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Previous thread: >>2078853
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its actually sad to see the old thread go
holy shit it finally died
I just got a new monitor and came to check if anyone posted any 1440p stuff
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> page 10
we can't let that one die after the last one survived so long
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hype for the remake
Can anybody repost any of the ultrawide wallpapers from a previous thread? The archives don't seem to work.
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I can't remember any ultrawides except the one edit I made for the IMT.
Do you maybe have thumbnails?
That was exactly the one I was looking for, tyty.
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slightly modified ultra wide version of that
I'll do a better edit with less repeats in the wheat once I have time for it
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I miss the old thread..
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There was one fella in the old thread who had this but in winter, fall, spring, and summer, do you have them?
Nope, sorry. Only stumbled on this one recently.
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This is the only other version I can easily find through a Google search. The site says it was uploaded in 2013. 11 years. Original upload artist name is darkangelcrisis and this was the only other version they posted. A Reddit post also linked to the same website/artist as the original.
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Late but here's fall, winter, and spring
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