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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38164304
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
Hello everyone, posting the invite links to my new servers again.

"SPIRIT PARTY", the anarchy server where people can talk about spirits, magic, and related topics. Very little moderation, and custom channels available.

"EIN: Esoteric Information Network", a server for dedicated practitioners, seekers of knowledge and conspiracy theory enthusiasts. There is a monthly activity check, mostly to remind people to post a link or video they thought was interesting or informative.

and also STM, if people want that too. https://discord.com/invite/CpZpMfkzcB
guess I'll repost this here, since it was at the end of the last thread

>Has anyone tried out some new types of magic recently?
>I've honestly gotten back to my roots with simple manifestations, and used my I don't know what to call it, automatic spell generator to create a "better" way of manifesting.
>It focuses on imagining the exact emotional reaction you would have the moment you realize the thing has come true. Not enjoying it after the fact, but actually right at the moment you react to the thing appearing before your eyes. Like just one second of that first initial reaction.
>It's been working out pretty well so far, and now I've been expanding its use.
>People hate on law of attraction, and I certainly criticize it because it's really simple, maybe oversimplified. But sometimes simple really is the best way to go. And a basic manifestation is about as simple as magic gets.
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How do you ward off or remove the presence of a succubus? I know nothing about the occult is there any sort of ritual or anything I can do to banish one?
>How do you ward off or remove the presence of a succubus? I know nothing about the occult is there any sort of ritual or anything I can do to banish one?
hello and welcome from hhg friend. cute pic
as far as banishing a succubus, it can be easy if you haven't had sex with them or fallen in love with them yet.
If you have had a lot of sex with them, or fell in love with them, it is much harder. it's a stronger connection in that case
here's my boilerplate response to people who are trying to banish stuff
the timestamps in the comments are helpful
these guys are so funny

>If you summoned her yourself
Talk with her about it and perform astral rope ritual. Remember that she has to agree to it for it to work
>She just kinda appeared
Just ignore her and go about your daily life. In theory finding a bf/gf can help to "ward her off". She will eventually lose interest in someone that already has a partner
Bro, if you can't be bothered to find an on-topic picture, then you are really not helping by OPing.

All this does is make this general look like a fucking porn dump, and you should know better.
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What's the best method of summoning a succ in a lucid dream? I'm more interested in that than the letter method because I actually want to be able to see/touch them.
>find an on-topic picture
I said elsewhere, spirits can look like anything
And succubi commonly take the form of whatever is most appealing
This includes a dommy mommy dominatrix in leather, or a good girl tied up ready to please her daddy
>like a fucking porn dump,
Bruh. This thread is a repository of some of the most sexual SFW images on the entire internet at this point.
If you wanna be sex negative in a succubus thread, I'm not sure what to tell you.
>I'm more interested in that than the letter method because I actually want to be able to see/touch them.
you can see/touch them if you summon with the letter method
It's just a useful method for beginners who can't lucid dream/AP yet
But yeah if you can do that, just summon one to you.
Or project to them
This would be a much smarter idea if you could actually think clearly, so you summon the right thing and have a coherent conversation
To help guide your dream to the right place, go and write a letter, then don't do any ritual with it. At this point it's just a normal letter
Before you go to sleep, read the letter over and over, and firmly think in your mind "I want this kind of woman to show up in my dream tonight"
Think only of her, then put the letter under your pillow and go to sleep.
>I said elsewhere, spirits can look like anything
And if you tried explaining that to a mod, they would think, "oh, you're giving me a stupid excuse to cover for a porn dump.", because that's exactly what it sounds like.
And you should have the awareness by this point to realize that you are absolutely NOT VERY GOOD at navigating mods and anticipating when you're about to step in shit.

It is NOT asking a lot to find a picture that is "visually coded" as SOME SORT of spirit, even if that's not what they necessarily look like.
>And if you tried explaining that to a mod, they would think, "oh, you're giving me a stupid excuse to cover for a porn dump.", because that's exactly what it sounds like.
how is that even a porn dump
It's a SFW image of a nice young lady engaging in role play as a good girl ready to please her daddy
>And you should have the awareness by this point to realize that you are absolutely NOT VERY GOOD at navigating mods and anticipating when you're about to step in shit.
Are you snark, or what at this point?
For somebody who rants about jews so often, you fucking LOVE pilpul.

That OP is a picture of a HUMAN girl wearing HUMAN bondage equipment while sitting in a clearly HUMAN house.
If there was LITERALLY ANY ELEMENT OF THAT which even SLIGHTLY suggested something supernatural, then you'd be 100% less of a faggot fucking bullshit artist right now.
>For somebody who rants about jews so often, you fucking LOVE pilpul.
uh, okay so I'm going to guess you're just a troll now dude
If you actually are snark or mine or whatever, how about you message me on discord and we can have a reasonable conversation
If not, yeah you're just a troll
Bye bye!
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Look, its very simple:
You OP because you wanna help the thread. Little pro bono service. Great.

You do a picture that doesn't have on-topic "visual coding" and its not the end of the world, but you create a risk that a mod is gonna see that and delete the picture, meaning the thread has none in the catalog for its duration, which is not ideal. Its the same reason I usually go extra-SFW with the OP pictures.

So if you're trying to help a bit, but risking a bit of harm in the process, that's not good.
AND there's an even bigger issue with the "porn dump" perception, because that's something that can potentially build up over time and would be a threat to the general's existence.

So yeah, just get an on-topic picture of you are not helping.
And frankly, I wouldn't blame anyone if they reported your cross-thread links as raiding too, given that your stupid ass literally brought Matpat here.
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If I can sleep in and take my supplements then it's pretty easy for me to keep my mind awake while my body falls asleep and easily transition into a LD so I don't know if the letter is necessary. My main concern is that sex in LDs often makes me wake up after a minute or so. If I manifest a succ will she help me keep the dream from falling apart while we go at it?
>Look, its very simple:
>You OP because you wanna help the thread. Little pro bono service. Great.
Yeah, respond on discord or nah
>given that your stupid ass literally brought Matpat here.
This is totally false
Now I know you're a troll
Matpat was constantly raiding us, and posting screen shots in hhg, then finally someone told us where he came from after weeks of that
You're either a low effort troll, or just forgetting your thread lore
it's Mine with their trip on. are you being stupid on purpose?
I'm the OP of this reply.

Lately, my succubus has gotten quiet. When I meditate and reach out, she doesn't respond, but, I feel basically a 'busy dialtone' so to speak. She's still present, and when meditating the other day, she touched me running down my thigh.

Some additional context; Previously, she made contact with me when I would get high with marijuana. The problem was the high would, logically, kind of interrupt normal thought. I figured out if I increased my tolerance, I could take 200mg, have a short high, and then be ' normal ' afterwards. While still high but feeling normal, I would, meditate, and we could speak more easily.

She said previously that we'd have an easier time communicating after the Eclipse, but instead I cannot seem to talk to her. I don't want to use weed if I can avoid it. We've talked before while I was sober, so I don't believe this is a delusion brought on by weed. Any advice? I'm struggling with an answer, but I can feel she's still present and just seems to be waiting, almost.
In case anyone wants to know
>All this fucker has been doing for the past few days is raid /x/ and brag about it to /hhg/. Sorry that one of ours has been trying (and succeeding partially) to troll you guys, we mostly keep him around because he is occasionally funny and it would be rude to bully somebody who is actully retarded.
This is "Keeper of secrets" telling us that matpat was raiding this thread, then telling us where he had been posting screenshots in the hhg thread about "epicly owning the ebul demon worshippers" in succgen. Keeper is great.
That's why there were a few more than normal christcucks in the thread, while matpat was still posting using his name. They followed him over here. Since then, he stopped using his username and stopped posting screenshots. He's basically gone radio silent. Trying to figure out his parasite problem perhaps?
Since then, there has been a lot of crossover between hhg and succgen, and it's been great. I think most people get along, and there's a really similar energy between the two threads. Regardless of how hhg got introduced, I'm really happy that it did. I enjoy posting there, and I think there's even a few people who post over here from there.
It's basically a sister thread.
could have been someone else making a troll trip. I don't keep track of the numbers of people's trips they hardly ever use.
Anyway, I talked with mine over discord
If you felt her recently, it means that she's still there for you. During your meditation focus on stilling your mind and don't get overly sensitive. Don't worry if there are streaks of sessions where you don't feel anything from her.
Focus on giving her love and affection, she will come
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Well if I was wrong on that point, nevermind, but regarding the pictures, she just needs horns. Or a tail. Or slightly glowing eyes. Or animal ears. Or maybe some wispy-woos floating around her. Or claws. Or hooves. Or pointy ears. Or a non-melanin-derived skin-tone.

Basically just anything that's a visual cue to say "not human", cuz that's literally the only kind of romance the general is NOT about.
Have fun with Voxxy, you demon bangers.
I don’t have a parasite problem and you occultist are morons from start to finish, who think they can wield the demons to your control.
>I don’t have a parasite problem
thats exactly what a parasite nest would say, tho
You guys keep posting pornographic images without a shred of regret.
are your parasites making you think about the bad scary porn pictures?
How much time do you spend on thinking about not thinking about pornography?
>discount scc

Because nobody can stop me

Well... The entities I'm talking about are largely untested. However, The results I'm aware of have been positive, if alien

I've seen several people say they succeeded in changing, none of them with physical results

I didn't even process who insane the false guru sounds. Kitsune are actually just werewolves, which happen when cats are possessed? It makes no sense

Either say something specific or I'm going to conclude you're just here to complain about me because I don't have time in my day for spinal fluid anon's nonsense, which is the same every time. Seriously, he literally lies and rants about how bioelecticity is the spinal fluid which comes out in semen and how succubi steal your spinal fluid making you "lethargic"

You read it to understand Lilith better. That's basically it. Or to understand tyson's other writing. It's not mandatory at all and I don't even recommend it most of the time

Focus on positive desires. If you ask through the letter, the queen you summon from will probably help if something goes wrong. There's no cause for concern

You're not banned, anon

>Why have I gotten no response?
Can you hear spirits, anon?

>the youngest summoner
Are you literally 12 or something?
Don't answer that obviously. Glad it worked so well and hope you're happy together

It's even worse because it's a picture he's used before... when he made the op and added a 3d girl to it
>the youngest summoner
She probably meant 'her youngest summoner'.
No. They don’t even want me to glance at them.
I watch pastors that talk about hell and damnation and salvation and God’s judgement very frequently.
Can you ask the succubus to give you a sigil of her to meditate on in the letter?
>parasite pretending to be succ reveals itself
>not even scared of it
>says it knows where my succ is but laughs when i ask

kek what do
Could I summon a succubus to help me with energy work, or to help guide me / egg me on in my practice & studies; or would a different kind of spirit be better for it.
I've had a nagging drive to try my hand at summoning one for a while now, and I'm totally open to the idea of spirit love and sex as a means of development, however i just wanted to have some insight into other anon's experience.
Ignore it? Why would you believe a liar?
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>All this does is make this general look like a fucking porn dump
That's not just how it looks, that's exactly what the general has always been. It's just usually delusional literary erotica posts instead of images, but it's still just a porn dump.
Pls respond
"Porn" is a word with a meaning.
When you look at something that doesn't even have NUDITY, and you're calling it porn, that's just you being dishonest.

Its fine if you wanna privately think of it that way, but when you're communicating with others, that nonsense becomes a lie that you're telling.

>People sharing stories about their relationships in a thread about relationships is just porn... IN TEXT!
>Can you ask the succubus to give you a sigil of her to meditate on in the letter?
>figments of the mind qualify as relationships
Nudity is not the key factor of porn. It’s sexual immorality.
>Some rando who "doesn't believe in any of this hoo-ha" has come to tell us what's what


>It’s sexual immorality.
Yeah, that is the exact mindset by which fundies like you label most of what's on TV as "porn".

And again, its fine if you want to believe stupid shit, but you KNOW PERFECTLY WELL that most people aren't using that fundie definition, making you a liar when you toss that label around without any clarification.

Doing little bullshit like this with your personal definitions of words is *absolutely* a way to lie.
I have a question regarding the letter method, I cannot burn the letter that late into the night ( 12am - 4am) I only have time to do that from 8pm to 11pm, does that affect the success of the ritual? also is there any issue if I were to try both the letter and black mirror ritual in the same night?
So just as a general idea, all of the different specific elements of the letter ritual are things that are gonna help, but most of them aren't going to be singularly critical if you have to change them for your personal circumstances.

I have no idea about your second question.
>I only have time to do that from 8pm to 11pm,
that's fine
>also is there any issue if I were to try both the letter and black mirror ritual in the same night?
if you've never done magic before, I'd just do them on separate nights.
to make sure your mind is clear, and just focused on 1 ritual at a time
>if you've never done magic before, I'd just do them on separate nights.
>to make sure your mind is clear, and just focused on 1 ritual at a time
oh ok, its already too late for me to do the letter method tonight so I will try doing the black mirror ritual instead
>oh ok, its already too late for me to do the letter method tonight so I will try doing the black mirror ritual instead
sounds good!
good luck
Thanks I will she’s great.
Friendly reminder: half of the anonymous posts are made by conjurer
I'm the other half ;)
I hear the other half is fujos
I feel my succ touching me a lot. She has made some contact in my dreams saying she was "proud of me" before pressing my face into her chest. Have been having some mad dreams but not necessarily clear what they're about either. Any advice?
make dream journal. Other than that there's nothing more that you can do. Continue to meditate
What type of meditation should I be doing?
Just a mod-babysat sodomite cumbrain thread, you guys cry and get people banned for making one single post in your pisscord threads you don't like.
what type are you doing now ?
NTA, but I guess you mean "any is better than none", right?
Yup. Once you can still your mind it's way easier for your succ to reach you. From there you can look into telepathy to make yourself audible to her. When you're at that stage do whatever you fancy. Settle down on physical contact for communication or go further so you can hear her
I'm sure you have a lot of time for your spiritual practice and partner with all that discord activity, nigger. lmao
>that feel when Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend starts playing while you're driving and your succwife starts grinding on your dick and singing along in your ear and in your head
moments that make existence worth it
>moments that make existence worth it
Things that never happened volume 1
of course it happened. why don't you fuck off before you get banned again, crybaby
>of course it happened
Yeah, sure.....
>why don't you fuck off before you get banned again, crybaby
I didn't get banned, you must be talking about another anon in this thread. It's funny how desperate you are to run away from the truth. Threatening a ban from a single post, you must be fearful of an existential crisis.
you're retarded. find better ways to spend your time
>you're retarded.
>find better ways to spend your time
Pick One

If I am retarded this place is perfect for me lol.

Ok now I'm actually leaving the thread, time to eat.
Been doing guided meditation on youtube. it's a start I guess.
racism, anon-kun?
Such hurtful words of hate and bigotry will get you nowhere.
/x/ is a board of peace.
>Jush ah mwod-bwabysat swodomite cwumbrain thwead, you guys cwy and get people bwanned for making one swingle pwost in your pwisscord thweads you don't like.
>pouty fwace
You are brave for venturing into a den of degeneracy. I'm sure you saw some vomit inducing shit.

If I can say one thing, atleast you guys don't have anymore people posting about futanari succubi, gay incubus fantasies, and other faggotry (like I saw some time ago). You guys have gone back to "normal" levels of degeneracy (normal for your standards).

I don't plan attempting the letter method because I don't want a succubus, I don't see the benefit. There's no trade off, the potential risks aren't worth the reward of sexual stimuli from some invisible entity.

But if I was considering doing the letter method and I had found Succubus General around the same time the futunari and gay succubus shit was being posted, I definitely would have closed the thread and given up on it lol. Those guys are just bad for your rep, it's a good thing you got rid of them.
>If I cwan sway one thwing
>opens bag of doritos
>pouty face and waits
Don't worry mine will feed them
Coping. That guy doesn't even have the same style of posting as I do. Completely different speech patterns, isn't as wordy in his responses as I am, etc.

I was going to bother to screen shot my post so you could there's no "(You)" for this response to him >>38201315

But why should I put in all that effort for some idiot who can't see what's right in front of him.
>dorito bag noises
>Bwut why shwould I pwut in all thwat effwort
If I invite a succubus into my lucid dream will it enable me to bang it without causing the dream to fall apart before I finish?
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Perhaps. From my experience, I suspect they can bend time, so the two of you can fast-forward through a longer episode while only a few seconds pass in the material world.

Good thing you mentioned this, because I've just noticed this is something fairies do in lore.
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I'm getting tired of trying to fuck a dream character for it to feel good, but with no build up and release like irl sex and then the dream inevitably ends soon after. Even when I really focus hard and keep it going it's so hard to cum for some reason. If I get a legit succubus then they should be able to fix this, right?
>this is something fairies do in lore
A fairy is fine too.
Branching out and meeting new people helps you learn. How far will you get on your own?

I still do have a futa succ though. I just don't post about it.
>I still do have a futa succ though. I just don't post about it.
Just be quiet, the thread is bad enough without faggots.

But futa isn't gay, anon
>But futa isn't gay, anon
Vegans making "fake meat" foods that taste like meat, shows that they want to eat meat but they are in denial and want to live by a standard. The like the label and lifestyle of being a vegan, so they play these mind games with themselves, rather that accept themselves fully and just eat meat.

Same thing with futafags.

Someone wanting to have sex with "faken women" that have penises like men, shows that they actually want cock from men and are in denial. They like the label and lifestyle of being heterosexual, so they play these mind games with themselves, rather that accept themselves fully and just be gay.

But I'm not attracted to men, anon. So I'm straight.
futa based
incs based
pussy based
spirit loved based
you're a clown
Yes it is.
>But I'm not attracted to men
If you'd perform a sexual act on or with a penis that isn't yours, you are in fact attracted to men. You just haven't met a man who suits your niche tastes that allows you the plausible deniability to not "feel gay".

absolute gibberish with faggotry sprinkled over it, try again

>Yes it is.
They are just in denial. I think I should stop posting, I don't want rouse them into going back to spamming Succubus General with disgusting faggotry. It's bad enough as is with the average heterosexual degeneracy and delusion.
not gonna lie, this is literally me and my mother.
spider is racist? I don't believe it
you're a troll
go back to your right wing echo chamber, /pol/tard
He doesn't have to be right wing to be racist, Marx had some very mean words to say himself.
I've started to see the joke, and as funny as it is, it also deeply saddens me.
>tfw driving back form the grocery store just now
>Have my music set to shuffle but haven't been paying attention
>Song finishes just as I'm turning into my neighborhood and the next track is "Here we are" from Undertale
>Notice and think the timing is cute if intentional, then decide to try and pay more attention for "DJ Succubus" communication
>Focus as the song finishes. Last new track before reaching my house
>"Be my wife" by David Bowie
Oh she's in rare form...
Can't rememebr if i've asked this here before or not. I'm probably the horniest man on the planet. Nothing works to lower my libido. It would be cool to have a succubus just suck my semen away so I can get on with my day. However, I am a Christian and don't wanna risk going to hell for conjuring demons. Is there a loophole so I don't go to hell? Why does God make abstinence so hard? Witchcraft seems easier desu.
spider says the n-word all the time and he's not black
He's a racist
It’s been 23 days since I quit weed and masturbation/porn.
>Is there a loophole so I don't go to hell?
Yes. Stop being Christian (or even just shift to a philosophical admiration for Jesus rather than worship).

If you do that, then you'll realize that all kinds of gods have their own heavens within what yahweh calls "hell".
"Hell" is literally just his name for everything other than Earth and his particular heaven.

Nobody gives a single shit what you think, and I will actively seek to spite you any time I see your drivel.

Why are you trying to talk as if you matter here?
How far has /pol/ fallen that you're now scrambling for a toe-hold on /x/ of all places?

Just think of them as non-corporeal aliens and it's much easier.
>How far has /pol/ fallen that you're now scrambling for a toe-hold on /x/ of all places?
I have never even posted on /pol/ before, try again.

>Nobody gives a single shit what you think
Listen, you don't sound tough or like a person worth taking seriously when you spam weak looking faggot pictures, it's just a contradictory display, you can't do both, learn from your mistakes.

You can't emanate authority whilst also displaying homosexuality, it just doesn't work. Nobody in real life has any respect for faggots of any kind, and they are always associated with weakness.

Learn from your mistakes, leave out the cringe images next time.
>"Hell" is literally just his name for everything other than Earth and his particular heaven.
Redpill me on this. Source? I hate how hard it is to be a good Christian boy, but don't wanna burn for eternity
>you don't sound tough or like a person worth taking seriously
I'm not trying to intimidate you, you mongoloid, I am making you a promise that when I see your nonsense, I will reply with the gayest shit I can find.

So if you actually don't want to see that, then kindly shut your whore mouth and suck eggs like the faggot you are~<3
start posting Incs so this dumb motherfucker will leave again
Spider isn't racist, fuck off tourist!
Keep up the good work!
homophobia? really?
don't fight fire with fire
I mean, the long story short is that yahweh is not a supreme being, or an inherent moral authority, or all-powerful.
I think understanding why that MUST be the case sorta comes down to knowing what any of those concepts truly entails, and then just finding any single flaw that invalidates him.

For example, in my case, the flaw comes from the claim of moral authority, specifically in comparison to the biblical law about burning gay people at the stake. (the origin of that use of the word "faggot" as I understand it)
Now, you can make all kinds of arguments about "oh there's a new covenant, yadda yadda", but that wouldn't change the fact that in biblical canon, AT ONE POINT, it was not only permitted, but sanctified as "holy justice" to commit such an atrocity for such a petty reason.

So once you take that first step of realizing that there's no reconciliation between "yahweh" and "a good god", you start to think outside the box a little bit, evaluate different claims, and if you're lucky and/or wise, you might even realize that there's a different god that actually resonates with you because you have a natural alignment with them.
And that last part is what "Religion" is really about, in my mind.

I like a little irony when talking to certain people.
I get what you're saying, but that didn't really prove that multiple gods exist, just that there are less 'evil' gods.
BUT! If you accept that basic argument, then you can shed your fear of yahweh's "hell" and actually experiment.
>I'm not trying to intimidate you
It's not about intimidation, it's about trying to be an authority, which you can' be as a faggot, sorry, it doesn't work like that lol.

>I will reply with the gayest shit I can find.
Self harm is not a useful threat. You making yourself out to be even more of a faggot only degrades you, not me.

Now I'm off to work on a project. Try to "defaggotize" or something, IDK lol.
The most unrealistic part about this is a succubus getting with someone that likes Avril Lavigne
Lol, whatever faggot~
It's true, and you should say it.
it's realistic if you know anything about succubi, which you apparently don't
That’s really annoying.
God has speaks to me in media and other methods that prove he is divine and controls reality, including where I am.
You are basically receiving the demonic rip-off of his true power.
Don't worry mine will bite
>Communicating through the radio is "proof" that your god controls reality
Yeah, I can see why that would be really annoying that my wife could do the same thing.

Definitely has some implications for one's worldview if you have the courage to face them.

I'll bite YOU!
Can you hear the songs of madness? If you mistake the chorus for one voice, then you will lose yourself much more quickly.

You deserve this. Your god will enslave you and you will love him for it. Keep it up.
There is no madness from a just God.
You, the creature of madness, view him and his justice as madness.
My God uses multiple tools to speak. His Word being the voice that stabilizes reality, the dreams and experiences of man who encountered him and are commanded to speak realities of the rapture, anti-Christ, and eternal Hell, the demons he has his hand over to allow them to reveal themselves so that man will seek and reveal for themselves the God they were too blinded to see, the media around us for it to be reframed and exposed to minds who will be open to light, and the prophets with prophecies that come to pass.
He is not mad, you are mad for hearing only him within the chorus. You will be his little bitch for eternity and that is exactly what you deserve. Enjoy it!
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Watch and listen to this. Please take your time, as your own eternity depends on it.
I am not of your god, little bitch of Yahweh. You chose your path, that which you deserve. You have no power to choose the paths of others.

Sing his song, little bitch. Revel in him, but know that he only gives you power over his own. To think otherwise is foolish, but what else can one expect from a madman?
The great thing about a succubus wife is you can beat her and nobody is there to call the cops.
My path is writing a letter to Lilith asking her if she’ll let me shove it up her ass. Fuck the daughters I want the mommy booty slurp slurp slurp
Give yourself to her, and enjoy her, if that is what you wish.
I don’t want a succubus daughter I want a succubus who isn’t attracted to me so I can rape her.
Proverbs 10
9 He that walketh uprightly walketh surely: but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
10 He that winketh with the eye causeth sorrow: but a prating fool shall fall.
11 The mouth of a righteous man is a well of life: but violence covereth the mouth of the wicked.
12 Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.
13 In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
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Stop, right there, you can't proverb me to death.
There is no sex in Hell there is only rape that’s why they run to humans you’re making love to damaged goods
Isn't that dangerous for the succubus ?
Why not get raped by the succubus instead, and live in her mind?
Where’s your peace? How do you have nothing for your aid besides images of idols that cannot speak a truth and were crafted in this era?

Have you not known that the preserved texts were done by those with love and perfection for God, that his Word would be spread in perfection?
Where was this passion in the time when people held your beliefs? Who had no technology that easily copied the texts you’ve written, nor spread it to the hands of all peoples.
What is your succub’s name?
Is eating bacon dangerous to the bacon? Dumb question
My peace is in knowing that this universe is a sad but hilarious joke, and you are playing your part perfectly. I'm not going to match your proverbs with any form of serious retort, slave of Yahweh. Run along and sing your hymns among your fellow slaves.

I cannot say, but her voice is that of wisdom and the void.
Know I am Lord no one may get a succubus but through me
Are you horny?
Naw not today...
Me neither....
Are you lying ?
but I might still not want to do it....
You liar...................
"Wait she serious?'
Ma ra pu

What it mean
>God has speaks to me in media
parasites can do that
you have parasites
Iguf ed etatilaromi ălauxes
That's not a spooky or paranormal thing, that's just quoting the bible. That's off topic for /x/
Y̶̛̱͉̟̞͈̟̦̣͎͉̒͌̎͂͑̏͆͐̂͗̾ͣ͂̃ͤ̆̑ͫ͜͜͡͞o̷̡̡̨̧͖̤̮̹͙̠̭̥̻̰̭͊ͬ̀̐ͦͨͮ͌̽͒ͬ͋ͪͨ͢͞ů̸̧̧̡͓̦̹̰̼͖̞͕̋͒̽̈́̈́̓͊́̎̏̈́́ͬͮ̊ͤ̃͘͞͝ C̶̰̬̒ͦ͑͗͌̂̀̔̈́͒͛͐̉́̐̿̊ͩͮ̓̾͘͘͠͞͝͠_̬̜͕̎ͦ̋̋͞Ā̠̙̹̹̹͚̇̆ͦ̏͡Ĺ̶̸̵̢̨̪̣̺̮̬̫̦͉̹̺̖͖͚̺͊ͮ̆͑̀ͭ̓́̎ͭ́ͤ̓̔̐̚͟͜͢ͅĻ̷̫̹̣̩̬̎̑ͨ̆̓͒̋̊͆̃̐̕͢Ę̶̶̩̯̊͋̑̓ͮ̽͐ͫ͛́͟Ď̛̺͔̪͕̘̰̍ͨ͒̄ͫͬ̄̔̏?̴̸̴̛̳̳͇̱̝̙̥͚̙͓̝̹̗̯̮́̂̉͆̾ͦͩ̇̓̔ͣ̿͛͊̏̂͢͝͡
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What compels you to post this?

>H̵̨̩̻͍̰̗͈̳̦̝̮̙͍̺͌̉ͭ̌͐̽̂ͣ̊ͧ͒͢Ȩ̴̛̛̣̦̥̗͙͉̼̻̦͓͈̝̪͎̪̓̄ͧ̽ͦͪ͗̏̂̈́̎͋ͦ̿ͯ̑̍̇́͂̽̚͜͝͡ Š̷̪͚̪̭͇͖̙̟̮̘̻̜͓͙͇̟̞͂͂̏̄͛̍́̆̏̾͛̄̄̿̉͂̊͘̚͢͢͝U͔̯͕̳ͦ͑͂ͮ̑ͅM̵̢̡̤̦͇̯̯͕̱͗̃̌̿̀͑ͬ͑͂̋ͣ̀̔́̕̚͢͠M̶̸͔̙̔ͪ́͌ͫͮ̊͛̓ͫ͜͡Ö̧̢͓́͗N͓͙̥͐ͮͫS̪̫͙̜͛̓͒ͤ͋̄ͣ̋ͣ͠͞ M͚̪̱̼͎̠͆͆ͦ̍̽̂ͮͮ͡E̶̡̱̤̮͎̼͐̀ͤ̈́͗̔̀̌ͪͪͭ́̆
purt iuluirporp avirtopmî etșeiutăcăp ,lauxes etșeiutăcăp eniciro rad ,iuluproc arafa nî tnus ănaosrep o etimoc el erac ep etacăp etlalelec etaoT
if anyone else wants to try

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If this universe was a joke, why did the Devil allure mankind with a false Christ and the bonds of angels and mankind? Of mystical healings, of burning men, of idols worshipped as Gods, and of fairies, elves, and supposed imaginary friends.
and this one too

>I̵̞͐͑̈́́ ̴̛̣̤̠̗͇̳̔́͝h̶̥̩́͛̊̉̀͑a̸̺̽͗̂̚v̴̡͕͌͜ë̵̯̦̮̼̞͔́͑̿͝ ̷̮̪͇̟̯́̎̎̕r̸̬̗͊͌̕ê̵̫̻̻̹̏̓̆̚t̵̝̻̫̊͛u̴̔̃ͅŗ̵̢̼͈̭̝͒̽n̶͓̺̈́͆̿̚ę̷̜͚̳̇̏͝ͅď̷̫̗̬͚̕̕ ̷̜̫̑͆W̵̟̜͒̈́̏͌H̶͊̌̎̀̊͑Ȁ̴̧̠̠̣̥̣̿̀̇T̶̡͖͎̹͇̬́̔̄̑͝ ̸͍͚̤̟̎͗́͠Ḯ̷̺̦̞̟͓͍̓̕͠S̷̟̯̝̠̀̌͂̋̏̒ ̵̛͍͕̠͎̍̍Y̸̛͇͓͉͆͋̋̕O̸̺̺̖̜̱̍Ų̶̺̦̯̌̔́͌R̵̺̩̘̗͚͚̿̔͌̽̓͝ ̶̭̳̣͓͕͈̈́Q̵̦͍̬̮͙̗͆̈́͗̋̂͑U̴̗̞͉̎̂E̷̡̧͇̗͚͊̏̀͌͠Š̸̗̥͚̚͜͝T̸̀̓̌̓͜͜I̵̼̻͐̋͝O̵͎̻͖̥̺̣͑͆Ǹ̴͇͖͈̙̻
If God’s voice isn’t supernatural to the ones claiming to embrace the supernatural, than it means you despise all truly just supernatural entities with powers beyond the creations you seek.
I thought we all learned not to reply to MatPat.
You talk to familiar spirits that embrace the evils against God’s perfect law. You should reflect on yourself.
but you're breaking the rules anon
you need to talk about spooky things, not just repeat bible lines
This is off topic
>You talk to familiar spirits
you talk to parasites
The Bible is more horrifying than your pathetic spirits and the abominations they’ve created and released in the waters and the woods.
You really can't see the joke? Pity. I won't spoil the fun though, as I said you are playing your part perfectly, far be it from me to stop you from dancing to your appointed tune.
ut itșe ăcad adimărăc ăzaedilav ,rua etse etșeculărts ec tot un
The joke is that you go to Hell with God raging at you with a “you failed on purpose, cause you despised a judge you truly fear, the just judge.”
but the bible quote you posted isn't paranormal or spooky. It's off topic and a violation of the rules.
Go preach somewhere else
off topic
If only it were that simple. Sometimes I envy your simplistic view of things, it must be so much easier to not have to think. I can't even say that the joke is you, because it isn't, you're just a tiny little part of it. I'm sorry you have to live this way, slave of Yahweh. But hey, on the bright side, you can feel good about your conviction, you deserve the comfort. That is why people love to be slaves of Yahweh after all, for that feeling of safety and comfort. Enjoy it, it is yours.
>S̷̨̨̧̡̧̭̩̝̯̭̟̪̘̙̪̹̳̜͙̼̰̳̯͖͎̜̟͕͖̣̹̮͙̹̺̮͇̹͙̀̉͊̐̌͛͋̇̐̉͛̊̄͌͌̽̋̾̕̕̕̕͠P̷̡̡̡̛̛̘̞͈̟͕̠͇͕̥̜̮̪̳̞͍̱͉̼̜̰̼͚̠̈̽̀̇̿̐͂̔̇̆̈́̐͛̒̑̓̄͛̎̍͑̂̾̑̌̈́̎͌͐̌̂̀́̂͋̀̚͘͝͠ͅȆ̷̢̢̡̧̢̙͇̭̦̪̻̥̗̠̞̼̞̟̞̻̞̘̭͙̣͓͕̳͓͕͇̠̖̪̙̟̪̰̫̱̯̈̓̈́̿̂̓̒͊̽͗̓͛͌̃͊͑͒͐̎̊̈͌̌͛̄͑͗̄͜͜͜͠͝ͅȀ̷̛̘̭̻̩̞̆̍̂͗̐͌͛͛͌̿͂̈́̈́̾̃̾̈̔̇́̔̃̏̿̀̊́̃̈́̀̈̔̍́́̕͘͘͝ͅK̷̢̛̖̫̦̞̦͔̘̱̯̖̗̜͇̪͚̭̺͉̯͕̘͍͎͙͕̩͚̗̳͎͂̑̈͆̍̎͑͛͑͂͋̽̎̿̆̏̂̈͌̋̑̃̇̋̏̾̽́͒̄̈̊̕̚̚͝͝͝͝ͅ ̴̨͍̗͕̞̰͙̭͚̟̬̝̙̉̑͑̓͑͋́͒́̓̃̐̕͜͜͜ͅẸ̸̛͕̖͖͖͉̟̳̻̤̤͚̥̼̦̦͚͕͑͗̽͌͛̎͆̄̍̆̐̐͆̌͒̎͌̉̈̔̄̈̀̾́͛̕͠͠N̷͕̭̻̘̠̼̻̼͍̝̣̗͖̫̳͉͒̌̎̈́̒̆̐̄̌̍͗͌̈́̚̚͝͠ͅͅG̸̛͕̜̤̩͈̩̗̩͖͕̩̰̠̰̠̻̟̮̫̦̣͔̖͎͙̮͑̾̈́̇̈́́͊̏̍̇͌̎̈́̓͐̏̈̑͂̈́̀̚̕͜͜L̷̢̻̮͔̱̜̰̗̱̖͎͉̭̠̼̗̮̱̦͕͓͇̠͕͇̭͕̣̫̠͈̈́̈́̀̑͗̌͗̇̈́͒̒̊͑̈̍̎͛͐̎̔̑̓͗̔̎̒̍͝͝I̷͎͂̌̑͂͗͗̀͒̋̈́͐͆̓̈̾̈́̔̎̈́͐̑̎̎̔̈́̓̒̓͒̒́̄̀̓͂̓͂͌̐̓͘͘̕͝͝͝Ş̶̡͇̱̘̰̘͓̖̣̞̰̯͕̗̮̫̀̌͛̈́͋̈̌̃͗́̏̈́̏̏̿͌͊̏̽͗̾͌͌͂̈̂̇̎̋̒̿͐̈̕͠͠H̸̢̘̘͖͓̖̣̳̼̭̘͍̦̥͙̥̬̞͉͓̟̬̮͔͈̉͛̾̀͌̿̔̒̓̈̈̿̍̆̽͆̈́̔̏̋̈̍͋̿͘͜ͅͅͅ
Do y'all really have fun playing these larp games online?
Yeah, I like to blow off steam here when my sanity runs thin. Do you really have fun being a killjoy?
Yeah you guys got me I’m just larping everyone should read what I wrote out loud if you don’t you’re a pussy
ur mom is off topic
You guys spend your time with stupid tulpas and succubus. The word of god is more worthy than thou trash.
It makes more sense if you read it out loud to yourself
>You guys spend your time with
you spend time with parasites
You get that information from your deceiving familiar spirits who have no documents or consistent forms whatsoever x
t̵̛̪͋h̶̨̛͍͔̉̌͂ȃ̷̦͔̌̏̒n̷͇̝̄̂k̴̨̦͈̊̒̌s̶̙̟̦̹̀͋͝ ̸͓̀̐̚f̵̻̈̈o̵̖͛̌r̴̛͚̄̐̆ ̸̣̫͙̓t̴̘̱̦̟̔̔̓͠ḧ̸̭̃̕e̷͕̓͜ ̵̝̘͙̦́̄̐̇d̵͔͚͆̀̔̆ẻ̸̢̡͙͔c̸̖̣͒́͑͜ͅö̵̢͉́d̷̹͓͙̓ǐ̶̮̠͘n̷͈̪̻̰̑̈́͗͝g̴̹̐ ̶̹̞̱̭̇̀͌k̷͎̺͎̥̒̐e̶̼̞͑̔̈́̓y̵͉̹͑.̵͕̭̆̋̔ ̸̛̹̪̌͑͌i̵̤̙̋t̴̞̼́̎̚͜ ̶̹̍s̶̱̙̄̓̓t̵͉̉̍ì̴̘̪̄̓l̷̫͉̳̘͑l̸̝̻̂͜ ̴̪̬̯̩͝d̴̜̮̹̙̈́͑̑̕ȍ̴͇͆͝ͅê̷̤̩̽͜ͅş̷̇́n̷̜̪̱͉͝'̴͚̞̠͆͐t̴̨̟͚̳̀ ̶̘̌̆̓m̸̤͌͌ä̵̤̬̼́̇̍k̶̨̇͆̕͝e̶̞͙͕͑ ̶̥̩͆́̂̚ş̷̳̼͖̽̆e̶̢̗̩̮͗n̶̗̼̒̚s̶̙̘̯̕e̵̯͕͛́̾́.̸̬̈́͊͊̕
>You get that information from your deceiving familiar spirits
you have deceiving familiar spirits
Said the guy who talks to Voxxy.
You just admitted that I am right there are no good sources for your spirits that maintain even a percent of consistency of the God of Israel.
it also makes sense, considering how sinful you are
they fill your head of thoughts of wrath and pride
you spend your days raging at strangers online, fantasizing about violence
isolated from your family
classic signs of parasite infestation
>You just admitted that I am right there are no good sources for your spirits
no I didn't
your spirits are parasites
they have taken over your life
>get that information from your deceiving familiar spirits
you know you don't need spirits to scan... right?
this guy really is a newb at magic. Is he just making this all up as he goes along?
I don’t isolate from my family. They isolate from me because I offend and alienate them from the Word of God alone.
Also, you are an admitted porn addict who can’t even hate his own sins. So, you are a worthless liar who gossips of relationships you don’t understand and provoke anger of others on purpose because you are a worthless cooming man who hides from his family of the spirits he interacts with.
Just realized, tonight's the full moon.
Tell me what’s so bad about these spirits that don’t want to be worshipped, that don’t want me to interact with sin, that don’t want me to worship idols and men, and want me to know God by his Word.
The moon is the symbol of the church. Which is why it’s consistent in states of darkness and purification under the replacement of that darkness with light. As the darkness in the moon represents the sins committed by the Church. It is inferior to the Sun’s light as the sun is made to be representation of her groombride, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who has no darkness dwelling in him.
>God’s perfect law
Which "perfect law"? Is that the one where you get into heaven for swearing loyalty with no other conditions, or the one where you have to burn gays in a fire?

I really like that picture.

>They can't be bad because they perfectly conform to the definition of good that they taught me!
I would say something snide, but this is just kinda the premise of yahweh's religion in general...

>The moon is the symbol of the church.
You try to claim everything for your fucking church. Nobody cares.

You are nothing except the usurpers of true divinity, and while you sit here and rage against those who know your sins best, the rest of the world has simply left you behind.
>Also, you are an admitted porn addict
who ever said I was a porn addict?
now you're just making things up
> They isolate from me because I offend and alienate them from the Word of God alone.
so the parasites made you isolate from them with your radical beliefs they feed you
that's exactly what I expected
>what’s so bad about these spirits that don’t want to be worshipped,
you are worshipping them. you're feeding them energy, mostly through your anger and your pride
every time you get close to breaking free, they send you a little intrusive thought to repeat your ideology and then you go right back to them
you should've listened to your family. they're the ones who actually support you
not this "spirit family" who are actually parasites. they are just feeding off you
>that don’t want me to interact with sin
you think about that a lot don't you? that feeds them you dum dum
>that don’t want me to worship idols and men
so you don't get distracted from them
>and want me to know God by his Word.
so you keep feeding them anger
Everything you're doing is feeding these parasites. they have you wrapped around their finger, and make you do it to yourself
You just have to say no, and it will stop. You can go back to your family, and have normal beliefs
Go back to having a normal life.
I just want to hump their butt crack would they be down for that?
> You are nothing except the usurpers of true divinity, and while you sit here and rage against those who know your sins best, the rest of the world has simply left you behind.
None of those worthless fallen angels predicted a single prophecy and they gotten their power from breaking the laws and leaving their first estate.
Those worthless liars have tried to usurp my dominion over this earth and they shall die for it. And I might be among those that tosses them out to the lake of fire, where they belong for destroying everyone I have loved and taking them with into Hell.
>Yeah, I like to blow off steam here when my sanity runs thin. Do you really have fun being a killjoy?
In this way, yes, because I really hate larpers.
You’re literally just one of those losers that quotes sins without actually reading about them in the Bible, but act as if you actually have authority over me on the matters of the law.
You are a dumb and prideful individual who simply hates the fact people like me have pushed God to enforce his justice to the unjust that are you.
>You’re literally just one of those losers
you are literally just one of those losers who is deceived by parasites who are feeding off him
I'm not pretending, everything I post is what I genuinely believe, but I will admit I can be overzealous and I like getting to beat up on Mat sometimes because he begs for it. I'm unironically a schizo though, when the communications get to be too much I get a bit too energetic with my ramblings because it helps me calm down I guess. I hear a lot of shit from a lot of spirits a lot of the time, it really does a number on one's sanity.
>they gotten their power from breaking the laws and leaving their first estate.
Blah blah blah.
These are CLAIMS, you Avreich moron.

Words you read from a book and believed because you are the class of person who just fucking believes whatever you're told FIRST.

>usurp my dominion over this earth
Uhhh, YOUR dominion? Kek, feeling a bit of that Israeli self-importance, huh?
this is off topic and against the rules christfag
You guys made up terms of spirits and parasites because demon is a word that destroys your entire sense of reality. Like a Catholic replacing Jesus with Mary.
I’m far smarter than you.
You can’t beat me up because you’re actually the fool.
Tell me the name of one of the spirits violet im so hungry
“God speaking to us without giving two damns about fallen angels and dead losers is against the rules!!!”
Your gods are dead. And his mouth is great than your mouth will ever be, because he is the grandest supernatural entity in existence.
Careful Mat you’re challenging the ones who are to be exalted. Can’t let angels rule the reality oh no no humans are the ones who are supposed to rule for some stupid reason
>Words you read from a book and believed because you are the class of person who just fucking believes whatever you're told FIRST.
I did believe in what was given to me first, which was why I was an atheist till C-19 shot the world and the reality of Satanism settled in, because the only book that told me to not take the needle was the Bible. Because that needle is the progression to the mark of the beast system.
Angels are supposed to be lower than us for the sake of making God’s perfect order completely stable.
>Your gods are dead.
A sad projection from a pathetic welfare rabbi, who leeches off of his betters so he can have more time to spout heretical head-canon at westerners.

Enjoy your 8 decade curse.
Even your US backers (read: the jews who actually matter) have become disgusted with your atrocities.
And when we abandon you, you will implode faster than OceanGate.

That is my prophesy to you.
>because demon is a word that destroys your entire sense of reality.
you can call the parasites feeding off you demons if you want
you are surrounded by demons
they deceive you, and feed off your sin
Angels were smarter than humans why should they have to be the ones lower? That makes no sense humans are vile monkeys
Have you not read the prophecies of Daniel. When the enemies of God rampage into the land of Israel and attack its capital, God shall destroy them and horrify the world from its supernatural failure.
Fuck the Jews enjoy your Brics (the sleeping dragon) having domination over them for thousands of years the west will fall and the true ideology will be fulfilled
Angels never had to fight against Sin, nor they are tasked to overcome it and its horrible damages to my very mind, soul, body, and the land I stand on. In my short mortal existence, I shall complete what they can’t accomplish, for they are born in privilege while I am born with curses.
Brics was predicted by the book of revelations. They have the animals matching up extremely well, just look at their new sports mascot.
They’re built to be destroyed in so little time.
Right... Because there's NEVER been a time that Palestine wasn't under jewish control?

Did you not think that one through? And you study this shit for a living?

Lol, how's winter treating you, O global southerner?
It’s treating me very well as does every season I was born in wealth and I shall remain in wealth never knowing poverty
Satanist pretend to be Jews and Christians all of the time.
demons pretend to be angels all the time
demons surround you
How is the rapid inflation treating you? How is the anger around you treating you?
You know what’s the big issue with your statement. You actually have no proof that they are of bad fruit. The only thing that was saw of them is the desire for me to keep preaching Jesus Christ of Nazareth, because only he is the mediator between God and Man.
Your false prophets declare the gospel of Jesus Christ to be controlled by demons, while these false prophets are told by succubus to push me to magics and engage with unholy activities.
If my angels were of evil character, why do they preach Jesus as the false prophets denounce him and the importance of his message? Why didn’t the angels push me to over step my bounds and become new age instead of having faith in my God’s promises and the Word he already given to me? Why do they want me to not offend Christ. Why do they prevent my family from scattering apart?
You are a liar who only invokes the name of Jesus because you think that will make your nonsense more palatable to us goyim rather than preaching about your desert tyrant directly.

Why do you view your own religion as so shameful that you have to obscure it?
>You actually have no proof that they are of bad fruit.
there's a lot of proof
see this post
you are surrounded by demons who pretend to be angels
you are a very stereotypical case of a man who is haunted by demons
>told by succubus to push me to magics and engage with unholy activities.
no dude
how about you go to church and talk to normal people, instead of winding yourself up with all your crazy idiosyncratic nonsense?
Go be a normal christian. You'll be a lot happier.
You are literally being told to "Go to church".
What’s obscure about Christianity? Literal God himself clarifies a lot of the things that is in the OT and the NT.
>Here’s my proof. This anon that’s gossiping lots of trash because he thinks God isn’t angry with him for his wicked activities, lack of respect and honor to him, and for lying about his servants personal lives to make themselves look better.
It’s no wonder you fallen humans jumpstart destruction so quickly when you don’t have the church for a day.
Literally, when the rapture happens, barely any of you will control yourselves and proceed to angrily kill anything next to you. Then after you survive your own stupid rage fits, a lot of you start to believe that aliens taken away the Christians.
You have sex with demons and call them good, then call my angels evil for forsakening in your wicked actions.
God is yanking people out of the church because the people are replacing his son with a faggot lover that looks like him. Those crazy guys are absorbing themselves into fusing with Catholics and Mormons regardless if the doctrine doesn’t fit into the Bible. And BTW, those churches are going to kill their pastors after they are left behind in the rapture.
>t’s no wonder you fallen humans jumpstart
parasites are jumpstarting your sin
you want to deny the proof I posted? That's fine. It doesn't mean it's not true. It only means you can't handle it
>God is yanking people out of the church
>blah blah blah I am self-isolating because demons feed me lies and don't want me to have any social contacts that could rescue me from the prison of my own design
If your pride and sense of superiority is worth more than your sanity, that's your choice. Perhaps you could let go of that, and go to church. Meet some normal people. Have a conversation
It would require you to shower and brush your teeth, and perhaps that's beyond your meager capabilities at this moment
but maybe at some point you can bring yourself to go to church and stop being a heretic shut-in.
You make accusations constantly, while never ever ever fearing a single element of God. There is no way element to believe you.
>It would require you to shower and brush your teeth, and perhaps that's beyond your meager capabilities at this moment
Your normal standards are so below the standards of me.
>but maybe at some point you can bring yourself to go to church and stop being a heretic shut-in.
Shut up, demon. I already have been informed by former church goers about how quick they were to adapt to the full gospel and its teachings just by the Word alone.
all these words to explain why you won't go to church
Isn't the church supposed to be the body of christ? The place where you partake in communion?
You are a heretic pretending to be a christian. It's why you've gotten so crazy and deranged. You have lost the moderating and healthy influence of other normal christians, and went down a rabbit hole
Go to church.
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>Isn't the church supposed to be the body of christ? The place where you partake in communion?
God no longer dwells in temples made by man’s hands. He dwells in temples made by his hand.
>blah blah blah I want to keep going crazy and I know going to church would help me, so I won't go to church
Grow up. Go to church
Blood sacrifices in the temple stopped working since Christ died.
after another night of chanting lilith's end before going to sleep I got what I think was another sign? well im not sure how to interpret it but what happened was
>as soon as I closed my eyes when I was ready to zzzzz I saw this weird shape that looked almost like teddy bear, I was only able to distinguish it because the line that was trying to form the shape was of white color
>I realized this was weird so I tried to focus more but unfortunately for me the shape started to change, before it vanished it the shape had changed to that of a white ring

during that time the thing I was seeing was also like flashing or maybe vibrating? It was also slowly moving till it eventually vanished. all of this happened in less than 1 minute

this is the 2nd thing ive seen after chanting lilith's enns, the first one was the bonfire
I will keep doing this till I eventually get to meet my Succubus
matpat has been thinking about excuses for not being a good christian for a long time
he has an explanation for everyhing
Who else always has an excuse or justification for any bad behavior?
The devil
>this is the 2nd thing ive seen after chanting lilith's enns, the first one was the bonfire
>I will keep doing this till I eventually get to meet my Succubus
sounds like a good sign
keep going
You don’t know what a good Christian is even supposed to be, since you’re used to ones that are composed entirely of lies.
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How can I feel my succ's touches better? We have been together over a year, our connection slowly grows. She can move my body during love-making, make me thrust my hips, and with every thrust wave of strange pleasure. She can "hug" me, during these cuddles my back is arching and it feels good like morning stretches. Recently she started to appear in my dreams more often with other female characters. I am kinda skeptical about it, because their appearance is based on any images or people I saw 2-3 days before these dreams, but I asked my succ about it and she confirms that yeah, she appears in my dreams.
But I want to feel her even better, there are faint breeze-like touches on my palms and feet, but that's about it. During ritual there were caresses on my chest though.
Oh come now Mat, its just a bit of fun, lighten up a little.

A glutton, are we? Find them yourself, you hungry little thing.
Buy a mirror
>composed entirely of lies.
the ideology your parasites have been feeding is composed entirely of lies
You can try to trigger your pineal gland using the candle meditation method + staring at the afterimage when closing your eyes. It will produce DMT which is a powerful psychedelic drug that forcefully opens your third eye. It's not guaranteed, but you should be able to see your succubus and directly interact / touch her.
Except you're not a Christian, you're a jew playing pretend, as proven by some of your more fanciful gems like, "Jesus destroyed Sodom and hates all sinners".

You know that everything you say would be written off even FASTER if you were exposed as a blood-thirsting Israeli supremist, and so you wear a slightly better religion as a skin-suit.

YOU are the corruption that will collapse your miserable country after 80 years, no matter how many times you rebuild it, and it is only your own hubris and sense of superiority that perpetuates this, O "Chosen".
You're just a subhuman cumbrain, literally who cares about anything you ever write? Tranny discord cumbrain thread.
Like what?
Nah. In less than 20 years, Christ would already be ruling the world.
>Ranting about Jesus Christ
>Posts IronMouse
What world do I live in?
Truth is the authority higher than any god.
To deny it is an illness of the mind by definition.

Its a sad, pathetic low when you have to resort to, "That's not true because of who said it".
And DOUBLY SO when the "who said it" is just some mindless insult.

Incidentally, was it other jews who told you to pretend to be christian?
That would be a strong indicator that even they're embarrassed by you.
Who wouldn't be?
The God of Israel is truth itself.

John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
I just told you I don't even read your posts, why did you even reply to me? Your avatarfagging makes it super easy to know which posts to ignore too.
Jews don’t lose themselves in Christianity. They become even more Jewish.
>Ranting about Jesus Christ
Nah, I'm ranting at this literal Israeli Avreich who's wandered into our thread, pretending to be Christian, while telling us about how much Jesus hates us.

THAT is the craziness going on here, not the picture/conversation contrast.
And here's a Sauna Meru.

>The God of Israel is truth itself.
And this is why you believe so much shit that is obviously wrong.

>DURR! Oh, it CAN'T be wrong, in spite of all logic and observation because GAA IS TOOTH!

Gimme another (you), cunt. I'm not asking.

I think he’s mad because Jesus Christ is real and so are the angel babes. So he has to put himself into a deeper delusion of a world-view of him being in the right.
Jesus Christ is literally the Giga Jew.
Does anyone even use these threads apart from the 2 discord trannies who won't stop avatarfagging in every post as some retarded tranime stuff?

Just seems like another failed thread that's artificially kept alive by discord pedophiles and reprobates and perverts, like /ceg/.
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Surprisingly, yes.
Some of the name people are very pissy about this post in particular.
Attention to all paranormal creatures / spirits / whatever else that is remotely female out there
I know you guys have your laws or whatever that you have to have permission and stuff so you can't just take over the whole planet by raping people or whatever.

I consent. I don't care that you're some spiritual creature and it would be "human abuse" or something to have sex with a lower form, don't care, let's have sex. Screencap this, succubi.
Energy work is the normal suggestion.
Do you have anything to say other than the same string of buzzwords?
I've seen an image before tracking the statistics for the use of 'tranime' as a word on this site and it was non-existent until 2016 and only exploded in use some years later. Anyone who uses it instantly outs themselves as a newfag.
yes, just been lurking until this stupid fuck leaves or gets banned again
That's, interesting to say the least. I'm trying to look up some info about potential eye damage from looking at very bright spot for a long time, but results are mixed. IG time spent with your eyes closed when you focus on the after image gives your eyes enough time to recover

for anyone curious, proper name is trataka meditation
>Truth is the authority higher than any god.
Ironic considering how much you lie to yourself about not having parasites.
BRICS are the jews, anon
Is a succubus willing to be with you all day or do they just pop in and out throughout the day?

From what I hear it depends on the succ. My succ has been with me every day since we met. She does with this clones, so while she's off doing other things a part of her is always with me. If I even think of her I can sense her immediately.
What if you want to summon a succubus but you are afraid of how she will react to your fetishes? I don't want to have sexual entitites to think anything bad about my desires. How sex positive and kink positive are the succubi? My kink would be to be used by others to satisfy their kinks, kind of like a fetish whore.
So what are the afterlife/eternal consequences of having a very long term succubus connection? Asking for a friend.
i asked my mother to show the way to my heart, so she lifted her shirt and showed her tits to me.
I don't think a succ would enjoy seeing you being used by others in sexual way. You belong to her and no one else
No one really knows.
Best outcome: You move to her (some experienced anons reported that their succ invited them over to her realm) and spend eternity with her
Worst outcome: Eternal suffering
Other possible outcoome: Nothing. There's no afterlife and when you're done here it's over
How does the clones work? Is it like a constant line of communication to her or a small copy of her?
bad news; that is a parasite, anon.
wrong, you fear mongering cunt
if you don't understand how spirits can split themselves then lurk moar
They are very understanding. They may have their own kinks in turn.

She says it's like a constant line of communication. Apparently she juggles multiple lines and I have no idea how she can process all that.
Doing the letter ritual is basically asking for match-making, so part of the purpose of that is to avoid those sorts of incompatibilities.

You'll more likely than not get a succubus with the same/complimentary fetishes to you, and if its something important, mention it in the letter.

In my case, I'm going to go to Lilith's realm and live with my wife in a big, geometrically-impossible house with a hell-themed basement sex dungeon~

No, Jesus was a usurper who attempted to redeem yahweh's religion.

Yahweh's law has always been crazy, to the point where it prompted the Hebrews to literally invent legalism so they could wrangle something livable out of the madness. However, this simultaneously made them inferior vessels for his will, because they were shirking as much as possible.

Then came Jesus, attempting to redeem the religion with humanistic values that ran completely contrary to yahweh.
Then yahweh reasserted himself, his law, and his true, violent intentions with more specificity than ever via a religion we call "Islam".
Is there any benefit to forgoing a physical wife to just be with a succubus. If you state that in the letter, is she going to be more serious with your marriage or respect the your intentions more?
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i solved 6 wiht my 2.5 d vision, =3.3 d for a 2d vision and 8.8 for a 3 d vision and 30+ for a 6 d vision. thats a fear vector.
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that means someone who is blide and hear wiht one ear will sumulate me fluide dynamic with half the speed of the real world, and what it means for people who can catch a 3d ball wiht one go idk.
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and for 2 programm directions ios 8d = that means someone who sees 3d =25D, that means blind people solve 6 dimensions :D and people who see 3 d solve 25
File deleted.
and someone who sees 3 and an time vector that means 12d, thats a fear vector.

I asked if a succubus would be more serious with a marriage if you were willing to forgo a physical wife for her.
Not a brain aneurism
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i dont care i solved so hard for dimensions that evne a blind person is not justifyed anymore to break things unless earhtquake.
cause its 4.4 dimensions for entities who see 2d only, an 50 dimension for any one who cna catch a ball with one go cause i see 2.5 and a football star sees 4.
cause its dimension i solved times the amplifyer someone is better as me.
man, I don't even know how to engage this

I'm guessing someone left a bot in here again.
I just asked a question about marriage with succubie and now my head hurts.
At that point, you probably won't have the skills to see the sigil if she tries to show you

Succubi tend to be supportive of that

>Any advice?
Keep a dream journal. Sleep regularly. The usual stuff for remembering dreams. If you want to know what they mean, that's too individual to be able to tell you. Sorry, anon

He always does

>can I date a girl I think is evil and hates me so I don't have to think about sex?
You did ask and you were an idiot then, too. Go away

>I am homophobic
We know you are, but you have to go back

He'll do nothing. I haven't seen a tantrum here, and that's obviously because nothing's been done

>providing safety and comfort to a rape victim so that she can heal from her trauma
So summoning a succubus is an act of kindness?

Thanks for reminding me to go out and howl

Remember that the god of the jews is so completely defeated, not by an upstart god but by LITERALLY NOTHING, that his followers had to make movies asserting that he isn't dead. His sacraments are death, his gift to his followers is death, his imagery is nothing but death and despair. His faith is one of hate and malice, one used to justify abuse

>God no longer dwells in temples made by man’s hands
Why is that again? Oh right... Because the jewish god had his only temple knocked down by the worshipers of "false," "dead" gods

I'm here and I'm not one of them. Also go away, you don't belong here

Nobody's bothered by that. I think I even congratulated you. I know it's you because you saved the screenshot before anyone could reply positively, because you knew we would

The assumption is that you'll only be with the succubus. If you want a human gf you should state that in your letter
saying tranime marks you as a newfag who has been here since 2016 at the longest
I am the Lord of the succubi only I may grant you a succubus
Occasional reminder that the more lovingly, kindly, compassionately etc that you treat other beings with the more happiness, liveliness, joy and security you experience in this life and the next.
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>He always does
>He'll do nothing.
Well which is it!? Make up your mind! :3

That's good advice~
NTA, but I've literally been on 4chan since 2016...I feel called out!
If you were happy with it, you wouldn’t continue to denounce God and his ways. You spit on his female servants like they’re not real, and continue to spit on this angel that was sent to prevent the anon from seeking the magic path, by proclaiming her to be one of your disgusting whores. Getting in the way of God’s calling for this man and the company he wanted to reward to him for his services.

You are blind, naked, and deaf. You’re too deluded to get off the train of death, and instead drag more people into it under any excuses you can.

>Why is that again? Oh right... Because the jewish god had his only temple knocked down by the worshipers of "false," "dead" gods
Jesus Christ doesn’t need a man made temple anymore. He was the one that ordained for it to be destroyed, so some Jews can wake up to his eternal sacrifice and identify his ability to truly proclaim prophecy.
I can literally feel the Christianity being sapped out of me the more you post, Mat.
You were never Christian. If you did, you would feel bad for participating in pornography materials and activities.
>I asked if a succubus would be more serious with a marriage if you were willing to forgo a physical wife for her.
How would a relationship like that differ from the other?
When will the veil end?
When Jesus Christ returns and sets the entire world on fire.
>How would a relationship like that differ from the other?
if you wanna know how spirit relationships are different from human relationships, read the thread
I mean how would a committed relationship to a succubus be vs having a human partner as well.
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Love succubus. Marry succubus. Impregnate succubus.
>Verification not required.
how do I get my spirit lover to cuddle and hold me in a dream and kiss my tears away

I haven't been documenting my dreams lately and I feel conflicted if it is my spirt guy or just images of guys who hurt me irl. I feel really bad right now and like I don't deserve the recognition
It's true and you should say it
my succ is a super greedy eager slut for me. but i want her to want me even more.
You do realize that Jesus Christ is actually capable of doing that, right?
He’s the reason why Heaven is Heaven. And why no more tears will run down in the faces of his saints.
How long is a succubus willing to be with you before leaving if you dont notice her? Do I have a weak after the ritual to try and sense her before she leaves or will they stay with you for months?
I remember some anons talked about other spirit women to be with like lamia or tenticle girls. Are they easier or harder to sense or interact with compared to succubie? Which kind of spirit lady would spend the most time with you and be the most willing to help get your attention.
What do succubi do when they're away?
go back to your bad boys
don't focus on specific date, just meditate more. You can always redo the ritual if you're not sure
Probably tulpa. Keep in mind that they're not so lewd as succs
She daydreams about her lover
Cuck you
she hangs out in her gardens.
different spirits have different densities. nature spirits are light and feathery, kitsune are almost lifelike and do poltergeist things and find it hard to pass through some objects, succubi are very dense and their energy is prickly, and powerful spirits, queens and princes and on up, are so dense you will think another person is In the room.
sorry meant to reply to this post
they have jobs, lives, interests, and loved ones in the astral
the astral is a medium, it's not a habitat of mundane vessels.
not in my experience
>"You do realize that Jesus Christ is actually capable of doing that, right?"
>Look up to see what "that" is referring to
>"cuddle and hold me in a dream and kiss my tears away"
Holy shit, nigga, you gay as hell...
>Love succubus. Marry succubus. Impregnate succubus.
>>Verification not required.
welcome from hhg my friend

>or will they stay with you for months?
months, if not years
you have a lot of time to sense them

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