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Hi! Do u have more Nazuna? Any wallpaper size will be fine
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just finished watching yesterday and I really want some wallpapers, bonus points for vertical ones for the phone, apreciate any of the girls in the series, they were all cute.
Tried looking up in pixiv but it was all porn
Can someone find this one without the words?
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Screenshot of the 4k edit of the OP using Enhancer for Youtube
It is an easy way to create wallpapers
That's it for me, maybe ill comeback to do the ED, enjoy the night anons
I'm back, Nazunabros, we got cocky and they took down the 4k edit of the ED so all this screen grabs/wallpapers are HD
That's it for me, have a good night anons
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pretty insane that I still see thread of the best girl on here each time I get on, thank you
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Is everyone ready to admit the series was awfull and the only thing of "value" it has is the girl and the fact she's written to be the perfect girlfriend to all you socially inept nerds?
Also. Cool ties with rap music and urban aesthetics.
>Urban aesthetics
>Doesn't leave the house
>Rap music
>This whole site is racist

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