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File: lofi-samurai-100922.jpg (654 KB, 1600x900)
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I don't know what this style is called but it's pleasant to see.
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Is that Muten Roshi or am i seeing things now?
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798 KB JPG
Maybe not really fantasy, but style-wise, you could have a look at the Kogecha thread on /w/:
pic related
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what game is this from?
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i love seeing homestuck randomly crop up places.
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any The Dragon Prince wallpapers?
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File: tdp - rayla sad 1080p.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1080)
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Wow that is so beautiful.
Thanks alot.
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File: Sacred Grove.png (2.85 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.85 MB PNG
looks cool, i like the darker colors
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5.48 MB PNG
these may not be super colorful but they're set in some kind of fantasy so
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>I don't know what this style is called but it's pleasant to see.
Pixiv japanese fantasy surreal ocean core, etc.

It's something you'll find a lot on Pixiv and amongst Japanese twitter artist.
Gojo's daughter.
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more minimalism pls?
Hey anon. I really like this, but the colors are a bit too strong for my taste. I seem to remember a less saturated, more... blue version of this. Any chance you know where i can find it?
sorry, should have gon through the thread firts. found it.
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Bit hard to have a daughter when your top and bottom halves are separated
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> 10 MB png
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3.32 MB JPG
Gladly I found a higher res version of this, only with a bonus panda.
Ok, got the lone samurai dude as well
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Reminds me of this.
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is that steampunk, or this category of sci-fi have different name?
tuatha de Danann
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File: FortressCastle.jpg (877 KB, 1920x1080)
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Interesting, I always assumed this was some troon allegory because of the colors and the subject matter, but the panda and the sequel with the giant lady makes me doubt that now.

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