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File: delicious brown.webm (1.89 MB, 960x540)
1.89 MB
1.89 MB WEBM
88 >>5703024
87 >>5691836

WebM creator

/g/ guide to WebMs:
File: giwtwm.webm (5.23 MB, 800x450)
5.23 MB
5.23 MB WEBM
File: oldschool assassin.webm (5.41 MB, 960x540)
5.41 MB
5.41 MB WEBM
File: dumb leader.webm (3.27 MB, 960x540)
3.27 MB
3.27 MB WEBM
File: oshiri.webm (459 KB, 960x540)
459 KB
File: sleep together.webm (3.18 MB, 960x540)
3.18 MB
3.18 MB WEBM
File: ow.webm (503 KB, 960x540)
503 KB
File: fuck gamblers.webm (5.85 MB, 480x270)
5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
What is so appealing about shows that infantilize even high schoolers? Like these romance plots that drag on forever and after 3 seasons of back and forth and drama lead up to the characters holding hands or some shit. I know it might be laughable to bring up realism in anime, but if you're writing a relatable human story, it ought to have relatable, human characters. Human teenagers are hormonal and horny. In that regard 3D Kanojo was pretty good.
File: sold into slavery.webm (5.67 MB, 480x270)
5.67 MB
5.67 MB WEBM
desu i dislike the 'isekai' slop spammed in all these threads even more than the animemes in last thread that really seemed to rile the incels up

wow girls fawn over me
now i say something snarky and slayyy
lol me and my girls r so powerful any one of us can one hit KO strongest man in town
i just wanted comfy life but u just wouldn't let me, u forced me into this teehee *casually massacres 200k ppl*
girls get into jealous fight over me
i beat empire with facts and logic
File: cunt.webm (5.04 MB, 960x540)
5.04 MB
5.04 MB WEBM
File: 1481240049388.webm (2.99 MB, 640x360)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB WEBM
File: Hello Everynyan.webm (5.56 MB, 576x520)
5.56 MB
5.56 MB WEBM
File: 1504487393359.webm (2.58 MB, 256x144)
2.58 MB
2.58 MB WEBM
File: Congratz.webm (1.46 MB, 576x1246)
1.46 MB
1.46 MB WEBM
File: Virgin Ball.webm (3.66 MB, 400x224)
3.66 MB
3.66 MB WEBM
at least post new ones

tho the incel rage will be hilarious either way
File: Akacutchi.webm (2.67 MB, 576x1024)
2.67 MB
2.67 MB WEBM
File: Anime.webm (823 KB, 1280x720)
823 KB
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2.37 MB
2.37 MB WEBM
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2.97 MB
2.97 MB WEBM
File: DBZ Minor Key.webm (391 KB, 604x576)
391 KB
File: ONII-CHAN__-.webm (3.03 MB, 427x240)
3.03 MB
3.03 MB WEBM
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3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
File: ino ghost.webm (883 KB, 270x480)
883 KB
File: Kuma Shock!!.webm (1.29 MB, 640x360)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB WEBM
File: Sugoi Japan.webm (4.45 MB, 480x852)
4.45 MB
4.45 MB WEBM
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3.9 MB
File: Anime Intro.webm (3.99 MB, 533x300)
3.99 MB
3.99 MB WEBM
File: Meghan D Stallion.webm (5.32 MB, 566x356)
5.32 MB
5.32 MB WEBM
File: Pain Arc.webm (1.13 MB, 570x324)
1.13 MB
1.13 MB WEBM
Really hoped it would keep on with the revenge fantasy framing like redo of healer, was disappointed.
File: Silouette AI.webm (1.95 MB, 480x852)
1.95 MB
1.95 MB WEBM
File: 1496220266993.webm (2.27 MB, 720x402)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB WEBM
File: AoT Thread.webm (2.51 MB, 480x270)
2.51 MB
2.51 MB WEBM
File: ONE PUNCH.webm (1.12 MB, 640x352)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB WEBM
File: cringe.webm (1.69 MB, 1280x720)
1.69 MB
1.69 MB WEBM
File: Cartman Blue Birds.webm (3.91 MB, 480x270)
3.91 MB
3.91 MB WEBM
File: They're G cup idiot.webm (4.51 MB, 854x480)
4.51 MB
4.51 MB WEBM
File: girls.webm (5.34 MB, 852x480)
5.34 MB
5.34 MB WEBM
File: Popeye.webm (2.28 MB, 853x480)
2.28 MB
2.28 MB WEBM
File: Congratulations!!!!.webm (1.47 MB, 853x480)
1.47 MB
1.47 MB WEBM
File: Tekken.webm (2.81 MB, 640x360)
2.81 MB
2.81 MB WEBM
File: Frieren Legion.webm (5.3 MB, 852x480)
5.3 MB
File: DearS Op.webm (5.38 MB, 640x480)
5.38 MB
5.38 MB WEBM
yawn. here's the image hash filters (add them to ur 4chanx filter list) for the /r/animemes spam in case the redditor tries to shit up future threads

You guys jack off to this shit
thanks, here's hoping janny will do his one unpaid job
kek what anime is this
whatwhat? explain this lore.
hash function calculates from files, thumbnails in this case, into identifiers that r always the same for the same file

4chanx is a plugin with among other quality of life features some options for filtering. u can filter posts by flag, keywords, name, id, file hash
Thanks boss, I kneel.
no i mean i didn't even notice the redditor and animemes dump until you pointed it out.
few posters naively raged at someone dumping those in previous thread so he dumped same files in this one

now back to anime clips
Sounds like they had fun recording all these
You didn't notice that someone dumped 50+ webms on cooldown?
File: shangri_la_frontier1.webm (652 KB, 1920x1082)
652 KB
File: neet.webm (2.65 MB, 1280x720)
2.65 MB
2.65 MB WEBM
Laios inadvertently avoiding the siren's song will never not make me laugh
To the anons posting clips of current anime: thank you I am only coming to these threads because of you.

To the anon watching normie shit and posting normie shit: put on a trip so I can filter you.

Doing Lord's work.
anyone have the uzumaki scene where the girl's eye gets swallowed
i demand more nichijou
i won't watch your webms due to spoilers, thanks for the rec
>anon says this without an ounce of self reflection when he masturbates to 3DPD nonsense
Many thanks, trimmed a lot of shit out of these threads. Wish reports did anything.
i still don't understand how soo much time and effort can be put in such a garbage story.

you should be ashamed if you think this is even decent.
The girl reading the book is a sadistic cunt. There is no romance between her and any other character. She's just messing with her friend because she thinks it's funny.
Hang on, are we sure that this show and this one >>5706057 aren't the same?

...Actually I was joking but now I'm not even sure they are separate shows and maybe the two generic looking protagonist guys in silly coats and their freakishly strong underdressed women will run into each other at some point.
File: montage-of-frieren.webm (4.37 MB, 640x360)
4.37 MB
4.37 MB WEBM
I wanted the other guy to win. He was actually cool.
>not a single movement from the cats
for fucks sake
Call me a redditfag or tranny as much as you like, Frieren is one of the comfiest shows I've seen. Next to the intro montages of MT these Skyrim-esque travelling montages in Frieren just soothes my blackened soul.
They look nothing alike. You see a lot of that in anime.
thank you boss
Alma, a cute
I have no idea what this is but the gay guy is hilarious
Yup, the protagonist was outclassed by Igris (the Knight) yet the protag still won because:
1. Protag called the dagger back to his hand using his inventory (catching Igris off-guard)
2. Protag is wearing similar armor as Igris and explicitly states he would've died earlier if he wasn't (terraria armor rules, vanity slots)
3. The knight was fighting bare-handed majority of the fight out of knightly chivalry, protag admits he would have lost otherwise
4. His gauntlets prevent hand injuries https://files.catbox.moe/givjvi.png
5. Igris' weakpoint was his head, shown earlier when Igris lost consciousness after protag landed a kick to his head
AND later in the story you find out the Igris' abilities were restricted at this point of the story. Really not much of an asspull, catching Igris off-guard with the dagger + the protag landing a string of critical hits.
Wasn't a badly designed fight, and the animation is fantastic. Overall though Solo Leveling does suffer from uninteresting fights. It's fine to watch as long as you understand it's a power-fantasy above all else.
Oh, I know that this has all been rationalized, but that doesn't make me stop thinking the protag is lame and should be replaced by a badass honorable knight.
>404 Not Found
I set the litterbox link to expire after an hour, forgot how slow this board is. Here you go friend, here's a fresh new one just for you https://litter.catbox.moe/imldd1.png
Haha, the effort amuses me!
File: [Judas] Bleach - 152.webm (5.54 MB, 1440x1080)
5.54 MB
5.54 MB WEBM
Chainsaw Man copied this
>Call me a redditfag for liking one of the best show out here.
You are a redditfag for caring about anyones opinion, also, to my knowledge redditards hate MT because muh underage girls.
MT's first season, an Frieren is peak traditional fantasy.
Which part, the instant transmission, or the kamehameha?
and it should have stayed like that, instead of pivoting to become a generic shonen battle anime.
The crows are a small detail I didn't notice at first.
>Your webm
Great example of horrendous CGI, the 3D sticks out horribly. Chainsaw Man on the other hand is 3D done right.
It's facts.
Chainsaw Man is great, but somehow for a fight focused show the fights don't do much for me. There's more of a logic and appeal to the power system even in something like JJK.
File: bingo.webm (295 KB, 597x336)
295 KB
File: kekekeke.webm (655 KB, 597x336)
655 KB
File: やばい感じ.webm (599 KB, 597x336)
599 KB
File: mmm.webm (1.49 MB, 597x336)
1.49 MB
1.49 MB WEBM
File: e.webm (64 KB, 597x336)
64 KB
File: summerhat-fang-girl.webm (647 KB, 597x336)
647 KB
I'm back.
I had a bunch of S1 SxF webums I was too lazy to drop in past threads, so here they are.
Last one.
For now.
I'll be back.
At least post stuff from the movie
Please don't.
>I'll be back.
Looking forward to it.

I enjoyed it, but it's not as good as the actual show. Doesn't really flow very well with the vibe of the overall story, felt too fanservice-y and flanderized the characters.
File: Dan Da Dan 3a.webm (5.99 MB, 1024x576)
5.99 MB
5.99 MB WEBM
File: Dan Da Dan 3b.webm (5.89 MB, 1280x720)
5.89 MB
5.89 MB WEBM
File: trigger arm.webm (5.94 MB, 800x450)
5.94 MB
5.94 MB WEBM
File: push through.webm (5.79 MB, 800x450)
5.79 MB
5.79 MB WEBM
File: Chiikawa - 212.webm (5.71 MB, 1280x720)
5.71 MB
5.71 MB WEBM
I’m so so tired of “protagonists are part of a hero’s club and the club has ranks”
How many times can you possibly tell that story?
We have ranks/tiers/grades/categories/classes/divisions in real life too, m8
Do you also complain about ranks in sports?

>How many times can you possibly tell that story?
wut? it's not like the whole story is about ranks, just a very minor aspect of the world building.

Of all the things to complain about these fantasy/isekai shows, this seems one of the most nitpicking.
Don't pretend its because of anything other than the Japanese being so permacucked by hierarchical thinking they literally can't tell any kind of story without levels, stats or ranks.
wanna see more of the red haired girl.

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