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Anything related to Trump or Kamala or the election in general is welcome
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2 MB
use pol thread
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Jannies suck the turds from my bowels
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>look at the heeninemging!
the guy who made this is a self-proclaimed socialist and was trying to make fun of trump. he got butthurt when RW influencers amplified it
Nobody cares
Just saying it's funny how it backfired. Trump has meme magic
how is the government ever going to be for the people when you have
corporate lobbying and
shareholders being held above the workers/people who buys their shit?
I love Donald Trump UwU
Fuck you jannies, I'm never posting here again. I'll go to Twitter if I want censorship
I don't like Trump but that is so fucking badass.
Trump is losing
the election is in less than 2 months and he's losing
We're gonna have a black leftist girlboss as president
These memes dont matter. Nobody sees them except other right wingers. Everyone else is laughing at trump for being schizo
He is going to lose in a landslide

It's literally over
no one asked bro just watch the funny videos or leave
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Made me smile
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>It'll happen again.
>when you need to jump around 600 times a second to make your glowie walking tour appear threatening

Summer of love
yall better hide yo dogs, hide yo cats, and hide yo goldfish cus they eatin everythin out here
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Oh God he is so cooked oh my god
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Let's be real. He's not this guy anymore.
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First part is obvious but second part sounds made up
Obama reads his book where he casually admits to eating dogs and snakes. Nothing to see here.
Chance Gardner as Kamala Harris,

> After the death of his employer forces him out of the only home he's ever known, a simpleminded, sheltered gardener becomes an unlikely trusted advisor to a powerful tycoon and an insider in Washington politics.
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now list all of the countries who have never been even threatened by the talibans.
pretty great he could give that to the americans for 18 whole months though!
can I get a sauce on this?
idk lets vote in Scrooge McDuck.
Clearly we should just elect the money outright.
>no funny epic memes like 2016
Its really over
He is, but is forced to self censor way more due to butthurt liberals who take every single word out of context
Ah yes the notoriously considerate and tactful Donald J Trump. He's always so careful with his words, definitely not the type to just say whatever is on his mind. He's so rigorous with his self censorship, he is almost never the victim of his own folly.
Is that from Big Bang Theory?
Total midwit posts
no, go outside
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Your hero everyone
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Who gives a fuck about other countries? What are we, the World Police? Protect yourselves, faggots. It's not our job. Maybe if you weren't weak bitches, the ragtag terrorist group wouldn't have you shaking in your boots.
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fucking brilliant
he's not the hero we need. he's the hero we deserve.
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>Trump is losing
There hasn't been a legit election since maybe the first George Bush. The system is inherently not even democratic and it does not matter who wins a election. We lose no matter what.
I love this
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real video
What's the song playing? Struggling to find it.
Bit if a stretch calling that a "song"
Yea it's edited, but clearly there's a song there and I'm interested in it.
lil yachty - coffin

original concert: https://youtu.be/YKOmmk3g8Lw
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jfc i never heard this. no wonder he and more importantly his followers are hated and villified so.
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He did his job. It's now up to the people he inspired to do theirs.
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Absolute gold
This actually shows that he's much more intelligent than he presents himself.
I can't believe America supported this shit. I can't believe they still do. What a fucking asshole.

What a faggot you are. That's the least masculine shit ever. Trump doesn't want support from weeb pansies. You're a confused Democrat. They're the party of pink little faggots who watch cartoons from china.
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I'm a registered democrat and I see them. They're pathetic. You're pathetic. The country isn't more than half filled with backwards racist ignoramuses. Almost half, but not quite enough. 'Close, but no cigar' as my dad would say. You're gonna be upset and confused when he doesn't win. You're going to have to get over that. Whether it's acceptance or resentment over a 'stolen, rigged election', you will have no choice but to move on.
Trump is a retarded scumbag and this doesn't make sense but I always play it about 5 times because it's a well-built clip that works with the music.
Needed more of that stupid traitorous cunt getting shot in the heart.

So you're retarded or some Russian pays you some coin to spread lies. It wasn't peaceful and you know it. Those fags are still in prison for their failed revolt.
Wow, what a devastating clip for that guy who served two terms and left the seat eight years ago. I hope this doesn't gain wide exposure, it might help Trump!

Is this what inspired all those faggots on /pol/ to mix their misplaced love of Trump with queer pink kitty cats and little girls from Asia?
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GASP!! Oh no!! We need to stop this!!!!
interesting to see the process of him going through his speech and changing up elements of it now that he is saying it out loud.
I find it more interesting watching Kamala Harris change her accent on a day to day basis depending on which race her audience is
he said in a presidential interview that migrants are stealing pets and eating them. I don't think he's self-censoring, he's just fuckin 87 and his brain is bad
lol, I'm glad someone mentioned how fucktarded that comment was. I can't believe the intelligence level of the people here who are pushing Trump. They basically just say the opposite of reality. And they're not even good at that.
I can't even tell if this was made by a pro-Trump person or an anti-Trump person. He just looks like a fucking idiot as do his supporters no matter who is showing them. He looks greasy and angry and foolish. Yeah, you're NOT supposed to be there. You're an old swindler who should make terrible real estate deals and game shows, not lead the fucking free world. How could they miss that big retard head of his??
Nice to see a Hasan meme on 4chan. Genuinely like the guy for the most part, he can be perfomatively woke at times, but I think overall his hearts in the right place and he's a force for good. Especially post Oct. 7, he never backed down despite the massive amount of pushback he got
hahahaha! What a fucking dingus. I can't believe anyone ever took him seriously the way he just won't shut up about every little thing. He's so vain. He probably thinks this post is about him. Doesn't he? Doesn't he?
This should have been his Howard Dean moment. Why is Trump still on the world's stage?
Who is this supposed to appeal to? Blacks? Teens? Not GOP voters. They hate that shit.
You have baboon taste then.
He didn't inspire enough people thankfully. And every time he opens his mouth he loses, not gains supporters. He's not making a comeback after already losing the job four years ago.
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why are you so mad?
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People of Springfield literally said that
I still can't believe I witnessed this. Dude was his own demise.
Dude's a true New York gangster.
Kikes love doing that. They've been doing this for thousands and thousands of years trying to say their enemies of their enemies are doing xyz when they really are. It's why every major civilization on Earth tried to exterminate them or exile them. You don't need to even travel the world to see shitskins eating cats and dogs, just hop on youtube.

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