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Remember keep it sfw
Previous thread:
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weird faggot thread
Weird way of bumping the thread.
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if you wanted another one should've just said so silly
midwits itt
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weird faggot website, if you don't like it go back to r*ddit
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I'm not a lolicon
I'm not a lolicon
I'm not a lolicon
I'm not a lolicon
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same, I fap exclusively to pictures of adult men
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I am.
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I fap to lolishit
Why didn't you post a loli?
He lies, that's why
If your boss sees this as your wallpaper at work, you are getting fired. Shit is not safe for work.
imagine somebody opening up a laptop to this oof would be screwed
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that's a sin
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"Stealth_sex" is one of my most favourite Genre
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>keep it sfw
By the looks of this thread none of you fuckers have ever held a job
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I never had an employer who cared about what was on my screen
If you have to deny your a Lolicon your a lolicon ( ・∇・)
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>captcha 0D0RR
Kike imagine caring about work
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The definition of sfw is very warped on 4chan, it just means no nipples/manko/butthole
Anyway, just the fact you're on here is not safe for work
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Jesus Hussein Christ! This is the best wallpaper I have ever found or encountered. It definitely makes me the happiest, even if it is not factually the GOAT pape.

More loli feet papes, please. Please. Please. Evidently, it's the only thing that soothes my soul, pun intended.
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Thank you blessed based Anon. Loli feet is what I live for.
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does this count?
cute and smol brats ~
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How can one brat be so flat?
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I'm gonna need that sauce
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Sakurako Oomuro - YuruYuri
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I'd like to work at the place where this is considered sfw
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Is she loli or just a flat chest?
She's like, what, 14? I'd say she counts.
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Thank you for these additions. I would kiss & lick their feet forever, for sure. I wish they could put their feet in my lap and let me give them hours-long foot rubs.

Now that's an ass I would lick. Just imagine rubbing your face on her soft bum.
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i'd appreciate more from shoujo ramune
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They come as 1920x1080 CGs anyway, so thats pretty simple.
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where are you getting these from?
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How am I supposed to tell that this is loli pantsu?
By the smell
Oh, if we're expected to go off smell, then post a wallpaper of socks that a Loli has taken off when she gets home from school. Socks & undies, not that I care about either (and honestly, it should be illegal for Loli to wear socks), but I do care where they've been.

Imagine how great she smells and how splendid it would be to kiss her everywhere.
What do these rooms smell like? Posting from work btw
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On second thought, that one's too spicy. Will delete.
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Dunno. Here's the deleted image, though.
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God bless Lolilive.
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If only Tera wasn't a shit game, elins were so good
I gave it a couple shots for the Elin, and I agree. I probably never got further than an hour or two in at most.
facts, hes spitting rn frfr
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Born to die is a GOD
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He’s good
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Another wallpaper in my "In case I get teleported back in time and only screens availeable to me are 4:3" folder, thanks anon! I'm sure many, MANY people will appereciate you posting that image to thiso very wallpaper thread.
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Instead of being a bitch, why don’t you post?
Works on my machine
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What a fuckin' baby.
Do people actually use these as their wallpaper? Or do you just fap to it?
I use them on my personal desktop.
You are bold.
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5.65 MB PNG
Needed a "1440p" version
5 minutes in paint
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Of course I use them as my wallpapers. Fap to them? It's nothing as crass as that. Anyone would want to surround even their workspace with beauty, and a true cunnyseur knows what's truly beautiful.
A few more Om ones.
are lolis based?
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92 KB

based on what ?
Bunny time.
I cant post images thx to hirofaggot so have this instead

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here are some quick and dirty Jahy-sama wallpapers I made since I couldn't find much online wallpaper wise.
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all i got atm

>been 10 years since I last used photoshop
don't look to closely
Nice, thanks. I've just been GIMPing it.
You changed the background color right? Characers with black borders on white backgrounds gives me trouble, and I don't know what I'm doing, so I don't usually try that. But I made an attempt.
Why is she in my car
You said there'd be candy...
they are ripped from the visual novel, use arc_unpacker to unpack the vn and you got yourself like 500 of those.
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loli is good, loli is light, loli makes the world right
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you didn't hear it from me but if you look closely, one of the first posts in this thread is still not safe for work even by that definition
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I think you guise might be lolicons
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baseless accusation
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I came. I saw. I came.
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It's just something simple I made for myself really quick.
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Just little sister doing the usual little sister things
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Wasn't a fan of all the moles, so I sent her to the dermatologist.
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I wish little sisters were real
shit, great style i like it
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Anyone have any cute Becky Blackbells
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Looks like it will have to wait until the next thread
Noooo, not the 404 girl

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