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File: 103173997_p4_master1200.jpg (587 KB, 1200x800)
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Wallpapers featuring characters pondering or lost in thought. I like the aesthetics of them smoking, but that's just me. I'll post what I've got
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This is what I always wanted but couldn't put it into words. Thank you OP
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will smoking ever make a comeback?
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Doubt it, smells like ass and causes health issues. Vaping is big though... smoking 2.0?
Don't let your dreams be dreams. Become the change you want to see.

Also, no.
it's probably made as much of a comeback as it's going to, it was sort of a perfect storm which made it as big as it was for those 50 years or so.
it does cause health issues, vaping does too though. we'll have more data in the near future.
i think the fact that vaping is more discrete (including the smell) is the main advantage.
sorry if the thread derails.

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