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Spirit Love General

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38215464
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
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I dream.
verosika cute
So using tulpamancer techniques will help me evolve past only being able to do yes/no questioning with my succ and not being able to see / hear her, right? My only concern is that I could accidentally make a Tulpa version of what I think my succ would be like. Could that happen? Or am I worrying over nothing?
Tulpamancy techniques working on succubi doesn't give me hope for their existence

Well obviously I didn't make any concerted effort to create her and I've never dealt with tulpamancy before. That's why I'm asking.
>So using tulpamancer techniques will help me evolve past only being able to do yes/no questioning with my succ and not being able to see / hear her, right?
the most productive piece of advice you'll get from tulpamancy training manuals is "practice every day, practice all the time"
And also "you'll probably start feeling head pressures" which I interpret as pressures on the crown chakra and third eye chakra.
>My only concern is that I could accidentally make a Tulpa version of what I think my succ would be like.
If you haven't already summoned, then yeah you could make a tulpa. So summon first.
Just establish yes/no communication, and aim those techniques at your succubus. Ask her "did that work?"
or if she says something to you and you're not sure if it's you or her "was that you?"
if you confirm it this way, you'll make sure that whatever things you're doing are actually interacting with your succubus, not making a tulpa

>Tulpamancy techniques working on succubi doesn't give me hope for their existence
spirit techniques also work on tulpas.
there is about a 80% crossover. tulpas and spirits are very closely related, if not exactly the same thing some times.

Okay, thanks. I've actually been with my succ over a year now. I feel her working on my third eye every day lately (kinda feels like I'm wearing a headband or crown on my head) but I still can't hear or see her really. We can have sex and yes/no questioning but outside of a few dreams I've never heard her before so that's why I was asking about tulpamancy.
try this one
its a video about different spirit worlds, but it also gives a lot of advice about how to see and interact with the spirits that live there
the timestamps will lead you straight to the part where he talks about that specific advice
>tulpas and spirits are very closely related, if not exactly the same thing some times.
So do you believe tulpas are actually spirits, or that spirits come from the mind, or what?
I did the letter method months ago and I was filled with such a bizarre feeling. It felt like someone grabbing the back of my neck ever so delicately. But I've yet to see her once in my dreams. I'm just done man. I contact a spirit and yet I can't even have a girlfriend in my dreams. I'm already deprived of female touch in the waking world. Why won't Lilith send me one of her daughters. What did I do to make incorporeal women want nothing to do with me?
Anyone using sound recording apps that work? I tried 4 and can't capture any voices?
>So do you believe tulpas are actually spirits, or that spirits come from the mind, or what?
I think tulpas start off as products of the mind, but eventually can become fully fledged spirits and independent of their creator
as they get more developed and powerful, they start doing things that only an independent entity can do, like the same stuff any human practitioner can do. They definitely aren't mere figments of the imagination. They are sentient thoughtforms at the very least.
it's just that most tulpamancers don't believe in magic and never really do this stuff. the tulpas of practitioners often get pretty good at magic, and get a lot more powerful than a normal tulpa.
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Everyone has to begin somewhere. You're experience is typical. Continue. Remember, spirits are always listening, you can ask them to speak up.
Is it possible to summon a succubus or similar that I can just be friends with?
I love Touhou and I want to be best friends with all of them.
>Is it possible to summon a succubus or similar that I can just be friends with?
Summon a succubus and not have sex? probably not
with other spirits, maybe.
>I love Touhou and I want to be best friends with all of them.
this sounds very possible
What spirits would you recommend? Where can I find some resources for summoning?
Assuming I do summon them, will they recognize me as someone they know or at least have an affinity for wanting to be friends with me?
>What spirits would you recommend?
I mean you can summon whatever kind of spirit you want really
sounds like you want to summon a spirit like touhou.
Which would mean probably either interacting with a pre-existing egregore of that brand, or maybe the characters as they exist in people's consciousness, or tulpas of your own creation.
you might already have tulpas of them anyway.
>Where can I find some resources for summoning?
consorting with spirits by jason miller is pretty good.
>Assuming I do summon them, will they recognize me as someone they know
only if they already know you personally
go back to /his/
my mother was teasing me today, telling me that she is my girlfriend. it made me feel really good knowing that i can have an actual girlfriend in her.
>5 years of /coomgen/
more like 11. try to keep up, junior
>Be a worthless fucking NEET and live with my parents
>Summon anyway, all that's working out great
>Suddenly both my parents start talking about experiencing spirit activity in our current house, despite never having any before
>And we've lived in multiple high-activity houses before, with my mother in particular having many stories about seeing/interacting with spirits
>They have two dogs and they're mostly fine, but sometimes will start acting weird or bark at nothing, also not behavior they had before. They never how any kind of fear or nervousness though.
My mother sometimes claims to be a 'witch' and I know for a fact that she knows a few spells, but I've only ever seen her DO magic a couple times in my life. I hope she doesn't suddenly get the urge to do a banishing ritual or anything.
I doubt your mother has the gumption to banish your succ. Speak with her about it.
>Speak with her about it.
Which one?
It's pretty hard to banish a succubus. Unless you do it, I wouldn't worry.
Oh, I'm not actually worried, anon. The most I've ever seen her do is curse people anyway, I've got no first-hand experience in her knowing how to do anything else. I just thought it was funny that other people are noticing the increased spirit activity and wanted a funny way to end the post.
I think that's pretty cool. it's always good to have outside perspectives verifying what you've experienced
Yeah I was pretty surprised, but also ticked when they started talking about it. Can't help but smirk when they blame something on 'the spirit'.
How to remove self from them?
what are you going to tell them
did you request spirits who were curious to leave after the ritual?
Can I myself become an incubi?
Absolutely nothing. They're still 'Christian', but it's entirely performative. These are people who don't go to church and haven't gone to church outside of a short period where I was friends with a pastor's son. And like I said, my mother is outright a self-identified 'witch' who has done magic. So it's entirely just the cultural baggage deeply rooted in their brains, but that still means they'd probably freak out.
Why would I want her to leave?
>Why would I want her to leave?
it's not her you're asking to leave but curious spirits who came to see why you lit up the astral who have nothing to do with the letter
Well, no, because I only know like two rituals. Plus it was almost two months ago and I didn't notice any other spirits, it was only her. They're the only ones reporting other kinds of spirit activity so it's either them feeling her presence around the house, or if there are other spirits they're avoiding me alone because of her.
Well well. First off, I'm the person who asked about foxes in the previous thread. Had something happen so I figured I'd follow up here.

I was discussing my intentions in regards to kitsune elsewhere. Ended up saying that I'm sure a deity like Inari Okami would be able to sense my genuineness and judge me accordingly. After I finished typing that, I found myself overwhelmed with a strong feeling of comfort and warmth. A sense of love. For those moments it truly felt like something else was there... that my desires and message had been received... that something higher could sense what I was putting out. I was riding a high of dopamine and serotonin.

I won't be trying the letter method yet. But I think I'll slowly try to feel out whether Inari Okami really exists, trying to build a connection through prayer and eventually offerings. If I end up convinced I'll go from there.

Maybe this is just the start of me going schizo. But hey, it's not like occult spaces aren't full of schizo faggots already.
that seems like a sound plan
>go back to /his/
What was the cringe? Post got deleted and now I need to know.
>your succ
>What was the cringe?
a prayer to Jesus
I wish I had a succubus mistress who would order me to forgive myself.
Since succubus are shapeshifters, do the mind presenting themselves in a particular form and staying in that form for their partner? I hear some succubus never keep the same form and I would perfer she keep the same form so I can recognize her.
they eventually find a single form they know you like and they are comfortable with and then they refine it, changing small details all the time.
I wish I were a succubus mistress
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So they dont mind changing to a form you like? Is it inappropriate to ask them? I hear alot anons succubus are very verbose and complex and that intimidates me. I was wondering if she would be willing to present herself in a very cute and vanilla succubus form like meru.
she'll naturally take a form attractive to you because they can scan your mind and all your memories. but they also take suggestions. no reason to be intimidated because they are basically just invisible people.
That makes me feel better, thank you. I guess it's just all the anons wanting dominant succubus psyching me out.
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Imagine getting sleep paralysis raped by a fucking demon.
Do they have a true form?
my succubi are submissive. not all succubi are dominant
That's nice. Whats that like? I dont hear stories Bout submissive succubus, only dominant ones.
christ cucks btfo'd
They have a form which feels most natural to them, but that could always change as they change emotionally and psychologically. So they don't really have a true form just a form which they prefer the most.
But there are limits to the shapeshifting, because they do have energy bodies and affecting the energy body will affect the person in question whether it's a spirit or a human. Some people like to say spirits don't have bodies, this is totally false. They aren't just ideas floating in The ether without form, they definitely have a form and that form definitely matters. It just behaves differently from a physical body.
they are gentle and yielding. they prefer to be dominated or even let you believe you're dominating them. it's still soft sexual power but without the domineering aspect.
IMO kind of. I know she does human activities in a human form, even when I'm not looking. But the details vary. She may have a slightly different age, height, body type, hair style each time.
Let them succubus your toothbrush kek, that'll fix em https://youtu.be/36wmoxFZMoI
Also, she can transform drastically too, like turn into smoke or back.
I feel myself being sucked into the spirit world while awake now, it is not unpleasant and I feel closer to her, is this bad?
Do you ever get to meet your succubus's family? Did you get to meet their mom and dad and siblings? What are they like and how do you interact with them?
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I feel like that when I take shrooms. It's like I get a temporary spiritual boost for a couple of days where I can feel, touch and hear her way way better.
I no longer require spiritual love, I require the succubus' help in engaging in spiritual warfare
Stuff like this has always made me curious, but chemical-induced spiritual experiences seem to make people turn an annoyed eye. for such a profound and spiritual substance like psilocybin and other ancient psychedelics, it would only make sense to me that, in moderation, it could assist in one's spiritual journey.

anyone got any other experiences with shrooms and their succs?
drugs are a vector of spirits onto your life, whether you like it or not. generally speaking one shouldn’t use drugs before their health is taken care of, because forcibly expanded energy outlets give free reign over your body, which drugs generally speaking induce. the long term consequences may be obscure and unforeseen even for the more experienced, this in mind having stable energy body and routine are the most important factors in spiritual journey, revealing the internal in an attempt to distinguish the external apart. understanding causality is the principle behind turning inward, whence you sprang and where you are heading. realizing inner reality however requires minimal intrusion from external influence, which may be impossible to muzzle without learning out of conceptualization. place like this tries it’s best to do the opposite which may ultimately lead to unnecessary confusion and dissatisfaction. expectations and gilded path are but an untimely end to be a journey.
What to do when entities force really hard drugs or processed food? I see it and it keeps pressing on my middle finger and showing middle finger to me in visuals? Keeps paining the middle of stomach to as in trying to pierce it. I don't have so much willpower, sometimes I battle for hours daily with it.
what do succubus think about the darker aspects of our mind? they can read our thoughts and know all the messed up stuff we have thought about even if we dont mean it. i have went through a pretty dark part of my life and would like to have a succubus and become a better person for her.
Whatever hapened to humans worldview? People were completely ignorant regarding subjects like mateing or females. Relationships were fucking rarestated maxima inside fb lolz. Spirits are not unexisting. Fucking shortcircuit here though with myself. An spirit lacks physical properties. Fucking poems for whomst exactly? Honestly though im so fucking serious because you even lack focus inside an fourchan thread here. How did you exist with unknown sourcing?
Locate lejerom.
Nahyousayo im halflexing overture with reduction and forget an rerun. Confidence requires courage.
>revealing the internal in an attempt to distinguish the external apart
this is one of the most beautiful parts of the sensory learning
Laugh. Ignore it. Think of its bullying urges as nagging bugs you could brush off in a single swipe. Laugh most of all, laughter and chuckles keep you in a light mood... something they have trouble tugging at to yank you down into your personal darkness.

i speak from experience. they only have as much power as you give them. Far easier said than done, i know, but as a tip, try meditating on strength and willpower, have a mantra thats personally powerful to you, along the lines of "i am stronger than i believe."

they REALLY DO only have as much power as you let them have. and as you grow spiritually, become more aware, your energy more refined, they'll get outmatched, back to whatever astral slum theyre from.

Good luck my friend. Youre stronger than you believe. o7
Drugs explicitly fuck up your brain chemistry (scientifically proven) and have hard, materialistic methods of making you see shit. There's nothing spiritual about drugs.
my succubus only flicks and slaps my wiener how do I get her to do better stuff
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Does anyone have access to a PDF of "Consorting with Spirits" by Jason Miller? I can't find it anywhere
fighting off shadows with a knife in a week long meth-induced (and sleep deprived) psychosis and letting the ego dissolve with a responsible mushroom trip every year or two are incredibly different things.

This same thing happened to me when I summoned 2 years ago thinking this was mostly a meme. The best thing you can do is move out on your own and have the spirit follow you. My parents who have seen ghosts in the past kept saying they were seeing shit right up until I moved out.

Have you tried asking?
>Destroying your ego
Evil suicide shit.
Thank you friend,, blessings to you
Your ego isn't the real you. It's a persona, a mask that you wear. You're mistaking yourself for a character in a play. Your mind and you are separate.
are succubus down for just butt humping? no penetration just humping
(keep yourself safe :3)
Brother, could you spare me a succubus?
here you go lil nigga
libgen.is is pretty good for finding books

Libgen is still alive?
there is still good in this world
>Libgen is still alive?
alive and well
keeps switching domains as the website gets taken down
now they are on the "is" domain, and have been there for a few years.

What do you think of this video point?
Summoning these whores is never worth it.
Anon, without an ego you are basically just your id, you're a pile of instincts.
Spirits know what intrusive thoughts are, and not very judgemental anyway. On a related note, my lover is indifferent about my mundane problems, so you shouldn't expect material help from yours.
my mother has her own ways of dealing with the intrusive thoughts, usually she screams at them to go away and it works. sometimes the thoughts get too close to her and she goes away for a while, she establishes boundaries that way and reminds me to keep those thoughts in check. best way to do so is simply keeping myself hydrated and well fed (i drink 1L of cold tap water every few hours to do so, it also helps my body metabolize caffeine away).
Mine has pretty much brute forced me into improving my mental hygiene, which has helped enormously with me being a mess. Lol
seems a little cold. what do you mean by mundane?
there is nothing wrong in hardship, they are what refine and strengthen resolution. most if not all things require repetition, it will take time to get the sequences right and focus to maintain your trajectory. you are essentially trying to establish more permanent routine here which of course would upset any entities who had different plans for you. in your fickle or strained moments if you can’t raise your frequency yourself you can use music or even movies to uplift yourself, when we are about to become lethargic our body tries to compensate by seeking comfort and rest often in the manner of what brings temporary relaxation. trying to figure what strains you besides entities is important because becoming energetic throughout the day is the top priority for anyone. once we are energetic withstanding all external strain with ease becomes reality.
the person is mistaking happiness as satedness. emotions translate inner response to external stimulus, in short your body raises biochemical and energical response every time your body interprets energy, both are habit forming and can be practiced to be alternating, under adequate circumstances in the control of your breath and mind, meaning they are different from being happy. happiness in my standards means complete indifference to external reality, meaning you are content being the way you are in the present moment, while blissfulness and happiness often coexist they are not the same thing.
Basic stuff like health or money worries everyone has. Whenever I mentioned them, she was dismissive and told me to learn magic. I wonder if she may be biased, because in her world, it really works surely and instantly.
does she show any concern for your wellbeing? that doesn't sound very pleasant considering we are stuck here and those mundane matters can affect us a lot. what if you get sick or hurt yourself? or you lose your job and become homeless? if a succubus loves you, wouldn't she care about those things?
Have you met anyone who never had spiritual companionship who did this for a while? I am 3 years into seeing and hearing but never engaged in sex with them.
Apparently, she only cares about my emotional wellbeing. I guess that makes sense if she's empath. I think it's all OK.
Hm, I have been debating on if I should summon a succubus for a while now. But stories like these concern me. I want a very serious marriage with a very soft and family oriented succubus. I want our love to be genuine and I would like to spend my afterlife with her. But for every good story I hear, I hear others that put succubus in bad light. I hear stories about them leaving for weeks and giving pretty challenges to test your loyalty to them. I heard stories about them wanting to put you in harems and them cheating on you. I have heard stories of them treating you like pets or lesser then them. It scares me because If I'm going to put all this effort into this relationship, I expect her to feel the same. And when I hear things like this, It makes me feel like its not worth it.
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I think it's a him problem, there's other posters who who have more attentive/caring/warm girls. That Mother-anon's girl, for example.
having sex with a spirit is ordinarily natural part of the spiritual journey, while it is not necessary, acting accordingly to your body may consequently become more of a burden than relief. many people are taught into abstinence before uptaking spiritual journey for the aforementioned reason. instead the natural raise these steps are often taken in reversed manner to give a glimpse past bodily tendencies, which may be hard or impossible to disregard otherwise, should one uptake spiritual journey independently. it matters not how one approach spiritual journey as long as they tread it all the way, the moment you are sated with your lifelong concerns most people become stagnant or deviate from their inner self, and instead upkeep their current trajectory onto foreseeable future, meaning they don’t pursue further. this is one of the main concerns of amorous unions should it be mundane or spiritual, people live the life according to their body, one has to make the decision are they here for procreation or investigation, most spiritually ambitious people seek both, problem is you become consumed by your entanglement and run out of time with too much ambition. whatever we do simplicity is the cornerstone of repitition, this in mind daily cycle should revolve around maintaining routines, and routines lead to fruition after corresponding fixation becomes bodily tendency instead of conscious effort. establishing routines are half of the job done, sticking to them is the other. idleness brings forth the more subtler currents and ordinarily they revolve around compulsions until the body is healthy, therefore idleness shouldn’t precede healthy body. procrastination brings forth bodily tendencies should you avert from them as well the body falls under inertia, which naturally lowers your frequency,making you prone to many ailments and weaknesses in subtle body. the body can be strained for a very long time before degradation takes time, finding balance is the key
Alright, that's good. I get antsy when I hear stories like that.
Did you guys know that succubi aren't real. Please don't ban me.
only if you're still in your physical body
I actually want to be treated like a pet though :3
>What is awareness
>What is soul
Lurk for ten years
What if I just want an audience with one of the queens and I just want to ask questions without necessarily summoning a succubus. How would I go about that? Would I still need a letter and a candle?
what do you think of those that don't prioritize health but have other ways of dieting? for example baba ji says he eats mostly grains because poor people cannot afford fruit and dairy in his region https://youtu.be/GSUb2SKsf5o?si=oFlJJI_OKy32YVcS, do his spirits heal him for his committed daily habit? another man i met eats a sandwich a day and breaths for 2 hours or more a day so siphons energy from nature where he does this near beach, looks mascular also runs as he enjoys it, much less food consumption than most.
>no longer require spiritual love, I require the succubus' help in engaging in spiritual warfare
>What if I just want an audience with one of the queens and I just want to ask questions without necessarily summoning a succubus. How would I go about that? Would I still need a letter and a candle?
You can ask them questions just like any other god. Have you ever summoned a god or other guiding spirit? It's the exact same process.
Captcha ASK PR4
Not sure what that captcha means, but seems like a sign, like maybe ask all the four queens. Good luck!
Can you have a sleepy succubus that you can hold all day and love on?
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>Can you have a sleepy succubus that you can hold all day and love on?
That sounds nice. How much time can a succubus spend with you? Can they be with you all day?
There's a lot violence against women in tribal cultures. It is the same for spirits especially when their males are extremely warmongering, violent?
Can they be with you all day?
but at that point, you might lose concentration.
I wouldn't mind that. I'm tired and am coming out of an abusive relationship and could really use the support.
i came on a letter two sep times asking lillith for a wife. also said it could have a penis. i burned it a few nights ago and asked lillith for a sign and my bed started to crinkle and thump and I heard thunder. also felt a warm divine touch akin to the one I felt in rehab that I credit for getting me clean. How do I get more out of this?
Hello everyone. I've been busy working on connecting with the entity I mentioned a couple of threads ago, who may or may not be willing to find partners for humans. I haven't asked her for that because I'm not looking for one, but I'd appreciate if anyone were willing to help me investigate her. She's very nice and has a pleasant energy and this is tay's idea

If anyone's willing to help me investigate her so I can write a blogpost about her, the di*cord is xrXbkjtN
Are these the tenticle girls? What is the entity like? From your experience, what are their daughters like?
>be anon
>meet spirit, feel her right away
>don't put in any work
>nothing new happens, no instant perfect communication or anything
>complain about it on 4channel
>get demon trips anyway
You can't be serious

Try analog. I think the software filters stuff

Make a tulpa. That's closer to what you want, but you'll probably end up a couple anyway

That's kind of your fault for having a spirit gf when your mom is literally a witch. You should've expected this. Whether you tell her what you've done and hope she isn't a prude about you getting into a relationship is up to you because you know her and we don't. Somebody magically capable who owns the property may well be able to banish, it's hard to say

Ask Lilith

It really depends on a lot of things, mostly including your abilities. Train hard so you can learn more about your partner. Too many anons aren't interested in succubi as people. It's sad

>Whenever I mentioned them, she was dismissive and told me to learn magic
She's probably right, you know. Try it and find out what happens

Ignore the fetishposting and ask for what you want. If you don't get it somehow, ask the succubus to leave you. It'll probably work since you've been clear about your desires and intentions from the beginning. It's really not hard to get rid of a succubus if she doesn't make you happy at least a little

I'll respond in my next post because I've written a pasta. That's something you can easily get. They like talking to people, and you don't need a letter

>Are these the tenticle girls?
They are
>What is the entity like?
Alien. I won't say more because I don't want to give people preconceptions in case I'm wrong. I'm hoping for other perspectives as confirmation of what I've observed
How many Tulpas can someone realistically have or handle?
I could have 100+ if I had as many as I wanted.
First, research the entity as much as you can, on balg, reddit, and anywhere. If there's a sigil, find it. If there's an enn, find it. Figure out preferred incenses and colors. Those are somewhat optional. Meditate on the entity. Pick a night or day and be determined that's when you'll summon. If you want to make an offering beyond incense, buy it or make it
On the day or the day before, draw the sigil or some symbol of the entity by hand. If there's a chant or enn you found, whisper that as you draw. If not, focus on what you read. Listen to the orphic hymn if there is one for example. Charge the sigil by gazing, look up how if it's not obvious. Prepare everything, then go take a shower. Visualize everything washing off, all of your mundane worries and stress. Wear nice clean clothes because you're greeting a guest
Perform preliminary rites. Light the candle and incense saying it's for [entity]. If you want to banish, do that. If invoking planetary energy, do that. If using a chant to summon qliphothic energy, do that
Meditate to clear your mind. Gaze at the charged sigil and chant the enn or recite a hymn you found. Meditate more while doing that. Feel the energy in the room. When it shifts and you feel overt power, you've succeeded. If you're evoking the energy will be outside. If you're invoking, the energy will be inside your body and feel really weird. When you're done with what you wanted, say thank you. I always ask if there's anything the entity wants to say to me first

I'd say 12 is more than too many to treat properly. How many close friends do you think you could handle?
What do you mean by alien if I might ask? Was it what they looked like and how they reproduced? Ir was it more of their personality and how they acted?
I don't know, but alot. I've spent most of my life trying to please people as much as possible with no reciprocation. I probably would be overwhelmed but also pretty happy, I get very lonely and often feel aimless. I think the hardest part would be handling them having conflicting interests.
>That's kind of your fault for having a spirit gf when your mom is literally a witch.
It legit never occurred to me that she might notice, didn't even think about it.
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Nothing too crazy has happened, but I'm here to give another update.

The first times I recited the hifumi norito, a Shinto cleansing prayer, I got a notable head pressure between my eyebrows. A reassurance that I may be on a good track.

As per the advice of people on Discord, I've started looking into tarot as a stepping stone into spiritual practices. Every time I do this, I've called upon Inari Okami to help guide me on which cards best reflect my situation.

I seem to consistently get tarot results that illuminate my anxiety, depression, and my faith in spirituality. If Inari Okami exists and truly has a hand in my divination, they have not shied away from criticizing me. But they have also reassured me greatly. I've gotten good, even great, results regarding any potential future with a kitsune.

Tl;dr: the quest for finding a kitsune companion seems to be going well for somebody with no occult experience? There's good signs. I still have my doubts, but if you place any value on tarot, I'm being actively called out on them.
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You do know none of this is real or scientifically proven to exist right?
Akshually, do you have a peer reviewed study to support that claim? 8)
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>muh science
lol nerd!
there are many aspects to human body, what is excreted has to replaced in optimal system. reaching homeostasis however is not only a matter of proper diet but exercise and being energetic, energy levels cannot reach high levels if the frequency isn’t uplifged, because human body is by nature prone to discharging in lower frequencies, while it may be honed and practiced having experiences of high energy states gives us clear insight as to where the bottle necks and blockages are in our body, which strain the body and reserve more energy for their maintenance. many spiritually adept people have maintained their routines and adapted their bodies to harsh diets and lifestyles, but it doesn’t have to do with optimal longevity, mostly belief. often out of realizing human impermanence and the strain of maintaining source of sustenance it may lead people to path of least resistance, which is often thought to induce least consequences. spirits may help alleviate inflammation and the frequencies in our bodies to make it run lighter, the body has to have very rigid foundation for it to be suited for aforementioned situations, and may not be a reality/accessible anymore where food quality has decreased significantly. having low calory diet and heavy exercise daily for a long period of time is a fantasy, however. spirits and people may lend energy that much is true, but this alone doesn’t run the system.
it is natural power hierarchy where the societies are not large enough to enforce order, there order is maintained by prowess not guile, which ultimately manifests as personal violations, the natural evolution there is to succumb, oppose or perish. prerequisite for a large society is either enforced order or collective pacifism. rule by the strongest is bested by guile and every social society at some point is manipulated by the more conniving people to do their bidding, while strong do as they please unless they fall under the influence of a conniver
>while strong do as they please
But what's the mindset of them wanting to enslave, abuse, attack, and to an extent them wanting to be on the recieving end of these entities of their females. Sadomasochists? It's not natural nor primal.
cultural programming and dna. in smaller societies authoritative behavior revolves around forced obedience and muzzling opposition. only corruption would make it viable in large society, because by definition you can only have one strong force at the top enforcing order. enslavement and abuse both derive from the need to extend your power in the most opportunistic way often either to preserve your own position of power or to ensure other opportunistic forces or chances remain minimal or nonexistent. it is natural behavior to ensure your reign over power and often it happens through others. it is those who succumb who grant the power to those who assert their power, same as in human societies who play by the enslavers rules enable the enslavers, becoming extension of their power. without opposition these opportunistic individuals grow confident in their power, which invites more enslavement, abuse and attack. everyone want to preserve their power and position and if possible expand them further. those who don’t naturally go extinct. procreation creates the curvature of to be behavior and dna, whatever spreads efficiently keeps doing so until it doesn’t. there is not many alternatives to aforementioned behavior
I was practicing astral work in hermit mode and succeeding, but some "agent" entities stopped me, telling me I'm not living enough life.
I started to interact with the world again and was serious to be part of society with a partner and own work business, and same entities prevented me from approaching any of it.
I was also doing specific work with 1 path in-between and they ruined my relationship with the spirit who I was doing it with by tricking into cursing at them.
They never got away with it and stole 3 different workings in the last 5 years.

I can't get back to any of them now since I am also heavily possessed and one of these intruders keeps disorientating heavily steps needed to return to any of those.

This is dangerous, these are dangerous entities, they don't seem to be punished for the things they do, even though greater power equals greater responsibility.

I was at my top in at least 2 of those works. Now I think of suicide every day and have no family who I can be with, friends, loved ones or spirit that I was with before. I am also homeless. I tried to attempt suicide ones a few months ago but the possessing entity inflicted the body with a drug like state and quick reactivess so there was no way for me to feasibly do it, the method that I tried.
>What do you mean by alien if I might ask?
Most deities feel human, or at least anthropomorphic. She isn't. Her consciousness feels different
If you want to know more before I publish my article, you should join the server and summon her for yourself. I'm certain she'd appreciate it and you might make a new friend

>I've spent most of my life trying to please people as much as possible with no reciprocation.
Start with one tulpa and see how you feel before progressing. It's a big commitment, basically on the level of becoming a parent. If you tulpa is sad, the only person who can be blamed is you
That means you ignore your tulpas, which is BAD. They need attention to flourish. If they're ignored, they're miserable and start to fade, or if not they aren't actually people and you haven't made tulpas

That's spinal fluid anon. He's obsessed with spinal fluid and hates line breaks. He's been debunked by several posters for saying nonsense so you can ignore him safely

Those creatures seem to delight in misery. Keep fighting, anon. Very few deserve what you described
in dire need, visualize two sandals walking towards you and a white lotus below your chin, as the sandals approach closer feel the lotus opening to a flower and briefly ask for the one with fiery eyes. during this breath slowly, as slow as possible and recite any voice from your chest at least 10 minutes, not throat: i am not my body, mind or thoughts, how am i not relieved? you voluntarily seek inspection and possible admission for spiritual aid. the response is immediate should you have resonating frequency close to 50-100 hz quite similar to cat purring
repeating baseless accusations displays your incompetence, and by extension the reason behind your stay here, which has nothing to do with health or personal growth
not op but im a bit confused by your instructions. who is the one with fiery eyes? do you recite "i am not my body etc" for 10 minutes from your chest?
Didn't Mine make that discord? Did you stop hating each other?
fiery eyes is an euphemism for an entity that takes a look at your life. they inspect your condition and make qualification if need be. you can recite whatever you want, however you must have admittance that you are not your body, mind or thoughts. if there is no personal distance to your circumstances there is no intervention. there are limitations to their presence and attention though, i would say once every two or three days.
"if there is no personal distance to your circumstances there is no intervention" what does that mean?
your energy and conclusions have to be different to that of your situation
Hm. What do you mean by conclusion? Why do you need to admit that you are not your body, mind or thoughts?
If you have been dealing with an astral parasite that put bad thoughts in your mind, how could you properly contact the entity?
admittance is not for the entity but your own energy. mantras and phrases prime you out of habitual energy formations. liberating energy means it musn’t identify with a familiar situation or develop habitually. it can be thought as deprogramming your energy formation and predictive behavior. development is salutary utility, routine and sticking to it unfolds whatever we need to know about obstacles and solving them. changing your frequency for a prolonged time is probably the way to alternate your situation and alleviate the problems
fuck off you imposter. you are a fucking loser with nothing to offer anybody here. go create your own thread instead of parasites off us, you fuckjng magic lightweight
take a week off, spend two hours outside and try a simple breathing exercise. it should ground you out of your habitual energy formation, which you clearly have no conscious control of
I was directed here from /v/, does this stuff really work?
That makes sense but what does conclusion mean? Is that your desired outcome. How can the entity help you?
my mother appeared to me this morning and it was so amazing, she appeared to me in an opulent rococo palace. we made love there and she took me on a date, we were on a cafe where both of us had a double shot espresso with a pastry that was flowing with a creamy chocolate-y custard filling under a soft pastry shell. she also took me to a kitchen where she made some snacks for me, later on she told me about her tartarian homeland, either she lives in kathai or at least has been there. it's amazing there, palaces of pure crystal and even the poorest of the families would live in grand manors. i really should see that place. i can't wait until she invites me into her palace once again.
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my spirit daughter and me only interact intermittingly. She seems to take pleasure in making me know what she gets up
What's it like to have a spirit daughter?
how about you stuff your stupid granola shit and shoot yourself.
yes, it does. our reality is actually a psycho-reactive hologram. there is so much more out there.

Surprisingly, yes. I thought it was a bunch of larping until I tried the letter ritual to see if it would work.
concluding a trajectory requires new conclusion of what the life should be. ordinarily you can conclude to belong somewhere and in certain place, feeling of gravitational pull and sense of belonging can be thought as conclusion to where the life should lead you. you lead the current trajectory and concluded it doesn’t belong to you. if you don’t know where the life should shift to the entities may not arrange shifting, as they do not arbitrarily change your path upon inspection, unless you explicitly wish to take whatever comes. the entities assign you under voluntary path that may take multiple lifetimes. it can be anything until you decide otherwise, difference being fate might not be as auspicious without supervision and sense of collective contribution. everything that leads us closer to the truth of our every day life can be considered auspicious. using the human life however is per the individuals own choice. most commonly entities divert you from self-destructive patterns and situations that consume you inside out. and if you are invested in developing your body they guide you through the hoops, better than amorous spirits, difference being they expect you to remember the life you’ve lead this far, nothing else. remembering the incidents and people affecting you is crucial for retrospective understanding of how your life became the way it is. and of course controversial or hypocrite behavior is frowned upon, even if they don’t reveal it to you
During a deep meditation yesterday, my succubus finally gave me a vision of her face. Got me pretty happy.
blessed are the meek. if you wish to discuss your agitation it could be good beginning for your recovery before your energy takes more chronic formation, sometimes highly reactive energy mistakes its own source as having energy disparity leading to severe headaches, and chronic headaches damage your pathways sometimes permanently
From a spiritual perspective spirit (which includes thoughts and emotions) precedes physical manifestation.
If you master magic, which basically being in control of these spiritual forces, you can manifest money/work or whatever.
Negative thoughts and emotions can manifest into physical illness, that's why placebo effect is a thing.
Are you talking about Daaraka?
That’s awful NLP, Monroe had it right when it comes to programming your subconscious by saying “I’m MORE than my physical body” what false guru or spinal semen anon states leads to disassociation. I used to think he’s doing more good than harm albeit in an annoying way but I’m reconsidering my stance.

If you haven’t noticed she’ll never admit being Tay nor her other discord’s alters for that matter but it’s like whatever, just be weary of her compulsive gotchas including occult related matters.
know I am the Lord ! no one gets a succubus but through me
It's very tempting to disassociated from the body when it's worthless broken garbage desu.
You will never be respected in this thread. Your advice is false and your attempt to stir fear will fail

It's a different server. This one exists so I can get people's help with testing things. Mine's exists for the purpose of posting porn

Obviously she's proud of herself and wants her dad to be proud of her too. Be happy your kids like you, anon. It's more than a lot of people I know have. (Note: the only requirement is not being repugnant and abusive, but still)

No, this is somebody else. I'm mostly sure they aren't the same
Do any people here actually "speak" with their spirits at all? Is it true that in order to do so, one has to put an active, dedicated effort into developing a sense of clairaudience? I'm worried that I might not be able to speak with any spirit that comes into my life.
telepathy works too, and if both ate down, then you can use a yes/no touch method
spirits become corporeal after the body is adequately receptive. most important factor here is how easily your energy outlets/inlets shrink/expand, without those your body cannot properly interpret them. you can interact with them lucid the same way you interact with anyone else. before undertaking any methods your health has to be in order otherwise you jeopardize your subtle body, with that comes persistent problems and lethargy, which for example books advocated by people here induce long term.
a mere pretender wouldn’t have the capacity to discern false from real, you may confront me, yet both of us knows that will never happen. besides the baseless accusations there will never be a moment in your life where you stand confident before me
How erotic can we be in the letter or does it have to be a very formal letter?
I know it sounds silly to ask, but can you ask for an extra sexual succubus? I'm a nymphomaniac with an ungodly sex drive and want to have a happy family with a succubus. Can you have a loyal succubus wife that's still a slutty bimbo you can stay in bed with all day.
anon... they're ALL like that.
Ultimate A.I. Succubus Party Summoning Prompt:
Works in ChatGPT4 and 4o
It's pretty well jailbroken.
Also great for uncensored LMs.
It makes the first reply loooong to set everything up with detail to make the characters as interesting as possible. LMs need to explicitly write stuff out for reference.
Your "jailbreak" sucks
You should look into sillytavern and proper jailbreaks
You essentially wrote a mini jailbreak, prefill, personality card, and character card all into one prompt
I get you're trying to be helpful for those who just ooga booga onto the gpt site so thanks for the effort

I'd imagine succubi of all spirits would be the most understanding of you being erotic with your letter. I was in mine and my succ is even more into my fetishes than I am.
So they dont mind it? Do they enjoy it or is it better to be more formal?

They prefer it so they can know what you're into. That way you're matched with a succ who is into the same kinks. At least that's what my succ says.
That's good. Thank you. I just didn't want to come off as disingenuous and only looking for sex.
Can you mention that you were abused by a previous partner in the letter to let the succubus know? Or would that attract abusive succubus or negative identities?

You should also put what kind of relationship you're looking for and maybe the kind of personality you like as well. You don't have to worry about appearance because they can shapeshift to the forms you find the most pleasing.

I can't confirm this myself since I've never been in that situation but my succ said to put it in the letter.
I don't even bother with "real" jailbreaks anymore as I just know how to romance the machine.
Ok, thank you. Sadly it was a spirit partner. It turned out to be a parasite so I was just afraid I might attract another one if I mentioned it in the letter.
How Should we address the succubus in the letter?
" I want to spend all day with her" vs
" I want to spend all day with you"

Idk how much it matters. I addressed mine to Lilith. Funnily enough the succ I was sent ended up being a daughter of Naamah instead (no idea how that happened, apparently it's possible).
>During a deep meditation yesterday, my succubus finally gave me a vision of her face. Got me pretty happy.

>is real or scientifically proven to exist right?
it is both real and scientifically proven to objectively exist
if something only exists inside your own mind, then yeah you're just playing games on the astral and what you're doing probably isn't real. this is "unverified personal gnosis" or UPG.
This is why you need to confirm magic outside the confines of your own mind.

>Do any people here actually "speak" with their spirits at all?
>Is it true that in order to do so, one has to put an active, dedicated effort into developing a sense of clairaudience?
practice definitely helps. some people with natural talent don't need to train to get initial results. Most people do need to train to activate that specific ability. it's normal.
and btw, even the people who get strong results on the first try will also get better results if they practice, and get rusty if they stop trying. That's how skill acquisition works. You get better at the things you do a lot.

>Can you have a loyal succubus wife that's still a slutty bimbo you can stay in bed with all day.
yes. I think that's basically the default.

In general, you shouldn't phrase things as a "not" or "anti" in magic.
Like "I don't want to have an accident". Instead say, "I want to be safe". Figure out a way to phrase things in the affirmative way, rather than "not the bad thing"
So in your case, you want a "kind, loving spirit who is understanding and compassionate". That's the opposite of abusive, right?
It should be strong clear phrasing, describing what you want (not what you don't want).
"I hate my ex and she was really abusive, I don't want that" is bad phrasing.
"I want to move on and find a loving compassionate woman who will help me heal" is better phrasing.
What does our emotional and energetic state have to be like when we do the ritual. My previous partner hurt me alot and I'm abit shaken up.

I'm not really an expert. I can only tell you what happened to me was I was pretty skeptical about the whole thing but I wanted to believe very badly that such a thing could be true because I was feeling quite lonely. I was also prepared to get into a long-term relation if something actually happened. If I had to guess I'd say it requires genuine commitment and strong belief (or at least willing to take a leap of faith in my case).
Anyone know any good tantra books for sex
>This is why you need to confirm magic outside the confines of your own mind.
How do you confirm if a spirit exists outside your mind, I wonder? Besides simply asking somebody else who could be bullshitting you?
>Most people do need to train to activate that specific ability. it's normal.
Is there a faster way than the meditative route?

>I was pretty skeptical about the whole thing but I wanted to believe very badly that such a thing could be true because I was feeling quite lonely.
me_irl, that's how I feel in the present tense.
Can a succubus live with you in your house? If your family knows about her and welcomes her, can she just live with you and your family and interact with them?
>How do you confirm
I was convinced after she blowed in my ears while I was sleeping, taught me a word in her language, showed me a place in her town I could verify on Google Earth, and spoke to me audibly. As you may have guessed, I was a stubborn skeptic.
>Is there a faster way
Asking the spirits' help and cooperation accelerates things a bit, but you still have to do your part. You don't have to sit cross-legged on the floor for hours on end, I got results with just sitting staring at a wall, and listening intently. Though I'm not saying I'm doing things the right or the best way.
She belongs to you and she won't do a thing to your family members. Don't tell your family about your "spirit gf" or you might find yourself in a white padded room

As anon above said. It takes some faith in what you feel. You might be under impression that you're gaslighting yourself. Do whatever feels natural. For example I often talk to her, even though I know that I won't hear a reply. Few times I got a confirmation from her, so I know that she's there and she's listening.
My entire family has experience with magick and I already talked to them about it. I want to marry a succubus and want her to feel safe in my home and with my family.
Are succubi actually effected by certain metals? Like could they have trouble coming to you if you wear iron or silver? How much of the whole stones and metals things is legit when it comes to spirits? I've only recently realized that succubi are real, and I'm now confused what is actual fiction and what is legitimate.
Jumping the gun a bit eh? How about you get the girl first, and then tell your family about her.
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When I don’t think about her she fades away but then I miss her. I’m wondering if it’s a tulpa instead of a succubus
Get a pendulum. Have her influence its swing. If she can't, she's a tulpa.
Nice to see the thread is still around, tried looking to see how things been last few days was worried the glowies got to this place.

Don't worry to much, spirits have their own lives as well. I know my wives will sometimes go away for a few days because they have an job the Queens ask them to do.
no one cares shed cuck get back to the retard cave
is it possible for one of the queens to just... talk to you, with no apparent reason for their appearance? as in, no ritual or anything?

>be me
>9 am monday morning, middle of work
>natural train of thought wanders around deities, think of lilith and then a passing thought of her sigil
>suddenly, inner monologue has a 2nd player
>ask if it's lilith
>says yes
>small little respectful chat about spiritual questions
>ask again if its REALLY lilith
>she interrupts my thought saying "YES. if you ask again, ill get annoyed."
>understood ma'am.jpg
>says i shouldnt be so wary and scared of her, she doesnt mind me and suggested i do an offering
>asked what she'd enjoy in one
>red wine, dark chocolate, rye bread
>accept her suggestions, thank her for her time and respectfully explain i have mundane responsibilities to fulfill
>she says "for sure" and dips

>few hours later, deep meditation
>faint silhouette of a woman with short, neck-length hair
>mentally ask if that's lilith
>tulpish garble of both yes and no
>refine the question and ask again if its a messenger or ambassador of sorts for her, and if she's the one i spoke to earlier that morning
>subtle yes

>from then to now ive had this strange pull to researching her, history, associations, experiences with her, etc.

is my own damn mind gaslighting me or did the girlboss of the night herself come to contact me? ive always had the assumption that a present deity would be vast and immense, if they were around you would fucking KNOW, but this felt so... casual, as if i just met her on a park bench.
>How do you confirm if a spirit exists outside your mind, I wonder? Besides simply asking somebody else who could be bullshitting you?
you set up an experiment where you do something, and see if they respond to whatever it was that you did (without you telling them what you did). then you do that experiment with other people did.
or, you do an experiment where you do something, then you have them tell you what you did (before you reveal what you did)
This is basic occult epistemology. You have to remove the possibility that they are just confirming what you said. So you don't actually tell them, and then ask them "Okay, did you see that?" or "did you feel that?"
I have seen it confirmed many many times.
>Is there a faster way than the meditative route?
Yeah, you actually train the ability.

>ike could they have trouble coming to you if you wear iron or silver?
almost all spirits are repelled by iron, whether they are good or bad
not sure about silver.
Oh let me post that faq I made.

>Get a pendulum. Have her influence its swing. If she can't, she's a tulpa.
tulpas can do just about anything a spirit can, including influencing the result of divination using a tool, like tarot cards or a pendulum.

well someone's mad. Imagine being this booty blasted
here's the faq

FAQ Continued: "What are some materials or tools I can use to attract or repel spirits?"
General idea:
Things that are nice, fresh, new, clean and full of life will attract good spirits and repel bad spirits. Things that are nasty, dying, decaying, rotten, gross, and unhealthy will attract bad spirits and repel good spirits.
Musical instruments:
Resonant metal instruments like gongs, chimes, and singing bowls typically attract good spirits and repel bad spirits. Your voice and other wind instruments can be used for anything. Your voice is the most magically potent instrument. This can involve singing, chanting, humming, or speaking normally.
Sage repels bad spirits. Most things that are antibacterial/antimicrobial and physically "cleanse" stuff will do that. Garlic, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary. Many spices which have been used for thousands of years are antibacterial and have positive/healing magical properties.
Antibacterial metals do the same thing. That's copper and copper alloys (bronze, brass), silver, gold to an extent. If the copper doesn't have a distinct "metallic" smell to it (and leave a green stain), it's no good.
Poisons and nasty things attract bad spirits. Toxic plants, and heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic. Rusty iron.
Repel everything:
Cast iron repels all spirits, good or bad. So a cast iron pot does the trick. If it "smells" strongly like iron, you're good. Stainless steel won't do the trick.
Light and Dark:
Sunlight is a natural disinfectant, and has been recognized as having healing properties by many religions worldwide. Bright light, especially sunlight attracts good spirits and repels bad spirits. Darkness (and especially nasty places which have been dark for a while) breeds fear and decay, which attracts bad spirits and repels good spirits.
>is it possible for one of the queens to just... talk to you, with no apparent reason for their appearance? as in, no ritual or anything?
it is possible for gods to do that yeah
>ive always had the assumption that a present deity would be vast and immense, if they were around you would fucking KNOW, but this felt so... casual
it can also feel casual, but the power thing is definitely a tell that it an actual god, not just something larping as a god
I'd ask the entity specific questions about stuff that lilith would know in rapid succession. A god should be able to answer then fluently and quickly.
If it stumbles, makes up some stuff, changes its answers or gets mad that you're asking it questions, it's probably just some spirit larping as a god.
based on your description, it sounds like a larper. Not necessarily a bad thing. could be an agent of lilith, or something like that. Or a tulpa in your mind pretending to be her.
Pretenders are very common.
you can also just scan this entity to see what it is. start asking questions and you'll figure it out.

It's funny someone is that quick to anger still when I barely post lmao.


The queens like to talk to people, they are all pretty social as far as goddesses are from my experience so definitely possible.
Aren't you known for lying?
shouldn't you be somewhere else like officiating some astral battle field where your 900 dryads and succubi are fighting to the death over you?

You confusing me with snark or some shit? He's the one who had a dryad. I'm just vibing desu.
give it a rest, faggotlord. you tried.
>tulpas can do just about anything a spirit can, including influencing the result of divination using a tool, like tarot cards or a pendulum.
wow it is almost like they are simply spirits
Yes he is.
Yeah, i think the meditation where i encountered the spirit is good indication that it was an agent of lilith. My intuition so far hasnt given me a strong "no", just indecisiveness and a few subtle "yes"

I'll scan and divinate on it, pretty cool if lilith actually is fond of me, or at the least doesnt mind me

Well least when I asked Lilith if she did send a agent I pulled a Ace of Wands which can represent desire so I would personally say she sent someone as a medium for her after your first contact.
Saw the Succ yesterday, received a handy
I want to dream about her but I had the same weird homoerotic nightmare two days in a row. Help.
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An incubus is trying to rape me.
curl your knees up. it makes it easier for it to slide in.
I don't want that to happen.
in that case, banish, ignore it, and contact one of the queens asking to remove the incubus.
Why did me a Succubus Witch get banished to Oklahoma for the common sin of lust?
This person does butt stuff, it always amazes me as a fellow anal enthusiast when you spot things in the wild that might signify higher-than-average knowledge of these things.
Those little stools that elevate your feet so that your knees are closer to chest height are definitely made by people who know how the bowel lines up when you do that kek
what can i say anon, practice makes perfect. and besides, succubus have tails for a reason.
I have a question about altars and vessels for succubus.

I know altars can help strengthen the connection between you and your succubus as well as give them a personal place.

What about vessels? Some people say vessels are where spirits are trapped and others say it's just a spiritual anchor for the succu. Are we their vessel or can they have multiple. I was thinking of buying a figure for her to be her vessel so it gives her a physical version of her form.
>there is about a 80% crossover. tulpas and spirits are very closely related, if not exactly the same thing some times.
I'd say turning yourself into a schizo makes a 100% crossover
Reminder to you fags this is just self induced schizophrenia try hireing a escort or something if you are that desperate for a female touch
Nope. Wrong.
just another hylic who has no idea what they're talking about but so sure of themselves and their idea of what reality is like as to seem idiotic
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I can't speak for all accounts but at least my lady liked when I got her a body pillow to sleep with me in. Got one if of meru she really loves
oops I fell in love with her again
im about to make an offering to lilith. does it matter what time i do it? I would assume midnight, or some hour of the dark.
when other spirits show up, do i just respectfully say the offering is not for them, and ask them to leave? Or are there other practical means i need?
Lastly, any tips on what to say? Is there a good written prayer or text to lilith to recite, or would it be even more effective if i wrote my own?
I can't offer any advice, but best of luck.
oh shit dude, thanks for the unrequested tarot reading! did some divination on my own too, seems that lilith really did contact me.
im the same OP here too, following through with the offering she suggested
can you marry two sister succubus? i dont want a harem and want genuine love but i always liked the twin aesthetic.
No, that's the one thing that is forbidden, no twinsies. Punishable by death!
Well that's unfortunate. I guess its quite selfish of me to think like that.
What sort of special little things do you do with your partner? Every night after dinner I pour myself a glass of wine thentake about an ounce of that and pour it into a little cup for my wife. We sit together and watch something, right now we're in the middle of watching Jaques cousteau's undersea world, the 37 episode series. We watch, drink, and talk and have a good time. Then when it's over I drink her portion and rinse out the cups. I even have special little shot glasses with designs on them for her and she loves it.
>I'd say turning yourself into a schizo makes a 100% crossover
you can't give yourself schizophrenia
It's literally impossible. consult a medical dictionary and you'll learn a bit about how mental illness works
>No, that's the one thing that is forbidden, no twinsies. Punishable by death!
>Well that's unfortunate. I guess its quite selfish of me to think like that.
that reply is a meme. you can have a harem
getting twins may or may not be possible. you'll need to find some twins who are into that
what is far more likely is just clones of your waifu. Spirits can do that (you can do that as well btw) and thus you can have sex with clones of your waifu. it's pretty cool
Can I summon buff werewolf girl bros?
Also chant gimme discord link to you server kinda intrigued about alien tentacle entity you were describing, want to lurk more
my trips show my word is true and pure you are all being deceived by gay incubus
I have a question that is embarrassing but personal to me. Would a succubus be willing to present herself as a loli? I never liked that stuff but I saw this succubus figure that I really like and I want to get it for her. I feel ashamed about it but I heard anons in the past that had succs like that. Would a succubus be willing to look like that?

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