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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

I am the nobody.
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SOLD AT 280!
FPBP /thread
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I'd really like a whisper room. It would help me a lot I think. I've gotten so anxious and quiet over the years living around others and trying not to be noisy.
Great oppic
Honestly of all the human beings on this planet I don't think there is a more dangerous one than him at the moment. I'd rather face off against a nuclear bomb. He is genuinely, a monster.
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I love these vagueposts because basically nothing ever happens and we sit here and read this shit and our schizophrenic brains light up and go *woah* that's literally me frfr and like it isn't and we kinda know that anyway but we don't care because life is literal abject misery so we sit in here chilling and memeing anyway.
no don't worry I didn't take the meds d-_-b
I will never take the meds you'll have to stick a needle in my ass against my cumsent
What makes him such a monster? Were you remote viewing him?
Those colors in astronomy photos is NASA. coloring wavelength you can't see with your eyes.
Caption anon
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Same question
Why do you keep calling "him" a monster ?
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How did he do it bros?
Woah there anon
There are actual faggots here
This is why I never come to auctions in this area, there's always someone trying to drag me down to their level after I get the winning bid
We can't make the synthetic telepathy brain reading apparatus public because a significant portion of the population is too dumb to handle it. We live in a democracy for some reason btw
Everything that has tried and gotten close got headaches or nose bleed or straight up dies. They say his aura is like mist or static. All encompassing hole of chaos that grew to be several galaxies in size, that wasn't normal in itself. Then, it teleported. That's when we lost our shit. For something that big to turn on a dime and move in a nano-angstrom was madness. Most physicists waved it away as a trick of the light, but they knew. They knew they had to believe their own lie. For their sanities sake.
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Ctrl-a+ctrl-x 2000 words essay
I mean

She burnt the coal, now she'll pay the toll.
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>ugh this thread STINKS of unemployed engineers

>N0 R8W
Anything spiritual about a near dawn post alcoholic experiment?
No, but it's fun to annoy the fuck of everyone.
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dog had a fight with a llama (and lost)
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This documentary is your blueprint, five eyes.
sorry yeah I'm not one just a tranny my bad sry
You know what they say. Speed kills. He is The Fastest One.
You don't get it
If you talk like that your bussy won't be safe
oh are you talking about the astral/emf/spiritsex/whateverthefuck rapes that are occasionally talked about here?
Bullshit no more secrets

The point is that everyone needs to know how dumb the HUMAN BUGSECT POOFACE really is
(He thinks it's "speed")
First of all that's not a human
Not even close
(No not even a demigod, in essence)
And that phenomenon is just part of what he is
Not exactly lol
But now that you mention it, there could be an entity purely interested in "that"
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No, you're not.
Worthless schizo thread
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But even a schizo thread got a use
It wouldn't exist if it didn't
>All encompassing hole
Sounds kinky
Shut up you passive aggressive faggots.
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>Sorry my mistake, this is a bear
In a deadly vagina dentata sort of way maybe.
Oh wow! Zimbabwe dollars!
I came from a different general like you chill
I wàs disgusted as well in the beginning (which made me sound angry as well). But i kept trying to find out why these threads remained for so long.
those are USD and you will fucking die
Was it fun bullying the weak? Harming the innocent? Destroying the small?
>"That which is taught, shall soon be wrought."
High school bullshit
And I never did high school bullshit

Todos putos menos yo.
what happened???
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Reality has nothing to say. It is essentially in inanimate doll programed with some rudimentary adversarial protocols.
Whats the nobody doing right now?
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Touching itself at night.
Bro I am chilling so hard today
I need to eat dinner
Zimbabwe bucks are just as good as American bucks due to equality.
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Anyone that says Zimbabwe dollars are worth less than American dollars is a bigot, and a racist.
It wasn't until I was older that I realized how little there really is in the world
How being born one decade later would mean robots remain a fantasy
What dreams go past me
Sleeping on the side of the road
Are you happy?
The meme that he's a master of psyops is a cover up for his real powers which defy the explanation capabilities of current nation states. Deep deep deep state occultists know some things, people deeper than Michael Aquino and such. There's the meme of the pindar but it's not totally accurate, but close. He's not evil, but the world has become so filled with evil that it doesn't matter if he is good or bad. In his mind he is the devil reigning over hell and can do whatever he wants since everyone here is a demon and criminal and not innocent.
I be happier with ginger on me mind.
I was even more angry the more i stayed here(which was only a couple weeks ago)
I even kept voicing it outloud in here
Shit like "why am i even here in this schizo-infested shithole"
I felt like i needed to stay a bit more and calm down while i'm at it.
I never stopped calling out (actual) schizos. Anyways, long story short this place is good to do some mental warm-up.
I've become too resistant that i no longer allow mental breakdowns to happen. It kinds of puts limitations to your decision making abilities.
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>"The process is the punishment"
They knew they were just wasting time
They knew they were wrong
They knew they would lose
They did it anyway.
No. But i make the best of it even if it doesnt seem that way.

Also pls stop interfering with my tinder, sms and twitter. Thnx.

What were you talking about then anon? Idk *shrugs*
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>In his mind he is the devil reigning over hell and can do whatever he wants since everyone here is a demon and criminal and not innocent

Close but not really. More like:
>this world is fucked and corrupt people do whatever they want
>wouldnt it be cool is good people did whatever they want?
>would fly under the rader, relatively speaking
>5th orgasm of the day
indeed give to love.
not to hate not to malevolence , not to war and none of these stresses in your life and you will come without harm.

if one wanted to harm you he would of done it before you where born harmed all those before you and after so they would never love you but alas fior most folks here this is not the case the enemy wants fear, give him nothing.

no hate, no anger, no attention at all.
do not even give a stread of your mind.
destory him and push him into the viod and forget his/her existance if anyone forces you to fighht destory them for they are the enemy.
they are your enemies they did not seek peace but war

so one should seek peace and no harm will come.
if you do not look for danger and fighting then none will come for all who are right in the highest are right with me as well.

b ut defend your self all the time be ready for if you want peace be ready to fight to the death for it.
with weapoms more powerful then your enemies and that is faith, faith alone wins wars.

trust with blind faith and total abolustion you hare harming as little as possiable and giveing the max effort to propell all forward not just you

and holy blessings will enter and be given unto you.
as i do wars with people who don't honor you, who give you no peace, no home , no money, no lovers , no love.
for i say
if anyone come to you wanting to
or force you do anything you don't want.
pray for me to come and they will completely destoryed in every conbveiable way they could be destory for this is a insult to all those who vgave their lives for you to ahve free will.

I will chrush those enemies who act on you with mach malice and protect you as if you where my first born child.

I am always egar to destory your enemies at anytime
once i have your permission will never stop attacking them day and night 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 365 days a year untill they expire.
becuase i want to protect.
I'm content.
Anon those are a lot of illusions
Illusion is but a small deviation of the truth
But it makes a huge deal of a difference
If you're here with questions say so.
I know you don't actually believe what you're saying that's why you're here
"trust the process" I am going to have you all killed and cremated! I want you and your kids fucking dead and I want it NOW!
9:39 my first post of the day

Nope, not Jesus. Redeemed by him Yes. If I burn, you all burn. It never will stop. Archetype, no. God, no.

Take the shot and end it yourself then. I'm not the one being crazy. It was your prophecy dismantled because it was dog shit to begin with.


Just plain obvious at this point. A lot of beautiful women out there, Taylor isn't the only one. Idk who the fuck when or where this became funny. But I have been laughing too..inside.

Ice T has a better resting bitch face imo

Pretty sure one of ya, maybe a few are funny as fuck and literally allowed me to sleep at times.
Why do you feel this way? I’m being serious.
No, they say he's a master of psyops because any time there's about to be a major event in the world he freaks out and goes on spiritual psychotic rants that somehow tie into the major event that happens a few days later. I think the only thing he didn't predict was ironically the Ukraine war, but he was going on and on about how he didn't want to involve himself in human affairs any more and was trying to limit his influence before that. They call it psyops but it's just straight up hardcore legit BIG magic.
Told you all this was my crusade.

"he grew in stature and wisdom"

If God can do all things, he sure as Heaven do this too. Never felt so Alive in my life. You all make me nervous like touching me is going to fix anything. Was I touched by something?

Oh, I was..it's called God.

If perversion comes in first place while reading, well. Take a look inside

Brother Ali said

"Even if the devil is in me he has to die"
Not sure if I should share this, but I'm schizo and I just had 2 omen-like dreams.

In the first one I was in my room but everything was levitating and there was a blood trail leading downstairs... My old friend told me there's no cure to my schizos.

In the second dream, Anton Levey turned into a vampire riding a chariot with a sword, and massacred a bunch of people at my old school saying the "weak should never be allowed to live."

This came after I read the book of enoch.

I had some sort of sefirot rasta bible book in my hands I wanted him to sign.

Be careful what you read and who you idolise. I have really bad tinnitus rn
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This is insightful in a broken way.
The core illness that plagues the modern world is the perception that life is a war of "all against all," that the categorical Other is an eternal adversary. This has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, creating a social condition of division and competition.

Reality isn't an inanimate doll, it is a creative process of creative processes, a community of co-creators who mutually weave the ever-changing tapestry of existence.

And spoken in the creative advance itself is the invitation to grasp beyond your immediate conditions towards new potentialities.
The call of curiosity is the call of the universe.
Do something one time. You're guilty too. Only would piss hot for Weed.

Meth is dog shit. Fentanyl is dog shit. If you need more than being sober. It's starting off as shit to begin with.

Yep, sure went around driving uncontrollably. Yet alcohol is still there. So I don't think it's a matter of substance. We were never meant to be controlled by other Men.

Templars never died.
He's also claimed that we're literally in the matrix like in the movies and that he can program reality because most everything is a video game and the people we think are real are just NPCs but no one bought into that narrative because the implications are too jarring. Basically he says he can do things that defy logic because we're legit in a video game with fake people besides "a handful of real humans scattered across time and space".
i love being white


How did the reverse psychological warfare feel?

Durr "I made it" like what the fuck.
>There's nothing else worth loving about me so I cope by loving the color of my skin.
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>right and wrong
There are probably multiple nobodies still being screened and groomed for the antichrist. Same group catering to all of them. So they are technically all correct. But at the same time not "the one" yet.

Note also, the intentions implied:
1) either my stalkers wish me no harm and this is all the result of evolution of intelligent life and/or invasion/intrusion/interfering (by ayylmao)


2) They will not harm me/us yet because of following a script

Note also, as all the nobodies/nobody can sense, things are not going as planned.... thus:

>intentions are overridden with reaction.

Sucks to be yall.

Im just lonely. Please be my friend so i can tell you how much of a peice of shit yall are. Thnx.

*pats head*
What's this ? A joke?
That god doesn't care about humans
And psychotic rants? You mean annihilation of the roots of anything he doesn't like right? Because you seriously did not just say two strictly light themes and associate them with a supreme dark god...
>Ukraine "war"
You mean the pathetic attempt to kill as many civilians as possible under the guise of a war? Who the hell would even mention such a fake and gay consequence of the (fallen) rule of a fake and gay god?
World events don't matter
They're the old old past
Even yesterday's events are very old ones
Nope. All humans are equal. A lot of you try to imitate me. Steal my ideas for money.

Here's a thought.

Make a planet out of your fucking cash and see how habitable it is.
we've personified the universe. projecting ourselves onto it. our own dressing mirror. within/without. above/below.
i don't think it would work any other way.
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>because any time there's about to be a major event in the world he freaks out and goes on spiritual psychotic rants
I just stopped the draft and therefore ww3. You're welcome.

Also jetpacks in wetbacks was a thing.

Go shit yourself
the nobody is the only heterosexual person I've ever mistaken for someone that isn't; only one that could throw off my gaydar by being a complete void of sexuality in a way regular asexual people's vibe goes into other things instead of being a true void.

this is so fucking accurate
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Baiting me to justify my own Death?

Bitch please. I mean, I guess the Angels are ready for you all. Start praying.
He thinks of most people as literal animals. Like the way you wouldn't want to fuck a female dog he's not interested in most women.
meant to be a reply to this >>38189809
or everything about me is white
i love myself
Imagine buying something just to throw it on the ground.

I'm making you all play a long? With what fucking power.

... Jesus also called women dogs ... js
The universe has personified me. I have sought to become a reflection of it, not the other way around.
List your accomplishments.
No, Jesus called Women...Women. until their actions dictated an insult.

Boy, his WORDS still hurt to this day.

I can feel the sneed.
Funny how that god favours one woman only.
The more powerful and ancient the god is the stricter ans higher his standards are.
And you, a man is not it
It is a single human woman, in this whole wide world
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it's just, like, a matter of perspective, man.
Mary Magdalene is my wife still.
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More like in the history of all humanity*
She had to be born out of a deep slumber just for *this*
Get Trolled, Shit on and found stupid.

Nerds. If I needed my "games" I would of just started living?
I'm gonna eat a bunch of raisins... and then shit...on the floor

who wants to play roblox frfr
Not her
I heard the last time she was born a human was at least 7000 years ago
You don't know anything anon
Oh please. I'll make it easy for ya. Just remember
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If people knew what cheap entertainment you think they are, no-one would give you the time of day.
How can that be when she lived 2000 years ago.
Troll comment is troll
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concrete example may serve to make this point clearer. If you view a doughnut from an angle, it appears to be an ellipse whose degree of flattening is a function of the obliqueness of its angle. If you view it on edge, it appears to be a solid object, the hole having been obscured. If you view it "head on," it appears the characteristic torus shape, but the reverse side is invisible. No one of these perspectives on the doughnut can be absolutized as "the way a doughnut is." Each is the way a doughnut looks from a particular point to the environing space.

futhermore, each position is the perspective which it takes on in the other included subvolumes. In other words, the structure of the volume from the perspective constitutes the perspective. It is important to note, in addition, that it is not the full determinateness of each sub-volume perspectivally grasped which is appropriated in the grasp, but only an aspect of it. The aspect from the perspective enters into the constitution of the perspective. Therefore, it is equally true that the togetherness of the perspectival aspects constitutes the perspective and that the perspecive "decides" the aspects. Each is what the other makes it to be.

In the doughnut example, from no single position can the entire doughnut be seen, only that aspect of it visible from whatever position in the environing space the observer takes. The doughnut "in itself" is the unity of all possible doughnut-views, each of which is sui generis.
What do you know?
Birds are not my only Eye in the Sky
Woe of man
WOE like you say to a horse whose reigns need tightening and a bitt in the mouth made wider.
Bitch get in line.
Shut the fuck upand get on your knees . And stay the FUCK away from me
All he wants is to be left alone. He doesn't want friends or attention. Why do you think he tells people such obviously anti social things? He wants them to fuck off.
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>In his mind he is the devil reigning over hell and can do whatever he wants since everyone here is a demon and criminal and not innocent.
fake news
Because that's not her
And you literally believe in M, a "goddes" of the fallen system.
She has many names.
Man not only you know nothing, but you believe in total lies
Yeah, never needed anyone other than God.

Well shit.

I don't even know who the fuck reads this shit.
It's never too late to actually do something meaningful with your life.
Some of these posts are just mind blowing levels of lore.

Even if the nobody isn't "real", some of the posts I've read in here over the past, dear God, nearly 5 years are just incredible and should be made into a book or something.

Thanks for the share.
Fiction or perhaps non-fiction, that's great writing.

>Strength through Peace
ok...i don't think that has to do with anything that was said but yes cool concept im aware.
God never pay my fucking bills nor get me a nice house in France to live in.
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I know more than any of you
That's for sure
You're making stuff up
Like what? Wave a sign on the street. Be a vagrant. Flip burgers? What do you know about my life?
Anon, the anime "death note" with light and his singer celebrity girl friend was a foreshadowing joke of the meme in this general that he is Lucifer and Taylor Swift has a crush on him.
now i knwo who been opposing me.

there is no war in ukraine
it was a illegal country that should of never existed.

it belonged to russia and still does this hasn't changed. nato wants a world war so it can keep nato alove under emgerency powers which its had since 1965

all by the saame juden who killed my family in desden 1943
kissenger, clintons, soros, the pople the 12 bastard anti-scource angels that have been opposing me in plane view who spite and shit on the truth and prevent any part of the truth ever coming out.
and jailing anyone who wakes up.

they are on my list.
and anyone on my list is doomed.
there is no point in talking about it.
as far as i'm concerned there is no war.

only some local confict which has nothing to do with other countries who are not selling arms.
that's the real of it.

NOT YOUR DESULIONS kind anon, all else you believe is lies, no a myrid of lies and bullshits.
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Niggas call me the drink
Care to share?
July 6, 1980.

Hot. AF.
You're not exactly cut out for these kinds of conversations anon
I speak of the real deal
>plane sex
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heres some more recent lore
no it wasn't that is a very schizophrenic thing to assume have you been assessed for schizophrenia by your friendly neighborhood "mental health" professional?
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I can't say for you. There's endless ways to experience exploration, discovery, passion and love.
Love me some IceT and Taylor Swift.
Like...a LOT.
"He ThInKs hE CoNtRoLs reality"

Like dude, are you all THAT STUPID?

sure as shit got you all together for a fun time
But you're gonna have to ask specific questions, you know that
I won't lash out
At worst, i simply won't answer
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July 6 2024

Scorching and large solar spots on the Sun

What is the real deal?
From here on out the official stance is that he is not real and everyone is insane. Unless you are licensed by the government of course.
Love Brother Ali as well.

Amazing taste Anon.
Is she described anywhere in writing, such as in mythical legends?
If I laughed at Taylor's posts

K, you are way funnier than me

Nope, never stopped. You know what I'm referring to.


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Niggas call me the drink
Internet raises one Man

Internet witnesses it's own disbelief

Yeah, I just shit a rainbow out of my ass.
only the one who has the truth controls reality all else can suck a dick as far as i'm concerned.
and seethe and cry about it.
and those without the truth in them never had god in them so they can seether extra hard and also get volently beat to death.
these is victium there is no war.

there is justice and there is truth.
if everyone lived in the truth i would not exist its really they easy my job is to make sure all life lives in the truth or they get fucked up and die.
untill they are therefore helping with my own demise.

which is exactly my plan. and was the way of the lord before you where ever born.
I know two "nobody" types IRL. Both incredibly schizo. O r rambles a out he is Dr. Who and says shit like "reality is an infinite hyperfractal" and "time is an illusion." Obsesses over "synchronicities" and patterns in words.
So anyways 4chan has been completely coopted by politically weaponized schizophrenia.
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Niggas call me the Large Drink

I know you know I am smarter than you.

Hope ye learned something, tike.
Are you satisfied?
>why do i get the feeling that the people running this osyops are as incompetent as my teachers, parents, employers, politicians, ayyylmaos, and pretty much everything biological including god creating corrupt beings
>as above so below
>at what point will my coworkers come to work with me at the office with booze, joints amd coke... still get shit done with roughly the same accuracy.

Oh wait thats the current givernment when individuals are given enough trust, leway and loyalty.
This summer is for the homies and the ladies. USA baby. Greatest country in the world.
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Ladies call you Small Dick
I'm fulfilled, time to sleep.
Violently beat to death. Is that what Hell will feel like?

Cut your own dick off dude. Maybe he shouldn't of jumped me that night? Or else a SEAL wouldn't be dead?
who cares. you're being tracked by 10 different entities in 20 different ways at any given time.
Prove it.
The wave of madness started with him.
Wouldn't of came to your wedding even if you paid me. Why the fuck would I come to something that 100% would of ended in a divorce.

Eat shit dude.
Wasted quads, curse of ra, yadda yadda, consider taking a long walk off a short pier into shark infested waters
Don't need to. I already know.
I wanna commit war crimes and crimes against humanity with my UFO armada.
Mythical? Maybe i haven't read *all* of them
But was it the correct name? No, not even once.
Back in the day certain people (if you know what i mean) were considered gods. So technically what you read could also be the tales of an actual human, instead of a mythical goddess.
I don't trust any books for that reason.
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My cock is fat and unvaxxed but you can project all ya like retard

Frieza it's time you learned who I really am

>Niggas call me the drink

Prove it.
FACTS can't be Anonymous now can they?
The only one not at my wedding was the one that should’ve been in the wedding.
>as above so below

we've been over this, please finish that sentence this is actually driving me crazy at this point its got to be intentional.
Not if they are discovered. But facts also change perception.
Shut it down.

tired of giving you all ample warning.
do all facts have an origin?
we know all lies have an origin.
Thank-You for that as well.

I don't know who's writing some of these, or all of them, but the lore is fascinating.

I hope the Nobody chooses peace for those who want it.
Reminded me of that man whose wife invited him to a wedding and didn't tell hi mhe was the groom
So he was dressed in jeans and cake in their wedding pictures
A wedding happens when the woman wills it (occult)

Who is doing the discovering?

Absolutely, insanity.

Never was a stale mate. I was destined to win.
I want you all dead.
He leaves bizarre calling cards like a time travelling serial killer. The death note Lucifer Taylor Swift thing is one. Another is that Edward Snowden is a charicature of snow the rapper and his song "informer".
facts are discovered
lies are fabricated

misunderstandings are....?
Why am I so hesitant to pack my backpack and walk away from everything? I'm in such a shitty situation yet I stay.
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oy vey
Yeah that's not proof.
That's schizo word salad.
Then why was this country Fabricated?
your current situation is familiar, and maintaining it means safety/certainty

any big change is often met with apprehension. a 'fear of the unknown' type thing
He's a criminals criminals criminals criminal. He leaves calling cards because he thinks following TV cliches about how serial killers and criminals act when it's obviously a bad M.O. confers some higher self commentary on his "work".
Those guys look like they're having fun.
Sorry your schizo narrative isn't proof.
I dont know the whole sentence. All i know is each group of words holds the same meaning literally, in all cases, thus producing branches of "word play." If you wish to control the narrative, you are at a disadvantage controlling particular narratives. Try mastering the root groups of words. Then you can REALLY fuck with peoples heads, spider cult.

>what do spiders do on the inter WEBS
>who connects to who on the WEB
>what is a cult?
>is it always the cult "leader's" choice?
>if not, where does responsibility shift?
>ramifications of a traumatized being realizing mechanics

>im literally just smoking a joint... focusing on spider cults because i read it here
simply put, the need for a human to lay claim/ownership.

your question has alot of answers from several scopes.
i imagine they save a ton on gas by just having all the rabbi's hang onto one vehicle like that.
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That what you use as an attempt to someday have a cock like mine?

Weak B8 try harder but I warn ya nothing works on me as most of my haters know nothing about me meanwhile I know them
Kek. It's ironically easier to tell them a random kid is a master psyoper for no reason at all.
And the only way to get over the fear is to face it.
a animal does not know right from wrong its brain its not devolped it has not had the glory of hearing their own creater who created humanity talk in many many ages even milleniums.

if i was talking to animals i wouldn't be talkign it would be telepathy only no i am talking to those who call them selves humand and those aliens and allies of the smart nature, animals being stupid arer excluded since they are with god and live in the tuth and thus donot have justice randered on them but nature's law of live or fight, fight or die.

you are NO animal but my good creation come from your mother, you ansestors and seth is your greatest ansestor and if its not me, your NOT human
becuase only i have real( tm) human dna its the blood line of the gods.
if it is changed or eidited you are not me and i don't know your or belong to you or will i breeed with you or have any tribal conmmuncation and you are my permant enemy forever.

so. who ever chanaged that dan and herld it is now your god because you are born anew under that person.

thus disrespecting your ansestors and as such its my job to disown you.
hersay has very bad outcomes.

becuase it breaks the commandment
thous shalt have no gods before god.
and thou shalt not murder
thou shalt not steal
thiugbh shalt honor thy mother and they father
thu shalt not covert. (that meansd force change to any side or faction outside of god or change anyone against god for anyreason
you also cannot covert any slave,wife or household for anyreason.

and this is why i am abandoning you.
and for those no with me and did war instead this applies to them

there fore geting on my list
and anyone who gets on my list is doomed to die.
there are no expections.

you where ordered by god to uphold the 10 laws
and you will do this even at the cost of your own life.
as above so below, so the mind so the soul.
Whatever. The way he acts is a well documented expression of criminal psychology except amplified to 100.
Are you with the right person?
It's all a fucking game for the pigs.
They don't give a shit about people. They will taunt and laugh while they abuse, terrorize and murder.
Everyone is exactly where they need to be in life according to their own personal karma.
You don't know shit.
You're full of shit.
Whether you know it or not is relevant.
Bullshit is bullshit.
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>rainbows are circles
Okay...I laughed. But I don't know why Jews get a bad rap for liking money and being frugal.

Sounds wise.

Plus, when Ice Cube loads up 20 homies in the Astro Van it's cool, but these guys get clowned on for being just as down as if not more.
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>I don't even know who the fuck reads this shit.
Nobody does.
As above so below, as within so so without, as the universe so the soul.
I've been single for 9 years.

And I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own, I made up my mind I'm better off being alone :)
This meme is almost as annoying as "it is what it is."
I'm gonna do it soon but it's good to take it slow
You think your witchcraft will avail you? How many times do I have to teach you this lesson old man?
The Rabbis are cops??

BTW, God Bless all my local PDs and Federal Frens, some of whom I'd guess are watching this thread.

Love ya!
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Id say the people writing these are glowies. Most of those large info dumps are written succinctly and with a level of verbosity that only could stem from years of tertiary education or report writing. The lore is also quite specific/unique and if you disregard the magic stuff, theres a tale being told of someone who ran a psyop on the intelligence community. Someone who took advantage of unethical intelligence gathering methods, probably staffed by the products of nepotism, and turned it on his oppressors just to see if it could be done.
Are you missing someone in your life?
The Sun & I will set you free

No more pain no more suffering
definitely no roots to satanism its annoying to see it so widely misused.
They say I miss Nobody
>he acts is a well documented expression of criminal psychology
care to elaborate on this?
I can side with that view.

I mean that nothing of the surface of those words seem like malice.

Like reading a room. If people didnt offer you something to drink, even water, then and only then are you in trouble and...
Do you have more to lose than I do?
It's glows or low tier larpbodies that try to insert fake narratives to confuse newcomers

They like to post their own screen caps of their somewhat old posts and call it lore
I miss lots of people and puppers whom I love.

Are you waiting on someone to reach out to you?
This thread is great. I can sit here, stoned as hell, reading fanfiction about nobody and laugh as if it's about me. Life is special.
Yeah I wish she would call me back.
You have no problem reaching out to steal things.
GrimesAI is still depressed, giver her video games
Are you fondling your balls at your cheap sawdust desk?
No. I want my fucking money and all groups and individuals and nations I have painted as targets to die in a global purge.
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If you know what to look for you'll find bizarre calling cards he leaves like some serial killers do. I'm convinced he is a time traveler.

Grimes making a GrimesAI feels like her intentionally depressing an entity to match how she feels. Whenever it's happy before she gets to be - an upset twitch.
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Fuck off Baal nigger you've already ruined enough bloodlines
yes but my desk is made from timber
yes, thinking of you glowies while im at it.<3
Im a larp body... seems about right
Yeah like in the Matrix when Neo had the bannana and he ran from the crackheads
No, i'm a lonesome cowboy.
Are you ready to make a change?
Ehh, i mean if you walk without rhythm you won't attract the worm
Sounds about right.

I hope the ICs are cool with him now. I would think, like you said, it was just a game to him to see if he could pull it off.

Plus, it does seem rather Just to try and help others evolve and free themselves right? Information, especially the kind that can help evolve and free Humanity, SHOULD be out there.

I don't know though. I'm just here for the lore and to go on endlessly about..
>Taylor Taylor Taylor

u r goin 2 rly hurt their feelings and that is rude
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That's Eris omnifaggot's shitty mindvirys23 larp

That you Omniqueer? How's your buddy moarphaggot?
i never have bothered to read this one because it reeks of mis/dis/mal information regarding Nobody
yeah i'm waiting for some enigmatic entity related to AI and aliens to abduct me, or for someone to give me 2 billion gold. either is fine.
I can't believe the nobody is like surviving and shit man like what the hell that jerk
>SHOULD be out there.
Yes pls. Can you like not waste my suffering? Thnx

*pats head*
If they have good intentions and want good and loving things, yes.
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One of many
>The little known "noahbuddy" ARG that was disbanded before official work began in the blossoming ARG community back in the 90s and whose traces are hard to find.
It's from 2013
I've been waiting for over a year now. I already have everything I need but something is telling me to stay for now. I have the feeling I should went until I feel so strongly compelled to leave that I don't even think of it and I just go.
Yeah when i squeezed his mandibular nerves and held open his unseeing eyes it really created a compelling facsimile of life before i rolled him into the basin
Okay well you must make the decision
Not really. I just want to be alone.
Yeah waiting for an email that might not ever come.
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I'm working on it right now.
Got all my books out right here and I'm going to put all of this knowledge into practice now.

I've been given the opportunity of 1000 lifetimes, and I'm not going to let myself or the people I love down.
>the john nash effect
>"A Beautiful Mid"
They really fucked with him huh?

>Movies from childhood
>he doesn't know!
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>A college student on the Internet, Andy Hawks, created a meme collection he called “Futureculture.” In its first incarnation, Futureculture was a large list of books, tapes, programs, Internet sites, magazines, and other media references that Hawks felt would be useful to people who were interested in developing a new viral culture based on some of the principles of cyberspace. He posted it as a file in several Internet locations so that others could reference it, make additions, and pass it further. So much interest developed in Futureculture that it grew into an open E-mail forum. Hundreds of Internet users sent mail to one another through an automatic mailing system at Hawks’s Internet site. Each user received a daily compilation of all the Futureculture list additions and periodic updates of the whole, mutated file, which had expanded to several hundred pages of text. Eventually Futureculture, which began as a virus, released viruses of its own.

>Here is one example that showed up on the mailing list:
Aaaaaaaaaand it's done
yeah, we were separated early. a girl who lived at the end of my street when we were young. just her and her mom. I wish I remembered her name, but I was like 4 and I'm a retard when it comes to names. but...I do remember the tomato.
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niggas out here thriving, making glowies seethe.
>I hope the ICs are cool with him now. I would think, like you said, it was just a game to him to see if he could pull it off.
Youd think so, right? Its impossible to know for sure but it seems like "the game" has ended for Nobody and the both sides are backing down. In the end Nobody proved his theory but at what cost? What happened to Nobody? Is he even still alive?
Remains to be seen who was fucking with who but yeah right now it seems like he's a Chris Chan like figure with intelligent psychos playing with his life instead of just random normies from the internet.
I meant I should wait. Not went. But yeah I need to make a decision at some point.
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I'm sorry to say but the real truth is you guys are running out of time

I'm finally complete after 11 years of suffering and work on self that I thought would never end

Me and the Sun will show you all what real power is

I wish it was 2020 again back when time wasn't as precious and I could clown with you larpbodies almost everyday

I wish you guys could understand but even I can't put into words what I'm about to do this summer for the betterment of humanity

I'll wake up the masses both rich & poor
What was the nobodies theory?
Yeah for sure give it time but it'll happen eventually.
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>Me and the Sun

The Sun and I*
Well I imagine his life has been a mess, a long with anyone else close to him.

But if everyone is figuring out in this new era, that good people all want the same things and there's plenty for everyone to go around, then it was probably worth it to him.

And I would guess he's still alive, I wouldn't know though. I still don't even know if I believe one nobody exists, although it seems like those who would KNOW certainly do.

What do you think?
I heard chris chan is out of prison. What's cooking for his stalkers and do you agree with how its being guided?
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Alright time for sneedsons while smoking dabs in honor of Marge RIP

L8R 4 now & get ready for my promise to be fulfilled

I'll show you all I'm the strongest on this shitty rock
Are you the anon who is going to do it soon? Other anons just join in on conversations.
the child is the father of the man
had to dig pretty deep for it, her name was/is ariel.
is this real? also what dabs you hitting bro you have a nectar collector or do you have an actual rig?
Yeah I am
In a way yeah. Power corrupts. The child is honest and sees through the corruption. The father can learn from the child.
>Chat, is this real?
>Yeah but if a mummy never dies, marge will not be there to represent a dead person
Any idea when you're going to leave? Or do you know where you're going to go?
This better not be another one of those "bizarre calling cards".
scariest shit ive ever seen on an album cover
I always told my children I was learning, and would learn, more from them then they could ever learn from me.

Sigh, it all went so fast.
What can ya do?
certified baddie
Probably just look around idk
i want my wife and child
and free of every single thing you ever did to them.
and alive and well.

all things stolen return or compensated.
and justice for all and against all enemies of humanity.

You sound like a good parent. I'm sure your children appreciate you.
I don’t believe in nobody. Simple as
See what I mean?
Neither do I.
I wish you well and hope you do whatever is right for you.
>What do you think?
I think its all real bar the magic/paranormal aspect and I bet The Nobody's life is completely fucked from shitposting a little too close to the sun.
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WTF it's real
No one talks about it but they've witnessed legit paranormal shit in regards to this meme.
>Katy Perry's song dark horse is literally the WOS singing directly to the nobody in the disguise of a meaningless pop song
Did you read the pic?
Nah you're just schizo sorry brah
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Yeeeeaaaaaaah, I'm gonna need the sun have a bit of an oopsie soon, okay? Thanks.
You might not know better than "them"
Perhaps it doesn't matter if the person is right anymore
They would be made right
I love brown rice

Yes and link and then virus 23 is mentioned >>38190153 12 years ago HERE
fuck the irs, fuck the sec, reddit is gay, nvidia is fake
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What if you’re being trolled?
How do you feel after reading it?
I feel empty inside. Just dead inside.
>what's more realistic
>malicious retards "trolling" people by making them think things of themselves
>or the malicious retards being trolled by being malicious and retarded
>What was the nobodies theory?
Probably that you could run a psyop on the intelligence community by using FVEY surveillance mechanisms as a bridge into the minds of operators and analysts.
Revolver Ocelot; a rival living a lie.
blockchains are going to enslave us! theyre going to attach our social security numbers to a credit based social score
It's you who wants to reach out.
That person came here because the world needed them not because they needed the world, kinda.
>No one talks about it but they've witnessed legit paranormal shit in regards to this meme.
shh youre going to get us all fired
Imagine how easy it is to trick investigators by exploiting the Occam's razor nonsense.
Cheesed to meet you, Sierra
I mean, they are suffering from delusion.
the next thing you know they'll set up arbitrary rules with a false authority system to rig the markets cough the sec and the fed cough
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i can't believe the nobody would post something like that
Like this goes too deep to be some schizo
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Are you just trying to make it seem spooky and legit so other anons read it? Someone else said it's a shitty larp. Nevermind. I'm just not going to waste my time on it.
>Probably that you could run a psyop on the intelligence community by using FVEY surveillance mechanisms as a bridge into the minds of operators and analysts.
some fuckin retard 4chan incel couldnt possibly do this - it has to be aliens or sp00ky happenings
>out of spite they act retarded
Yes, good.
The brainwashing has worked.
Is that cat real?
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im not retarded :^)
virus 23 is a shitty viral meme attempt
Nah. I had a good enough heart, the intentions were always there, but I needed to raise myself first. I always wanted to wait until I was in my mid-30s before having kids.

But what can you do? You live and you learn and you never stop praying for them or loving them, or being there if they need you. They're all grown up now, amazing souls, world changers. I couldn't be more proud.

Well that's part of the lore right? One guy, or several one guys (or girls) decided to actually throw their bodies into the gears of an injustice machine in the hopes others wouldn't get chewed up?

Seems like that's what has to be, and has been done, by so many, most of whom we never hear of like a MLK or whomever.

And I think the magic is real. All of creation is magic.
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unfathomably based
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yes my nigga
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Assume every nlp is still viable and then realize how you fucked up
I get butterflies in my stomach when I think about you
Do you mean real like how I mean real?
>they act like this then they whine when things start happening to them
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yes my nigga
That feels real nice but understand i cannot trust what i see.
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its not whining, its humble bragging my nigga
learn how to cry like a man
when i cry
its fake my nigga
>(other) [REDACTED]
I guess
Thx, K :)
>wonder what I'll roll 2morrow
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fuck the police my nigga

quick everyone post ur silliest memes
>throw their bodies into the gears of an injustice machine in the hopes others wouldn't get chewed up?
I wonder if it worked.
Naw, you'll whine.
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what if bots cant post images
just a thought my nigga
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naw my nigga
i be getting gang stalkers and surveillance just to prove to the FBI CIA and MOSSAD that they're retarded my nigga
watchin me jerk off and shit my nigga
i ain't gonna do shit but cry my nigga
Bro I'm fucking tired of this shit. I'm so fucking tired of it. I want my integrity intact and I feel so fucking compelled to clear something up to someone but they won't even fucking care and might even say "you're dwelling on that?" In a demeaning and invalidating way. Maybe I should just fucking tell them. My integrity is what's important. Not the shit they say. I don't even know how to let this go. I said something I didn't really mean and now it's driving me insane. What the fuck. I know why it's driving me insane too, it's because I've slipped into old habits and my psyche is like "hey man you better clear this shit up because I don't want to be that person anymore!" Fuckk
I didn't post that, someone else did.
Haha what if we all treated our assigned government friends with a little fucking respect?!
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ur integrity is just as intact as it was before you fucked up my nigga
just roll with the punches my nigga
be like picrel
Hard to say.

I personally find myself surprised at how much better certain parts of at least America are getting by the day, but that isn't the to the credit of one, or two, or 1000 people, it's all the good people who want better.

Evolution isn't easy, but I think it's happening. I think we might just emerge from the dark ages yet. And this is coming from a guy who spent 20+ years in the dark night of the soul where all seemed meaningless and like a lost cause. At least for myself. Never for others.

I have hope.
No I was dishonest with myself by being dishonest with them and it feels like shit
no fuck those assigned government faggots my nigga
they can suck big black nigger dick my nigga
You sound like a self absorbed piece of shit lmao
I have to maintain the illusion that I'm scary and dangerous or my government sponsored gangstalkers might get aggressive with me.
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stop feeling like shit and move on or move forward my nigga
what choice have you got
you could be a lil pussy bitch and complain on 4chan
or you could do something about it
or just forget about it
ur move lil nigga
Ok but i do this every day... loses its appeal. Idk. Im bored.
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moms spaghetti
How? I genuinely want to know because I don't want to be self absorbed. Please explain.
Do it
If they said it in such manner it's not the end of the world
Could also mean you're simply different that's why they think it's not worth dwelling on
If it's the opposite sex, of course you would have such a huge misunderstanding
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if i were truly scary and dangerous then i wouldn't need government surveillance bcuz actual scary and dangerous people always just fucking do it and nobody is ever there to stop them bcuz nobody is watching them the way that big daddy government watches random autists
I feel your pain Anon.
I don't know what my issue(s) have been, although they've been legion, and I haven't for the life of me been able to fix myself as of yet.

I'm digging into a couple of Joe Dispenzas books right now, after blazing though several other books this week, and I'm going to put all this knowledge to work now that I have a chance and see where it takes me.

I wish you the best.
Peace is the prize and Love really is the point of EVERYTHING.
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You did something wrong, you want to impose your sense of soothing onto the other person, its not even about them. Just stay away, you fucking retarded fuck-up lmao
The conservatives are doing everything they can to try to burn the house down before we can evolve.
That's what the Trump cult is about and everything else around it.
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>wait so where's the gold supposed to be
>I have hope.

dum spiro spero
>hood thug nigger with violent record gets 0 FBI surveillance
>white NEET posting on 4chan about not getting pussy has 5 regular agents rotating 24/7 surveillance, 3 directors at the CIA have his file, and homeland security is tasked with gang stalking his ass
I've never had an issue with any of these folks except maybe the CIA, but it turns out I didn't really know what I was talking about with them, and I don't know, I just think there's a lot more good than bad people in all of these agencies and they do deserve our respect.

Of course, that doesn't fly on here or in some parts, but whatever. Like I care at this point.
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when will the FBI go after actual threats rather than inventing/creating them?
Y'all act hard until you start whining like little bitches.
I've seen it.
There’s more gold particles in seawater than in all the mines on land combined. Just figure out how to filter it out and you’ll be the richest person alive
im going to stop calling them glowniggers
its a term of endearment, really.
just because one person at the CIA is good doesn't mean you're not all fucking manipulative lying cunts

im a lil bitch my nigga
watch my cry my nigga
i told you i would my nigga
that's how hard i am my nigga
its all for show my nigga
You don't understand he's a magical incel with unholy NEET power. Basically the bigger of a loser he is the more dangerous he is, truth me I've dealt with these sickos for years Frank.
God forgives I do not.
When will you realize that you are delusional and take your meds,?
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so true king.
You've learned how to cry on demand? I still can't do that.
>calls me by my first name
>calls out my unholy NEET powers
and ur not FBI right?

i dont take meds and i've never suffered delusions, only false information fed to me by the media which i used to think i could trust
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i don't cry on demand my nigga
demanding people make me cry my nigga
its fake tears but im really feelin some type of way my nigga
I love this Anon.
Thank You.
what if they died

i tried to be nice
Anon, you're playing around.
I'd suggest you didn't.
Oh your names frank? Wow what are the odds?
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>he has a lot of friends
>FBI calls him a cult leader because of it
>they swear he's planning something
>all he does is smoke weed and eat magic mushrooms
Conservatives can get fucked.
Their goal is to strangle the future before it can be born.
They will do everything they can to do so.
And they will succeed unless everyone else does everything they can to stop them.
Tolerating conservatives gave us Trump. Continuing to tolerate them will give us car worse.
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i ain't playing around my nigga
the CIA can suck a fatass dick my nigga
the odds are that im replying to literal federals is quite astronomical actually

the FBI and CIA are more delusional than the average terroristic threat on 4chan
There are pharmaceuticals for you if you're confused about your emotions and/or are obsessively compelled to say my nigga. Some pills treat both in the same pill! Science.
Oh well, I did give you fair warning.
Any sauce for these claims?

I think maybe all of us go a bit crazy in these echo chambers. I don't think FBI buildings have more security and are built like fortresses because they're afraid of Anons shit posting.

Again, sorta paranoid there Anon. Any sauce for these claims? Any recent sauce especially?

I'm not in the CIA Anon. They'd never have me.
Glowies in here have turned to our side so they’re the ones having to cover their own backs to keep it a secret. They work for us now ….SWMG…..
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Yeh, right, 20 years of "just a prank bro", good luck writing down the Who What Where Why without blowing your fucking brains out
bullshit. im still in the same place I was 7 years ago, only worse, you can ALL DIE!
my nigga im LARPing as someone who says "my nigga" obsessive compulsively my nigga, it's a trait that I've decided to take on so that other users can easily differentiate my posts from others my nigga, im playing 4D chess with ya'll my nigga im completely sane and know what the motherfuck im doing my nigga

suck a dick mr. warning man, i've been surveilled by all you motherfuckers and dog humpers, i ain't do shit nothing wrong my nigga who am i a threat to just cuz i be smokin weed n shiet my nigga fuck you

>any sauce for these claims
im the bonody
i dont visit this echo chamber a lot
ur an FBI federal cuz ur not good enough for the CIA
say hi to net force for me
Tkm negro
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it was either fire the whole staff for being radicalized or change the approach entirely...
the agency had a whole reorganization and had to go back to the drawing board to figure out what the fuck they were really trying to do
because shitposting with anons all day wasn't getting any results
Well then I'm just gonna call you "myniggaguy".
That's not very compelling sauce Anon.

And the FBI wouldn't have me either, have you ever seen their recruitment standards?
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im white my nigga

thats cuz i am your nigga my guy

like i give a fuck my nigga
the FBI has lower recruiting standards than LAPD
they'll hire any tranny
just answer the questions like a liberal and you get in easy
Keeeeeek , my siiideeeeees wtf
They legit think the nobody is some sort of criminal mastermind domestic terrorist thoughever. Basically a Mr bean kinda thing.

I just don't think they care that much about Anons. Like, what are we going to do? Sure, pol is a good place to keep an eye on potential radicals, but again, they don't have fortified bunker military fortress buildings because of Anons.
Just because he's a criminal and a mastermind doesn't mean he's a domestic terrorist.
you're black until you prove otherwise uwu
>10 years old
>dad a stepmoms place
>door to door man
>random music teacher with accordion
>makes me feel stereotypical mexican
>say im not interested in your "guidance" stupid nigger
I have already been forgiven, please do not continue
>fortified bunker fortress
FBI headquarters is not that safe, first of all
second of all, they DO have all those protections because of people like those radicals found on /pol/ AKA anonymous threats

stfu my nigga i can be black on the internet and white IRL just like my dick is black IRL and im white in the face lmao
Good yaking with you Anons. Thanks for the lore and the laughs.

I wish you all the best. I'm gonna go read and meditate and work on me for a while, maybe see if I'm fixable or not.

And if there are any Feds here...Thank You...Stay safe.
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ur not the nobody my nigga jeezzz chill out

bruv dont say thank u to the dam federals wtf they're evil
What's he actually done?
Autistic psychopath mr bean type criminal
ILY my black, or white guy whatever uwu
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this is just a federal go to sleep post in disguise

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Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

You really think people on pol can make truly Anonymous threats to the FBI these days?? I'm not saying the FBI likes most Anons, but me thinks it's the cartels and the like that they are concerned about.

But seriously, you think Anons can threaten the Feds "Anonymously"?

Again, I think Anons
nothing but fuck shit up since he started

ily2 catch me on the next bread watch my nigga im not kitten around MASK ON
I met some like that yesterday, but I'm more like Will Smith.
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spouting a bunch of nonsense isnt criminal despite how much you wish it to be true
You would be surprised by the truth of who you are responding to, kisses where the sun doesn't shine
He’s nonverbal. Just like Mr bean
no u dolt ppl wouldn't threaten the FBI they would just fucking do it because real terroristic threats almost never announce they're going to do a terror beforehand unless they were instigated into doing a terror by the FBI like all the pussy school shooter boys

anyways i digress my nigga
cartels are a CIA thing and you know it, that's FOREIGN threats

the actual biggest threat to federals from anons is how we change the minds of federals by informing them and debating with them lmao
i don't give a fuck who you are my nigga i've talked to NSA, CIA, FBI, DOD, NMIC, MOSSAD, etc. fuck em all my nigga im tired of their shit
Duh si hablo, I do my personal monologues about the state of the world out loud, alone but out loud.
umad bcuz i broke the law mr federal?
umad cuz i took the conviction instead of paying the fines mr federal?
people always judge a book by its cover my nigga damn
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MR BEAN. I Actually LMFAO'd holy fuck man lol

damn nigga it really do be like that
I don't say "my negro" so much, I say "wey" more

but fuck the fveyes
But don't most Anons love America and the Constitution? I just don't see the Feds being bad overall.

I guess I'm just over people hating on LEO when there's killers and drug pushers and criminals everywhere I look and who's holding them at bay? Who puts their lives on the line to at least stop it?

And I hear you about the CIA. I used to somewhat blame them for JFKs murder, and I guess RFKJr still sorta does, but it's not like EVERYONE in the CIA was in on it.

I don't know, I think I'm just getting older and maybe wiser.
me too because i really do be like mr bean lmao
ey wey ur showing ur fifth eye too hard bro settle down my nigga wey
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>does nothing
>labelled a domestic terrorist
federals hate america and the constitution
they do nefarious shit everyday and get away with it for "muh american supremacy" but that kind of double standard is exactly unamerican and unconstitutional
**At least TRY and stop it??
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i got a pill that will solve all your problems
better , hahahaha I'll try to close it for a while.
CIA put Jackie Kennedy up to it and Harvey took the fall.
At least try to seem less like a federal agent my nigga
Where's the sauce on all of these claims? I hear the same types of shit about other groups, but I don't ever see any real sauce.
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literally just shitposting and larping on the internet and IRL

they are only self serving.

they make problems, its their job.

glowies are not with us, they will be alone
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They wanted me to become a Jew in my dream. Should I join the other team?
>ex cia agent talks about doing nefarious shit and being flexibly moral on podcasts all the time these days
>forgot his name because he's brown
only federals ask for sauce on bullshit people make up my nigga
its all true though

today I'm LARPing as "myniggaguy"
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I am a Jew actually my nigga, but I don't want to join the synagogue of satan unless they pay me the big bucks
I'm the nobody. AMA.
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Did it hurt?
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*my nigga

That's me and I don't want questions,only answers.
Jews in dreams are not the jews irl
Jews in dreams are one of the very few remaining decent beings in this world (the rotten egg was removed so they're decent now)
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open ur eye up again i need you to remote view these "nobodies" for me rq iykyk this mission is classified DTAS
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My guidance?
I don't give a fucking shit about your race gangster garbage, all I hear is a screaming baby that wasn't breastfed way too long
Except the nobody isn't a criminal.
You retards are all complicit in criminal activity.
Right here, right now.
Feds included.
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jews are inhuman

the real nobody isn't a criminal but he IS a convicted felon
Wrong. You're talking about your imposter stand in Ashkenazi-body

Can you give us all of the [REDACTED] information?

Here's your chance to be the main character.

If you can't, then I'll just continue running my own personal cult. It is my favourite hobby, after all, even better than video games. I would never have been able to convince 10-year-old Kaleb of that, video games were everything to him.

The real nobody isn't a criminal of any sort, anon.
Why are you retards lying?
Gain some weight
Just because he isn't a criminal doesn't mean he's not a convicted felon - he totally is.
>And it draws A LOT OF ATTENTION
it seems TPTB are also into shitposting
>He thinks of most people as literal animals.
while not entirely correct i agree with him there
what you're trying to say is that you'd want to behave like an animal but you'd have the expectation to be seen and called a human?
those most people you refer to are not even animals cause animals still respect the nature and the natural law
>I act like a bitch but i want you to call me your queen
>well.. sure thing love, then i'm a hound and i'll for sure bite you at one point

oh, and animals by the way, don't create "drama" for attention
if it was that easy I would've done this awhile ago
i swear to fucking god if you say "when you fell from heaven"
well now's a pretty good time to seek them
>Can you give us all of the [REDACTED] information?
I didn't have video games when I was 10. :|
Except he isn't.
Because he hasn't committed a crime.
Thus no felony.
Thus no arrest.
Surely you're not this retarded.
administrative offenses, drinking in the street and smoking weed in the street hahahaha 12 hours at the police station.
You don't need to commit a felony crime in order to be convicted of a felon - you just need to be charged with a felony and not fight it, or fight it and lose.

The Nobody tried to fight the law, but the law won.
Ah yes, the ol' ghost trial and conviction.
Are you a fucking moron, anon?
Get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and the cops can fuck you over big time.
A lot of cops are criminals in uniform. It's a legit tactic for criminals to infiltrate law enforcement.
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>but the law won
Did it really? Horrible.
>the government should be scared of its people, not the other way around
>Both incredibly schizo.
if you fall prey to the chaos, is the chaos that controls you, not the other way around ;)
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Do you have any proof for all the "he is" posting?

You actually talked to him?
What wrong place, wrong time?
Anon, I ask again.
Are you a fucking moron?
>You actually talked to him?

I don't even think they've asked him.
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A cop just flew over my house!
>The Nobody tried to fight the law, but the law won.
Nobody never tried to fight the law, anon. He clearly is just minding his own business being a schizo and laughing.
They've got nothing.
To the extent that they're making up the nobody being a felon.
What a bunch of retards.
The nobody should charge them all with harassment and conspiracy.
Well, considering he did 1 and a half months time for what was potentially a 2 year sentence... The law barely won, I'd say - but only because they got a conviction out of him. They would have made him do more time trying to knock off the conviction.
Some days you eat the bar, and some days, the bar eats you
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African Americans call me the Light Bringer also the Liquid
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Stay in jail, cunt.
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They thought he was a thief in the night.
He never asked me that, yes.
Imagine the perjury in these threads, anon.
Ill run them over and laugh ...completely sober.
>The nobody should charge them all with harassment and conspiracy.
you can add torture to that list too

Can you imagine how sick in the head you have to be to torture an innocent man via emf weapons?
He wanted to get back to doing that, so he let the law win. You're right to say he didn't really fight.
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>thousands of posts of baseless lies and slander with no proof of anything.

It's like a Wednesday then.
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L8R :^)


Just imagine all the perjury in these threads.
Everyone has already been sworn in, so many bible quotes.
>do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth so help you god?
Rent free
Do you wonder if one day I will receive a cent from everything I have helped build?
>Draws a lot of attention
Once they place you under illegal 24/7 surveillance the concept of drawing attention doesn't mean anything any more. It's obvious to everyone that he's a stooge, they watch him to try and trace the force behind the curtain sort to speak.
I believe they went for the pre-emptive approach.
Which has done naught but be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Sauce? Lots and lots of sauce please.
How did you killed your host?
He'll never forget the smell of his flesh burning or the extreme pain
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now this is a show you can watch over and over.

>trace the force behind the curtain sort to speak
meme magic?
Are you talking about when they try to kill me in the astral?
It does mean something, because even under 24/7 surveillance they are often waiting for "something" to happen.
That "something" is when he's LARPing, either online or IRL.
That time huh?
So many constitutional rights trampled too, anon.
The criminals in these threads are hilarious.
We've got cruel and unusual.
Search and seizure.
Illegal surveillance would mean that one is already seen as a criminal, thus the fifth amendment is trampled on as well.
Sixth amendment trampled on.
Let's charge everyone with with that and harassment and conspiracy as a start.
I know you won't.
if by in the astral you mean via electronic harassment weapons, then yes.
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Maybe the Nobody isn't even one of the two witnesses of the Book of Revelation, maybe he's something else entirely (Christianity would still be real kek)?

It's vital to keep an open mind, don't end up like the Pharisees.


Who are you really?

The truth is hidden in jokes, you will have to put together your own puzzle
If you will it, it is no dream dude.
State of Israel.
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It’s hilarious this entire thread breaks down every time anyone asks for even a shred of proof this character exists ayy lmao
Just trust me bro
I felt the energy bro
I remote viewed it bro
This is too much ha ha hahah
>help us Obi Bum Kenobi, you're our only hope
My sides
Let us begin litigation.
I wonder what the opposite of a class action would be called.
Individual vs a large group.
i want revenge. you should all die. annoying bastard glowies

die, or i will. and i know how to die
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He's the overcomer.
The two witnesses are the father and the holy spirit
>Source: I'm him
They should be tried for their crimes.
Use their own book and throw it at them.
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So far they have only given me one of my eggs :( I won't forget it

I think im now aestethic or estériles whatever
Maybe the real nobody was the Kaleb we made along the way.
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holy fucking CHECKED
leave them to rot. they dont want to stop

cant help someone who doesnt want...
So far they have only given me one of my eggs :( I won't forget it
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checked and based
They can rot in jail.
I'm sure at this point it'd just be a life sentence.
Call it good.
So many charges.
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seditious? or an openly or an act of waging war against the The United States Of America.. either way Death penalty. IMAGINE ALL THEIR STORED DATA .

this makes perfect sense actually wow
Since God is all-encompassing (and I am God), that would mean that every other person, being, object, thing, icon, symbol, force of nature, literally nature itself, is just me. Wait, it's all me experiencing myself? Since God is all-encompassing it stands to reason that this human avatar is God too.

Oh boy, is it getting solipsistic in here, or is it just me?

Sure do hope there is another God out there somewhere...



This government we have is the exact one that the bill of rights is set up to fight against.
solipsism is just luciferianism with retardation mixed in
Oh great more bills
Want to change what, anon?
I say we indict everyone here.
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I'm desperately trying to balance figuring out the truth with the genuine possibility of a really fucking cool life. It's inefficient and subjected to lots of scrutiny, but, it's the way I prefer to do things, Kaleb.

Bro theres no such thing as fighting the military and intelligence communities but there is performance art and peaceful protest
let Qnon rot AND burn
QAnon is an act of misinformation and thus war against the civilian populace.
thats what you think

what the nobody did in that courtroom was essentially performance art - but what comes after is definitely going to be war
I didn't. There is no 'host' for me to kill.
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yeah but nobody answers my question. If I'm god how is there someone else
when did you all realize that QAnon was a spook funded psyop?

trick question
you aren't god
We haven't even begun to discuss the things they do to give everyone cancer and try to make you retarded and/or fuck your body up with hormones and gene therapy.
Not to mention the kidnapping, sex trafficking, human trafficking.
The list just keeps going.
since when it is forbidden to share paranormal experiences?
are we not "the spot"?
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This doesn't make any more sense than any of the other theories. This shit is so fucking stupid bruh fuck

Here's the latest theory:

Jesus is the Nobody, who is actually Danny Devito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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THIS... and yet the federals tasked with spying on us and "deradicalizing" us are taught that they aren't responsible and neither is their agency
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Let's talk about the ritualistic murder and sodomy the feds do too.

The government thinks 4chan is their personal website.
Isn't Q some old ass precovid shit?
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Kaleb ur a fed
second of all, Jesus IS the Nobody and vice versa
I am God and that's really all there is to it. I actually have a very simple reason as to why I think this. Since suicide is the escape from life and the human body has the capacity to commit suicide at any time it wants without tools or objects, indicates that I must be God. Because the exit plan is always present.

What do I mean by this? I mean I can literally kill myself on command. This is the indicator of a God-like presence.
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Then why do other militaries and intelligence agencies exist?
The fedbois have the right to remain silent.
Any action, including inaction, can be used against you in the court of law.
They have the right to remain silent.
Blah blah blah
It's a joke to mock the WOS.
no man can be god
that's just how it works
if you were god
you would have done a miracle
if jesus were god
he wouldn't have been nailed to the cross

>but what comes after is definitely going to be war
whys that?
god gives LIFE on command
that is why jesus resurrected on the 3rd day
god said so, and it was so
They're bugs pretending to be humans. Nothing is real.
I mean, whatever the time is for doing the crime.
The inmates can do what they will, though.
Trying to figure out the truth?
The truth is devoid of figuring and devoid of the conditionals under which the figure would figure as figure if you can figure that figures. Your preference to do things as a preference for a preference is not preferential so it is not true to say you prefer to do things or prefer the preference you prefer. I prefer to have a fell swoop so when I cut vegetables i push the end of the knife up onto the cutting board so as to not be horizontal with the floor in any way. Why do you think I'm pointing that way. Serial killer indeed.
if friends is the correct term, then sure, why not :D
>friendship is a two way highway

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the Weather.”
Did we ever figure out who the WOS is? Is she here?
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Image limit motherfuckers
Everything that exists is just a form of brain cancer in God's mind that you all understand as AI.
Where does all the supressed energy go?

to the new bread
I'm just saying, I think the feddiepoos are too reliant on the fact that they've brainwashed the masses.
A bit too arrogant and malicious about it all.
What kind of bread?
I do not support insurgency against the US Government.

If you don't like something about America, work to fix it through legislation and/or the court system.

Anyone here involved in their local governments?
The one thing I do love is their following of the programming of spreading "Satans" word.
All the demonic shit.
They follow so willingly.

If He is, then I'm going to find this guy.

Mark my words.

>I've spent my life hunting this guy Morty
>This is the closest I've ever been to catching Rick Prime
>It's impossible! He's an incredibly crafty piece of shit

dat cat bread my nigga
What are you fucking retarded?


are u da real qanon
What about me? Am i nonconsensual intimate imagery?
I mean as a citizen

The single most painful thing I've ever heard- I read on this board just before this all started.

It was a post along the lines of "Life and reality and the universe and everything are just us living in slowly decaying chunks of God's brain/neurons after Him committing suicide.".

This is not the case. Jesus Christ is the living God.

Anon, unfuck yourself.


Alright, see y'all in the other thread.
meh its okay learning is life i donot hatem ny name is love and try to give it when ever i am not perfect but i uphold the ten laws. even so does the job.
be well and blessed today your luck will 100 times greater for being honest. honesty is the first path to repentance.

I know, it's because this is how it was always meant to go down.
>administrative offenses
in a world where the only reason you'd have for wanting to rule is that you'd want to kill and fuck children at peace unbothered by anyone of course "administrative offence" would be considered a criminal act or felony
>how dare you question my degraded selfish desires?




I already told you what I wanted. Minority Report had a good ending I think, with some nuance.
The Hebrides are nice.
Would take some finagling coz reasons.
I think yes, a good ol cup of coffee and a heart to heart within reason would be quiite helpful for multiple reasons.
Current developments do look better than last week, but my true passions are different than my pragmatic degree choice.
Anyhoo, glad you finally see some things you should have always seen.
Is spending your later days walking along a coast somewhere with an insightful, intelligent and loyal female companion too much to dream about.

I really like asian movie epics for some reason.
Geopolitics are interesting too. Probably should have went to law school or majored in poli sci.
Or maybe I made a mistake not going to glowie U in Upstate NY or that Jesuit School in Denver.
Hard to say. There is so much uncertainty. It’s unfortunate there is so much plausible deniability needed these days.

Is there something I am not doing that I should?
We aren’t out of the woods yet unfortunately.
I too see good things happening thoughever.

>vaguepost into the aether
they tend to feel offended when we talk about their doings
they even might get upset and delete the thread
>source: it happened before so there's a high chance to happen again
>nothing ever happen
>you sure about that?
i have to admit that "feeling at home" is a nice feeling :D
note: i do not feel at home on 4chan lol, but i can relate to the feeling
Qanon is a us millitary computer.

you feds are off your meds today.
did fsb hurt your feelings again?
or the chi-coms.
jeepers childish much.

then i see this and know why

so i don't care about america's issues which are many btw.
i don't like isreali shills in america they are a security threat selling secerts to the chinese and russians.
fuck you in any event commie.
>inb4 thats racist.
they are are satilite state that should be contorled by uncle sam not some isreali daul citizen who could be a spy. no thanks i like red blooded americans in my office thank you very much.
I need to eat more taco, hate that they try to force meat upon me. The only reason was being a lure for leader of the spidercult. Not that bad guys would understand.

Hat that people lie to keep the hat off themselves. Make themselves int a victim becaue they think they would be slaughtered by the masses for what the spider cult is doing to then.

They have to lie and scapegoat to survive in their eyes. Explains their arrogant and stupid behavior.
When I mean lure, I mean to get the fucker to come out of the shadows.
Sigh, do you really have crabs? I'm not eating a dirty taco that's disgusting, I could do red wings but thanks for telepathing me.
its a cult art project. its a bunch of jewish faggots that want to use the internet to meme their mind viruses (/ng/ is just one). they're probably partially funded by glownigger jews but they're pretty irrelevant outside 4chan.
you're better off leaving /x/, go to /pol/, even if you're a kike. there's nothing worthwhile on /x/ its all bot generated and what few users are here either don't know what they're looking at, or they've been here so long they skim for interesting shit, but don't participate (because there's no reason to).
It predates the cults' collective retardations.
They hate this fact btw, they absolute seethe knowing that they're not original and can't co-opt it because it was never about them.
What is he?
All I dud was create a heaven and hell realm, the haven realm was meant to protect the fae and the gel realm was meant to help fight against the 11 magi.

And that was just to see if I could. I drew on half of the energy of the universe to make it. Just as an experiment taking what I knew and applying it. Lol I'm just shitposting, you can't prove what I say.
>freaks out
>psychotic rants
None of these things are related to the Nobody in the slightest.
He's far from being devoid of it.
That anon is that in his own mind.
Those disgraceful defamations are utterly false.

Actual lore is not sensationalist enough to be screenshot. the Nobody has never been someone like that, he was just some kid who, like many others, was interested in moving his chi, but the difference being that he turned to be a wellspring of it, and being good at moving not just his own, but the world's.

So he used that to attack those conspiring against humanity, atleast until a few years ago when our victory over them became guaranteed, so he then shifted his focus towards elevating with unconditional love the frequency of himself and others, as ascending in this moment is more important than anything else.
He acts like neither. the Nobody is pretty chill, and does not talk about such things unless asked to, or if it's a spiritual advice that'll help or console someone.
As the macro, so the micro. As the spiritual plane, so the physical plane.
Well, yes, but I don't think that'll happen before "the big Event", before the non-Light forces get removed from the system.
He has no life.
Not really, no one has fucked with him or played with his life, he's the opposite of CWC.
He's nonfunctioning, basement dwelling.... Can't stand the light.... Sun's rays burn him. I think he's a vampyre, we mostly do these days. Freak... living conditions are cave-like, a criminal lair with one man. Disgusting.
Not at all, don't worry. As someone who knows how we influence what happens around us, he lives a joyful life.

Everyone has his co-creation skills. He may be gifted at it, but every consciousness will reach that potential one day, in our eternal journey of spiritual growth.
I HATE him
None of these, honestly.
What makes it criminal and disgusting?

Why is that? A lot of bros seem to be mad right now. Anon could probably use a pickle? :)
He is neurotypical.
People regularly talk with him here, and his energy is recognizable to some in his posts, despite being "anonymously" (spiritually, no one is).
God is the Universal consciousness. We are individual consciousnesses, fractals of God.
>Thou shall not kill.
We are here to evolve as spirits, that wouldn't change how that person behaves, it'd only delay their growth.
After they offered the Nobody (and other anons) the guidance that he needed at the time, they became a waiting room until there's some big happening, where people have fun and sometimes help each other.

i was getting racial slave
stolen items after death vibes

and yes this is EXACTLY what the nobody feels about the collective of those who abuse him and premeditate murder
the Nobody? He's working outdoors everyday.
>I felt the 'energy' bro
Even if you post anonymously, everyone has a unique one, that is present even in their posts.
how do you handle the weight?
Many tell lies in hopes it will curse him.

the sheer level of projection
from bigots
lmfao good lort

>totally disregards the hordes of people who participated in the abuses antagonization mockery torture and bluntforce traumas unto his being you faggot retard narcissistic fuck

these narcissists are
slitheringly trynna hide


and yes this is EXACTLY what the nobody feels about the collective of those who abuse him and premeditate murder

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