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File: Wels Catfish Attack.webm (1.94 MB, 704x792)
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ITT: Animal webms
File: Anaconda.webm (1.08 MB, 638x360)
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File: hehehehehehe.webm (3.82 MB, 1280x720)
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3.82 MB WEBM
got me
CGI fish? What is that?
same fish as >>5665229
what is this from?
Oh, goddamn it! You beat me by 14 seconds!
the /an/on was right all along
kill yourself
File: Rampage.webm (2.94 MB, 480x480)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB WEBM
fully supporting the rhino
fucking metal zebras think theyre tough
Female driver btw
Dumb cunt, what was she thinking?
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1.68 MB WEBM
File: Fish swarm.webm (3.67 MB, 400x554)
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3.67 MB WEBM
The rhino was new, they were trying to get it accustomed to being around cars, but it went a bit wrong
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3.24 MB WEBM
puts into context those stories you sometimes hear
>there used to be so many fish in this river that you could walk across on them
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2.7 MB
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750 KB
why are those fat noodles so cute
File: 1706291537934211.webm (1.67 MB, 356x480)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB WEBM
File: 1697555382876171.webm (3.69 MB, 406x720)
3.69 MB
3.69 MB WEBM
I've had it with these mother fuckin snakes on this mother fuckin runway
hoooly shit
Fuckin based.
File: 1721547305904812.webm (1.42 MB, 753x856)
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1.42 MB WEBM
kek what a little cunt
File: salamander.webm (2.78 MB, 480x480)
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2.78 MB WEBM
I am glad that's how it ended. Thought it was a Chinese video of killing an endangered species.
this video is better from the other perspective when you see them jump at the same time
Don't be too hard on him, he's just a kid.
File: carp.webm (2.06 MB, 640x800)
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2.06 MB WEBM
Carp on the rocks
invasive species, he did the right thing
This needs a fortunate son edit.
Yes :)
god dammit
File: Rhino vs elephant.webm (2.9 MB, 1280x720)
2.9 MB
Rhinobro's... they're dabbin' on us!
YAY ! now lets kill and eat her
That's some goddamned precision backhoeing.
File: 1725130485576710.webm (1.77 MB, 640x848)
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1.77 MB WEBM
what a little piece of shit
>An unusual habitat for the species exists inside the Chernobyl exclusion zone
Fucking metal
rhinos are fucking awesome.
File: shocks_you.webm (2.39 MB, 480x854)
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2.39 MB WEBM
out fucking skilled.
File: orca_heem.webm (1.88 MB, 720x1280)
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1.88 MB WEBM
File: mimics.webm (1.17 MB, 360x640)
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1.17 MB WEBM
File: otter revenge.webm (2.3 MB, 320x240)
2.3 MB
Imagine being a medieval serf and hearing that shit at night in the forest.
how tf do they even have that much koi, in such murky waters. mine would die with no reason just because their pump is off for half an hour
damn this is otter nonsense
otterly brutal
File: elephont.webm (4.61 MB, 1280x720)
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4.61 MB WEBM
That habit is ruled by ottocracy
>young kevin
it's criminal that these little aliens only live a few years.
>monke bullies otters
>monke eventually chimps out and kills an otter
>otters has had fucking enough
>you get what you fucking deserve
You know, at first glance, I felt bad for the monkee, but then I realized he probably deserved it because monkeys are assholes. Good riddance.
File: Sandwich Islands snake.gif (386 KB, 1293x857)
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386 KB GIF
If only you knew...
File: Ackshually.gif (110 KB, 480x480)
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110 KB GIF
Also, it's a python, not an anaconda.
File: Pedophant.webm (3 MB, 1280x720)
3 MB
They're being fed by people, so they clamor violently when one shows up. I saw a similar site at a tourist trap in Myrtle beach. No one should interfere with the natural order of things.
>they were trying to get it accustomed to being around cars
so they colored the car like a zebra
is that the Veritasium guy
wait, it's not reversed?
why did he barf the snake?
It's a moray eel. They are covered with toxic mucus.
doesnt seem like it saved the eel
>sheer force of anger alone
File: mimic 3.gif (4.1 MB, 532x299)
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4.1 MB GIF
Mimic octopus pretends to be a sea snake
File: mimic 2.gif (1.89 MB, 320x240)
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1.89 MB GIF
and a flounder
and a lion fish
File: mimic.gif (5.34 MB, 400x300)
5.34 MB
5.34 MB GIF
omg elephant + buck so CUTE!!!!!!!!!!
>the weak should fear the strong
It's not about being saved, it's about sending a message
They are incredibly stupid though. The opposite of elephants.
young goats are called kids
Hate it when your pet brings you some gross dead "gift"
Aha, thanks
See? Its natural! Love is love!!!!!
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>To Catch A Pachyderm
he didn't mean to hurt anyone honest :(
Orcas are considered the smartest animal on the planet barring humans and are the only living creature that have more neurons in their brain than us.
Also an interesting factoid is out of the top 8 animals ranked by brain neuron count, humans are the only land-dwelling animal.
Good save
File: pigger.webm (140 KB, 480x400)
140 KB
Carpe diem!
File: piggerswebm.webm (2.61 MB, 640x374)
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2.61 MB WEBM
Orcas were once land dwelling animals so we might've dodged a bullet here. If we can keep them in the oceans and slowly pollute them until they die I think we can make it out of this.
File: moray_eels.webm (3.61 MB, 490x360)
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3.61 MB WEBM
Maybe it died of old age and got washed up on a beach. It looks kinda rotten, but not injured.
good, fuck monkeys.
"oh you are recording"
File: turtle.webm (3.7 MB, 1280x720)
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Damn I'm glad we left the waters, sex looked brutal back then.
did hw just deflect the shark and bite its tail? what a mad lad.
Wtf happened?
Elephant got tranq'd, likely by bush-vets trying to treat an injury it has
Thanks phew i thought he really died :(
why are birds so fucking stupid
Don't bring a horn to a tusk fight, classic mistake.
AI, I can tell by the pixels
It's actually a real bird found in Hokkaido called the Snow Fairy.
ya know, props to staying on script as long as he did lol.
god dammit, you just know the guy animating this was furiously masturbating the whole time
Rhino should've won this one, sharper horn and lower to the ground.
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File: sea snakes.webm (5.74 MB, 1024x576)
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File: Malpelo island.webm (3.05 MB, 1280x720)
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File: Wobbegong Shark.webm (5.97 MB, 1280x720)
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5.97 MB WEBM
How do you respond without sounding angry?
File: frigatebirds 2.webm (1.97 MB, 1280x720)
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File: jump.webm (4.53 MB, 1280x720)
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4.53 MB WEBM
Elephants are such dicks
Based wriggler
That turtle boy didn't cut him no slack
>first one jumps
>[impressed chirping in background]
I like the way he does a little slide
great way to get rabies.
t. soiboi
>Orcas were once land dwelling animals so we might've dodged a bullet here
>Orcas were once land dwelling animals

shut the fuck up, retard.
Orcas are obnoxious. They need to be nerfed. They basically have maxed out stats. Sure, they have a poor reproductive cycle but that's it. If it wasn't for humans, they'd even smugger that they already are.
Just out of interest, what's your age and country of residence?
balls of steel
>Experts agree
>Research says
Italy and 27
>ocean man starts playing
I recall a Blue Planet episode where huge ass pelicans in the antarctic carried one or multiple penguin kids in their beaks
aren't these some of the most venomous bastards around?
File: mr_squid.webm (3.22 MB, 720x1280)
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File: spain_italia.webm (2.7 MB, 720x1280)
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File: tiny animals_1.webm (3.04 MB, 640x360)
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3.04 MB WEBM
weren't these useless sacks of shit domesticated just for killing rats?
File: deep-sea fish.webm (5.62 MB, 1280x720)
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5.62 MB WEBM
if you look carefully the elephant is holding back the use of his tusks as weapons. Why escalate things when it's just a warning?
File: otter.webm (2.19 MB, 640x360)
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File: headbutt.webm (1.67 MB, 640x480)
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File: startled.webm (1.27 MB, 1280x720)
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Punishment from the stars for what their ancestors did.
Shit, you just know you're getting some debuffs from being in range of that.
please go back
well how else were they going to get their food?
but didn't
>orcas were once land dwelling creatures
ah yes purely based on the guessing's of retarded scientists trying to keep their funding by putting out increasingly stupid things to wow their investors
you heckin' said it like it's a video game!
when's his story time at the local library?
how did they get away with this?
>need some viagra for those stubs?
well we dont call people "bird brain" for nothing
File: 1680150940472491.webm (2.94 MB, 540x304)
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3.66 MB WEBM
Bootlicker spam
God I wish that were me
File: K,B,C.gif (252 KB, 994x768)
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252 KB GIF
>KBC news is kek, based and canon
>no gills
hmmm, I wonder how that happened
why was the goat just walking around so casually?
Could be a newborn, tranquilized, or it could be a domesticated animal so it doesn't really perceive the komodo as a threat. Most likely placed there by the people filming to get their shot.
Don't you mean, holy cow?
shiver me timbers
>When you are browsing porn and someone walks in.
Touch of death!
me whenever my only two brain cells activate
Unexpected nipple piercing
e-girl fish
File: 1692556709374373.webm (2.92 MB, 1280x720)
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2.92 MB WEBM
no u
noodle predates your conflation
Punished for his greed
File: G0q9zyZ.webm (395 KB, 400x300)
395 KB
Brain has mass
mass bad
It'll die eventually, don't worry
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2.15 MB WEBM
flying fish are cool as fuck, saw a bunch of em flying away from the cruise i was on day at sea, they can glide really far
they're cetaceans, mammals of the cloven hoof, unlikely they would have become as smart if they had stayed on land though
>second one
>belly flops
looks like it was stalking just fine, then the scary broom came in
File: 1559518569328.webm (1.8 MB, 640x640)
1.8 MB
that's a sea cucumber with a pearlfish in it's anus and I hope to god that arthropod-person isn't about to eat it
File: snake_hunting.webm (2.85 MB, 640x360)
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2.85 MB WEBM
k, thanks retard
File: 1725498722373466.webm (2.4 MB, 1006x1080)
2.4 MB
I wonder how much it costs to set up cameras for a shot like that
File: acrobatics.webm (1.34 MB, 640x360)
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File: Gibbon Teasing A Dog.webm (269 KB, 400x300)
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File: Gibbon Branchiating.webm (874 KB, 480x360)
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File: monke's lucky day.webm (3.55 MB, 352x640)
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File: no fishing.webm (902 KB, 640x360)
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File: gannets.webm (3.17 MB, 640x360)
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I love that the cameraman gets startled too. It's even better with sound.
and then some African migrant waited outside until the cat came out again...
based orca
dolphins are rapists
>fellow otters
>we should let monkeys into otter society
>50 years later
>after endless amounts of monkey business
the big unit
>being so miserable you invent hypothetical scenarios to be mad about
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File: crackhamster.gif (2.99 MB, 256x256)
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In my mind while watching that webm i thought of poltard White people trying to Tell brown people they are not white like its an insult. Why yes my penis was not branded at birth how could you tell my parents loved me?
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File: anaconda.webm (1.59 MB, 480x854)
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File: six gill sharks.webm (3.85 MB, 1280x720)
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File: surprise motherfucker.webm (3.61 MB, 1280x720)
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3.61 MB WEBM
was picked up with chopsticks which means they will both be eaten raw
Elephants have more neurons than humans do
it's literally happening in American and European cities right now you fucking idiot
they are kidnapping and eating people's pets
nerve gas
You have absolutely no evidence for that cat being harmed in any way.
Nobody cares chud, whites deserve most of their misery
I need to do more shrugs when I lift.
Ok, manlet
in a fight to the death its got a shot. but elephants are not stupid and incredibly strong.
that aside, that rhino wasnt trying to fight, it was just being protective of its offspring, that was its main concern there.
You're hurt enough by it that you're having imaginary argument and comeback. Look inwards
the water is clear af, where is this
Looks like a river.
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File: squid.webm (2.8 MB, 960x540)
2.8 MB
If you haven't seen this one already make sure to keep watching.
File: Weta.webm (2.87 MB, 1280x720)
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2.87 MB WEBM
Sir, that is an Excavator.
Wtf is that
The cat was black though.
that is like the typical small size of catfish in the south, kek
Holy fuck. I remember one where they put bait on the edge, to lure the seals.
>stop being racist! we just want to live in peace!
>btw you all deserve your misery
You shall be removed.
>biblically accurate sea life
File: 1683237791465010.webm (1.98 MB, 720x1280)
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1.98 MB WEBM
Are you saying immigration is some kind of punishment? Weird, I vividly remember you people saying diversity is our strength
just wash your hands lmao
This was the height of the Otterman empire
haha imagine if the elephant came a bucket of cum and there was a school full of children just walking past haha, they would get soaked
This is about the Anglerfish, isn't it?
Most sharks aren't dangerous, the number of fatal shark attacks can be counted on one hand
A lifetime of movies where komodos are doctors, engineers and peaceful, productive members of the zoo
what do the game rules say about a situation like that?
What an annoying neighbor kek
Three bird strikes and you're out.
Hearty kek
File: 1662069655874303.webm (3.72 MB, 640x360)
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3.72 MB WEBM
Kevin you’re a fuckin cunt, mate
What is this species?
seems fake
File: northern goshawk.webm (2.75 MB, 480x308)
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2.75 MB WEBM
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2.85 MB WEBM
What the fuck was evolution trying to do with them?
Are they just trying to skip the land part of the evolution and say fuck your land man.
What's next a freaking squid that can squirt its way into space?
File: flying fish.webm (5.37 MB, 1280x720)
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5.37 MB WEBM
>What the fuck was evolution trying to do with them?
It was trying to let them escape other fish, that are preying on them.
so this how they catch beef
flat rat
Triggered my thalassophobia hard

>oohh sand squid SUUUPER savoury
File: blanket octopus2.webm (2.51 MB, 1280x720)
2.51 MB
2.51 MB WEBM
Man these things look so feaky and fun with their long arms
why is her blood brown?
You must be 18 to post here.

Its some kind of juice that grasshoppers and crickets, those kinds of bugs, squirt out of their mouths to deter predators.
I wish orcas went extinct
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229 KB GIF
wtf, that's not a snake it's a vulture, next to the land of the condor. It even got the neck texture right.
File: vietnam.webm (2.85 MB, 576x824)
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2.85 MB WEBM
Haitians in NJ?
Brazil, don't know where exactly though
This is hilarious xD
That was considered a wild pitch.
Wels Catfish get considerably larger than American catfish
that's why people end up thinking we live in a simulation
>without sounding angry?
why? sounding angry is a good thing if the target of your anger is physically in front of you and you outmass it by a factor of ten
No Anon, sounding angry gives women the ick. A real man is not bullied and does not lose his cool
every time you see a video of a cat being afraid of a rat or other small animal it's because something else scary is going on, like a retard waving a broom or a someone trapping the cat in a closed room with the rat and similar
>this is what basedboys actually believe
File: bear.webm (2.87 MB, 1280x720)
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File: rat in a shower room.webm (1.09 MB, 576x1024)
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1.09 MB WEBM
I was parroting what women believe
File: reflexes.webm (2.75 MB, 460x460)
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Cats are cringe
You are cringe
Young adult bears are the biggest pussies I've ever seen, a regular human making noises makes them shit themselves and run.
you two are both chuds lmao
>average Volvo operator
Found the video. He braised the sea cucumber in a sweet onions sauce and deep fried the pearlfish.


Either way, this dude is pretty funny. He almost died a couple of times after eating strange shit. Good lad.
monke equivalent of indian train chicken
Why did you post a pic of a turtle sucking off a dude? Is that even allowed on a blue board?
>>hypothetical scenarios to be mad about
>>hypothetical scenarios
Uff what commie media are doing with people brains is frekin scary
Bretty cool
Snakes are bad enough, but snakes under water.... fucking kill me.
Nothing happened to that cat. You have NO proof to the contrary.
>the number of fatal shark attacks can be counted on one hand

fucking what are you smoking?
>million snack
>billion yum
A yes, the deadliest predator or all: an elderly Japanese woman.
To deny that white people have done catastrophic damage to non-whites is futility itself.
obviously it's a fowl ball
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There is so much wrong with this post.
File: 1668507083185481.webm (2.9 MB, 472x848)
2.9 MB
>video starts
>good roll
>bite it
>bite it! bite its fucking tail off!
I think he means annually.
File: eagle flip.webm (1.26 MB, 576x1024)
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1.26 MB WEBM
This is a metaphor for modern America.
RIP Hvaldimir
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the fuck?
The one on the right didn't even get touched, it just laid down. It's not even a real bird, it's just an actor put there by the Democrats to try to take your guns away.
make a new thread.
Alright, here you go >>5678884

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