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Whatever the fuck this genre is called. I want more.
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Anyone got drip future Trunks? Bonus points if it is for phone
post three, faggot
Slav goku?
thats probably the only picture
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are you asking about goku or the logo?
i think it's called hypebeast, a kid i went to school with was obsessed with Naruto in supreme and gucci clothing
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saeg the thread at least if you don't like it
wack city
big thumbs down brotherman
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make vegita one anyone pls
Do you know who made these? this is really good

these are ass tho
>Whatever the fuck this genre is called
I'd call it Hypebeast style I guess
It´s called ¨Capitalist whore¨ genre
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holy shit its goku
It's called faggot, fuck off back to insta instead of posting your stupid fagshit here.
this shit is hilariously cringe
it's called "cringe"
Fuck these guys
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The 3-in-1 is by vinne, I got a couple prints by him, though he’s really changed up his artstyle since then - doesn’t draw like that anymore.
Fuck this guy
Fuck this guy
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Print store link?
I only find phone cases.
This shit is so fucking gay. Actual trash taste.
These were from like 5-6 years ago at least, it’s likely he doesn’t sell these print from his old art style anymore, anon.
I have to agree, this is just the "going through puberty" aesthetic. I don't get why anyone would want to go back to acting ghetto in middle school jfc.
Shit's fire, only people that don't take themselves too serious can appreciate stuff like this.
Shit's awful, only people that don't take themselves too serious can be into stuff like this.
Cringe brah, your not the serious yoghurt male you think you are. Stuff is good to get a laugh in.
>serious yoghurt male
word salad
kys schizo
People that this angrily react are definitely the same people who wear tee shirts they got for free from events in public
There's something about these that are so dumb yet so funny to me. It's like the "hood Spongebob" shit that highschoolers wear
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Jesus christ, this is the brownest picture I have ever seen. Basic ass trendy anime, trendiest shoes imaginable and lame ass notice me senpai supercar.
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>anon wants cool urban themed anime wallpapers
>all he gets are a bunch of /pol/ nazis that associate that style with niggers and zoomers

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