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File: E28okxGVcAIQrey.jpg (4.15 MB, 2910x1404)
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The third installment if the Gloomy Urban thread!

The picture must be *Gloomy*.
*Urban* is ideal but not required.

I have made a MEGA folder with every image from Gloomy Urban #1/#2 as well as some from my collection. I will update it to have more from my own once I sort my files

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171 KB JPG
Howdy Enyen, its been well over a year since last time. Hope every anon is doing well. I'll start the thread with some work by Guweiz. I think they're mainstream but still classic
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225 KB JPG
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273 KB JPG
Bonus: artstation/artwork/KoRvR
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2.99 MB JPG
Thank you for the link. Looking forward to seeing more of your collection!
>another gloomy thread
>another new artist
ah shit here it goes to my list.txt of my pixivutil2 folder
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267 KB JPG
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1.18 MB JPG
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2.34 MB JPG
hope this hasn't been posted before
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612 KB JPG
Wow this is gorgeous, my new wallpaper, ty anon
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1.67 MB JPG
A particularly wide one
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22 KB
thanks for the mega king
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1.02 MB JPG
I didn't say anything last post because I was in a rush, but I'm glad you're still lurking around

Glad you enjoy

I just got done playing Control since it was free on Epic Games a while back. You anons would really like it, especially if you like brutalist architecture. It was a really cool game.
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812 KB JPG
Full Size Here
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1013 KB JPG
Hello fellow anons, hope you guys having a good day. And Enyen thank you for the folder! I shall enjoy it. Here a picture for contribution
Awesome thread
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332 KB JPG
Anyone got anything similar to this? I like the gloomy/eerie feel.
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212 KB JPG
they have the image of the Eva with this style around destroyed buildings?
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I don't have any contribution I just want you to know I appreciate you guuise.
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336 KB JPG
Here's my contribution to this lovely thread
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732 KB JPG
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905 KB JPG
Thanks for the new artist, here's a couple I cropped and downscaled for wallpaper usage
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1.33 MB JPG
very comfy thread
I don't know what it is but this picture stick out for some reason
Glad you like it
Same artist?
Yep, Gracile on Pixiv
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don't die thread!
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857 KB JPG
Love this

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3.8 MB JPG
Always loved this one
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3.59 MB PNG
I made a torrent for this because Mega slow af. Don't DDOS me please.

i forgot to upload the image.
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3.41 MB JPG
Hope this one wasn't posted already.
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4.78 MB PNG
current wallpaper from fanbox
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love this
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love this thread so much always look forward to seeing it still up. been lurking for a year now
she cute I wanna make out with her
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had this as my paper for a while
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reminds me of Minnesota with the snow. very nice.
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925 KB JPG
What's some good gloomy urban music to listen on repeat to while meditating on these wallpapers? Preferable the kind that might be good to listen to while working/studying?
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I realized I don't actually have a playlist myself. I can try to find some songs out of my playlist and leave them here. I listen to a bunch of weird shit, weeb shit, and video game OST's if you are fine with those.
It also depends on how gloomy stuff makes you feel, so I may completely miss the mark.

I'll leave you this
the new song from Minecraft, Infinite Amethyst by Lena Raine is actually really good.

Let me know if you want me to try and make a list of songs, and if you do, try to let me know how Gloomy Urban makes you feel and why you like it so I can get a better idea
I'd say pretty much anything from the Blade Runner OST.
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Nice OP. I was just looking for these threads. Had a small collection going from other gloomy threads in past.
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Been feeling pretty gloomy lately too. That quiet anxiety and frustration of going nowhere as you approach 30 rapidly.
Does anyone have a collection of all of shionnn_k's works? Pixiv doesn't hold everything and that's all I know.
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715 KB JPG
Forgot to attach an image.
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Some of Lorn I guess
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Thanks I was looking for ths
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Image failed
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Same artist as

Very cool stuff
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bump, no pix but if u like this feel watch Metropolis (2001)
Love the color choice
it's crazy, so many of these are osu backgrounds. especially from the mega from op; the thread #1 is just filled with instantly recognizable osu bgs lol
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Is the mega folder still up? It looks empty to me
im sorry but this is trash
If only there was a pixiv button next to the pictures
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it's not bad at all imo, isn't that dope how we can all have different opinions?
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Sorry about the late reply, but since I was inactive with it, it deleted the everything in it. I still have it all though so I can reupload it at any time. I don't know, maybe google drive or something so it wont be deleted?
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629 KB JPG
Hey no worries! I think google drive or something would work. Thanks for curating these
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Just went through and download almost every wp here so thanks guys and heres some of mine
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heres my 3 hope ya like them
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Is that Seri from Yofukashi?
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4.72 MB
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best thread
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412 KB JPG
HQ Version:
I agree
looking at this made me think, has there ever been anime that was mostly show in the rain using it as a gloomy asset to make the whole scene feel more immersive? like in this image?
There have been some like weathering with you but that doesn't really come close to the feels in this pic.
Not sure about rain, but two that have that when it comes to fog popped out immediately: Ghost Hound and Mushishi.

Some that have this with rain, though only in few scenes, are the Patlabor OVAs and movies, and GiTS. Re:Creators is also popping to mind, mainly Altair's scenes. Oh, FLCL too. And I guess Another counts too.

Oh, wait. Denpa Teki na Kanojo, definitely. And Kara no Kyoukai. Kure-nai, maybe? And Black Lagoon.
thanks anon, I checked out all and think three of them will end up on my watchlist
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that bg has to be made in some sort of a 3d program because that land rover is so detailed and the pallets too
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this one was my mobile lockscreen for a while, have a nice day anons :)
nnnhhhhhhggg kino
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truly amazing, especially her hair & chain details. I love the faint glimmer of her earring, it embodies her hope for something better. maybe it is just beyond that door, anon?
does anyone have a mega link for a folder with all of these gloomy urbans wallpapers?

i remember some anon making one before but they soon after deleted all of the images from it im not sure why
You mean like in the OP?
You mean the empty folders?
you guys are cool
I think OP took everything out of the mega. He said he'd upload a google drive but maybe he forgot.
Mega deleted my stuff because I was inactive on it, and I forgot to post a Google Drive. Whoops.
I went ahead and made a Google Drive for you guys.
I'll try to add to it when I can but I am getting ready to graduate college so I have been, and will probably continue to be a little preoccupied.


Hopefully this works
nice! thank you anon
Who has more like these?
More things with technology, mainly computers and screens.
oooh thanks you! i unfortunately dont have wallpapers to add, but that's an awesome thread
Thanks a lot!
Did u know who is the artist??
bump !
did you deep fried this image or something?
Looks like the artist himself deep fried it.
Also, looks like it's by a chink.
yep is a chink
Dub techno for me.

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If anyone is interested, I made a github repo with all 3 threads:


Thank you. Now I have new chill music.
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Love this thread and love you anons
Reminds me of Nevada Tan
As the world comes into color, it all becomes silent
God damn that is perfect music.
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Glad to see its still up. Getting the gloombloom vibes today.
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I like this one in particular, thanks anon
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