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show what you have!
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out of ammo
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That barrel muzzle...
drawn by a noguns
○ > 0
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Henrietta best girl
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This is an original character like a T-Doll who's bound with a bolt-actioned rifle.
Actually, almost everything in this pic can be found in the real world.
(Well nobody will try to recognize them though...)
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Is there anything with crossbows or bows. Vinland saga Hild got to me
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so she's a lefty?
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They got the rest of the guns really good in that movie. Homura's guns were all real weapons.
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>Yuno Gasai goes shopping for Midol 2005 colorized
I would be more concerned by the fact that her finger is behind the trigger. ~8 each lands and grooves doesn't seem so bad.
I don't think that's the trigger
>~8 each lands and grooves doesn't seem so bad.
It's an oval shaped bore though, it won't/can't spin the projectile.
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>I would be more concerned by the fact that her finger is behind the trigger.
Look again, it's just some greeble on the side of the trigger guard.
[spoiler]There's no trigger.[/spoiler]
I can see her eyebrows through her hair.
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the lack of uni is disappointing.
Unfortunately i cannot find the original anymore.
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I think I found it
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I love this schizo bunny.
This ones dope
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Pippa LOEV
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Serbia <3
Wasn’t this a tactic? Like resting the barrel/tripod of your gun on your ammo buddys shoulder? (Ofc not on the cranium) My grandpa told me the Slavtards in Martin and Tatra did it but idk can anyone confirm?
>pump action shotgun with a charging handle
Is the artist a retard?
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The character's gun is modelled off of the Berretta 1301, which is semi-automatic, not pump-action - so it's got a charging handle.
My bad
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Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki. Thanks anon from /aceg/ for the help.
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Can I please have in this black?

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