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Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french fries addict), italian pink gatta.



>Last Stream:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfvR3QVRAso [Embed]

>Next Stream:
>Off-collab with Gigi

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】
【Original】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8 [Embed]
【Eurobeat ver.】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXCLPN_RBHE [Embed]
【Far East ver.】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDhCNXYgdJc [Embed]
>【MV】Odyssey - Hololive English (Original Song)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wO8d70KSXw [Embed]

>HIBANA / ヒバナ - 【Raora Panthera】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwIhbV_wuKI [Embed]
>ECHO - 【Raora Panthera】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqqhKj6Sh-E [Embed]
> マトリョシカ (Matryoshka) - 【Raora Panthera x Gigi Murin】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILpEFrK1F5I [Embed]
>Snow Halation - 【hololive English -Justice-】
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBzZss_kh_0 [Embed]

>Lore and Debut:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4oH-SK2Sho [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JW7j8tKMOfY [Embed]




>/ciao/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread:
>>97173879 →
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Reply to this post with schedule updates, errata and stream links!
Also, please provide links a/o screenshots if possible!
Does Raora onsen water contain traces of Raorium?
Even if it doesn’t I would still drink it
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I guess the girls had a onsen day
Justice without their leader and a fox
liz was supposed to go but ended up going home early
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Ceci made fanart very cute
Dya is meeting a lot of holos these days
Well being friends with a holo girl have their benefits
I may dislike yuri but I find this kind of things adorable
>>97278895 (OP)
Hag kissing
>hangs out with homos
>ditches justice
some leader
So next week is gonna be pokemon only streams?
We'll see when schedule drops but I don't think so
Would love a comfy zatsu/art stream
Art stream is my hope for sunday
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Next week
where did the nenechi sniffing raora thing come from?
https://youtu.be/KsTU5GNJrFs?t=22 [Embed]
Every girl always mention how good she smell. Vtuber smell-o-vision when
She talked about her soap, maybe she switches it up from time to time. Not unlikely that she has some perfume too.
Sniffa sniffa
She will also reach 500k by next week, maybe she will do a celebration stream
still no time put out for the offcollab, hope it isn't during JP morning
If a frame doesn’t appear in the next two hours I think it’s safe to assume it’s at Rst
Doubt its gonna be morning
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Kneel before the queen
I still remember how she pronounced kneel (kneal) in her Cult of the lamb stream, it was the first raora stream I watched. Anyway, long live Queen Mario
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chattini dont have knees
Not the debut or the first art stream? Interesting
Cute fuck
Yeah I saw a reddit post in an italian subreddit talking about Raora and that stream was the latest one. Then I stopped watching her for a while but the algorithm kept bombarding me with her clips so I gave her a second try and here I am now
I don't normally walk this much but I'm pretty fit I'd say but 16k steps drained me today jesas. How did she do 14k steps daily for a week. Maybe I should do more cardio
She tries to get 10k steps in a day so that helps im sure
Raora was most likely walking normally, dunno if you were jogging or running at points, that does burn more energy, hence being more exhausting.
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missing the kimono a little
Nekojira cooked so well
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Its been a while i miss it too
Gothera is now MIA for like 3 weeks, I think she might be hatin on her own work again...
she HATES it, you're right. she hasn't just been busy or anything
I will cope and say that she just doesn’t have enough time to draw these days. Let’s ask her in chat in the next drawing/yapping stream if she doesn’t mention her again
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I dont remember which girl mentioned it but she was drawing in the fes backstage probably just sketching.
She has just been busy hoping for some art streams
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Good night chattini
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God I hope you're right. But we know she tends to hate some of her work... Also looking forward to the fes stories, she wouldnt tell em during the last monhun stream
That’s why I said I was coping. At least I would want to confirm if she discarded it
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gn /ciao/!
Good night chattini
mamma on ig
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cute mamma
>>97278895 (OP)
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yappa yappa at RST!
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Three times !!! followed by two !!, what did she mean by this? Stay consistent, Raoraaa!!!
Shame about the off collab but this is good too
I completely forgot that she has an official IG
Seeing people type chattinis really hurts my soul
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that's how ya'll know who the real OG gangsta at
Good morning chattini
Good morning chattino
that was a mistranslation, board turned out to be backpack? Wasnt a tablet.
Aside for thirsty lesbians like Kiara, nobody whant to want to endure her obnoxious cunt anymore.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMuW6_Ddzyg [Embed]
waiting room up
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In 3 hours
>nobody whant to want to
Not titled art stream, so just yappa?
Apparently yes, she tweeted that she didn’t draw for one week and that she is rusty
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Her skull runneth over.
Time to unrust then
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yap stream but i bet she'll draw some kronii. maybe just sketch. i doubt she's gonna draw gothera though.
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Man I love Kronii
I would watch more Kronii streams if I didn’t have to completely fuck up my sleep schedule to do so
Booba nerf and tail buff, equivalent exchange
Please go collect your freak from our thread. >>97322019 →
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Dont want him here
/vt/ is a containment zone so you have to deal with radioactive shits every once in a while. Better here than on more mainstream platforms where talents can actually see this degenerate stuff
I’m so sorry but I’m afraid there is nothing we can do to stop him
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finders keepers, hes yours now
No thanks, you can have him.
pretty sure the brapposter was already an otomo
Oh yeah seems confirmed now that with her tweets
sad but at least they went to the onsen
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gossip time soon
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMuW6_Ddzyg [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMuW6_Ddzyg [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMuW6_Ddzyg [Embed]

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