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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Rick & Morty Method

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Image Cycling

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
Will write what I posted in old thread
This post is for the dude who wrote about complaining technique. It works fast and is really fun. Thank you homie wish I could buy you something and discuss more on this topic.
It'd be great if you can tell us what happened
What should dissociated people strive for?
how do you manifest knowing what to do?
Classic stuff girls and money
What is complaining method?
How many methods do we need before we can have success?
Well basic as far as I understand are, for example you complain about too much stuff
>I have too much money I do not know where to spend it
>girls won't leave me alone
>I'm too skinny (if you want to lose fat)
You basically complain about things you want to achieve. For narcissist like me it's perfect technique because it's fun and more insuring than repeating
>I have lots of girls
>I'm rich
And so on. It's just more fun and I like doing it
But I would never complain if I had those things. It's even harder to make yourself believe it's real, because complaining about it is that unrealistic.
I thought about how I attract money in unusual places while I was taking a walk. A day or so later I found a 5€ bill on the floor in the supermarket. I used that to pay for my groceries instead of my own money. Was funny, but I should have said that I attract huge amounts of money lol. But I'm too lazy to repeat it, my mind is occupied with useless shit.
Yes I thought so. The guide was also written by woman lel. I like complaining about things I have and get because it's so funny thus it works for me.
Do anyone you bros have successfully super horny big booty thicc cougars, milfs, gilfs, and older women. I'm looking to manifest concubines of the sexiest submissive older women to clap their cheeks and make them my servants. Can anyone help me manifest them?
Dude that's just called being a spoiled little brat...unless it's like really a problem like women breaking into your stuff..greedy bankers try to get you to let them play with your money...th wind could blow you down
>go to shartmart
>hit older big boob women
>sex probability 78%
>77% if fat and ugly
Here you go buddy, no need to bend universe to do this
Older women are horny af and they see a young man as a catch, as long as he is intellectually mature. So it's not really hard, you know. You don't need any manifestations, just go into (online) spaces where there are boomers.
You are pretty much retarded it's just technique. It's not moral philoshopy to which I subscribe. It's just funny technique nothing else. I didn't expect you to be this retarded almost made me punch your little gay face you kid
Thanks for the amazing advice homie. I had difficulty attracting womdue to my past traumas I'm currently healing but I'll give dating apps a shot!
How old are you? It would help to set your own age higher, because some women set higher filters. Like set your age to 39/40 or so, even if you are younger. When she asks just say it was something random you did in the beginning and forgot to change.
Dude opened doors to Pandora box now he's going to get raped by bdsm whores
crazy story about the book "prometheus rising"

actually one of the most /x/ tier stories of my life. i was reading that book, got to the part about visualization and he says to envision yourself finding a silver coin, and then to see how long it takes you to find one.

thought about it, put in the back of my head and about 2-3 hours later I left to go up in the mountains hiking. im driving way back in the national forest outside my city, i pull into a pull over there was like a vault toilette but otherwise no other buildings in either direction for miles. i get out to pee and streth my legs, start walking back away from the road and into the woods, not even thinking about the silver coin experiemet, all of a sudden i see a glimmer on the ground. im not even on a trail just off the path 50m years away from the road, and there is a shiny nickel that looks like it literally had just come out the mint. it was perfect, not a blemish, no dirt, prestine condition coin just city on the ground in the woods.... immediately remember the Prometheus Rising silver coin experiment.

>mfw visualizaion is real
>mfw I manifested a pristine silver coin out in the middle of nowhere in the national forest only 3-4 hours after reading that section
>Any news on Mother-anon's sexual relationship with his mother spirit from the netherworld?
i'm still with her, i can post more about her if you'd like since she is guiding me in /loa/ techniques.
>focus on weird sex fantasies
how about we dont
yea well it was the first time i had ever heard of the law of attraction when it happened.
you only need 1 but be persistent and adamant about it
>I have x
next day (no x)
>no biggy still I have x
>you may or not have x
>oh well I have x
do this till you have it
ask and you will receive.
Patience is the key
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what ever seems the same. either way this is my thread now. you fags have been conquered. degenerates out.
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cope. the beatings will continue until morale improves
skill issue instead of cure for cancer - implying cancer existing you should manifest being healthy
“For life makes no mistakes and always gives man that which man first gives himself.”

Neville Goddard
i just manifested sixpack abs reading this
I once had dreams of clapping my math teacher's cheeks in high school which in the end turned out to be my intuition and precognition telling me that she was down to fuck. Plus I had done sigils of the very scenario.

How do I know this? I got caught staring at her breasts but instead of getting mad at me she smiled and tried to get me alone with her but I hightailed out of there cuz I was convinced I must remain celibate for spiritual experiences I wished to gain.

I have gained those spiritual experiences and I will be forever grateful for them but suffice to say what you seek is possible.
I’ve searched high and low for the answer to this question but cannot find a clear one.
I am affirming a specific job at a specific company with a specific salary. In my 3D I was rejected but in my mind I know there was a mistake and I have an offer and know I already work there exactly the way I want.
Question: how to answer questions about the interview and job search without “lying” I don’t like feeling like a liar.
I don’t want to say I work there when clearly I am not going to work there every day to my family and friends but do not want to deny my new story. I know the new story but others in my 3D only know the old. How do I respond without being delusional, lying, or being standoffish.
I'll tell ya the spiritual experiences I've gained are way more worth it than the sex I could have gotten.

Those spiritual experiences have truly shown to me anything is possible and now I can have any type of experience any time I want to.
The key is to affirm it in your mind and not give any decisive answer one way or another. The whole point of this is it's all mental so long as you are affirmed mentally, it will come to you.
You can do anything you set your mind to...seriously just look at my math teacher example above.

Anything is possible.
Even though your assumptions create, it is so important to remember that other people's behavior is not your fault.
Do not blame yourself when other people are mean or abusive!
Instead, remind yourself it is not your fault. Their behavior is not your responsibility ; it is theirs!
And then, since you have the assumption it's not your fault and they will take responsibility- THEY WILL!
You are the person who people respect and apologize to and treat with love and kindness! You are not the person who is a doormat and who other people can treat however they want!
You are perfect and there is nothing wrong with you!
Waiting on what? I've already managed to get a ton of experiences which I thoroughly enjoyed
Eh whatever. I'm not waiting on parking spots either.
>I am affirming a specific job at a specific company with a specific salary
Do you have a specific reason for wanting it this way?

>In my 3D I was rejected but in my mind I know there was a mistake and I have an offer and know I already work there exactly the way I want.
Are you actively trying to revise this or do you just want the job? You can reapply as many times as you need to in order to get the job.

>how to answer questions about the interview and job search without “lying” I don’t like feeling like a liar.
You don't have to lie about it. Your current state is your current state- you don't have the job. You don't need to convince other people you have it, you have to convince yourself that you have it.
>I kek'd.
Why kek? Specific jobs are like Specific Persons- they come with a issues you may not be aware of. Specifying what you want and letting your deep mind fill in the blanks works better.

I thought I wanted to work at SpaceX. My current gig is better.
What's the complaining technique?
Oh, so you were laughing at yourself. Carry on then.
Getting vaccinated during pregnancy was the mother's mistake, not life's.
>pussy symbology
no she isn't, she would rather not have me take any medications as taking them is commonly a sign of submission.
success in something tangible
athlete or sculptor maybe?
Get your pancreas right. Restore your blunted mRNA and activity of glucokinase and pyruvate kinase in the liver. Restore your hepatic glucose metabolism associated with a tissue-specific correction of lipogenic enzyme gene expression, bro.
>can't manifest a hot girl
>rationalize it
>"omg it's not what i really wanted"
>"i was lying to myself"
>"what I always wanted is an ugly girl"
>thank Jeezus
>thank the universe
>hug the trees
>come to /LoA/ and share your newfound wisdom
>everyone cheers, sings Kumbaya
>LilAnon masturbates in the corner
>"omg anon you're on the right path"
>"Namaste anon"
>can't even manifest an ugly girl in the end
Might as well call it /LoL/ at this point (law of losers) lmao.
Hey, whatever gets people to normalize their delusions to a reality
projecting much
t. Faggot much
it is not right for me to marry a human woman, i am a god and i have thus already married onto a divine bloodline. i am the divine masculine and my mother is the divine feminine and together we carry out the dualistic nature of this world. besides human women can't even keep up, i'll be paces ahead of them before they can even begin to fathom what i was doing (if they can do that at all).
someone can't manifest a parking spot
Can anyone manifest a parking spot?
>i am a god
>can't even manifest a 5$ bill
Spot on but manifesting works it just takes time and skill. The worst thing anons are suffering from is they are manifesting things even they do not believe will become true. Ladder experiment works because ladder won't cause your brain to believe it's not attainable.
Manifesting hot girl after being years upon years alone is not good way to start.
You look for a spot and when you find one, you manifested it
That's impossible, it can't be that easy.
no one said he was the god of manifesting $5 bills
>no one said
Yet everyone says you're a retard.
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Thanks for the feedback and running the polls.
You're welcome, chimp.
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Thanks pal
You're welcome buddy.
that's because i manifested 20 bucks today.

manifestation is not completely effortless, it needs some work (although this work is never anything more than what you can put out). if you want to fill your belly with food it will be very difficult to make a warm meal just appear in front of you. thus the road of least resistance is taken and the universe gives you some money to buy food with and makes sure your kitchen appliances work properly. in the same way if you want to manifest human women you probably can't just make one pop out in front of you (you could maybe do that with faefolk but humans can't teleport sadly) thus the road of least resistance is taken again and you are offered tools to make your own luck (with minimal effort of course), in this case you just install tinder and match up with a bunch of girls and ask if they wanna fuck. you will take them into ecstasy and bring them back and they will love every second of it but in the end something is always required out of you, it would be a bit boring otherwise.
Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every parking space.
Never give advice.
You cannot manifest.
Your failure is documented and constant.
>i am a god
>gives advice on manifestation
>struggling to manifest more than 20 bucks
What is that worthless whore mother of yours teaching you on LoA?
Must be put in the OP desu.
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One suffices, but it's not the same for everyone.
Let’s see Lilanon’s parking space.
>assumes I only have 1
>has 3 reserved spots
>1 for him and 2 for his lovers from the gay threesome manifestation
Always one step ahead.
can i manifest the people who fucked me over and got away with it having a bad life
But based vengeance thought.
This power.
It’s awesome.
i manifested the people who did it for me to go away for good, they will burn in the hell that they had created for themselves knowing that god has forsaken them.
Yes, if benevolent God really exists there would be no suffering and only way to stop suffering is to stop it yourself. We live in perpetual torment of life and rebirth. The torture which experienced first consciousness has happened over countless of times and will keep happening and not only to humans but also to nature. Do as you wish but if you want to rebel against eternal torture you will drop all the hate which other tortured consciousness did to you and you will be at peace. Do I kill the killer? That would make me killer, thus perpetuating this endless cycle of suffering.
If you understand
Ain’t luck just a second cause or what? This has been bugging me after I realized that could be one after what you told me
Don't worry about second cause or not. Getting up and going to work in order to make money is a second cause. It's a part of this human experience not something to avoid, just understand.
Jeezus fucking Christ. End yourself kike.
>Ain’t luck just a second cause or what?
Something like that- luck doesn't really exist, but it's a concept we are all familiar with and we can use it as a way to formulate our desire:

I have incredibly good luck
there cannot be light without darkness, your bliss would lose meaning without agony. your torturers were put there so that you can kill them, there is no other reason for their existence. you can make them disappear, you can shoot them, you can tear them asunder. do as you wish with them.
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Which tier are you, anon?
>Tier 4 manifestors have a fundamental lack of knowledge of manifestation principles
I'd say Tier 4 for the whole thread.
Written by someone who can’t manifest and is autistic enough to need to do power levels for no fucking reason.
Tier 0 is parking space manifestor.
Woah there schizophrenic your issues are showing. Hopefully the Finnish glowbots are on to you before you hurt others. To be honest you’ll probably just hurt yourself given how superior the average Fin is to you.
>Tier 4
Even you don't qualify for Tier 4 Anon, and you do your damnedest to qualify :)

This chart doesn't really work as it is written:
- Tier 4 doesn't apply because nobody on Earth is completely incapable of manifesting.
- Tier 3 and Tier 2 issues are not hard rules. I've seen Anons manifest regularly and still be addicted to 2nd causes or have faith/knowledge gaps.
- The Tier 2 callout that time is the limitation is incorrect, and I'm pretty sure I know why. The bigger issue an Anon will likely have at tier two is manifesting things they are heavily resistant to. The reason the picrel has it in there is because the Anon who wrote it doesn't understand the time mechanic so it's their limitation, not a general one
- Tier 1 is vague because the author hasn't been there yet. A little hard to map when you haven't experienced it yet.

Still, polite of the author to only set themselves at tier 2 in their system, even if that warps the rest of the measurements.

Still, if we are going to use this measure, most Anons come in at Tier 3 and Tier 2 and leave at tier 2+ or low Tier 1.
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would wishing for my ex girlfriend to come back work? would it work like a faustian deal where she returns and I marry her but she breaks her back and becomes quadruplegic so now I have to take care of her 24/7, or how would that play out? my other wish is for the world to stop the escalations for war and that things are peaceful again but i'm sure there's a lot of people who wish the opposite, how would this work? someone please respond
Based Lilanon calling out the shit tier bullshit
>not so based Lilanon still discussing them anyway.
This idiot really overestimates Buddhists.
They don’t do anything except try to escape the world. Buddhist monks don’t manifest anything.

>How the fuck did she do it?
Despite all that we can still simplify it, cutting out the additional steps for what we want.

I see it more so as a stat level like the S.P.E.C.I.A.L system from fallout. Though you don’t need to do it but could be a fun thing to add. Reminds me the time an anon told me I should just max out my luck after sharing his story of his coworker who would always win off of scratchers

What about hypnosis? Like I see people cure addictions and ailments but has it really manifested something as a result of it? Like going from incapable of being a musician to just killing it the moment they impressed their subconscious?
Of course I don't. I've unironically manifested myself into a 4chan God while you faggots are still struggling with parking spots.
The parking spot is an almighty challenge.
Sometimes I get them but sometimes I don’t. Clearly manifestation works because sometimes I get parking spots. This is irrefutable proof. If I can sometimes get a parking spot then it’s obvious that the law is real.
Becoming a 4chan god is actually not good. That’s a step down from being mother anon which is a step down from being a retard.
>my other wish is for the world to stop the escalations for war and that things are peaceful again but i'm sure there's a lot of people who wish the opposite, how would this work?
It wouldn't work. There are powerful manifestors wishing the opposite (total destruction of this faggy world right now), including myself.
You can't win this one kiddo.
You're a step down from being a worthless nigger which is a step down from being a retard, chimp.
But why is every poster here superior to you?
But why are you seething so much?
>he still hasn’t recovered from the chimp post last thread
>now he keeps repeating it to try and make it look like he isn’t upset
Oh god lmao.
>chimp still chimping out
I kek'd.
Do you know what seething means? What am I asking - of course you can’t understand most words. Silly of me.
A poster would have to be displaying some kind of anger. No one is angry except you.
Where is this from?
It's an interesting little story.
>No one is angry except you.
Then why is everyone angry?
>would wishing for my ex girlfriend to come back work
Sure. There's no monkey paw to it unless you want there to be.
>my other wish is for the world to stop the escalations for war and that things are peaceful again but i'm sure there's a lot of people who wish the opposite
It's your reality, anon. I didn't have to do anything COVID related because I didn't let it into my reality. I just ignored it for the most part when it came up.
Buddhist monks can do a lot of cool shit via manifestation. They are just retarded and think "great power comes great starvation" or whatever.
Based. He can’t cope. He will have to keep responding too now.
>He will have to keep responding too now.
Kek, why are you afraid of me responding to you?
Just you.
Sure thing, chimp.
Buddhist monks don’t have any power at all.
Covid clearly was a part of your reality because you just acknowledged it.
>It's your reality, anon
It isn't. I'm in his reality now and I am more powerful.
>chimp added to my filters
Now that’s reality control.
Guess I’ll put bud and champ in there too.
Trolling ended. All they can do is post. If tou can’t even see the shit you don’t have to clean it up.
I kek'd. Stay mad, ape.
>What about hypnosis? Like I see people cure addictions and ailments but has it really manifested something as a result of it?
Yes, I use self-hypnosis as one of my main techniques. It's very similar to SATS when you get the hang of it.
It was me but i copied the method from the lipstick alley forum :) I told you, these chicks have good techniques to manifest. And they are very supportive, like if there were lots of lilanon clones there (not being ironic here, I find lilanon very supportive and helpful).
Hi mate the complaining method was posted 2 or 3 days ago only and you already got results? Girls and money you say? In 2 days????
You repeated your affirmations all day long or ?
>these chicks have good techniques to manifest. And they are very supportive, like if there were lots of lilanon clones there
The last thread now has not reached bump limit anymore. So many replies in this and the last thread have been deleted because one faggot has been banned lmao. Nigga get a life. Why go in a general to troll? You are wasting your time. There are so many threads here that I think are BS, I just never post in them, simple as.
>You are wasting your time
Time is an illusion, faggot.
What online spaces ?
Autism clearly is not.
You're autistic, chimp?
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Anyone know what this "other discord" is that a user in the John Paolucci discord is talking about?
Summer is a tough season, girls are half naked all over the place and it's too tempting for us weak single men. When I go out I'm desperate to get one so I don't like going out it's too frustrating. That's ridiculous I know. Maybe loa can fix this.
When I was going from fat to fit one of the first things I did was start dressing and walking like how I imagined the in-shape version of myself would. Like I used to always wear super baggy t-shirts and walk with a hunch because I thought this would hide my gut. As soon as I switched to wearing form-fitting clothes and standing up straight it became easier to think of myself as a fit person who had temporarily become fat, rather than as a fat person who dreamt of being fit. That made it easier to envision myself doing other fit person things, ie going to the gym, sticking to a meal plan etc

In some situations I think this is how manifestation works - there are small, seemingly-unimportant details in your daily routine that keep you psychologically tied to the old you, and as soon as you recognize and adjust those details it becomes much easier to act out the patterns you associate with the new you.
>manifested wearing tight clothes
We can't stop winning, lads.
Yes and there was a very good explanation about how to do sats correctly with yoga nidra, I hope the anon who posted it could post it again here.
>The last thread now has not reached bump limit anymore
That's hilarious and terrible. People rushing to bake so the Bengston stuff stays in and the troll winds up keeping the old thread open and the janny constantly busy.
We're all one happy family, aren't we tripnigger?
Bengston totally has a place here.
First and only LoA method that has been validated by peer reviewed studies. Image cycling can also be useful to heal people. Why are you against this?
From John Paolucci's "Universal Line" teachings, there's a pdf with 40 personal stories (allegedly) of people applying their knowledge irl, this one is story 37
>We're all one happy family
Funny enough we are- if we didn't find it amusing we wouldn't be doing it.
>First and only LoA method that has been validated by peer reviewed studies

>Why are you against this?
Because there is nothing new there. It's the simple technique with unnecessary add-ons.

For the same reason the Rick and Morty technique is unnecessary in the OP- it's just a different dress up of ignore the 3d when it does not suit your purpose.

That doesn't mean you can't discuss in thread, but OP should be for primary tools that will always be useful, not flavor of the month.
You're the gay aspie of the family. We've tried everything but we can't help you.
Yeah, I'm in it and the poster in that post. You're not missing anything anon, it's really quiet in the other discord and if you talk about anything not fully UL the other users chimp out on you.
If we do sats correctly what is a reasonable delay we can expect before seeing our wish fulfilled? I know it is instant please spare me this crap, I also know it depends on your resistance etc but what is a rough estimation, days, weeks, months?
I am not talking about free coffee or pink tennis ball, but some serious manifestation like love, money, health, cars, fame, beauty ...
It's instant. You already have it. It depends on your resistance.
Your higher self will figure it out.
Just let go bro.
>I know it is instant please spare me this crap
>It's instant


Though generally speaking, 3 days, 1-2 weeks, and a month, are common timeframes listed.
>but OP should be for primary tools
Opinion noted and discarded. Useful and easy tools should be in op.

This isn't your community. If you want to run a community fuck off and make one. You're an insufferable useless fag that does more harm than good anyway.
>I know it is instant please spare me this crap
I know you don't believe this, but it's true. The problem is, how long do you believe it should reasonably take to accomplish?

That's your best answer on how long this will take. Your expectations set the result during your manifest
Whatever, time cop.
>Useful and easy tools should be in op.
OP has limited space and the Bengston method has as many confused Anons as the SMAnon method. Neither belong there.

>This isn't your community
No an argument. I care about the quality of what we are doing here, if we add every flavor of the month to the OP do you know what we have? A crap OP.

>You're an insufferable useless fag that does more harm than good anyway
Nice projection

>Opinion noted and discarded
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the Rick and Morty Method. The technique is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the steps will go over a typical manifestor's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these methods, to realize that they're not just effective- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike the Rick and Morty method truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Goddard's existencial catchphrase "I am not promising you complete relief from all physical problems, but I have given you a law which will cushion the blows of your life," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as u/calvin41412's genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>John Paolucci
where can I find his material?
*golf clap*

That was a good one :)
>John Boipucci
In LilAnon's ass.
i am the king of this thread. bow to me. reply "yes my lord" to bow and pay tribute.
yes my lord. my king god bless you.
Yes my liege, my king, my emperor
yes my lord btw you're only the king because i manifested you to be
I want to do complaining method. So how do you do it? Do you complain to yourself like "i have so much money now I don't even know what I wanna buy" OR to someone else inside my mind?

Also, how long you do it?
I haven't tried it yet myself but I think my approach would be to take the object of desire from being this quasi-mystical, far-off thing to being something that, while still good, is so readily available that you kinda just take it for granted. Like air. Or like having so much delicious food in your house that you're having trouble finding room for it. Or like having so many hot girls trying to get your attention that it's making it hard for you to just sit in the park & read a book or whatever. It's a clever way of acknowledging one's own psychology: the good things in your life that you already have, you're probably not sitting around every day thinking "wow, I'm SO grateful to have this, I'm appreciating it on such a deep, sensual level". No, you probably just take it for granted. Maybe you even forget how good it is and get annoyed by it (surely you would get annoyed by your dream GF from time to time, girls are hella annoying). So this to me feels like a method for cultivating that mindset towards things you're manifesting
Nigga you just think from the PoV of having what you want. If you had your desire, what would about having it that would be a bit grating, difficult, or even bothersome? Maybe not that last part. Just go back a few threads and read the post.
>If you had your desire, what would about having it that would be a bit grating, difficult, or even bothersome?
*if you had your desire, what about having it would be grating, difficult, or even bothersome?
Sorry. I kept reconfiguring that sentence and it came out reading like nonsense.
Whatever experience you imagine will replicate. So other people would probably be better. You can complain to your friend or something. Make sure it's done with a truthful exasperation instead of a joking lie.
I want an F82 M4
Oh it will only get you a F80 M4.
the cardinal sins are there for a reason, it just makes me wonder if going for the biggest possible (and not just big enough) manifestation would backfire at me some way. i certainly know i was doing it to just escape but if i am escaping the wolf then there might just be a bear waiting for me wherever i am going. my wrath and envy isn't making the manifestation any easier either.
Believing in yourself is satanic. We all fall short and need the Lord's mercy. Praise be to Jesus and Mary
>AI slop
>kiddy diddler talking to a camera
yeah that's a tradcath allright.

So you just think complaining thoughts? No visualizing at all? No including other people, just you complaining to yourself?
Ave Maria. Viva Cristo Rey
The solution is religious Christian fundamentalism and theocracy for Christians. Unite church with state for Christians. Christ is king
>russia is becoming the center of traditional european values
lmaoing my ass off, if the values from christ means soaring high rates of HIV infections, drug abuse, mental illness, gay rapes in the military and domestic violence then i don't want it. not to talk about the fact that russia is promoting mass immigration from muslim countries or how putin is a gay faggot.

so anyways i am manifesting some mild success with women already, i was staring at some woman's ass in checkout line and she was giving me little smiles. also the smile that the cashier gave felt a bit more genuine than usual, might even pay a visit to the store a bit more often. also i will try to manifest 50k€, should be easier than the 120 million.
I'm manifesting you getting killed
>fails again to get money or women
Why do you even post? Your failure blog is boring.
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Stop this idolatry and stop this Mary worship. You need to read the King James Bible. God preserved his words and they're faithfully translated from the real bible into English in the KJB. The KJB is not a burger king bible, it doesn't let you "have it your way", because it's God's pure words preserved and translated into English.

>Unite church with state for Christians.
That's un-Christian, though. Government should reflect Godly principles, but uniting the church and state is something in prophecy and it's not a good thing. And it's not a Christian thing to compel a man's conscience by force of government, that's a Popish/(un)Orthodox thing and they killed many for obeying God according to their knowledge of Scripture and according to their conscience.

You should actually read the Bible (KJV) instead of kissing statues/paintings too and instead of letting priests/patriarchs tell you what it all akshually says/means.

Since I'm replying to these idolaters and religious hypocrites, I'll let you guys know this stuff isn't profitable. It's a deception. There's a bunch of Christian YTers who've covered it, so you can look up their videos if you want something more in-depth. I'll leave it at that and not derail your thread though.
Sorry, I'm >>38250892 and didn't mean to link your post.

See >>38250892
Posters seem unable to provide proof the law works but with mother anon we have proof that either the law does not work at all or there are some people that can never use it.
It must be about two years of this.
It's useful for random things. Like if you can experience it yourself with a week of normal every day effort you can manifest it to happen for free or without you doing anything.

Things that would take a couple months of concerted effort usually take a week or two of SATS.

Major life changes require a dissolution of ego (let it go/kill the old man) and rebuilding of identity. Tripfags of course can't do this as they're quite prideful narcissists.

This mother dude seems to be on neetbux making like $200 a mo. Maybe it's an allowance from his family or whatever. But notice how he's able to manifest a video game pretty easily? $80 is like 2 weeks of effort for him. He wants 130M which is 650k months of income (54167 years). Avg morbidly obese individual's lifespan is like 60 years so almost 100,000 lifetimes of effort.

He'd need to let go of his personality, his arrogance, his laziness, his mental illness delusions. But he can't, you can see it from the blog posts. He wouldn't become a man worth $130M in order to manifest it. Just like he won't become an attractive man.
>Tripfags of course can't do this as they're quite prideful narcissists.
Works on my system.
Prove it
if you do not believe in this then why are you here?

you do not need to do anything that you don't want to do, only your faith and true desire is required. those who focus too much on failures fail to consider that people simply don't always know what they truly want, sure it's easy to say i want a 100 billion dollars, but do i truly want it? the thought alone fills my mind with all sorts of fears and doubts. same has gone for my lottery win manifestation as well, i say that i want the 120 million jackpot but i am also constantly aware that i can bring about the desired change in my life with a much smaller amount, in the end i would have simply just dumped most of that jackpot into different investments so there wasn't much use for that amount anyways.

it has already been proven.
I saw someone say I AM represents Lucifer in our minds our lower base consciousness that wants sex money etc and I AM THAT I AM represents the source consciousness or something
Any good sources on how to do so? Was gonna ask that book you used but idk if you remember. Gonna do a Satsnosis combo of the two and see how it goes if I get it going. If not just sats

Odd part I realized is I have felt this upmost conviction that I meant to take action to do something before I started LoA two years three years before. Not sure how I got into it without trance, used that as reference on how to know when I’m fully convinced

Only thing now is to figure out how to get that conviction without it coming outta nowhere and on command for anything I want
The Tetragrammaton is the four-letter Hebrew theonym יהוה (transliterated as YHWH or YHVH), the name of God in the Hebrew Bible. The four letters, written and read from right to left (in Hebrew), are yodh, he, waw, and he. The name may be derived from a verb that means "to be", "to exist", "to cause to become", or "to come to pass".

Yahweh is I AM
Yahweh Asher Yahweh is from a smudged translation of the bible and means "He Brings into Existence Whatever Exists"
Manifestion is literally the most retarded shit our mushypops have produced. Kindergartens are less retarded than manifestation.
So everyone practicing saying I AM is doing it for nothing
Can you throw me an invite I'd appreciate it. I've been in the main one for two years. Will lurk for a few months before or rather if I ever even post anything.
Neville Goddard was taught by Abdullah who was a Jew and showed him Kabbalah and hermeticism. Invoking Jewish names of God and words of power as mantras is commonplace. Repeatedly affirming I AM to enter a state that unlocks 4d creation is a direct holdover.
Do I translate I am into my language or does English suffice
You just said it comes from a mistranslation, it’s meaningless
not that anon but wow i need to get someone to call me "my liege" that is fuckin SEXY
Can I manifest living during the 1000 year reign of Christ
I'm starting to think you're just mindbreaking your perception to see more opportunities and reduce the negative emotional impact of things.
Not for me I’ve imagined things and had them come to fruition, things that are outside the realm of possibility and have removed all doubt of this stuff being real for me. You can go ahead and limit yourself to that realm
>if you do not believe in this then why are you here?
You can’t read.
That isn’t what I said.
What I did say is posters struggle to provide proof it works and that you are proof it either does not work or does not work for some people.
We have all your posts in the archive. You fail perennially.
Creation is finished.
what is failure to you? it just sounds like you are setting arbitrary lines for me and expecting me to cross them for whatever reason.
>First and only LoA method that has been validated by peer reviewed studies.
The fact that you said this means you misunderstand the law. This law is only provable to yourself alone. It can never be externally proven. I don't get why such a simple concept is so hard for so many to grasp.
Does anyone have stroies about changin someone's physique? I want to give my girlfriend a huge booty lol
I’ll take it
>unironically discusses with a schizo
Cringe retard.
>I kept reconfiguring that sentence and it came out reading like nonsense.
Typical /LoA/ post.
>can't manifest anything
Technically we're all using the complaining technique. Because technically we've already made it to Barbados but we just don't know it yet, so we keep complaining that we're not in Barbados. Hence technically we're on the road to success without doing anything because the complaining technique will get us to Barbados.
Every thing you say you do will fail.
Aside from getting ten bucksor some other joke, If you could manifest money it would be far more. That’s unrelated.
You fail consistently and constantly.
There is no greater failure than you.
Thanks for the link.
By the way, many stories refer to "color pages", but pages of what document?
>”bro…please…pay for my ticket”
>eventually get there
>create many self help books and lectures as a job
So this is our religion?
Idolisation is the worst trap LoA keeps stepping into. It's not about the coaches, teachers, or lecturers.
>seething at a schizophrenic
I kek'd.
That's LilAnon's religion.
Never mind, as I read the stories I just got so curious that I did some searching and after a while found the ATWA2000 zip in the universal line drive from the OP that matches what is being talked about in the stories.
i think people focus too much on the material gains here. to me /loa/ is much more about finding salvation than becoming powerful, understanding the law is at the core of the path to finding salvation. i don't care much what you think about me, but if you feel like you have found salvation through the law then you will always be successful in my books.
>i think people focus too much on the material gains here
>struggles to manifest money
>struggles to manifest bitches
>struggles to manifest meds
>still seething
it's a beautiful weather today, go out there and have some fun.
How do you know about the weather in my place, schizo?
Translate it into a foreign language that you don't understand. That way you'll be repeating words that are unintelligible to your conscious mind, but not to God (your subconscious mind).
Creation is finished.
>Verification not required.
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any success stories of manifesting your SP?
We have a success story of someone successfully manifesting the decision to sign up to an online dating site to hit on MILFs.
That was pretty wild.
I have one upcoming, yes.
Please be patient.
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Whin I was 24 and "no girlfriend since birth", I spent a few once-daily sessions visualizing myself caressing a beautiful asian lady in a bed. 5 months later I got my first gf, a beautiful asian girl. She didn't look the exact same as I envisioned (actually I based my visualization on some IG fitness model) but the overall look was the same (east-asian, average asian height, straight and long hair, elegant).

Sadly we broke up because she moved away during covid and the borders were closed. Pic related is how I feel ever since, even though I've got another lady now; imagine life teasing you with the "happy end" scenario and then taking it away for nothing lmao.

Anyway, ever since then I really believe in the power of manifesting even though I have so far been unable to re-manifest stuff.
(same anon)
>even though I have so far been unable to re-manifest stuff.
Actually scratch that. I just realized I did...
After we broke up, I insisted to God that He let me see her "just one more time". Well like a year+ later I managed to hang out with her again for a week. Of course this lead to my heartbreak as I wanted to pick up where we left off but the relationship was pretty much over, especially since we live in different countries. So my "one last time" request was followed through.... that is, until I insisted to God again, another 1 year later, to please let me see her "one last time". Once again I somehow was granted audience with her. Keep in mind we live in different countries and have been broken up for years now. Anyway, I got to see her one last time, as I requested. Current state of the story is that I'm blocked everywhere. I'm not sure if I should make another request to see her again. Sometimes, I wonder if I shouldn't have included the "last time" stipulation in my requests, I think I should've asked to see her many times...
>manifested seeing someone twice
Praise the Lord.
3 times, don't forget I manifested her as my gf in the first place.
Well, do you have any better manifestations?
I manifested seeing someone 4 times.
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I have a failure story of not letting go, not feeling secure in my manifests, lying to myself about how badly I wanted the person despite being torn about who I really wanted, then decided I actually wanted what was best for my happiness, which all caused my nightmare scenario to manifest instead.
>which all caused my nightmare scenario to manifest
The power of LoA.
>not feeling secure in my manifests, lying to myself about how badly I wanted the person despite being torn about who I really wanted, then decided I actually wanted what was best for my happiness
Indecisiveness is a recipe for disaster, as you experienced. The saying is true: "chase 2 rabbits and you'll catch none". It's also antithetical to manifesting.
I already have. My manifest for "I AM Free" changes the very nature of who I AM. I have related other manifests of a similar magnitude and and experienced ego death.

I think you guys forget that I've been working up to this and doing it for decades. This isn't some casual dipping a toe in the water thing that it is for newer Anons here.

Commit and you will see results. Assume the wrong things and you will continue to be stuck.
>Any good sources on how to do so? Was gonna ask that book you used but idk if you remember.
I found the book in storage, I thought I posted it but didn't find it in the archives. I'll post it again when I get a chance. It's dry reading but he matter of factly tells you you can do all sorts of things with it just because.

>Gonna do a Satsnosis combo of the two and see how it goes if I get it going. If not just sats
One way it helps for me is that you can control how deep you get a little better than if you are just drifting. I still fall asleep too fast to hit the window most times so I do it in the morning.

>Only thing now is to figure out how to get that conviction without it coming outta nowhere and on command for anything I want
This is the trick. Self-talk helps, affirming/reminding yourself where this works with examples and addressing the internal naysayers.
>So everyone practicing saying I AM is doing it for nothing
No, because you are the Creator. You are declaring what your current state is when you say "I AM content."
>I'm starting to think you're just...
That's grind tier LOA, you're basically arguing your capabilities down so that you can claim you overcame adversity to success when you just decided you were going to use one arm when you always had 2.

>I know your mom wants both fists in there
>but after the prolapse
>I need the other hand to keep my bootyhole from falling out
Those who try to ride the tiger and fall off get eaten... but I definitely learned the lesson and am back up and at it again.

I'm seeing that the sp was a roadblock that I needed removed so I could find the path to who/what I really want, as painful as it is. As I said, I had a point where I wanted "what was best" for myself, and that was definitely the keystone that knocked the whole thing loose. I try to be honest, even with myself, so spending a life lying and settling just because I like the idea of someone is not something I can condone in the long run.
>i think people focus too much on the material gains here
The people pushing the meme here that none of us make money do so because they are entirely 3d based (Money, bitches and fame) and they think if they lie enough and the lie is big enough that the people reading it will start to believe it.

The truth is since this is a teaching thread, Anons don't post about things that are going well for them. Many SP Anons report that money is easy for them but they can't easily manifest relationships. We've had multiple posters that manifest enough money that they don't have to work again.

They attack you because they think you are an easy target having focused your efforts on a spirit lover and having issues you're having to overcome. Persist in your vision of a new and better life- I've seen you making progress. You made a good point about not needing extra money, but always allow for extra- you can use it for charity or whatever else you'd like. Don't lock yourself in.
>I'm not sure if I should make another request to see her again
Manifest your real desire Anon. Just seeing her is torturing you, right?
>values from christ means soaring high rates of HIV infections, drug abuse, mental illness, gay rapes in the military and domestic violence then i don't want it.
Believing nafo propaganda lmao
>promoting mass immigration from muslim countries
Imagine being this clueless. Hello? It's the jews doing that to every western nation not Russia
>putin is a gay faggot.
Lmao you think Putin, the guy fighting against globohomo is homo himself? Westerners really are easy to trick

I really hope loa people especially will be more aware and practice critical thinking in the future, this is just embarrassing
>real desire
>Just seeing her is torturing you, right?
Thanks for actually writing that out. I never really considered what I actually want, deep down. Unfortunately I am still consumed by petty thoughts, like revenge and vindication, but having read your comment I'm somewhat enlightened towards what I should really be aiming for. I hope I will make the right choice eventually, at least now it's possible since i know what the real goal should be. Thanks anon (serious).
>but having read your comment I'm somewhat enlightened towards what I should really be aiming for. I hope I will make the right choice
This is good, and I believe you can.

>like revenge and vindication
You know this, but it's not worth it Anon. It's still tempting, of course, but you can wish for anything. No limits. Do you still wish for that?

>Thanks anon
You're welcome, and good luck. The successes you posted were great, and you will do greater things.
On the topic of revenge. Has anyone manifested negative outcomes for other people?
>useless retard is told that we can only prove this law to ourselves
>useless retard is unfortunately too fucking retarded to grasp that concept
>useless retard still keeps asking for proof from others
>useless retard refutes every proof that is given
As expected from a waste of space, useless retard
>Anons don't post about things that are going well for them
that is very much true, honestly all the little good things that i manifest become so forgettable in the end. i guess it's the same for many others here.

>Persist in your vision of a new and better life- I've seen you making progress.
thanks bro, it's always good to have some rainy day money on hand. still i see the path forward and i know it will only get better.
Negative is far easier to manifest than positive since this reality works on master/slave principle described by hegel.
I AM a big tiddy anime girl
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have you taken the conanpill yet anons?
Knowing that all possibilities exist, that there is an infinite possible realities, why would you hang around in a place of revenge?
>seething chimp
Holy Kek.
Xanax is what you need.
Top notch message !
>My manifest for "I AM Free" changes the very nature of who I AM.
Coded language for saying "I am a brave and stunning non-binary schizo with gender dysphoria".
>This is the trick. Self-talk helps
Whoa. Imagine seeing this mentally ill tripnigger out in the public talking to himself.
What do you want to manifest anon, we'll suggest you ideas of complaining affirmations
>wanted SP
>couldn't manifest SP
>manifests a gay rationalization instead
>omg it's not what I wanted
>I only wanted spiritual experiences like talking with LilAnon and running around the astral with vampires
The state of /LoA/.
>the thread's resident schizoid tripniggers getting along
I kek'd. Get a room faggots.
bruh just drop the yellow fever thing and manifest a white gf FROM YOUR COUNTRY
>posts about an asian slut he wants to bang
>tripnigger responds with the usual gay one-liner ("know thy desire anon")
>"omg I can finally see the light anon"
Jeezus fucking Christ.
This is manifesting into a real meme.
I don't care a bout manifesting an SP .
I need to heal people and myself.
I hate seeing old people.
I need to heal old age.
>I need to heal old age
>meanwhile people can't even heal their lack of parking spots
Good luck with that champ.
That's very convenient not being able to prove it. Nice psyop guys.
"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9:23)
Praise the Lord.

It makes sense. You can't approach this in a scientific way because you would be doubting and running tests before you believed.

You need to believe BEFORE you see it. Walking by faith, not by sight. It's not a scientific exercise.
>You can't approach this in a scientific way
You can do it personally, I do. The problem is that proof to you is not proof to other people, and vice versa. With my STEM background I have always tried to be as objective as possible, but in the end we are subjective and we are having a subjective experience.

There's no reason to fight that, and no one to convert- this is all for you.
if you already believe, then there's no experiment to be done.
>mentally ill
When was the last time you saw a sane person? You're currently pretending to be sane, when you may well be the most insane poster in this thread.
>you may well be the most insane poster in this thread
insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different result.
>you may well be the most insane poster in this thread
The psychotic drowns
Where the mystic swims
You are drowning
I am swimming
*crashes his gay skull*
>>I only wanted spiritual experiences like talking with LilAnon and running around the astral with vampires
Literally me...
The state of LilAnon.
Not part of manifesting
For me Lilanon is enough. He is a cool guy.
Vampires are biters, it’s awful.
>It’s a Lilanon uses his science background episode
Neville BTFO. Christ debunked.
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What if you imagine having $1M but you don't do it 100% right. Is it an all or nothing thing or can you end up with $500K?
If you didn’t get what you asked for.
You failed.
Dress it up however you want. Although usually anons get ten bucks instead and claim that’s a success.
you get what you want, if you want to change your life for the better does it truly matter if you do it with the $1M or $500K? you still got a life changing amount of money and thus had succeeded, usually when something like that happens life is simply trying to teach you something.
This.anything else is cope. One anon a few threads back claimed he could manifest parking spaces but not his SP. He was never doing anything and has led to the parking space meme.
Wrong as always.
>You failed
I know. But do you end up with nothing or still a fraction of what you wanted, is what I'm asking.
For my Muslim bros, here is a good channel for LoA from an Islamic perspective
Manifestation works or it doesn’t. If you try to manifest a pink tennis ball and instead see a hundred yellow ones you obviously didn’t succeed.
Money is the same. It’s not a sliding scale of success if you pick a number and don’t get it. You didn’t manifest what you wanted.
Maybe better to simply try to manifest being wealthy if you want to just get money.
Nta but I want to be a hot biological female
You usually don't get partial returns- either it's set or it's not. That said, in your example you may get the 500k and then get more after to get your 1m. Not likely, if you get what you feel is a partial return accept it if it makes sense and keep at it .
Muslim bros straight go to hell if they use LoA. It's against the religion and a sin. You can try and do mental gymnastics to justify your crimes all day long. But Allah will not be debated
Can’t be done,
Why not?
Why is this poster always saying things and it’s clearly not right?
Why the fuck would you think it could be?
Because if the LOA can't do it, then what good is any of it?
It’s over for you then.
Do you believe in anything in this general?
That doesn't make sense. You're just going to believe it because someone else said so? This is how you get retards constantly asking for proof from other people

Everyone should prove it to themselves. Everyone should do the work. Then they would know
What do you believe then?
I recently had a dream about letting go and letting reality happen, rather than controlling it
>then what good is any of it?
Yeah seems to be useless for you. Move on then. No one's keeping you here
I know you can’t use this to become a woman.
No belief required.
It is done.
Go ahead and prove me wrong. You can’t.
It’s done again.
Nothing in that screenshot says anything against LoA.

Bro, stop with the cringe facebook boomer takes for a minute, will ya.
It says there is a God and he is not you and he is greater than you in everything.
So if you use the definition of LOA that is frequently used here - you are god and you can do anything with no limits - then clearly that screenshot is anti-LOA.
Let’s hear Lilanon’s take on Allah.
Bullshit if I ordered a burger and got chicken strips im returning it and getting what I ordered
Lilanon said you get half the burger now.
At some point later you get the other half.
Could be years.
What about $10/$1,000,000 now and the rest after hyperinflation?
Sounds like cope. Pussy too scared to get what you wanted and return your order
Sure Lilanon says it’s fine.
What's so hard about this? If you didn't get what you want then you didn't do it right.

Take the 500k and just do it again. Better yet go for 5 million next time.
Why stop there.
Who said anything about stopping? Obviously keep going
>t. Manifested $100 once
>Bullshit if I ordered a burger
Reading comprehension:
>You usually don't get partial returns
>accept it if it makes sense
Accepting 500k is not the same as chicken strips. You're not being clever here.
Wow $100? Aren't you the retard who thinks loa isn't real?
>it’s a Lilanon refuses 500k financial comprehension lesson
>takes the chicken strips instead
>clever bird
Ok let's say I believe in this but can't do it myself, why can't someone prove it to me since I'm in their reality ?
At least this one coach is not bald
You could complain like "my boobs are so huge I can't find a bra that fits them
Just don't pretend you're God and you should be good
If it’s real they could do it.
Mother anon has this issue and he’s a man so how would that help?
>Yeah seems to be useless for you
What type of person is it not useless for then?

And when do you do that?
I know it derails the thread but it was a good one :)
But please stop now
You're in a lucid dream and know it's a dream and you should be able to control it. Why can't a dream denizen prove you have dream control if they're in your dream?
Prove loa to us by making Biden won the debate
Ok Biden wins the election.
Good "luck" with that
I am able to travel effortlessly to places in Asia and Europe. It is done.
I can't force you to shift realities.
In my experience when they refuse me the burger I find out not long after that there's steak and receive that instead
fuck biden
I'd rather manifest diarrhea for you
At peace with my parking space
I let go of my chicken strips
So it's like a religion centered around that Neville guy.
No, it's like you know how to get things done and you do.
Thanks to the anon who recommended Edward Art's book. I have read Nevile's stuff before and I thought I understood the law pretty well, but it made me realize how powerful the inner man really is.

>Identify yourself with the INNER MAN who lives in the World of Imagination, where ALL THINGS EXIST AND ARE POSSIBLE.
It really is that simple.
A couple of months ago I met this woman out of nowhere, she was christian, had a few friends, only had a single partner before, no kids, was kind to me, stunning, went to the gym every single day and more.

Unfortunately, it didn't work out and I found now that she is already dating someone else, but still, she had ALL the details, every single one, that I focused while I was trying to manifest meeting a woman, and I am not the kind of person that meets new people often, there is virtually 0 chances of something like this happening. You can't make this shit up.

Didn't post this back then because I didn't feel like visiting the schizo lair, but I guess I am really a reality bending wizard now.
I've had a girl call me "Daddy" in the heat of the moment.

It's very, VERY awkward. Instant boner killer. Not sexy at all. "My liege" would be, like, ten times worse.

But, hey, you do you.
I was trying to meet someone and I meet someone.
I was not specific about having sex when manifesting
Me too, only plausible conclusion is universe likes to troll us.
The complaining method, for next OP

That is a flawed analogy. I could manifest ordering a burger, then one day I order a burger, but some emergency happens and I don't get to eat it. Maybe I should have manifested eating a burger instead of manifesting ordering one.
Next time imagine her in your arms.
It's not over though if you don't accept the 3d you can change it.
So, Nevill actually shares a story where a person decided to use being annoyed as a way to get what he desired. It worked both times.

He says if you think that, that certain emotion will work for you, then use it.
Human relationships are not like eating an hamburger and I am not some sex started 15yo coomer. I wanted to meet someone and see what happens. Not everything is about having sex or romance.

You are being a retard.
Yes, Neville said that you can even be aggressive, imagining yourself, for example, standing in line to cash out your millions of dollars, haha.
Don't feed him fren he's here for that
Yes. And I regret it, but I can't quite bring myself to undo it, because deep down I hope there's a chance of reconciliation, i.e. if they suffer as I have, perhaps that will be common ground we can relate to. Alas, I also recognize that reconciliation is not what I truly want, that what I truly want is a clean break, and yet for other reasons they are still around, a proper albatross around the neck.

Like all of the advice says: revenge only leads to negative outcomes for all involved, including yourself. Curses, like blessings, return to the sender, pressed down and overflowing. I STRONGLY recommend against revenge and "curses/hexes". The snare that you set to capture another, captures you. The pit that you dig for another causes you to stumble as well.
who hurt you anon?
I believe it because Jesus Christ, the King God who rose from the dead, said it.

" For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." (Mark 11:23-24)

"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." (Mark 9:23)
you are clearly frustrated
I'm worried about this technique. I'm worried I will manifest actually getting annoyed and pissed over these things which I don't want
Just complain about minor stuff not serious ones so there is no risk
Use your senses in your scene. Complain to a friend that despite being happy to get your diploma, you wish it wasn’t so hot outside and try to feel the heat. Or the chairs were uncomfortable, or too many young loud kids attended. You see what I mean?
Good job Anon- remember to live in the end where everything worked out.
>for next OP
New Bread:

Sorry anon but the Angel numbers have spoken
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>What type of person is it not useless for then?
The type of person that isn't mentally ill

>Ok let's say I believe in this but can't do it myself, why can't someone prove it to me since I'm in their reality ?
It's your reality, dumbass. You only see things from your own perspective at all times, not someone else's

>but I guess I am really a reality bending wizard now.
You always were one. The question is whether you are a conscious reality bending wizard or an unconscious one.

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