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I'm looking for a rip of the texture for the Amala Drum in the HD remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. Any help would be appreciated.
don't stealthbump
some loser bumps threads and then deletes the posts
And this is undesirable?
it's deceptive
It's better than the alternative, IMO.
no, bumpfags are a scourge on multiple boards
Yeah, but at least this way, you don't have to wade through the posts.
People are going to bump threads regardless; so anything that makes it less annoying is an improvement.
>t. bumpfag
Kys faggot
Just make a fucking tripcode if you don't want anyone to see you bumping
How would a tripcode help in this situation?
Kill your self you faggot
Kill yourself fag, you can't even see >>1482258 can you, lol, pathetic
have you checked out the shing megami reddit, this is genuine advice im sure someone might be able to help if you post there
Read his deleted posts, he doesn't care anymore, he's just stealth bumping this thread to try and annoy us. It takes 10+ minutes for each stealth bump, and he's been going over a month, he's committed 5 HOURS to this. Absolutely seething, lol
It only takes one minute to delete a post, though?
Bumping for a great game

sad to see somebody stealthbump like this
Anal queef sounds
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are you gonna call him out for >>1484385 as well
I am bumping this thread
This action is entirely self-gratifying and serves no benefit
I have nothing to say or add
This is chaff
It will either be sifted past or reported in annoyance and deleted
No gain is to be had by reading this

Inorder to conform to the consensus of my fellow freethinkers and avoid "stealthbumping", thus labeling myself a "fag", I will not delete this post.
Can't you load it up in an emulator and then rip the textures?
Have you even read the thread? With all the deleted posts?
kek this is hilarious to watch
not really
>white on white theme
are you trying to blind yourself and me? retard
We know you are
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other than just to troll /wsr/, why would you need this exact texture? 2 hours in mspaint and you'd have something higher quality anyway
Is this really how you amuse yourself?
Some people amuse themselves by torturing animals. This guy is just on that spectrum
I can't believe you're still bumping this. For the sake of everyone's sanity I've torrented it. Let's see what I can find.

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