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>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous >>38188862
People who suffocate themselves in identity labels will have nothing of substance to you. People who misuse astrology to deny their self-improvement and reinforce existing behaviours are a plague.

This is an encouragement to be braver and accept your destiny, flaws and strenghts wearing a stoic mindset.
Where do you see self-improvement in chart?
Astrology's principal purpose should be the awareness of existing behaviours, your traumas, bad habits, the kind of relationships or friendships you seek, mental illnesses and so on... unless you're barely sentient, you can spot most of these weaknesses and work in them. Growth and becoming the best version of yourself.

Astrology is bastardized because people misuse the system to shit on others, degrade signs, make tiktoks about synastry and say stuff like "yeah I chimp out because I am an Aries so what?" "all Pisces are unloyalty don't trust them"

No, this is not astrology - the beauty of this mystical system gets withered like a rose in summer, leaving the thorns and branches left - it's associated to horoscopes due to generalizations and reductionistic approach of the system. I just encourage all of you to make a change and start respecting astrology.
Are unloyal, my bad. I'm barely waking up.

As I said, humans are pretty diverse, we all have different ways to react to our environment, process external information and adapt to the circumstances. If you remain stagnant, you simply don't adapt.

The keyword adjusting to the circumstances to get what you want, not adjusting to fit in. Don't dwell on the past too much, nor the "detrimental" aspects of your chart. Just get past of that shell and become an actual adult.
>you can spot most of these weaknesses
the majority of people do not want to see weaknesses. Sure, I do see see the major shit positions in my chart but that doesnt make the job any easier.
Thanks for the encouraging words anon.
This is a call for all of those anons who say shit like "my Mars is in Cancer that's why I'm violent" or "Saturn is aspecting Venus it's over" to improve themselves and stop succumbing to labels and immature versions of themselves.

I don't have the best chart of all. My Saturn is in Cancer in square to Venus, sextile Moon and Mercury, Mars is retrograde and have the Sun in fall. Yet I try to improve myself, persistently and constantly working to be aware of my higher self and help others in the process. This is what real astrology should be: a tool of personal awareness.
Agreed. Identity centric egoism is pure, rabid shit. This goes for everything irrespective of just astrology, too. Learning your flaws, traits, strengths in order to build upon yourself or improve at what you lack should be the only purpose of any type of tool, indicator, or test (i.e. myer-briggs). I wish people would harness this knowledge about themselves to be more introspective, and self-reflect to themselves whether these 'identities' have a benefit or not, instead of just being an mirror that just reflects these aspects of themselves to the outside world, regardless of their detriment.
Checked, may these digits and good vibes bless this thread.
what if there are no strengths in your chart?
Anyone here do couple compatibility?
Yes, Internet is a massive canvas where people project their most vile fantasies and shit on others. People have the innate need to belong to something greater than themselves, echo chamber and stagnate for the sake of social acceptation. The deserved respect of astrology gets shallowed by people who weaponize the system to jerk off their ego. It's a sad reality.

Work in them! Don't complain and develop a braver mindset.
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>"my Mars is in Cancer that's why I'm violent"
As my own personal anecdote here, I used to be incredibly violent as a child, and that was always caked within a wall of passivity. I would just bury my emotions behind this passivity, never properly express them, until all the repressed shit would come violently erupting out on whatever, or whomever pissed me off enough to put a crack in my wall. I still know I'm a violent person, caked in passivity, but I learned to properly utilize that anger, and put it towards a beneficial focus like weightlifting. Or knowing when to use that anger in regards to protecting someone I love and care about. Just because you have a flaw that topographically aligns to position on your chart never justifies that flaw; you may not entirely fix it, but there's always something that can be done about it.

Also, I would love a general chart reading if anyone has got the time. Thank you!
You're violent because of unregulated emotions in younger years, 8th house stellium. Libra Moons feel betrayal on a deeper level because their emotions are rooted in FAIRNESS and JUSTICE. They are revenge seekers, because All Is Fair In Love and War.

As for your Mars, its sextile Lilith in the 2nd house of morals.

None of these are particularly violent placements but rather emotional, and with emotion, comes violence once in awhile.
>No fun allowed
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Current Transits

>Mercury trine Saturn
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Pisces/Cancer is a good time to address things that have been festering, to have hard conversations. A good time for signing contracts, leases, commit to new jobs.

>Venus trine Saturn
[june 26th]
Good time for deep cleaning, making commitments, rearranging your living space.

>Mercury opposite Pluto
[june 27th]
These short little transits usually solicit people to lie through their teeth, not necessarily malicious but subtle situations like talking to people on dating apps or online are more likely to be superficial and exaggerated. This is also a cyclic point where things you've lied about come to bite you in the ass. Avoid arguments, people are more hot headed and emotionally reactive.
Mercury will also be trine Neptune during this transit which solicits more deception.
I don't advise drinking unless you feel like having an embarassing emotional meltdown.

>Saturn turns Retrograde in Pisces
[june 29th]

>Mars conjunct Uranus
[june 30th]
In Taurus. A great transit for crypto markets. However volatile for mundane events, natural disaster prone transit, power outages, heat and earth are focal points.
Look where this is transiting your own chart, if its 3rd, 9th or even 4th, be hyper vigilant of driving or flying.
neptune is so close to entering aries.
unreal levels of delusion fueled.
you think niggers and foreigners are taking things too far right now just fucking wait man

eventually saturn will come to straighten everyone out, think cold hard realizations, peoples world views crumbling.

likely some kind of drug recall, even street drugs will be futile at best.
I don't know anything about this but my gf told me to do it and now im curious
I gotta hand it to you this is the ugliest and most retarded chart aesthetic i've ever seen and i didn't think it could get much worse than cafeastrology
That's ok
it isn't okay. maybe i should have been clearer, no one can read this chart. use a different website
Thanks. You pretty much confirmed what I gathered from my own interpretations, and life experiences. Any thoughts on the Mars Neptune opposition?
Sorry, the image quality is shit for some reason
Mars and Neptune aren't opposite. I don't know why some websites do this but, the average orb you allow for aspects is 6. Yours is at 8. It's very, very loose.

But if you feel it must be included, Mars opposite Neptune can usually manifest as confusion of your motivations. You may act without even fully understanding why you did or said something, apologies are frugal because you can't apologize if you don't even understand why you acted that way in the first place. It can also manifest as starting things you never finish, or losing passion half way through. Neptunes biggest factor is asking "why", its day dreaming, its lies, clouded reality. This can effect your drive in life, it can effect your consistency, and given the 4th house it may make you question your own blood or have futile relationships with your family, meaning like you may have been unnessecarily aggressive toward them, distance yourself from them in younger years, be ashamed of them, ashamed of yourself.
The image quality isn't the problem. The problem is that website added silly little aesthetic images for planets instead of actual planet symbols and they also didn't include any degrees. It's meant to be a silly little image. Then you posted the table, which is also not viable.

If you want a reading please post the actual astrological wheel, that looks similar to the rest of the images in here. Compare and hopefully you understand what i mean.
use anglo style on astro.com
The resolution is fine. I love how this chart is aggressively giving you as little information as possible
Anglo or anglo with zodiac?
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Please, anons, drop me a reading of the chart.
Do you guys know what the Doorknob Suicides are? We were talking about death transits in the last thread and i spent a lot of time studying death transits but these series of deaths were a huge focal point of the study. I'm just wondering if anyone else has heard about these
Did you not know who your dad is or something?
just anglo is what I prefer. makes clear a placidus chart and is clean in general
>Doorknob Suicides
as in Robin Williams ones? belt over doorknob?
Despite the loose connection (also, aren't they within 6 degree? unless my math is off) what you described was me to a T. It's the drive in life that consistently fucks me over. Why do, when I can just think about it instead? Of course this just manifests itself in an unbridled amount of anxiety, as I have the want to do, but no motivation to preform. It's the biggest issue I have to face in life, to be honest. I feel like the corrective action would be going to the Doc, for a potential ADHD diagnosis, just to get amphetamines; but that also just might be cope.

I appreciate the dialogue.
So its Robin Williams, Kate Spade, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, Aviccii, Anthony Bourdain etc

Their deaths were all ruined as suicides,
except they ALL hung themselves from......doorknobs

Their deaths were super suspicious. But even more suspicious than that, they mostly all have 8th house mars only furthering the suspicions of the secrets around their deaths.

They also all died during the same year. Besides maybe 1 or 2
22 - 14 = 8
unless i'm retarded

I mean do you want my honest opinion about your question or you want an astrological analysis of how to manage anxiety and self doubt based on your chart? Because my personal opinion of doctors and peoples urge to get amphetamines are not going to rub you the right way i'm sure.
That's my Uranus lol
Posting again bc I cropped the img at the top
i'm dyslexic apparently. so no wonder the nept opp mars fit you well LOL

also yeah thats a violent placement.
what exactly do you want to know
Anything really. General information or in-depth reading about a certain aspect, Im just a curious passerby
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Dope. At least I know what I need to really focus on improving in life.
sure thing but i'm loading your chart myself since this has been a pain in the ass everyone asking you to load different versions of your chart

Mars in Virgo, in the 6th house of virgo, along with lilith.
A pervert! to say the least. Not that you're a creep but definitely a sexual person. You likely have issues with traditional doctors, refuse to go to the doctor or don't trust them in general. Pluto in the 9th, issues with authority in the sense of teaching, you don't like to be told how to think, what to do, especially when it comes to learning, you are a hand on -- self taught kind of person. Maybe in a way you feel belittled when people talk to you as if they know more than you. Another way this placement manifests as a disdain for both religion and law. Could have some type of religious trauma but it seems you had an overall good childhood besides maybe a relationship with your father. Aside from that, maybe a few run ins with the law.

Saturn in aries in the 1st, although you are a a gemini you have a stoicism about you, a cold type of emotions, its a very blue collar-esque energy like when you think of men that slice themselves open and insist they glue it together themselves, thats the type of man you are. if you're a man. if you're a woman this is a very butch dyke chart. Thankfully you have south node in the 12th which means you arent necessarily overly emotional.

11th house is full with jupiter and uranus, meaning you likely have a lot of internet friends, or a lot of "Aquaintances" but not necessarily close friends. You struggle with trust, getting close to people, but you don't need to, because you're happy with your surface level interactions with people and probably don't think much beyond that.

Your girlfriend has likely healed a lot of parts of yourself that you didn't know needed healing.

Mercury in the 2nd in taurus. Good spender. Thoughtful spender. Not extravagent. Your morals are logical and made through experience
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Can anyone give me a general reading? I would be also interested to know if there is anything in the chart that relates me to the occult if anyone knows about that
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Could I get a general outline of my chart? I've been studying it on my own too, but figured a 2nd opinion might not hurt
Venus cazimi in Capricorn, this is the anon from the last thread.

How does that energy manifest in your life? Are you promiscuous or sexually active with the opposite gender?
Never met him until my teenage years.
No lol, I'm not sexually active at all
Hey, sorry for the late reply, thank you so much for the read, I'd say this is 80-90% accurate, just so you know.
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General reading plz!
lmao, I'm sure the 11th house Lilith isn't helping my case either
what's a fav aspect of your chart? mine is venus square jupiter, my only issue is that I have venus conjunct saturn (in Sagittarius) and jupiter (pisces) square saturn. otherwise, life is.. interesting and mostly fun or straight miserable
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My life in last 2 years:

>travel a lot visiting foreign friends finish all the money
>cant finda job no matter how hard I look
>no romance at all and not looking for it
>almost cant pay the rent anymore

lets go any interesting news or info you can tell me?
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Can someone talk about the mutual reception in my chart? Specially because of the detriment between both of them (sagittarius mercury and virgo jupiter).
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Excellent posts anon, great observations regarding the nature of astrology and how it is currently misused. I myself did it for a while, blaming X problems on certain placements and becoming complacent with poisonous determinism about the current condition.
You mentioned dwelling in the past, I believe 90% of my thoughts are that way, a combination of endless ifs and while logical conditions on top of each other of what could have done differently or imagining all types of different scenarios that could have unfolded.... endlessly dreaming and longing, very nonconstructive thinking habits. And most anons if they are here can probably relate.

My question is how can one stop being consumed by destructive emotions? Can we use our intellect to counter it? How can we just discard emotions for what they are and not own them, not assimilate them?
My greatest flaw is that I have obsessive fits of intense jealousy and anger, to a point of making me vomit and become sick. And what's really troubling is that I kind of like it in a certain way, sometimes I even seek it, it inflames me, I feel empty without feeding these emotional states of anger and hatred. Since love seems distant and underwhelming, a sort of consuming Gnostic passion seems an 'easy' escape, which is ultimately a death wish. I behave like a Cathar, and we all know it doesn't end well....
Any systems, any regular practices you'd recommend to help get rid of these mind states?
stop replying to yourself faggot
It's either you looking for older peeps, significantly older than you or leaving friends as quickly as you meet them. You could be surrounded of older peeps in your teenage years.

And some could have considered you false, hypocrite or people-oriented. You're generally charming and pleasant to be around. Even though your Lilith in the 11th is in square to Pluto in the 8th so that's why I asked whether you were socially active or not, specifically with acquaitances/people of your community.
That's not me retardo.

Post chart.
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Crab bros, lets get out of this bucket
A video on Astrology and the core elements of a chart:

stop posting this every thread
>It's either you looking for older peeps, significantly older than you or leaving friends as quickly as you meet them. You could be surrounded of older peeps in your teenage years.

This is true. I've always gravitated towards older people. I don't keep friends for very long, there's one exception to that rule, but exceptions prove the rule.

>And some could have considered you false, hypocrite or people-oriented.

I make a lot of enemies, don't know if this is necessarily why

>You're generally charming and pleasant to be around.

Hard for me to gauge, but I don't try to be unpleasant.

>Even though your Lilith in the 11th is in square to Pluto in the 8th so that's why I asked whether you were socially active or not, specifically with acquaitances/people of your community.

I don't interact with anyone outside of immediate family, work, or the one long time friend I have.
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Here it is then.
I ask but I also give, here's an excellent book for anons to identify flaws on themselves, very accurate for psychological profiles in general.
Nigger just use this link: https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online

It's hard to say something at all about your chart. There are not even degrees.
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is there anything here to indicate internal conflict? or perhaps a tendency towards fixating on things over a prolonged period of time?
I think I was born between 3 and 4am but didn't use in chart because I'm not sure
Should be some good stuff coming this year, I think? You're in an 8th house profection year, with Jupiter activated, transiting your second house of money. Additionally, you are also in a Jupiter period in your zodiacal releasing. Career and money should be cooking.
You're going to have your Mars return in the 2nd house first, so that might suck. Going to happen in like mid August. That might be the low point for finances. Then Jupiter is going to station on top of your Mars on the 9th of October - I'd look for major, hopefully positive financial changes around that time. Might also bring romance, actually, since Mars rules the 7th house of marriage.
I can't think of any astrological indicators for "internal conflict". Fixations would also need to be specific to be astrologically identifiable - are they erotic fixations, intellectual ones, what?
Tell that to people who hate other people because of their sign. Even the "astrologers" who pretend to be serious do it. Your kind started this.
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Any help with a friend's chart? I've always joked that if we lived in 17th century she'd be burned at the stake for being a witch. She has very intense dreams, that has an uncanny ability to unfold in real life, like a dream involving someone she hasn't seen in years and then seeing them a couple days later. Or she may just get a bad feeling about someone, and then a day or two later, some shit will happen to them. Literally happened to when she brought up Carl Weathers one day, and bam two days later he died. It's consistently like this; and hard to ignore.

Either way I'm just looking for aspects that would corroborate these oddities. So far I see a Taurus Stellium in the 12th, with both the Sun and Mercury (in slight conjunction), coupled with a trine between Pluto and the Moon, and an opposition between Neptune and the Moon. Am I missing anything?
I guess there's the ascendant ruler in the 12th house and also Moon square Saturn. Those are things I would associate with someone getting burnt as a witch.
I literally have no idea what I'm doing nor the real significance of any of these aspects. How witchy are we talking about here?
I guess there's also the 3rd house Moon thing. I overlooked that. That's probably a bit witchy, yeah. Saturn, the 9th house ruler, is also received by Venus, so there might be something to it. But I would mostly expect confusing experiences rather than genuine prowess. Of course, it's hard to make heads or tails of it with just the astrological chart.
But the Mars-Jupiter opposition and having Uranus on the ascendant, in addition to all the other things, does sound like someone who could get burnt at the stake for witchcraft though.
Hilarious. Thank you. I'll be sure to pass on the information.
Uranus is not in the ascendant. It's sitting right next to the MC.
Yes, I misspoke. I meant the MC.
Astrology started as an ancient system to study the correlation between celestial bodies and earthly events. Religion, cultists, the Vatican and big institutions marginalized astrology over centuries. No wonder it has an ill name these days.

Normal is a principle. Astrology was normal many centuries ago, now it's not. Fortunately the global consciousness is awakening from paradigms and developing more individual thinking - cultist and religious fanatics stained astrology's name.

Modern astrology is ruled by Uranus [unconventional, unpredictable, sudden changes, rebellious, taboo and weird] so maybe during Pluto in Aquarius people will be more open-minded about esoteric regards.

We are not guilty of this. It's the perpetual slanders and gatekeeping that has been getting the system over centuries. Blame the Chuch for this.
We are growing up from the religious paradigms and dogmatic beliefs. Hunting witches, stoning and crucifixion were normal thousand of years ago, now they're not.

Astrology is marginalized because is the conventional thing to do in the modern world. It's a social bias, a fictional construction disrespecting all the work that did ancient men since the beginnings of our civilization.
kill all modern astrologers
what did they do?
kek worst chart style ever
i can't even tell which ones the moon
aqua? taurus? virgo?
"practicing" and perpetuating modern "astrology"
just post it
sun-mercury in pisces is "occult"ish enough
pisces moon
That taurus Saturn/Jupiter placement though, bad luck signs regarding finances I assume? You probably get in trouble for being argumentative/aggressive due your mars/moon placement within Aries.
Trying to figure out why I have electric chemistry with Libra women. On a sexual level it's like nothing I've ever experienced. Pure comfortable bliss like I've known them my whole life. For once not in my head and just with them like 2 becomes one.
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I don't have a clue what any of this means, but obvs am interested in learning about it.
Would a kind soul do a general reading please? What does this say about me?
Thank you in advance, or sorry for wasting your time.
intellectual or aesthetic fixations i'd say. the 'internal conflict' being the inability / reluctance to reconcile that very limited focus with other areas of life, resulting i guess in a divided sense of self. really only being able to identity with things of this life-long fixation.
would the above >>38215292 jibe with pisces moon you reckon?
I thought during the Jupiter Return things would get better... I'm at my limit.
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Life is balanced, as all things should be.
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I apologise and I must admit I kind of need a word about it right now.
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what do you see astroniggers
>Virgo Moon: pretend doesn't give a shit about their environment (they actually care deep down and supress their feelings)

>Capricorn Moon: they don't give a shit about their environment (psychopaths)
Maggots are ruled by Saturn. Saturn rules decay, also rules things that are rotten, foul smelling. Capricorns are the niggers of the zodiac.
If you can see when you start doing these things then you catch yourself to bypass them. 2bh this goes mostly beyond the bounds of astrology. You need to read up about managing controlling and jealous behavior.
Astrologically look into Venus in Gemini. Venus is a benefic. She's there to help. Venus in Gemini is about emotional freedom. You have this in your chart, you can use this energy
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What's your take on Chris Brennan? I can't really think of any better astrologer than him these days. Modern astrologers follow his footsteps, and speaking from experience, he's the most knowledgeable and skillful I've seen in the last decade. This guy has good takes in decans, domiciles, signs, falls, detriments, exaltations, aspects and so on...

I stick onto his teachings since a year ago. He has helped me to expand my knowledge extensively in astrology, taking the hellenistic pill. Truly a chad.
Moronic take, don't ever read a chart again. People like you give astrology an ill name.

The root of your destructive emotions, self-saboutage and intensity comes from your Moon-Pluto conjunction in the ascendant, in Scorpio. Pluto [intensity, power, obsession, taboo] is in conjunction to the Moon [mother, emotions, mind, feminine mind] in Scorpio, an intense and passionate sign. You have massive outburst of jealousy and anger because the Moon [your emotions] are located precisely in the ascendant, in conjunction to Pluto. This means that you naturally display ~or are seen~ as someone emotionally intense, manipulative or even self-destructive.

I would recomment you to meditate, get into spirituality, channel your energy in occult practices (tarot, astrology, fortune telling) or even writing your own book, displaying your intense and powerful emotions.

Your Mercury is in conjunction to the Sun in Taurus, seventh house. Your ego and intellect are in conjunction. Literature and writing should be a good option for you, and Jupiter is in the ascendant in opposition to the Sun, which adds a layer of philosophy and intellectuality to your identity.

Regulate your emotions through spirituality or write down your ideas and passions in a paper, book and share it with others. Since these planets are in the seventh house, helping other people to improve their lives with your own knowledge and intellect may be a healthy solution for you.
Thank you for your constructive post.
>This means that you naturally display ~or are seen~ as someone emotionally intense, manipulative or even self-destructive.
This is spot on, I kind of repulse people that way, when I start having secondary intentions, specially regarding women, no matter how much intellect I use to try to get my way, extremely careful choice of words, choice of venue, basic electional astrology, NLP, etc. somehow those persons become emotionally distant and cold, like they can smell it. Which pushes me to go full passive aggressive on them and ideally cut them off.

I've urgently started some breathing techniques, and I do look forward to do more mediation very soon, as I lately feel sort of desperate. Yesterday, even though I thought I was emotionally 'cured' from the last weeks, a spark initiated a hatred chain reaction that ended up in insomnia and nausea so bad I ended up throwing vomiting bile. The symbolism of that is uncanny, like I'm getting rid of impurities. This cannot continue, I feel pathetic and helpless.
I've had a couple of spiritual paths in mind for a long time, I must commit to one urgently so it may help with control as you said.
I love helping people, when I let go of control.... thanks for the suggestions
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Remember, anon. You are not your body, your body is yours. You can always regulate your emotions with the proper effort. It just requires discipline and control. Don't use your intellect to counter act your emotions; use your intuition and meditate to calm your mind. Thoughts feed the mind and emotions after all.

You also need to realize that there are liberal fangirls who would let people like Ted Bundy or Richard Ramirez be with them without a second thought, are you more fucked up than those people? I don't think so. Love yourself, regulate your emotions and you will eventually meet the correct people. Thoughts colour your environment. People are a result of your inner landscape, you attract what you project onto the world. Once you start to have a more positive and authentic vision of yourself, people become more interested in you. Just don't be an annoying asshole and regulate your intensity when dealing with other people.

Chiron in the 11th house may bring you challenges with communities and acquaitances, social peers. You feel that you don't engage at all. Chiron is one of my favorite celestial bodies of astrology because it tells you where you have to put effort and maturity to heal wounds and grow as person. Try it.

I think that being with someone who has opposite views to yours, unless it's interpersonal could be a fuel for sexual tension. Just don't become passive-aggressive and seek a balance in your interaction. It's just about you developing more awareness about what your boundaries are.

Damn, it's interesting to read the chart of people like you on this thread. Honest intentions, no filters in your vents - feels quite humane and emotive. Wish you good luck and take the spiritual pill.
In addition, I've met many emotionally cold and distant assholes who'd tell me that they forgot to reply messages because their computers broke down and showed no interest at all - basically, hypocrites and repulsive people. I can sympathize with you.

People are ephemeral, friendships are ephemeral. You should not care about people who are no longer present in your life, they're already gone in the debris of fate. Bad experiences and shitty people train our minds, so to say, these experiences are absolutely normal. You just need to learn to channel them properly and not to repeat the same mistake again.
Chopin was a cap moon.
Chopin got an aspect from Jupiter, just as Hitler did. That's why they were passionate and expressive. The benefic nature of Jupiter was helping the Moon's affliction to some extent.

For people with Capricorn Moon alone or shit aspects, it's either being a total dumbass or not caring at all about life or people. You have to take into account the entire chart.
The Rock was a cap moon. So was Hitler. And me.
and taurus moon is even worse
easily hurt but tries to appear tough. secretive and not-so talkative for a libra sun. lots of stored negative energy. longing for that all-consuming soul connection
Any any reading is appreciated. Also, any advice on how to get pisces gf?
But cap moon seems to add certain things positives of its own, no?
>Assuming the Moon in detriment is a good placement
No, lol. At best would give you a stoic mind at cost of being a total dumbass who cannot connect at deeper level with other people.

Taurus Moon is a more stable and healthy placement in such a case.
Nta, but being unemotional under certain circumstances/professions has its benefits.
Do you all ever feel embarrassed worshiping this rat like a god? Do you feel englightened when he doesn’t tell you jack shit about how planets actually behave but just hours of positions and “conditions”?

I don’t understand why none of you notice or care that he never provides actual behavior of planets. He’s an astrology historian, he tells you how to find planets, he never does predictions or descriptions not even for the most historical and important transits of our life time. I really just don’t get it.

Equivalent to celebrity worship. Which by the way is a sign of a dangerously low IQ
You make me not want to do readings in here because you constantly steal my descriptions and start regurgitating them like you came up with them on your own. You can’t come up with your own original analogies it’s truly flattering
Gtfo, no one cares about you. I am a traditional astrologer, nothing to do with you, placisissy.
I hate Jehovah's Witnesses
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Imagine missing out on 50% of astrology because you ignore the outer planets
is this supposed to be a mouse?
He makes money out of people, lectures, public speeches and courses. You're a total nobody. Cope and seethe. One of the most prominent astrologers in the world has nothing to envy to someone so inferior and pathetic like you.
Yes, you're a hideous, foul smelling and rotten rat.
Thoughts on Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon girls?
Too much emotion for me. I prefer detached and pragmatic girls.
i need a précis on pisces moon, if you please
I never called him a fraud. Look how violently upset you get when i call your God a historian, which he is. Lol. So who’s really seething? Still no explanation for why he refuses to give any examples of how the planets manifest in real life. That’s the problem with you pseudo enthusiasts. You want to stroke your own dick because you can recite a planets condition but can’t relay how that would manifest in a real life person, situation or event. You “study under brennan” (watch a podcast) but yet copy and regurgitate my own words for descriptions of people’s placements. Funny how that works. Pathetic sort
bump, pls help
Sagittarius moon can balance out even the most emotional onions of any of the water suns. Even pisces. They’re vibrant, positive, full of life, slightly dominant.
Help with what? At least ask a question. I’ll never understand the point of posting a chart and just expecting us to start rattling off shit. There is literal infinite information in one chart idk what you want from us
Quit /astro/, you're literally schizophrenic. I say this quite seriously.
kek true. Is there anything that stands out to you? I want to learn more about myself, i want to purify myself so wish to learn any negative aspects of me that hold me back from being the best i can be. If you can also read what my prospects in love and career would be like, that'd be great too. Thanks
i'm a pisces moon. not fun
“you’re literally schizophrenic”
says the dork that rage replies to every comment he disagrees with thinking they’re me
You clearly haven't even read a single astrology book in your life. Condition of planets is essential, a fundamental aspect to determine the strength of certain aspects of your life, the detriments of your behaviors and destiny - you are the same shitter who called Firmicus and Valens frauds because they are ancient astrologers.

Discussing with an actual illiterate and ignorant like you is like talking to the walls, because you're so fixated in being right that you don't learn from your mistakes.
me too. please elaborate on your experience
Everyone disagrees with because you only spill ignorant takes. It's not only me, it's the whole community. Just quit /astro/ and don't come back again, you stupid filthy attention maggot.
I would say the thing that stands out the most would be your 10th house stellium and the implications it gives for your relationship with your father. 10th house Saturns usually indicate an authoritarian father, likely military, cop, or some position of power, at the very least, just domineering. However it’s conjunct mars which implies a level of either violence or over powering strictness on you.
Your decisions and direction in life are overshadowed by what you think others want for you, clouds your own reality of what you think you want.

Aries Sun with a Taurus Moon is an interesting combination. You’re stubborn, unmoving in your opinions, you struggle with always thinking you’re right or even when you know you’re wrong you’re able to manipulate reality to fit your opinion. In other words you’ll make the shoe fit.

Pisces Mercury in the 8th is considered an “enlightened” placement, you could be psychic, have odd visions that make you question reality. You are an empathetic sponge, meaning you often absorb the thoughts and feelings of others and it’s confusing because you know they aren’t your own thoughts and feelings and you can’t figure out why you feel or think that way. It sounds crazy but it’s literally like psychic downloads of other people’s thoughts, a form of telepathy in a way. It’ll probably take you a long time before you learn how to identify these intrusive thoughts.

Your love life is sporadic. You like partners that are spontaneous, weird and maybe even a little dangerous. A normal relationship almost scares you or settling down even if you love someone can be terrifying and there could be some level of self sabotage when you feel things are too comfortable.

Your career, if you want to be satisfied, should be working for yourself. Things like realtor or buying investment properties, land lord, that sort of thing, because of the influence of taurus on your tenth house. Flipping houses etc
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>even the most emotional onions
Oh is it essential? Go ahead and explain how a strong planet would behave vs a weak planet lol. Zero difference. The rulerships remain the same. Saturn doesn’t become welcoming just because it’s weak in a sign. That’s another problem with you pseudo enthusiasts. Again, you want to put so much weight into dignities but refuse to acknowledge the truth. If you were actually actively practicing astrology then you would understand, again, that regardless of you slapping “strong” on to a planet, the planet behaves the same under the sign regardless.

You can repeat that I haven’t read a book all you want, it’s very obviously not true. The difference between you and me is i’m a paracticing astrologer with decade+ of experience and thousands of charts under my belt. I know how astrology works in utility and in real life after thousands of experimental reads and practice and study. You still claim the 12th house has to do with prisons. Your reads are preformative, that’s why you use dignities and buzzwords as a crutch because you want people to think you know what you’re talking about. You depend on other astrologers to tell you how astrology works, you don’t try it out for yourself. You have no originality or organic insight to astro, you repeat what brennan or a book told you. No innovation after thousands and thousands of years.

You think nothing changes and that the original ancient astrologers got everything right and therefore things like outer planets and placidus are null.
You realize that you need innovation right? Consider the medical field if we just agreed that they were all right and never tried to move forward and adapt medicine that we would still tell people they have ghosts in their blood?

You’re too juvenile for this craft. You’re also too emotional and aggressive for this craft. Your ego is too huge to ever actually be a student of astrology and you’ll never learn anything with this attitude. Keep seething
I also never, ever, not even once said a bad thing about Valens. See, again, you are so schizophrenic that every time someone posts an opinion that you disagree with, you think they’re me. You absolutely cannot fathom that there are other anons in here and that’s probably why you hate me so much in the first place, because every bad take is SURELY me, huh? Kek. Stop putting retarded words and opinions in my mouth
I say this as someone who has a sextile to neptune and trine pluto. but I feel "everything" it's kinda hard to describe- like I'm overly emotional about the most random of things, I am mostly miserable and as a typical pisces moon, I just woke up from yet another nap (the dreams are wild as you might also experience and once in a while I've seen future personal events but they're random and pointless). if the moon describes the mother, it would be correct because my mother has had addiction problems before I was even born and she herself is a pisces moon and her mother was a drunk. isolation is all she's about if she's not going on about christianity and deluded herself to thinking she's a living saint, I am similar with weird beliefs but I refuse to go into detail irl. I do try to interact with people but I feel out of place so I people watch instead. the fantasy aspect is true, I'm involved into watching sports all my life or listening to music, that's mainly all I care about. suicidal ideation is a thing but I want to live but I also hate this world. idk, this is just me. you probably gained nothing from this wall of text but there ya go. I love and hate being a pisces moon. oh yeah, do you get approached by weird people or are fascinated by them?
>t. the same person who says you can download psychic information with Mercury in Pisces in the 8th house
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Roast me.
>no rebuttal
>just continuous seething

But but but my chris brennan book doesn’t say anything about psychic so this can’t be true!!
Thank you, solid reading, i resonate with what you've said about pisces mercury a lot, its definitely something i need to work on, as well as being more flexible. Any thoughts on the pisces venus? Ive heard negative things about 29 degrees.
>Your career, if you want to be satisfied, should be working for yourself
Will do, or at least, get there one day
Tbh though, my dad used to be strict but is now pretty chill. He's an alcoholic though but not the violent type
thanks for that
>do you get approached by weird people or are fascinated by them?
it's been that way all my life. mostly schizos, gays, and foreigners with language issues, but sometimes a genuinely interesting person (usually artistic types, musicians, etc.). i can never help but hear them out, i just stop in my tracks and listen. maybe they sense it in me? i'm not sure if i'm fascinated by them though (or by weird people in general). i'd have to think about that.

yeah, very vivid dreams all my life. never portentous ones, really the exact opposite in fact, very atavistic dreams that seem to concern former lives / worlds.

tired all the time, yes, except when i've got lots of time to myself and can focus on a project without interruption.

>but I feel "everything" it's kinda hard to describe
i'm not sure if that's my experience. feeling things a little out of proportion or out of place, like empathizing with objects or over-empathizing with animals and plants (feeling relief for trees when it's raining, for instance), would probably be my most anomalous emotional tendency.
You're normiepilled, any sentient person that has the slightest information of astrology knows that you're a fraud. No condition of planets is literally denying thousand of years of research and study in astrology.
>(feeling relief for trees when it's raining, for instance)
oh hell yeah. I moved from a city in NC because of the sun and came back to the east coast because I love the shitty weather. but the empathizing aspect is very spot on and at times comes randomly. I would help all homeless people if I could because the concept hurts to think about. and your first paragraph is spot on. I attracted a lot of schizos in my life and a few thought I were some religious figure or guide. I go out of my way to avoid people and yet the weirdest of people will want to be around me
You can’t call me a fraud when every reading i give is thoroughly accurate and all of yours are generic and/or wrong. The only time you’ve been right is when you regurgitate analogies you’ve picked up from my previous readings, even using the exact same words and analogies. Can’t be bothered to even be original or authentic because you don’t know what you’re doing. Your jealousy is more than apparent. Never said dignities are invalid, should you know them? Sure. Do they matter in reality? No. Look at you, still can’t describe how a weak planet behaves vs a strong planet, so you resort to continuing your violent and emotional insults. They’re still the same rulerships, i’m so sorry that that’s too much for you to grasp.
The funniest part is that this entire message is nearly verbatim what i’ve said to you in other threads. You can’t even come up with your own original comebacks. I’d say you’re just autistic since repeating back is a common autism tactic, but you worship celebrities so it’s clearly an overall IQ issue.
it seems like it plays generally a negative role for you. what would you say have been its positive influences though, if any? i ask because pisces moon is really the only placement of mine that i really feel i can identify with, so it hasn't got much negative baggage for me.
Aries Sun, Aries Moon, Cancer Ascendant here. What the fuck is happening? I feel like I'm going insane.
You're legitimately a troll. Basically the principle of astrology is seeing the grand picture, strenghts and weaknesses, not reducing it to vague interpretations.

Are you fucking stupid? For you, Mars in Cancer is a good placement despite the individual lacking enough willpower and courage to assert in life, despite having mommy issues and anger outbursts. That's your level in astrology, being a fucking illiterate and having a reductionistic bias of the system.

It's funny that you think Mercury in Pisces give you some kind of superpower to download psychic information from the cosmic court. Not even the most schizo of astrologers would make such a stupid claim. This is what happens when you don't read books and only rely in your schizophrenic and relativised knowledge of astrology. With a glimpse and air of individual intellect, yet you're wrong, wrong, wrong.

I don't think Saturn in Aries is a good placement either. The native will lack willpower and motivation for an important fragment of their life because Saturn (discipline, limitations, restrictions) lessens the masculine energy of Mars.

Since you're a fucking illiterate and won't change your mind despite being wrong, I will drop this link just to emphasize how dumb fuck you sound. Maybe a Wikipedia article may be of help for you:

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>but you worship celebrities so it’s clearly an overall IQ issue.
I'm not the maker of that post. And you cannot call others low IQ when you think that you can download mystic information from the astral realm just because you have Mercury in Pisces. That's surely a low IQ take.
you sound like you're having an aneurysm that's not an actual argument you're talking from guts
What has to do autism with condition of planets and astrology? This sounds like a mental jerk. You're not telling an actual 'argument', you're just jerking off your ego.
the positive influence is that I can read a person really well. I thought this was a common thing among anybody but it's not the case. there have been people who hide who they are and yet I can always tell, only way after the fact I am proven right and the few people who told me about their character would always say I'm right. and idk if it's my rising or the moon placement but I'm a calming influence to people. it has led to some trying to take advantage of me because I may seem docile but the energy I give has mostly been received positively and has gotten me out of trouble/put me in good situations.
Understanding the behavior of a planet, weak or strong, requires more than just rote knowledge - it demands an ability to synthesize various astrological factors into a coherent, insightful narrative. A weak planet, for instance, doesn’t just exhibit textbook traits of debilitation; its influence is modulated by aspects, house placement, transits, and progressions. This nuanced interpretation is evidently beyond your grasp, hence your resorting to petty insults.
You’re putting words in my mouth again. I never said anything about super powers and I never said Mars in Cancer is a good placement. That being said no i’m so sorry but mars in cancer doesn’t mean mommy issues. You’re probably the worst larper i’ve come across on any platform. You also love putting words in my mouth because you can’t actually rebuttal on any of my points. You twist and manipulate everything i say to fit your narrative about me because you’re so rooted in jealousy and your inability to properly read a chart. You heavily rely on the words of other astrologers even me. You cherry pick what you agree with that i’ve said and use it in your own fake readings. Countless times you’ve tried to manipulate my words into something i’ve never said regardless that there’s a literal archive. Again, not every anon that you disagree with is me and you can try to lie and be schizophrenic all you want, you literally think every reader or comment in here is me. That’s not reality.

You’re too busy self loathing about your own placements that you try to apply your own melancholic narrative to every placement, like Saturn in Aries. You slap your experience on to it when quite literally Saturn is not your problem and neither is Saturn square Venus which you also blame for all of your problems. Your lack of astrological knowledge clouds your ability to even properly judge your own chart. Time and time again i watch you shit all over anons and call them retards and lash out at them, especially when they have similar placements to yours. You let your anger and ego take over any potential you have to be a good astrologer. And once again you can’t debate anything i’ve said because you don’t know enough to come back. You’re violently upset like a vaccine dork being told they’re dangerous. You can’t open your mind that maybe what you’ve personally read isn’t the bible set in stone truth. You’re naive at best
Yep that’s not what I said. I very notably detest any occultic nonsense in relation to astrology. However empathy and telepathy are not the same as casting spells. I know this is you aqua anon and it’s so funny how you leap over yourself to tell people their “esoteric occult placements” but i tell someone that they absorb empathetic thoughts and feelings of others and you get all beside yourself. You’re a hypocrite and are only switching tunes now to try to make a snap at me. Even your precious chris brennan and valens mention unorthodox correlations to being psychic and occult nonsense. Just because i used the word download and you are beside yourself about it. How many times have you told people they have occult placements that don’t make any sort of sense whatsoever? Also you do realize that the CIA has proven telepathy to be real. You know what isn’t real? Casting spells and calling yourself a wizard, like you frequently claim others can do. God you’re such a juvenile little worm.
>I never said anything about super powers and I never said Mars in Cancer is a good placement.
You claim never to have said Mars in Cancer is a good placement, yet your interpretations suggest otherwise. Mars in Cancer, as any competent astrologer knows, is in its fall—a position far from being helpful lmao. Your inability to acknowledge this fundamental aspect of astrology just reveals how retarded you are.

Your accusations of me twisting your words are laughable. The archives speak for themselves, and your attempts to gaslight and distort the truth only expose your own desperation. It's you who cherry-picks information, borrowing selectively from more knowledgeable astrologers, myself included, to patch together your fragmented readings.
>idk if it's my rising or the moon placement but I'm a calming influence to people
i get this too. i work with someone who usually says something along the lines of 'ah, thank god, you're here today' because he says i have a calming influence on him (scorpio sun, i don't know his other placements). the first time he told me this it surprised the hell out of me, because i usually feel pretty raw at work.
Yeah go ahead and give a real world example of how a weak planet behaves vs a strong planet. All you’re doing is once again regurgitating what chris brennan told you. No matter what, a planet in that sign will have the same rulerships and behavior. It doesn’t matter if you call it weak or strong, it behaves exactly the same. And that’s the entire point. You bring up dignities because of your ego, it’s preformative. Saturn in Libra will behave as Saturn in Libra regardless of whatever strength you want to apply to it. It’s really not that hard. So funny how you still refuse to give an example of an event, behavior, personality trait that would differ based on strength, because you can’t. But since your world view is being shattered you’re stumbling over yourself to claim it matters. You rely way too heavily on the words of others instead of actually practicing astrology and seeing for yourself. Give a legitimate example of how strength of a planet matters. Jupiter doesn’t suddenly just “not give you as much luck” because it’s in fall. It’s still a benefic, it still provides you benefits, it still behaves exactly as Jupiter would. But since you’re preformative you want to claim strength plays any role whatsoever
You accuse me of hypocrisy, yet it is you who oscillates between rejecting and embracing occult concepts as it suits your argument. You deride "occultic nonsense" but then turn around to validate telepathy by referencing dubious claims, such as those purportedly proven by the CIA. This only emphasizes how inconsistently you go in circles.
Nope sorry. We can play this game all day. Your personal vendettas against certain placements cloud your ability to have any meaningful insight to any placement. Every placement has good and bad factors and that’s why you fail at astrology in the first place. You’re no better than the teenagers that have one bad experience with a virgo and claim all virgos are like that. You also frequently shit all over placements you’ve personally deemed bad. I’m so sorry that i’m not a doomer and an actual astrologer so i’m able to list both good and bad aspects of a singular placement. Something you’re unable to do. The aspects of the planet and other placements also matter. Someone with a cancer mars but heavy earth will also handle a cancer mars better. The fact that you can’t understand that speaks for itself.

You regularly call people retards and lash out at them for having a placement that you deem bad instead of telling them how to manage the bad aspects of the placement. You struggle to properly read charts because of this. You rely too heavily on things like dignities instead of understanding the pros, cons and reality of singular placement. For being a Libra you sure don’t understand balance. You’re mediocre at best and you’ll continue to be mediocre if you don’t start actually practicing astrology, asking questions, and seeking out how planets behave in reality. Again, you don’t even use outer planets and claim the 12th house rules prisons even tho not a single time has this been true, but you wouldn’t know that because you just READ about astrology, you don’t PRACTICE astrology. There are millions of little tidbits you realize as you practice but you insist everything is set in stone exactly as your book told you. You’ll never grow if you maintain this attitude
Here are my arguments.

I won't repeat them again. Stop derailing the discussion. This is just a smokescreen because you don't want to admit you screwed it up.
Telepathy is not an occult practice. It’s a proven capability even used in war. You’re a hypocrite because you’re trying to claim i said something so outlandish but yet even in the previous thread before this one you were leaping over yourself to tell people which occult placements they have. Yet I use the word downloads one time and you’re having a schizophrenic meltdown. Even your god brennan mentions psychic placement and occultic placements. This is comical at this point. You can’t even remain consistent in your own views and choose to switch up just to disagree with me. You’re pathetic
Yet still no example of how a strong planet would behave vs a weak planet in the real world. Just regurgitating what an essential dignity is. Not shocking you claim to worship brennan because this is very reminiscent of his inability to explain how planets manifest in the real world. His entire shtick is being a historian, telling you how to map a chart but not how to read one. That’s why you can’t give any examples beyond giving the definition of what a dignity is. The definition of the practice is not an example. You can’t do it. Months of this argument and you STILL can’t do it.
Telepathy isn't even real. It's your delusions. I want you to send me a scientific paper talking about it and not the 'leaked' practices that the CIA did during the Cold War. It's already proven that these archives were discarded and just experiments, yet you're trying to validate your arguments at any cost.

>you’re having a schizophrenic meltdown
t. the one who claims Mercury placements grant you psychic superpowers.
I don't worship Brennan. As I said, I'm not the one who made that post licking his balls. I just told you that he was way more successful than you, not that I worship him or whatever.
LOLLLLL sir absolutely not have i ever taken so much as word from you. You are on record regurgitating verbatim my analogies. I’ve even provided several examples where you’ve done it and you have the balls to try to throw that back at me. Autism once again, just repeating what i’ve said to you. Even in your little side tangents about modern astrology or teenagers you nearly verbatim have gotten from me. You clearly look up to me in some form or you wouldn’t constantly do this, you’re just too stubborn to admit that you’ve learned from things i’ve said in here. I’ve offered to help you multiple times as i see you struggle to provide accurate readings. I’ve told you multiple times you have potential if you’d just stop being stubborn but you’re too egotistical to admit that you need help. And i do think you’re slightly autistic or you wouldn’t keep repeating things i’ve said toward you back at me. Again it’s like there’s no original thought, all of your ideas and opinions are things you’ve picked & choosed from other people. You’ve never once given an authentic reading. You’re welcome for the insight you’ve stolen from my previous reads
Success and fame aren’t the same. I’ve had plenty of success as an astrologer but I don’t personally want fame. I’d rather be known for my abilities and not the way i look which unfortunately would play a huge factor. I’m notable in my own right and i think that’s something to be proud of. I’m also not a traditional astrologer like he is. I have respect for him. What i don’t have respect for is people who treat him like a god willing to fight to the death for him. He can definitely tell you how to map a chart. Every astrologer has their strengths and weaknesses and his weakness is that he can’t and doesn’t give examples on how planets manifest in real world terms. If you fully depend on him, you’re not an astrologer. The biggest part of this craft is more than just understanding a planet on paper, you can say a mars in libra is opposite jupiter in aries but what does that actually mean? You can say Saturn is in fall but what does that actually mean? Do you understand what i’m saying?

Brennan is great for learning how to map a chart. But you should be able to move on from him by the time you become intermediate.
Shall i go back and tag every comment you’ve made in the last few days telling people about their occultic super sayain wizardly placements? There’s probably even a few in this thread alone. Yet you still choose to ignore your god brennan regularly mentions “psychic placements”

Telepathy is real i’m really not sure why you’re suddenly trying to act like it isn’t and like you don’t regularly bring up the occult.

Don’t forget you also try to claim “all aries are black people” and ask every aries that posts “are you black”
and, before you were told, by me, that jews worship saturn, You couldn’t even understand that either and took it to mean that “saturn rules jewish people” You’re like a child, it’s so funny.
I don't repeat anything that you say. In fact, I've been here longer than you. You popped up in January 2024.

You're a hypocrite. You called him a rat and yet you claim you respect him. That's an insult for people who are intelligent in the slightest. I don't have bad memory, you claimed here that he was a shitty astrologer and that he doesn't deserve respect.
You're twisting my words at your convenience, lmao. Also what I said before was a correlation that I found between black people and Aries placements - not that all Aries are blacks. In fact, a black person is more likely to be impulsive and brave, an Aries quality.

And about the Jews, was just an analogy.
That entire comment is exactly what i’ve said throughout this whole thing. I do think he’s a rat. I’ve never said he’s a bad astrologer. I’ve said countless times he’s an astrology historian. I obviously do not care for the guy that doesn’t mean i can’t have respect for his historical compilations of astrology. It still stands that telling someone how to map a chart is absolutely not the same as teaching how planets manifest. Not really sure what’s so hard for you to understand

Also it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been here, as soon as i started posting you have consistently taken things i’ve said and start rattling them off as your own words. That is a fact. I’ve called it out multiple times.
>you have consistently taken things i’ve said and start rattling them off as your own words.
That was the Leo Rising chimping out because you didn't read my chart, why are you this liar? Are you this malicious on purpose? You know the truth better than none because you witnessed his mental breakdown.
you didn't read his chart*

And you can look for the archives, it was him and nobody else. He even said that was gonna troon out.
You have quite literally said that if you’re black then you’re more likely to be an aries. That is what you said and everyone spit roasted you for it and now you’re trying to twist what you said because you realize now that that was an idiotic thing to say.
I used to browse in astro-seek and found out that many blacks were Aries, or had Aries placements. It's a personal observation and connects with their impulsive behaviors. And you're bringing up this which has nothing to do with the condition of planets and traditional astrology.
No, i’m not talking about copy and pasting my readings. I’m talking about you taking tidbits of my readings and start using them in your own reads. To be honest i don’t even think that you realize that you’re doing it. Sometimes it’s nearly verbatim. Sometimes i read your rants and/or readings and you are quite literally regurgitating things i’ve said. In fact one example would be when i first started coming here i wrote a rant about Saturn and Saturn Returns and you’ve incorporated that into every time you’ve ever mentioned saturn since.
I said that saturn is scary to people who lack responsibility and maturity, etc. Literally ever since you have multiple times repeated my words. And that’s only one example. It’s not just readings you do it with either. Every rip on modern astrology that you give is also nearly verbatim and reminiscent of my own rants. If i cared enough i could search through the archive and tag every comment that you’ve done this. And that’s the point, you aren’t authentically giving readings, it’s like you pick and choose things you personally agree with and just repeat them. It’s either autism or subconscious admiration
If you can’t see how moronic this take is then i don’t know what to tell you. This would mean that blacks all decide to conceive in the same month in order to produce aries. Which you know is untrue. Whites are the minority in the world, blacks and pajeets are the majority, which means the majority of every sign is black. You KNOW this but yet you still say silly shit like this
Telepathy is real
The QWERTY layout is a keyboard layout for Latin-script alphabets, named after the first six keys in the top letter row: Q-W-E-R-T-Y. It was invented in the early 1870s by Christopher Latham Sholes.
The mind can imagine tactile responses of any size

What would stop me from sharing a body with you? Just by making myself imagined to be as your physiological anatomy?
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Yeah i’m bringing up because your basis of astrology is even rooted in how astrology actually works. You want to larp about dignities like they matter in actual reality but then turn around and say things like this. How can your opinion on anything be respected when this is how you think astrology works
You hate me, I wouldn't ever imitate you. I can take you as reference to follow the opposite steps. You're bringing this out of the thin air just because you don't want to accept I have a good level at reading charts.

Fair point.
This is a pile of shit. You're quoting mental illneses and syndromes, perceptions and visual phenomenons. Not reading all of this.
It was clearly an analogy, a generalized categorization of each one. Not an objective fact. Opinions are relative, they don't need to have empirical substance.
You would and you do repeat me. Maybe you’re too busy thinking every moronic take is me to realize that the ones you personally agree with and factor into your own readings are actually me.

I didn’t post that but i’m going to insert myself obviously, are you really unaware of the declassified documents on telepathy? And why are you all of a sudden denouncing telepathy when you constantly jump to tell people which occult placements they have
No one repeats you. I talk about planetary dignities, decans, WSH and ancient interpretations, do you think I care about what you have to say? Girl, if anything, I could repeat what Valens and Firmicus have to say and still is a quote from select lines of their books.

Twisting my words again to validate your arguments. I claimed countless times I practice traditional astrology and yet you dare to disseminate such sassy rumours.
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>This is a pile of shit. You're quoting mental illneses and syndromes, perceptions and visual phenomenons. Not reading all of this.
>t. aphantasia hands typed this
>He will never be small enough to live inside a doll house with a tea candle fire place.
I could easily go back and reference multiple multiple times you’ve nearly verbatim quoted me. Nice try though. Maybe consider not quoting anyone at all and using your own words and just do your own interpretations and maybe you’d actually have success in learning how astrology operates in real life
Here’s an archive for your readings pleasure

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I was insanely close to being a Giga Leo
what do you mean close nigga that’s a leo stellium
it could have been 6 instead of 4
Authorities having power over paranormal knowledge and we are merely social pawns. It's a shame.

These documents are declassified though. I don't diminish its validity, but only the elites have access to hidden knowledge. I don't think you can spot these things in a chart.

And by your logic, we've been fighting over many lifetimes. It's a perpetual rivalry between both of us.
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Gave two birthdays blindly, and every reader says the same - attraction is insanely high, then they just go silent.
Anytime we're together, people have commented high intense energy or appear visibly intimidated

idk her birth time (right), she's being a cunt atm.
I'm an aspiring rock singer/musician. Is there anything in my chart that indicates success and fame in music or am I wasting my time?
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He uses the outer planets too you braindead histrionic bitch. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT THIS FOR YOU TO GET THE MESSAGE.
I pity your finace.
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Is it fucking over? We're not dating or anything but I've liked him for so long even though he can be a bit of a smug cunt.

You both are very grounded but very very passionate.. I can see why people are intimidated by you two.. You both also have the same chiron so it seems like this bond is deeper than the flames and passion that occur with your relationship.. you two might actually struggle a bit when it comes down to the similar unhealed wounds you both have, luckily both of your mercurys are in air placements especially with hers in gemini, meaning that she might be a bit hot and cold with her communication but she's still very good at it when she wants to be, I'm getting very flirty, fun stuff from it.. Your mercury in libra is actually VERY good here, you essentially balance out the instability that may occur with her when things are bumpy and she storms off, you wait or try to negotiate things with her before she storms off.

>venus in taurus
>venus in leo
yeah. pda alert. but I can tell you guys care a lot for each other, you might even be a bit flashy with her while she's more on the lax side of things. doesnt mean she doesnt have any passion though, it's def there and you love getting it.

very interesting placements but imo look more into your chirons (and when you get her birth time), 12 house, and your mars. mars in cancer and mars in aries can be like water putting out a fire or gas being put into a wildfire. Balance.

I say go for it. You have the perfect blend of charm, passion, and eccentricity. Jupiter in capricorn means you'll be the type to have second thoughts about investing in whatever career you'll have though, but you have to realize that it isn't everything or nothing, it's just a career you wish to pursue. Continue being ambitious and try to let your flirty libra sun, firey and passionate leo moon, and your fortune in leo thrive and flourish! Your fortune in leo is literally RIGHT there telling you to go for it!
My finance?
Just to clarify, that's not me. He's a totally different anon.
His fiance was in his Saturn return - Saturn in 7th house partners are not always good.

My aunt had a 7th house Saturn and married after her 30s, her husband died three years later. It's either having a shit marriage or some kind of tragedy.

fuck just ignore that 'his'
That’s not at all how a 7th house saturn works
And i’ll add something that i said earlier, a lot of you deal with strong self hatred. You misconceptualize your own placements and put blame where it doesn’t belong. Pick and choose placements you think are ruining your life when in reality it’s you, the native, ruining your own life.

A 7th Saturn can manifest a number of ways, a few being a late bloomer, someone who gets along better with older people, someone who ends up with a partner older than them, longevity/serious long term relationships — particularly only one, pre saturn return melancholic view of relationships. The main issue is before their saturn return, they’ll struggle with connecting with people their own age, depending on how it’s aspected plays a huge role. Don’t under estimate how fake and gay your life is before your saturn return. Everything in life starts to makes sense after the fact. I can’t express that enough.

As for your aunt, i’m not sure what a 7th house saturn has to do with that considering you even said it was 3 years after her saturn return which means saturn would have moved an entire sign away from the sign of her return. Since you have her birth time run a transit chart for her husbands death and that will give you way more insight
ngl I'm kinda jealous of happy people. Wish I could form a genuine bond with someone who'd chemistry or sexual tension with me. It's only ephemeral and shallow people orbiting my life.
oh one more thing, “getting married later in life” is another common theme but again, the saturn return is the marker for this. i guess back in the day 27 was middle aged because everyone died at 40-50. anyway things get significantly better in life after the first saturn return regardless of where it is in your chart
It's not a projection, I don't even have a 7th house Saturn.

But I have a Saturn square Venus in an exact aspect which is a bit of the same. No real friendships, always alone and never had a gf. It's painful.
Which anon are you?
Aqua anon i’ve told you countless times stop looking into your saturn square venus and consider your venus/neptune. There’s actually several aspects you have that influencing your overall outlook on life and love
Aqua anon.
Venus trine Neptune is even worse because I idealize people who don't reciprocate their feelings at all with me, are emotionally distant or cold - it only fuels delusion and indulges in false romantic overidealization.

At best what I could think from a Neptune-Venus aspects is summoning a succubus because it's the only ethereal thing out of this realm.
Is there any astrology form that recognizes opiuchus and works it in? Its a major constellation that everyone just ignores. The zodiac months are fucked because the stars have shifted since the babylonian calendar was made but noome seems to care and we still just talk as if theres 12. And those 12 arent even dominant on the days that our current astrology system denotes to them as their month.

So again, has there been any modern astrology works done that works in opiuchus and the other minor constellations? I beleive in astrology in many ways but at the same time it just annoys me how theres such baisc mistakes like this that noone even notices
Weren’t you just bitching at me for bringing up telepathy and now you’re talking about summoning a succubus.

You’re right. You idealize love and what relationships should be, pisces/neptune make everything a fantasy that reality can never hold a candle to. Venus then squaring Saturn should help you keep one foot on the ground in reality. You need to open your mind to people. Don’t have a specific set list of things you want or let yourself be drawn to the aesthetic of someone or the idea of someone. You should also consider microdosing dating. By that i mean, approach or ask out many girls, expose yourself to rejection, expose yourself to types of girls you might not even see yourself with. This will not only give you experience in dating but also help open your mind to what kind of person you actually want.
You also need to significantly consider your anger issues and letting something small absolutely set you off, or letting something small completely corrupt your view of someone. Venus/Neptune is difficult in the sense that if one thing that happens in love goes wrong, you’re willing to throw it out the window. You want someone to commit to you, but you have unrealized issues with commitment yourself. You also have yet to go through a saturn return if i remember correctly
We don’t use ophichus because none of the planets nor the sun orbit through it. There aren’t 12 constellations, there are 88. We only use the ones the planets orbit through.
I thought it was about what the sun moves through. And the sun moves thru Ophiuchus from about November 30 to December 18 each year. Every source i ever read said that it was about what the sun was moving through
I used succubus as an analogy to emphasize how fucked is that placement. Idealizing what isn't there, present, in your physical realm.

When I tell you I cannot bound with someone else, I'm not lying - in fact, we find solace in like-minded people, right? But these friendships/relationships are bound to be ephemeral and vague. People with opposite perspectives of life are a fuel of tension, it creates chemistry and there's an undisputed attraction, but the role may be antagonistic.

There is a certain inability in the chemistry that creates some clashes within goals and personalities, and it's a walk in the park. So I try to avoid these situations, I don't feel comfortable at all as you said.

There's always a counter-intuitive argumentative nature that goes into an inherent downfall. I see these as personal issues, personally. It's a wild speculation but that's how I see relationships these days, ephemeral, these are my experiences.

Used to think in soulmates, people shaping your life beyond mundane interactions and giving meaning to your life - it's all an empty and dull idealization, you hardly meet something like a soulmate unless you go for it. That's how that Neptune aspecting my Venus could display in my life, personally.

What attracts me the most is beauty, physical appearance, a good smell, enjoying the finer things of life. These things seem to clash with a "go getter" mentality in a sense they're very structured and prone to routine, precisely what Saturn is seeking for, older or mature people.
Western astrology doesn’t use the actual constellations they use seasonal based positions. So take it up with the pajeets and sidereal astrologers it’s their problem.
i love prodigy
my son is 5 but has pluto transit in the 4th house. how over is it for me or possibly my wife? would this also affect grandparents? we're thinking about moving from the city I'm in so hopefully it's just something along those lines though I am aquarius sun so pluto will touch my sun and mercury eventually :(
First you need to release the idea of a soul mate. Which i understand you’re saying Neptune implies such a thing in the first place.

In reality, relationships are not about love. They’re about commitment. Waking up everyday and consciously choosing the same person over and over again. Love waxes and wanes like the moon. But it is commitment that keeps relationships going. Some people won’t like to hear that or maybe even disagree but it’s the truth.

I’d have to see your chart again to give you an astrological analysis of what’s holding you back. But from just a normal life perspective, it’s obvious that the internet has pushed us farther from people rather than bringing us together. Putting yourself out there is uncomfortable. But it’s necessary. And unfortunately you are also the man. You’re going to have to take initiative. Your neptune/venus doesn’t like the idea of pursuit. You want things to be sudden, fast, honey moon phase puppy dog type of love. That isn’t how reality works. Saturn likely makes you have some level of disgust for casual dating.
Another life/not astro advice i would give is also, again, you have to WANT to date, not want someone to date you. There is a level of ego that has to be dropped on both sides. You also have to let go of all expectation, because again, Neptune loves deception, clouding the ability to see yourself and how your own attitude toward love is hindering you rather than helping you. You likely love the idea of falling in love but rarely think about shit like living together, losing all privacy, pulling hair out of the shower drain, dealing with messes, dealing with jealousy, dealing with the fear that comes with love, maybe even once you get into a relationship you’ll be plagued with the idea of “what if there is something better for me” “am i ready to do this for the rest of my life”

I bring these things up because the way you talk about love is very piscean
This is a very long transit. Likely nothing too serious or no one off event. Saturn stays in one sign for nearly 25 years. It’s nothing you should let worry you unless he has some malefic planets in the 4th house, which indicates his overall upbringing and his relationship with the both of you
in whole sign he has the sun in the 5th house but it's in the 4th house along with neptune in placidus, but thank you
> Love yourself, regulate your emotions and you will eventually meet the correct people. Thoughts colour your environment.
I intend to but I wonder how much more bile do I have to both metaphorically / in reality vomit before I start manifesting more positive thoughts. I have become more aware of myself and I react differently now, less hatred but it's more painful though, quite ironic.

>You should not care about people who are no longer present in your life
Knowing that made me realize what my passionate obsessions were all about. Not other people but myself, it's all ego and control, that person is just the vehicle of how it manifests. And the vehicle will invariably feel that as I'm a worse actor than I think I am. Letting go is viscerally hard.
Thoughts really do feed the mind and emotions as you said, I have a feeling I will remember this often.
Good luck to you on your endeavours as well and thanks for the positive interaction
What I need to really release is my pessimistic perspective that relationships are ephemeral and there's no genuine bond after the fun is gone. I no longer hold the idea of soulmate, rather I see love as a temporary madness, a temporary lapse in judgment.

I can take initiative in every aspect of my life, but not gonna lie... most people of my age are insanely boring, shallow or don't convince me at all. If they're not open-minded at all I just discard them. I don't disagree that good people are hard to come across though, but there are billions of people in the world. You just gotta be out here and solve it through exposure.
Forgot to say. Lilith is square to the ascendant. Idk how that manifests beyond being unconsciously controversial.
I meant to say pluto *** not saturn btw sorry
>In reality, relationships are not about love. They’re about commitment. Waking up everyday and consciously choosing the same person over and over again. Love waxes and wanes like the moon. But it is commitment that keeps relationships going. Some people won’t like to hear that or maybe even disagree but it’s the truth.
Excellent post, my only remark here would be about the word love. I don't disagree with a word you wrote, just the terminology. There's agape and eros. People confuse these 2 opposite concepts. You described love quite well, it's a state of action, commitment and effort. You described agape love, true love.

When some people say they love, they have in mind passion, or Eros, and the idea of the soul mate you correctly mentioned is a corolary of that "disease of the soul". Which must be released for a more fulfilling life.
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Am still new at this, can someone pls help me interpret this?
Your fiance.
I know one of those, she's an evil shrew that bullies her husband constantly. A sad sight, for both of them.
how was home life for you at an early age? are your parents or family at odd with each other?
Pretty weird honestly, my parents kinda isolated me for some reason and they would fight a lot, I used to experience paranormal shit 24/7 too if that’s what you’re asking. I just spent a lot of time alone outside and with my cats and chickens for the most part
Your 4th house is the house of home. I have found it to speak on your father, but some traditions say your mother. He's probably referencing the fact that your Mars is conjunct Pluto in your 4th. Mars is aggression, severing, violence, etc and pluto tends to magnify things either up or down. The pluto/Mars conjunct is also square to both your sun and moon. Squares make things more brutal and energetic. Your Moon.represents your mother and Sun represents your father and they are opposite to each other. So there are hard aspects in multiple ways indicating problems with conflicting parents which lines up with what you say. You have a day chart because the sun is above the horizon and in Hellenistic astrology, Mars will exhibit more negative traits where as night charts Saturn would bring out its more negative traits.

Your rising is in virgo which means mercury is your chart ruler. Mercury is in Aquarius which makes your intellect pretty sharp and smart. Being conjunct with Uranus, your thinking might be inventive and unique/unusual. This conjunction is square to saturn which is a bit of.a difficult aspect, but being a day chart, saturn is a little less harsh. It is also in conjunction with Jupiter the greater benefic which also helps out. Being on your MC indicates that people will see you as disciplined and guru like. Could indicate a religious or spiritual position. Your 10th house of career is Gemini which is also ruled by your Mercury. So again careers in communication, writing, using your intelligence and speech will come into play.

As far as the paranormal things you speak of... I have found that square aspects to the moon can really intensify the paranormal/mystical. Being in your first house it even makes it part of your identity.

That is all I have for now. Interesting chart.
>No, lol. At best would give you a stoic mind at cost of being a total dumbass who cannot connect at deeper level with other people.
So, what, you just assume all the cap moon leaders are a total coincidence, and those individuals only became leaders because of ulterior benefics, rather than the relation between those benefics and cap moon?
That poster is stupid. Cap Moon creates difficulties with emotions but it doesn't make people hopeless robot autists who are too dumb to connect with others emotionally. That's an absurd claim to make given just how many Capricorn Moons exist in the world.
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Kinda funny going through my chart bank. Some of these anons spam their charts so often I've saved them like three-four times.
don’t pity him he’s fine. doin great even
this is why I haven't posted mine in a year
i refuse to post mine
any favorite charts?
How long have you been saving them?
Dude that’s scary lmao, accurate as fuck, except the guru thing lmao, people do come to me for advice but I have no idea why considering I’ve been a junkie half my life and have no idea wtf I’m doing
Thank you again tho, very in depth
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Would someone please read this chart for a friend of mine? She daren't visit 4chan and I think it would be a nice b-day gift for her. Thank you!
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Gearing up for my Saturn Return in the next year or so. Any advice on how that will go?
Appreciate the reading!
Instability is definitely a thing. When it's good it's the greatest thing ever, but when it's bad it triggers a lot of horrible internal things and feels like hell. All tied to childhood/chirons.
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Holy fuck, I finally figured it out! Listen up you dumb fucks and learn. It all depends on which eye is dominant, that's the key. It's as shrimple as that, believe it or not. If your right eye is dominant, you're following the tropical script; if your left eye is dominant, you're following the sidereal script. (b-but anon what about muh blind people??? I don't know, and I don't care. Anyway I'm a fucking GENIUS) Also, if I could get a general read, I'd appreciate it.
why are some of you so fuckin weird
No offense not trying to be mean but when you guys come in here and claim a chart is “for a friend” i always assume you’re lying and it’s your chart

Like i’m sorry but what do you mean you want to get your “friend” a birthday present and the present is one singular paragraph about her chart written by some schizo on 4chan?????
can someone tell me what retrogrades actually mean in a chart? i have seen a lot of contradictory explanations and I dont know what to trust.
It's holding the energy of the planet within.

>Mars Retrograde: holding anger within until the vast amount of repressed energy explodes suddenly
>Mercury Retrograde: holding communication and criticism within and not expressing what you really think
>Venus Retrograde: holding romance and idealization within, not being able to express love in healthy ways
>Saturn Retrograde: holding your sense of authority and restrictions within, having a hard time establishing boundaries
>Jupiter Retrograde: seeking answers from within rather than learning from the outside world. You create your own philosophy
can someone read my birth chart and tell me who I'm supposed to be with?
I'm not sure I'm too comfortable posting it here and not sure if mods will care if I post my social. but if that's cool I'll give someone my discord
astrology can’t tell you who you’re supposed to be with…
Sometimes i get a little sad when i scroll other astro forums and see people with a libra pluto asking things like "will i ever get married or have children"

anyone else ever see stuff like this?
lmaoo that's kinda cursed. I know we're mostly scorpio and sag pluto gens itt but how shit must life be to still hold on to that belief as a libra pluto? at earliest you're 50/51 years old.. knowing them they probably fucked all the time and had a ball in their 20s but now look at them. out of touch with the older gen but way past it with the younger
The youngest libra pluto is around 43, remember pluto retrogrades. But even then, even if they found a partner now they'd still have to get established together before having a baby and by then, it's a geriatric pregnancy.

Just makes me a little sad lol. But you're right, technically the only ones to blame are themselves. It's not always about whoring around, sometimes people don't take care of themselves or they believe the lie of girlbossing a career until its too late, or men wasting their lives playing video games etc

You hate to see it you rlly do
Pisces rising, which makes Jupiter chart ruler. Jupiter in Leo/6th house also conjunct Part of Fortune. Could indicate ability to achieve abundance through self-expressive daily habits. Jupiter also rules over Sagittarius which is your 10th house of career. Not only rules over, but also forms a grand trine with Venus/chiron in the 10th and moon/NN in 2nd. Your mercury (speech, intellect, communication) and Venus (Art, beauty, comfort) are conjunct with your MC so you will be known for some blend of these things. I could almost see your expressive daily habits being something like journaling or writing poetry and somehow incorporating them into your career.

This being said your Saturn is in Gemini, 4th house and is *perfectly* opposite to your Venus. It is important to pay attention to any aspect that is this strong. The 4th house signifies your home and Gemini is communication, and can represent your father or mother depending on the tradition. This could indicate a troubled home life growing up with topics specifically dealing with communication. You might even have some kind of speech or learning disability. You might have been able to keep it a secret or it is not even well known to others. It will take time to master, but you must keep working at it and have strong indications that you will be successful if you put the time in. You have a day chart so the negative indications of Saturn will be less than that of Mars.

Your Mars will be tough. Mars exhibits worse traits in day charts and yours is in Pisces which is pretty much the hardest sign it can be in. Mars wants to take action and Pisces is a deep water sign which can indicate problems with motivation and staying on task or even knowing which direction to go. It will also be amplified by a square to a strong pluto in scorpio.

Pluto in 9th house suggests that you will achieve the greatest transformations in your life through topics dealing with religion, higher education and travel
The sun gives energy to everything in your chart, so your sun in 9th house scorpio will nourish the rest with topics related around religion/spirituality, higher learning/education, and foreign travel. Scorpio can also indicate occult/mystical topics. There are also power struggles and sexuality as major topics here. The Sun can also refer to your father. Being square to mars and conjunct pluto could indicate an destructive or violent father or maybe you lost your father due to violence. It can also indicate your ego and sense of self, so be aware of your own ego as it could be blown out of proportion.

Your southern node in 8th house libra indicates you are a master of transforming relationships. Use this energy to achieve what your north node in 2nd house Aries is pushing you towards. 2nd house topics include personal finance and the substance you have available to you. Aries is an independent sign, so I could read that as something like maybe you've depended on inheritance (8th house topic) too much and now your soul wants to achieve financial independence on your own, from your own creations. Your moon in this position will also indicate you will take a lot of emotional comfort from this independence too.

All for now. Master your daily habits and manifest that creativity that inside of you and the world is yours.
I'm 40 and my pluto is at 29 degrees libra.

I did not know this was a meme for my generation. I never wanted children though. My wife is scorpio pluto and does not want kids either. It's just that way for some of us.
I'm 37 and thought I was the oldest one lol gah damn
I wouldn't exactly call it a meme. It's just makes me sad because like asking for divination help when they probably should have tried to figure it out before hand you know what i mean
Fair, but no reason to be sad friend. Some lessons take multiple lifetimes to figure out.
We will be glorious when we figure ourselves out eventually.

My pluto is a rough one too, hah :). At least I'm lucky
>Pluto conjunct IC
Ouch... you effectively had a shitty family in your early life.
Born healthy, doctor came in sick and got entire floor of babies sick. Permanent lung damage.
Sister got sick and died of childhood leukemia.
Father physically abusive towards my Mom. 20k behind child support when I turned 18.
Mother end-of-times religious fundamentalist. Regaled me with bedtime stories about how we'd be tortured by the government and have to run and hide in the woods.

Yeah you get the picture. Could have been worse though. They all loved me at least even if they couldn't give me what I needed.
>Constant attacks by some demon are indicated by Venus in the ninth house. The natives go around sordid and unkempt or stay in temples prophesying, claiming that they are announcing the will of the gods. Often they are interpreters of dreams. These effects are stronger if Saturn is in aspect.
It's over bros. I tick all boxes.
you niggas will say anything
Stop projecting your most vile ignorance onto traditionalchads.
Mars in the ninth house haunts demons. The native is too masculine and scary for them.

Venus in the ninth house is attractive for demons. 9th house rules spirituality and spirits, no wonder they pursue intellectual natives.
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I’m a cancer an I have no fucking clue what the fuck is going on.
What am I supposed to do with this thread?
I have venus/uranus/saturn in the 9th (placidus) and I'm fine. though I do have some weird experiences from time to time and my dreams are mostly nightmares, but again. I'm fine
Thanks anon!
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let's have some fun..
besides being a complete degenerate, what did julio foolio in? I couldn't find a birth time so I left that blank but his death date was around 4:30am in tampa fl
What is the meaning of Pluto retrograde in a composite chart? Is it significant?
We have a few in retrograde
No one cares about niggers
Nothing. Pluto is retrograde for nearly 200 days of the year. This is why it takes him so long to make it through a sign
Also, why do you keep trying to do these for people with no birth time? Last thread you did the same thing. I understand it’s fun to do on twitter but that girl provides birth times and like 4 different systems of the chart and the guessing games are actually fun. Hers actually have answers that can be found. Such as “is this person a doctor or a stripper” not, “what did this nigger do to get murdered even tho no one actually knows”

Niggers are 87% more likely to die by murder via another nigger. What do you want us to say
You know damn well that the ninth house doesn’t have anything to do with demons. This is why you need to learn how to read charts on your own and stop depending on other astrologers to tell you everything. Have you ever seen a demon in real life have you ever interacted with a demon have you ever actually seen or heard of any legitimate or modern man have anything to say or do with demons let alone attribute it to the 9th house? No, you haven’t. But here you are depending on this ancient retard as if he’s a god himself. And you see no issue?
There's beauty in demons, too. They have the ability to haunt you at night and be your ethereal company, as well as the ones busting your balls. I find solace in demons. My legitimate answer is that I haunt humans with Mars on the ascendant. At least demons are a good company for me - they give you inconditional love and don't care about mundane stuff.
You need to lay off the drugs
Humans are the antithesis of storge. I cannot relate with them at all, it's purely conditional love and lack of familiarity with their own specie. Fake and gay bounds. It's a diffuse, ephemeral and temporary condition in which the human bond is in judgment by conditional elements.

Friendships are the least biological, organic, instinctive, gregarious and necessary... the least natural of loves. It's purely interest and satisfying each other's needs. An ephemeral and short-term connection; philia.

Demons love you unconditionally, no matter what. They just need a sentient company to satisfy their needs, it's less conditional than human interactions. They don't leave you in the worst moments, they don't expect gifts, money or material stuff from humans. The company alone is great.

Demons are the representation of agape. The ancient were based though, you just don't catch a glimpse of their words. Shame on you, lady.
Become a succubus and I will shut off my schizoposting.
so this is better, gotcha.
how are we doing Virgobros?
Telepathy isn’t realy but you’re talking to demons. Got it
Have you considered that this behavior right here is why you can’t get a girlfriend when’s the last time you felt the sun on your skin, you need it
It's schizoposting. Funny to see your reactions.

Lady, I'm not this silly in real life. Since you're into astrology, you should know to draw the line between a fictional and real behaviors. I'm just like you, a human being. The only difference is the environmental conditioning. When you interact with someone in real life, it's a little autistic to use labels and boxes such as "chad", "chud", "virgin", "demons" and so on...

I also feel emotions, have motivations, ambitions, desires and interests. Here I throw away all hint of decency because it's an online forum and I can express myself fully, no filters. If I don't find a girlfriend is not because a limitation or being a 'social loser'. They just don't connect with me at all, there's not sexual tension and the interactions are mostly ephemeral. They can perceive me as attractive or 'smart' for stating the obvious, rambling in philosophical stuff and talking them about concepts that transcend the physical perception.

As result, I find no organic interactions, no chemistry or a commonality at all. It's the least solid of connections. When I come here to vent is because of these 'silly' or 'weak' behaviors, whatever is the label you will use to discard my post. There's more than the eye can meet. Obviously talking about planets, celestial bodies, stars, signs, ethereal stuff and spirituality I will pass as a schizo and insufferable larper. These things are taboo and bad seen in society.
I haven’t read a single one of these messages beyond the first sentence
You hate me so it's okay.
I don't hate you. I think you're a sperg and a doomer
are you on any ssri's or antipsychotics? if so, that could be playing a part to why you feel so disconnected
death to all taurus moons
"outer planets" are meaningless
kill it with water
the moon square is gonna be a problem
she's a brave genius
u gotta find the person urself buddyyy astrology isn't gonna magically summon them from the sky
Fair point.

Again, you're assuming things of my life when you don't know me personally. Well, I don't care, after all you're a random anonymous in a 4chan board. Never took a single drug in my life.
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How to kill Cancer: Leave them alone.
What's your argument?
>its just a modern invention dont trust pop astrology!!!!!!!!

This isn't how astrology works, retard. Outer planets are certainly important in determining major transits and elements in natal chart.

Hitler had Uranus in the Ascendant, wasn't Hitler a rebellious and stubborn contrarian? Kurt Cobain had both Pluto and Uranus in the ascendant, he was known for being mysterious/intense as well as unique and revolutionary.

You won't understand what I say unless you have an outer planet in the ascendant or aspecting an important planet. Stop being so fucking donkey and read an actual chart, don't indulge in books and be more practical.
which sign is the most autistic
Thread reminder - saturn sucks
scorp rising anon here

i’m feeling a little loosey goosey with it today and going against my best interest and considering posting a synastry chart here to hear all of your opinions

but at the same time i don’t want to hear a bunch of bullshit or trying to adjust my chart into whole signs (circumstances in my life let me know that placidus is for sure the right chart for me) (i’ve also been drinking)
I also want to say, just for the sake of yapping,

A lot of you are depressed. And so was i, i shared really personal details about my life in these god forsaken threads when it comes to trauma and turmoil. I just want to say that i don’t know what it is about Saturn, maybe it’s that he is my charts co ruler, but he changed my life. Night and day difference. The year of my saturn return was one of the worst years of my life, but if you would see my chart you’d see my whole life has been traumatic event after traumatic event so in the grand scheme, it wasn’t that bad.

But it’s like I literally woke up one day and everything was different. Reminiscent of when my frontal lobe developed, but in a more abrupt and noticeable way.

Saturn is your savior. I wasn’t even clocking my saturn return because i was deep in the circumstances of my life at the time and i rarely ever even check my transits because my natal set up is so shitty to begin with, checking transits usually signals nothing but tragedy

My point is, no matter where Saturn is in your chart, he is your daddy. Granddaddy even. He wouldn’t put you through anything you couldn’t handle, and his rewards are far greater than any strife you’ve experienced.

It’s not over for any of you
Couldn’t be more false.
I’d love to get into an autism conversation right now actually. I redact my previous comment, it’s not over for any of you — except those of you that are autistic
Kurt Cobain was Virgo Ascendant, very autistic and control freaky as per their sign.
I’m also bored.

If you give me your birth info i’ll load some arabic lots to your chart
But only if something interesting in your life has happened

pick any of the following

>Lot Of Murder — L111
Unlikely any of you have had a murder in your family but just in case

>Astrology Lots — L101, L102
For anyone who considers themselves an astrologer in here

>Disease — L72, L81, L208
For anyone with autoimmune, chronic, life altering diseases, birth defects. Will do transits too

Can also do death of parents, parents in general, siblings, violence, etc
Virgo, alla Mercury, is the planet of logic. If you’re retarded and think autism has to do with logic that’s your own misconception.

Autism was not a thing when he was born, growing up and into adulthood. You’re coping because you like a celebrity and want to relate to him. It’s the same thing as trannies trying to claim he was a transvestite.

Virgo has absolutely nothing to do with autism
For example

My friends father was murdered in Columbia (americans)
His Lot of Murder is conjunct his ascendant and Venus in the 1st

My sister was murdered, my Lot of Murder is conjunct my jupiter/sun, trine my 3rd [siblings] Saturn

So important to know your exact time of birth. Maybe i should run the lot of murder for people who have actually been murdered but i feel like it shows up more in the immediate family more than it does in the native but that’s just my unresearched OPINION
i find virgos rather socially aware and competent
Autists are highly logic/control focused because chaos doesn't make sense to them in many cases Autists are drawn to logic based hobbies, language, music, puzzles and so on because it gives them a sense of control.
>The year of my saturn return was one of the worst years of my life,
Didn't you have 29? You're quite literally in your Saturn Return.
>But it’s like I literally woke up one day and everything was different. Reminiscent of when my frontal lobe developed, but in a more abrupt and noticeable way.
Frontal lobe of the brain usually reaches full maturity at the age of 25. I don't think Saturn Return magically reprogrammed your brain patterns since they're already set.
>Saturn is your savior
Yeah but you need discipline and self-love to mitigate the detrimental effects. Also, there's a long-track until we turn 28-30 years old so until then life is fucked to some extent.
>rarely ever even check my transits because my natal set up is so shitty to begin with, checking transits usually signals nothing but tragedy
We're on the same page. Life is a hell cage, we are slaves of the stars and need to fulfill an absolutely boring lifetime task to "release" the soul.
if anyone doubts this, one of the thing autists tend to do is arrange things or stack things in shapes and patterns if something's disorganized and they find it extremely irritating when they are young.
i think aquarians are autistic as fuck
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Mfw I'm Aquarius Rising with Virgo placements.
Most schizo placements besides Pisces.
aquarius sun/mercury+pisces moon/rising and I am completely normal, you can trust me.
What do y'all think of Grace Kelly's chart? Why did she have so many affairs?
Yet you are hanging around the schizo hood of 4chan? HMMM!!!!
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> Scorpio ascendant, sun, mars, mercury.
she loves wild sex and doesn't hide it.
> Pisces moon creative personality.
> MC Leo, basically very well liked personality gets along with people.
just investigative journalism... since 2009
Meant for: >>38247899
i am a scorpio sun and a taurus moon, but I was a c-section baby, so maybe my original birth date would have changed my signs other than scorpio, dunno
yeah, I'd rather be a jupiter ruled sun sign than mars
Detached emotionless outer appearance and perfectionistic/obsessive personality patterns.

Definitely mildly autistic.
bump, why am i incel pls help
Because you monotonously iterate labels and boxes such as "incel "chad" or "virgin" which are fabricated slangs to degrade people on Internet.
Just go outside and find a girlfriend.
my saturn return was at 27/28
LMAO this is 100% a cope i'm so sorry. i'm so sick of you autistic freaks saying shit like this. you cannot function in real life and are completely unaware of your own shortcomings because again, you're autistic. you're basement dwellers and will 100% be on welfare as adults. a burden on society
no. when you were born is exacttly when you were supposed to be born. jesus christ.
Your idea of saturn is deeply misconstrued.

I had no discipline. In fact, my driving factor in life was that i don't have to do absolutely anything that i don't have to do. I would regularly no call no show to work, i would regularly disregard my relationships with everyone, lovers, friends, family. I would drive drunk and fuck up my car. I was doing drugs constantly. I didn't care about myself, the rest of my life, or anyone. Anything.

You can try to make excuses for why saturn isn't your savior all youo want, you haven't been through a saturn return. so i'm really not going to argue with someone who's never experienced it. Continue to make excuses for yourself, aqua. Saturn is coming. None of it will matter.
Are you part of the real world? Cos this sounds like cope. intelligent high functioning autists do very well in life, very overrepresented in high paying jobs like tech and quant finance making big bucks
Cat lady, you're still in your Saturn return. It isn't just a temporary transit of weeks barely hits your natal Saturn.
Calm down. He was not lying in that statement. Stop your mental breakdowns, your anger is so insane.
Let me also say, you are not slave to the stars. i feel like my whole chart was negated after saturn. I have a full 12th house, again like you know, pluto on my ascendant, my life has been nothing but strife. I even have a 1st house north node directly dragging me away from everything ive ever loved. i promise you it wasn't until saturn left aquarius that my life changed with little to no effort from me. i did absolutely nothing to aide his will. He did it for me. I'm not afraid of discpline or responsibility, but that doesn't mean i was actively trying to be better or do better. I am a self sabotaging mother fucker. To this day I try. But nothing can be taken from me, because it is meant for me. Just like it is for you. Talk to me again when you're 30
Brother, Saturn has well left my sign. It doesn't matter what larp you want to say. It's came and went long ago. I have no anger, only enthusiasm and will. Which is why i argue with you everyday
No, the cope among autists, that they've been fed by the mainstream and the left, is that they're so special and smart, because they cater to the obese, the trannies, anyone with mental issues. Autistic people are literally like robots.My favorite description -- algorithmic. You're all programmed. You have no original thought, organic ideas, everything about yourself is hand picked by you, that you decide is your new personality trait. Every conversation is just you mimicking the other person. You're all subhuman. But again, you don't know this, because your mind is so clouded and retarded that you genuinely don't understand how normal humans interact and operate. There is absolutely no intellect among your kind. You think that because you don't act out of emotion and only things youve seen and read, that that some how makes you intellgent? and agaain, nothing to do with virgo. You are all sincerely like arttifical intelligence in a human body. Barely on the nose. Barely human. You all are welfare adults. Your parents will die one day and you'll be a burden on the rest of us, expected to take care of you. You cope by claiming every person you idolize is also autistic even if they're from 1922. It's fucking weird. you all speak and act like robots
You fell into the vortex of this hole-dwelling life, yet you don't believe that 12th house is the house of desconstruction of the self, prisons and things restrained from action/being fully understood.

It's a wholly unfortunate house. Most likely associated to a troubled/fucked childhood where you were restricted from living a full and authentic life. You did beat the challenges of Saturn at least, that's great. And I don't need to experience Saturn return to elaborate an argument in what I talking about, so I definitely don't concur to your statement. Your chart is your ideal projection onto the world. There are rationale and observable patterns/facts behind it, which is a natal chart for example.
Autists are statistically higher IQ than neurotypicals. Acting out of emotion is a rational and human thing to do. You need to counter act your emotions in the professional life or otherwise you're out.
Life isn't a rose-coloured playground, you either adjust to the environment or die as a failure. Some autists are fairly succesful because they get obsessively attached to some rational patterns, learn from the environment and world surrounding them, and that's how they fabricate their own tools to survive in this life and contribute to society.

Neurotypicals just drink alcohol, go to party and have mundane/dull lives. You die, your flesh degrades and hair turns white tomorrow and everyone forgets you. That's the sad reality of the average normietypical person walking out there.
Nothing about the 12th house rules prisons. this is a mid century adaptation and cope that you haven't moved on from bc you're obsessed with ancient astrology and no modern interpretation.

i've solely only lived an authentic life, for me, and for no one else. even ancient astrologers claim that the 12th house hides all of the planets in it when in reality those are the strongest planets in my chart. and like i just said, all of those issues, all of those problems, dissipated once my saturn return was over. idk why you're trying to tell me what my experience is or what my life is. i'm trying to tell you from personal experience the influence of saturn and you just want to wallow in your own self pity. you have no argument, whether against me or against yourself, you want to believe that there are powers against you causing your life to be miserable no matter what you do. so tell yourself that then. don't argue with me about my own life

you do, absolutely, need to experience a saturn return to even be able to have this arguement with me. because thats what you always want, mars on the ascendant, is an argument. you can'nt ever just listen to someone elses experience without thinking you're so wise and informed to try to counter act whatever that person is saying. youre egotistical, selfish and self absorbed if you think your own life experience has any hold over someone else. why are you even trying to argue with me right now? youre not wiser than me, youre not more experienced than me, you know nothing more than me, especially about astrology. but god forbid i try to shed positivity on the depressed normies in here without you trying to interfere with your doomer mentality. do not tell me about my own life or what i've experienced or my life now, because you dont know. that is your own ignorance taking over your own life. you're retarded if you think youre going to lookdown your snot nose at me and tell me about my own life dork
Wrong. and a cope. I'm so sorry that mommy told you that you were special and smart and now you have no concept of reality. You're not smart, nothing about autistic people is rooted in intellectuality. it's all rooted in mimic and repetation. go seethe about it somewhere else, truly
Im not autistic, you seem like a bad person who enjoys talking to themself, so ill let you carry on
No, cat lady. I counter-argument you because your 'arguments' are just rambling and indulging in your own emotions/prejudices about others. Whether you believe it or not, astrology is a massive jackspot where you could either win or lose the gamble according to the planets you got when you were born.

In your case, it's pretty fucked. You believe you're okay and that Saturn eased many of your traumas, when in reality, you're permanently fucked in the head and don't want to acknowledge it. I honestly don't see any help for you if everyone goes away from your life or you deal with constant existential crises. It's you the problem. Smell your own shoes if smells like shit around you, don't point out at others.

That's the average reply I get from you, constant ragetypings and anger outbursts because I point out at your contradictions and flaws. I am, in fact, healthier than you because every single one of your arguments comes from your guts and not your brain. Like calling autists to be stupids when they're statistically and scientifically smarter than the average neurotypical, lmao. Argue with science from your own delusions, you have nothing to win.

This is a pile of shit. You believe you're extraordinary or different from others because you consider yourself 'intense' or 'deep' fabricated labels from astrology which have not had a practical use in real life to contribute to society. Nice try though, haha.
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what does this mean lol
You're constantly making dire remarks about yourself. If you're so obsessed with autists that you everyday shit on them is because you're projecting some kind of trauma related to your mental health or society. Look at yourself first, then blame others.
not now, I'm witnessing two weirdos argue
You are just a narcissist little downsyndrome faggot nobody likes lmao for obvious reasons.
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>Come here, schizo cat lady has another psychotic attack
>Constant rambles, everyday
>New meltdown in every new thread
>Calls everyone retards yet she acts in guts
>Can't even escape from the chains of her stars
>Permanently fucked in head
>Mercury in the 12th house

Yeah, truly an intellect to behold. It's the maximum expression of truth. I would never question a brainfucked woman who has sudden outburst when you don't agree with her.
and the chart with the most sexual tension goes to...
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