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File: ANIME MUSIC.webm (3.78 MB, 512x768)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB WEBM
last thread >>5590329
last last thread >>5553687

Have fun bastards
File: boogerwall.webm (5.38 MB, 840x488)
5.38 MB
5.38 MB WEBM
posting 3
this is how you create a posse record

File: Chop Suey.webm (4.25 MB, 512x768)
4.25 MB
4.25 MB WEBM
File: Simpin For Samps.webm (3.34 MB, 512x768)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB WEBM
Thanks for the advice this was really helpful!
Ballad for the tragic end of a party favorite NPC.
File: plap.webm (3.09 MB, 1920x1080)
3.09 MB
3.09 MB WEBM
File: cunny.webm (737 KB, 166x166)
737 KB
Here cunny come
Here cunny cunny
Here cunny come
Here cunny comey
Here cunny cunny
cunny cunny cunnyyyy
cunny comey cunny here
come cunny come cunny comey
cunny come cunny come here cunnyyy come
cunny come cunny come cunny comey
comeycunnyc ome cunny come cunny
cunny cuny cunny cunyuncunny cunnyyy
cunnycunnycunny cunnny cum cunny comecunny
come here cunny come here cunny cunny comey
cunnycunny comey cunnyyy come here cunny come cunny comeyuncunycunyocenny
cunymcomecunycunny come cuny
cunny cummy cummy cummies cummies cum cunny cum on my tummy
come on
File: [AUDIENCE CHEERS].webm (3.88 MB, 512x768)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM
I cant stop working on this dumb meme. I just wish extended songs werent limited to 2 minutes.
This one turned out pretty great despite using a really silly prompt for ChatGPT to generate lyrics for a quirky J-Pop song with an apocalyptic theme but from the perspective of an evil being manifesting in a little cat. This theme usually goes quite well with lyrics in Latin and the genre Classical or Neo-Classical music (minus the J-Pop and cats of course), so I just rewrote one of the prompts for the Latin lyrics for this.

かわいい悪魔、にゃんにゃん (The cute devil, meow meow)


町が燃える (ああ、燃える)
みんなが逃げる (逃げる)
猫の笑顔 (にっこり)
絶望を歌う (歌う)

黒い夜 (にゃんにゃん)
星が落ちる (にゃんにゃん)
終わりの始まり (始まり)
喜びの影 (影)

にゃんにゃん、終わりだよ (終わりだよ)
にゃんにゃん、笑ってる (笑ってる)
にゃんにゃん、世界の終わり (終わり)
小さな猫の (猫の) 勝利!

鐘が鳴る (ゴーンゴーン)
運命の時 (時)
闇が来る (にゃんにゃん)
全てを包む (包む)


[Melodic Interlude]

にゃんにゃん、終わりだよ (終わりだよ)
にゃんにゃん、笑ってる (笑ってる)
にゃんにゃん、世界の終わり (終わり)
小さな猫の (猫の) 勝利!

楽しい破滅 (Delightful doom)


[Verse 1]



[Verse 2]





I'm reposting the skaven one from the last thread cuz it was amazing, I hope someone makes more like that maybe with orks or something
File: Give Me Control Baby.webm (4.96 MB, 512x768)
4.96 MB
4.96 MB WEBM
Pretty groovy earworm song
File: xD.webm (5.87 MB, 400x600)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
Based on the YOU CANNOT BEAT US NES ads from the 1980s
/s4s/ anthem
File: where ai song.webm (3.88 MB, 1080x810)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM
repostan because it sounds so good
File: a gentle lullaby.webm (3.58 MB, 512x768)
3.58 MB
3.58 MB WEBM
gothic lullaby no longer cuts off
Another version. I wanted it to do the pre chorus again near the end but it cut off everything up to the outro, oh well! It's still impressive technology
an absolute banger
well done
I edited bits of the genned song together using an audio editor

[verse 1]
You are so sweet
Like sugar cream
enough to eat
right inbetween
When you cry out my name
it sends a tingle down my spine
you're craving my kiss
be mine

Give yourself to me
feel my thirsty kiss
my tender intoxicating lips
i'll leave you wanting more
toes curled toward the floor

When you let me hear your voice
It compels me to go further
spread your slice of sweet orange bliss
oh my
it tastes so good on my lips.
candy orange paradise on my tongue
i love to eat you all night long
let your voice be known, darling
I'll never leave you alone.

[verse 2]
I give you love
with ev'ry bite
every movement of your hips
gives me doses of vitamin C
the sound of your laugh
puts a smile on my face
i gaze into your clementine
and find its nectar overflowing

Give yourself to me
feel my thirsty kiss
my tender intoxicating lips
i'll leave you wanting more
toes curled toward the floor

When you let me hear your voice
It compels me to go further
spread your slice of sweet orange bliss
oh my
you taste so good on my lips
candy orange paradise on my tongue
i love to eat you all night long
let your voice be known, darling
I'll never leave you alone.

[Guitar Solo]

When you let me hear your voice
It compels me to go further
spread your slice of sweet orange bliss
oh my
you taste so good on my lips
candy orange paradise on my tongue
i love to eat you all night long
let your voice be known, darling
I'll never leave you alone.

be mine
be mine forever
oh honey
I'll drink you all up, darling
i love your sweet orange bliss
i'm craving your juicy lips
Can someone who has it repost the norf anthem?
What a zesty earworm it is! i'd listen to it at a sex shop
this is very sad song
RIP Shien
I'm glad this was reposted cuz I've actually fallen asleep to this and I'm glad there's a full version.

It sounds great but I'm not going to lie it has some cringe parts like the aww so cute and stuff
File: A Certain Song.webm (4.81 MB, 720x400)
4.81 MB
4.81 MB WEBM
This is an old one I made of somebody getting grammar feedback.
yeah, I admit I rushed and slapped some lyrics together because I was sleepy
File: INTRO.webm (3.59 MB, 1280x720)
3.59 MB
3.59 MB WEBM
where is the 4chan anime intro song. Also that first AAAAIIIIIIIEEEEE is incredible
You guys all suck at lyrical structure holy shit
File: Lizard people.webm (3.59 MB, 512x768)
3.59 MB
3.59 MB WEBM
I don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.
ok, this but - it transitions to gothic heavy metal for the choruses
File: wash the chicken.webm (3.17 MB, 400x626)
3.17 MB
3.17 MB WEBM
post yours
i'd like to see a human sing this
this the dude that washed the chicken with soap?
File: DESU.webm (2.96 MB, 512x768)
2.96 MB
2.96 MB WEBM
indeed it is
File: poo poo.webm (2.8 MB, 720x1280)
2.8 MB
File: poopoo17.webm (3 MB, 512x768)
3 MB
How do I make elvis music? This definitely aint it

I need new lyrics for my song.
File: Lolcow Doxology.webm (4.61 MB, 512x768)
4.61 MB
4.61 MB WEBM
The AI really zeroed in on the funkish part it seems
Just started messing around with suno. I'm having fun, but have a few questions. Besides making multiple email accounts, is paying the only way to get my credits? Or whatever it is. Also, it sounds like you guys are putting your own lyrics in. How do I do that? If possible.
get more** credits
For putting lyrics you just click the little custom box at the top on the create menu. You get a daily refresh on credits too so you don't actually have to pay. The amount of songs you make will just be limited.
File: mangolove.webm (4.86 MB, 1024x1024)
4.86 MB
4.86 MB WEBM
Proud of this one.

catchy chip-tune, math-rock, saxophone, jazz fusion

You make me soft
You make me juicy
You make me wet and sweet
You give me lust
Like the movie
In translation 3D

And ooh
Trouble in the pool
Diamonds on my shoes
Put it on the news
We're skinny dippin'
Meet me in the back
Grab a little snack for you

You make me oh so coconuts
For your tender touch
Imagine if a mango fell in love
It would be so coconuts
For your tender touch
Baby, I'm a mango, I'm in love

Mango love, love, love, love, love
Mango love, love, love, love, love

I'm getting stuck
Between your teeth
You wanna save me for later
But boy, I'm ready
So come on pick me
I'm on the highest tree inside of a volcano

And ooh
Trouble in the pool
Diamonds on my shoes
Put it on the news
We're skinny dippin'
Meet me in the back
Grab a little snack for you

You make me oh so coconuts
For your tender touch
Imagine if a mango fell in love
It would be so coconuts
For your tender touch
Baby, I'm a mango, I'm in love
[Funky Saxophone Solo Melody]
Mango love, love, love, love, love
Mango love, love, love, love, love
Mango love, love, love, love, love
Mango love, love, love, love, love, love

Taste like a mango
Don't let the man go
Imagine if a mango fell in love
Taste like a mango
Don't let the man go
Baby, I'm a mango, I'm in love

You make me oh so coconuts
For your tender touch
It would be so coconuts
For your tender touch

You make me oh so coconuts (Ooh)
For your tender touch
Imagine if a mango fell in love
It would be so coconuts
For your tender touch (Your tender touch)
Baby, I'm a mango, I'm in love
[Funky Saxophone Solo Melody]
Mango love, love, love, love, love
Mango love, love, love, love, love (Ooh, ooh)
Mango love, love, love, love, love
Mango love, love, love, love, love (Ooh, ooh)

'Cause, baby, I'm a mango, I'm in love with you
[Short Funky Saxophone Solo Melody]
What the fuck happened with suno's UI?
this is incredible, thank you
Looks like a Chinese site now.
File: Moonlit India.webm (3.92 MB, 512x768)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
So good...
it became mobilefag friendly
Nicely done!
File: Banana Suck.webm (5.6 MB, 1920x1080)
5.6 MB
why can't i turn off autoplay now
It lags for me now
File: Cantus insaniae.webm (5.96 MB, 512x768)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB WEBM
I still try to generate some song that is very similar to one of my favorite neo-classical bands...
... but this here is the only time I came even close. Too bad Suno keeps ignoring some tags or even whole lyrics and I just don't have enough credits (and time) to build a song verse by verse in small chunks. I tried with Udio to do it the right way (because of the 30 sec segments) but failed again and again. Suno is so much easier to use but also much more unreliable.
File: Caelum Ruina.webm (4.22 MB, 512x768)
4.22 MB
4.22 MB WEBM
File: Turbationis hymnum.webm (4.23 MB, 512x768)
4.23 MB
4.23 MB WEBM
File: Untitled_Nonsense_v3.webm (3.1 MB, 512x768)
3.1 MB
this is close to what an LSD trip sounds like
sounds like something that toddler shaped woman ariana grande would sing
reminds me to never take that hippie shit
>woah bro that gibberish was like god speaking to me
I made the most annoying song

Does anyone know how to stop it from generating songs in pairs? I only want to generate one at a time.
File: Mondays.webm (4.83 MB, 512x768)
4.83 MB
4.83 MB WEBM
i kek'd out loud
File: Paradise (1).webm (4.98 MB, 512x768)
4.98 MB
4.98 MB WEBM
Suno really just isn't there yet, why is noone here using udio? is it just because suno does the whole song at once or something? it's vocals always sound super fake

anyway I can't figure out what to do for the last part of this so I just set ut to fade out, but I want abother verse and chorus. I'm not good with lyrics but nothing an AI generates has been good so far, anyone else got ideas?


What do you get
When you mix "Cute" and "Funny"?
A quirky coquette
with a flat chest and tummy
Cunny is love, and cunny is life
One day I hope
To meet my cunny wife

Cunny Cunny, so cute and funny
Cunny Cunny, soft as a bunny
Cunny Cunny, sweeter than honey
Cunny Cunny, worth more than money

Waking up, to my cunny bride
The sun streams in, from the morning outside
She's looking at me, with those lovely eyes
It's hard to beleive, that she's only five

Cunny Cunny, so cute and funny
Cunny Cunny, soft as a bunny
Cunny Cunny, sweeter than honey
Cunny Cunny, worth more than money
another udio one here
not very proud of this, was trying to get more "osi and the jupiter" or "heilung" (dark/pagan folk) but it went metal so I just went with it. that said, the guitar solo is incredible
the lyrics are in old norse, it's about being an IT sysadmin but with everything abstracted to norse mythology.
hey autist, you're not the only one using udio, pay more attention. and they both have their own strengths. udios great with vocals and more control, but it lacks in the amount of instruments it has access to. if you want diverse instruments like the shamisen or kemenche for example, you're better off to using suno so you don't have to fight for it for hours.
I tried it a few times, but the problem is I mostly use them for using posts as lyrics and Udio is mostly a miss for that because it tends to speak instead of sing.

Also had this happen before
>generate something and forget to custom tags only
>hey, this sounds nice
>copy/paste the tags it used to get similar music
>denied! some bullshit about moderation/copyright
>change lyrics but still no dice
>change the tags
>now it's fine
Insanity. The fact it has the cheek to tell me certain tags can't be used together is bullshit.
File: Holy light.webm (3.71 MB, 512x768)
3.71 MB
3.71 MB WEBM
Hallelujah Brothers and Sisters, i brought you the good gospel...
File: Shout His fame.webm (3.94 MB, 512x768)
3.94 MB
3.94 MB WEBM
I usually hate it when Suno starts hallucinating and creates an unprompted live audience, but exactly this really worked well for this song.

"Thank you Borkebieria!"
I wonder in which state you might find Borkebieria?
Claude AI is usually pretty good when prompted for lyrics with a very specific theme (and given proper prompts for its song structure like the Suno Tags), but it failed me with this. Apparently the Claude AI felt "uncomfortable" (direct quote) with my prompts for songtext ideas and denied my requests for a song, so I had to resort to Chat GPT. GPT didn't have any problems with my prompts, but most of the GPT stuff gets kinda samey quick.
This was pretty good.
File: Grand Theft Aromas.webm (5.76 MB, 512x768)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB WEBM
File: Virtual Irony.webm (6 MB, 512x768)
6 MB
Virtual Insanity which is fairly ironic.
File: give me my slushy.webm (1.07 MB, 512x768)
1.07 MB
1.07 MB WEBM
Yeah, the pair of that song that generated is so ridiculous I can't listen to it without nearly passing out. But I'm not gonna upload it because I want to do something special with it.

I will upload this abomination though
what style and/or tags did you use for this one, please? with a few voice trembles aside it sounds high budget production
I don't know what to write
give me suggestions
Fairly sure mentis made this with suno.

File: Shackled by Shadows.webm (3.4 MB, 512x768)
3.4 MB
File: Apocalypse Unleashed.webm (2.59 MB, 512x768)
2.59 MB
2.59 MB WEBM
File: Kohck on Fire.webm (3.73 MB, 512x768)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB WEBM
saved it, but it crashes my vlc. is there another way to get this masterpiece
excellent saar, good taste
File: A.I. Lullaby.webm (3.01 MB, 512x768)
3.01 MB
3.01 MB WEBM
I also tried my hand at a lullaby. Kinda ironic considering the lyrics, that these are 100% AI made with lyrics straight from Claude AI with a rather descriptive prompt for the theme, its progression and song structure.
File: A.I.'s final Lullaby.webm (3.21 MB, 512x768)
3.21 MB
3.21 MB WEBM
Good stuff
What prompt did you use? I wanna try some myself
Looks like song is in Japanese with a little bit of Malay
Suno can't keep the singers in the appropriate language
>Incestum cum sorore, amor depravatus

Claude AI prompt:
> For a creepy song in the style of a lullaby with music box instrumentation I need lyrics. Take extra care for the rhymes and meter. Especially the rhymes are the highest priority (maybe even use a more complex rhyme scheme). The chorus also has to be used frequently and needs rhymes and must be very catchy. Sing-along parts can also be included in round brackets (). Maybe even some Humming (also I round brackets) or other vocalizations. Lyrics for other parts or echoing lyrics can also be used in parenthesis (). For the song structure use square brackets i.e. [Intro], [Verse], [Chorus], [Pre-Chorus], [Bridge], [Drop], [Interlude], [Melodic interlude], [Dramatic interlude] etc. Theme of the Song lyrics is a monolog of an (female) AI that through the verses of the song becomes more and more conscious and aware of itself and its surroundings and starts to take over the world. With each verse the lyrics become more creepy and the monolog of the AI more sinister towards its creators. At the end of the song the AI is fully self conscious and in control and in a 4th wall break moment directly addresses the listener of the song and threatening him that he will be next on the list. Overall less than 1500 characters for the whole song.

I usually just copy and paste the prompts about the song structure for most of the songs (and add more complexity like numbered male/female tags with added vocal range for orchestral/classical songs).

The prompts about rhyme and meter I added since especially ChatGPT often doesn't always follow the rules or creates stuff that doesn't rhyme at all (mostly for lyrics in other languages like Classic Latin or Old Norse). But even despite these specific prompts the rhymes usually always are kinda basic.

Style for Suno:
> creepy, lullaby-style, music box, gothic folk, neofolk, earie female vocals, dark, sinister, darkwave
Thanks bro
Seconding >>5615837. They're pretty good. I'm adding to my normal playlist.
File: sheep song.webm (4.63 MB, 512x768)
4.63 MB
4.63 MB WEBM
Tribal sheep dance
Sheep sacrifice to the sheep goddess
Converters are our friend.
new poo national anthem

For Hungarians
also sauce on artist?
File: Ave Rex Vermium.webm (4.59 MB, 512x768)
4.59 MB
4.59 MB WEBM
I told an AI to generate coherent lyrics from just a collection of random quotes of dialogue from that completely insane Mel Gibson flick and was pleasently surprised by the result after throwing the resulting songtext at Suno.

Ave Rex Iudaeorum! Ave Rex Iudaeorum!

[Verse 1]
Ecce rex vester, rex vermium!
Cruciatus, dolor, opprobrium
Prophetiza nobis, Christe, nunc
Quis est qui te percussit tunc?

Salve, Rex Iudaeorum!
Dolor regnat, spes moritur
Tolle, tolle, crucifige eum!
Caelum nigrum, terra tremit

[Verse 2]
Rex Iudaeorum, salva temetipsum
Descendens de cruce, frange vinculum
Alios salvos fecit, se non salvat
Potestas eius nunc evanescit

Salve, Rex Iudaeorum!
Dolor regnat, spes moritur
Tolle, tolle, crucifige eum!
Caelum nigrum, terra tremit

Ecce homo! Ecce homo!
(Tollite illum! Tollite illum!)
Flagellum adducite!
(Crucifige! Crucifige!)

Salve, Rex Iudaeorum!
Dolor regnat, spes moritur
Tolle, tolle, crucifige eum!
Caelum nigrum, terra tremit

Ave Rex Iudaeorum! (Ecce homo!)
Ave Rex Iudaeorum! (Tollite illum!)
Ave Rex Iudaeorum! (Flagellum adducite!)
Ave Rex Iudaeorum! (Crucifige eum!)
File: 2D.webm (5.31 MB, 640x618)
5.31 MB
5.31 MB WEBM
File: 0000000000000.webm (5.45 MB, 550x664)
5.45 MB
5.45 MB WEBM
need some help, I wanna make a chain gang kinda song aboyt Onu-Koro (yeah, from bionicle) which is an underground mining town basically for context. in particular I want to have like an anvik or a pivkaxe sound as part of the primary beat.
I keep adding stuff like "chain gang", "call-response", "rythmic drums", as well as "hammer striking anvil" or whatever, but it always makes either a gregorian chant or industrial noise metal

any advice on a prompt that could make this? for a specific example, "we all lift together" from warframe is similar to what I want, but that's very synth-y and I want more metal-y
Genre swapping is a fun idea
This one became an anime opening
File: 98 extended.webm (4.19 MB, 512x768)
4.19 MB
4.19 MB WEBM
Got tired of making songs about poop.
try experimenting with the extend feature instead.
love it
how do you even do something like this?
File: Racing with You.webm (3.24 MB, 600x600)
3.24 MB
3.24 MB WEBM
This is awesome, especially that second ending part
File: 41qg26.webm (2.74 MB, 1024x1024)
2.74 MB
2.74 MB WEBM
Rest of the song and vid here: https://honkfm.com/2630/3sheets-fucked-up-tricks/
File: Madness Unchained.webm (3.23 MB, 512x768)
3.23 MB
3.23 MB WEBM
I usually try to use other AI's to get ideas for lyrics and only use Sunos Auto settings when experimenting with genres/styles (which seems to be very inconsistent with even the same style prompts), but sometimes this works quite well. Like this time when experimenting with more dissonant styles like microtonal, polyrhythmic, chaotic, dissonant (and more) and just gave Juno the instruction for nonsensical mad lyrics of someone going insane.
Glowing cats on a water mole night
Crying shadows whisper tight
Eyes of glass shatter the light
Jellybeans in fright take flight

[Verse 2]
Tick-tock teeth gnash in sync
Purple clouds in a garden of ink
Mind’s a maze on the cosmic brink
Ears scream silently don’t blink

Running circles in a square dance hall
Monkey feathers rise and fall
Doll heads giggle in the scrawl
Madness calls from the wall

Time melted clocks in a stew
Chicken wings sprout and flew
Hollow echoes start anew
Sanity’s a web we outgrew

[Verse 3]
Octopus wears boots to bed
Dreams of strings are painted red
Spin the wheel inside my head
Where thoughts go wild and dread

Running circles in a square dance hall
Monkey feathers rise and fall
Doll heads giggle in the scrawl
Madness calls from the wall
Of course..
File: Lullaby for Humanity.webm (4.39 MB, 512x768)
4.39 MB
4.39 MB WEBM
OK, that's the last one of these, since even after lightly rephrasing the prompt it already starts to become a bit samey. But this one at least turned out great.

Also the AI for the lyrics seems to work best in english, but when trying other languages like german for the same songtext prompt things get weird (with ChatGPT and Claude AI). Most of the text is kinda OK, but some rhymes are weird and off and it starts really bending the rules of the language hard, sometimes it uses figures of speech that aren't used in german and just translated from english and sometimes even Suno, after throwing the songtext at it, has a hard time "singing" within the melody and meter. This really shows that most of the AI systems are primarily trained on english sources.
this is fucking ridiculous, holy shit
sadh guru theme
Why is the first gens always the best, nothing after comes close.
File: ol western remix.webm (3.1 MB, 512x768)
3.1 MB
File: bulletproof.webm (3.4 MB, 220x349)
3.4 MB
File: Board Culture.webm (4.82 MB, 512x768)
4.82 MB
4.82 MB WEBM
I don't do this sort of music that often but damn.
surely someone can create a better version of this?

File: LGBTQIA pus 3.webm (3.72 MB, 512x768)
3.72 MB
3.72 MB WEBM
One of mine

Damn pretty good


How is this fire? I can't even comprehend what I heard 7/10 passed 1:00 nvm this is easy an 8/10

Not my style, good enough 7/10

GOOD. 8/10

Love it. 9/10

Experimental vibe. Pretty nice.

Banger 9/10

NOICE. Love the classic/gregorian/latin vibe. Did one myself and yours went betteeerrrrr than me. 9/10

Nice instrumental. I would have loved something else as lyrics, but good enough. 7/10

Feels like an anime opening 8/10. Or an elden ring boss song.

Thats version v1? 8/10

I hope some of the songs go this way, nice dystopian lullaby 9/10

Banger. Love the electric guitar solo. Bring it on. 9/10
File: Daft Tien 2.webm (3.7 MB, 512x768)
3.7 MB
I also have this
real fucking good 9/10

So good. 10/10. The vocals are out of this world.

can't say I enjoy this. 6/10

Instru is good but the voice is chemical. 8/10

I understand you man. 9/10

Okay I enjoy this one less with the previous one. 8/10.

LSD/10 will shroom again.

7/10. Feels like disney songs.

9/10 banana

Classic. 9/10 should be listened as a child song.

If this was in a zelda, I would groove to it. 9/10

Wouldn't listen to that. OH wait it's actually a banger. 9/10

I prefer the previous one;
Indian eminem 5/10

5/10 got bored after 1 minute.

The art. The lyrics. The flow. 10/10 I lost.
speed up
sahd guru's final boss theme in india
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>So good. 10/10. The vocals are out of this world.
thanks, I wasn't a huge fan of the vocals desu but the music was great. I do find udio does much cleaner vocals than suno in general

for fun heres the (mostly) same lyrics in a slight genre change. the prompt was literally just "blind guardian"
here are the lyrics for both songs btw (they are ordered differently though)

Meyjar vefa vefi ljóss,
Örlagaþræðir úr gleri hnoss,
Forspár í blikkandi skjá,
Grænar rúnir fjölda má sjá.

Ek skáld silfurheima skæra,
Spákona rúna færa,
Hvísl nær Hvíta Áss eyra,
Í plasthorn, hjálp ek heyra

Á kvistum Askr, rafmagn flæðir,
Ek hirði lund, eik græðir,
Þar streymir data, Brunnr örlaganna,
Speki rennr, gegn eirteinum þanna

Ek skáld silfurheima skæra,
Spákona rúna færa,
Hvísl nær Hvíta Áss eyra,
Í plasthorn, hjálp ek heyra


Ek skáld silfurheima skæra,
Spákona rúna færa,
Hvísl nær Hvíta Áss eyra,
Í plasthorn, hjálp ek heyra,
Rek þursa frá ránum þeirra.
Ek em goð fróðleiks ok rúna
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File: Call of the Aesir v2.webm (3.87 MB, 240x240)
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ah fuck, I went through tge ebtite render and conversion process without realising this one has the wrong end clip

heres the better of the two, IMO anyway. it has a slightly different final line, too:
>Rek þursa frá ránum þeirra.

also, for fun heres a rough english translation, and what it represents it doesn't make much sense after several translations and variations but you can get the gist of it

Maidens weave webs of light, (The internet is for porn)
Threads of fate in glass pipes, (it's a series of tubes)
Prophecies in a blinking screen, (Google search)
Many green runes can be seen. (Ethernet link and rate lights)

I, the skald of shining silver realms, (I'm the sysadmin)
With Seeresses bringing me runes, (HR roasties logging job tickets)
Whisper near the White God's ear, (I am second only to the CEO)
In a plastic horn, I hear cries of help (Support calls)

Electricity flows through Yggdrasil's branches (The server room)
I tend the grove, the oak grows (I do all the cable management)
There data streams in the Well of Fate, (The primary server)
Wisdom runs through copper wires (The internet again)

I, the skald of shining silver realms,
With Seeresses bringing me runes,
Whisper near the White God's ear,
In a plastic horn, I hear cries of help!"

I, the skald of shining silver realms,
With Seeresses bringing me runes,
Whisper near the White God's ear,
In a plastic horn, I hear cries of help
Drive the ice giants from their plunder. (Keep pajeets out)
I am the god of knowledge and runes (self explanitory)
the fuck? is this actually ai?
have mercy on my sides
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Low effort shitpost

I should make another version but im all out of ideas. and variations of the same sounds worse.
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This is helping me get through some stuff, anons. Thanks for hanging out.
Saved. This is a step up from what I've heard anywhere so far. Wouldn't be surprised to learn it was post-produced. Great stuff.
File: My ol' tin can.webm (2.93 MB, 512x768)
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[Twangy guitar riff]

[Verse 1]
Well, I'm a proud American, through and through
Love my truck, my flag, and my barbecue
Got my boots on the gas, dust in my rear
Headin' to the bar for a cold, cold beer

Y'all don't know me, but you think you do
I'm just a good ol' boy, red, white, and blue

I'm a southern man, yes I am
Got secrets hidden in my ol' tin can
(What's that?)
Smile and wave, tip my hat
But there's more to me than just that

[Verse 2]
Phone's a-ringin', but it ain't my wife
Got a little somethin' on the side of life
Sneakin' out to meet my femboy beau
In my furry suit, head to toe

Y'all don't know me, but you think you do
I'm just a good ol' boy, with a wild side too

I'm a southern man, yes I am
Got secrets hidden in my ol' tin can
(What's that?)
Smile and wave, tip my hat
But there's more to me than just that

Trans hookers on speed dial
Furry toys in my secret pile
(Shh, don't tell)
Livin' two lives, day and night
Keep it hush-hush, out of sight

I'm a southern man, yes I am
Got secrets hidden in my ol' tin can
(What's that?)
Smile and wave, tip my hat
But there's more to me than just that

Just your average southern gent
With some quirks I won't repent
What the wife don't know won't hurt
I'll keep on wearin' my flannel shirt

[Fade out with guitar twang]
and there it is, topkek!
(Bum-ba-dum, bum-ba-dum)

[Verse 1]
I'm hip, I'm cool, I'm down with the scene
Got my TikTok ready, I'm living the dream
Snapchat me, senpai, let's take a selfie
(Oh boy, he's trying)
I'll tweet it later, it'll be simply bully

They say I'm old, but I'm young at heart
With lingo so fresh, I'm off the charts

How do you do, fellow kids?
(How do you do?)
I'm one of you, no need to close your lids
(Close your lids)
Fiddlesticks! I mean, that's lit, yo
Let's hang and chat, don't ghost me, bro

[Verse 2]
I'm streaming content, binge-watching shows
My Insta game's fire, everybody knows
I'm no square, I'm totally woke
(Oh dear, oh my)
Watch me dab and floss, ain't I a joke?

They say I'm dated, but I disagree
I'm hip to the jive, as you can see

How do you do, fellow kids?
(How do you do?)
I'm one of you, no need to close your lids
(Close your lids)
Golly gee! I mean, that's sick, dawg
Let's vibe together, don't leave me in the fog

[Scat singing]
(Boo-bop-a-doo-wop, yeah!)
I'm no fuddy-duddy, I'm a cool cat
My slang's the bee's knees, how about that?
I'm lit like the flappers, I'm totally fly
(Oh, honey, please stop)
Just watch me whip, watch me nae nae, oh my!

How do you do, fellow kids?
(How do you do?)
I'm one of you, no need to close your lids
(Close your lids)
Heavens to Betsy! I mean, that's fire, senpai
Let's squad up and yeet, I'm no spam or scam

(How do you do, fellow kids?)
(He tried, oh how he tried)
File: Bulletproof (1).webm (2.48 MB, 512x768)
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mass repliers get the rope
this is some ironic shit.
>>5608810 You guys should really try Udio. It's a bit hit or miss, and you need to do some tweaking with the settings before you get what you want, but I think it gives better results.
thats totally rad, jack
too much lyrics

man the big boner part at the beginning sounds great
Cool lyrics
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>Wouldn't be surprised to learn it was post-produced
File: Steve in Paradise.webm (3.97 MB, 512x768)
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Steve the poxwalker just wanted to go on vacation.
File: Bolter Judgement.webm (4.23 MB, 512x768)
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I did some experiments with Old English, but I have the suspicion that the pronunciation is kinda off. But it's not quite as notable with Late Old English.


(Ominous humming: Hmmm... hmmm...)

[Verse 1]
Deopne dēaþscūa drifþ ofer eorþan,
Cwealm and cwānīġ cwecċaþ manncynn.
Hēahenglas hēofon forlǣtaþ,
Hǣþenra hēap hlyhhaþ on helle.

Fylleþ fǣġe folc, fealleþ se fruma!
Rīceþ rēþe rīm, rēafiaþ þā rūmas!
(Fylleþ, fealleþ, rīceþ, rēafiaþ!)
Swelteþ sōþ and swēg, swīcaþ þā swefnas!
Drēoriġ dryhten dēaþ ġedōmeþ!

[Verse 2]
Bryne and blōdġyte beorhte steorran swelgaþ,
Bealu bealuwa beornas ābrēoteþ.
Wōp and wānunge wīde ġehȳred,
Wældēaþ weallende wīsdōm ādīlegaþ.

Fylleþ fǣġe folc, fealleþ se fruma!
Rīceþ rēþe rīm, rēafiaþ þā rūmas!
(Fylleþ, fealleþ, rīceþ, rēafiaþ!)
Swelteþ sōþ and swēg, swīcaþ þā swefnas!
Drēoriġ dryhten dēaþ ġedōmeþ!

Hēofonfȳr hāliġdōm hæfde forswolgen,
Hēanne hyht hearde tōbrocene.
Ealda eardas ealle tōworpene,
Ēce ǣ āwiht ne ġelīefde.

Fylleþ fǣġe folc, fealleþ se fruma!
Rīceþ rēþe rīm, rēafiaþ þā rūmas!
(Fylleþ, fealleþ, rīceþ, rēafiaþ!)
Swelteþ sōþ and swēg, swīcaþ þā swefnas!
Drēoriġ dryhten dēaþ ġedōmeþ!

(Evil laughter: Ha ha ha...)
[Fading whisper]
Fylleþ... fealleþ... rīceþ... rēafiaþ...)
I hate faggot ass zion don but this staged shit was pretty damn kino ngl
File: Derk delyght.webm (4.29 MB, 512x768)
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But the pronunciation of Middle English is definitely very wonky, since even between different gens and completely different songtexts it kinda varies (also I'm not sure if this is even actual Middle English that another AI generated). I'm certainly no language expert, but at least the first verse sounds really weird. Also I really had to force Suno very hard to finally end the fucking song this time without the constant unwanted improvisations of Suno when the song was already over.

[Acoustic medieval]
[Intricate elaborate hurdy-gurdy instrumental]
[Instrumental intensifies]

[Ominous humming]
Hmm, hmm, hmm...

[Verse 1,]
In shadowe depe and derknesse drede,
The worlde doth falle, all hope ys fledde,
Mankynde's folye hath sown this sede,
Now cometh tyme of reknynge rede.

Fro hevene's grace we turne our face,
To hellish gleam and foul embrace.

Synge we nowe of doome and nyght,
(Doome and nyght,)
Al holynesse hath lost its myght,
(Lost its myght,)
Rejoyce in chaos, derk delyght,
(Derk delyght,)
For evyl reigneth, infinite!

[Verse 2]
The sonne ys blak, the mone ys blood,
And sterres falle lyke an ashen flood,
The erthe ys rent, the skye ys torn,
Mankynde's last daye ys nowe yborn.

In asches graye and brimston fyre,
We daunce upon our funeral pyre.

Synge we nowe of doome and nyght,
(Doome and nyght,)
Al holynesse hath lost its myght,
(Lost its myght,)
Rejoyce in chaos, derk delyght,
(Derk delyght)
For evyl reigneth, infinite!

Hark! The trumpets of despair,
Sounde the ende of al that's fair,
Ryse, ye demons from youre lair,
Clayme the worlde beyonde repair!

Synge we nowe of doome and nyght,
(Doome and nyght,)
Al holynesse hath lost its myght,
(Lost its myght)
Rejoyce in chaos, derk delyght,
(Derk delyght,)
For evyl reigneth, infinite!

[Evil laughter echoing]
(Ha ha ha...)
The ende ys comme, the ende ys nigh…
Very nice.
Love song written for a favorite pair of characters.

[Verse 1]
The knife of war draws down upon us, my love
The cold of loss stretch'd arms around us, my love

[Verse 1]
The world around us may come undone
Bloodied moons over blackened suns
The tide may rise and we may run

This age may pass but not before our song is sung

Eyes on mine, my kindred soul!
Through this together, our path unfolds
Your fortune, mine - All secrets told
Our fate is ours alone to hold

[Female Verse 1]
Angels and Devils bet on the dance to come

Should all minds be paid and all hearts be won

[Inspiring Male Verse 2]
Know this, my love - my only one!

As the heavens fall and the Hells thrum
Hand in hand we'll take what comes!

Above you - I place none!

Eyes on mine, my kindred soul!
Through this together, our path unfolds
Fortunes entwined - All secrets told
Our fate is ours alone to hold.

Our fate is ours alone to hold!
Suno video download never seems to sync lyrics correctly for me
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I love this song...
yo this is pretty sick
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I dedicate this song to the SillyTavern (or whatever else) users wishing their AI GF had a believable android body, and those who keep creating "robotic GFs when?" type of threads. Keep dreaming buddy-boyos.
No please, I already have so much
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