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Previous Thread: >>97259944 →
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS08G3pAUiA [Embed]
Panko should stop being sad. It would solve all her problems.
>>97265544 (OP)
>Dog fucker
>Crab Croquette
>Lives in a 3rd world country
Huh, didn't expect Awawaland to be that civilized. I expected worse
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEKvLxoeDEg&t=129s [Embed]
>pick me girls will call normal girls pick me
Today I learned Seething Femanon was the pickme all along!
She doesn't live in the jungle year round.
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You guys told me Jelly was dead
Shiina is one of the few Phasers who HASN'T expressed interest in fucking a dog
She's the equivalent to a millionaire in awawa land
Says the actual pickme in Phase
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Would you hug Saya and tell her everything is going to be ok?
Can you define pickme?
Panko should goon more, Pippa too
Hole hands wrote this post
I'd hug her but I wouldn't lie to her
Femknight posted her tits on twitter again
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stop being fat
link it
so others can suffer
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yes. can you?
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pic not related
Watch her streams and how she interacts with the buttercuckies, and tell me how she isn't blatantly pandering to them
If you have enough money in any third world SEA, your living standing is equal or higher than any western countries
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Bros it's Jelly time
If 4chan ever implemented an ID verification system to filter out woman you'd see a 90% decrease in pickme posting overnight
>>97265544 (OP)
I shall submit to krab cunny
I'm noticing that not a single one of you even offered a basic definition.
Jelly is a disgusting pickme whore
I am going to suck on those titties and count the freckles
Jelly is a cute wife idol
fuck i still saw them
>a single one of you
Lol. Lmao.
Goodnight /pcg/
Thank you Eimi for the wonderful stream! I hope someone accepts your speed run challenge. I thought it was a neat idea. I will not be that person, I am sorry.
Sorry femanon I won't be around to give you attention tonight since I'll be focusing on jelly's return stream
I listen to the whole thing every time
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I love my druggie ravewife.
She's getting better so I've gotta be strong.
do the funny, chat
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Sleep well ham.
Song name?
I am sorry femanon I am cum tributing to Jelly instead of you
Are you aware that Jelly has a pussy underneath her white panties
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Goodnight Hamptard
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I think that's acne.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6wJprJXb6Q [Embed]
Is Jelly okay now?
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Stop talking about pickmes and get in here you la la homos.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
>jelly isn't a femboy
>white panties
You have my attention and can I steal them
I hope you guys have extremely painful deaths
yeah, I dicked her down good
the brainworms are gone now
I'm well aware
Now that Jelly isnt sad anymore I am going to be mean and pick on her now.
I am going to cum all over her tits to help smooth her skin
Would you like a dick pic so you can touch yourself
Where are the real aliens? What happened with that whole declassification thing at congress?
Be nice
Mexico leaked them
>jelly recovered from her meltdown faster than panko
Were they both on their period or something?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whqEBR_pdcE [Embed]
No I’d rather not look at a picture of a micropenis
You can send it to Jelly I am sure she will love it
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we are so fucking back
Femanon is a size queen...
So this is how Jelly was made and I have been looking for this porn for years. THANK YOU
Why should I be?
If I found one injured in a crash I probably would rape it if was female. Not even memeing
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Dragon dildos tend to do that, her o-ring is busted.
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I am a grower so you are not wrong
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Remember, the bedbugs bite because they care.
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>first contact is a sex crime
Fucking humans
>don't stream for a week which is normal for a lot of phasers
>farm hundreds of simp bucks
it is literally that easy
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Hime is still crashing out
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sex crimes don't apply to aliens
we only have laws for animals and humans
aliens don't fit in either category
She must have needed money.
Pippa is a smelly cute dork
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they literally have no rights currently even in international laws. it's going to die anyways so just fuck it.
She better eat my ass or be stuffed up my ass or at least milk me out
Was someone being a transphobic piece of shit again?
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He means because that's Red Hood's outfit, who fucks her wolfdog Poro.
Keep in mind Poro is like 3 times her size, she is a small girl and he's the size of an Alaskan Timberwolf
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it's good to hear her voice again
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I do enjoy this thing, the small blue alien
it's called Gura move
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uh oh, looks like femanon is having a melty again
I want to rim my cock around her lips till I start precumming
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Her super chats are regularly off
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>the "Agender" for today
has jelly gone woke???
Dog of Wisdom is great, but I prefer Literally Hitler

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm0h3RVkgbo [Embed]
Jelly news

I hope Jelly kills herself live this stream
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Where find Jelly wife?
Shes so cute why?
Is she related to Sakana by chance?
Femanon realizes her onlyfans is getting mogged by some anime woman on youtube.
No no, we slap Mumei
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Uhm actually we love Jelly here
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We are being nice this thread
Jelly is built for sumata
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I don't >:(
Jelly news

So no head?
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I'm quite fond of Jelly Hoshiumi.
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It's Jellover
Fat fuck
Jelly ran out of money and decided to stream for that sweet return stream donation money
[Jelly News] She lives near Japan. Yeah not shit
Jelly won, femanon lost
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it's her comfort game
even though she hates new minecraft
Come one femanon, given you watch so much of Jelly's streams that you should know she'll never run into money issues even without streaming
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What the fuck, I don’t watch her streams
I wouldn't exactly call Awawaland "near". It's in a relatively close timezone, I guess
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why is nasa like this?
I'd hug femanon
my comfort gaming is hating new minecraft
Thanks Nasa, very cool.
I'd fuck femanon
Hey, her words not mine
That's too far
Femanon sex?
At least she's not like my brother that takes pictures of his shit.
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Stop it
Sure femanon, you also didn't donate to her and called her a pickme whore
I'd pay femanon half as much as I would pay a man for the same job
She has great tits
i knew this guy that did that, he showed them to everyone and said there were aliens communicating with him through his fecal shapes and types. he did a LOT of ketamine
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Jelly news

Is Jelly going to talk about how lonely she is because she can’t find a boyfriend and how bad it is to live in awawaland this stream? I hope she does because I kinda forgot about that part since she hasn’t streamed in a while.
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I mean low cost of living aside, I wouldn't want to live there
Should I rim or cum on her?
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She doesn't have a bf? Than what where the pics?
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Phaser for this feel?
why are all the chuubas i like eternally sad
why was jerry gone?
Is Eimi here?
>At least she's not like my brother that takes pictures of his shit.
You don't know if she has a folder for that on her phone...
If you're a westerner, flipland might be the only reasonable place to stay since it's just American enough to not be uncivilized like the other Muslims SEA countries. If you want better living standards, Vietnam can work too.
her mum
>>97267218 (me)
ok Jerry answered me ..
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Yeah she is super sad because for some reason she can’t find one no matter how hard she tries it’s literally impossible I hope she brings it up this stream too
Women exist to make me cum and also make me feel loved and give me purpose
I used to live in an Awawaland adjacent country and would sometimes visit Awawaland with my ex who was from there. I'm like a poor country boy from America so I wasn't really used to cities and stuff but my ex's city was great, super clean. First city I ever lived in so it made New York look like shit by comparison when I visited it later.

Awawaland big cities are fucking nasty, man. At least the ones I've been to, like homeless people and sympathy grifters on the streets and shit everywhere. I have never seen anything like it before, it was kinda scary. A guy with a pet monkey tried to sell me watches on the street, a hooker tried to get me while I was waiting on my ex and her sister outside of a restaurant once.
>not be uncivilized like the other Muslims SEA countries
Philippines has Muslim terrorists, commie terrorists, drug cartels and gun smugglers all fighting for control. Its basically SEA Mexico but somehow worse.
Any one of those organizations could abduct and ransom you if you are a westerner.
>what where
Spending time with me
Jelly is obviously upper middle class and doesn’t have to interact with the shithole part of the city god you guys are so fucking dumb and gullible no wonder you fall for such an obvious pickme liar like Jelly please just kill yourself at this point
Its impossible because there are almost no white men in her country.
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>Would you hug Saya
Yes. I wouldn't hug NotSaya though, NotSaya gives off mega "I want to be groomed by the creeps around me" vibes while Saya is just the awkward lil bro that deserves praise and affection
Well based on the flight advisory I got from DHS in the past, that's only a thing in their southern border, which coincidentally is near Indonesia.
Jelly lost her hole...
Anon awawa land has muslim pirates
You guys honestly deserve to lose money to Jelly
[Jerry News]: Jerry smokes weed
>obviously upper middle class
I dunno femanon, you just sound salty. There's no proof that shows that Jelly's well off
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Cute retard.

I honestly don’t know what to tell you
I feel sorry for you, good luck in your life
[Jelly News] Cock and ball torture.
I am going to get her some weed and than she can start to suck off my dick
Come on femanon, you must have some soundpost or a pic to prove your claim? You have to realize that being well off in a third world country is very very rare
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>"Cuz I'm a woman"
Contrary to popular belief.
>open jelly stream
>first chat I see
>jelly in lingerie
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Anyways Im going to bed now. Dont stub your toe or whatever they say.
Night Sakana
White people do be washing they chicken...
that what her discord groomers are for :)
thats a american thing
This has to be AI right?
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Goodnight anon
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You can easily deduce it just from the educational background and equipments she has/can afford
wait, was that dude's name psyborg dave? if so i met the same guy as you.
Sisyphus has finally reached the top of the hill. Goodnight /pcg/.
Someone draw jelly in the reverse bunny suit
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Sleep well anon.
should Lumi get an AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D or
an AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D?
Both of these together I need
Jelly should just die
Sleep well bug.
in my arms tonight
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Goodnight Sailor
>AMD Ryzen 9 9950X3D
Get her the newest one so far the results are in and it's awesome
HOLY SHIT YES! OMFG this is crazy.
last i heard he had a kid with some chick and she ended up running off with the kid. that's probably a good thing though.
i can hear the smoke detector in this image
Yes, mismatched racial activity, good eye
Arguable. She could have gone to a state college and her equipment is from her donos
sure she didnt try it on lmao
lying whore
If Pippa is in my bed we are breaking the bed
both will overheat during summer, she should get pentiumII
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after a long life married to me
Pippa's sliding up into Jelly's DM's, gifting her games.
I havent heard this name in years
She is not breaking the gay allegations
I'm on a train, can someone give me a tldw for Jelly stream so far?
>It hasn't been 30mins since she returned and she already made what is the monthly rate of some people.
I used to make fun of people saying women have it easy but...
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A doomed attempt at flirting like with Chromu.
Jelly with a pregnant belly
Gay but non practicing.
Jelly wanted to gift Pippa a game called Hentai Girl Fantasy.
Thanks anon, don't know what I'd do without you
I am but not that fat xl and with Pippa fat ass. I am going to try to break the bed with sex
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>>97265544 (OP)
Clara looks so peaceful and she can sleep with that fat ass
9950x3d because it's a 16 core and her model and obs are consuming so much processing power
What is her current PC?
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Hag sex
11th gen i7 that stays at 100% all the time
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Her current specs were posted about 14 hours ago.
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Goodnight Ohmie
Jelly is starting to feel her age
what like 25?
>11th gen i7
Surprise her PC isnt breaking and maybe she can dual PC
[Jelly News] She's proud of her privilege
Goodnight guineabee.
Goodnight /pcg/.
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she should have been smart enough not to wait until the last second before looking up distributors to send to groom. the answer at this point is to get whichever one she can get her grubby tard hands on the fastest
what is her privilege?
we suggested it but she doesn't want to deal with the problems of using 2 pcs
Male privilege
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if only she wasnt too stupid to get ac
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Goodnight Capipi
Having it easy in a third world country, let alone a niche industry I suppose
[Jelly News] She was overpowered by 3 small children
What a treasure of a wife Jelly would be
Difference of course being that chromu has consistently called herself straight and has a functional support network.
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nini pcgee
unironically this. if I watched her I would gosling way faster than I could hit the breaks
Sleep well captain
it's better to wait a bit honestly
you never know if some fatal flaw isnt discovered like a few weeks in like the cpu slowly killing itself over time similiar to intel
when you have a nice sink with antimicrobial materials and clean it with bleach after doing anything with meat, it makes sense. the slime doesnt add much by way of flavor. it's only a problem if you cook like its 1700
[Jelly News] The ender dragon goal was too ambitious chat
Jelly Hoshiumi is the most feminine female to ever walk the earth.
Trade jelly for more panko.
I fully agree with this sentiment but for some reason she is dead set on getting one of the newly released models. naturally the best solution is always to get the best one that has been out for at least six months but I dont think she is playing with a full deck of cards
trade janky for pellow
Goodnight Hamptard and goodnight /pcg/
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Jelly has spent more time searching for her items than it would have taken to replace them
Someone with a masters of rocket science should be able to decide for herself.
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Go to bed
Only if you're coming to bed with me
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It's already too late for me
I have sacrificed tonight's rest to watch Jelly
isnt grooming just a fun game to play? it's just flirting reps at the end of the day
yeah not gonna fall for this shit again
Jelly news:
Wrong hole
and take responsibility? nah. If PC goes coo-coo it would be chat fault.
not for another 5 hours
cute asian girl privilege
that's what they all say at first
no such thing. it just means more force is required
>A true gentlemen never gives up
take notes
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Are Jelly's items even still there?
rape baiting
They despawn in 5 minutes if the chunk is loaded
it's amazing someone so awkward always takes the gold for responsibility gymnastics
Wouldn't Jelly's stuff despawn by now?
I know, but I've lost track of how close she is to it.
I miss femanon
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She's timed out dummy
Cutest shit I've ever seen
yeah, ours
Jumping on bandwagons is never a good thing, especially when it comes to things like this.
I wonder if Lumi will throw Jelly away like she did Yuri
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Lumi should get raped
yeah, by me
I think people low key take advantage of and then throw away lumi. she's also even worse at talking to women than some of the autists here so it would hardly boggle the mind if she pissed off a friend without noticing
dead cat
She got tricked by the name. Jelly provides her with real yuri.
isn't she friends with Jelly for like 5 years now?
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not anymore she abandoned the weakening lumi clique for the remi clique
is there an uncropped version of this?
see the below. tl;dr her former best friend she and breznev betrayed
[Jelly news] Her hole goes down pretty deep
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It's almost race weekend
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there is a remi clique? huh? I watch only hags, zoomers aren't my style.
is that a challenge?
do those torchez serve any purpose or are is jelly just cute like that
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Hell yeah let's go
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here, I used AI to add missing details
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>lumi clique
you mean the eating disorder clique of Dizzy, Shiina, and Lumi
I am going to scribble down slander about Eimi and I need your help to make it believable by the sheer quantity
Torches mark where you've been already and can indicate the path you took, and they also stop mobs spawning so you need to fill your territory with them. The light level has to be rather high to work, so you really need to spam them or there will still be a few blocks mobs can spawn on.
that's some scifi shit right there
>Sisyphus has finally reached the top of the hill.
the boulder will always roll down, you are here forever
what is this for
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Jelly voice sounds off.
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pico, i think...
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oh fearing the dark is a practical issue in minecraft. makes sense. I thought she was just roleplaying. I have no idea how they keep track of all of this crafting
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Pico collab
You will click the link
came like 8 times into a mug before my balls are shooting blanks but I think I have enough spunk to make the banana strawberry cum smoothie my girlfriend wanted. Hows your slut training goes /soc/fags?
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Eimi stinks
how many "amy is fat" answers will be in this?
not a proper cup?
>You will click the link
but eimi is a fat bitch with
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I'm all for slandering Eimi but I will not lie to Pico
already did mine last week
she sounds like she has been crying bro be nice
they dont have a disorder if they are getting their daily micronutirients, proteins, AND fats. that and not getting unexplained injuries or fatigue. once they get married they get let someone else figure out their eating for them
>they get let
you arent fooling anyone
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>get to let*
I always appreciate you for performing your wifely duties even before I make you mine
I want to lick the lint out of her bellybutton
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you can do both!
no need to lie
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tell her Eimi is a cuckquean
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I'm going to try Dwarf Fortress again. I always go back every few years.
I cant wait to put babies into this specific panko poster. one day she will look back on these moments and realize how important they were
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Stop trying to molest me faggot
>bro be nice
but why? she is doing well, or so I thought
please keep molesting the other panko poster, i love him and he needs someone in his life <3
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I can't wait for a panko poster to put his genes in me
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Pack it up skittle squad
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reHDb6lX2l4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reHDb6lX2l4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reHDb6lX2l4 [Embed]
I know one of you is a woman and I wont rest until youre mine.
Pico fishin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reHDb6lX2l4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reHDb6lX2l4 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reHDb6lX2l4 [Embed]
Pico was made for standing paizuri
she's jelly she's sweet that's reason enough. go beat up her wife if you are angry
hmmm no TL for tonight
Good jeans are pretty expensive these days so I can't really blame you for wanting some handmedowns
These threads last ages now. Why did /pcg/ fall off?
same reason you did
Let the other anons rest anon. They get sleepy too
It's 5 in the morning
Is she short?
what exactly is jelly building? it feels like one of those underground fortress cities
it's 11am
Only in irrelevant countries
not clicking this and getting myself doxx'd
that doesnt help your case
She's exploring a randomly generated cave
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lol, lmao even
>is this one brown
Can someone make a soudpost of that?
Better hope it is, because I'm pretty sure several Phase Connects explained in their streams that you are european diluted by few hundred years of gulping down african semen.
Pico TL is back online
STFU green suppa deepl it or stfu
Uh oh muhammad melty
do mobs stay in their local spawn area or do you need to errect defences to keep them from hitting your house bunker thing
Pico is a good girl
Minecraft right? Mod list? They do not follow or attack you (except endermen when you make eye contact or the bosses)
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Phase Friend Kana is streaming again
[Pico news]Long crabs are gross
Phase enemy
what the fuck was her problem
*femanon enemy
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ask her
She wanted to keep all the money the groomcord would give her
>>97270997 →
>>97270997 →
>>97270997 →
is that so wrong? honestly I dont know
is that how you feel? was it really that bad?
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