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>Boo hoo I'm being oppressed
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405 KB GIF
>>Boo hoo I'm being oppressed
you literally turn my computer into a microwave weapon

lol jews turned back on the buzzer for this lolool

if you start to notice pressure in your head, by where your head meets your neck, and you get tinnitus, and you're fucking with an intel agency
Congrats, glowniggers turned your computer into a microwave weapon causing havana sydrome
you'll be able to tell because your case will be MUCH MUCH hotter, as a result, my CPU maxes out temps when it's at 50% usage.
the other 50% is dedicated to microwaving you

to reset this, just remove your ram, boot once without the ram (unsuccessfully) and then reinstall ram and boot normally
it turns off their lame Havana syndrome weapon
its INCREDIBLY disgusting you retards do this to people who rely on to pay for your bombs
I have proof of this and already sent it out to several anti-zionist news channels.

BRB have to swap my fucking ram to stop my computer from making my head buzz because the jews don't want me speaking.
Nice mental stability
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nice trying to assassinate Donald Trump
you missed
and will lose Israel for it.
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you're a loser
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3.86 MB WEBM
how am I losing?
it's easy to turn off
you had to range block me
I'm still posting

first time I've seen one of you make a webm
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censorship is the last refuge of bad ideas
you're proving you're absolutely fucked
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careful with your timezones there chief
you just commited a federal crime
and the regime protecting you is crumbling
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he's BIG MAD now, kek
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>reddit spacing
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What a 'weird' comeback
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>trump is probably kidding
oh yeah you're fine
nothing to worry about
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Trump? Looks like JD whatever his name is, you sure you don't want to reboot your PC again?
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>you sure you don't want to reboot your PC again?
DONT MAKE ME TAKE 3 MINUTES TO SWAP MY RAM OUT (you already turned it back on)
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uh oh
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We'd prefer you give up willingly
it's not essential
it's just safer
for you.
you're going to spend the rest of your life in jail.
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these are some big names to be on a show together
what's teh show called
in the SCIFF
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It's not that we are going to win
It's not that we are likely to win
we already won.
make sure you pickup your exit bag materials before the big rush in a few weeks
don't wanna be the only glownigger without a bag but left holding the back, you know what i mean?
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>we already won.
you'd know this already if you paid attention
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good don't say a word
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6 MB
only got through 3 seconds of that fag voice
>this is what cuckservatives unironically believe
If you think Trump is deporting anyone you must have room temperature IQ.
The schizo shit is a bad look

And the dumb shit about ram having anything to do with anything is pretty silly. It would hide in the bios/cmos if anything. ram loses power pretty quickly on power down and everything stored in them degrades unless you have liquid nitrogen cooling. So a ram swap is no more effective than just turning the power switch off for a few mins.

I scared a dude really bad once who was clearly in hawaii since that was the only place with his exact time difference from mine. I didn't even say Hawaii I just chanced that he would be on the "big island". Which is also called hawaii but locals would call it the big island. He was spooked enough to drop the trolling and ask how the fuck I knew that. Dumb ass 85 IQ natives.
Out of curiosity is that because he's foreign to you, or because you are from the same place and he just speaks gay? I don't hear it.
He will begin deportations 2 weeks after he is sworn in
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>boo hoo I'm being chopped up into pieces for my crimes
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sometimes the oldest solutions are the best.
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So is some Big nose small hat guy spamming this thread or whats with the random webms that have nothing to do with subject?
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nah op here I just use this thread to post webms I reference else where.
if it was a big nose they'd be subtly subversive. notice they're all on theme.
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God made the truth funny and it's so HOLY.
God is so good.
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Nick is controlled by the FBI, but he's still out here doing good work in the he's allowed to
Counter signaling Trump is unforgiveable but I still see you grinding king.
oops was gonna post >>5669951
since I already post it I'll post another certified hood classic.
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especially in that context.
There are no jews in rural texas. They aren't actually all jew haters
what that ACTUALLY is tolerance. They're being tolerant of a silly outsider.
Maybe there's a few based chads who ALSO find the content funny (becuase it is) but it's not an expression of anti-semitism
it's an expression of White Christian American Tolerance that some fucking grubby kike is trying to twist into a political point.

And that's the other thing like WHY DO JEWS even want lefty government?
Communism chiefly kills communists
multi culturalism imports people who hate them and makes them unsafe.
jews only make sense if you understand them as the synagogue of Satan and interpret their behavior as trying to invert God's order.
its the only through line of Jewish action.
They're SO incredibly self destructive.
Also pretty funny that it's part of the US President's role to prevent the yids from going too far in their little military adventures and the one time we don't have a President capable of doing that they're basically begging for Hezbollah and Iran to obliterate them.
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The only reason I'm going so hard on the jays is because you turned my PC into a microwave weapon
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i'm not gonna quote all your posts and I'm just going to assume that you've posted 90% of the webms
all your webms are corrupted and wont play when using chrome
works in FF
whatever you're using to convert/clip sucks
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why are you so mad?
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>and I'm just going to assume that you've posted 90%
why would you assume that?
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>whatever you're using to convert/clip sucks
why do you assume the issue is on my end?
what program do you imagine could cause that issue?
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would you mind taking a screencap to demonstrate?
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>i'm not gonna quote all your posts
seems like a minimal courtesy
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if you say so

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lol your cursor changes to a glove on links?
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its so funny that you wouldn't click all the videos that didn't work
but you would record and encode a video showing like 4 not working.
they all work for me, they work in every browser they work when I look on my phone,
plus you're giving off faggot energy you dumb kike.
File: auschwitz-tour.webm (3.01 MB, 480x852)
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probably the coolest thing my computer does

oh no my feelings
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807 KB
>probably the coolest thing my computer does
vid rel
>oh no my feelings
your psyop you mean
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and once you understand the use of frequency weapons by the government, you are on a very short path to 911 again.
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even in digital form there is some kind of tunnel into the astral realm. Do not even look this webm in the eyes, but if you look away from it (like at the lower right corner) you can see the demon pop out when it smiles.
I don't like posting this but it's relevant.
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Michael Jackson, the Based Noticer..
It's why they intentionally destroyed him, with any and everything that they had at their disposal to do it
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3.82 MB WEBM
such massive facts.
GREAT clip fren saved.
same fucking jews too, Rabbi Smuley
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Tate named them
and was almost immediately re-arrested.
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Look at Tristan's face he knows immediately how much danger they're in.
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there is nothing they fear like populism.
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Kimdotcom describes the endgame.
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3.8 MB
Tate weighs in, describes the power that be as no longer caring that we know about their machinations.
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Hmm... that seems a little odd. It sounds so different than what my social studies teacher mr. goldstein taught me in 6th grade....
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Zundel trial part 2, about the holohoax getting debunked in court.
The author admits that the erotic fanfic cartoonishly evil shit in his book, never actually happened. Saying that nowhere in his book did he state that it's a non-fiction history book, but rather he has a literary license to make it entertaining to entice readers to buy his book
> ie. He's saying that every holohoax book written by jews, should never be taken seriously. That anyone who does think it's real, should go take their meds in the looney bin, and buy the brooklyn bridge that I have to sell them for $100
Not a .gif, but worth reading in its entirety. Written by Stephen Steinlight on October 1, 2001.

This airhead dyke is who I've been seeing referenced on here for the directed energy weapon 9/11 conspiracy? This bitch is where these faggots are getting their information?
"Look, things got stuck together during a catastrophic storm, there's something fishier going on here, like the government is using space born high frequency pulse generators to send particle rays around places on Earth sometimes...No, it wasn't the building swaying, flexing millions of tons of weight in irregular patterns and directions...yes, the coating was blown off the girders, making the oven-like conditions that much more effective in weakening the superstructure but..." gimme a fucking break with your guy's bullshit.
Yeah that's Judy Woods, a last-ditch disinfo psyop to explain why the buildings largely turned to dust
>The primary demolition was a thermonuclear device in the sub-basement of each building
>active 9/11 thread here if you care to dive in: >>5666383
But she has a lot of good pictures, I'll give her that
And yeah the primary culprit was Israeli Mossad, to draw the US into wars with their enemies and eventually (like, soon) lead to the destruction of the US when the world's nations turn against it
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3.9 MB
>Yeah that's Judy Woods,
>a last-ditch disinfo psyop
she's been around since like 2004.
you won't deal with any of his claims or evidence because she's right.
>to explain why the buildings largely turned to dust
nukes aren't real, there's no evidence for nukes.
you're a faggot.
>This airhead dyke
she's a professor of structural engineering and married.
>No, it wasn't the building swaying, flexing millions of tons of weight in irregular patterns and directions...yes, the coating was blown off the girders, making the oven-like conditions that much more effective in weakening the superstructure but..." gimme a fucking break with your guy's bullshit.
where'd the buildings go?
see >>>5674518
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She's an American hero, and in time we will build statues for her.
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it was actually even more impressive
we used chemtrails, position of the sun AND stars to triangulate it
someone should send joe the summary on how /pol/ located an ISIS training facility, informed syria and had them bomb it
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756 KB
>someone should send joe the summary on how /pol/ located an ISIS training facility, informed syria and had them bomb it
It's so funny that someone from the Syrian military was lurking.
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3.2 MB
Fake and gay. Look into any of the famous 4chan stories and you'll find that most of them end with "it was actually nowhere near as complex as that and it just petered out."
I remember asking an english teacher that question and he immediately started sweating bullets, as if he had an opinion he had to keep under wraps.
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I love that dichotomy so much
how they larp as whites but don't actually believe they're white, but will happily pretend to be white if it serves their subversion.
It's also really funny that they're actually larping as jews, since they're Khazar steppe herding magicians who converted at the point of a scimitar in the 10th century. Imagine being so evil you CHOOSE to LARP as the people who killed Christ.
>BE DEMORALIZED 4 chan never did anything
enjoy the show champ
>I remember asking an english teacher that question and he immediately started sweating bullets, as if he had an opinion he had to keep under wraps.
its very important to conceal your power level.
What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?

Is he redpilled?
Who is this dude? I've seen this video a bunch of times but I don't know who he is.
he's the meat man
he's a Swiss banker who was an an atheist who thought his clients being satanic was just silly nonsense until they invited him to a child sacrifice.
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and it turned out to do the really big, multi-billion dollar deals, they need blackmail material on you to make sure you don't fuck them -- that is, they need video of you murdering a child

It is interesting to consider how modern technology (deepfakes, AI, digital editing) can and will change this dynamic
>It is interesting to consider how modern technology (deepfakes, AI, digital editing) can and will change this dynamic
File: jewry_intensifies.webm (5.73 MB, 404x720)
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>and it turned out to do the really big, multi-billion dollar deals, they need blackmail material on you to make sure you don't fuck them

>“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon"
>Matthew 6:24

There's a level of wealth you cannot get to without selling your soul.
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kek saved
Ronald Bernard and he isn't Swiss like some other guy mentioned but Dutch.
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Apparently if you're jewish, this rabbi states that jews believe that raping babies and toddlers below 3yo doesn't count as rape. It doesn't wven count as sex "It is nothing!"

It souns like he's talking about ketubot from the talmud, but puts his own spin on it that's way more evil
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yeah they're insane about rape.
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>Nick is controlled by the FBI
>but he's still out here doing good work
yeah getting more idiots jailed for j6 than anybody else LMAO well done
>everytime a jew does soemthing it's "all jews"
>people are surprised the holocausted minority group tends to be disproportionately pro institution because institutions can theoretically protect them so they disproportionately end up in leadership at institutions and some of them push agenda's and policies people don't like with institutional power backing them and somehow this ends up being a conspiracy against all jews
>yeah getting more idiots jailed for j6 than anybody else LMAO well done
how would he possibly get someone arrested for J6?
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>>everytime a jew does soemthing it's "all jews"
The problem is that basically all jews protect and defend the bad ones.
For example, you think you're a 'good jew' but here are you defending the bad ones.
>people are surprised the holocausted minority group tends to be disproportionately pro institution
I've never heard anyone complain that Jews are 'pro institution'.

>so they disproportionately end up in leadership at institutions and some of them push agenda's and policies people don't like with institutional power backing them and somehow this ends up being a conspiracy against all jews
You kinda lost the plot in this sentence, the claim is not its conspiracy AGAINST jews, it's a conspiracy by Jews.
But you're right that jews and their insane persecution complex leads them to support subversive policies that they think help them, but in fact creates the acrimony against them that drives 'anti-Semitism'.
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Vidrel that goes along with linked picrel NYT Oprah Jewish Satanists article

Read this NYT article >>>/pol/483176503 about jewish NGO's claiming that Oprah was antisemitic. Since she allowed a jewish woman on the show, whose jewish family were satanists. She got raped a lot as a kid, and they made her kill a baby at her first satanic ritual. Jewish NGO's said she was an unreliable witness, and yet the chicago PD found 13 bodies initially, and then confirmed 16 dead bodies later due to those jewish satanists.

There's a lot more discussed in the vidrel, like how she says that there's tons of jewish families that do that. That most of them appear just as respectable as her family to the people around them. Like how her mom was the head of HR for the town that she lived in around Chicago. Or how the jewish satanists would take turns growing babies, giving birth, hiding the pregnancies from anybody, and then they would sacrifice these babies at the Satanic Rituals
Imagine jow great it would be if normies had the ability to tell the difference between whites and jews.
>The problem is that basically all jews protect and defend the bad ones.
>For example, you think you're a 'good jew' but here are you defending the bad ones.
or I just have people in my family who are jewish and friends who are jewish and I know they are good people and you are tarnishing them by association because you have a mental illness.
That's what operation blue the jew was for in the past. It woke up a lot of normies to see just how many in Hollywood, the news, etc., were blued meaning jewish. There's tons of rhe pics in 4plebs and even via google and others. It was big on twitter a few years ago
>I just have people in my family who are jewish and friends who are jewish and I know they are good people

>you are tarnishing them by association because you have a mental illness
Never your fault right? Every other person has pay for their groups' sins or call out crimes committed by their group but if you ask a jew to do the same it's antisemitism.
>noooo don't try and take one minute to perform a simple action that measurably could lower your pc temperature and resolve your chronic headaches
i mean i don't suffer from chronic headaches and i also doubt that this stuff is real, but why argue against some schizo shit that provides a potentially quick and easy solution to a real problem while actually making falsifiable claims with that? imagine that one guy with chronic headaches going "yeah, my computer has been running hot and i do have these chronic headaches, but i better not try that suggestion even though it migh be no effort at all because it's just too ridiculous"
Satan checked
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If they cover for the evil deeds of fellow Jews they are not good people.
But sure, there are plenty of good Jews.
None of them are zionists though.
see vidrel here >>5674299
>i mean i don't suffer from chronic headaches
neither do I Moshe.
Imagine getting btfo'd by foil
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>But i better not try that suggestion
why would I clear my cmos? If I clear it, I can't document it.
First the pager thing and now this!?
Against an American just talking shit on the internet?
Holy shit you could do this to anyone with a computer.
That's a whole new level of barbarism.
fuck the standing wave is REALLY apparent.
I was 100% correct about it being a microwave.
I told you I'd reacquaint you with White Excellence.
anybody who tries to break things into "zionist" and "not zionist" is a fucking retard and I immediately know they don't know what they're talking about when they do so."zionist" means like 100 different things depending on what you're talking about and what point in history you're referring to and who you're talking to.
>Never your fault right? Every other person has pay for their groups' sins or call out crimes committed by their group but if you ask a jew to do the same it's antisemitism.
again you look like a retard. the only person crying about entire groups of people here is YOU. I refer to YOU because YOU are an individual and YOU can control what YOU do.
>Never your fault right? Every other person has pay for their groups' sins or call out crimes committed by their group but if you ask a jew to do the same it's antisemitism.
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>anybody who tries to break things into "zionist" and "not zionist" is a fucking retard
anyone who says that 'breaking things into zionist or anti-zionist is a fucking retard' is a fucking retard and I immediately know they don't know what they're talking about when they do so.
>."zionist" means like 100 different things depending on what you're talking about and what point in history you're referring to and who you're talking to.
not really it just means people who support the existence of the state of Israel.
I used to agree with you. Both in the underlying sentiment and also in my rejection of 'Zionism' as a topic of dispute.
I went through my political science and lawschool arguing with fellow leftists about it; my point was always that it exists, that settles the question. It's a moot point.
But people like you have helped me change my mind.
Sinner & Saint is based af.

Here's Bibi taking credit for the Abraham Accords, that he frequently tried to back out of and specifically violated by expanding into Gaza.
>not really it just means people who support the existence of the state of Israel
see you're already wrong
in modern context it could mean:
1. supporting defending the state of israel starting only after it's inception but not agreeing with the original creation of israel
2. supporting the creation of israel and then defending or even expanding israel afterwards
3. supporting simply the right to self determination of the jewish people, not limited to or specifically having to do with israel
4. believing present day jews have a specific moral right to colonize what was historically israel/jewish land.
and anything in between and also much more. I just listed off some obvious ones for present day
those are all the same thing.
>counter signaling trump bad
is that what you just said? are you a nigger?
trump is israels greatest ally, it's miga for trump, then maybe maga, if the goyim behave.
she's right tho, now it makes sense why she was painted as a "russian asset"
jews hate the truth.
had michael found christ, he wouldn't have won.
my brother met him once, yet failed to impart the gospel onto michael.
Is you shift button stuck?
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>trump is israels greatest ally,
so why are they trying to kill him?
>it's miga for trump, then maybe maga, if the goyim behave.
so why are all jewish shills endless seething about Trump?
If he's so good for you, why are you countersignaling him?
I know why.
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the whole Russiagate 2.0 op is just about stopping right-wing anti-zionism
which is why im gonna be even more anti zionism.
see >>5676508
trump supporters
>so why are they trying to kill him?
>if i get killed, start ww3 with iran
gee i wonder why? surely there's no backroom deals made with the jews to have his family taken care of after his death.
he's already on his way out (he's not in his teens) so going out with a big bang would be more glorious than dying of old age in some bed in corner.
trump is a shabbos goy, hes made a deal with the devil through his masonic connections.

anyone with more than a single braincell can figure this out.
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>trump supporters
>if i get killed, start ww3 with iran
So what you're saying is, Israel is trying to kill Trump in part to spur ww3?
I agree.
And Trump is couching his own knowledge of that fact in the Iran rhetoric to avoid the conflict with his donors that would cause.
>gee i wonder why? surely there's no backroom deals made with the jews to have his family taken care of after his death.
yeah why would they need a 'deal' to be taken care of? He's a billionaire, Ivanka is married to another billionaire.
Nonsensical reasoning. And then assuming that's true, why would Trump go along with it?
If you're acknowledging that Israel is happy to kill Trump in an attempt to draw the US into ww3, why would you also think that the's somehow good for Israel. He's only good for them dead.
>he's already on his way out (he's not in his teens) so going out with a big bang would be more glorious than dying of old age in some bed in corner.
You think Trump would allow himself to die for Israel?
that's delusional.
>trump is a shabbos goy,
they wouldn't be trying to kill him if that were the case, they'd just use him to command our military to attack Iran.
> hes made a deal with the devil through his masonic connections.
strange way to make a deal with the devil.
>anyone with more than a single braincell can figure this out.
none of this makes sense lol
high IQ my ass.
trump is a mason, and masons serve the jews
he's working with the jews and getting the benifits of establishing his bloodline through them.

you are cattle, so you obviously know nothing but worshiping the current golden calf/bull/trump
>hes just like me, frfr
you, probably
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>trump is a mason, and masons serve the jews
then there's no reason to kill him right?
>he's working with the jews and getting the benifits of establishing his bloodline through them.
he's already a billionaire, there's no 'benefit' to having a jewish bloodline.
>you are cattle,
kinda a dead giveaway lol
>so you obviously know nothing but worshiping the current golden calf/bull/trump
that was literally jews if you remember, moments after being delivered from slavery.
Important lesson that, about the inherent ingratitude of jews.
>>hes just like me, frfr
>you, probably
Representation is a leftist value, derived from the knowledge that you are weak and inferior and deserve the ridicule and ignominy that accompanies your life.
Right wingers like people who are better than us.
>then there's no reason to kill him right?
>if i get killed, start ww3 with iran
i know that it's difficult for you to understand the term "self sacrifice" because you're a coward, but trump has consented to being the sacrifice that kicks off ww3.
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>i know that it's difficult for you to understand the term "self sacrifice" because you're a coward, but trump has consented to being the sacrifice that kicks off ww3.
Trump will be fine. I'm not so sure about your country.

When they really want to kill someone, they don't miss
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They didn't miss.
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"The Other Israel"
this is where those Talmud webms are from
this whole thing is a barn burner from tip to tail.
Posting nearly all of it in webm form
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incidentally I can't figure out the right filter in webmgenerator to get rid of the VCR hum.
I think a high and lowpass would work, but I can't only use low-pass for some reason.
Anyone know how to get rid of it? Would reencode it for better audio
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>The Other Israel
Good call! It's all over bitchute, though some channels are blocked. Here's one that works as of today
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>I suffered a holocaust
HAHAHAH, okay, posting because that one got me
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>>BE DEMORALIZED 4 chan never did anything
It never occurs to them that we've been here longer than summer and that some of us took part in these actions lmao, just constant astroturf. Big kek at the trump trannies trying to derail or distance trump from israel as well

>there's more
There's always more, isn't there
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>you can't lump people into groups!
The jew doth seethe too much, methinks. Aren't you one of the good goblins? When we say 'the jew', we don't mean all jews, we mean the group of individuals that call themselves jew and act in concert. Why are you standing up for them? Also I lied about that 'not all jews' thing I'm actually an anti-semite
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>Big kek at the trump trannies trying to derail or distance trump from israel as well
its pretty funny you intuitively know how disgusting you are.
the oven math is absolutely crushing
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vid rel 11

lol you can't quote 10 posts now.
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The abrahamic covenant was that abrahams offspring will be made into many great nations for his faith with God. Those who are circumcised are said to be a member of these people
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do you think murdering God was an implicit violation of the covenant?
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Somebody doesn't know enough about antennas or computers. Apply some new thermal paste so your CPU stops throttling. Maybe take a rest in some hot water.
He at least said one correct thing. Kamala has a wide open southern border.
>Somebody doesn't know enough about antennas or computers. Apply some new thermal paste so your CPU stops throttling. Maybe take a rest in some hot water.
I know more than you about computers.
>He at least said one correct thing. Kamala has a wide open southern border.
less than 6 months
tick tock
151 image limit is ghey
Someone needs to start a new thread. We can fill up a new one every week, and keep the old ones up as archives
anyone have the parody music video webm of the child pop singer singing for help, and tim heidecker is the producer trying to kidnap him into a box for trying to reach out through the song, and has a short bit in it himself? can't find this anywhere. and is relevant to this thread.
>how would he possibly get someone arrested for J6?
well, for starters he was there, and second he was there encouraging people to go into the building.
He literally herded his idiot followers into the j6 trap.
>well, for starters he was there
that doesn't in any way forward your claim that he could get someone arrested for j6
>and second he was there encouraging people to go into the building.
so when you said he could get people arrested you meant by convincing them to participate on the day?
>He literally herded his idiot followers into the j6 trap.
you're literally the glowniggers who sprung the trap. And we're coming for you.
Trevor Moore you zoomer fuck.
idk why anons here are so cucked and faggy, but this is a great and based thread, thank you.
I could never hate all Jews, and we who study and are interested in this -- despite assholes, fags, cucks, retards, shills, glowwies, Jews lol, and whatever else can describe the others who replied to OP -- I'm pretty sure we feel similarly. If you're open-minded enough to study it in the first place, you're hopefully also open-minded enough to realize Jews are being manipulated as much as we are by their leadership and our own.
>hopefully also open-minded enough to realize Jews are being manipulated as much as we are by their leadership and our own.
I thought that before the war.
then they rioted in favor of the right to rape Palestinian prisoners without punishment. And 65%+ of the population supported the rapists.
The only good people in Israel are Palestinians.
I hate the Christians and their lies so much, it's unreal
brown moment
Christians worship a tribe of brown people and they spread lies about Germans, as that video demonstrates
germany allied with browns to kill white people
checked and holy digits
God is SO FUCKING HILARIOUS its unreal.
>brown noises
What is this documentary called and where can I find it?
if Jew-worshiping Christians hadn't declared war on Germany in order to defend Jewish domination of Europe, the Germans wouldn't have had to kill so many white people.
Based CumTown

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