
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>Phase Connect imploding
>Shondo mind broken
>nonstop Hololive graduations
God forbid something happens to marimari_en...
*Rapes you*
given japanese womens only responsibility is to give birth and raise children shions graduating to become a cumslut for salaryman who will start fucking christmas cakes in a couple years
Yeah they announced some gacha and no one really seemed excited about it.
are the Pippa nOOmbers because of raids or has this been pretty consistently high?
>Pippa quits
>Phase becomes Clara Connect
I will unironically rope if that happens
Yeah. They are showing their current audience the door hoping behind the next door there is a bigger audience that will be just as passionate as their current fanbase. Enjoy your Disney (Japan) I guess.
>Hololive's focus on not streaming prob isn't a good idea.
Everyone except old japanese investors know that.
I mean Shondo's mom killed herself
I think there are a lot of hags opting out of that in Hololive
there were raids?
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hey thanks guys
I HATE 2025
I HATE 2025
I HATE 2025
I will just blame Gura, she say that she got something really special planned for this year, I DON'T LIKE THIS PLAN YOU SHARK FUCK!!!
Good thing she isn't quitting.
Vtubing would end over night.
I thought Pippa was "poor"

How did she have the money for these gachas?
whoever the board at Hololive is they have no fucking clue how to run the company their investors bought into
She already joined M*thic
You're right it was Extra Large
Anon I think you may be geniunley retarded.
When she told us about this big project I kind of figured she's out afterwards. Lots of chumbuds are mad about that. Idgaf what form she's in i just want to watch my oshi.
I at least saw a Shiina raid
people seem to love watching her talk about current events in gaming, that Saint's Row VOD gets a lot of views even now
there's your meta Pippa
Leaver her alone, her gf, bff, oshi, and wife all graduated
Her plan is making everyone else graduate so hololive will become the gawr gura company
That's what I was alluding to without so many words.
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vtubing feels like what nfl felt like when the legends like payton brady brees ect started retiring, vtubing needs a new breed of talent,
Gura will kill all the Vtubers
Rex knot is one of the easier knot
How, she talked about being below the middle class while she was growing up but yet had thousands to spend on these gachas. Just more cases of Pippa lying to us
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>people seem to love watching her talk about current events in gaming
This is something that has annoyed me since the whole dustborn thing since Pippa is the only one allowed to do it now. The others aren't allowed to play obvious memeshit games and dunk on them anymore.
>I thought Pippa was "poor"
she grew up poor
she's now wealthy relative to her family
she makes a lot from vtubing, but she spends an awful lot of it on stupid shit which means she can't save for big purchases like a house
She will phase in soon
The issue isn't lack of talent. If anything there's to many bitchs in the sphere. We need to gatekeep stupid egirls from the hobby because they just want to be twitch whores but as anime girls.
She aid those were years ago anon when she spent that
Looking at alienmixture
Doesn't even know who Pomu is lmao.
>Pippa is the only one allowed to do it now
what do you mean? Pippa dropped the ball on Dustborn while Jelly picked it up and ran with it
>hurr durr annoying twitter people
making excuses, total self sabotage.
Slide into heaven
Yeah, her graduation. Not even being an anti. The telegraphing could not be more obvious. Maybe it'll revitalize the Western scene a bit.
She is literally a twitch whore before vtubing
You really are retarded, most poor people are poor because they make stupid financial decisions.
Oh, you actually are retarded.
Moon Jelly should Phase in
Lumituber should Phase in
Purin should Phase in
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Hoochie mama I love Runie!
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i really doubt gura will graduate until someone overtakes her in EN and cover starts trying to get her to stream consistently again,
damn a new rotation of capipis already?
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I love Runie
She a cutie
Literally what happened, she was basically the trump of vtubing in terms of being consistently iconic...
>while Jelly picked it up and ran with it
and she is apparently not allowed to talk about it anymore, to the point of being afraid of getting fired, if her TCG Shop Simulator stream is anything to go by.
And really only another holo girl is feasible to do that so they will probably just let her graduate finally. It honestly feels like they are paying her not to stream and not to leave.
I want to date Hime, and have her murder me in my sleep one night because she had a dream about me cheating on her
Shondo should phase in. Sakana should actually poach her. He'll be saving a life.
This BGM is new, Jelly made it as well
Some chatters tonight seem to be really emotionally invested in Pippa's spending habits.
Most poor people have nothing to make any decisions with. Her father being a serial business owner, of probably shitty businesses, isn't exactly someone from a single mother in the ghetto of a deindustrialized city.
Grief stricken Shondo riding your dick
She made enough money to coast on for the rest of her life and then got tired of the worst managerial class in the world.
Japanese boomers.
the vtubers that survive 2025 are the real ones, the ones that actually enjoy the craft, grifters and the weak will die off
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm6qnNNuJBw [Embed]
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm6qnNNuJBw [Embed]
This dude is such a jew...
Neither of you are grasping the point
>lubing my cock with shondo tears
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hammer time
>not allowed to talk about it anymore
because of pippa, only pippa would have that power in phase
Trying to get your oshi to stop wasting money on stupid shit is actually a good thing.
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what the fuck Fishman
quit being such a pussy, I thought you learned this lesson with Pippa
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do all girls have hair on their boobs?
It's so funny to see newfriends in chat all the time now
I think she might actually be sick. Did you see Fes?
Being a single mother IS a poor financial decision. It costs money to have a child, having a child when you can't afford to is you being financially retarded
This is what I mean. It's such easy content with so many shitty AAA games coming out that are dogshit, but I've heard Shiina, Tenma, and Jelly all mention that they can't.
2/3rds the way there.
I fear Lumituber will never join though.
she can't sing, easy skip for fish
perhaps but it is a good reminder
unironically kill yourself
He's trying to take back the power he lost when phase was small, its one of the reasons the company is stagnant, the girls cant be themselves anymore, sakana has deluded himself into believing a box of 5k is big
>Parasocial relationship with a png

Pippa describing her chat
ask your mom
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That's a criteria?
Would you 100% Pippa?
fish is tightening the clamps.
To some extent. The bigger they are the more these hormonal things will tend to appear
Shiina and Dizzy
Dolphins have hair.
Just seems a bit too much for some people, y'know?
Pippa is so cooked lmao. She's just like me.
Jelly should be allowed to play Avowed and dunk on how shit it is
like Phase Connect is ever going to have business connections with Microsoft, fuck off Kevin
I haven't engaged with Hololive in any capacity since late 2022. So, no.
Once upon a time, though, I was a day 1 chumbud. I don't begrudge her the "semi-retirement", though. I hope she's managing her consistently horrendous health well.
I don't think you're grasping my point either.
you dont actually like eimi
Oh now you're talking about feminism. Alright well I agree with you there, remove feminism first then we can talk about poverty.
Let's see gen1
can't sing
can't sing
can't sing
can't sing
Could sing
Can sing
can sing
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Don't say that word around him!
So who are these women supposed to be?
yuck. i'll stick with 2d 4 lyfe
double yuck. imagine a hairy blowhole
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this image is from 2022 lmao
I hope she's ok desu. Everyone puts everything to malice like usual. But I don't.
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I HATE love Clara!
She was supposed to buy a house!
eimi and i have the same birthday. that means we're friends. :)
this a fucking baby shark game?
Sorry clara but i'm not a infant
>meme rotted tiktok girl
>doesn't know boat gos binted
this angers me more than anything ever posted /here/
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Shondo has a poor opinion of Phase Connect
plus schizoaffective is on another level of menhera
In this market?
She's right tho
They're very faint and soft most of the time
She was talking abou Inis
Rie is the cutest slut in Phase Connect
>can't sing
this must be bait. her idol song beats everyone combined
Not either of those Anons but You lack the capacity
nta but I think ye is saying white trash normally doesnt even have enough money to irresponsibly spend on gatcha. it's nice to not have the usual batch of retarded poors itt, but do the math on this and it makes sense
nta but theyre pointing how how poors do it to themselves and it isnt exactly inconceivable for someone to piss away that much money, even if they are poor. although you are rigbt it would be very hard
LOL I remember when he shut Shiina down when she got a little edgy, no one can be pippa but pippa.
Pippa got her genshin info from reddit, that is the only explanation
She doesn't like corpos, and joins with the Phase girls to pick on Sakana, but I'm sure she'd be happy to collab with Pippa and the like.
She's 31
1.5 year old dead memes are not suddenly relevant because some retard from a big company decided to make it her personality
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it's okay they picked up someone even better
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Would fishlips reform Phase to be more tight-assed if she left
Attach you bogos binted
Not watching. What's this about?
what about the times that they aren't faint and soft? how often does that happen? what do you do if a girl's got bewb pubes
Correction it's from 3 years ago
why is Clara playing a game for kids
Dizzy's game awards was pretty chud friendly how'd that go over
joe mama
yeah its clear fish just wants to coast at this point, phase wont survive 2025, probably be sold off by 2026, he wont let people be edgy anymore because of the managers and the liberals he hired like clara and eimi
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Because she's mentally a child?
>unironically kill yourself
hmmm nyoo
It's dumb how that's her "thing." Pippa should make shoop da whoop her tagline
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Eimi’s breastmilk cheese
Phase Connect is saved
Dizzy knows something the other talents don't. Sakana doesn't enforce rules for shit.
she says that a character that was never considered bad in this site was considered bad by the community, even youtubers broke down the character being good when she came out
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Hi I just got back, what triggered the doomposting tonight
You forgot your image
We're already being called Phasecucks, we don't need it to be any more true.
He can't do anything to Dizzy
Hello catalog raiders
I really miss Gura.
>literally who without her
people watch pippa?
every time a holo graduates pippa doomposts
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I don't have many good pics. But she's a bigger talent than AlienMixture. German girl
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> bogos binted
> baby shark dodo dododo
Clara was ment to be a Holo
I miss mumei
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Clara needs a baby
I highly doubt they are shit stirring. the one rule that seems very.well enforced is keeping your political bullshit from creating strife. the invaders have their own chat where they can talk about women needing to stay in their corner and gen 3 has a thread where they can brag about how many abortions they csn get. Im being facecious but you get my point
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rules of pippa's chat:
>don't shill the merch from the company she is part of
>all messages should be shitposts because too straight-laced and chatting is no fun
>no politics unless pippa brings it up and even then it cant be any political opinions I disapprove of
>if you bring up religion that's totally fine but I reserve the right to get into a big argument with you over it
>basically all interaction with the streamer should go through me not you because I'm more qualified
just suck his dick and get it over with
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I havent encountered that so I can not say anon, but I'd say it's not as common as you may be worried about
Megasatan is a cuckposter wow who could have seen that coming?
Cheap rhythm game she had laying around
don't worry anon, she's in japan eating konbini chicken
Kiara stopped that shit quick lmao.
Can't have another EN with an excellent voice now.
I don't blame management for not wanting to attract the culture war mouth breathers these games summon, not saying I agree or think it's a good idea, but I do understand where it might be coming from
yeah well bat read a message i posted in a voice i didnt like so she can kill herself
>Clara was ment to be a Holo
She would probably be more watchable if she was in Hololive. With all the strict rules.
He doesn't dare time me out Pippa won't let him.
>check her twitter for her chest pics
>Account suspended
The fuck happened
Good/bad as in quality or character/morality?
And who?
She's better than most of them
>uuuuuu I'm tired of vtubers
Alright, that time of year, whatever
Eimi time.
QRD on why you're all freaking out?
youre being weird
Not him, but if they have noticeable chest hair (not vellus hair which is usually "peach fuzz"), it's because they have a hormonal disorder and they decided that they don't want to shave it despite it being extremely noticeable
>strick rules
was Kiara not a prime example for you?
This but Pippa's
clara likes to start shit with other vtubers, fish tolerates it but holo doesn't need that kind of drama
It made Dooby watchable
I'm having trouble seeing what audience it is that management actually wants to appeal to. Every time they lean on one thing or another they get spooked and jolt back.
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I don't know
No one's freaking out Mable, it's a discussion, on a discussion board
WE don't (shouldn't) care what unicorns think of the company. Talent is talent.
Phase needs a shake up
im not freaking out i simply dont care anymore, vtubing lost its magic
I don't think they want to appeal to an audience that will possibly cause problems. The problem is that any audience you get has the capacity to cause problems. In essence, they want an audience that doesn't exist.
Hololive streams are unwatchably boring
Gura is the worst offender
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there are federal agents outside my house
Clara is babysitting a puppydog and she hates it. (Taught it a bunch of tricks though)
She should never have children on nutritional grounds alone.
This bad boy is built to print (You)s
Naked oil wrestling at offkai
shondo hates phase, shit talked phase girls, hates corpos, starts drama, is mentally ill, cant sing, cant dance, cant take care of herself cucked her fans, , why the fuck would anyone want her retarded ass in any corpo besides drama reasons
Yeah, Clara should graduate.
WE love and support unicorns here, for homos only lead to ruin
>don't shill the merch from the company she is part of
did he seriously get mad at someone shilling the merch for real? what's next, he's gonna ban triptych for asking to leave a like?
yes I do. I like her dolphin laugh thing she does sometimes.
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what do we feel about phase friend rosemi
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We need a phaser with shaken baby syndrome.
New invaders in two weeks
Mmmm I don't believe you, also that was Selen
stupid boring bitch
Open your blinds and give em the ole helicopter. That will scare them away.
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check out the boob spacing on the left one wider than Clara damn
What do you think about Phase enemy Kaneko Lumi?
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She's my wife
Many of its fans should have a suicide pact.
That'll shake em up.
this. lumi gets it too. all jelly needs to do to have some fun is nod her head and then do whatever she wants anyways. it is a good thing she is more good girl coded than lumi or dizzy, but this is a rare example of a women upholding her end of the bargain for removing violence from the workplace is a good thing. at the same time, a good boss sets tone. if he condoned chudettes then it would create more drama than it is worth.he doesnt actually care sakana is here. I saw him at least once. and if you arent a filthy newfag who should still be lurking you did your time in pol.
Why is Clio so horny lately?
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Built for wape
That's right. We shouldn't care when some talents are doing GFE related streams and whining about being single when it's highly likely they aren't/weren't. That's their business and should mind our own.
she misses her breasts
Yea when are we getting that merch stream Pippa
Did Pippa ever do the follow up stream to the "chat chooses what vtuber merch I buy"

oh, I guess not.
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Your oshi has tattoos
Pippa GFE goes hard desu
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fuck off lon horiuchi, you're not getting me that easily.
>me time, a good boss sets tone. if he condoned chudettes
Commisar you lost power decades ago, it's time to go back to the retirement home
That's just a compliment to a naked woman
tekken fraud
>It'll be a luwud episode
Is she actually going to do it?
Master of gay sex Clio Aite
not pippa shes a fucking wimp
Ask her.
there is still not a good explanation as to why phase girls doom post during march
>uh no I don't like news content
Kirschefags try and not bring her up randomly challenge (impossible)
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Mari recently went on a break because she didn't want to "hate" chat or some shit. Lucky for her that she was able to read the writing on the wall for whatever she was dealing with and planned accordingly. Truly the most put-together vtuber who menhera/trashy girls just love to orbit.
Casual reminder that the anti-unicorn posters are all TVAfags
I can fix her
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3_Ig992Dj8 [Embed]
If she does, it's a carrot.
Mari is precious desu
Just begging to get called Chase tonight isn't he.
Cucked her fans? Shiiiiiit she fits right in!
It’s because of the moon cycles. IYKYK
she would benefit from putting on her shock collar and rewatching the parts of vods when she is rage baiting and zapping herself whenever she speaks.
it's because people are discovering Pippa through Kirsche now instead of the other way around
Wait what? What happened with Mari?
kek but also rest in peace
[Pippa News] She likes her news feed. It's dinosaurs and video games.
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cute funny clingy artistically and musically inclined autismo sweetheart who also has fat tits

shut up bitch
>no pregnancy
>Phase Connect imploding
Is it? Jelly is on her bi-monthly sad arc and Saya left to the surprise of absolutely nobody. On the other hand Hina broke her silence so things might be okay.
Mari is unironically one of the most well adjusted vtubers out there. She eats healthy and exercises regularly.
Superb setup
This sounds like someone's fetish.
Adorable but I refuse to watch NijiEN
She wants an elderly gentleman who isn't able to get it up anymore. She'll take care of them in their declining years. (That's the dream anyway. Probably just stay single dreaming of Loki)
peak seasonal depression
doesn't explain Jelly living in the tropics though
did you not read the spoiler or are you just retarded and unemployable even for atomwaffen? asking for science
She joined the normalfag tw*ch clique and she's a legit weirdo, it was bound to happen
Also Panko is in Sad girl mode.
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Honestly Poko and Muyu should kiss.
whose? hers? that is a good point it would defeat the purpose if she enjoyed it
Gotta be that time of the month again then.
who’s the saul goodman of phase connect
One of the few good pieces from pipkun
Living in awawaland is depressing in and of itself.
that can be fixed too
Shiina talked about it a while back and confirmed that after she, Panko and Jelly played it Fish banned the game from being played by anyone in Phase. He's scared.
>Imagine Pippa's bloated tummy after eating a tub of icecream
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Blood moon tomorrow. Coincidence?
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he's not dead yet
ok, but why doesn't Pippa do thing that Kirsche does? did you know Kirsche does political shit? did I already mention Kirsche?
pippa hours
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must be why Wemi is an alcoholic
Panko is sad all the time
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remember when Pippa wanted to do a collab with/interview DSP?

Slaps her belly
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you have to watch her every day or you will stop liking her
do you think there's some faggot mod or staff member that's feeding the fish false info and trying to scare him into ruining the talents' freedom?
Panko bleeding, Pippa bleeding

I think not
She still should.
She should ask him why he jerked off on stream first question.
>Imagine punching her bloated ice cream belly as hard as you can
remember when Pippa did interviews
Is Muyu into fat girls too?
I heard she likes fat ugly bastard men
remember when Pippa
guys there's a disgusting woman itt! we only like girls fuck off
I mean last week was practically an interview
unironically probably clara, understand that she is more than just a talent, she translates everything for him,
No. If you don't fit those criteria, you're not in.
Pogo is chubby not fat and Muyu is into cute girls in general.
She was very vague when she announced she was going on a break. "I don't want to hate you, chat" was one of her attempts at trying to explain whatever it was. She came back yesterday and just said it was "brain ghouls". Now she's mentally fine, but physically got sick while away.
This but when she's on her period as well
She has stated as such and has collabed with Tenma before.
You're forgetting the last one to play it: Clara.
the 21st night of september
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Yea, that last one went pretty good right? haaha ha

Not the irish woman
I don't think the Japanese give two shits about the westoid culture war
She played Dustborn? What was the thread like?
i don't think she ever did
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Clara never played Dustborn. Are you fucking stupid?
i am pretty sure she played runescape(?)
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dude it was so long ago. I can barely remember how comfy our flight was. I had to stop watching her but I just had some heart hort when I realized I lost the images
https://youtu.be/6mvdfWHeekI [Embed]
which phase can deepthroat 5 inches?
that is not her choice
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shes a white leftist canadian living in japan
She played runescape and it was a good stream
did you even watch this stream?
>no one in Phase dunked on Veilguard
Nene did and it was glorious
Clara is fat
to Iori's credit, NTR is very popular in Japan
Oh yeah, I was here then
didnt ask homo
Speaking of.
>containment breech is bad
>waaahhhh theyre enforcing containment
this is why only lumi is the only one who still loves you
She didn't. She made a vague, baiting stream thumbnail during that time that claimed "I'm playing the gay game!?" or some shit and it was just Runescape.
No I didn't, I haven't watched any Clara streams. But if she didn't play Dustborn there, that passive-aggressive thumbnail is even more damning.
She faked you out and you never watched the stream for the joke. LOL
She said it was going to be the most woke game or something, but come stream night it was just Old School RuneScape
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Given both talents and management are both well liked publicly, if I was a talent I'd go against management and do a guerilla of a banned game, make it seem like management gave the go ahead and take the heat later. It will strain your relationship with Sakana but he also knows he can't go public and say they were against it as it will paint them in a bad light
Japanese baby incubator
I see you are just here to loop or werent listening
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Japanese citizen. It's not just an ethnicity.
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no way dork
What happened to xala's big beefy boyfriend
>Given both talents and management are both well liked publicly
Management gets shit on here all the time. The only people who like management are faggots on twitter and discord cucks who worship fishman because they're either gay and want male vtubers or never had a dad.
>baby incubator
More like baby incinerator
It clearly is. Cope.
I will uuuuu whenever I feel like it
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haha little retard bat
We get plenty of fish dicksuckers here as well
It was a dark time
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Heh.. I got tired of him... He became to loose...
xalamon is gay so it didnt exactly work
she is no the spring chick able to pick
I assume those are either newfags, discordfags or management themselves here to astroturf.
The Wemus
I mean to be frank, we're the minority here. What "they" think is what matters. It's also why the plan I said can work as the vast majority of outsiders think Phase management is good, and they'll try to maintain that as much possible
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>phase girls having mental break downs
>nijis botting
>holos graduating
>nimis cat dies
>shondos mom dies
>mari hates her fans
vhat ist happening to ze vtubers pee cee gee
Doesn't matter what age you are. You won't be picking anyone.
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I pick Jelly
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Love my wagie little sister
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Thread status: Saved.
mary mary once give me a rusty trombone behind the alley of a round one
well said. that and the daddy's girl talents. but you cant really hold it against them
I pick Clara, don't tell femanon she always gets jalous
>mari hates her fans
How does taking a mental break from streaming mean she hates her fans?
>my oshi kim iversen's dog dies
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i kinda hate women
That would be kino ngl
Does she still do the grapefruit trick streams?
me too.....
[Shiina News]
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The power of working out enough for the sad head voice to stay away.
Why the fuck would you watch vtubers then?
Bro its Dustborn literally EVERYONE was shitting on it. Why care?
It's going to go on a bihad
Wonderful b8 retart
lol you have the link to that hahahah
because fish is terrified of the company dying like all the others in 2024, not realizing him clamping down on rules is what will kill the company
>Pippa news

Do not re...User was banned for this post
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I anti Clara because I love her and its the responsible thing to do.
Is she actually a Japanese citizen?
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i'm gonna be honest with you
i'm kinda retarded
Internal drama is the only thing that makes sense. There was zero outside blowback from any of it.
Name the common denominators.
so do I
it's literally the reason I watch them. Im working on it
Pippa's voice sounds weird today
Whoa, better close that shit it's Lent
Pippa would lie to her S.O(husband (me))
she's mad!
full of WRATH!
they are all women
She's as mush mouth as she normally is.
Pippa died. This is AI Pippa.
>why did Sakana do something cowardly and stupid and self destructive
The same question gets asked everytime he does this. Why did he make Lia nuke a bunch of VODs before her Pomu collab? Why did he crack down on Team Blaze making gay jokes last Phase Wars? Why did he nuke Hina's rave stream? He wants a squeaky clean image to sell to advertisers. End of the day he's a soulleess corpo faggot that needs to be kept in check at every corner.
Holy moley
Gacha is predatory but the chick in this article is a massive retard.
I remember there was some collab with Uruka where she said she'd just always lie to her future husband
who is this?
>nuke Hina's rave stream?
this was unforgiveable.
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There is none.
ill never watch this bitch again but this is pretty pog
Maybe he has a handler affiliated with the canuckistani authority
fish is a controlling retard with permanent middle manager brain and has no idea what he's doing
we've known this for years why are people always surprised
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Same. So does Pippa. God I love Pippa and her shitty opinions. What a fucking retard, I hate her. She's so cute.
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Cute model
Fuck that ending, so good
>If I ever become like this
>Why did he make Lia nuke a bunch of VODs before her Pomu collab?
That was all Lia and I don't even think she herself knows why.
Killing what differentiates you from the other companies is so damn stupid. Jelly should do it anyways. Ain'y no way she gets in barely any trouble with how much she's been inclining.
Wasn't /pcg/ raging hard when it happened?
That's Phase's worst missed opportunity.
*rapes you*
this bitch needs to have some of her salivary glands removed this
it isnt a sign of good leadership to feel the need to meddle around on the art side of things. either you trust the people you hired to be entertaining or you dont. his job is to handle the business side shit and then approve non day to day things (with day to day left to managers). everyone smart understands this until they start their own company and suddenly the rules no longer apply
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Pippa needs to tell the other girls to ask for forgiveness instead of permission
Maybe that tied together one
Good plan. What's he gonna do, graduate beloved talents?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHc4f6levgU [Embed]
Pippa's the biggest cuck now, if anything she'd snitch on them
>i wasn't living life and all that
>i was playing monopoly go
>i wanted to press roll
I'd roll if that women was my wife if you know what I mean.
would lumi consider this whore behavior or would she understand
>ywn have a pure mormon waifu
That was funny
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cute dork
>being nice to my little sister Mari cause I know mom drank a bunch when she was pregnant with her
I think 4chan is dying again...well, next time this site goes down, I'll get addicted to monopoly go.
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Clara insists upon herself
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[Pippa News] Google play gift cards mentioned
To be fair, with Phase at least there's smoke but no fire. And sad girls regularly produce smoke at this time of year
What is Monopoly Go?
Menace posting is illegal!
No way her husband didn't go to an Asian massage parlor after this.
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watch streams
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ajL1ldWNk [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ajL1ldWNk [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3ajL1ldWNk [Embed]
Some game a mormon housewife got addicted to
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Gift cards you say?
>Clara insists herself upon you
USAID money turned off
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Why is this thread so bad right now
Lumi anti in a chuuba form
Fuck off
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Based anon
our girls are sad, the natural response to that is blind anger
Because you're here.
Fuck off you fat ugly turd!
so is Uma musume Pretty Derby actually a good anime?
the japanese have it figured out desu.
>stupid bitch wife does something stupid
>be gracious
>take a couple more hours at work to pay off the financial fallout
>she puts out in a most degrading fashion
>treat yourself to a cheeky trip to the local soapland
CGDCT is always good
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Where bread?
>women need to be treated like children because they'll spend 1k on mobile games
Wow you're kidding me.
We're on page 9 you fat fuck.
If phase connect girls were Jim Henson Muppets, which Muppet would each girl be? Personally, I think Pippa would be Rizzo.
This is why the birth rate is collapsing.
Monopoly Go, the main force behind divorce and declining birth rates.
Its Idolmaster but with horse girls.
mormons are retarded but they have every other Christian denomination beat here, just in this one regard. Actually embarrassing.
What is Monopoly Go?
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/pcg/ is a heresy free zone
so she probably wouldnt appreciate gumis enjoying that blowjob asmr? this is conflicting
We already know Dizzy is Elmo
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Mormon women are nuts like that one who killed her kids and went to Hawaii and the other one who ran a family vlog and ended up torturing her kids.
who is sad
This is just Taiko no Tatsujin for kids with fried nerve endings and adult white women who live in Japan that have equivalent brain structures
Clara would be that annoying autistic Muppet they recently introduced.
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Sup fags
I kinda want to have sex with the brown women in this video
nothing much
Ember is here to save us from Menace cucks.
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What up, my nigga
chuuba's shouldnt be allowed to have models with tits bigger than their own. it is awkward and unseemly. you can telk by how they move and act. it isnt hot it is just dumb
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Mormons don't drink coffee to Fishman's chagrin or tea because they're bad for you and instead have their own weird soda shops
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjESVfOaMXc [Embed]
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>>97259944 →
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That bitch is fucking lying Pippa. I have a two book series on Kindle Unlimited with around 400~ reviews per book. My contract pays out $5k a month. If she has a way bigger audience, I imagine she gets around $20k per month, like other authors I’ve talked to.
Also if you are obese so should your model.
no caffeine, Mormons drank ephedra instead
Wait a fucking minute. THIS BITCH WORKS FOR EPIC GAMES.
Chuck Tingle, is that you?
Internet women lying about how much they make online? Holy fuck!
Indie soda shoppes are kino as hell
Nope, caffeine is ok now for some strange reason
What about cow tits irl with a loli model?
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>capipis making 'Capitalism made me addicted to X' jokes
>not realizing capitalism literally fuels the practices that exploit addictive behaviors
this is not even a 'le capitalism bad' kind of thing, its what literally happens in the food, gambling and vidya industries, criticizing something isn't the same as completely condemning it, you don't need to be so extremist on fucking everything
>Chuck Tingle
Didn't he get molested for arresting kids?
We should improve things actually
capitalism should exploit draining my balls
I dont know or want to know about how womrn think to know if that would be an incentive to slim down or remove an incentive to slim down. so that is probably a little extreme. but only 14 year olds and people from regions with worthless currency think boob quality scales with size. theyre nice delicate things that are beautiful in a more subtle way. Id rather have a normal sized strawberry that tastes like a strawberry than some gmo monstrosity that is massive and tastes like nothing
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> molested for arresting kids?
I don't know anything about him other than the funny book titles
It's always been fine, it's just people misunderstood what the actual rule was banning.
what are you, a commie?
did she have cow tits when she was a loli? scale them appropriately. it's the energy they are channeling. so long as it is authentically them then it is more fun and is that much less abusive to the viewer (financially and interaction reps wise)
Corpo hate!

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