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Summer Solstice and 1st Capricorn Full Moon in 2024 Edition

>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general
Come on
Anyone know what the 4th house is all about? My one friend into astrology said that its really important
do a cool edition for once
all houses are important

No wonder cause theres a lot of people in my generation with mommy and daddy issues
...what? how would that make sense
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"The deadliest tsunami in recorded history hit on Dec. 26, 2004, triggered by a magnitude 9.1 earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The impacts were widespread and horrific: Waves up to 98 feet (30 ms) high hit Aceh, Indonesia, within minutes of the quake, according to the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience, and tsunami waves echoed around the Indian Ocean for hours after the quake. The United Nations estimates that 227,000 people died."

>Capricorn Chiron exact opposite Cancer Saturn
Amazing mixture of earth and water here. Saturn also being square to the North Node as well as PISCES Uranus sextile to the North Node [unexpected, sudden dramatic events]

>Neptune conjunct Ascendant
>Pluto opposite Moon
moon eventually entering water

>Taurus North Node/Scorpio South Node
another earth/water combination
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Halifax Explosion
Largest human made explosion in history, at the time at least.
Boat Accident

nearly 2,000 people died

>Gemini [Air] Jupiter sextile Leo [fire] Saturn

>Virgo Mars square Sagittarius Sun
>Mercury conjunct NN conjunct Ascendant square Pisces [water] Chiron

>Aquarius [Air] Uranus [unexpected events, explosions] opposite Leo [Fire] Saturn [structure, stability] in the 8th house of destruction

>Gemini [Air] Jupiter [over the top] sextile Leo [Fire] Neptune [water]

>North Node/Mercury opposite Cancer [Water] Pluto/South Node/Descendant

so funny to me
Unlike the pop astrology brainwashing wants you to believe, Aries and Libra is a shit double-edged match. Aries dislikes bullshitting. Libra hates conflict and self-willed people. Only astrology magazines, plebbitors and forum-goers believe this gaslighting.
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hiroshima automic bomb
killed hundreds of thousands

Chiron always seems to be involved if we're keeping it a buck.

>Libra [air] Neptune conjunct Chiron
illusion, deception, secrets, wounds, disaster

>Libra [air] Chiron conjunct Virgo [earth] Jupiter
over indulgance, tkaing things too far, crossing the line

>Gemini [air] Uranus/Mars conjunction, with the midheaven
The unexpected, explosions, war, weapons
This represents a pivotal point in the war given the involvement of the midheaven.

Also making a sextile to Pluto, indicating death and destruction.

>Saturn sextile Ascendant
>Saturn conjunct Moon
>Sun conjunct Pluto

Lots of sextiles to Mercury in the 12th. Mercury is also in Virgo. Directly translates into "intricate and detailed secrets"
Part of Fortune in the 12th also indicating some kind of secret financial motivator.

10th house stellium represents the world stage. An interesting lineup of Saturn, moon, north node and venus. Sending a strong, cold hearted message.
Huh? What does modern pop astrolog say about Aries and Libra? And who ever said Libra hates conflict or self willed people? I've never heard such a thing ever. Sometimes I think you all just make shit up. Like what exactly are you even trying to say
Modern astrologers (bullshitters) believe that Libras and Aries are compatible (since they're opposite signs and have potential for growth). You can check it by yourself, most of these pop-infested websites, astrology magazines and astrolarpers believe that both signs are a good match which isn't true at all. I'm talking about sun signs.

Read what I said again, twice, so you absorb the information properly.
You seem upset. I read what you said and I’ll repeat myself, I’ve never seen any astrologer claim aries and libra are compatible. Unless you’re talking about teenagers that think sun signs matter. Who has ever taken a teen mag horoscope seriously?
Salutations. My first time in one of these threads and I do have an important (to me) question.

My Neptune is housed in Capricorn. How will this full moon affect me? I’ve already considered the possibility of utilizing the energy of the
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(Cont’d. phone fucked up)
waxing lunar energies to rid myself of the roadblocks to the new energies that will continue to come in after the new moon has had it’s turn.

Just looking for any recommendations or advice you come give a seeking traveler.
Unfortunately astrology has an ill fame and name in society which is mostly rooted in normie teenagers. It's like all of them are trapped in a cycle of intellectual slavery with an air of intellect based on prejudices.

Believe it or not, when the average normie thinks in astrology, associates the system to horoscopes, magazines and normie girls who talk shit about synastry, Pisces being unloyal, Geminiggers being hypocrites, etc... it's all an ocean of stereotypes created by ignorants.
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Blud is NOT slick replying to his damn self. That shit doesn’t work around here.
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General reading for me please <3
>masculine mars
discarded, would never associate with you or anyone else here with masculine mars. you are all fucking garbage bottom of the barrel human beings. other masculine mars will love you or whatever the fuck and you can be best buds with them and betray each other left and right
The moon transits your neptune once a month. So, no different than any other month.

At best, full moons are about release. So if you really want to apply meaning to it, release of delusions and self deception, depending on which house it’s in.
You must be just as schizophrenic as the other guy. Idk why you would even assume this.
Why are you seething? Feminine mars got you down?
I bet you look weird and sleep with your mouth open. Weird spacing between the eyes or a gap in the teeth. Some kind of facial quirk. Likely teeth, genetic not hygienic.
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in placidus my mars is in aries first house. I am heavily weighted down by pisces placements lol can we still be friends? my mars energy only comes out when I am impatient, and that is fairly often
Interesting assessments! Thank you!
Woman fingers wrote this. No one cares about your abusive partner, piece of shit. Fatherless women always end up posting shit like this in 4chan.
heh, there sure is a lot of offended unpleasant and loud masculine mars here. it's true they are the most annoying after all. always as loud as a megaphone for one
Power freak, weirdo, unpredictable, schizo, assertive and masculine yet your identity is at odds with your outer personality. I would say you have an absent father since Saturn is aspecting the Sun from the 5th in a night chart. Usually I'd say this chart belongs to a girl since everything points out at a feminine chart (fucked up though).

Materialistic but you cannot seem to enjoy the things you buy. You might be motivated by money but still have to share it with your mother.
A video on Astrology and the core elements of a chart:

I don't have a masculine Mars. You sound like those pop astrology women who post shit about their exes in X because their sun signs are not "compatible" or shit just to refuse the fact they're repulsive and haunt men with their smelly pussy.
>t. Pisces Mars
I have reason to believe it’s the seething aqua mars that regularly posts in here
Both men and women do it. They get scorned by one placement and start applying it to everyone else. Probably an autism or lack of intelligence thing
relax there, loud female baboon
This was meant for:
Glad to know I was right
Who are you shilling for? It's like you're half sentient and have to pull out unrelates things to the discussion. Truly a cycle of inner hatred coming from fatherless women who dabble into astrology to larp as mystics or enlightened. You resemble the traits of a child who had no enough fun and comes here to shit on others. You have air of individual intellect and paraphrase word by word the average X tweet that teenagers make about their exes. Nice try tough, cunt.
meant for: >>38189917
Do you ever relax and/or shut up? You are always in here absolutely malding about something and at everyone.
It's either lack of intelligence or being a subhuman. No legitimate sentient person would generalize people in such a retard way.
yeah he actually always is, pretty obnoxious if you ask me
>mUuUuH ur so rude pls shut up
Funny that people like this say shit and then run away from the conflict when they have to claim solid arguments. LMAOOOO
What even needs to be argued about in this specific conversation. Is the “solid argument” in the room with us right now
Don't blush, cat lady.
post chart (you won't)
I do have a good relationship with my dad and I am a girl. :)
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There you go!
wow, i love a lot of parts of your chart and you as a person. i seek out people like you when forming lifelong friends. i know i could trust you with anything
Me too, baby. Let's conquer the world together. The only thing I seek is that treasure called women's hearts, and you seem to meet my expectations.
you have a cool chart but maybe outside of that you have some insecurity issues for taking compliments that way, bud. that's common for people like zoomers so maybe you're a zoomer? there's no women on here buddy
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Hello everyone. If anyone is willing to offer their take on my chart, I'd be most grateful. Not sure if/how relevant this is, but I've been getting bold messaging about 'Jupiter' very recently. I know very little concrete info on what, if anything, this means however. Thank you
I don’t like niggers like you buddy
I'm white tf are you talking about
Btw the schizo cat lady is a Libra sun, now she's offended.
I'm a Libra Sun too. Probably that's why she hates me. Two bullshitters never get along, it's a weak identity seeking validation through others.
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How did your saturn returns turn out anons?
Mine was uncannily accurate for aquarius saturn in 7th house. Spent my entire 20s single following a break up with a high school sweetheart. Basically had no interaction with women for a decade (software major, too shy). Few months into my 29th year, right around my saturn return, I'm taking a walk in a beautiful park and a girl walks up to me and says she saw me at an event a few days ago, an event I had basically dragged myself to because I felt I had to go. She's older than I am, and we've been together ever since. My chart is pretty trash but I have to admit I'm quite thankful it turned out the way it did.
He's not the only one that thinks there's a bunch of self replying bullshit going on in these threads. I've seen the same thing before in /sffg/
What am i offended about again? Don’t butt into mine and aqua anons alleged beef this is just how libras talk to eachother
My Saturn Return was the best thing that’s ever happened to me. People talking about 25 frontal lobe development but i genuinely feel like i didn’t become fully conscious until after my saturn return.
However it was difficult, mentally straining and not for the weak. But it’s like I woke up one day and it was over. Like night and day difference
Yeah it happens all the time. But one of those people replying was me. So that’s why i’m telling you it’s not a samefag
Nah, it's just my autistic Virgo Moon which takes everything as offense and has difficulty accepting imperfections. People hate me because I say the truth and am overly critical of them.
Also, 7th house saturns notoriously find love with older partners, even if only by a few years. Their love lives also dramatically improve after their first saturn return. So it’s funny to see the same happen for you
I met my special one. =)
Of everything is schizophrenia my guy. I was fried as shit last night
Yeah that’s the last time I get baked as Odin before going to sleep.
Why is it that every male cancer I’m close with have the most fragile egos I’ve ever seen and make it everyone else’s problem in one way or another?
is roots and blood liine the same?
what drugs will you guys take? i plan on
weed today midnight and until saturday
coffee friday morning
2g schroom tee 30 min before sunset friday
wine on saturday
Tell me about myself. How will my life be?
Which rising signs look good and which rising signs are ugly?
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Going through alot of confusion surrounding my purpose, career, and overrall mindset in life. Recently married and thats awesome. But can’t get a job in carpentry to save my life and also am slacking on delving into animal volunteering and sprituality, its like i have a mental block
cancer is the weakest sign of the twelve signs. it shouldn't even exist (in my perfect world it wouldn't.) no matter where it is in a person's chart, it wreaks total fucking havoc. it's useless total garbage. even pisces is stronger than it
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you WILL give me a reading NOW or your mother will die in her sleep tonight
lol, nigger detected
Lot of opportunities in traditional work life especially making friends in such places, you might be better suited in management position later on if you work hard and show effort. That's my guesstimate based on the play between Capricorn and Aquarius influences in your chart.
Someone who's not very popular or gets into trouble in bigger crowds, likes to travel on a whim if possible, very verbally controlling capricorn sun, very fast at maxing decisions, probably someone would call impatient because of the mars, jupiter and pluto in sagittarius, job wise you would be good at something like interpreting, maybe comedy? or live translation as you like to go around and travel and communicate.
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Personally I think it just comes down to confusion and insecurity, it's the same with pisces men but they handle it a lot better from what I see. Being sensitive and emotional is fine if you're a woman because it's just accepted and there are always a man out there ready to help you deal with it. However if you're a man it's really fucking difficult because men just aren't suppose to be like this, even thought there's lately been a big push to normalize men having feelings too, nobody actually gives a shit. Other men don't want to deal with our shit and the majority of women don't find it very attractive either.
appreciate it anon, but nah comedy would suck. Currently working as an arborist and I enjoy my job. How would I do in a military setting? I've always really wanted to fly jets but I have an issue with authority.
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Please, describe my best self and what kind of public image should I use in this merry masquerade.
Figures with the Mars and Jupiter in Sag that you would hate authority, lots of masculine energy that's going to clash with anyone that's going to give you shit.

Pilot in the AF probably isn't the best route for you considering the whole deal with what was previously said, maybe a more casual pilot would be better suited for you, flying planes takes a whole lot of focus and dedication to make the maneuvers smooth going.
some people are adopted or estranged so no.

you sound immature and likely no older than 19

all rising signs have attractive and ugly. beauty is in the eye of the beholder

i’ve met plenty of strong masculine cancers, blue collar men, daddy energy. the entire chart matters. especially their moon and mars
juvenile take

then die faggot
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This is my chart. I would like to know both how to consider Solstice today as well as any other considerations y’all might have after seeing it.
The solstice isn’t exactly a transit. It’s just one day and it doesn’t mean anything for anyone personally. The next three days are the longest days of the year. Unless you’re northern european or pagan and celebrating midsommar, it means nothing.

Other than that I have no information for you. But you do have a loaded second house so i’m curious what you do for work
im over 30 desu baka
smoking weed once a month, schrooms once a year, coffee before weekend and wine on weekend is peak life experience
Why are you gay
I’m a product manager for a software company which allows me to work from home and work on my personal art and music all day
are you autistic or something? lmao
i’m not trying to be rude but announcing that you’re “doing drugs” is like a virgin swearing they’ve had sex before
especially in an astrology forum with no mention of astrology like why did you feel the need to post that here
livin the dream!!
Pajeets are subhuman. They’re fast tracking to be worse than blacks
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Can anyone give me some insight?
I've always been lost and my life's a mess.
I can't figure out where to put my energy.
Should I date? Should I try to change careers? Should I move?
feeling cute
how fucked is this
of course you should date
you’re in the middle of your saturn return, and it’s in the 2nd house of morals, values, finances, material goods. it’s ruled by taurus/venus. so it’s not surprising that these are your current issues. things will get better in the next year or so. but you have to put in genuine effort to better your life.

pluto conjunct north node makes your direction in life harder to find because you’re blind to it. pluto hides things from you. it’s also opposite your sun which gives you a push and pull of who you are vs who you want to be.

i wouldn’t advise too many big life changes at once. but you need to look within and figure out what you really want, what would make you happy vs what is just simply east.
Just want to give a quick shout out to pisces women for being the best ones out there
Sometimes I wish people would just be normal and speak without catch phrases. “Feeling cute :P” you say at your big age. So fucking cringe

Anyway, nothing exciting or cute in this chart. The spiciest aspect you have is mars trine saturn so maybe look into that. Other than that idk what you’re even trying to ask us
What is it that you like about them
you know.... I dont fucking know
>successful career
>loving fiancee (been together half our lives)
>no economic problem
>family is alright, I guess
oh, I know now
why am I feeling an xboxhueg void inside of me, when irl me couldn't ask for anything else, I got everything I'll ever need....
maybe that chart could be give me some insight, but all I see are triangles
I'm married to one going on ten years. idk how she puts up with my shit desu but she cool
Not that anon but your mars is in aspect to Saturn. Both fire signs. With a capricorn stellium. You might have an issue with authority but actually the air force would be good for you. You issue isn’t actually with authority, it’s with respect. You likely had issues with your parents. But those worthy of your respect you’ll have no issue complying with their authority. And climbing the latter of the military will be extremely rewarding for your capricorn placements. Working for yourself would be too easy and allow too much room for slack. You need some level of accountability. However if you’re in the US our military has been trooned out and lacks the nobility it used to. Commercial air flight would be too sissy for you.

Another thing about the military is they break you down mentally and essentially brainwash you. Your 12th house Saturn wants to have your brain wiped anyway, you’re too logical and calculated to be worrying about your woes, 12th saturns are escapists, filling their time with anything to avoid being still with their thoughts
Got it. Well, Virgo is a meticulous perfectionist sign. When there is nothing to perfect, you all feel restless and unfulfilled. Nothing to fix.

Your Mars is also in virgo on your midheaven. You would benefit from a tedious hobby, like building decks or painting figures, blacksmithing, mechanic work. Slap your girlfriend or something.

Have you considered having a child? That would also fill your void and need for tedious action
aye, anyone?
I'm finally starting to feel at easy and with a place in this world. And it's lonely.
what in a birth chart indicates autism?
Not trying to be rude, is english not your first language? Asking “what public image should i use” doesn’t make any sense at all
Nothing. There are too many external factors that contribute to “autism”

First you have to address that the 2000% increase in autism since the 90’s is unnatural, and that they’re using Autism as an umbrella diagnosis for what’s actually happening.

Then, you have to address the overwhelming amount of xenohormones in the clothes, food, water, air, pharmaceuticals, fragrance, chemicals, dishes, etc
the microplastic intake, food dyes and GMOs
that are all contributing to cognitive decline, mental illness, obesity, homosexuality, etc

There are too many external factors that play into “autism”

That being said, you can find things like trauma, mental health issues like OCD/hypochondria/anger issues/retardation/instability/ED etc in a birth chart, but you can’t identify autism from a chart. At best, maybe social awkwardness
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Here you go anon, this will fancy you i’m sure. Right up your alley
im sterile :(
we've been thinking about adopting (an european though, fuck going outside of the EU bc muh gibs)
No fucking way. Finally something interesting. Well i’m sorry you’re sterile but this is perfect for an astrology note for the thread.

I originally told you there’s nothing spicy besides your mars trine saturn

Mars - male genitalia, sex drive, etc
Saturn - restriction, isolation

Saturn is also SQUARE 5th [children] MOON [parenthood]

This chain of aspects is a perfect representation of infertility or self induced sterilization

In some cases, a Saturn/Mars aspect in a man can also indicate erectile dysfunction as well as a Venus/Mars aspect representation of hormonal imbalance in both men and women. Not saying this is you, just for anyone reading

Aside from that, i do unfortunately think the void in your heart is from lack of children
no no, anon, my bits work, but they shoot blanks
oh well
Like I said "not saying this is you, just for anyone reading" about the ED part.
I'm asl and annoyingly verboise, I meant to say something on the likes of ''what's my best self like and what impression and public image should I impersonate?"
u niggas stress me out i stg
Here's my chart. I have a friend who's been helping me work through it to understand the Archonic struggles I have in this life.
cause today is summer solistice, meaning my schroom timing, and so it happens its also full moon and weekend
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I'm 29 as well. Broke up with my first, and longtime partner a little over two years ago, now. Over that time I feel like I've really come unto understanding myself on a fundamental level; started working out consistently; look and feel monumentally better; my sociability, emotional intelligence, and relationships with those around me has slowly been improving.

My Saturn return was (in)auspiciously the same date as her birthday this year. I was really a late bloomer in life and I can't help but feel as though she led me through that youth, and helped form me into a better human being for my transition into a proper adult. I love her, I know she loves me, and I've accepted that we won't probably ever see each other again, but I wish I could genuinely thank her again for what she did for me. Either way, I think in the long run my Saturn's return (and leading up to it) have been a positive impact on my life.

On that note, for the first time in years, I have a date tonight. Wish me well.
Can someone help interpret a Part of Fortune on the 9th house 29 degrees, in leo??
Honestly, excellent timing. I wish I had some, because cohorting through the woods on a warm summer night, with the moon on full blast is peak shroom use. I hope you have some friends to spend it with
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Anything interesting in my chart? thanks
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Empathy is the result of emptiness, not something to be. Expression is the true calling of every individual. The only thing an undead being needs to live forever is a massive blood pool.

I am the reincarnation of an undead being. Life is a cycle of suffering and sorrow which leads to an inherent transformation. If anything interesting on my chart, any paranormal power, psychism or dark night of the soul, let me know.

Any feedback or interpretation is well appreciated, chuds.
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Is this an accurate analysis? From La Piscine.
It's a shit and reductionist analysis. You're probably materialistic or want to create a greater sense of relationship to your surroundings by spiritual/schizo means. Most likely to get into situations that are not well defined and lack an actual sense of purpose in which kind of emphasis you want to put in the world outside you.
No, this type of esoteric rizz is potent though and if you can pull it off she'll think its fate that brought you together. Use wisely
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Is there any good astrology community or environment that isn't infested with lefties and teenagers? Fuck them. Every server or community you join, they're talking shit about Elon Musk, it's filled of trannies and furries or queers talking shit about men.

/astro/ is the only place where I find comfort and understanding amongst people. I honestly don't care whether people call me retard or not. It's infinitely more heartening than dealing with wokes and evil people.

Wish we could all form a community together. Our common purpose is the self-improvement, spirituality, reconciling negative aspects of our personalities and rekindle our self-awareness about the hidden aspects of life that the conscious refuses to acknowledge. We are witnessing dark eras of degeneration and an ill-minded society.

I wouldn't mind living as a homeless man in the ancient world, seeing big castles and happy kids playing around. A world without spiritually dead and social justice normies. The modern world is perpetually disheartening and a slow torture. Yeah, I know this is just a vent, but know I appreciate this community, bros.
im 29 right now and it's been miserable for me so far, i had to move back in with my mom cause i lost my job and have zero love prospects, i've been single since i was 21 kek ... glad things worked out for you anon, i hope things get better for me soon...
>/astro/ is the only place where I find comfort and understanding amongst people.
A common and understandable reason, I've made similar posts here and on /div/ with such motivations in mind in the past. Both used to be better a few years ago, although /div/ is the worst of the two now I'd say. Be well friend.
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Tell me something good about the chart.
Who doesn't need love?
Internet is becoming more brain-rotting as time passes on. People no longer work as a society. It's a polarizing world separate in politics and moralfagging. Society is becoming more and more isolated, degeneracy is quickly rising, there's an inherent cognitive decline and lack of ethics. The global consciousness has radically changed in these last decades.

The detachment from the body [technology, media, information, communication] through virtual platforms, the isolation from society, the decay of values... it all points out that we are already in the Age of Aquarius. I don't care whether there's someone who agrees with me or not, but we are on track towards a disconnected and mechanic society where emotions are seen as sort of evil forces, spirituality is shamed and the material aspect of this world rules overall, with depressed and spiritually dead people.

We're being ungrateful with the legacy of our ancestors. We're not taking care of the world for which they spilled blood and fighted unceasant battles. It's all a tranny, jeets, queers and leftist apocalypse.

If this is not the Age of Aquarius, then I don't imagine how will be the outcome of the 'actual' era. It's over. The few barely sentient people in here withdraw from the world and watch how everything falls in pieces. We are a disgrace for our ancestors. My generation is filled of retards and I don't engage with them at all. This is a comfortable place to share our interests with like-minded people which are not brainwashed by this modern agenda.
>t. zoomer
hey! hey! do me! do me! >>38195878
retarded dumb fuck reddit spacing zoomer
Cry about it, schizo cat lady.
Do you have a scar in the face? Your chart is a bit fucked up. At worst you're possessive/obsessive in love (sort of stalkerish vibes) and struggle to form long-term commitments without stifling yourself.
You may be way too perfectionistic, structured, giving vibes of a bitter old person and lack self-worth.

Your mother has a strained relationship with you, she may be emotionally distant or directly absent from your life, physically. Mars-Saturn isn't a good aspect, it restricts and destroys your masculine energy, even worse, retrograde. You may repress your anger until the point of anger outbursts and seek comfort in routine.

You might have a big family, yet a detrimental relationship with some of them, specially siblings.
>Your chart is a bit fucked up.
no it's not retard. try again
Thanks anons, anyways we will see what ends up happening. Unfortunately I have allergies so unless we finally get to rape china and russia I may not even be able to join. Until then I might try and find a harder job. Regardless I appreciate the readings
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>no don't worry they just have a mars (retrograde)-saturn opposition but is not a fucked up chart
As many anons have correctly noted here the purpose of natal astrology is to identify our flaws so we can try to find ways to improve ourselves. However, most of us here simply post our charts for general readings a a potential ego boost, reinforcing embraced prejudices and bad habits. A random example like "well I guess I'm an asshole because my Mercury has bad aspects" - this always reinforces existing behaviours.

But what isn't discussed here that often is... how do we reconcile astrological determinism with the concept of free will? Both can exist in certain amounts in my opinion, as pure determinism leads to a fatalistic weltanschaaung unlikely to help with our individual paths of self-consciousness. This is a topic that is covered in many threads under different ways.
Back to what can we do with this information, in my particular case, being a compulsively obsessive and jealous individual, constantly trying to control and possess others, what can I do about all this in practical terms? Is it fear? Fear of what? Fear of inadequacy? I haven't read but Jungian style platitudes while looking for answers for this question and above all no practical solutions.
Anons, please.
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I see everything now, but I am tired of being a spectator. It doesn't matter. The gates of the theatre are shut, and I am stuck here.
but... aren't you trying to control us right now?
A mage with a broken gloomy orb is who I am. Now I'm the one devil wants to come and tear apart. I'm conflicted. I want to master the key of Solomon and see the gates of hell for what they truly are, and not what they are rumored to be. True determinism is a perpetual chain for the soul to the stars. We have little free will.
nta but almost every chart I've ever seen is fucked up in some way. This is normal for this world
I could identify anime girls by their urine scent, what's my horoscope sign?
would you shut the fuck up already attention seeker??
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saturn return is not fun, Jupiter has been acting weird this month. Can someone please tell me what's going on?
Keep trapped in the cycle of slavery that is your life nigger. You're helpless. Stop using astrology to tell your mom why you chopped your dick and start self-improvement.
Lol, you're that aqua anon who said he's the reincarnation of Napoleon a while ago (you wish).
It's a satirical post I just want my chart to be read.
can i haz a general reading plz
sun and pluto in death degrees (18-22)

did you have any problem regarding communities or people?
reminder that there are no capricorn suns on this entire website. they don't give a shit about retarded anonymous discussions to get a big e-peen. they are also the only truly fearless people on the planet. that is factually true information. non capricorns will attack this post out of insecurity. but this is a reminder once again that as a non capricorn, we are meant to serve capricor suns. that's just how it fucking works. it's a disgrace that especially zoomers cannot comprehend this whatsoever. second in fearlessness is the capricorn mars and third is the capricorn moon. that's the top three most fearless people walking on the planet. you better run for the fucking hills if any of them are deeply pissed off at you because they will move heaven, hell, and EVERYTHING in between to find you including other capricorns
Hmm, my dads side of the family hates me, does that count?
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>mfw the sun is in fall in libra and mars is retrograde in pisces
It gets really old popping in here to see you constantly accusing everyone of being me. It’s not even borderline schizophrenic it’s actual schizophrenia.

I do not and have not ever given a fuck about how anyone types their messages or what reddit spacing even is.

From now on im reporting every message with this gay ass nickname for spam. Just because someone complains in this thread doesn’t mean they’re me you insufferable faggot
We are not in the age of aquarius jesus christ. If you’re actually an astrology enthusiast then you would know this. Idk why you retards repeat this garbage over and over even though you’ve been shown the orbital pattern a million times.

The Age Of Aquarius is NOT an idea. It’s an actual timed transit. What is so hard to understand about this? Is it your ego? Do you all want to feel special and this time period has been deemed by society to be special so you INSIST that you must be living through it? Like I genuinely don’t get it
I’ve read thousands of charts i’ve only seen maybe 10-20 actual fucked up ones.
There are multiple capricorn suns in this thread alone so what are you talking about
dO yOu hAve A sCaR On yOuR fAce

You want to be me so bad. All of your readings are like little notes you’ve taken from reads i’ve done previously. Some originality would be great
Why do you hate me so bad? Can't we just be in peace? You're always shitting on me, it's disheartening.
And just to add, you all realize the industrial revolution has only been about 100-200 years and we’ve gone from flinstone-esque vehicles to being able to control a screen with our eyeballs.

Do you all really think that were so technologically advanced that this is absolutely the peak and therefore we MUST be in the age of aquarius??

Like do none of you even consider the future and how insane technology is going to be in 150+ years from now? Or do can you only think within your bubble?
You literally just replied to someone that ISNT EVEN ME and called them “schizo cat lady” and now you’re asking why i won’t leave YOU alone?

You accuse every person that complains of being me. So how about YOU give it a rest and never utter those words again and we’ll be fine. Has it ever occurred to you that not every comment you disagree with is from me? I rarely even chimp out in here but you’ve convinced yourself that I have so now every complaint MUST be from me.

So again, how about you stop
Natal astrology tells you your baseline stats. After that is free will.
Hard disagree that astro always reinforces existing behaviours. It can but you don't give enough credit to self aware people that see how they're fucking themselves up. Sometimes it takes awhile but it catches up in the end.
Post chart or do your own shadow work or seek professional help for your control issues.
I can tell you tho that I dumped a long time friend for being jealous/controlling and this caused mutual friends to reconsider their relationship with her. People don't want to be around that shit. You're actually pushing people away instead of holding on to them
It was a joke lol don't take it personally. We are all anonymous on this board, why would you give a fuck about a fictional label?
Because every single comment that is a complaint or someone chimping out is accused of being me. For six straight months now you’ve done this. You don’t think it’s disheartening and annoying when i come in here to give people legitimate advice and the first thing i see is every other comment with that annoying ass nickname? To people that ARENT EVEN ME. You’re also training other people to think all these retarded comments are from me. I’m a legitimate and respectable astrologer with a career in astrology, a little respect would be nice considering the dog shit advice and readings you witness in here.

I’m also one of the only readers willing to be realistic and not sunshine and rainbows and give legitimate advice.
When you interact with others, discard terms, labels and boxes like "schizo", "cat lady", those things are just a meme; a mere simulacra. No one is conditioning the environment. I just want to be in peace with you but you seem to take everything personally.
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>all rising signs have attractive and ugly. beauty is in the eye of the beholder
things feeling a little heavy right now, but maybe optimistic.
Never utter the words schizo cat lady again and we have nothing to fight about
Ah we see the world very differently
We're both into astrology and spiritualism, it's not common at all to find people with those interests in these spheres - most of them are teenagers or normie people. Right now, you have the option to filter out the people you don't want in your life and decide to apart those like-minded. Rather than being hostile we could be more reciprocal and accept that not everyone thinks like you or interprets charts your same way. That's okay, we are diverse individuals and have different potentials. You that are into astrology should know this better than others.

Just to clarify, don't take things personally.
wtf does this mean
Become a cult leader. It's a giga-spiritual chart.
Stop doing drugs
Idk what other anon is talking about by saying cult leader

But one interesting thing about your chart is the 11th house lilith
These people are notorious for how they dress, very unique tastes. Doesn’t mean you waste money on clothes but your entire persona and outward personality is based on the vibe you give off from the way you dress

some examples of others with this placement
Lady Gaga
both Kanye West and Kim Kardashian
David Bowie
Marilyn Manson
Celine Dion
James Dean
Winona Ryder
Stevie Nicks
Tim Burton

see what i mean?
I love you too, anon.
What's in store for me?
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What does this one mean?
I'm a new fan of this astrologer, and I trust them because they're a triple Capricorn and I would rec what they say about reading charts. look to aspects first, then houses, then the signs (something I am trying but still get hung on signs first sometimes). and they prefer placidus.
very entertaining and insightful
i do have a tiny litlte knot on my head not exactly a scar that has never gone away the rest of your read is spot on. i have a small family though
im a cap sun, aqua moon, virgo rising and literally dont leave the house cause it doesn't seem worth the hassle. my chart is >>38195878 and i usually browse the /loa/ threads but i started coming to /x/ for the astrology stuff
Full moon?
Is there a program/site for that alignment chart?
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Capricorn sun here, just shat on my spic neighbor's lawn to assert dominance. This is my turf, Pedro.
Any interesting astro related blog sites?
Good job Dinesh
I just posted one
I'm still reading and just got done with this article https://astrologyresearch.co.uk/aids-the-grim-reaper-pluto-in-scorpio/
Should look up Jim Berkland
You are pretty I love you show pussy
there’s a full moon once a month so no
Anons, can you give me a friendly reading, please?
Here’s the thing, when it comes to natal charts there isn’t really “good”
There is normal, and difficult.
Rarely do you see something extravagant in a birth chart. This is why majority of readings for people who want to hear “good” things about themselves get generic readings like “you should have a lot of friends” or “i bet you make good first impressions”

The standard, the normal, should be “good”
For example you have sun conjunct venus in cancer. So i could say i bet you’re really caring, but does that help you in any way? Of course not

Maybe reframe the question and be a little more specific so we can help you, otherwise it’s going to be meaningless generic answers that could apply to basically anyone
Aries are just lovin' the Solstice right now booiii
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Are there any other readers in here?

I’m curious about your personal takes on a 3rd house Pluto. Like regardless of aspects, how would you personally interpret a 3rd house Pluto?

for further specification,
assume the person has
>amazing relationship with siblings & extended family
>did well throughout school
What does the summer solstice have to do with aries?
Trying to help a friend, anything of note that I should share with him? Both weaknesses and strengths would be nice
It's fairly cringe, too much external identification with what they think is their sign. If one is going to embody anything of Capricorn it ought to be it's reserved nature.
except if venus is cazimi in capricorn. it creates promiscuous men and socially disturbed people.
Alrignt, then tell something about the difficult parts I need to circumnavigate.
That’s a crock of shit. I hope you’re all aware that you have a bad experience with someone and then start applying it to everyone. Cazimi is no different than saying conjunction to the sun. A cazimi does not behave any different than a conjunction. So when you say this, you’re saying all sun conjunct venus in capricorn behave this way, which is a lot considering the sun and venus are often in conjunction.
don't try to scrape the bottom of the barrel retard an old friend had that placement and lacked individuality was totally people-oriented hypocrite and insufferable
omg one singular person i know had this placement and i personally decided it’s responsible for his behavior and therefore everyone with this placement is the same as him. oh and it’s not because of the conjunction it’s because it was. ~cazimi~

if you’re retarded just say that
I’ve noticed people do this when they want to pretend they’re informed. They use buzzwords. Cazimi is probably the biggest one.
you have less accuracy reading charts than a shot from a fairground shotgun. quit astrology
please point to where in that message that a reading was given
you dont even know what venus cazimi is it talks a lot about your quality as chart reader
you’ve got to be kidding lmao. reread the comments. are you sure that YOU know what a cazimi is?
yes i know its when a planet is less than 17 minutes from the sun you dumb learn astrology first before making false claims
please point to the false claims and what exactly is making you think i don’t know what a cazimi is you dumb fuck
he has chance to become a soul reaper. good chart for dabbling into occult practices and spell casting.
any intent to discuss with you is futile. know that you're dumb and dont know the basics of astrology. i win this discussion.
Some of you are so weird. No such thing as spell casting or whatever a soul reaper is. At least try to remain in the realm of reality.
Exactly, you can’t point it out because you’re just making shit up. Which is also why you’re trying to claim that a cap cazimi with venus somehow makes a person “promiscuous and mentally disturbed” because you met one person that behaved that way. Back to gutter, rat.
cast a job you insufferable moron thats a midwit take
nah im not making shit up i just made a coherent claim based on what ancients said about venus-sun aspects particularly when venus is under sun's rays: weakened social skills and looking the identity outside oneself
Hilarious you bring up a job when clearly you don’t have one if you’re telling people they should become spell casters. Go ahead and specify which placements even made you say such a ridiculous thing. You can’t. Enough with the bastardization of astrology and the occult.
Venus conjunct the Sun is one of the most common aspects in astrology.

Elaborate, in your own words, what about Venus and the Sun makes someone promiscuous or socially disturbed.
pluto in the 4th wsh is heightened sensitivity and the moon in the 8th creates people whose comfort is based in the occult. now go to learn astrology. you clearly know shit about the system ;)
too lazy to elaborate it just use your common sense to guess it. its basic astrology.
>What is my best self like

You are very energetic for sure. Your chart says unironically to be yourself. You've got Jupiter in Leo, your Ascendant in Sagittarius and your Lot of Spirit in the 1st house. Fire signs all kind of have an emphasis on themselves, with them reaching out to others as they become more developed and integrate their shadow signs into themselves. You also have wind signs, which place an emphasis on originality, individuality and other people. Gemini in particular is, chatty, witty, and also very energetic. I can definitely see where all of your energy is coming from.

There is an issue, however. You have Saturn conjunct to your descendant. I'm not entirely sure what this may represent for you, but if you don't yet, you will likely push yourself to the limits whenever you do wind up working. Saturn on 29th degree means you've basically mastered what it represents. You likely have some kind of trouble when it comes to interacting with people romantically or in terms of "partnerships". There's more than one house representing romance, so it's not a death sentence, but it means there's gonna be some kind of issue like maybe people are kind of tying you down. The ascendant-descendant axis feels kind of cursed because it usually means that the other point is suffering as a result of it. Since you're a night chart Saturn is particularly malefic.

So an idea of how this placement could work (regardless of sign) Let's say you hook up with a girl. She wants you to commit. She pokes holes in your condom. Now you can't do the things you wanted to do (ascendant representing the way you live your life and carry yourself) and you're locked down.
Heightened sensitivity to what? Both of these placements are centered around trauma. And you’re telling them to cast silly little spells. You’re clearly no older than 14
Exactly. It’s “basic astrology” yet you can’t elaborate? This is a perfect representation of why teenagers should stay out of astrology. Better go cast some spells and make some potions with your witch barbie’s.
i told you already not to talk about the time i crafted a heal potion to heal my fallen mars by determining the nuclear reaction from the mix of chemicals from a single 5-minutes conversation with chris brennan purely by asking how planetary frameworks are. i can cast spells because i have the moon in scorpio in the 8th house and you nigger are jealous of my psychic powers.

take your own advice and quit astrology because you sound like a 14 year old gothic tumblr teenager lmao lmao
Is this autism?

Everything i’ve said is in opposition to the occult yet your response is “you sound like gothic tumblr 14 year old”

Why do autistic people just repeat everything back to you? They have no original thoughts, no thought processes, no organic conversation. They just mimic and repeat. It’s so fucking strange.

I’m not even going to address the rest of what you said, you have the intellectual capability of a gnat.
autistic is a pretty common slang in 4chan don't feel unique or unconventional for crafting the average sentence that is said everyday in /pol/.

nice projection LMAOOOOOOOO, did you realize that you called yourself an intellectual deficient? this is funny
hello please and thank you
anything about my personal growth work art or partner
I’m very obviously not using autism as a slang term. I’m literally calling you autistic. I’m not surprised you couldn’t comprehend that either.

Please point to the projection, when i described in detail what you’ve done that’s displaying your LITERAL autism.
its either you inherently projecting onto me contradicting your own words or being a recyclable and laughable person.

no one should truly respect you in real life. you're a walking meme lmao.
You’re right. Since you convinced me, I’m gonna tell you an interesting story about my life.

As a summary, I never liked large groups of people. I liked to have a few friends and didn’t know what to say when many conversations happened at the same time. When I was 3-4 years old I used to hit my classmates. There is an explanation for this. My classmates used to make fun of myself. So I started to hit them so they could stop. They stopped making fun of me, or at least I believed that because they were “scared” (Or rather, they pretended to be so in a mocking way that I took as if they truly were scared. Because interpreting emotions was never my thing). On the summer between 4 and 5 years old, I read a book. It said something along the lines of “x stopped doing something bad due to her questioning what would have happened if she stopped”. Then, I decided to stop hitting my classmates to see what would happen. I don’t remember any empathy or regret from my part, just mere curiosity. So then, the next course happened. I stopped to hit my classmates. Their reaction was exactly the same: acting as if I were to hit them and mocking me, when I simply didn’t want to hit them. They continued mocking me during primary school, they left me out of everything and the teachers agreed with them in some instances. Furthermore, the little amount of friends I had all left me, either going to larger groups, moving from the city, or befriending my “enemies” (those who mocked me and those whom I had a rivalry with). My friends never were more than 2 at the same time and by the end of primary I was alone.

This is for Primary. I could tell detailed experiences, but it’s enough.
You are once again repeating what I just said back to me. Autism is a plague on this country

I am not reading all that shit
make a list of autist people on this thread I dare you:
1. you
2. you
3. YOU!
digits. kids a retard confirmed
Why are you having this discussion to start with? Don't stoop down to their level. You let yourself be tempted by external influences and have poor self-control. This is a constructive observation, cat lady. This is an unnecessary dramatic theater.
I left to get groceries and then watch the euros and you guys are still arguing? both of you guys show your charts and make a synastry one
i have nothing to do with that convo
bump on mine plz astroniggers
Reporting you for spam every time you do this. STOP accusing people of being me and stop with the dumb nickname. You are insufferable and literally obsessed with me this is starting to freak me the fuck out. Just stop
I just make remarks that'd piss you off instead. You're a coward, have a frail ego and don't assume your childish behaviors. I don't honestly think jans will care, they will tick the fag box and ignore you.
What placements indicate a girl is a nymphomaniac?
Venus in Aries receiving aspects from Mars and Pluto.
This is an anonymous board. No one fucking cares who you are. Stop seeking attention.
No you’re obsessed with me and that’s all there is to it. You’ve literally driven yourself to psychosis. It’s been six months. Either seek therapy or leave me alone and leave the rest of the anons alone too and stop accusing every single one of them of being me
Uhhhhh very weird response not sure if you even know what attention seeking is considering i’m deliberately telling someone to stop giving me cringe nicknames and accusing every commenter in here of being me. Nice try though
Idk who you're talking about but you talk like you're having an aneurysm in an anonymous board, how dare you call others psychotics in an anonymous place?
NTA but become a tripfag if you want to stop being called like that lol simple as
Then develop basic reading comprehension

I have this natally, I just ignore it unless it's a part of a configuration. So 3rd house Pluto = nothing. 3rd house Pluto-Mars conjunction = uh oh.
Normally we'd think of trouble when we think of Pluto, but in your example there is none. I think that's an indication that outer planets don't work like the traditional ones. But if we really have to dig, another signification of the 3rd house can be extended family, or friends, or neighbourhood.
Actually cazimi does behave differently to conjunctions, and Venus cazimi always supercharge sexuality. Capricorn Venus in particular is pragmatic so it can even indicate making money off of sex. We had an anon here a long time ago who actually shared a case like that.
Venus cazimi is really powerful for sex, even ugly fucks like Boris Johnson get to have extramarital affairs thanks to that.
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What do you think about this chart?
Venus cazimi can confer nymphomania, especially in Saturn signs. Avoid these women like plague.
Everybody fucks. Sun and Venus do not = promiscuity

Boris Johnson has a scorpio moon and an 8th house gemini mars, but yeah let’s chalk up his promiscuity to the SUN and VENUS amirite fellas baka. It’s always amateur hour in here
Couldn’t be more false
You lost me on that last part.
>Sun and Venus do not = promiscuity
Yes it does retard, Venus cazimi makes people sex machines. It doesn't necessarily make people promiscuous, but it does give them powerful sexual energies that can be used on one or multiple people.
>Boris Johnson has a scorpio moon and an 8th house gemini mars
Get outta here man, a PLACIDUSSY trying to talk to me about "amateur hour" lol. None of the shit you mentioned is an erotic indication. A Venus cazimi is.
Neither the Sun nor Venus have anything to do with sexuality. Neither does combining the two. Cazimi’s also don’t behave any differently than a normal conjunction to the Sun. I’m so sorry but just because you have the Sun conjunct Venus or a Venus cazimi doesn’t make you some kind of sex god or sexual deviant.

At best MAYBE you could claim Venus’ rulership of morality, but the Sun lightens everything it touches, leaving the conjunction in good moral high ground.
This is also why Scorpio Suns don’t fit the Scorpio stereotype whatsoever. The Sun eases Scorpio’s energy. Rendering a Scorpio Sun a goody two shoes, rule following, quiet, reserved person.
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>Neither the Sun nor Venus have anything to do with sexuality.
>Venus has nothing to do with sexuality
KNEEL right now! Kowtow before me and beg for instruction from your superiors, as you should!
You don't know shit about the Sun, Venus, or cazimi for that matter. I wonder who's right - centuries upon centuries worth of astrologers, or you? Cazimi has always been considered a powerful strengthening factor for any planet. The idea that Venus, the planet governing sex, pleasure, and erotic magnetism, may produce benefits suitable to its significations as a result of being strengthened, is totally straightforward and not even the least bit challenging.
I also never said that a Venus cazimi makes people deviants. I'd look for different things for that. I also don't have a Sun-Venus conjunction, however wide or tight.
This shit doesn't even mean anything.
No exact birth time. Effort posts appreciated.
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What does this even mean. I don't know much about astrology. How do you even begin to read this?
I was going to stay out of this but I have to ask. Who have you both studied with and/or what were the primary texts of your astrological studies?
Venus does not govern sex. It never has. Venus rulerships are morality, finances, material gains, love and beauty. There’s no way you’re confusing Venus with Mars, the planet of sex, lust, blood flow, war, weapons.

Also there is no difference between a conjunction to the sun and a cazimi. Pseudoastrologers and enthusiasts love using buzzwords but yet can’t give a real world example of how a cazimi behaves different than a conjunction to the sun. You can’t just say “well it’s stronger!” what does that even mean? I mean actually ask yourself what that means. The rulerships remain the same.
Please provide even one legitimate event, behavior, anything, that is a demonstration of a cazimi vs a regular sun conjunction. Not “within 17 minutes!” i mean an actual, tangible consequence of a cazimi vs conjunction. You can’t.

And again, let me reiterate, Venus does not rule sex. Give one example of how a venus cazimi makes someone a sex god nymphomaniac that can’t be correlated to any other placement in the chart. This whole conversation started about CAPRICORN for gods sake. The sign of restriction, reservation, conservatism. And Capricorn is specifically the cazimi combination you have chosen for this sex fanatic fanfic you’ve come up with. Be so serious right now
One nights stands are ruled by fifth house, baka, going by your logic. Women release more oxytocin than men during sex, which is used for bonding with someone. Basically, they release a bonding hormone that pairs with their partner after the sexual commitment.

Venus rules love, commitments, bondings, connections, finances. For a woman, a Venus cazimi is even worse than men, and significantly weirder. You should know this well, you're a woman after all [not using your nickname because you start to chimp out].

That's a given, most people don't recognize the values about relationships and later on they've had all their fun, they want to "settle down" after realizing the consequences of what they have done. Lust and indulgence are great, but we are talking about bounds and promiscuity which has nothing to do with sex.

Venus cazimi is in the heart of the sun. This means the benefic traits of this planet are strenghtened and merge with the ego. It's crucial the orb, it marks the difference. The individual, as result, comes across as charming, sexually attractive, knows how to get the best of people and is very loveable in nature. With a wider orb, result are not the same. It's more of a larping than an inherent trait of the self, that's the difference between a cazimi and conjunction.

Again, you, claiming to know better than ancient astrologers and professionals that have studied the system over centuries since the beginnings of civilization.

All your post are retard-tier takes and pop astrology level. Calling others 'amateurs' or 'beginners' when you literally repeat what bratz doll teenagers in X or tumblr larpers or redditors have to say about planetary placements. Learn to draw the line between cazimi and conjunction.

I know that you're illiterate in astrology. I recommend you to read Vettius Valens Anthologies as minimum to have a clue about ancient astrology. Said this, have a good day, schizo cat lady.
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Here's a challenge for you: Tell me about my personality, what kind of life I have, and what profession I'm in. Specifically tell me about my childhood because it was very traumatic and I've been through many hardships. Let's see if you get it right. This will be my first time posting in this general and getting my chart read.
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My chart certainly is... something. I would love to know what assumptions about me that others can gleam from this
Well right away you have a Gemini moon which is the reason why you wrote the sentence that you did here. You have a deep need to be understood and feel completely misunderstood all the time, regardless if this is true or not, and it probably annoys you that other people dont want to analyze you the way you constantly analyze (and overthink) yourself. You have an air ascendant AND sun so either word vomiting, not explaining things well at all, focusing on the wrong things or going too big picture or too detail oriented... or if youre evolved then you arent in a crowd that is receptive to your airy musings
I have a scorpio sun, mercury and venus in 8th house, the first two are in a weak conjunction, or close to a conjunction, but the latter isn't. How does this affect the scorpio stereotype?
Should I use different house systems to get the accurate results?
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That other person hasn't studied under anyone. I've studied under Chris Brennan.
You had so many chances to take the L, but you gotta dig your hole deeper.
You've apparently never picked up a delineation book either because those are full of relevant example. I present a simple collection, hastily assembled for your convenience.
>Also there is no difference between a conjunction to the sun and a cazimi.
You are a MORON, sincerely.
>Pseudoastrologers and enthusiasts love using buzzwords but yet can’t give a real world example of how a cazimi behaves different than a conjunction to the sun
You have NEVER read a delineation book in your life. EVER. Ever ever. Do you even know what it means for a planet to be under the beams?
>Please provide even one legitimate event, behavior, anything, that is a demonstration of a cazimi vs a regular sun conjunction.
I already did earlier. Bojo's sexcapedes are illustrative enough.
>This whole conversation started about CAPRICORN for gods sake. The sign of restriction, reservation, conservatism. And Capricorn is specifically the cazimi combination you have chosen for this sex fanatic fanfic you’ve come up with. Be so serious right now
Do you also not know how Capricorn Venus works then? Do you need me to spoonfeed you that too? Say "pretty please", and I just might.
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Can you point out the good things in this chart? Is there anything special or unique?
Pisces whineys: we are empaths and people are evil!!!!
Average Pisces:
>‘On one occasion, an old woman chatting outside his door made him so angry that he pushed her down the stairs. She was injured, and a court ordered Schopenhauer to pay compensation to her for the rest of her life. When she died some years later, Schopenhauer showed no compassion: instead he scribble the joke-rhyme ‘obit anus, abit onus‘ (Latin for ‘the old woman dies, the burden goes’) on her death certificate.’
But he had mars on ascendant
Just woke from a nightmare, some cartoonish injun told me a lot of weird BS and asked me to read "future notes" menu. It had, among other things, "JC boy born on the 12th in a palm near the oven at 23:7 year One, not Zero ok?" written with grey cranyon. Is that my subconscious telling me something? Anyway, it's silly but I thought it could be Jesus real birthday or whatever. Not that much into astro as I would like. Or anything really, eh. Got this from astroseek lol. Anyway, gotta go sleep now bye.
Hail on such a beautiful day in our skies! What can you tell me about my transits on such an auspicious day?
If you called most of the messages in your 'nightmare' "weird BS" but are totally on-board with the specific-unspecific name and birthday information and even went "must be jesus!" and your kneejerk reaction was to post to 4chan... youre definitely being selective and reading too much into that. Dont eat so much dairy before bed next time
Sorry, here's my actual transit chart.
You're a fag as you have always been. A bit of gay and a bit of faggot. So a gay faggot.
Please stop bullying, we wont have any readers with your trolling at this rate.
Use whole sign and we'll tell you.
Any Vedic readers here? Can you tell me about my career and how it's going to turn out for me?
What do you guys think of my chart?
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this person made history but not in the way you would want to. I don't have his exact time of birth so it's at 12pm. what do you think it is?
Nothing but yapping. You’ve provided no examples and you think “pleasure” means fucking. Your entire message is nothing but “you’re wrong you’re wrong you’re wrong” it’s not even an actual debate or rebuttal. Chris Brennan is a hack. “Studying under” you mean you follow him on twitter? I’m so sorry but i’m not going to take anyone seriously that worships brennan like a god. All that says is that you can’t actually read a chart yourself you rely on other to TELL you how to read a chart. The fact you’re even bringing up capricorn venus as a sexual placement still is comical. Just throw in the towel if you can’t answer any of the questions because screaming NO UR WRONG AND I LOVE CHRIS BRENNAN is not an argument. It’s so funny how your automatic response is always to bring in another astrologer and never use your own big boy words to defend your position. Pathetic
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I was sceptical of astrology and horoscopes when younger, then read something about librans, and it described me perfectly, so since then I have been a believer (albeit with zero knowledge on the subject).
I have an interesting year to face (only just discovered it today). I've already had setbacks, and a misinterpreted issue with a neighbour that has had negative effects. I've had an issue with my health (something with ankle and knee on left leg), and I'm seeing it has the possibility to become life changing, in a bad way.
I'm concerned with spiritual health (if that makes sense), as all this isn't just going on in the psyhical world. I feel I could do with spiritual protection of some kind, or just strengthening, but worry that trying something could lead to something negative/bad happening.
I need to try and limit the amount of bad that happens to me this year, somehow.
can one actually calculate the age of death from natal chart alone?
One more thing it’s also hilarious how you highlighted “parts of intercourse” because if you actually read that sentence it’s abundantly clear that hes referring to the female reproductive system
so fucking funny to me. reading is not hard yet here you are displaying your ignorance publicly
Half hearted astrology enthusiasts will tell you that it’s possible, but cop out if you ask them how they do it. The truth is you can study a million death transits and make correlations after the fact, but there is lack of evidence that anyone has predicted death beforehand.

There are a few factors for means of death or longevity of life. But calculating the exact day is nearly impossible. You’ll go through hundreds of possible death transits in your life and nothing will happen. Aside from that, things like an 8th house saturn can indicate a long life and then things like mars in the 8th can indicate a violent tragic or sudden death. Sometimes a sudden death can just be a heart attack as mars rules the arteries.

Some interesting things i’ve found while studying death (and i’ve posted a few analysis of this in other old threads)

>The nodes are almost always involved. Typically a conjunction to an outer planet, even if it’s loose like 10°
>”The 27 Club” is also correlated to nodal reversal transit
>The Ascendant is involved in a lot of suicides
>the 8th house and pluto are rarely involved like you would think they are
>The nodes are almost always involved. Typically a conjunction to an outer planet, even if it’s loose like 10°
Does the planet making conjunction affect the manner of death? Does the node (south or north) actually make a difference?
>the 8th house and pluto are rarely involved like you would think they are
thats strange. 8th house described as a house of idleness as in death.
Give it a break. Are you trying to win the most obsessed retard award for this general?
Well, it depends. Here i’ll give you an example.

This is the death transit chart of Buddy Holly
He was killed in a plane crash at the height of his fame, at a young age

we have
>Transiting Saturn conjunct natal North Node
They claim the structure [saturn/cap] of the plane was questionable and that’s what allegedly caused the crash.

>Transiting North Node conjunct Mercury in the 9th both in Libra
Libra is an air sign. Mercury rules short distance travels while the 9th house rules long distance travels.

>natal Mars in the 8th conjunct transiting Uranus, both in Leo
Leo is a fire sign
Here’s the sudden death of an 8th house mars, accompanied by Uranus which rules sudden events, the unexpected, and most importantly — electricity ie electrical failure of the plane

>Saturn/Node conjunction is also exactly trine transiting Pluto in the 8th

So to answer your question, yes the transiting planet to the node can indicate the means of death. However, this is where “after the fact” comes in, because if we looked at this transit ahead of time, there’s really no way that we could have guessed Saturns influence to the death itself without knowing that the plane was having structural failure. Does that make sense?
Yes, that does make sense as it more of a retrospective angle. Are there any natal only chart indications towards such death manner?
No, I happily call out people that are bastardizing astrology. If you see no problem with people slapping any meaning they want to any placement then fine, but that’s why no one takes astrology seriously. It’s pretty funny how you’re mad at me when it’s clear from the text exchange who is larping and just wants to feel righteous and who is speaking with integrity for astrology.
Funny how when legitimate readers come in i don’t say a thing to them but you want to get made when i call out people who are just making shit up. Funny how when you ask these larpers to use their own words and examples to back up their claims and all they do is call you a retard and misquote other astrologers. It’s because they can’t actually read a chart themselves and lack the skill and knowledge to back up their fraudulent claims.

That’s the biggest problem with modern “astrologers” is the general public will believe absolutely anything they say because they want the shoe to fit. There is a huge amount of ego among these people, they don’t want to learn, they aren’t innovative, they make these comments to be preformative and stroke their own dicks, they don’t actually care about the craft nor do they actually practice astrology in real life. They probably go to parties and larp and pat themselves on the back when people agree with them. They shit the bed when someone actually calls out their bullshit, as seen in here time and time again from the same person who uses Valens and Brennan like a crutch.
>tfw saturn will meet my natal aries north node soon
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Just a few clarifying questions in regards to the 'power' or influence of planets energy. Will a planet have influence on an adjacent house if it's bordering on the cusp, and if no other planets occupy that house? Or does the ruling planet of that house still 'occupy' that role? i.e. My Mars occupies the 4th, but is maybe a degree from being in the fifth. Is there any influence Mars is having on that house? Or is my Sun the sole dictator of that house still? I guess what I'm really asking is how clear cut are the lines in the sky, and how concentrated are the planets energies? Do they radiate outward, and by what degree? Thank you for any insight.
Like I said, there are small indicators. Like Saturn for a long life, and Mars for a sudden death. Pluto on the ascendant can indicate frequent near death experiences. But other than that, natally is just a guessing game. Keep in mind you have the same chart for your whole life, each placement is going to play hundreds of factors at different ages.

Mars in the 8th is probably the strongest natal indicator of means of death.

for fun, here are some celebrities with an 8th house mars

Robin Williams
Chester Bennington
Marilyn Monroe
Princess Diana
Bruce Willis [degenerative brain disease]
Abe Lincoln
lil peep
Sebastian Bach (heart attack)
Anthony Bourdain

One thing to keep in mind is several of these “suicides” in this list were actually murders. Some were asassinations. There is a layer of SECRECY [8th house] around their deaths
You never say anything with your 'critiques', all you ever do is talk a lot and fling shit around. It's borderline ai/jew nonsense.
No offense to you at all. But this is exactly why most astrologers won't talk about death at all. You mention any sort of transit and the first response is always "me me me me" or some variation of "i'm going to experience this soon"
Every person who makes it to age 27 is going to experience a nodal reversal,
Millions of people have experienced a Saturn/Node transit and haven't died or experienced any noticeable event. Every chart is catered to the individual.
Then you lack reading comprehension skills because I thoroughly explain myself, my position, I ask clear and concise questions and all I do is ask people to back up their own claims. It strike a lot of cords with people because they refuse to actually learn and accept everything their favorite teacher told them at face value. It's like when you tell people that vaccines cause serious long term illness, their brains short circuit and they immediately get angry and their only response is to scream that you're wrong and call you various names because they have no real legitimate reason for why they believe the things that they do.

Even now, you can't actually give me a rebuttal or why you're mad beyond just being angry and calling me names. You don't debate or give any logical reasoning behind why you disagree with me, you don't even know why you disagree with me, but yet here you are, loud and wrong.
I half joke but I understand, I have placements that suggest a longish life lol and I'm in my late 30s and not nearly as reckless as I used to be
Definitely obsessed. You're probably the same poster that's been driving the poor 'cat lady' crazy.
This is why degrees exist. They're mathmatically perfect. There will be a debate between whole signs vs placidus, if you put your chart into whole signs it will adjust planets into other houses. This is frequently used among people who feel they don't relate to their natal placements so they start adjusting their chart until they're happy. This applies to both and all systems. However, both whole signs and placidus are legitimate in their right, both are still YOU.
My personal opinion is that whole signs is too general for a personal natal chart, it gives all rising signs the same house set up, implying that everyone with the same rising sign around your age has the exact same house placements and transits as you. I personally think that there are too many individualistic aspects of human beings to try to fit them all into the same box like this. Placidus is based on the longtitude and latitude/sun eliptical of where you were born, further individualizing the chart specifically to you.

But to further answer your question, cusps aren't real. If the planet is in one house and is even one degree away from the next house, it is still in the house that its placed in. The only time you consider orbs would be in aspects to other points and planets but not the houses.
Again, no legitimate argument. What exactly am I obsessed with? Some of you are so low iq that you don't even know what you're mad about or arguing about, you just want to yap. Loud for no reason. Ape behavior.
>But to further answer your question, cusps aren't real. If the planet is in one house and is even one degree away from the next house, it is still in the house that its placed in. The only time you consider orbs would be in aspects to other points and planets but not the houses
Then influence isn't really a thing outside of native rulership and aspects. Thank you, that's all I need to know.
Aha, so you're the one doing it. It's not very nice to attack people because of some silly personal issues you project onto others.
Who did I attack and for what?
The better question is why.
Uh?? Maybe I could answer why if you'd actually point to who and when I attacked anyone. But you can't because it never happened. Nice try though
>Like Saturn for a long life, and Mars for a sudden death
do benefics also impact the life and death, given that Saturn actually helps you the most (or prolongs suffering)
Your the one to ask that question to, you dedicate a lot of your time to them when it takes your fancy. Like the cat lady said, it's fairly incredible you've kept it up for as long as you have, you are just plain obbsessed.
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brothers may I have a reading?
how much pot do you smoke?
a lot, not 24/7 chuming but I am smoking right now lol
What's the indicator? I'm usually high 24/7 myself.
why are you all so obsessed with the cat girl not a day goes by
Are you fucking retarded? No one is using that nickname. You're part of the problem, too. Misusing arguments to derail the thread and play the social justice warrior. You type like you're fat and an incel.
Virgo Moon is also like that. They give a shit about people, only care about pragmatism and efficiency. It's even colder than Capricorn Moon.
>It's even colder than Capricorn Moon
dunno, it seems like Capricorn Moon is colder than Virgo Moon. atleast Virgo Moon people believe that they give a shit when Capricorn Moon people dont even pretend.
hi aqua anon what do you want to argue about today

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