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Strange alliances are afloat...
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Latest Episode:

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honestly removing the coom for the full version was for the better, countless kids watch this shit.
I'm glad he also removed the harsh lines the TV-men were saying as well.
i'd be fine if he went with either route.
>path A: TVmen are just making the hard tactical choice of progressing the alliance's technology at the cost of some men
>path B: TVmen are high high on their own supply (or at least one high ranker) and have failed to remember their role as as support casters.
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I don't know if I want to believe it or not.
>fullscreen series playlist: updated today
>three videos hidden
>we know one's the godzilla shitpost and the other the 40M celebration video
its happening.
It's up
Oh shit
>guy with the shield literally turned into a mini camera titan
I thought about it for the past 2 episodes but they're basically 1:1 lookalikes now
Camerawoman looking really good ngl.
Good episode, but i don't like the astros going from unstoppable force to grunts falling like flies in the span of an episode
>inb4 the guys with the metal helmets are the fodder and the actual normal proper soldiers are the ones with the gas masks
>the police mutant kept a memory of his old life on him
>he was originally part of a special service crew
>looks like the whole mutant trio was a part of that group.
MAJOR lore bomb.
this confirms that while the song does lobotomize people and the transformation is permanent, they do slowly recover from it and retain memories/personality of their original life to an extent.
... but also the SA was in that photo. looks like our beamgun friend's time is running out.
im pretty sure the ones with shoulder cameras are newly produced cameraman units, the PoV is the one with the shield from last episode and the first shoulder camera cameraman we saw was a scientist from episode 74
agreed, we needed at least a season of "dedicated teams can take on a handful of astros, but the team will usually get ambushed and the cameraman dies."
although maybe dafuq could be taking this in a different direction where object heads are too efficient at upscaling their power and it results in a bad ending. we'll just have to wait and see.
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Camera woman genuinely looks like a imperial female field officer
These threads can't be real. Zoomers need to be purged.
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No, I don't think so.
>sound waves stop and return evergy shots
Between the new energy blades and this, upgraded Titan Speakerman is gonna be crazy.
>camerawoman shows the alliance have free flight now
Let's fucking go!
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bro got cat ear headphones ain't no way
These guys, are they elites or just upgraded cameramen? I ask this because, aside from Plunger, there were other black cameramen in one of the previous episodes.
Kek, didn't even notice.
Ehh, I think it's okay to show the alliance finally getting a break. The skibidis and object heads practically tore the planet apart fighting eachother, so combined they should be pretty hard to beat. Of course we have no idea if the astro toilets seen are merely grunts or not.
>three videos hidden
wat where
huge loredrops here. some thoughts:

1. the g-squad are revealed to be former humans. HOWEVER, it has been implied before that mutants are parasites. that's the only way cameraman mutants can have human heads. possible plothole?
2. how did these camermen, including camerwoman, change their drip so quickly? and why are they so natural around the g-squad? was there a time skip, or did they come from the future?
3. why did the POV large cameraman get a flashback of camerawoman as a human? was he one of the humans in the previous flashback? did large cameramen use to be humans as well?

finally: since black cameramen are commonplace now, I think it's safe to assume that plungerman is gone forever
If it's any consolation I still don't see any of them beating a mini juggernaut without major casualties.
>it has been implied before that mutants are parasites
if you pay attention to episode 37 you can actually see that the mutant toilets have an implanted computer to control the alliance member's body.
>how did these camermen, including camerwoman, change their drip so quickly?
R&D and production has been getting concerningly fast, hope its a plot point thats followed up on.
>and why are they so natural around the g-squad?
every alliance member has access to the feed of any cameraman unit. everybody's seen how the in-field units are working with toilets.
>why did the POV large cameraman get a flashback of camerawoman as a human? was he one of the humans in the previous flashback? did large cameramen use to be humans as well?
we just dont know
>since black cameramen are commonplace now, I think it's safe to assume that plungerman is gone forever
my personal headcanon is that black cameramen are experimental units used as research data for next-gen models and soft/hardware upgrades, the video description is "cameramen 3.0 arrived to avenge their brothers" which does pretty clearly state that there's been a significant upgrade.
we are probably seeing the results of plungerman's combat data being put to use now that he's dead.
one of the new black camera units will likely outlive the others and we'll see him attain MC status for a while before he's forcibly killed off by secret agent.
Would be nice seeing the female cameramen and scientists heads are the ones designing the upgrades and etc.
>the large cameramen are just space marines now
Ah, a thread to hide.
skibidi toilet 67 part 4(skibidi nazi flag version) private and unavailable video

Titan TVman rekts Godzilla

40M subscribers special video
Thanks for the bump, fellow Skibidi Enjoyer. May your days remain unflushed.

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