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Anime girl feet wallpapers
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This thread is righteous and life-giving. Thank you to eternity and back.
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Neck yourself
Why are you being mean? He's just saying how much he likes the thread
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Because it’s 4chan. Find a branch and join him.
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Foot faggots need to die. Tits are superior.
Use that one on lock screen and this one on home screen
3 to mix and match
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Someone pls widen this one so it fits on my phone. Content-aware fill should work well.
Yeah, so this is God-tier, by which I mean to say thank you for sharing this. It is now my favorite wallpaper/backdrop ever and one of my overall favorite artworks ever.
Glad you like it. It's one of my favs too, I used it as my sfw wallpaper for a long time! Sayu is so cute :3
my favorite italian
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Not sure about the italian part but she's my fav too
>its 4chan.. le heckin internet hate machine!!!
how about you jump off a bridge you annoying nigger
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Bumping with a few more Nagatoro feet papes, they're cut to my screen but you can reverse search them if you need another resolution
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Have another Sayu pape
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star and stripe
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Thanks for this second Sayu wallpaper.

God bless this thread. When a girl has cute feet, that's better than ass or pussy.
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Dug up some more sayu :3
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Can confirm that fucking a footpussy feels way better than fucking an actual vagina, heck even most sex toys feel better, feet are on par with assholes, just be liberal with the baby oil.
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>be liberal with the baby oil
Duly noted and thank you for the real life protip.

All I want to do is worship Sayu's feet forever. I don't want to do anything else, not work a job, not pay taxes, not contribute to society. Sayu is where it's at for me and where I'm meant to be.
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I tried to post this image of sayu but got v& for posting furry because the hand holding her feet is a hilichurl's or smth
The image doesn't show up for me. All I see is the GUI of some sort of beta SenkakuComplex site, and the border GUI says 0/1 (whatever that means) but otherwise nothing is there. Would you be willing to try again but this time upload it to Catbox. I will always need more Sayu feet. Fuckin' Sayu feet destroy me, man. In the best way possible.

And on that note, I fucking love her feet. Fucking put it in my face forever.
Looks like you have to be logged in. Try changing the subdomain from "beta" to "chan". You can also just search on chan.sankakucomplex.com for my sayu favs, just type in "sayu_(genshin_impact) fav:bigrichard". You can also exclude AI pics with "-AI-created" if you prefer.
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Anyone got that one asuna feet wallpaper where's she's by a river? Similar to picrel
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It's so good. I love this one, thank you!! Maybe I'll dream about a cyberpunk future with me rubbing my face in her feet.

Wouldnt silicone lube last longer?
Wow this thread is more appealing than 90% of the stuff on /gif/
Very based. Menthako draws really nice feet in general, shame they haven't posted in nearly a year
Can somebody reupload this image? It's gone.
I can't jerk off to feet but they're nice to look at. m_m
Feet bros, What stories behind your fetish?
My three favorite things ever: feet, felines, & hamburgers.

I wish I could lick & kiss her feet forever.

These two are so good, for the reasons above and more. Additionally, this might be my last post here on 4chan. I waited for the 900 second timer to run out just to post my thanks and share my thankfulness. However, these new overbearing timers make it impractical to participate on 4chan. So now I return to be a passive observer.

I do wish someone would clarify whether Johnson's baby oil or a silicone-based lube (which brand? Recommendations?) is better for footfu (foot fucking). As referenced here >>2257563
& here >>2261094
I haven't tried silicone based lube, but baby oil works just fine. It lasts pretty long so I rarely need to reapply.
I think if you don't clear your cookies you won't get the 900sec timer again. I'm more irked by the increasing complexity of the captcha. I get that the ML solvers are getting better but it's getting to the point where humans are having trouble solving it.
prison, all of you
You're evil and I don't care for your input on anything. Kindly find the nearest door before I toss your ass out a window.

You despicable wretch. To come into a pure, innocent and cozy thread like this. To take issue with what is literally the most innocent fetish ever, to threaten people you don't like with prison. Get bent. You and the Christian fundamentalists taking over 4chan and spreading your malignancy everywhere.

I hope your donkey-headed abomination of a god (Yahweh, Yahoo, Jehovah, Elohim? Whatever his stupid name is) bites your balls off with his donkey chompers. Preferably in that prison of yours.
Don't feed the trolls
That toe spread, though.*chef's kiss*
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deep breath

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