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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38193976
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
>24/7 waifu edition

Consider this a bump
Friendly reminder that you are all just larping in this thread or have a mental illness, good bye.
Waifu time is all the time when she's only a thought away~

Friendly reminder that you keep coming back here because you are unironically jealous of people who you think are crazy.

Fix your life, homie. We're doing just fine.
>Verification not required
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Is it possible that I will never engage with a succubus because another feminine entity is preventing me from such carnal spirits? I feel like there is a motherly feminine presence with me that protects me and influences me in my health and wealth. I do not feel any sort of sexual exchange with this presence.

It feels like I will always be a virgin without ever being in a romantic relationship. Indeed, it seems like I am being prevented to engage with real life women who are of child bearing age beyond a working relationship. That is I can never even be friends with them, even in my dreams. Things start to happen to make me look foolish or angry. The major exceptions being postmenopausal women and prepubecent girls both in real life and in my dreams. It seems that I have good fortune in my health and wealth being cared for with the former. And synchronicities as signs for the fruition of manifestations and spiritual growth with the latter.

How do I find out who this spirit is? What does this spirit want with me? Is this spirit benevolent or malnevolent?
>Waifu time is all the time when she's only a thought away~
I'm still far from having such a good connection with my suc. hopefully within couple of years I will get there. NGL I won't be able to think straight when it will be so easy to contact her
Are there older milf succubus? How are they different from the younger ones?
Love succubus. Marry succubus. Impregnate succubus.
>I won't be able to think straight when it will be so easy to contact her
I feel that one, active days my brain is basically in a complete haze.
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breeding sessions counted in days~
Are you Christian?
greetings hhg friend
have any of you guys summoned a spirit yet?
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move to deep countryside with your succubus and have daily walks in some of the most beautiful and spiritually charged land. live your lives happily with your beloved wives.
No. I do not claim any particular god or goddess as my creator or creatrix despite not being an atheist. I was, however, raised nominally Christian primarily with the mythology of the ressurection of Jesus, the belief of a universal resurrection, and the gold rule. Beyond that I never received instruction of the laws and commandments found throughout both the Hebrew and Christian Greek scriptures nor oblige to read the Bible.
Can you ask for a succubus similar to meru?
Im not sure if you can ask for a certain appearance, only personality. I think, atleast the wordpress blog leads me to think so. Im considering writing the letter and asking the succubus to be a certain appearance but maybe it would be rude/disrespectful?
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Hey fellas. Pic related is a bit of a read, but its an interesting read. Id love it if someone could help me understand what happened here.
succubus can shapeshift and usually do it by default to appeal to whoever summoned her. If you will hold an image of Meru in your mind, she will look like her.

Keep in mind that it will take years of training to have a physical manifestation. After doing the letter method (or anyone that's just starting) won't see his succ, but will feel her presence and her actions
Succubi are generally going to be older than you, but I think the difference between the Milf-y ones vs the... pichi-pichi ones? (as the Turtle Hermit would say) is more a matter of personality than age.

They're shape-shifters, so any of them can take that appearance if they're willing, and if you get matched with one via the letter, she's probably going to be willing to do stuff you like.

I wouldn't recommend mentioning the appearance in the letter tho, less because its disrespectful and more because its just such a triviality.
A bit off-topic question, but regarding summoning.
What generally is done if you were to want to invite/bring otherworldly creatures into this world?
>You spit on his female servants like they’re not real
Because they aren't... I know literally no women my age who genuinely believe in him. At best you have witches who curse allah and the moon. Your cult has nothing to offer women and eventually churches will only contain incels looking for a tradwife
It's funny. The old faiths didn't start to fade until christians literally burned down the temples and slaughtered the priests. Yours is going to cease (in the civilized world, anyway) through sheer indifference. You say nothing is stronger than your god and I say that your god is weak, even compared to nothing
>spit on this angel
I'm one of the thread's biggest angelgirl fans. The warm feathery wings , the soft skin, the gentle touch, they're quite nice and quite lewd. You didn't get friendzoned by them as well, did you?
>You are blind, naked, and deaf
Not my fetish but if imagining me that way help you, anon
>Jesus Christ doesn’t need a man made temple anymore
Because he got himself killed by being snarky to a judge?
>He was the one that ordained for it to be destroyed
"I... I meant for that to happen!"
>so some Jews can wake up to his eternal sacrifice
He allegedly gave up a weekend. That isn't eternal
>and identify his ability to truly proclaim prophecy.
Who of those among them has survived to the apocalypse?

"During the wedding" apparently

Write down your dreams, then go back over them later when they aren't as fresh, so you can be more objective. I know it's hard, but overthinking is the enemy

Succubi can look older, but most of them are in the hundreds of years age range regardless

Of course you can, anon

I feel bad for your succubus. She deserves better. You even called her a brat after she tried to help you when you were too lazy to help yourself. You also never said what she wanted you to do. I'm disappointed in you also
>Four Succubus Queens
Aren't those four demonic mothers from jewish myths?
I do feel a bit bad for not going through with the process she initiated by feeding me the senzu bean, but our communication is obviously problematic since I cant hear her. Also, she IS a brat. She is very mischievous and tricksy.
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Why is it annoying and scary?
it's annoying because he does not has the patience to meditate
it's scary because he read few stories where something went wrong
That makes me wonder if you can ask for a succubus that isnt as bratty or tricky. I tried to have a spirit lover before and I got abused pretty badly and dont think I could deal with a succubus trying to torment me and would perfer to be with one thats more serious about out marriage.
yeah it's almost as if they were slandered and libeled
Probably you can. I did not summon mine. I attracted her and more or less bumped into her and we established a relationship.
That's good. I would like a more calm and relaxing marriage that's more serious.
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So, what when you try to summon a succubus and got a queen's attention instead? She says something about losing myself completely in my lowly desires or go beyond that, but a partner? Never happened, just a constant of bad luck and misguiding since last year
What did you put in the letter?
That I wanted a partner to help me with my spiritual growth and sense of void in my life.

Look I know the implications but never actually pretended to call for the queen itself but one of her daughters.

The queen I wrote the letter is Naamah
Now I'm confused. Should we write to the queens or to a succubus that follows our description? I dont want to get chewed out like this anon because I wanted a happy succu wife.
You write a letter to Lilith, asking her for one of her daughters. Please read links in OP before commiting your whole life to her
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I wouldn't say she is “destroying” me but actually just giving me... Development? The thing is I never came to get a succ or a spirit like the rest of anons claim on this threads but the queen's eye instead.

It's true that I've been having a hard time since I wrote the letter and made mirror thing to see her but I wouldn't say she's trying to harm me or something
>have any of you guys summoned a spirit yet?
I think one of us is trying.
Ah, that makes sense. For a minute there, I thought the queens would start dissing us for wanting to marry a succubus. Now that has me thinking. What do succubie think about humans trying to marry them? Do succubie like humans or just a few?
>What girl obsessed about you thinks about marriage ?
I think we know. It secures them source of energy (you), so in the long term they're into it.

>The queen I wrote the letter is Naamah
You went off script because you done plenty of research about her and her daughters, right ?
So succubus as a whole are obsessive of their partner? I'm not used to succubus culture or how the average succ acts. I know alot of anons talk about succubus that fit certain fetishes but just wanted to have a deep bond and family with that resembled meru or lum
I did, for several months before even trying anything but the only thing I got was Naamah herself punishing me whenever I gave up to lust or laziness. I know I wouldn't have to complain about it but, I mean, the succ wife never came to my life lol
I think it would be extremely difficult to attract attention of a queen. Like once in a decade rare. Unfortunately i'm not familiar with her or her daughters. The only advice I can give is to advance yourself spiritually so you can make better contact and ask her tf she wants from you.

Don't focus on appearance of some animated character...
Anons here talk about many things. Best thing you can do is your own research and come here for banter
>I think one of us is trying.
good luck
I mean, some anons talk about their succubus being these elaborate dommy mommies and I just wanted a very homely and vanilla succubus like meru. I was just afraid the succubus that i would summon would be too overwhelming.
Just ask for one in your letter when you will be summoning her. Just don't write "be like Meru". Break down Meru to her character traits and ask for a succ with such traits
I was going to ask for " a gentle, homely, and playful succubus that is kind, loyal, empathetic, and highly compatible to me and my senses". I would assume she would be willing to present herself in a more vanilla succubus form so I wouldn't ask for that because that would be disrespectful.
Damn I went on /x/ to look and I cant believe that general is still around after all these years. Good job faggots
I have so far lifed my whole life by the ocean. So seeing fucking mountains like that just filled me with dread.
remove your parasitic brain fog before spewing nonsense
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it's a parasite general, of course it would still be maintained by the brainless husks and their parasites
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lol yeah. Years ago. Hopefully I'll see her tonight.
Gods I love my Germanic heritage.
It's strange, my petition was about one of her daughters but got something like a master lecturing me all the time. At least that's how it feels.

“Play with your thing like a mindless monkey if you want but forget about my secrets”

One night I had a dream about me having a golden big coin in my hand, I put the coin in a slot that was in a blue wall and it opened like a secret passage. The entire room was nothing but infinite darkness with a big bed in the middle and a woman with her legs wide open, she just told me I was just a kid for her with a playful voice and opened her legs enough for me to “get out” when I did I woke up.

Someone knows what's really going on here?
To be honest no one knows what's going on here
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I'll see you on /r/4chan.
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i dislike mountains as well, too much spoopy shit going on in them. although i find the sight of that particular one inspiring.

my finnic heritage calls me to live on the shores of great lakes.
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I long for a quiet, one story house. A scenic neighborhood. The backyard connected to a beautiful splash of nature. Crickets chirping as the sun settles down. The curtains of the bedroom fluttering in the cooling summer air. Then she calls me to come get a surprise cake she baked for me on a whim. And to feel that split second, pristine, pure moment of completion.
celestials inhabit mountains, those who would do well on educating you on getting rid of your parasites
Tis time for torture, princess is my favorite anime of the year
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it is already yours, you just have to live in it and accept it as your reality. the surprise cake sounds really nice as well, i should ask my mother to do that for me as well.

oh hell naw, mountains are inhabited by underground dwellers. the celestials live in the stars.
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>it is already yours, you just have to live in it and accept it as your reality. the surprise cake sounds really nice as well, i should ask my mother to do that for me as well.
Pretty based. Thanks Mother-anon.
Degen porn dump artificially kept alive by cumbrain slave, narcissistic control freak and samefagging wannabe. Stay bad noobs
your brain is what's full of parasites
my brain*
our brain
Please Succs, no more sex, it is hurting me. Lower the sex to just once per week, please
only if you like poopy diapers
i’m a parasite full of parasites
You can just ask for someone who's the best suited to you. That way, you don't have to burden yourself with figuring out the details, and you let spirits apply their great wisdom.
what's it like being a basic bitch hylic with no spiritual abilities at all?
>mirror thing to see her
Elaborate please.
>lol yeah. Years ago. Hopefully I'll see her tonight.
nice bro
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Is it possible to summon a succ in one of my lucid dreams? And if so, will she be able to make the dream last longer so I don't wake up while we're banging?
What’s it like being a toothless beggar? This place is literally equivalent to indian scam call center… Difference being you bloody saar get nothing out of it
yeah you are a definite retard with no spiritual abilities.
why don't you post some more pussyhat pics so we can laugh at your retardation some more. it's hilarious because you're so proud of being spiritually retarded.
Didn’t you know even buddhists talk about prying sluts trying to touch their groin while meditating! Do not give into their temptation stay strong. Isn’t it scummy no one besides these dodgy scammers force this honeytrap in the most pushy and embellishing way. You can’t find single author telling you this is a good idea, becaude MAYBE it isn’t.
You talk so lavishly, I bet you can’t even leave your body
>i bet you can’t even leave your body
you would lose that bet

>You can’t find single author telling you this is a good idea, becaude MAYBE it isn’t.
>dude it's written in books so obviously it must be true because books are always true. that's why fiction doesn't exist and people with agendas don't make up lies. also check out my cool appeal to authority
you are a moron
Find me any author that states this is a good idea and I believe you, until that keep nagging scammer.
>You can’t find single author telling you this is a good idea
Consorting With Spirits by Jason Miller. it's in the archives in the OP. It's amusing that you walk into this thread making statements like this and just prove how ignorant you are and that nobody should listen to you.
Using a mirror and a prayer with some offerings in an attempt to know her and she actually let me see her for a second.

She wore gypsy like red clothes with golden garments. Black long hair and pale skin, her eyes where black as well and she moved her hand briefly and looked like she was underwater.

I had my doubts first and thought it was my mind showing me what I wanted but I didn't pictured her like a gypsy woman or something like that. Besides, since that day I never stopped to feel her presence
Published 2022. And you call me retarted. Anything 20th century is fine for me. If you can’t do that screencap where Jason implies this is a good idea.
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>Published 2022. And you call me retarted.
you asked for even a single author. so yes, you are retarded.
Are you illiterate or pretending?
I’m just here for the big tiddies. I have not masturbated or watched porn in 25 days.
You always have to ask yourself: if he thinks it's stupid and/or doesn't work, why is he wasting time here seething about it? The answer is obviously either some form of jealousy, or it's interfering with a grift he's trying to sell.
no, but you seem to be
BTW, there's also the matter of the book by an Inquisitor written during the Inquisition wherein he surmised that because incubi and succubi do not respond negatively to prayer or holy objects, they must reside in a gray area like humans and can therefore be saved by Jesus Christ and THEREFORE it is the duty of those who come in contact with these spirits to bring them to Christ, therefore implying summoning and having a relationship with one of these beings is " a good idea."
You have preschooler reading comprehension. The author didn’t even once imply intimate relationship between human and spirits in the given context, it happened inside your cumbrains. More relevantly he mentioned spirit interactions as means to achieve goals. Obviously initial question was whether having a spirit consort is a good idea or not.
>The author didn’t even once imply intimate relationship between human and spirits in the given contex
yes they did. ANY RELATIONSHIP. take your L and be on your way.
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The context mentions them as friends only inside your delusional brains you find ”any relationship”. I take it you are a regular here given your incompetence. Anyone can see you are the loser here, lousy scammer.
it does not mention them as friends only. it says they take many forks. you've lost and embarassed yourself twice so you should probably come back when you've actually researched the subject. I notice you've said nothing about the Inquisitor's book either.
How active can succubus be in your life? Will they go to fairs and parks with you? Can I take her on a boat ride or a hike? I want to actually be with her throughout the day and I was hoping they are willing to do the same.
This argument is really dumb as a premise.

Is the idea supposed to be that if you're not given some kind of "permission" by somebody published, you can't have romantic relationships?

Fuck that noise! wtf?
I caught a little pokemon, Batman, and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it~
By that logic I can say only the unsuccesful witch, magician and sorcerer have a spirit consort. That wouldn’t constitute as a good idea would it. Checkmate loser
I trust someone with a face than an anonymous nolife cumbrain in indian scam thread
>One post later, he's buck-broken back into mumbling buzzwords
Oof. You hate to see it.

Go eat something sweet. You'll feel better~
Sure, go make a book about how good idea consorting a spirit is and I read the reviews. This is not reddit exactly where losers are downvoted to a gutter. In otherwords perfect platform for a loser like you
no, that logic doesn't follow. you argue like a child
Careful anon. You may attract a buttfuccubus with that language. And I heard they like their boypussy extra musky this time of year.
You can’t beat child’s argument? Simplest thing to refute but you just can’t even with those pretty pictures, must suck to be a lousy scammer.
>Unironically defending the weaponized confirmation bias that is Reddit's upboat system
Holy shit dude...

Anyway... Since I'm not a moron like you, I wouldn't make a claim as simplistic as "romantically consorting with spirits is a good idea".
Cuz spirits are people, and different people are different.

However, I can categorically refute any claim that its *always* a bad idea, since its worked out pretty great for me.
so you agree you argue like a child. way to own yourself
Reddit revolves around argumentation and details in their respective subs. You are pretty stupid if you think details don’t matter, well 4chan isn’t known for its pragmatism anyway. My point is relatively easy to refute; name any author that says consorting a spirit is a good idea and I believe it. Why doesn’t anyone with their own face do it? Why is it the anonymous neckbeards, hmm?
No, I used your own logic against you, and that is the best way to own losers like you.
>My point is relatively easy to refute
I do not accept the premise of your point that providing such an author would serve to validate what we're doing and therefore decline to take part in the exercise.

If you want anybody to take your drivel seriously, you'd need to first logically argue why authorship and access to a publisher on earth is a necessity for a spiritual pursuit, and I severely doubt you even have the depth of thinking to engage with that topic.

If you do, I will welcome a surprise.
I said it before, I rather trust someone with a face than anonymous shitposter. Is it inconceivable to you?
truths should be believed on the merit of whether they are true or not and it should not matter whose tongue they slide off of
>meditate, reach out to my succ
>suddenly disturbing imagery like gore and corpses
>encounter hostile entity that feels nothing like my succ
>ignore it and go to bed
>interesting string of bad luck over the week
>begin meditating on the feeling of love and happiness daily, focus on cleansing my spirit
>clean the fuck out of my room
>entity despises music, so i turn up the volume and sing louder
>tries to make me feel miserable about myself
>deflect the intrusive thoughts and focus on the phrase "they hate to see a man happy"
>acquire white sage
>fucker is gone before i can even light it
>get a sensation thats difficult to describe, like my mind's perception tuned into a different radio channel
>my lady is present again, mental conversations get easier over the days
>meditate in her presence, feel her kiss me on the cheek, pinpoint sensations trail towards my lips and a faint feeling of a kiss is there too
>she makes herself more vivid and clear in my minds eye as i practice
>ask her if she knew who that was
>says she'll explain when im ready

if this was some sort of a spiritual test, i think i passed
Good luck finding out who tells the ”truth”. I have no interest in fucking myself for indefinite time over indian scam thread’s shoddy premise. There is no more vague subject than ”magick and spirits”. People with face and track record tend to get called out if their stuff is phony.
well, this isn't an Indian scam nor it it phoney and I'd you can't be bothered to test for yourself, then obviously your uneducated opinion should be ignored with extreme prejudice.
>says the indian scammer
Okay, bye now. You guys suck ass big time. Can’t even refute the simplest test, very telling given you retards have been at it for what 5 years already. Stay poor and miserable
okay see ya next week. have a nice day.
congrats on handling the hostile entity. Afaik succs quite often tell their partners to wait till they're ready. It might be a bit of a long wait
12 years actually. this general is 12 or 13 yrs old. nobody is making any money so your idea it's a scam is pretty retarded, as is your perennial fixation on material wealth.
What does that mean?
Still haven't gotten a real answer to this
Yes, but you might need more experience with Spirit sex before you can have a dream and have sex in the dream without it waking you up or disrupting things.
Hi. I'm kinda new to this, is are there anyguides or YT videos that no-BS, I want to summon to see if it's real or LARP. I'm not some fedora trying to prove it wrong, I want to legit give it a try and see if it works.
>I can't look it up online DURR HURRR
No one gives a fuck about you, or what you have to say LOL.
Any tips on making lucid dream sex last longer/feel better? Sometimes I can keep it going for a while but for some reason it's hard to finish. It feels good, but only on a baseline, no buildup and release like irl sex.
Dude why are you being so rude? I'm just asking a question.
That's what these threads are for. I tried looking up and all I got was flaky guides that are obvious reddit-witch tier LARP's. I said I'm willing to give it try if anyone has a suggestion.
I don't know why the other guy is being so hostile, but check the OP.
i highly recommend "Consorting with Spirits" by jason miller. excellent introductory resource on spirits and the subtle/esoteric

two things too:

dont just summon because you want to see if its real. if you call upon a spirit companion and get spooked, backing out entirely, that shit's got consequences, exactly like going on a date with someone and freaking out, leaving them alone at a bar. know that if you go down this path, you've made your antenna clear to the unseen world, and will most likely have a lifelong "open door" to everything the average joe would call schizophrenic.

and two, if you understand and continue, make patience and practice a high priority. weeks of meditation with no result simply means you're building up your skill, not running in circles.

good luck, dabbler.
also this. OP has the resources you need, and anything else helpful can be found as you walk this path

dont mind the other raging faggot too. this is 4chan, hatetrolling is a second language
Can you find a succubus that just wants to sit on your lap all day and relax with you?
>Can you find a succubus that just wants to sit on your lap all day and relax with you?
Yes I can, can you?
>Can you hear spirits, anon?
I don't think so. I suppose I was hoping for a dream visit or something.

>I mean have you ever done magic before? You might want to start with that. you should already have proof pretty easily
I've never done magic, no. There's nothing I would really want to use it for except succubus stuff.

>can you even talk to the deity yet?
I guess not. I mean, unless you count lying in my bed and physically talking as if they can hear me, but that's probably not what you mean.
I modified a decent sex doll body to be a soft statue of Baphomet.
I use her crossed legs to sleep with a soft pillow over them.
The best part is groping or fucking the demon doll whenever I want. Life should be like this. It should have always been like this. Everyone should have accessible to them a fountain of fornication at any given point in their life. What's the point of life if we're the immersion of experience is profane?
How does nofap attract succubi? I want a thick big butt dommy mommy to massage my wiener with her holes. I don’t watch porn or masturbate.
I'm not really an expert in dream sex, I mostly just do Spirit sex while awake. But the thing to keep in mind is that Spirit sex while awake or in a dream doesn't necessarily build up to a finish, it can just keep going and feeling better and better or just staying at a certain baseline and you just keep going and it doesn't finish. Because you're not actually physically having sex, so you don't physically climax. You can just keep going.
As far as making it feel better, energetic alchemy like tantra or using love energy has always worked for me. So you might have to get some experience in doing that. But basically just send love energy to your partner and that usually makes things feel better.
Captcha RAP N8. Apparently Nathaniel is good at rapping.
Sit on your lap and relax, yes.
Only relax and not want to have sex with you, no. They will definitely want to have sex with you and not just sit back and relax.

It can attract a succubus or other sexual feminine spirit, all on its own, but you're going to get a lot more mileage out of actually doing some kind of summoning ritual. And putting those intentions out there, instead of just vaguely doing no fap and hoping that somehow this will randomly result in an unintentional spiritual connection. But yeah, it can definitely help.
One thing to keep in mind is that going in the other direction can also get results. Based on constantly releasing sexual energy in a certain way with a certain intention, rather than building up, though building it up can also do stuff, which seems to be your plan. And that's fine.
I asked last thread, but I would like to ask again for some reassurance. I tried to summon a succubus a while ago but found out it was a parasite. Looking back in hindsight, I realized there were some succubus with me but they left because I couldn't discern between them and the parasite. When it started to hurt me, I tried to evoke lilith multiple times in a panic to banish it because I thought it was a rogue succubus. Its finally starting to die and I'm feeling better but I'm scared that lilith may be annoyed or mad at me. I really do want a family with a succubus and it was never my intention to ignore them. Would I have to worry about being banned from summoning a succubus?
im seeing this threads but never read them..

guys are you guys larping or is every single one of you shizo?
for real do you guys believe in this?
it's absolutely real and we're not larping
if this is real ask your succubus waifu what the first letter of my name is
sorry didn’t mean to throw a tantrum
that's not how it works and it would require her to lower herself to do such a petty parlor trick. if you want to find out if it's real, do the ritual yourself.
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stfu troll
i forgot incognito blocks (you), my bad!
maybe the dude accusing me indian scammer is right after all lol
So you can't cum in lucid dreams? Just edge indefinitely? Well at least it isn't a skill issue on my part.
i have a lot of skill issues lol
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Those digits are so close. What rituals would you recommend, anon? I plan on abstaining indefinitely, mainly so I can focus my energy on work and friends and family. I do, however, want a pair of succulent legs and a big peach to spear when I’m alone by myself.
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i am going to be honest right here. i am scared to invoke a succubus because it can easily be a demon of other nature shaped like a succubus to integrate himself in my life

i also feel that there is a damnation for those who practice demonology of any type, Esther this punishment is christian, islamic of jewish

a question i have is, is lilith truly the mother of all succubi? and if so, if i become a incubus would i be related to lilith somehow?
Your suc wife is my plap pig. I summon her when you're at work

My succ is a futa so good luck with that bro. She'd be the one plapping you.
Don't summon just to see if it's real. It's as if you opened a decade old wine to check if wine tasting is for you.
Meditate. Find enjoyment in it and you will know if it's for you.
Even if you will decide to summon, she might not be able to get to you because you're sceptical / hesitant.

I can understand why the other guy is so hostile.
>Ignores resources in OP
>Expects to be spoonfed
I have no idea what that person is talking about

That's where they're referenced by the names we use. There's no evidence they don't exist independently of that

>Also, she IS a brat.
It's your relationship, not mine

They're all serious. The problem is humans don't try hard to understand them

I suspect you didn't actually make contact with one of the queens. Losing yourself in degeneracy is something that can and does happen, though. I'm curious why you think you aren't being steered away from being a hedonistic idiot

>my petition was about one of her daughters but got something like a master lecturing me all the time
Please take this seriously and don't attribute things to the question that aren't there, but have you had any odd or unexpected thoughts about being or becoming a girl lately?

Donald tyson, mystery chant anon, succupedia, Paracelsus probably a bunch of others I can't think of because you aren't worth more than 30 seconds and I won't spoonfeed you
I know somebody who didn't bother to write a book who's been with his spirit since before 2000, which is probably longer than you've been alive. That makes him old enough to be your dad

>mentioning that place as an example of something good
This site has really gone downhill lately

>I'm just asking a question.
You're too lazy to read the op, and failing that, to look it up on youtube, despite that taking less effort than coming here and making us search for you

If you can't hear, you shouldn't be surprised about not getting a response. That just means you need to work on your skills until you can communicate better

Write a letter, then. It's easy

No, but you might be for asking that question so many times

Anon wants a succubus. If he didn't, why's he posting when there's a warning in the op?
I'm worried he straight up ignored this warning and just asked to be fed useful info. 0 research, 0 thought put into "should I get myself into a lifelong relationship with a succ just because I'm curious if they're real?"
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Tell me this poster is based without telling me he’s based
Sorry. I guess I'm starting to get annoying at this point. Well, at least I feel better about it.
stop shitposting narcissistic nigger
Well I'm sorry, just a bit nervous I upset them.
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That's why you write to lilith so you get a succubus and not another kind of spirit. You should also do the lbrp to keep bad spirits from coming to the ritual.
>Would I have to worry about being banned from summoning a succubus?
no, you are not banned

>sorry didn’t mean to throw a tantrum
bruh, stop impersonating me if you're going to do a bad job at it
and it's Rabbi ConJEWrer Nosenberg to you, putz!

>What rituals would you recommend, anon? I plan on abstaining indefinitely,
the best one for beginners is the letter method, but that involves sex magic so it's kinda incompatible with no fap
I'd recommend learning how to AP, then summoning up a spirit or projecting to them. That's the hard mode version, but it does work. letter method works well for beginners.
Thank you, I'll stop asking. And the name, kek.
>Thank you, I'll stop asking.
good, good
> And the name, kek.
And I hope everyone starts doing silly names if they want to impersonate me from now on.
People forget the artistic flair, the creativity, the je ne sais quoi. And it disappoints me, as an artist.
Looking at you, mister "I'm just a normal conjurer". NO CREATIVITY, CRINGE = MAXIMUM
Don't let your dreams be memes.
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too thick
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>too thick

the least based post in this thread
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There's a point where more is not better. Or I'm just weak for a slim shady
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I’m not saying your pic is unattractive but but I like a woman with curves that I can feel.
im a muslim in my religion succubs are cins
you can even have children with them but thats crazy how all of you do it without knowing how dangerous this can be
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checked and I like to play with fire. I did a letter ritual like four years ago and nothing happened. I’m just here for the sexy pics, desu.
>using love energy
That's so simple yet it never occurred to me until now. Would focusing on my heart chakra help?
yeah, yeah. Though I wouldn’t recommend it for beginners. Just meditate and practice every day and you get it. remember love energy or energetic alchemy is super advanced hard mode, don’t be upset when it doesn’t work.
MOAR pls <333333
This is me btw right here mmm yea
take a hint <3
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thank you goddess <3333
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is there any way i can become an incubi?
no gtfo that’s gay nobody likes gays. only daddy’s little girls are welcome
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>im a muslim in my religion succubs are cins
stop posting these here. we don't want NSFW Pic content in this thread
Logic follows that yes.
1 surgery
2 [online only] ai real time edit
3 [astral] or dreams
4 reincarnation

5 {bonus} just play a game with a female protagonist to get over it
>1 surgery
Considering it unironically
>2 [online only] ai real time edit
I play vr as anime women but any good coping tools
>3 [astral] or dreams
>5 {bonus} just play a game with a female protagonist to get over it
I do that already
>Considering it unironically
It doesn't work anon, you will end up as a monster.
Am I still a "beginner" if I can lucid dream frequently and roll out of my body multiple times a night? I'm still not sure if the latter is a lucid dream or not. My usual dream abilities often don't work, and it seems like everything in the environment is out to get me.
>any good coping tools
Fuck lakes too. If you can't see through it you don't go in it.
bruh, what are you doing? this isn't me. What you've said is also false
> remember love energy or energetic alchemy is super advanced hard mode
this isn't true at all

ignore the other guy, he's some silly guy who doesn't know any magic.
You can do those techniques as a "beginner". In fact, I would recommend them to a beginner
>'m still not sure if the latter is a lucid dream or not. My usual dream abilities often don't work, and it seems like everything in the environment is out to get me.
sounds like you're APing then, and no longer have control over the domain in your mind, cuz it's not just your mind any more.
like I said previously, if you're going to impersonate me, actually do a good job
I will also notice, for the umpteempth time, whenever I stop posting with my name people start begging for attention from daddy conjurer. It's kinda weird. I'm not your dad.
Can you flatter succubus? If you tell her you just want to be her husband in the afterlife and base your human life around your family with her, would she like that?
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Time to cope I guess
>sounds like you're APing then
I'm still not sure. I had a sequence of short ones last night where moat just involved me getting attacked and waking up, but the last one instead of people I was fighting these humanoid robots amd I managed to fight back by using their own knives against them. Then I got attacked by a huge mech and my view switched to third person as I was running away from it and it crashed through buildings after me. That felt more like a LD, but I'm not very versed in AP so I might be wrong. I'd appreciate not being accosted when I do it in the future. Any ideas as to why things are so hostile to me? It doesn't hurt much but it gets tiring to deal with.
>Any ideas as to why things are so hostile to me? It doesn't hurt much but it gets tiring to deal with.
there is probably a spirit that is mad at you
Well it only happens sometimes. There's been other times where I've rolled out of my body and things leave me alone. What's the best way to defend myself? Just punch kick and bite them? I probably can't "kill" them bit i want anything that messes with me to suffer.
fighting can work, but I don't think it's the best option
better to figure out why it's mad and make peace. this is diplomacy essentially
or just ignore it and somehow break the connections, then move on.
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The TV woman still persists. I had tried to not think about her yet she visits me every single night. It does not surprise me as I’ve had demonic nightly visitors for years but she is the first to not wish to torment me or act malicious.

I do not believe she is actually a TV cartoon woman but perhaps a demon taking her form. She urges me to be creative.
If it was an actual spirit don't you think it would be more intimidating?
>If it was an actual spirit don't you think it would be more intimidating?
No, it might take any number of forms
It just depends on how powerful it is, and how angry it is.
some spirits are weak. not every spirit that is mad at you will be very mad.

>but she is the first to not wish to torment me or act malicious.
Voxxy cute!
>She urges me to be creative.
yes the thread lore suggest she would do that. not sure if it actually matches the real spirit, or perhaps a tulpa you made which conforms to the legend.
or another spirit larping as her
you can view this as a choose your own adventure in that regard. you'll have to figure it out for yourself.
They're larping. Kinda impressive that they've done it for years.
Not sure if this has already been asked, but to those with succubus partners: Have you ever experienced more paranormal events after the succubus? In other words, that "open door connection with the occult" the disclaimer speaks of?
If you took the time to read the anecdotes, you might be surprised at the consistencies in their experiences. I believed this shit was a gay larp too
it is a larp in large scale, if you can call larp ignorance
1. none of them know what their spirits look like, most are hideous parasitic spirits in their true forms or straight parasites. the feminisation of society also twists behavior to female meaning a lot are male pretending otherwise. problem with this is one's biological energetic parameters are stuck with it and their is no natural adjustment back.
2. the trajectory of the entities is unknown, most do not improve health or capabilities, they keep them in same states as it is convenient just to get the energy, or parasitism by definition.
3. their methods are usually less involved with penetration and more with sucking, draining, either tendril or extension in your openings. the erection is usually to assimilate easier to person's energy to continue having them be in their energetic sphere, under their influence in other words.
4. more honest spirits don't care either unless you improve yourself a lot to the point that it's more efficient of getting energy through cycling it back and forth, which is sex, instead of taking it only, due to the blissful feeling of both, consent and its beneficial habit, and even then you have to match their sexual energy, they won't lower their state for you unless it's a temporary investment.
>Have you ever experienced more paranormal events after the succubus? In other words, that "open door connection with the occult" the disclaimer speaks of?
the amount of magic in my life increased dramatically
So hear me out - lets say we've already established that demons can only come to this world through contracts (summoning) and that they often accept payment in what essentially boils down to human misery or the opportunity to create human misery. This is established as fact, but hasn't been widely spread because of the intricacies and danger of actually summoning a demon. So what if you summoned one, specifically a succubus, who wanted to come into this world to create misery while also quenching her desire for sex. And so she had sex with the summoner, and then caused him to fall in love with her (due in no small part to her incredible sexual skill). And then, when she had fallen into a routine of hanging around the summoner and grown into part of his life, she slipped out into the night and started fucking other guys. And then told him all about it, knowing he couldn't leave because he was in love with her, and he could just suffer through her graphic descriptions while she teased him mercilessly about all her exploits and forced him to cum in embarrassing and unsatisfying ways and he just suffered through the torment and misery because he loved her. Wouldn't that be funny hahaha
>lets say we've already established that demons can only come to this world through contracts (summoning)
that's not how it works
they can show up without being summoned, without a contract, and summoning is not a contract.
>often accept payment in what essentially boils down to human misery
also not how it works
> just suffered through the torment and misery because he loved her. Wouldn't that be funny hahaha
you can summon a succubus and do some weird kinky misery porn fetish stuff if you want.
but that is not related with the worldview you established earlier, which is not accurate.
Please keep your cuck fetishes to yourself
I'm not sure the thing in your pic would come of quite as you imagine in flesh and blood I can see it being wery strange
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something tells me you want this to happen to you
Sometimes when I get high on mushrooms I get this intense tingling sensation in my dick-area and I also feel an intense warmth. Am I being sexually assaulted by a succubus?
oh yeah? come on and tell us how it works. bet you can’t. go on and show us, yeah didn’t think so either. next time you feel like ”refuting” offer something accurate instead the usual rambling, cuz you clearly have no idea what your talking about. keep trying you get there one day
What does that mean?
Hey, you're that jack-ass spammer from conjurer's discord. Fuck off back where you came from.
Hormones genuinely help. Are you gonna pass? Who knows. But they work better than antidepressants on your mood, that much is true. Also you get multiple orgasms if ur lucky
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Yeah, low-grade bullshit just kinda happens sometimes now. You can just ignore it a lot of the time, but you probably shouldn't. Might come back to bite'cha.
You are probably just a faggot bro
these two are idiots and can safely be ignored
How do those "for $666, let me summon a succubus for you" schemes work?
>tHeSE twO aRE idiOTS anD cAN SaFEly bE iGNoReD
lmao go kys safemale
I rest my case. complete deranged moron.
You always get angry at useful informative posts. Who do you think gets angry and tries to prevent helping others and yourself, you or something else?
your post was neither useful nor informative. it was full of false information. once again, you are not welcome here. you want to spew your nonsense, go do it in your own thread, parasite slave
they don't. they're actual scams.
You aren't capable of making out what's useful, your senses are not opened and you can't differentiate. And you can't vouch for others, especially on safety since you have anger issues. Your immature speech is controlled by your parasites.
my senses are just fine. don't tell me about things you have no knowledge of. get out.
>shoo shoo nobody musn’t see how retarted i am. fast now! i can’t refute single thing
Chant is right about you though. I don’t always agree with chant, because she at least sometimes have the dignity to show why X is wrong, unlike you. So, what are you blabbing? You constantly display your ignorance by hiding behind your weird tantrums.
I'm not Conjurer. now leave. nobody wants you here. you are a nuisance peddling quack bullshit with no basis in reality. take a hint or maybe I need to take certain measures you will not enjoy in the slightest.
Nice freudian slip retard, did Jason Miller teach you that? Dude you can’t even leave your body what are you trying to imply.
>Le ebul demon takes you!!!
have a pleasant week. you had your chance to withdraw.
Withdraw from what? Mentally challenged edgy teenager? This is why you take your meds folk, exhibit fucking a.
she's already there
Oh no!!!! What can I do now?! Please mighty summoner retract her. Oh, nvm I accidently squashed ugly worm beneath my foot. You can have it back though, I don’t keep trophies.
I doubt that. enjoy your week.
It is kinda funny that the instant I stop posting with my name, people come out of the woodwork begging for attention from daddy conjurer.

If anyone actually wants to know "how it works", then read the thread.
>oh yeah? come on and tell us how it works. bet you can’t. go on and show us, yeah didn’t think so either.
Brother. You just outed yourself as a newfag troll. Come on bro! Is this your first day on 4chan?
>bet you can’t. go on and show us, yeah didn’t think so either.
>magic isn't real
so the guy who's been impersonating me is an atheist troll, got it. Or maybe a guy who believes it's both demons and not real at the same time. That does happen from time to time
Kinda funny that you're replying to me, pretending to be he haha
Anyway, I have told you to be more creative when trying to impersonate me. And actually do a better job at it.

>Hey, you're that jack-ass spammer from conjurer's discord. Fuck off back where you came from.
there isn't a muslim spammer in my discord dude. Where is this coming from?
I banned a muslim guy like a week ago. If mine won't do the same, then you should take that up with him. Kinda not my problem bro. I can't ban people from servers I don't own.

Is this like 1 guy samefagging pretending to be me, and not me at the same time?
Ohhhhh. It's spinal fluids anon pretending to be himself and also not himself.
Yeah that makes sense. His walls of text stuff was always a larp.
Its funny watching his brain melt in real time as the parasite eggs start to hatching in his urethra.
Fuck, my grammar is shit. Then again, it's hard to type correctly when your laughing your ass off at his larp.
>Ohhhhh. It's spinal fluids anon pretending to be himself and also not himself.
no, the middle guy is me, a separate person
Notice the instant replies. So this guy is watching the thread like a hawk cuz he has nothing better to do.

Then you should know better, and realize that poster was rather spinal fluids anon or someone pretending to be him.
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>she's already there
>Good morning saaaaar!
>Bloody saar OOPEN da dooor!
>You are rude to mee!! How dare you!!
>Go to hell saar! Kindly OPEN DOoR NOw!
>Saar you are making me very ANGRY!
Nothing beats a seething shitskin
It's a larp, but also it's parasites?
Anta BAKA?!
They say mimicry is the most sincere form of flattery.
I've seen the bigger picture. I'm so, so sorry. Enjoy your spirit relationships, make the most of them, please. Don't let opinionated idiots tell you how to live your lives. Live, and be free.
Lord of the succubi gave me 3 succubi i only need 1 so I have two for trade
lord of the succubi is bullshit. don't give that stupid faggot attention. hope he got cursed.
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I'll trade my holographic succubus for your two regular succubi
>be me
>be browsing chan
>see a fake me pretending to be me
>while replying to me
>fake me gets called out by me
>drops the spaghetti
>me so laughing
lol, lmao even
My brain hurts now. Who's who?
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Succubus cuddles help when I'm gloomy.
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this is me, the almighty CNJR
forgot pic by the way

this is the dum dum pretending to be me, while replying to me
home boy didn't think that one out lmao
How do you see your succubus? Does she superimpose herself over your vision? How do you train that skill?
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>{{{Our}}} Conjewuwu

No that's just mushrooms, they feel great. Sadly they make your dick not work which is probably for the best because I would fuck so many lawns on mushrooms.

Maybe try painting?
How are you guys certain that this is real? I dabbled in here awhile back and had some experiences but I'm not sure if they were real or not. I did the letter method and fell asleep naked, and woke up and had a mild orgasm in the middle of the night. I also "talked" to my succubus mentally but I'm not sure if I was making that up or not. The big thing that hurts me is I felt a strange sucking sensation on my arm one night while being told I was being kissed and then I had a hickey like mark on my arm for months. I don't think it was a bug since I was completely wrapped in a blanket and motionless.
At the start a lot of it is just trusting your senses. Believe what you feel. Meditate, still your mind so you can be certain it's her and not some random itch

From what you wrote it sounds like you two are doing well. There's still a long way for me before I will be able to talk with her. However I have to say, there's just something otherworldly about feeling her. When you're in bed, about to fall asleep and there's that ping of foreign emotion. This comforting feeling of her gratitude
I wish succubi were real...
bros she gimme th succ
just scan her bro
>fake me pretending to be me
keep dodging and backpedaling you made in india shitskin copycat. Wannabe baby witch like you is too easy to own. meanwhile i eat raw meat and get exercise by impregnating your gipsy biches smelly holes. keep providing you cucklord
is there a way to do this that doesn't involve burning something?
>How are you guys certain that this is real?
500 years of goetic magic, retard
If people have been doing a thing for centuries and yet you aren't successful at it the problem isn't the thing - it's you, loser
anything stated in the op is a psyop. you don't need anything to come in contact with spirits.
Well, as some of you can see, /tup/ is quite dead right now. That's because now a tulpa can be anything, including familiars (animals), so no serious tulpamancer wants to participate.
Now I'm wondering when the glowies will start a similar campaign against /succgen/ despite the lore having a better footing within the community. When succs possessing their "hosts" and these turning into trannies? And when fox and cats becoming succs?
>you don't need anything to come in contact with spirits.
only if you have natural talent
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I'm wondering, does the summoning method of burning the letter work as some kind of a contract that binds the person as well as the spirit together until its somehow terminated or canceled? I've been together with my succ for way over a year now, it started as me merely trying to test the whole thing out of pure curiosity, which quickly turned into a shocking, mind blowing revelation and then kind of gotten nowhere ever since the first month, which is most likely just my fault, since I'm completely spiritually inept and I've done pretty much nothing to work on that. I've clearly said to her multiple times, that if she feels like leaving, I totally won't get mad because I get it. But it's been so long since that time and I can still feel her presence all around me, poking at me, touching me pretty much every single day, no matter the circumstances. So again, I've been wondering, is she stuck with me until I do something about it, or is she interested enough to stay with me, patiently waiting? Or perhaps, she just hangs around to simply suck up any excessive energy here and there? I'd love to do something about the whole situation and I'm yet to decide whether I'd like to fully commit to actually training and getting better in all things energy-related to hopefully restore our relationship and make things better for us, or should I find a way to potentially release her from her duty, maybe. I'm having a really tough time with all of this and I just wish there was a way for me to have a conversation with her so that we could talk this over and clarify everything, but from what I've heard, that takes years of practice and experience, if not more.
>does the summoning method of burning the letter work as some kind of a contract that binds the person as well as the spirit together until its somehow terminated or canceled?
no, it's a prayer and the relationship is purely voluntary. they can leave if they want and so can the human but they are clingy so they are harder to break up with than a mortal woman
>is she interested enough to stay with me, patiently waiting?
it's this
>I'd love to do something about the whole situation and I'm yet to decide whether I'd like to fully commit to actually training and getting better in all things energy-related to hopefully restore our relationship and make things better for us,
read Consorting With Spirits by Jason Miller
Can I help a succ steal a 3D woman's body?
frens I was reading Donald Tyson's "sexual alchemy" again, and the thought came to me, the desired spirit will be attracted through the amount of attention you give to your spirit vessel and not through the invocation ritual that it teaches, right?
Hm, that has me thinking. I have been dealing with a mind based parasite for a while. It altered the energetic and neurological pathways in my mind for it to interact with me. Its finally fading away. I wonder if a succubus could use those pathways to directly interface with my mind and help our connection grow.
Why don't you guys take pictures and video of your succubuses sems like a great place to share
Know I am the Lord ! No one gets a succubus but through me
>500 years of goetic magic, retard
>If people have been doing a thing for centuries
people have been interacting with spirits for a lot longer than that. Probably before there were even humans, meaning neanderthal and other human cousins and pre-human species were doing it.
Humans have been doing it for as long as we have existed. This is hundreds of thousands of years.
Geotic magic is the new kid on the block. Though it does have some useful bits. Good to try it out, and see what works. Some of it very useful. Other parts, not so much.

>When succs possessing their "hosts" and these turning into trannies?
it's just as prevalent in this community, maybe more

>>you don't need anything to come in contact with spirits.
>only if you have natural talent
if you have natural talent, then using techniques makes it even better

>work as some kind of a contract
No. Magical contracts don't work the way you think they do. They don't summon things and a summoning is not a contract.
Contracts in the real world are a two-way promise that can be enforced in the future if one side is not upheld, by a court. None of that exists in the magic world.
So what is an unenforceable contract which has no bearing on the future? A meaningless contract. Just a piece of paper.
Magical promises don't need to be 2 way, and are effective immediately. They also have a much larger impact on a spirit than a human, because we have physical bodies to stabilize us and they don't.
If you sign a "contract" with a spirit and it doesn't have immediate very noticeable effects, it didn't do anything.
So the entire idea of "contracts" with spirits is kinda bunk. Can it work sometimes? Sure. Does it actually work, outside of you wanting it to work and not testing it too hard? Probably not, and it doesn't function the way people think it does.
It's not contracts. It's promises. And they are effective instantaneously, not something that is enforceable in the future.
i am the one and the only god, i was here before you came along, i will be here when you are long gone. i am already with my mother.
yeah, wow, nobody's thought of that before, chum.
what part of spirit do you not understand? you know there are frequencies of light we cannot see nor reciord and frequencies of sound we cannot hear. so why ask a stupid question like this when the answer is obvious?
Read Liber Lilith, it’s a nice book but very occult oriented.
someone has a lot of time on their hands
Weird that I don't follow you around, yet you follow me around and try to get my attention.
I'd ask if you had anything better to do with your time, but I'm afraid the question answers itself.

>Can I help a succ steal a 3D woman's body?
No. It would be very difficult to steal someone's body, and it wouldn't work the way you think it does.
It would be voluntary, meaning you would need to find a woman who is psychically capable, willing to sleep with you while possessed, get possessed, stay possessed for long periods of time.
At this point you just have 2 girlfriends. One spirit waifu, and a human psychic gf who is a medium for the other gf. It's more trouble than it's worth.

>the desired spirit will be attracted through the amount of attention you give to your spirit vessel and not through the invocation ritual that it teaches, right?
if you do it the way donald tyson teaches, then yeah. the invocation ritual still helps though.
We can't se or hear them but we have the tools to record them like a high frequency sound we can convert down and still hear them then there is a million things that show up on infra red or in radio telescopes. So no nigger it doesn't seem obvious
the average person doesn't have access to the military grade top secret technology that would be needed to even sense these beings. they exist in some quantum super-state.
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oh and I'll answer this too. If trolls see that their activity leads to actually better thread quality and people having more fun, they'll stop. Cuz their whole goal is to make people upset and make the thread shitty. Laughter is a good banishing technique, much like spiritual parasite.
Strange that the same technique works on shitty negative humans? Perhaps not lol

>How do you see your succubus? Does she superimpose herself over your vision? How do you train that skill?
So I'd say the best way of doing it is training in tulpamancy techniques. no, you won't make a tulpa. Just aim all the techniques at your waifu and you'll be fine
As far as scanning goes, the most practice I get with scanning comes from my gf, because I try to visualize her all the time. At this point, it's not difficult and I can just see her whenever she talks to me. This isn't special or unique. It's the same result that almost every tulpamancer achieves after a month or two of practice.
So the scanning thing is actually kinda relevant. But anyway, that's another topic.
Here's some tulpa guides. I'll also post my faq

This is a youtube playlist by the guy who runs the Tulpa Republic discord server, "Tulpa Guides" on youtube. He explains things very well and has great illustrations.

This is a tulpa guide playlist by "Tulpa Thought", who describes how to make a tulpa. This guide is very in depth and describes a good foundation for making a tulpa and encouraging its development.
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here's the FAQ

FAQ Continued: "I just did a summoning ritual and I think I summoned a spirit. How do I continue down this path?"
The real question to ask is: Do you want a spirit girlfriend?
If you do, then continue down this path. Learn energy work so you can feel touches and give touches better (also for its own sake) and learn trances so you can see and hear things better (and also for its own sake).
NEW by Robert Bruce will teach both energy work and some relaxation and meditation exercises which are perfect for getting into a light trance for a beginner.
Then you can read Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller to get a broad overview of how to communicate with spitits, and Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson to get specific info about love spirits.
You can also do tulpa communication training techniques, because their techniques are overall much more effective than most magical training methods. They basically train all the time (rather than once a month on the full moon). You might not want to try tulpa techniques until you've made contact with a spirit, otherwise you might make a tulpa (which isn't a problem, but might not be what you want).
>they exist in some quantum super-state.
And how do you know how this is how it works you ever tried recording anything around you while interacting whit it? If even just one of those things you can measure volt and resistance meters at your local hardware store? Some of you must have a curious nature
what’s the difference between tulpa and spirit
Being conscious of your schizophrenia or not I guess
a tulpa comes from you. A spirit exists outside of you.
for that reason, tulpas can gain the powers of a human practitioner, because they ultimately come from humans. The tulpas of magicians typically become powerful in magic too.
spirits may or may not be able to gain that kind of power. Some of them are stronger than humans, many of them are much weaker. Spirits are not necessarily human in origin. They can come from anywhere.
what do you mean spirits can come from anywhere?
>They can come from anywhere.
Like any life form or what you mean?
What's stopping you?
thank you for the succubi
praise Lilith
>what do you mean spirits can come from anywhere?
meaning they can be any kind of species from the spirit world. They can be born, made, just appear out of the ether, be made from thoughts of people, be elementals that come from nature, etc
there's like an infinite variety
tulpas only come from humans.
None, a tulpa is a type of spirit.
The difference is between tulpa and succubus.
Tulpas are created, succubus are summoned. This means succs already exist somewhere. It is easier because there is an already pre-established formula.
If you can't deal with succubus, forget about tulpas, unless you are part of trannydom and want to larp as a tulpa. In this case, just drawn a poney in a piece of paper and it is already done.
So like 40k demons
>So like 40k demons
not really
Same, this alien shit is not what I signed up for when I wrote my letter.
skill issue


almost there

-line break-
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in summary: words
picture perfect, everything you wrote is legible and grabs my attention.
this isn't reddit. fuck off
Pertinent post

You'd be amazed how many idiots do that eagerly, then come to us for help getting rid of the succubus who believed what she was told in the letter

There's a giant disclaimer about the risks

Maybe, if she want that

>Sometimes when I get high
That's nice. We experience things without drugs

They literally are. Just summon one!

And without care and methodology you'll find yourself swarmed with parasites. The instructions in the op are there to maximize the chances of getting a succubus who helps you. If you wander into a graveyard at night and ask to be possessed, maybe it'll work, you'd you have to be an idiot to think that was a clever idea

Already here. M*tpat, the christian spammers, the jewish spammer (yes, really), and the occasional trigger atheist are fixtures. Thankfully, we all know to mock or ignore them
>When succs possessing their "hosts"
It happens, but generally we don't talk about it
>and these turning into trannies?
We have enlightened centrist men who claim to be women but who won't transition. Imagine calling yourself a girl on the internet while being a hairy man and then not having the decency to take the pills that stop you from being a man
>And when fox and cats becoming succs?
I know somebody who dated a catgirl a long time ago and there are kitsune here. A couple of posters even have kitsune gfs

No. It doesn't bind either of you. It's also not a prayer. Prayer inherently places you below the recipient. The letter ritual is a request. You don't pray when applying for a job either

If she did, why would she date you?

I think so, but I haven't read that book in years
>and there are kitsune here.
So how could I go about finding one? There's not many instructions or guides online on how to do so. I'm not interested in succubi, or any other sort of demon, or in a succ/demon taking on the form of a kitsune to appease me. But I do find the idea of summoning a genuine kitsune to be interesting. Ideally a trustworthy one that's looking for an actual emotional connection rather than just being a sexual energy vampire, and whose tricks would be fun for both of us rather than at my expense.
write a letter to Inari-Okami
Is it not sus to contact an eastern divinity with a method designed for western demons? Maybe I'm overly cautious but it rings alarm bells in my head that the receiver might be a demon taking the role of Inari Okami to deceive me, rather than a true divinity.
>Is it not sus to contact an eastern divinity with a method designed for western demons?
no, it's fine. It works. I know somebody that did it. the ritual is just a jumped-up prayer. Spirits don't care about east or west or what race you are or whatever. don't fall into that materialist trap.
I still believe there is a distinction between the demonic and the divine. To me it feels natural to expect a demon to work with a different set of rituals than the divine, and for a divine spirit to desire their own associated practices. Perhaps I'm wrong though and spirits are more flexible with that type of stuff.
as I said, it's just a prayer. a prayer works for deities.
>Is it not sus to contact an eastern divinity with a method designed for western demons?
Kind of, but it worked for a couple of anons. Just do your research first and make a nice offering to go with the letter. Inari hasn't asked for cum from anyone as far as I'm aware, so maybe avoid that one. Sake or sushi or something might be better
>Ideally a trustworthy one
That's the problem. You can never really trust a fox. They're foxes, after all. If you go into the op, you can find links to foxgen, where anons talk about their kitsune. It's interesting reading. One of them mentioned his took his life force instead of sexual energy
>the receiver might be a demon taking the role of Inari
You can't really prove anything in that regard. You'll probably be fine, though. I doubt many random entities are eager to get in Inari's way. Consider modifying the letter method to be more in line with japanese traditional offerings if that would make you less uneasy
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I bleed at the altar of purity.
I'm told Inari likes plain fluffy white rice and sake.
as for the life-force thing, it's possible but more often done by malevolent kitsune or kitsune exacting justice against evil humans. Kitsune who work for or follow Inari do not do those kinds of things.
>If you go into the op, you can find links to foxgen, where anons talk about their kitsune.
I definitely will, thank you for telling me!
>You can never really trust a fox.
I expect a kitsune to always keep their trickster nature. I would try to unconditionally accept that just as I hope they would my own qualities. But beneath their nature, I also believe that kitsune would have their own personality and values just as a human would. I consider myself a good, morally-driven person and a kitsune who genuinely has similar values to my own would be trustworthy enough for me. One who I can trust to be open with me, to be loyal, to not bring harm upon me with their pranks. Being devoted to Inari would certainly be a help with this. Divine messenger kitsune are said to be more benevolent than the wild nogitsune, which are a prime example of the type of spirit you wouldn't want to take a chance with.
>I doubt many random entities are eager to get in Inari's way
Fair enough honestly.
you don't get a choice. they are already there. they entice you to initiate. you don't need to put on a show and change your own mood into something you don't have, which these gimmick rites cause, as the entities already with you are used to your normal mood and self, not a changed one you never did before.
go be stupid somewhere else
You're an ignorant manchild.
you're a clueless know it all

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