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File: familiar.webm (5 MB, 960x540)
5 MB
85 >>5667922

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
File: i quit.webm (5.3 MB, 800x450)
5.3 MB
File: based retard.webm (5.78 MB, 800x450)
5.78 MB
5.78 MB WEBM
File: huh.webm (2.86 MB, 960x540)
2.86 MB
2.86 MB WEBM
Can someone please make a webm of the explosion + song in the episode 16 of Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction?
look here
they're barely moving for a scene with various emotions being told
Tired remaking it, this scene is a bitch to get under 6MB
i've read vns that had more movement than this
File: Eye of the Deer.webm (5.94 MB, 1280x720)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
File: Nokotan no make.webm (5.92 MB, 1280x720)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM
File: Oshi no Ko 22a.webm (5.61 MB, 1280x720)
5.61 MB
5.61 MB WEBM
File: Oshi no Ko 22b.webm (5.86 MB, 1280x720)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
Ah, so he's Z-ONE from YuGiOh 5Ds
File: Do it.webm (4.05 MB, 1920x1080)
4.05 MB
4.05 MB WEBM
File: Giji Harem 12a.webm (5.92 MB, 1920x1080)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM
File: Giji Harem 12b.webm (5.84 MB, 1280x720)
5.84 MB
5.84 MB WEBM
File: Giji Harem 12c.webm (5.76 MB, 1920x1080)
5.76 MB
5.76 MB WEBM
>the freedom to love is a basic human right
No it isn't. It always required someone else's consent to even so much as put up with your bullshit for you to even be permitted the feelings without getting your shit kicked in. Things you require permission from anyone for aren't basic rights.
File: Chiikawa - 204.webm (5.89 MB, 1280x720)
5.89 MB
5.89 MB WEBM
This is the best.
File: ranma_audio.webm (4.13 MB, 640x480)
4.13 MB
4.13 MB WEBM
File: GXpd2DNa0AAr30W.webm (5.97 MB, 720x1280)
5.97 MB
5.97 MB WEBM
File: ranma2_audio.webm (4.17 MB, 640x480)
4.17 MB
4.17 MB WEBM
Homos really are mentally ill perverts
Has anyone got the webm of
Where they have a training montage
And the song is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mAuj5uovtQ
really cute efforts
What happened after?
File: im.webm (2.85 MB, 720x404)
2.85 MB
2.85 MB WEBM
File: 2.webm (1.19 MB, 1280x720)
1.19 MB
1.19 MB WEBM
These are the best Chiikawa subs I've seen. Do you post these anywhere else?
File: ranma_ep52_audio.webm (3.23 MB, 640x480)
3.23 MB
3.23 MB WEBM
true. it's an episode where ranma hits his head and thinks he's a real woman, so the episode plays on those tropes before he goes back to normal.
the old series is full of those kind of jabs. surely they will neuter the reboot. it was a mistake reintroducing ranma to a new generation.
Just here.
File: 2.5-jigen no Ririsa 12a.webm (5.56 MB, 1920x1080)
5.56 MB
5.56 MB WEBM
File: 2.5-jigen no Ririsa 12b.webm (5.31 MB, 1920x1080)
5.31 MB
5.31 MB WEBM
File: ranma_ep53_audio.webm (4.47 MB, 480x360)
4.47 MB
4.47 MB WEBM
File: Symphogear G Montage.webm (3.82 MB, 400x224)
3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
I'm not going to be surprised if they outright state that he thinks (or "has finally come to accept") he's gender fluid and demands the use of gender neutral pronouns. Which is not a thing human beings come in even though the show as it was probably made a nonzero amount of confused impressionable youth think they might be that back when being fucking insane started to catch on as a way to increase your social value ten years ago.
And if they don't do that they'll have him try to spend as much time as a girl as possible until he starts insisting he's one for real and getting really emotional about it.
And if that's what they do you can bet there's not going to be a single character who isn't okay with it who isn't a total jerk 100% of the time, and every character who's always nice is going to be okay with it. At least, that's what'll happen when crunchyroll starts subtitling it.
File: animatrix skate.webm (5.78 MB, 1912x802)
5.78 MB
5.78 MB WEBM
File: Nichijou 6.webm (5.7 MB, 1920x1080)
5.7 MB
File: 1710358428722710.webm (5.64 MB, 1920x1080)
5.64 MB
5.64 MB WEBM
File: Ep10.webm (5.06 MB, 600x338)
5.06 MB
5.06 MB WEBM
without the YouTube sub
Do they sex?
I cried.
Do you have part where she ambushes and teleport them?
Not him, but here you go
Best scene, especially last part
bad subs
reeks of something between Ghost in the Shell and Alita Battle Angel
File: 2.5-jigen no Ririsa 12.webm (5.59 MB, 1280x720)
5.59 MB
5.59 MB WEBM
it's time to stop
Sorry, couldn't find any other alternatives to Catbox at the time for another board.
Sylphie said early on that she'd be fine if Rudy took had another woman. It was hinted at in season 1, like most things in Mushoku Tensei. Although I also slightly prefer RE:Zero, Mushoku Tensei is still great.
Man, Suburu acting like a white knight cuck and being beat half to death by a literal white knight was hilarious. Almost as great as Rudy's erectile dysfunction.
File: Wired.webm (5.15 MB, 853x480)
5.15 MB
5.15 MB WEBM
Song: Meditative Look by Summer of Haze (genre: witch house)
HQ version here: https://files.catbox.moe/tf7jld.mp4
Are you trying to make it sound like it's bad? Because that description is kind of doing the opposite.
That looks like a gif you found off Google images that you turned into a webm.
If you want to truly impress go on nyaa.si and use 1080p bluray footage of Lain.
Beyond that, use Handbrake instead of webm creator, you'll have greater control over file sizes (try Opus 192 for your audio quality, NL Means Denoiser under filters + https://files.catbox.moe/8pzd1o.png ). The only Lain webms I created are without audio and <4mb for other boards, but nonetheless you should use a different source.
I feel strong about this because every Youtube video of Lain looks ripped from some third-world 240p anime website, and Lain deserves better.
Also, this isn't the AMV thread.
7.1 Surround Sound is supported by webms, yet I never see (hear) it. Sad, very sad.
File: gintama 177.webm (3.88 MB, 800x600)
3.88 MB
3.88 MB WEBM
you need to get rid of that black letterboxing by cropping your video (side note: Lain is 1520x1080, as opposed to the usual 4:3)
either way the resolution is too big, 480p is ideal
also, your webm has a bunch of random frame skipping for no reason. what a terrible encode.
and if you tRuLy wAnT tO iMpReSs, then download the remux on nyaa as a source instead of some mini-encode. also use ffmpeg instead of handbrake.
File: pie.webm (1.6 MB, 1920x1080)
1.6 MB
File: sakura.webm (5.85 MB, 1420x1076)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
how do you fuck up a 13 second webm with barely any movement this bad
Fuck twitter.
That was one of the first webms I made back in 2023-04-14 if you read the file name. Yeah, I know about cropping.
>either way the resolution is too big, 480p is ideal
What? That's silly, why use an inferior ratio when the source is in 1080p Blu-Ray? And I'm sooooo sorry for using a mini-encode instead of the remux, but that's autistic. I gave helpful hints to an anon who's clearly new to webms in general, you're being a bit spastic about it.
>Use ffmpeg over handbrake
Handbrake is simply a GUI frontend for ffmpeg, Handbrake essentially is ffmpeg and can't operate without ffmpeg dependencies. Not to mention Handbrake's NLMeans filter for better compression and quality. What benefit is there using ffmpeg over handbrake? I'm truly curious why you think that, I'd like to hear one single reason
File: wow.webm (1.41 MB, 960x540)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB WEBM
me after a night of gooning
File: Ikedaya_Incident.webm (3.74 MB, 600x400)
3.74 MB
3.74 MB WEBM
Nice. Here's more Kenshin.
File: Anji.webm (2.13 MB, 640x480)
2.13 MB
2.13 MB WEBM
The music in RK was so damn good.
ima post a few more
File: monk.webm (3.32 MB, 640x480)
3.32 MB
3.32 MB WEBM
File: you're in the way.webm (3.99 MB, 640x480)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
File: kenshin.webm (3.46 MB, 560x400)
3.46 MB
3.46 MB WEBM
>why use an inferior ratio when the source is in 1080p Blu-Ray
keep the ratio, no reason to change that. I mean lower the resolution to 854x480 for 16:9 stuff. That makes a big difference with high action 4mb webms.
>Handbrake's NLMeans filter
Have you verified if this actually creates higher quality webms via comparison tests? I just use 2-pass vp9. That low of a bitrate is going to naturally filter out most noise. If that's not enough there's probably a denoise -vf filter in ffmpeg i could use.
Yes, absolutely, the NLMeans denoiser is amazing. I've tested it myself multiple times and NLMeans creates higher quality webms at lower file sizes. For low-quality sources (Goku's Fire Brigade PSA from 1988) the original source is so noisy it's borderline unwatchable. With a denoiser it becomes smoother/sharper and of course, reduced noise. The whole point of the denoiser. Try comparison tests yourself, but it generally saves about .5mb in file size which helps with /wsg/'s abysmal 6mb limit. Anything above Medium strength starts to degrade the video quality, and the animation preset works amazing with anime.

https://files.catbox.moe/qtoutb.png This is Handbrake's official tooltip for the NLMeans Denoiser
>This can improve compression efficiency and create higher quality video at smaller file sizes.

Smaller file size AND higher quality, I always keep my preset set to light. Can you even create presets in ffmpeg? My Handbrake preset knows to always pick Jap audio and English subtitles, as well as filter settings.
Same exact webm except no denoiser.
.5mb larger file size, and it looks worse. You can really see the noise around the character outlines. Unwatchable. Whoever's posting the prior Samurai X webms would benefit greatly from NLMeans denoiser filter.
heh, looking into this a bit, ffmpeg has an nlmeans filter. This is probably what handbrake is actually using.
Yes, Handbrake is ffmpeg but with a more user friendly GUI. That's the whole point. You can't use Handbrake without downloading ffmpeg first. You cracked the code, I'm proud of you man.
the DB specials were certainly far too grainy but nothing unwatcheable imo. I would never denoise that during normal viewing, i would only consider it in order to improve webm quality, but i actually don't prefer the smeared look of the filtered webm, even though the 2 webms don't look much different to begin with.
those kenshin webms look bit starved leading to excessive macro blocking. I don't think filtering would help there. The kenshin anime was digitally assembled and had a lot of grain filtered out to begin with.
what are the parameter values you use for nlmeans?
File: [Judas] Bleach - 140.webm (2.36 MB, 1440x1080)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB WEBM
You're right, it's not noise, it's macro blocking. Luckily Handbrake has a Deblock filter to fix exactly that https://files.catbox.moe/m1t1m2.png
Light for the video you just watched, it's not perceivable but it lowers the file size a fair amount. If you're still paranoid about it use ultralight, it's truly impossible to tell it's being used on that setting yet the file size will be smaller. Anything above light starts to lose detail/quality which isn't necessary for modern-day anime. I believe NLMeans when used on older poor sources like my video here >>5687578 looks more like what the artists back in 1988 would have seen at the time, freshly hand-drawn and watercolour-like.

Notice the smooth gradient of the blue ice background at the end of this video, no noise at all. I think NLMeans set to Light always looks great.
File: SpiceAndWolfending.webm (5.92 MB, 960x540)
5.92 MB
5.92 MB WEBM
I never would've expected that 12 years later we would get an even better season finale than the original AND a S2 (technically S3) announcement. Merchantbros we are so fucking back
Here are my settings https://files.catbox.moe/ghcpsp.jpg
I keep the CQ highish (28-30) but I crank the NLMeans Denoiser to Light which counteracts the high CQ and that (to me) is the best compromise between quality/file size. Webm related. Also make sure to use 10-bit VP9 which is better than regular VP9. Opus 192 for audio, Opus is strictly better than Vorbis.

This entire post is my opinion btw, >>5687624 I'm no expert but I think my webms look great. If I'm wrong about anything I'd like to know.
I use multi-pass encoding and slowest preset.
Thanks anon, I'm gonna experiment with NLMeans, which I never considered before.
her tail is going to get caught in the wheel axle one of these days
File: Chiikawa - 205.webm (5.91 MB, 1280x720)
5.91 MB
5.91 MB WEBM
The new normal
>Handbrake has a Deblock filter
that's not how that works. there's a limit to how much you can filter your way out of a bitstarved stream. the deblock filter implies you have a macroblocked source and you want to make a new webm with the blocks filtered out. but as long as the output is still bitstarved, you're going to run into the same problem again.
File: ranma_ep53_10bit.webm (5.88 MB, 480x360)
5.88 MB
5.88 MB WEBM
thanks for your settings.
what are you adjusting to reach the target file size? i'm trying to encode this clip with Handbrake but it's always around 15 MB.
I do like your 10-bit suggestion though, so I added that to my typical ffmpeg commands and here's the result. I think it looks good.
nta but I adjust the fixed bitrate instead of CQ. I have a handful of presets and 840 kbps is what I have for approximately 1 minute and you can probably push it up to 1000 depending on the source.
File: ranma_ep53_crf15.webm (6 MB, 480x360)
6 MB
i was actually able to make an even better webm using ffmpeg at crf 15.
has a bit better grain retention as well. there's just something on principle I don't like about filtering out grain on older anime. it's just part of the look
A blessed exactly 6MB webm.
And yeah I agree the only reason to use a filter would be if it helps get more out of the 6MB limit, but getting rid of film grain isn't ideal.
Multiple 1080p images smashed together somehow make up that 1.53MB webm.
Webms are alien technology when my phone's photos take up 85MB
>deblock filter
>macroblocked source
I don't know what any of these words mean. I click deblock filter, a miracle happens, my video is now deblocked and crystal clear simple as that
>Multiple 1080p images smashed together
Nope, not how that works.
>admitting you don't know what it does
the source your using has no blocking to begin with, so the deblock filter isn't going to do anything besides destroy actual detail
you could use vidcoder which is a handbrake fork that has bitrate auto adjust based on target filesize
i use staxrip which has the same, but with both you will have to play with the settings because it WILL undershoot or overshoot, though with vidcoder i dont think ive ever had it overshoot
When I use 10-bit I sometimes get complaints that the webm is broken. I think some people's phone or computer can't play it.
Yeah there are various settings that apparently don't work for some people and it can even vary by browser. Seems to affect Mac the most. Partially I think it's because vp9 10 bit is newer. I mean not that new but new enough to cause compatibility issues. I've never had complaints from regular vp9/opus as done through handbrake.
Post some Nichijou to celebrate.
>words words words words words
Unlike you I don't compromise. I set every setting available to MAX for optimal webm quality.
What's the point of using 10bit VP9 if your source is in 8 bits? Doesn't that just create extra color depth where there was none to begin with? Or does the encoder also use different/better options I'm not aware of?
from what ive read it should be more efficient and give less banding even with an 8bit source and most of the encoder autists use it
but from testing with really bit starved stuff the psnr and ssim was worse so it probably isnt 100% cases, but generally it should be better

Yuru Yuri spinoff?
Series, OVA or movie?
Two short movies. 43 minutes each. Oomuro-ke: Dear Sisters and Oomuro-ke: Dear Friends
> webm isn't even 5.9997 MB
It's like you're not even trying. Wew, how embarrassing.
Exact same files are .2MB smaller, 10-bit VP9 is simply more efficient.
File: A3eef~1.webm (3.35 MB, 1920x1080)
3.35 MB
3.35 MB WEBM
Voice actors went in HARD for this scene
File: steins.webm (2.38 MB, 638x360)
2.38 MB
2.38 MB WEBM
File: shinobu hachiretsu.webm (4.13 MB, 720x406)
4.13 MB
4.13 MB WEBM
You know that unneeded filtering lowers the quality?
holy shit do you even have ears?
Steins Gate was made by White Rabbit, same studio that created RE:Zero. I think you know that, though.
Anyone got the Magnificent Kotobuki Danger Zone edit?
>It was hinted at in season 1, like most things in Mushoku Tensei
Where? And just cause it was hinted at doesn't make it less cringe.
Thank you, only found Dear Sisters
I take it Dear Friends hasn't been subbed yet?
Both have subs. You can even see them in the webms.
Damn, you're right, I couldn't find it on 9anime or aniwatch
try nyaa
I will say I hate harems in general, but I forgive Mushoku Tensei for a few reasons:
>its the only really good isekai in existence
>its well established that this isn't a world with modern morality, there is slavery, a typical honour based culture, and there is polygamy, in fact this is even established early in the show via Paul
>unlike most shows with harem elements Mushoku Tensei doesn't only revolve around Rudeus, there is a logic to why he ends up with these women
All that being said Sylphie is still the best girl bar none.
File: the robot tenma.webm (3.73 MB, 640x360)
3.73 MB
3.73 MB WEBM
what anime?
File: super ring.webm (3.67 MB, 640x360)
3.67 MB
3.67 MB WEBM
/r/ing the NGE scene where Rei throws the lance. pretty sure there are two versions of this scene and I dont know which is which or how they are different.
anon, don't ever try to rationalize real love logic with anime much less anime fans altogether
it's a waste of time
edgy as mf had zero char development in 4 seasons
File: wcWiYjUg8bI.webm (1.81 MB, 1080x1080)
1.81 MB
1.81 MB WEBM
File: Chiikawa - 206.webm (5.86 MB, 1280x720)
5.86 MB
5.86 MB WEBM
>its the only really good isekai in existence
Re:Zero is better
>its well established that this isn't a world with modern morality
How convenient for the self-insert MC. He gets to have his harem more easily that way.
>unlike most shows with harem elements Mushoku Tensei doesn't only revolve around Rudeus
One of them is a generic childhood friend and the other fell in love at first sight cause he saved that. Compare that to Re:Zero exploring each of the girls' pasts and showing how Subaru helps them move past them.
I know comparing it to Re:Zero is a bit unfair, but saying that Mushoku Tensei is "unlike most shows" is pretty erroneous. I once thought that, too, but it was when he solved his depression and grief by, unironically, having sex that I realized just how retarded and mundane it is.
I'd rate Re:Zero a very average isekai. It tries so hard to reenact some story beats and themes from Steins;Gate and fails miserably because the main character is THE "generic isekai MC". Say what you will about MT and their fan service (which Re:Zero has plenty of as well btw), at least Rudeus (and a lot of the other characters) has an actual backstory and go through character development. It might seem like the characters develop in Re:Zero, because the plot advances, but the characters are so one-dimensional and generic its not even noticeable.
>when he solved his depression and grief by, unironically, having sex that I realized just how retarded and mundane it is.
No offense but this is spoken like a true non-sex haver. Human emotion is complex and seldom makes sense according to some autistic sense of logic. I will say the whole Roxy marriage arc did feel rushed, but then overall the quality of the show does deteriorate in the second season. For me first season is a masterpiece, second season onwards is more guilty pleasure. Hoping to be positively surprised for once when the third season comes out, there's so few anime that actually improve over time (or even stay consistent).
another anime ruined by boring lore dumps
too much yap not enough fight scenes.
File: demon wants to talk.webm (5.93 MB, 960x540)
5.93 MB
5.93 MB WEBM
File: astro origin part 1.webm (3.55 MB, 640x360)
3.55 MB
3.55 MB WEBM
File: astro origin part 2.webm (3.83 MB, 640x360)
3.83 MB
3.83 MB WEBM
File: new robot tobio.webm (3.78 MB, 640x360)
3.78 MB
3.78 MB WEBM
File: the robot kami.webm (3.9 MB, 1280x720)
3.9 MB
>main character is THE "generic isekai MC"
You didn't watch it, did you? Subaru has more flaws and is more dimensional than Rudeus will ever hope to be.
I'd say you're just media illiterate at this point.
>Human emotion is complex and seldom makes sense according to some autistic sense of logic.
Yeah yeah, no reason for characters to be well-written or make sense because "love makes no sense haha". Can't use logic to infer that curing depression from a loved one's death with sex is retarded cause emotions are just retarded like that. I've heard that shit before and it's stupid every time. You have woman-brain.
>You have woman-brain.
Don't tell him that. Trannies get stronger when you say that.
Don't misgender me, bigot!
This is /wsg/
You can have sound
And file size of 6MB
>Can't use logic to infer that curing depression from a loved one's death with sex is retarded
No, you can't. Let me ask you, do you honestly think you can understand emotions purely from a written description? If that was true, watching Mushoku Tensei as a child, and watching it as an adult with some more life experience would be exactly the same thing, it wouldn't hit any different.
I don't know if you're just young or if you're genuinely autistic, but in either case you could do with living a little more and consuming some more serious non-anime media to give yourself a bit more perspective.
i stopped watching anime ever since i started losing my hair because i can't self-insert anymore.
One Punch Man is for you.
Nah I still wanted them usable on /a/
File: robot future.webm (3.93 MB, 1280x720)
3.93 MB
3.93 MB WEBM
File: evolving robot.webm (3.92 MB, 640x360)
3.92 MB
3.92 MB WEBM
File: tenma never.webm (3.9 MB, 640x360)
3.9 MB
File: lost.webm (3.91 MB, 640x360)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: final ring.webm (3.9 MB, 640x360)
3.9 MB
Or DBZ. Lots of bald characters there.
File: Asian girl vomits.gif (876 KB, 416x410)
876 KB
876 KB GIF
>surely they will neuter the reboot

Why even bother?
File: sloth.webm (5.87 MB, 480x270)
5.87 MB
5.87 MB WEBM
File: literally who.webm (5.82 MB, 640x360)
5.82 MB
5.82 MB WEBM
he's just a goofy comic relief man, not cool like the ones with hair. a downgrade from being like a harem protagonist.
dbz, the anime about guys who have power ups tied to their hair. once you lose hair, you can't go super saiyan anymore. you lose super powers.
a normal guy can delude himself into identifying with a cool character with hair. but an otherwise normal baldie cannot with bald characters because there's no denying that he's pathetic because of it. you would have to be a top percentile in genetics minus the balding part to identify with cool bald characters, who are cool in spite of being bald. you're more likely to see yourself in the old, frail characters or jobbers like krillin.
From goonanas to endless suffering
>MT best isekai
>writes tl;dr melting over it
>the depth of the story and characters

Why does every zoomer MT watcher have to be like this?

also this >>5690658.
bro, i am so damn lonely
Yes. That whole arc was about the MC have erectile dysfunction and the elf cures it, lol.
I haven't seen it, but I'm gonna assume it's "I parry everything"
shut up nigger
she wants him
first season was good
but holy shit did it get boring
>muh onitis
>The right one doesn't have to try
Almost all isekai is rance coded, most of them try to steal it's level system and humor.
Mushoku Tensei isn't different in that it's influenced by rance, but it is different in how it is. Mushoku tensei often puts characters in extremely similar situation to rance characters, rather than trying to copy it's style.
Examples would be: Rudeus getting ed like Rance in Quest, Elinalise having a similar curse to Melfeis, Nanahoshi being in a similar situation to Miki, and Norn looking like and being as clumsy as Sachiko.
Though Orsted is one big steins:gate/re:zero reference

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