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Warning: Incoming MINDBREAK
Post skibidi. Anything skibidi.

Latest Episode:

Previous Thread: >>5701759
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Was waiting for that new one to post some webms.
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He really should've made this into a DBZ fight with them teleporting around, still seething over the missed opportunity to have them warp around the background for a few seconds.
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>post some webms
Thanks. That's kinda what the thread needs at the moment. These long waits/episodes have shifted us more into discussion mode.
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With the full episode out... did they deserve it looking back?
>the gate... it's not closing!

This is legitimately the first time in years that I've felt any kind of dread from a piece of media. And it came from Skibidi Toilet.
No. But that's mostly because the author walked back some of the more harsher remarks.
Same... It was such a hard "Oh no..." in my mind it actually surprised me.
Ironic. They would have survived if Titan TVman didn't give a fuck about the cameramen.
>dafuq uploaded the scenic snapshots from the full episode
>'watchman of doom' on the screenshot with controlled TTVM
was wondering if that was his astro nickname or if it was the name of a higher ranked astro.
Memes aside, Skibidi Toilet is the greatest machinima of all time and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
dafuq did a Q&A with some e-celeb, here's the important bits
>speaker armada is strong and titan speakerman is coming soon
>detainer is getting his ass beat as we speak in astro headquarters for fucking up
>g-man was potentially infected by the corefucker like titan tvman
>titan cameraman is confirmed who they were searching for in 76
>astros have other enemies in space
>duke isn't the highest in the astro hierarchy
>dafuqboom refuses to die until his series is over
>detainer is getting his ass beat as we speak in astro headquarters for fucking up
lmao, wonder if it'll be one of the extra scenes in the full season.
>g-man was potentially infected by the corefucker like titan tvman
thats what i feared, if Gtoilet gets taken then there's no one to defend TCM, so he'd be taken to.
>Gibibidibigidigibigi! screams a voyce bhind me.
>(I feel ma Is go veri wide.)
>I stair @ thi bedraggled blak crow trapt in thi talinz ov ma rite foot.
>I whirl roun & fro thi ded crow @ whare I hope thi orribil red hed find is, pushin maself off thi nest @ thi same time.
>Gidibidibigidigibigi! thi skind hed shieks, & thi old ded crow explodes in2 flame & disappeers as it hits thi jaggd red hole ov thi thingz flayd nose. Thi hed's bigr than it woz b4 & its teeth luke sharp as hel. I beat ma wings, not turnin & flyin away but hoverin thare, stain @ it like its starin @ me.
>Gidibidibigidigibigi! it screams agen & then itz xpandin, rushin 2wards me like its a planit bloatin, a sun xploadin. Am not fuled; I no its stil thi size it woz reely & this is just a feynt. I glimpse thi reel thing cumin strate @ me like a punch throan thru thi xplodin imidje.
> This is ma nest. Thi hed's over thi edje ov it rite now.
>I take 1 qwik flap cloaser & reach out wif a foot & slap down on a hooj white-bleechd hunk ov timber; thi timber is most ov a tre-trunk & it leevirs up in a xploashin ov smallir branchis & smaks strate in2 thi face ov thi thing goan Gidibidi-urp!
>Itz wings cloase involuntirly aroun thi tent ov branchis stikin up in front ov it & it fols flappin 2 thi nest, ol tangled & shriekin & bouncin & flappin & tearin its wingz & I juss no I shude get thi hel out while thi goans good but col it instinkt, col it madnis, I just 1/2 2 attak.
>I giv 1 moar flap2 get a bit ov hite--noatisin that thi sky seems 2 b gettin briter--then spred ma talins & start 2 drop 2wards thi orribil hed fing.
>Thi sky's gon very white & brite
>I cansil thi stoop & flap 1ce more, hoverin ovir thi flappin screemin entangled hed & lookin up @ thi sky; its gon dark agen, but itz startin 2 bulje sumwot.
>O-o, I fink, & say my wake-up word 2 myself.
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>>astros have other enemies in space
The Computermen(alienware) niggas dream still alive!
>thats what i feared, if Gtoilet gets taken then there's no one to defend TCM, so he'd be taken to.
He probably means Gman was infected back during his commander days. He had a similar core back then.
>>dafuqboom refuses to die until his series is over
>g-man was potentially infected by the corefucker like titan tvman
> if Gtoilet gets taken

I think he's implying that G WAS Taken or mind broken before and then left/betrayed the duke
And G knows how it feels

Maybe Detainer's getting punished/mind broken in a similar way rn
>He had a similar core back then.
wait a minute
>during the dutchess's intro the subtitles said "why are you torturing me"
>we didnt know then if it was her or the toilet she was killing
>she also has a similar core
so those cores probably just hijack the body while leaving the original mind 100% undisturbed as a form of torture and punishment.
I imagine that fight is going to be a multi episode fight like TTV and infected TSM
Hoping around to different locations
>during the dutchess's intro

The Duchesses intro?
What are you talking about?
episode 76, when we first see her in the second half.
I rewatched the episode and I have about zero idea what your talking about

Is it before or after the talk with the other astro person?
turn on subtitles.
Dafuq added some subs in the episode she shows up or the full season, can't remember.
It translated the skibidi talk.
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>the writers barely disguised fetish
Anon you should've caught on a long time ago.
He said before he was s*mping for her too.
There is no full season yet

Okay I see it now
The direct quote is
"S T O P T O R T U R I N G M E"
at 6:29

You have a solid argument.
Maybe core fuckers start out as orange and then change hue to red when they fully permanently corrupt someone

And all that is left is a soul that screams for freedom 'PLEASE STOP' while the body and outside personality is corrupted into a sadist

But that would be important character plot point for the duchess so why does she not start out with a visible core?
Maybe her REAL core is deep deep under layers of machinery?

I think i'd like her more if she started out as a valiant warrior or something good but was corrupted into a sadist
>Literally a whip turned into a leash
Okay nevermind I Remember why I hate this character
>so why does she not start out with a visible core?
huh, forgot that she didnt have one in her intro.
anyways, i think we should look at the current lore implications of cores:
>alliance titan cores are the same as astro cores
>Gtoilet came to earth before the story
>these two mean that it can be assumed that the titan cores are reverse engineered off of Gtoilet's core.
>given how they glow and explode if targeted, it can only be assumed that cores are a power source
>as the alliance has proven, cores can be upgraded with special abilities by exhausting energy
>if we assume that Gtoilet's core here >>5741319 is in fact a control core, then it can be assumed that the titan cores are their central processors. which explains why titans can survive headshots that'd be otherwise lethal.
>this also explains why its so easy for parasites/COREFUCKER to take over a titan. all you have to do is bypass their built in core.
tl;dr: if we look at everything cores are implied to serve as a power source, special ability source, and a brain.
regardless of if she had a hidden one before or not, the duchess having a core now can only really mean one thing (maybe she was punished for failing to track down TCM before he vanished?) and i fully expect detainer to have a core next time we see him as well.
>I think i'd like her more if she started out as a valiant warrior or something good but was corrupted into a sadist
same, but make her honorable.
>becomes well respected by the alliance for being honorable, allows her to serve as a form of communication between both sides of the war. the astros benefit from this so the higher ups allow it.
>honor eventually makes her ignore a scientist alliance member since he's a non combatant
>next time we see her she has a core and has lost all of that prior honor, attacking what would be a usual communications session.
she feels like a multiverse character that somehow ended up in the main series
the world is blessed with Skibidi Toilet.
It's genuinely terrifying when you realize that in order to build gateway technology at all, the Toilets had to likely scavenge from Titan TV Man. The Astros just observed it once or twice and developed a counter for it in a short amount of time.
>astros are confirmed to have enemies in space
any bets on if there's some fourth party out there in space that the duke and astro emperor (if he exists) are busy with
>it can be assumed that the titan cores are reverse engineered off of Gtoilet's core.

Thats a BIG Assumption.
TCM stared in ep 18 with a core and G was only in two episodes at that time

>then it can be assumed that the titan cores are their central processors. which explains why titans can survive headshots that'd be otherwise lethal

That only really counts for TTVM. We don't know directly if the other two can survive getting their head blown off.
Hell, if Ep.76 means anything TCM WILL Die if their head comes off
I meant to say 67
How do y'all do that?
Download clips and send them here?
Are you new to the concept of an imageboard, webms, /wsg/, or all of the above?
>download the video from Youtube
>cut the parts you want in video software
>convert the parts from mp4 to webm with ffmpeg or whatever else works
>compress it to make it go under 6 MB
>post it
It's not that hard.
Looking at G-man basically being a cyborg at this point reminds me of that one guy saying he'd end up looking like a tomato with all the battle damage he was taking and turning redder over time and it never fails to make me laugh how right it was.
>Thats a BIG Assumption.
there is an undetermined amount of time between Gtoilet's crash landing and the start of the series.
you can post mp4 now, so you don't even need to convert them.
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I want to believe next episode is not gonna take until February to come out since there shouldn't be another epic battle, because... well the alliance is completely cooked and no one can really fight the astros right now.
If they're over the filesize limit you still need to re-encode, and VP9 is superior to whatever codec MP4 uses for this site

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