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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
It is Done
“To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself.”

Neville Goddard
I managed to manifest having no dandruff in my hair.
Imagine being so sad that you spend your friday night angrily posting bait on the internet.
The deal is that when you walk out of the fast food joint seething about your burger, you keep moving and find a free, quality steak dinner waiting for you instead.
Is there really no way to make this shit work without entering some sort of meditation?
Anybody have any good, reliable, guided meditations for law of attraction?
Not so much thought provoking like Edward Art for instance but something to just drift into.
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Feels good to know the fraud see this and have it impress his subconscious.
Death to lildickfag
I've decided that I'm going to be an intersex, attractive, female passing, hypersexual, 5'5 tall femboy with a massive 14 inch dick, no refractory period, a self lubricating ass and an oversensitive prostate and nobody is gonna stop me.
I'm posting the literal most famous trap in anime what else would you expect
Some people want to be taller and have a bigger dick, I want to be shorter and have a bigger dick
Why so hateful anon?
Idk I don't think it's hurting anyone
Speak for yourself
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There are hundreds of ways anon, you just have to believe the shit will work and it will.

-SATS is manifestation through trance/meditation/sleep.
-Write down your Manifestations (scribing and Journals).
-Vocalize your Manifestations (Affirmations)
-Ask for manifestation through higher power (Prayer)
-Manifest via the Holodeck (silva mind contol, Psychotronic Power Method)
-Draw it or Symbolize it (Vision Boards, Journals and Sigils)
-Silence it, Remove stuff from your life so things can manifest. it's called Mental Diet in LOA.
-Rituals. This is SATS while Wide Awake.

There are components you mix and match to create an alchemy for manifestation. Each Method uses a few and omits others. Some of the components are

[] Desire - What you want, Comes from LACK of something
[] Intent - resolve to Do something or Get something.
[] Will - Actually Doing Something, adding action. Movement toward End Goal.

[] Belief - (Weak/Moderate/Strong/Absolute) how true something is
[] Letting Go - Releasing the Desire (ie. moving away from Lack and toward Fulfillment)
[] Acceptance/Expectancy - that something has happened, Will happen or Is happening
[] Gratitude - Being Thankful for something you've recieved
[] Vibration - This is a huge clusterfuck that should be avoided like the plague
[] Assumption - It is done

there are more components and more methods. This is just a general overview. You start by doing the ladder experiment in the op. If you manifest a ladder you move on. If you Fail then start practicing Chaos Magik or Candle Magic to get a primer on manifestation.

You'll find some people can just Affirm shit into Reality. They'll say I want that brand new car and poof they'll get it. Other's have to go through a huge fucking rigamarole to accomplish anything. In the end It comes down to your Belief. You'll understand everything from neville by calling it the Law of Belief instead of the law of assumption.

Hope that helps
Good Luck anon.
I've manifested a few things recently, it's kind of odd. SOmetimes the thoughts just come to me, like someone I haven't talked to in a while, I start thinking about them, and then they reach out to me. Weird.
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Been using LoA to win high stakes competition and what's always throwing me for a loop is that I practice so little now, even when I really want to practice and try it falls through. Yet I continue to win. I get how practicing less would help but you'd think there'd a point of diminishing returns. I'm literally beating who practice multiple times per day and I have to keep quiet about and often pretend I'm training when I actually just end up going to the arcade for 6 hours or similar time wasting activities.
I don't like hemi-sync. I was feeling a bad premonition, bad thoughts like I was about to communicate with demons. What the fuck is that about?
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
you manifest everything you do, there is no actual technique that will cause it to happen


as much as i hate reddit this person makes a lot of decent posts
This is a good and simple post. Lots of times posts here can be a bit preachy and philosophical.
they're the exact same thing damn retarded monkey nigger can't even manifest a parking spot
>sure retard
lmao dumbass nigger can't even fathom my intelligence, you're so dumb kek
lmao you've never manifested and you never will
just give up retard
lmao relax retard no one cares about your shitty larping, if i wanted a porch monkey's opinion i'd go on reee-ddit
lmao you're retarded please give up i'm laughing too much at your shitty larp to even answer. seeth dumbass
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Which tier are you at, anon?
goddamn you can't even manifest a parking lot now you're trying to manifest a burger, it's not that hard buddy, are you feeling okay???
lmao even here the burger eludes him
doesn't matter how i feel lmao dumbass

lmao can't manifest parking spots, burgers or pink tennis balls? someones retarded
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I really don't get this
you people believe that you can get anything you want yet you guys always ask for the most mundane shit like a car or a job or a fucking apartment like really nigga an apartment not a mansion or a castle or whatever the fuck but an apartment?! there's no way you nigga's actually believe this shit you really honestly believe you can have anything as long as you believe? cuz if you did you would already have it according to you logic so why don't you? oh right BECAUSE IT DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST
Bros im fucking drunk right now. I thought i'll go for a fun night out just by myself and not pay for anything.

I walked in to the club and they said i have been paid for. There was a group of people in the line so probably someone paid for them and they just happened to include me. I bought one drink for myself and was sipping it it down when i noticed this group of older guys sitting in the table close by. They were loud and having fun so i started chatting with them. It turned out they were old friends from long time ago and happened to be at the same club at the same time without planning for it. One of the guys was having a birthday and they ordered loads of drinks for everyone sitting at the table, me included.

I chatted with them while drinking wine and cognac. I just got home totally wasted withouy paying for anything excluding the first beer.

It was a fun night, I hope next time i have the money to pay for everyone.
>gets bannes for larping
ok retard
you're a loser and always will be you dumb retard kek maybe go manifest some bitches, virgin and you'll have a reason to live
>t. retarded nigger
i kek'd
>t. low iq ape
i kek'd
Can I manifest a complete new life where I'm happy?
What is the ladder, anon?
t. low iq ape
i lol'd and kek'd lmao seeth
Does visualization not work for anyone else?
I feel that any outcome I want to happen either doesn't happen or if it does it happens in a very unexpected/different way that I was envisioning.

I've also noticed things manifest in the state of not thinking about them. I feel that's counter to what many people say about having an anchor or an end in mind.
Yeah. And it wasnt something i planned for a long time i just thought it would be fun and went for it. Kinda amazed how well it all turned out desu. Didnt even have to pay for the entrance.
I guess I'll use the ladder to kms then
>t. low iq ape
i kek'd i lol'd i lmao'd i fuck'd your mom
>t. low iq ape
no captcha kek
You can just close the tab, you know?
You're kinda being vague here Anon- what are you trying to manifest and have you had successes?
What else would he do with his time?
>can't manifest a hot girl
Stopped reading there. You literally view hot chicks as the holy grail or sumthing. Obviously you won't be able to manifest them, then. Make it less important to you. It should be like manifesting a donut, I'm sure that's something you do often.
NTA but, it's easier to manifest unimportant things? I didn't know about that, maybe that's why it's so hard for me.
Nta but manifesting donuts was one of the first things I tried and one I repeat pretty often.
*laughs* "Learn to live with disappointment."

I think it's hilarious- you're basically screaming at the top of your lungs about all the stuff you don't have and all the issues you choose to inflict upon yourself.

All you would have to do is believe that you're ok and it would end.
Hi, LilAnon! It's that one guy from a few days ago that asked you about isekai.

I tried the method from the OP post (the ladder one, just imagining myself in another world instead of climbing a ladder), but all that happened is that I'd dream about it and wake up in the normal world again (no continuity between dreams either).

What should I do now? Thanks in advance if you respond!
Thanks anon. I’ve manifested stuff before but only after months of obsessing so I have no idea exactly how I did it
I never said I couldn't manifest the ladder, Anon... read the message again. I also don't see why you're so mad at this general, just close it man.
I can.
>I tried the method from the OP post (the ladder one, just imagining myself in another world instead of climbing a ladder)
Have you done the ladder before this or is this your first manifestation attempt?

>but all that happened is that I'd dream about it and wake up in the normal world again (no continuity between dreams either)
That's not a bad sign, it means you are focusing on it on a deeper level. Have you felt it set yet?

>What should I do now?
Keep going, this is good progress, especially if you don't have a lot of experience. You want to keep going until the it's a pure fact in your mind that you are in the other world. As I've warned before, make sure you have some powers or talents to protect and provide for yourself once you are there.
Why so mean, man? I never said I was experient or anything of the sort.

>Have you done the ladder before this or is this your first manifestation attempt?
I did the ladder and it worked!

>Have you felt it set yet?
Not really, though it's different and makes more sense than my usual dreams which are all over the place.

Thanks for the advice! I'll keep going until I get there.
>>Have you felt it set yet?
>Not really, though it's different and makes more sense than my usual dreams which are all over the place.
Ya, I didn't follow through on this (yet) but "the guy" showed me how to manifest my way to heaven to prove to me that I was the one keeping myself here. He told me to believe that I was there, and as soon as I felt that strongly enough I could feel myself being drawn to it and lifting off the ground.

This should be similar, as you get more invested in this you should get more synchronized and at a certain point you won't be here anymore.

>Thanks for the advice! I'll keep going until I get there.
No problem- as long as you keep your commitment and persist you will get there, or wherever else you want to go if you change your mind.
LilAnon, I'm genuinely grateful with you. You're a good mentor. Just wanted to say this, thank you.
I second this.
get back in line
I want a world-wide party. Nothing better than drinking and dancing with your loved ones
How to manifest a shitcoin to do 10000x?
I'm truly lost bros... It all seemed to work out, synchronicities were happening, my father gifted me blessed rosary out of the blue yesterday after my therapist talked about praying for the first time ever.. I'm normally not religious and my father has never done anything like that my entire life so it was strange.

I had hope, but yesterday evening I got soul crushing news and everything seems to be going wrong. I'm really losing faith since I thought everything is going good... it makes convincing myself very hard right now
There needs to be a separate John Paolucci General where we can discuss his Universal Line texts. What JP teaches isn’t LoA and is against using any manifestation techniques. The UL stuff is all about Non-Dualism

There were already 2 UL generals few days ago, but they were inactive, only had like 7 posts

IMO with UL some telegram group would be more viable
>Bengston censored from the OP again
Our actual liege. Only good poster, the king,
>there needs to be
Then stop mentioning it and go make it.
If it survives and is popular then you are right.
trying to work out the right affirmation to tackle anxiety, addiction, and all kinds of self imposed mental limitations.
If I slim all of that down to "I am free", do you think that would be too broad?
Yes, I live at home and my mom is a health nut so donuts have always been an S tier treat to me. I've manifested donuts twice a month since finding /loa/, free of charge, brought to me when I want donuts.

The burger poster was actually a troll using burgers to exemplify his teasing, no one's manifesting burgers.
No, as long as you viscerally know the phrase encompasses all that.

That's probably why posters resort to I AM affirming.
I see. I get it. Finally LOA is clear to me now. Using the law you can occasionally get donuts, maybe twice a month tops. This is what a top tier ultra manifestor can do at max power. I understand now.
But burgers cannot be done. Finally you’ve made it clear to me. Thank you.
Kind of worried I'd monkey paw myself into being too free somehow.
See, this is the exact problem I need to get away from. I create mental prisons for myself.
How can I create mental prisons for others?
Teach me.
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Esteem issue, confidence issue, skill issue.
I know what I want and there's nothing wrong with giving it to myself. Nothing will go wrong, but even if it did it's nothing I can't handle it.

I litteraly ate a burger(bigmac) yesterday, I got it for free
Lilanon has a rival in sheer power.
The complaining method, very nice and easy method

I am also a follower of u/PastCalligrapher1624 and love her posts. I either read Neville or EdwardArt or her. This trick works so well and I was surprised to learn I had been implying this unknowingly. I wanted to move to a different city and when the process became tricky, I simply mind travelled to the city, picked a restaurant I like, checked out its menu and started thinking of things I would like to order - so basically: I was thinking IN MY THINKING - or thinking from the end. Since thinking = living, I did not realise I had started LIVING FROM THE END. I was making decisions as a person, who was ALREADY in that city. They were so realistic - I remember even thinking, oh if I order this combo, I would save this much, but if I order this combo, I get a dessert too and so on. Of course I ended up living there for and also went to this awesome restaurant and laughed so hard when I held the menu in my hands! Like you, I get bored very easily, so adding drama has always worked for me :D
I just tried it. Complained out loud about my luxury problems. It is fun! Thanks for the tip!
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Here's a summary of LilAnon's various superpowers and stuff:

Ice magic
Mind magic
Can interact with spirits
Taught by Lilith
Divine holy powers
Hangs out with vampires, werecreatures and fae
Met people from the deep state who talked to him about advanced alien tech
Incubi powers/traits
Talks to ghosts and elementals
Chaos magick
Always in gnosis state
Received the Promise
Can manifest instantly and without techniques
Can mimick vampires and fae
Ages at half speed
Has performed a full-life revision
Able to copy powers/states from others
Worked with a lot of sex mages
Has nofap benefits without actually having to do it
Almost ascended multiple times

Has been to the edges of reality
Has been haunted/hunted by demons and creatures of pure shadow most of his life

So no, I don't think manifesting a burger comes even close to this.
bruh if you can manifest a burger you can manifest anything. You still don't get it do you?
I manifest burgers too :)

Thanks for the list, I tend to forget how busy a life I've had. Definitely good for a last time around and love that I got to do it with you crazy Anons.

Dream big, dare to go after it, live it!
This is gonna be some harsh advice.

To those of you who have encountered failure after failure, for months if not years, I'm gonna tell you what you are doing wrong right now?

You've been repressing your doubts so long right? Forcing yourself to think positive and have a good mental diet, and working so hard? You've done a good job, so the reward should finally come right? Just got to wait a little longer, another day, another week, another month, another year? Just persist right?

No you idiots. You're doing it completely wrong. Neville says it as clearly as you can. There shouldn't be effort involved. Manifesting should be fun!

If you're using effort, then you're resisting yourself. You're trying to lift up your own bootstraps. You can't fly that way dumbass.

If you want to succeed, you have to stop being a brick head, and bashing your head against the wall. Actually stop, and be honest with yourself. I don't care how. Write a conversation with yourself on a piece of paper, talk to a friend, or get therapy. It doesn't matter as long as you do some basic introspection.

Find out why you desire what you desire. And find out why you lack it, why you doubt it.

Actually try for once to convince yourself that you want it. List off the positives like a salesman. Sell your dream life to yourself.

I say this to you, because for years of my depression I believed I would never be happy, that nothing could save me, and after it passed and I forgot, I never realised it was sabotaging every one of my paths to happiness for over 3 years.

I can only blame the law of attraction for teaching me horrible lessons about how not to manifest as a pre-teen and leading me to have bad habits.

Don't be like me. Manifesting can be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel if you don't try to hide from yourself or make it harder than it needs to be. There is no benefit from this pointless torture, it's a waste of time and effort to inflict on yourself. Just stop being so damn stubborn.
No one can do that.
Holy shit he just did it.
Succulent and filling.
Why do you dumb shills keep doing this shit? Just stay in Reddit. This stuff is just recycling the same crap again and again. Stop linking to fucking Reddit. Just stay there and get your upvotes or whatever,
Based truth.
Why won’t they listen to this giant post? Why can’t they accept it.
can't create my own thread so i have to ask in other threads!

>manifestations and synchronicities mostly trigger or reinforce my OCD
why is that?
also what about schizos, do they manifest voices or hallucinations?
>There shouldn't be effort involved. Manifesting should be fun!
is this the reason why the complaining method seems to work? I've found that it's much more engaging and fun that way
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You can enjoy the sausage, not my thing. I manifest melons, sugar buns and muffins. Sweetness!
Shill bro.
Be less obvious.
says the shill that hasn't even tried it. enjoy your failures
>Find out why you desire what you desire. And find out why you lack it, why you doubt it.
>Actually try for once to convince yourself that you want it. List off the positives like a salesman. Sell your dream life to yourself.
Entirely based.

>I say this to you, because for years of my depression I believed I would never be happy, that nothing could save me, and after it passed and I forgot, I never realised it was sabotaging every one of my paths to happiness for over 3 years.
Well done Anon. A great accomplishment, and more on the way. Thank you for sharing, to the Anons that need this and are ready to hear it it will change their lives.
Lilanon smite this heretic with your sausage!
Leaving aside the obvious fact you are a troll and a shill there is nothing new in these. Same shit again and again that brings nothing new. You just want to dilute and poison the general.
People are lazy to click a link, here is the method

First of all, I want to give a huge shoutout to Past Calligrapher for her amazing tips—it finally clicked for me, and manifestation has become a blast!

I’ve always struggled with SATS and robotic affirmations because, let’s face it, they can be so boring. Living in the end felt dull, and I couldn’t really believe it. Repeating the same scene over and over in my head just made me anxious.

A few days ago, I stumbled upon Past Calligrapher’s post. She mentioned that she imagined herself with her wish already fulfilled and then added some drama by complaining about things in her new state to keep it entertaining. Basically, she made her future thoughts as entertaining as possible.

And it was a game-changer! I’m about to graduate from university and really wanted to secure a position at the law firm where I already work. So, I started imagining myself with my diploma, working as an Associate. In my head, I was whining about having too many clients who all wanted to work with me—annoying, right? I even thought, “Now that I have this position, I need to attend a ton of client meetings, so I definitely need a new bag and some fresh outfits.” It felt so natural because I was already living my dream job in my mind and focusing on all the “problems” that came with it. And let’s be honest, I love complaining (I know, I know, it’s bad).

After just an hour of this mental complaining session, my boss approached me and said he’d spoken to our CMP (big boss) about me. They both agreed they’d love to have me as an Associate and even considered opening a new department in my field of interest because they see how talented I am. I was absolutely shocked!

The next few days were wild. Clients from my side hustle kept calling, wanting to work with me, even those I hadn’t heard from since September and thought had ghosted me.
>bengston shilling not getting the seething anymore
>copy paste direct from Reddit - that will anger them
>must shill constantly!
Why do this? What is your malfunction?
have you tried this? do you have success stories yourself?
Perfect way to do sats
Based. It's funny how anon posting seems to make some Anons think they are invisible and we don't see what they are doing.
Pretty normal since it's cia stuff
*bwah* Nice one!

We've already made it, the proof is in the complaining!
SATS is not Yoga Nidra
New agers came after ABDULLAH
Hypnosis and trance are not helpful for SATS. SATS comes naturally at the edge of sleep.
The entire post was shit.
Educate yourself and avoid this sort of advice.
>Hypnosis and trance are not helpful for SATS
Why was she "absolutely shocked" if she already believed she had the position?
True, so many uninformed tards are spouting misinformation on SATS.
How do i manifest a big , nice ass for my gf??
No, I want a mid-40s disabled woman with a flat ass because that's what the universe gave me instead
Just Decide is the method I prefer, but it hasn't been working for me. I read conflicting reports that feeling the manifestation set once is enough and that it will come no matter what if I did it a single time. Neville says the opposite, that you should ride the donkey into Jerusalem. Meaning you should stay in the state of the wish fulfilled until it reflects. Digging up the seed is one thing, that's doubt and lack. Staying in the end is the opposite of digging up the seed. Living in the feeling of the end is the prerequisite for success. You must be the one who the result is natural for. It must be a natural effect of your life. Resistance is an anti-intent which places your being in an alternate dimension and causes the hologram of the world to reflect the thing you don't want. Stay in the end or forget about it, don't resist it. As long as you resist, you will not have it, you will not be it.
I will never understand glowies who spend all day in a thread about something they have no interest in.
>t. low iq glownigger ape
i lol'd and kek'd
Yes. You fall into that state every night. That’s stuff wont help you get into it. Its simply recognising your in that state and not falling into sleep which neither hypnosis or trance will help with.
>I like this method
>but it doesn’t work
Worst shill yet.
Hey retard, how about you actually read the teachings of Neville? He talks about complaining having worked for a few of his followers. He also says that it is valid. So stop calling everyone a shill you clueless fuck
Hey retard,
Let me make it clear
> Just Decide is the method I prefer, but it hasn't been working for me
It doesn’t work
The poster (is it you?) says it isn’t valid.
Thats it, end of shill.
Think before you post.
Hey shill.
I for one am bored of these constant “methods”
nta but why is it that after coming back here for the first time in a year, it's still the same retards complaining about everything in this dog shit thread. You're dead ends. Failures. And you know it.
I'm not even the one who originally posted here... What have (you) manifested? God this thread has gone to the shitter compared to 1-2 years ago
>I read conflicting reports that feeling the manifestation set once is enough and that it will come no matter what if I did it a single time
Have you done the ladder completely? That gives you the answer.
Glowies don't want Bengston technique to be known, too powerful.
Only sats allowed.
>That’s stuff wont help you get into it
It's all out of the same bag Anon. Trance/Hypnosis/State Akin To Sleep/alpha state. Neville says as much.

The only importance of any of those states is getting your conscious resistance out of the way.
We can manifest burgers for free but it takes time we have to do sats or affirmations for days, and then wait for days for the 3d to catch up. So we end up buying it, it's easier when you're hungry.
Talk all you want about it in thread, flavor of the month does not belong in OP.
>Manifesting should be fun!
It's not fun at all for me, requires mental efforts, concentration, and it is stressful too because there is no certainty to get your wish fulfilled, let alone the feeling of being delulu/crazy. So no it's not fun.
>but it takes time we have to do sats or affirmations for days, and then wait for days for the 3d to catch up. So we end up buying it, it's easier when you're hungry.
> it takes time
>we have to
>and then wait
no no and no. You are limiting yourself for no reason.(YOU) are manifesting the wait. You are convincing yourself that YOU HAVE to do something this way or that way or it needs time. Yada yada.
Stop that.
Want x. Use will to get x. It is done. Thanks.
when you ask someone for something irl in a store or something do you start with
>excuse me I know it will take this amount of time but I'd like to get x if it's not a problem. Lemme just get into trance state and wait y amount of time. Oh and if it's problem don't bother I'd get it on my own.
Lmao, who would give you anything when you have this beta-sorry-for-being-alive mindset.
You ask, you know you'll receive it, you get it, you are grateful.
Be shamelles about it like hobos asking for change.
Yeah but what you describe is instant manifesting and most of us can't do this. There is always a delay, that goes from days to weeks. Manifesting a burger and waiting for weeks to get it.... well you'd better have something to eat while waiting.
It was fun for Neville because he was already rich, handsome and a dancer thus had all the girls he wanted. His family was wealthy as well. So yes it was fun (for him).
Sounds like a fun character to roleplay as when I shitpost elsewhere, thanks for the guidelines.
Complaining about one thing isn’t everything
I was not here a year ago.
There is more than one poster here.
It’s real tho.
He does all of that and more. He is our king.
Don’t just pick Neville when it suits you.
Based on the things you want news on (midgets, gay sex, man ass, big dicks, schizos) this is the poster for you >>38255125
Twin flame manifested.
And despite that he stays humble.
Why? Neville didn’t create it? He discovered it and tried to create a system.
I unironically can't share my best manifests because it would dox me and ruin my brand (4ch is toxic to normies).
>Don’t just pick Neville
Why, is he wrong in this case?
>SATS is not Yoga Nidra
Keep Seething faggots, How's that SATS Research General going? Oh that's right it fucking died like i said it would. kek. There are a hundred versions of SATS, you can even do it with your eyes open.

SATS is easy to do you brainless retards. The problem is YOU. You're over complicating something that comes natural twice a day, when going to sleep and when waking up.

If you idiots had any brain cells you would study and practice yoga nidra to see that it's a valid exercise towards SATS. Instead, you faggots just seethe and cry saying there is one way to SATS and every other way is wrong.
Even daydreaming can be used as SATS if you know what you're doing.

You idiots fail because you're getting your information from fucking reddit. That place has an "illusion of success" because they ban naysayers and delete threads to "keep things positive".

>Its simply recognising your in that state
Go study Brainwave states dummy, You're entering a fucking STATE AKIN TO SLEEP. SATS is mimicking a dream like state before going unconscious in sleep. Meditation/trance puts you in Dream/Unconscious States. Yoga nidra literally puts you to sleep while being wide awake. that's why they're both valid for SATS.

In between being awake and being asleep is SATS. It's in Nevilles books and lectures. If you can't understand with that picture i posted go back to plebbit or negro alley with the other low IQ retards.

I added high vibration to the picture so people understand law of attraction better. In law of attraction you have to feel good and enter peak states for your manifestations won't work. You have to access positive emotions and have a positive outlook on life. It's known as the FLOW STATE or BEING IN THE ZONE.

hope that helps you out retard, kek
Good luck anon.
3 years later... fuck all manifested, other than the usual pink tennis ball or whatever other useless crap, can earn exactly the same wage I earned 4 years ago, no woman. No miraculous differences in appearances. think its time to just call it and say, its complete bullshit. Thanks for the massive waste of time and the huge sense of disappointment you have given me /loa/
Thanks mate, I shared a pic of your sats description earlier.
Do you have a particular yoga nidra meditation or channel to advice please? How did you learn it?
I'm from a western country and here yoga is seen as a way to keep healthy with a flexible body, I'm sure it has many other benefits. Thanks
You fell for lilanon's schizophrenic ruse
It's not hard- LOA and ego don't go well together. You're part of something greater than you could have imagined, you didn't earn anything or overcome anything other than yourself.

And all of us are Promised. Everyone will reach the end successfully. All is well.
As I say it's a statistics/numbers game. Among all the people who try this you'll always find some who get their stuff (a minority) and some who don't. That's life and its randomness.
Those who think they got something because they manifest it, it was just either random or it was planned in their life by God. We don't control anything.
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>I unironically can't share my best manifests
And you shouldn't feel like you should. If I didn't feel like I am going to be done soon I would not have said a thing here. Silence is golden.
Btw chaos Magick gnosis is deep theta where when you hold it you start getting brainwave spikes into gamma that go well beyond 100hz
sorry it was meant to you >>38260850
>Silence is golden
>Spams 7 replies in a row
Entirely based

>Even daydreaming can be used as SATS if you know what you're doing
Can confirm

>You idiots fail because you're getting your information from fucking reddit
I haven't been there other than for linked things here and it does not seem to be helpful. The SATS only people seem to be disciples of Orion or some other person there, Neville used every technique under the sun. The fact that the people who claim to have read Neville but have this other information that says "everyone" is doing it wrong is such a logic fail.

Neville. Goddard. Daydreamed. His. Way. To. Barbados.

The End.
Based truth.
Why won’t they listen? Random occurrences and statistical probabilities across a population set explain everything.
Yoga nidra is trash
You can get as upset as you want.
Yoga is about as related to LOA as Lilanon and his fake necromancy and your huge seething post won’t change that.
>rick and Morty
><random> method from Reddit
All the same troll. He uses the same insults every time, posts more often than the trips. Truly a tragic existence.
just like in the kinder egg, there is a precious commodity inside the delicious chocolatey surface there is the precious commodity, the treasure which will turn me into a worthy person, the amalgata as plato calls it. i try to justify my treasure by consuming the surface, but perhaps instead i should chase the treasure inside so that i may enjoy the surface.

>the troll is a redditor
lmao, i knew it. literally the same behavior as those fucking nerds.
Ok time to vote on whether you like motheranon or not.
>It's known as the FLOW STATE or BEING IN THE ZONE.
completely wrong
>you have to feel good and enter peak states for your manifestations won't work. You have to access positive emotions and have a positive outlook on life.
so it's impossible to attract negative states and things? Huh? That's right nigger your pseudo babble is not helping anyone.
I don’t know which one is bad. I pick that one. But which one is it?
Exactly. You enter the world of imagination where be, do, and have whatever you like. You ask yourself what you would feel if you had your desire and you fulfill it in the inner world.
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This guy on reddit said he regrew his hair thanks to subliminals. This is mind blowing
exact fren, that's what I wanted to say with my poor english vocabulary and you summed it up perfectly. Hats off
>You ask yourself what you would feel if you had your desire
I always felt this assertion is absurd. Evevrybody would feel the same if they got their wish fullfilled , they would be HAPPY, RELIEVED. That's obvious so why asking this?
yeah.. also Neville said we had to feel a "it's done" feeling, not feeling some emotions or whatnot.
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well, this whole thing hasn't really brought me much but it did spur me to try out hemi-sync finally after years of wondering what that shit was. it's breddy cool so far, so this thread has that going for it by having a link. 3/10
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>I always felt this assertion is absurd.
>feel a "it's done" feeling, not feeling some emotions or whatnot.
It's absurd, because it's the blind leading the blind. They don't read to source material, they listen to someone else's interpretation of it and parrot it.

Ironically it can work simply because the Anon believes it does, not because it's part of the mechanics. They can consider the whole embrace the sensations as it leads them to believe the wish has been fulfilled, but it's a second cause because someone else can simply believe it's done and not have a sensory experience of it at all.
I view imagining and inducing feelings as tools that help you get to the wish fulfilled state, which is WAY easier to achieve if you experience your desire in imagination. If you can get *the feeling* from just declaring that it is done then good for you, however I think that you should have fun with the law.
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How does this relate to us as the sole creators? Like what would Neville say about this? Aren’t we giving into satan by thinking we can have anything in the world?
>I view imagining and inducing feelings as tools that help you get to the wish fulfilled state
Which is fine

>which is WAY easier to achieve if you experience your desire in imagination
For you. Keep this in mind for the Anons learning here- anytime something additional worked for you, it can easily not work for another Anon. Then you start explaining to them things that don't actually directly relate to the law and you end up with the Anons saying that there is a "proper" method of SATS and the rest of us are doing it wrong because...reasons.

>I think that you should have fun with the law
I do too, this should never feel like a job
satan litteraly shows to one and give offers AFTER 40 days of fasting. Your own wishes are just requests to God. Unless you ask someone else. Or your requests are evil.
But when I say unto fig tree or mountain or whatever to become something different then there's no satan in that equation.
you can bless or curse things.
you can manifest things.
it depends to you whether it's evil or not.
Sometimes one and the same thing can be a blessing and a curse to different people.
For example one wsnts to lose weight. You manifest him to be thinner. Hurray a blessing. But when someone doesn't want to get thinner and you manifest the exact same thing then it's a curse. So it depends on different people and circumstances.
On average people think getting money is good. But if wrong people get lsrge sum of money they didn't work for they'd be spending it on alcohol,drugs etc.
Fuck dude. I have to look into peoples experience with that shit
Kys faggot, you're wrong and you have no success as well clearly, since what you're saying isn't how SATS works.
So you just: get desire -> assume it is done -> the desire/old state naturally dies? Sorry if you've already talked about this somewhere, I don't read all the threads.
You're right anon. I've had numerous success and the done feeling is very important. It's not something you can fool yourself to having, you have an unshakable knowing feeling that lasts for weeks that you're going to get your desire, and it always comes too.
I chose the most viewed video about yoga nidra (link below 13M views). WTF it's just regular relaxation. The voice asks you to relax each part of your body while breathing slowly. Its that all ?? Every relaxation video is the same as this, I thought this yoga nidra thing would be different but it's nothing special. If you guys are counting on this to enter sats and manifest, good luck lol.

Sorry nigga I’m giving it a few days
Hi anon I can feel emotions while visualizing my scene but I can't get this done feeling, since months. Pr I think I get it but since nothing appears in my 3d I guess it's not the right feeling. Do you have some tips for me please? You don't use any technique at all ?
The complaining method seems promising to induce this feeling I think I'll give it a try for a few days, nothing to lose.
the temptation of second causes, external 'powers'
>I'll post it again
I’ll be posted until then

>One way it helps for me is that you can control how deep you get a little better than if you are just drifting.
The self hypnosis or the sats? I’ve tried in sats but it’s a at random moment if I am able to get partially deep into it. One thing I know right now is I have to go way deep when I enter it to fight off the internal resistance

>internal naysayers.
Yeah, right now as well I feel like I’m determined (once again) to make a difference with sats. Like I would be freaking out right now about my situation right now but somehow I’m chill about it but I know I have to do my techniques and not overthink this

That’s why I’m asking about hypnosis, also to see how far I can go in sats to impress my subconscious so it can manifest it after I get that internal golden conviction
I use the lullaby method, so I fall asleep affirming I have my desire. You wake up with a feeling of it being done, like an accomplished knowing feeling. I remember SATS people saying a similar thing happens to them, this is why I believe sleep methods are soo important. This done feeling is the difference between success and failure in my experience.
You just robotically affirm before sleep then ?
But I'd also try counting backwards, this is actually a great way to keep your mind awake while falling asleep. Do this for maybe 10 mins before you start affirming.
What do you guys think about Think and Grow Rich?
Where LilAnon?
Yeah it's fucking creepy
That said, you get premonitions doing vanilla WILD too
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>> You are the Operant Power
Actually based. Unironically reminds me of UL.
Should I do SATS as Alexander the Great or a First Crusade (the successful one) small units leader?

Can't help but feel identifying as a specific person might fuck me over down the the line and he was a drunk asshole sometimes lol (alexander)
Probably fucking vampires again.
>caring about thread personalities
You lost.
>get desire -> assume it is done -> the desire/old state naturally dies?
You got it. Once your assumption "sets" it's your new reality. The only way for it not to show up is if you hold it back or manifest something different to replace it
>If you guys are counting on this to enter sats and manifest
What do you think SATS is? It's not some mystical state, it's when your conscious mind relaxes and you have an easier time communing with your deeper mind.

What do you think people who are praying are doing?
Hey anons I'm confused about the role of sleep in the process of manifestation. In Feeling is the Secret Neville states that manifestation happens when the conscious goes to meet the subconscious during sleep, but in stories he tells of instant/same day manifestations. Any reason for this?
Sleeping just holds the state for the longest time (6-12 hours)
Functionally it's the same as a flow state. I.e. manifest then do some high quality work or read a good book after. Keeping any prying from the mind or negative thoughts to change the state you have identified with
Self Hypnosis for Beginners, William W. Hewitt

You might find some use in the Silva Method too, I believe it's in the library. I haven't read that but I read a testimonial from an MK Ultra kid where they had him doing that. He gave examples of how it worked for him and it was very LOA.

>The self hypnosis or the sats?
Self hypnosis aiding SATS. When I start falling asleep I can use the counting or breath control methods to dive deeper or try to stay at level longer.

>also to see how far I can go in sats
If you're well rested or can't sleep, you can go *deep*

Before I learned LOA I was trying to use the elevator technique to try and manifest. I went down so many levels that I could see all of us connected by lines of energy. We are all like blazing suns.

Remember also to work with your sacred marriage bond. They are your connection to the larger everything and they know your desires. You simply must give them the word to deliver.
Excellent picrel- proves the existence of the One from a different angle than most.
Romania is full of them
>Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. - Einstein
>it’s a Lilanon takes the elevator to the basement episode
Someone made a real mess down there.
Is it possible to manifest supernatural abilities?
This does not mean what you think it means.
Sounds like you're retarded, schizophrenic, an scaredy christcuck or worse, all of them at the same time.
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that's literally just the virgin shill vs me.
Can I use LOA to get a Death Note?
It means being true to yourself.
Jesus could've taken any of them because "it's what everyone else desires in this situation so you have to desire the same thing!" but he just said no because that wasn't what he really wanted.He is not a slave of the "he should desire THIS and nothing else".
I used it to get one and you're names going in it as we speak
Does the environment in which we live influence our ability to manifest? Does living in an environment - your apartment or bedroom - that is untidy, old or, on the contrary, new or almost sterile, have a negative impact on your ability to manifest?

Well, there are certain environments that you can change yourself, even if it can be difficult for some, but you can tidy up your apartment or clean it up or make it more cheerful or lively with plants. But sometimes there's nothing you can do, if you live in a literally rotten apartment in the middle of a hyper-polluted, hyper-noisy, hyper-concrete city.
After years of being involved both in parapsychology as a physicist and in magic as a LoA practitioner I've come to the conclusion that it takes either
>A will as strong as a horse
>A brain as stupid as a sack of shit
To craft yourself a belief so pure that you have unwavering conviction in it so that reality is forced to plan around it.

I think I've lost my way and despite having done most incredible things via manifestation such as
>Manifesting making amends with an ex who hadn't talked to me in over 4 years after just accepting and letting go of my guilt a day prior
> The misfortune of a friend after convincing my dad the guy got dumped (for shits and giggles, though I regret that deeply now)
> The ladder through Goddard's method
> A well paying job by envisioning myself meeting rich old men while everyone including me were wearing suits and talking business happily
Among other things.
And I need to get back on track but I sort of ain't feeling that good anymore and my brain has started reverting back to not believing, which, as you know, it's the mind's way of protecting against the unknown.

I need a fresh start and need to either redevelop my conviction or go retarded to believe all the bullshit that eventually came true, as I mentioned prior. I need something that keeps me optimistic and shows results but it's never been that straight forward for me, my analytical brain keeps fucking me over and this leads to manifestations taking weeks at best and half a year at worse and I get doubtful in the in-between, ESPECIALLY when trying to manifest something I actually care about, not just some stupid ladder.

What method can keep me optimistic while I wait? Who do I listen to now? Master Key, Goddard, Jose Silva, Joseph Murphy, I've done the lot and it's pretty much the same, I need an actual picker upper.
I've also thought about quitting porn altogether, has that worked out for (You) and if so, to what extent, anon?
Your environment can pull you a certain direction, but as conscious agents, it is up to you whether you accept that change to your internal state.

> Consciousness is the only Reality
May your reality come to reflect your desires anon.
No. You stupid or something?
Worst version of this meme I’ve seen.
>Will as strong as a horse
>Retarded brain
Sounds about right, I'd argue that's the reason why most people into magick are stupid, the rest of us with some brain have to deprogram from all the negative things bringing us down. It's not easy.

>Picker upper
I really don't know what to tell you anon, I haven't heard anyone talk about how to stay positive through the journey other than people saying "just do it"
This is a schizophrenic rant.
There’s no value in it apart from making you look bad.
Thanks buddy
I really don't care much if you believe my rant or not or if it makes me look bad, it's mostly for context. Do you have a method for staying positive throughout the whole process other than just "doing it"?
I don't understand what does and doesn't fuck with a manifestation so I don't know what ways of staying positive are a-ok.
I usually just keep listening to the same 5 guys on repeat and find comfort in their words, no way to keep positive itself
>so that reality is forced to plan around it
After years in this you still haven't realized that all reality is imaginal?
Why not simply ask
>Do you have a method for staying positive throughout the whole process.
This is better.
I don’t though. I simply live with the pain and negativity.
See? That's the kind of conviction I'm talking about. Yeah, sure, the world within and the world without.
Can you really tell me it's easy for everyone to have a lucid dream where they eat candy, sleep with whoever you want and fly into the sun to play tennis with their dead dads? Even if it's all "within" that doesn't mean the process of manifesting it into "traditional reality" (if you wanna call it that) is any different from having to set an obstacle large enough for a stubborn horse to have no option but to trot around it. I'm good with whatever nomenclature you want to attach to the craft, but fully understanding how a car works doesn't mean you'll know how to drive it. Now do (You) have a way to stay positive throughout the process?
That's sad, I hope things get better and you don't even need anything to keep positive, I hope just living your life with all the things you'll manifest will be enough to do just that.
I agree. Interesting take of it.

I wonder how many attributes he originally came to - the picture mentions 7 attributes compared to the 12 non-change absolute facts of UL.

I've always thought and believed that UL makes more logical sense than any other metaphysical law of attraction "school" I've come across.

Including Neville Goddard - since it makes no sense to have to impress the subconcious so forth if you're actually God since all rules and lines end and begin with God.
Where did you come across this?
Have you been doing the job of living well?
Man these type of “success” stories demotivate the fuck out of me.All of those can come naturally no intervention no crazy shit.I want to live a life that is truly entertaining, and fun, not the one that would just come naturally to me.It isn’t about this post specifically but I feel like most success stories are never something that’s truly crazy, feels like it’s just good things that would’ve happened anyway and people just attribute it to the law.How am I supposed to have faith in that I can do anything I desire ??
I'm uneducated, what is UL
have you manifested a ladder?
manifest a ball.
Then a parking spot.
Then a burger.
Then you are good to go to manifest whatever.
(this post s a joke btw you all are too serious, chillax)
Do you know how hard/impossible it is to get someone you've lost all contact with to show up out of the blue 4 years after? Might as well had manifested the lotto numbers.
I manifested what I wanted and needed. If you want and need something different that is as unlikely then go for it.
Seems like it could happen without MAGICKAL THINKING but ok good you got what you wanted.
What does it mean?
>I've also thought about quitting porn altogether, has that worked out for (You) and if so, to what extent, anon?
This had no change on my reality, but I have uncommon circumstances.
That had a 1/1461 chance of happening the day that it did. Now add other manifestations and all of the possibilities quickly become statistically impossible.
I'm doing whatever I can do to change so that what I want can come as naturally as possible. Some of the things I want are so different from my current circumstances that changing myself that much feels demotivating. They don't feel unnatural to have when I accept them, but the path I will take from here to there? It's impossible to describe it. If this is what they mean by taking a leap of faith, that's what I'll have to do. If people are changing their subconscious so that they can intuitively do all the right things to go on a journey to their goal with hard work and effort, good for them, but my case is not the same.
>If people are changing their subconscious so that they can intuitively do all the right things to go on a journey to their goal with hard work and effort, good for them, but my case is not the same.
It can't be that. People are winning the lottery with this. You can't put in more effort to win the lottery. You are going to wake up in a new timeline.
No, meeting someone can happen a few years later.
Now you’ve assigned a bizarre probability to it which won’t be right at all.
You met this person before. So it clearly happens.
This is a normal thing.
Now changing height with LoA or raising the dead or something, that’s statistically impossible. Actually impossible.
You can convince yourself it’s reality warping with your mind all you want but people run into other people years later. This is a thing that can happen.
>since it makes no sense to have to impress the subconcious so forth if you're actually God since all rules and lines end and begin with God.
That' a pretty dumb take. It's all God. Just because you have to impress your subconscious (also God) doesn't change anything.
>You met this person before. So it clearly happens.
This stupid fucking shit again. Yes all of us can refute anything anytime by coming up with any random excuse. Even retards like you can do it.

If you want to know if the law works then you have to test it out for yourself. Want to know the limits of the law? Whether it has any limits? Then test it yourself retard.
The only thing that exists is what awareness currently perceives. By definition the subconscious/unconscious isn't perceivable; as such it doesn't exist or manifest in UL. UL is not a world view based on materialism.
>You can't put in more effort to win the lottery.
you can buy more tickets.
>Now changing height with LoA or raising the dead or something, that’s statistically impossible. Actually impossible.
then you'd cope with
>muh growth syndrome random spurt it's rsre but happens!
>ummm probably this person was falsely announced as dead when in reality was still alive. People used to wake up in coffins you know!
stop coping manlet then maybe you will actually manifest a thing
I can visualize things at tier 1, but I can never manifest anything.
So I say so,e thing will convince me but it’s YOU that is changing the goals posts and arguments.
Fuck off larper and stop looking for your imaginary battles.
You can meet people. Seriously it happens a lot. For real, people meet people sometimes.There’s no excuses required.
Judging this as a mighty act of your willpower over the universe is a not a real demonstration of LoA. Meeting people is mundane. Random chance.
Anyone have any successful SP stories and how you either got the person or got back with them despite circumstances within the 3D.
Yes. Try it :)
Our king who can raise the dead.
>it makes no sense to have to impress the subconcious so forth if you're actually God
"Impressing" may not be the best word here- remember that Neville was still learning while he was teaching. You are "expressing" your wish to the parts of yourself you are not (currently) fully aware of. Unfortunately you are communicating that wish over your own internal objections, which is why it seems like a forceful process.

Does that work better for you? Neville's lecture on the true name of God does a good job of explaining the mechanics of it.
Ty for your 24hr support glowie money being put to good use.
>No, meeting someone can happen a few years later.
>Manifesting making amends with an ex who hadn't talked to me in over 4 years after just accepting and letting go of my guilt a day prior
>a day prior
>a day
1 day. in 4 years.
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Also has anyone manifested things via with rap, freestyling and writing down lyrics? I feel like to me Hip-Hop really has a spiritual element with using English or any other language to your advantage and work for you. After all they don't call it SPELLing for a reason.
>To craft yourself a belief so pure
This isn't really the key- you manifest everything in your life. What you are having trouble with is overcoming your own resistance.

>my analytical brain
This is not your analytical brain speaking to you. Your analytical brain was would tell you that you have confirmed this working personally.

>I need an actual picker upper
Commit to manifesting something fun that you don't need- a nice to have, and try to relax. Your fight is with yourself, you need to make peace there and allow.
If it works for you then fine. I can’t regard this one as anything other than a thing that happened. Unlikely, sure.
If every poster here agreed with every claim here then we’d all have to agree with the losers that claim they are an anime girl.
What does this even mean?
Yes everything you write down or sing or rap happens all the time ever . Thats why every single movie and piece of fiction always changes reality to reflect what it claims lol.
>won 2000
>traveled to europe

Things i've manifested and done already in 2024. I used gateway.
Yeah lol. I used to make rap songs as a teenager and thinking about it, some of the stuff materialized with scary accuracy. I was doing it without the intent of it manifesting though.
Based. And you even used tapes from decades ago that are for inducing OOBE and have nothing to do with manifestation. Amazing.
How do you use them for manifesting? Do you get into one of their focus states and declare/affirm/visualize stuf there. Also do you listen to the tapes or have you learned the techniques themselves?
I found my first ever Neville Goddard book while visiting a new thrift store. My god I cannot stop seeing signs everywhere! It's kind of freaky, but cool too. Perhaps this will be a new 'field of study' for me.
NTA but there’s been times I’ve known I had something but when it popped up in “reality” it made me go woah. I was in a similar position last month where I knew I was employed with 6 figs, then while I’m walking around drunk in NYC (Nevillemaxxing) I got an email for a great job and it definitely wowed me.
It seems odd that the universe would be so forthcoming with its gifts but only to masters of self deception with mundane worldly desires like a new car, new job, sex, fame, wealth, the Perfect Dress.
aight no burgers for this one
You will never experience the joy of a freshly manifested parking spot.
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Why would you have to impress what is already you? Neville Goddard himself acknowledges this - that your desire, whatever it is that you want to manifest originates from God/Subconcious/ONE-THING/NO-THING.

Why would you have to imagine, create a scene, SATS - when the inner you knows exactly what you want in greater detail than you, is already here for he is not even near, for near implies separation. Why would you have to visualize when the greater you, knows exactly how it looks, cause creation is complete meaning it already exists right now.

Your "subconscious" already impressed you - that's why you want to manifest it.


Then the inner you, or in Neville speak. "The deeper you, who men call God, is speaking. He urges you, through the language of desire,..." or "Desire is simply his communion with you, telling you that your desire is yours, now"
I own the Federal Reserve Bank
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Yes I agree as written in >>38266141 didn't see your reply.

>You are "expressing" your wish to the parts of yourself you are not (currently) fully aware of.

Except there is no real need to express the wish or what you want since there is no division, i.e. the greater you already knows what you want since you know what you want.

>"which is why it seems like a forceful process."

Pic related. There is no division. Through HOC you can understand that the thought itself is just an illusion/wolf mask mask and you can ignore it.
I manifested an email from an EX after a few years of no-contact funnily enough I received it while high on acid with another girl which statistically seemed like an unlikely event/coincidence.

Another ex same situation - no contact for months, decided to test if I could manifest contact, she reaches out to me a few days later.
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Universal line chads just keep winning
>god speaks thru the ego in the language of desire
okay so Neville Goddard is Satan
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It's weird. If you look at the LOA related communities in social media (like instagram etc) they are all full of shroom fags. But somehow in this thread I never see drug talk. Is it that nobody here takes shrooms/dmt/etc?
Everyone in the thread is my servant.
LilAnon...I kneel.
All hail Lilanon. He is God and also everyone’s SP.
I don't need a God. Or an SP.
Everyone needs LilAnon whether they realize it or not.
>still not getting it
Yes, the infinite exists in the infinity that is God. But you are God experiencing a limited human existence. For the infinite to experience limitations it necessarily has to limit what it experiences but that is just a self imposed illusion, ultimately you are still infinite (you cannot be anything else for there is nothing else) and therefore you still have the infinite power of God.

What you don't get is that ALL of reality is a manifestation, not just what you're actively trying to "manifest". What Neville is trying to teach us is to recognize that it is ALL a manifestation and to actively control that manifestation.

>There is NO DIVISION.
There is a division, but it's illusory. The division is between you (the human character in a human reality) vs the actual you (God)

>Your "subconscious" already impressed you - that's why you want to manifest it.
You got it backwards. The conscious (selective, limited part of you) impresses the subconscious (infinite part of you) and reality (illusion) is changed thru that process. All of it is just God.
>You can meet people. Seriously it happens a lot. For real, people meet people sometimes.There’s no excuses required.
>Judging this as a mighty act of your willpower over the universe is a not a real demonstration of LoA. Meeting people is mundane. Random chance.
You still don't get it. Everything is a manifestation. Taking a shit is a manifestation. Drinking a glass of water is a manifestation. Meeting people is a manifestation. Not meeting people is also a manifestation. All of it. Get it now? Probably not I think.
>It seems odd that the universe would be so forthcoming with its gifts but only to masters of self deception with mundane worldly desires like a new car, new job, sex, fame, wealth, the Perfect Dress.
Such an idiotic statement. It's what a dumbass who thinks they're smart would say
Sheeeit why was this nigga so wise

i'm manifesting another wave of psychosis sweeping over the people, currently i am witnessing an irish girl spitting on random people on the street and calling them niggers.
That's cheating, they're naturally psychotic. It's like manifesting a stabbing in London.
I can't remember, I saved it years ago.
Exactly. It's just randomness of life. And statistics/probabilities can easily explain that. Growing or recovering hair from man pattern baldness for example, would be another story and would prove this is working. Not making your ex come back, which is extra common even after decades..
another one not eating a burger or finding a parking spot tonight
It isn’t.
This is the same kind of budget theory as you split off a different timeline every time you manifest something so that if two people want the same one thing both of them can get it.
It’s a complete fabrication.
99% of posters here want to actively manifest something. They aren’t getting it or they wouldn’t be posting here. Reaching your hand out of for a glass of water isn’t the same thing.
Not everything is a manifestation. If it is then there are now grades of manifestation and you have obvious difficulty attached to different ones. So you age no longer an infinite but a god bound by degrees of difficulty.
There threads are full of larpers.
Based greatness.
Why won’t they listen?
I just don’t get why Lilanon won’t manifest all the burgers and parking spaces for everyone.
Maybe the lottery wins too for everyone.
He is God. So he can do it
Also he is everyone pushed in or out and all about so it would be in his benefit.
Is he just evil?
refer to this: >>38261540 and no i'm not giving you shit.
>gib me or you muh evil
are you brown?
Isn't there a tape that's for "patterning" which is essentially manifesting?
Void state is just an non-instantiated "correct" SATS state. It's the same state without a scene running.
Did sats hammered about fucking a girl and had one text me to come meet her 2 hours later out of the blue. Unfortunately didnt smash
what's void state
Well maybe he does but you still choose to experience a reality in which he doesn't.
So it's more or less a you-problem.
>just accepting and letting go of my guilt
How did you do this anon?
>Why won’t they listen?
I love this comment everytime you post it after mine :)
The reddit subliminal sub is very entertaining.
It's hilarious to see girls putting makeup and showing before-after pics to say they changed their appearance hahaha. Lots of comments saying they are so impressed and asking for which subliminal they listened to hahaha girls go use some L'oreal stuff and you'll get the same effect.
As men we don't have this chance btw.
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I’m so proud of all of you even those who haven’t made it yet
Interesting, anon. My "issue" with this is, better or worse as that steak dinner subjectively might be, that's not the burger that was asked. Note, NTA though.
My life has been so chaotic lately, I'm the master of self-sabotage it seems. I realize that I need to do a lot of work on my self-concept. It's useless to manifest ideal scenarios when I fuck everything up when they present themselves to me. I haven't attempted revision yet, but I think I should. Maybe it's time to try changing my past a bit before going back to manifesting events in the future. Any advice on doing it?

I have been using the wave 2, 1 month pattering track. "Pattering" is just Monroe's term for manifesting.
I feel this, recently I’ve had some amazing opportunities and I just find a way to cuck myself
Have you ever read The Alchemist?
tldr, you think you want something, but sometimes, you're actually just being distracted by something because it's easier, induces a crush/lust/gluttony, seems best, gives you something else you want, etc. You may want it in the moment- but why manifest a million dollars if all you want is a burger? Why manifest a down-to-earth wife if you just want casual sex with hot people?

It's fine if you want the burger; if that's genuinely what "you" want and manifest for, you'll get it. Problem is, most people just think they want a burger because that's the closest they can conceive of to what they're actually after, and won't figure it out until they round the corner and discover steak or gyro or whatever. Essentially, ego can get in the way.

UL is cool, but why UL members never have any manifestations under their belt? I've been in their discord and in the other group, and none of them got anything more than one time 10k $ and that's only few members.
Day 7318 of manifesting a Taco Bell career as a Food Champion.
I'm losing faith. I'm starting to think Taco Bell will never hire me.
I'll assume because it's the end-all technique. It's not that it doesn't work, it's that those who understand it and put it to use realize they don't need any other techniques and stop returning to the thread.
>Not everything is a manifestation
Yup. Clueless. Further discussion is pointless when you can't even grasp the basic concept
>I just don’t get why Lilanon won’t manifest all the burgers and parking spaces for everyone.
>Maybe the lottery wins too for everyone.
>He is God. So he can do it
>Also he is everyone pushed in or out and all about so it would be in his benefit.
>Is he just evil?
Too retarded to understand loa and a pathetic beggar as well. Sucks to be you lol
What is this other group and where can I find the invite to it?

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