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/w/ - Anime/Wallpapers

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File: 1.jpg (5.58 MB, 3840x2160)
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5.58 MB JPG
Preferably also with girls.
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3.01 MB JPG
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5.31 MB JPG
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someone call 911 because that bitch will die with no air in a minute
Nah, let nature take its course.
OP, I have the perfect anime for you.
Reborn as a Vending Machine: I New Wander the Dungeon
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969 KB PNG

I kinda forgot where I got this pic lol, reddit? discord?

Downloaded this so that I can try creating some of these myself in lightroom
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1.41 MB JPG
Thanks Anon, I haven't heard of it but I will check out when I have time. I actually don't know much about anime at all, but I like the qt pics and papes.

Got it from some wallpaper site. It seems to be from here: https://x.com/JL_T4N/status/1601215076647960577?s=20
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the vending machine thread needs to live on. GLORY TO THE VENDING MACHINE
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403 KB JPG
Happy the thread is still up.
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