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Anime girl feet wallpapers
File: FanArt - Nagatoro.png (2.65 MB, 2844x1600)
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This thread is righteous and life-giving. Thank you to eternity and back.
File: IMG_0665.jpg (3.21 MB, 3508x2480)
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Neck yourself
Why are you being mean? He's just saying how much he likes the thread
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Because it’s 4chan. Find a branch and join him.
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Foot faggots need to die. Tits are superior.
Use that one on lock screen and this one on home screen
3 to mix and match
File: 20231219_125115.jpg (318 KB, 1680x4096)
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Someone pls widen this one so it fits on my phone. Content-aware fill should work well.
Yeah, so this is God-tier, by which I mean to say thank you for sharing this. It is now my favorite wallpaper/backdrop ever and one of my overall favorite artworks ever.
Glad you like it. It's one of my favs too, I used it as my sfw wallpaper for a long time! Sayu is so cute :3
my favorite italian
File: Polish_20230816_132411875.jpg (1.05 MB, 1660x3594)
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Not sure about the italian part but she's my fav too
>its 4chan.. le heckin internet hate machine!!!
how about you jump off a bridge you annoying nigger
File: Polish_20230409_055126199.jpg (1.16 MB, 1440x3118)
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Bumping with a few more Nagatoro feet papes, they're cut to my screen but you can reverse search them if you need another resolution
File: Polish_20230523_122838835.jpg (1.08 MB, 1756x3122)
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Have another Sayu pape
File: caitfeet.jpg (698 KB, 2592x1944)
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File: starandstripe.png (1.94 MB, 773x1200)
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star and stripe
File: GLOW4JhaMAAWgB2.png (1.6 MB, 1000x1500)
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File: Nagatoro.jpg (224 KB, 1100x2394)
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Thanks for this second Sayu wallpaper.

God bless this thread. When a girl has cute feet, that's better than ass or pussy.
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Dug up some more sayu :3
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Can confirm that fucking a footpussy feels way better than fucking an actual vagina, heck even most sex toys feel better, feet are on par with assholes, just be liberal with the baby oil.
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>be liberal with the baby oil
Duly noted and thank you for the real life protip.

All I want to do is worship Sayu's feet forever. I don't want to do anything else, not work a job, not pay taxes, not contribute to society. Sayu is where it's at for me and where I'm meant to be.

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