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Wallpapers that give you a feeling of melancholy. Could be pretty much anything that gives you that feeling.
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If anyone has this in higher res, I would be forever in your favor anons
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not sure what to call it but getting kino from these. something about the liminal quality is more melancholy that just a dumb bitch looking out a window from behind. these feel like malevolent sadness, as though something sinister is about to happen or has already just happened, and the image is merely the memory of the event, that which our minds allow to persist. because the truth would be too painful.
I hate to ask but I've been looking for this one wallpaper for some time. It was a split image, on the left side was a handsome guy wrapping his arm around a girl in a sort of foggy surreal setting, and on the right was the real guy, plugged into a virtual reality machine. This was my background for years until my old computer died, and my new one doesn't feel complete without it. I know I should go to /r/ but /r/ is where requests go to die and never be seen by the eyes of man.
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Bonus Phone Pape
good dump
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What are some other quiet, gray towns with buildings all the way up to the coast? I really like this look
rocking this screenshot from The Seventh Seal at the moment. they're all looking at Death. pretty melancholic
what is this tree called
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used to have a bunch of this little fella
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Tried to give an use to some old compressed jpegs too damaged to be fully restored. Kinda worked out.
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From the shape of tree (leaves are too fuzzy/small) it looks like an oak tree.
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This thread is a fucking gold mine! Thanks everyone for posting
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yo bumped <3<3
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this is perfect
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Sad wah
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It's-a cold and it's-a broken Waluigi
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It's here:

holy shit thank you
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I went to the image modification thread and requested removal of the human in the background. I think the image of a human takes away some of the appeal from images like these. However the guy who removed it saved as png format and it's more than 6MB so I can't post it here. I converted to jpg hopefully it doesn't lose too much quality, I don't know much about formats
post the original on catbox
Yeah sure this is actually the link he posted >>8084637
I tried to reduce the file size whilst still keeping the png format but I couldn't. I honestly don't understand image formats very well.
File: gx9n4v c.jpg (3.34 MB, 3840x2400)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB JPG
Here it is in jpg with no quality loss

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