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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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About 10k wallpapers for mobile and desktop. I have a wallpaper changer on my phone that cycles through them.
Mostly sfw (maybe 10 exceptions)
out of context spoilers for
Raging loop
Points if you can spot the 5 pieces that I touched up to be more sfw like the op
Some cool stuff anon, the avif format sucks though
What would you recommend for sharing large amounts of pics?
nigga why u got cunny on there
gtfo this board you dumb cunnyfag
yo boo this nigga BOOOOOO
nigga why you caring. keep posting cunny OP
File: 109866530_p0~2.png (1.67 MB, 1024x1648)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB PNG
Added 2000 more with about 150 new oc edits.
cant access it no mo my broski
Kind sir, please share once again
> 404 PAGE
refreah your link nigga
Refresh the link bro
requesting link refresh from OP
Not all wallpapers but hee is a link fo 15K its pretty much everything.
actually its pettty much all ecchi
any chance for a reup? link is dead due to provably being 2 months old also hello kurisu
maybe next time you should do a torrent instead just sayin
Reup please
File: 1.png (116 KB, 660x834)
116 KB
116 KB PNG
Here is the new link, 300 edits mostly jpeg now and remastered...
Btw Who are you?

NM deleting now as no interactions in a month
Can you make it public again I'm not sure reason for making it private I would like to download
Lol. I just sent a permission request.
Please open up
damn, who tf cares. who's a prude on this site?
thanks for the access anon
link is broke

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