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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38240787
Great thread so far
have a nice day, /div/
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take it easy, /div/, it'll be ok in the end
Is HB waiting for me?
It's over. It never even began but it's over now.
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Will I be seeing C anytime soon. And if so, is it worth getting my hopes up and possibly pursuing?
My gut, which I trust and usually is right isn't telling me anything.
The snake bites it's tail
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What do your cards show you I should know?
what should I focus on next week? I need tasks to tackle
starting once you confirm
Why is she being so distant after we had such a good time and hung out?

Your q?
Can I get one card
Will anything good for me come from this New Moon next Friday? Starting yours
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>3 of pents, devil,king of swords, queen of cups

Well yea it does seem like some new casual relationships with people will come into your life or you'll start building a connection with new people. Nothing romantic but I see you starting to be introduced into a new friend group that is emotionally fulfilling for you.

It will likely be surface level but that's just fine and won't really impact much.
Hmm… the cards seem unusually good for your query desu and it’s giving me pause
>lovers, 3 of pentacles, king of swords, 9 of cups

To me it comes across like there is someone in the background who is also courting this person and making them distant from you. Possibly a toxic friend or other suitor. That’s why it’s something that seemingly has nothing to do with you, it’s stuff in the background that you cannot directly see but is leaving her satisfied with someone else’s efforts

You need to therefore ensure this other person fails and moves on if you want your relationship with this person to progress in a way that favors you
Hmmm sorry but I’m not feeling this one, short of a new job and new place I don’t foresee me coming into a new friend group nor is it something I’m actively pursuing anyway
Yea that makes sense.

It was kinda expected honestly.

What do you mean they seem unusually good for the query?
I just saw the 3 of pents and devil along with queen of cups

So it gave me causal relationship vibes
your reading is ready...
You there anon?
>seeing C anytime soon
idk, you wanna hang out, bro?
>6 of cups
that's a nice one, enjoy
Forbidden romance when?
Love gen for two weeks? I been feeling good. I'm male single. Your q
So it’s yours ^^
What does T feel about me as of recently?

Starting and will post after you fyi
butterfly, vial, mirror all upright
you have been enjoying the summer so far, you are taking leaps of faith and going forth with an open heart, this will lead to you gaining some truths or finding some novelties in life if you continue down this path, just keep it up

where's my reading? you better not be a faggot tradecuck
One card please?
No thank you, I don't know who you are and there's too many tradecucks here. Find someone else to trade with
Nta but you're a bigfer faggot and your cards are shit tier.
You asked for the trade first is the funny thing.

But no problem best of luck
go kill yourself you fucking cunt. its exactly why you'll get blown to bits in the upcoming war. laugh now and cry later bitch. enjoy your guts blowing to bits faggot
This week, focus on embracing new beginnings with a sense of adventure and not giving a fuck. Nurture yourself and your creativity by engaging in activities that bring you joy. Take time for introspection and solitude to gain clarity. Stay adaptable to the changes life brings and celebrate your successes with positivity. Trust that this is a chill sunny week.

Lol faggot. You don't wven know who you're replying to.
Your read was shit btw, I didn’t cuck you out of honor but fuck you lmao
It's ok man, he didn't wanna trade with me because he was scared to post first.

Shit happens. Someone else will come along.
What? I can't hear you Mr Shekelstein my freedoms are too loud.

No I don't need social credits I'm based already.
Div seems extra toxic right now.

I'ma come back in like 6 hours when things mellow out
you'll still die by getting btfo lmao enjoy the scrap metal shredding your guts like a bitch
>7 of cups
hope you choose whatever's best for you.
Hey anon would you be willing to trade? I just have a dumb relationship q is all
your mom is still disappointed of you
> you'll still die by getting btfo lmao enjoy the scrap metal shredding your guts like a bitch
Woah this ain’t Xbox live buddy missed your tendies?
Nta but I can trade for a short while. Igot a silly query too.

Will I be on time for that thing today?

Your query?

3 cards please?
This >>38245853
And you?
This one is mine. Starting
>9 of pents, 4 of swords, empress

Yea you'll make it anon just don't nap to long or get 2 focused on leisurely activities and you'll be fine.
Will I end up in a relationship with S, C or someone else?

3 of swords r, knight of swords r, pope, lovers r
Did you tried to sneak a kiss from them or something extremely daring as of recently? They feel perplexed like you tried to took advantage of them or like you would take any chance at them when their have the guard down.
T doesn't hate you or anything but they held you to a higher standard. Their opinion just changed but they don't hate you.

>the magician, ace of cups, the star
wow, i'm jelly, these are great! if things have been bad, this smacks of a change

>>38245868 here

Chariot Rev
Knight of Wands Rev
Queen of Wands

No, you won’t. However, delaying it for a little while is actually a good thib, because it’ll give you more time to refine it, and the people you’re doing it for will understand that.

It gets done when it’s done. It’s that simple. Don’t rush it.
3 cards please?
Well damn yea but it was kinda reciprocated a little bit.

Nothing to weird or out of the ordinary considering how it used to be from my perspective. But thanks anon hopefully it'll get better.
S got 7 of wands r, 5 of swords r
C got 9 of cups, 2 of cups r
Someone else get ace of pents, queen of swords, lovers r
Ok c is a really good option but they're not ready to commit. The way I see they don't even want a relationship rn but if you stay for a longer more you may become a couple in the future... either that or they'll introduce you someone.
About someone else is also an option but be smooth. Don't show off or let people know you're just hopping from one to the other looking for a partner.
What does K feel about me at the moment?
What is going to happen to us in the future?
Genders and sun signs
Should I go there alone?
What do you mean?
Love gen for two weeks, male into females. I'm pisces
Will he be my bf?
Should I be more sexually assertive?
what does that mean?
if you're a girl you can be sexually assertive with me ;)
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Hey, can't fault a man for trying :P
Will he be rough or gentle
You can, if they act desperate and rapist-y.
has he lost his hope in me as a partner? and could I do anything to restore it
>offering to let a girl be sexually assertive
I'm not an expert, but that seems a little counter intuitive.
>to me
Desperate and rapist-y, anon.
Quit being a little bitch about it too.
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Am I on the right track to achieve the goals/dreams that I have been focusing on and affirming in my mind?

Femcel feminist.
I'm female, he's male, both virgos
I'm a man.
>femcel feminist
Naw, anon.
>both virgos
Iwar, Gibu, Fehu

He'll see what you like and give it to you how you like it.
I mean, I can be rapey if you want ;)
>I can be
>if you want
>anon shifting himself to be fake for the purpose of sexy times
Anon, would you like a slideshow on why you're desperate?
Ehwar, Odal, Bjarkan
That ship has sailed anon :/
I'm flexible. Sometimes you wanna do the raping, other times you want to be raped. /shrug
>three of swords, 4 of swords reversed, ten of swords
damn dude, i hope this is off because it looks like a solid no. are you getting worn out on whatever it is you're doing, or finding you're not getting anywhere? is it something you're doing alone? if not, seems someone's fucking with you and it's gonna bad when you find out. again, hope this doesn't land at all
Mods I got banned for the gtfo gman shit can you clean house with odds cunt?
Will he give me an engagement ring?
Anon, you're a pile of excrement in human form.
Festering, with flies about it.
You are the best condom ad to exist
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Why so mad, friend? Never seen someone shitpost before? lmao
Will I travel to that country this summer?
Can we trade?
I'm not mad.
>defaults to lmao, just shitposting teehee
You say that, but both my parents have no clue where I came from given they always used a condom given he was married to someone else at the time.
Is he going to leave me? Is it OVER?
Algiz, Naudir, Ingwar
Absolutely getting there but still need to address some weakness. Any difficulty you encounter is redirection, but you've got the trail.
>he thought I was posting in earnest
I wasn't lying, but I expect nothing from this site.
I don't expect you to be anything but so "flexible" that there is no you.
I’m imagining a grown ass man typing that being like haha I owned them losers!
I want divination not judgement!
>there is no you
I've been accused of many things over the years, but not having a strong personality is not one of them
You merely adopt what you feel suits you, anon.
sorry anon, i just pick AQs at random for practice but you can see my stuff's full of caveats. i'm very new and don't want to offer anything, especially if it winds up being just incorrect nothing burgers on my end
Kauna, Fehu, Dagr

Yes <3
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God, what sad state is the world in where even on 4chan people can't have fun shitposting. Fuck this gay Earth.
Will I ever be considered by them as a part of their friend group? I'm asking about a group of people I travel to work/work with.
I'm male
It's OK, my Q wasn't that serious desu.
>new ribs
Get your own, Eve already took one.
Yes. But just met C and don't have a way to contact apart from the place we met.
Ah, can't be then, sounds IRL
U wot bruv
I was joking about being the C the anon asked about, since I am a C, but they implied they met this person IRL, and I have no met anyone IRL recently, so I couldn't possibly be the C in question.
What I'm saying is, he's a white male in his mid-twenties to late-thirties who finished high school but didn't go to college. He works a menial job, not likely retail, but something involving his hands. Women find him creepy, but not dangerous. He is likely average or slightly below average and has a taste for women who would never want anything to do with him
I'm a boy.
I am a man
I’m a he
I don’t do that mentally ill shit
What's this in regards to?
Calls women NPC
No wonder you have to pay for play lmaooo
>can't be or refuses to be compassionate
So disappointing.
> doesn’t have the ability to connect with women because no social skills

Fix the issue or don’t brag about buying a woman from a poor country desperate to have food on the table retard, there’s no pity for you.
there’s no dick on sight brodda is that far up your ass, ya love yourself so hard you keep fucking your self non stop
music shufflemancy
no queries
your daddy showed you how he fucked himself and you think that’s normal? That’s fucked even for 4chan standards
Why do I feel violated?
I mean, I'm into that if you've got a vagina, but still.
Holy shit, didn't realize fingerboxes have gotten so high tech. Can nothing stay pure anymore?
Stop hitting people with your face dickhead
ME (f) ty
tech ruins everything!
It's all he can reach
>he jokes while being 5'4
> can still fuck without having to pay for half starved traumatised women
You wouldn’t understand anon
f 18 also
>skills with women
Anon, I don't have skills with women.
Could you default to something better?
It's almost like everyone of you idiots defaults to the same thing.
Will I need to initiate things between us`?
Thank you!
Quit talking to yourself
Get help
Nah, God had to nerf and humble my dumb ass. I'm obnoxious as is. I'd be even worse if I was average height or taller.
Me (M)
Yet you're still not humble.



>3 of wands rev,
>3 of cups, 4 of cups
>3 of swords, world
Firstly, my apologies for the late response. My electricity died and Internet with it.
Secondly, she's not all too happy about you. She seemed to have wanted to get closer to you, maybe befriend you or to have a good time with you. In her eyes that did not manifest. There's distance between you she hoped to close yet that didn't occur and she's quite sad and hurt about that. She feels ignored or neglected by you. The world either indicates she's done with you or will put that behind her
Hi, can you hit me with one aswell?
yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.
Go on then. What do you have?
Air Query

Will I find love in these threads?
>raging femcels
Are these even real? What are they even like?
stop being autistic
tysm for this :3 this really resonates; tbhhh maybe im not expanding my mind enough but i believe this is about the fact that i have had a guy on my mind because i like him lots, and i’ve been super anxious as of late about whether the romantic/sexual feelings he held for me has withered away. i think the lyrics and instrumental of the song capture this. the instrumental has an almost bittersweet melody and the lyrics imo reflect the anxiety. tysm for thé song!




Wanna go out sometime then? :P
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one reading please, of any kind
thanks in advance
>even more intrigued
God dammit, why am I like this?
<3 u keep the good work
Gimme one
Had an interview today. Will I get the job?
Oops, meant *yesterday
cool, hmu familia

Should I message the French girl?
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“Telepathy Anon” here

you know the rules

>post an image, from you to me, as an actual attempt to connect with me, an invitation to connect with you.
Random images with no effort lessen the chances of a connection. Try to send me a message via image.

>initial or name


I don’t go in order, what calls to me, calls to me

Not everything i reply is supposed to be you. I pick up on memories, smells, people’s impressions of you, songs, dates, zodiac signs, glimpses of your life, images, songs, quotes etc

Example: Please do not reply to me “i don’t have red hair” when you know damn well your aunt or childhood friend has red hair. Not everything that comes up is a description of you.
This is not advice, future predicting, etc

This is only practice, for you and for me.
forgot to add:

i include tarot and oracle in these
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>>initial or name
I didn't ask for a way to connect with you.
I asked for you to make an attempt to connect with me. If everything is revolved around you I can't mutually connect.

I won't dismiss you, but try again.
Initials: GM
Age: 24
Gender: Female

Sorry, meant to link >>38247365
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m 22 ??
ahh i see i’m sorry! read too fast T_T
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"you're my dream girl"
" i can tell just what you want, you don't want to be alone"

june/december -- both the 12th

a bitter taste in your mouth
your mother.... your mother is bitter?
wood, cedar, mahogany

you're confused about something, not distraught but
maybe anxiety ridden
its in your chest

some level of abandonment
i don't want to directly say that you lack parental guidance but there is some type of missing link to your direction in life, maybe lack of support system but mostly lack of feeling understood

something sticky,,

you are flaky
you make decisions and nearly immediately back out on them, i know i keepp saying confusion but its very melancholic confusion

7 of pent rx
2 of pent
page of cups rx
two of wands rx
You are stressed about money. Maybe lack of financial support. Youu're juggling two paths. Clarified by the two of swords. It doesn't feel like two lovers but rather two different directions in life. My honest advice is to abandon any opinion other than yours, if there is external influence on what you should do, their influence isnt whats best for you.

maybe something happened as a disturbance to the direction you thought you actually wanted
you are also impatient. you need to wait. the best decision forr you only comes with patience, maybe even years

possibly a sister
october 4th

mostly your anxiety is here
maybe a sudden loss or recent loss that is deeply confusing you

"we're still here"
Ahh I’ve been waiting for you to read me! And I had a feeling! Be right back to give you feedback later
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Can I have one pls?
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C. Male
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"now and forever"

you think its over
it isnt
you make me want to cry, like a lump in my throat
a headache
do you drink too much? something about the bladder or the liver
as much sadness as you have, you're still ... not positive but ... maybe bipolar tendancies?
disapointment but not your own, like you're fine but the influence of maybe a parental figure makes you feel like you're not doing enough

you need a shower

"haven't i given enough?"
you aren't ready to give up but ... its so funny.... as if youve struggled with inadequacy and have finally freed yourself from this feeling

"i remember when you told me its an everyday decision, i have tunnel vision"

do you have some type of addiction?
there are so many 10's in your spread
completion, letting go,
you give me chills
i dont want to say its a death, but a severed ... something, with a newfound solace in new beginnings, its very bittersweet

if you're ready to give up on yourself, don't

if you're wondering if something is done, it is.
but there is so much beauty in this ending
you are no longer the fool
sudden realizations

ace of cups rx
three of cups rx
two of swords
page of cups rx
10 of wands
[i did two spreads]
If this is some type of betrayal, do not forgive them. The bittersweet melancholy of this situation is whats best for you. You've been so hung up, so locked in, so focused on this, you are finally free.....
Don't go back, anonn

The temptation isnt strong but it lingers
You're tired

air, wind, breeze

you make me so sad. but its not depression its like, again, freedom
its like your life has just started
remove yourself from what has happened to you, it doesn't define you, its thrusting you forward

like on acid on a rollercoaster
all is well, please believe that
Gigantic love you say?
Thank you:
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Forgot "name"
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>you need a shower
But.. I shower daily?

Honestly tho, the rest of this is fucking scary. It's weird how these ramblings have made me feel the most "seen" I've felt in a long while.

>new beginnings
>very bittersweet
I guess it's nice to know something is going to work out soon.

>do not forgive them
>Don't go back
If only you knew how relevant this is

>You're tired
It's been.... yeah.

Thank you, friend. <3
I wish all the best for you. God bless
I hope I'm not too late!

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E 38 male
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i've got this image and a number for you, 888. make of that what you will.

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should I get a lawyer to appeal the case or just say fuck it and move on with my life? what would lead to a more desirable outcome for me? you?
gm /div/
For real, this post is going to haunt me. I'm just glad it's optimistic about the future.
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Nigga, stop trying so hard
>even here
So I can ask them out, obviously. Duh
Why is the young most capable man in the entire world wasting his time here insteadof looking after his farm and cattle?
Don't talk to me if you're past 16.
outcome of going to IM within the next two weeks? any romance or sex there for me? i'm male

if i ever achieve chaotic impure one day i'll have peaked
Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minor
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Hey don't know if i'm to late but
D 27 M
here's an attempt to connect with you: do you have discord?
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Fix your heart, my brother, it's never as bad as all that. You'll be ok.
Hey LSL. Could you do a reading for me?
Q? mine is what will the next 5 months be like for me?
4chan isn't for children retard
love gen for august? starting
I'm assuming you've left? good luck with the case
You must be really fun at parties
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no i was waiting for a reply ill do your query still if u do mine and reply to this post
Your query has been done Im waiting on you
why is there two of you

5 of pent rx, knight of wands rx, knight of pent rx, king of swords, 7 of wands

You'll get out of whatever rut you were in or coldness or whatever, new opportunities will come to you but it seems like in love you will have very high standards for yourself and others and will not engage in any love affairs or invest into them or rush into them or put yourself out there because of these standards, you will resist any offers or opportunities you get because they seem to either be beneath you or illogical to pursue.
what will my weekend at M's be like? Will we make love to one another or nah
Six of Wands Rx Hermit King of Swords Rx
Small victories here and there but you'll spend a lot of time on your own and there might be some conflict within yourself or with another man. Or perhaps you'll be the one engaging in conflict. Be wary.
I'm 860
I want the same Q you want to. Idk who the other bloke is
It doesn't seem like you'd get along with any social groups there, but it'll be an adventurous time with much to do and it'll either help you come out of your shell, or it'll just be a little bit of a money sink. Sex...you'll be too in your head, maybe hung up on some emotional issues or sadness. You'll have a far better time on your own that with anyone else, you won't find any satisfaction in romance there, you'll find only great satisfaction in your singleness.
3 of cups rx page of wands 4 of pent rx 5 of cups rx 8 of swords 9 of pent 10 of cups rx
2 of wands rx tower rx 8 of cups knight of cups rx
I get the feeling you'll try to dodge bullets and avoid disasters by avoiding obstacles or refusing to face obstacles or maybe you will have clarity on what to choose between crossroads to avoid disasters, you'll try hard to move past disappointments at any cost, but it seems like this strategy will produce negative emotions, stagnation, missed opportunities, reconsider your current strategies for the next 5 months.
Six of Coins Rev
Knight of Swords Rev
I don't see this turning out well, you might end up losing money and be quite delusional about this whole thing. As a result I don't see you going anywhere with this besides losing shit.
> "you're my dream girl"
" i can tell just what you want, you don't want to be alone"
Sounds cute

> pisces
june/december -- both the 12th
I do have a friend who is a Pisces and probably a family member or two. June 12th is probably when I picked up my award from school.

> your mother.... your mother is bitter?
wood, cedar, mahogany
My mom doesn’t like her boss in her job, or people in her work in general lol. My floorboards are wood.

> some level of abandonment
I know my parents were overprotective over me but now I’m older - they’re actually chill. I feel like it could relate to my older brother, who just graduated college and now he just stays in the house all day. I don’t think he doing any productive with what he wants.

> something sticky,,
I just took a shower lol
>5 of swords
>queen of wands
>3 of cups rev
Interesting you'll start off by doing something for yourself that'll either create resentment towards you or you shooting yourself in the foot. you might become deiven with an ambition you wish to fuffil. Say you leave the job in a fit of rage or fuck someone over in a deal to your benefit. This ambition will by your drive and youll use your charisma/charm and maybe even sexappeal to get it. Things could go awry in the 3rd month where you might go off the track and overindulgence in anything between leisure time, partying or socialising, with your ambition taking a back foot. By the 4th month I'll realise you were a bit frivolous with your life and decide to maybe take time to reposition yourself in relation to your life and by the 5th you'll find new inner balance, a general sense of calm within and in your life. Its as though you'll be fueled by some selfish desire, crash and burn and have to rebalance yourself
> you are flaky
Sometimes I’m indecisive about what I want. But it’s not that serious, like I can’t decide if I want this food or this other food. You know? Lol

> You are stressed about money. Maybe lack of financial support.
My parents aren’t that rich but they do provide. And I had a couple of readings about making money even though I didn’t ask for it.

> My honest advice is to abandon any opinion other than yours, if there is external influence on what you should do, their influence isnt whats best for you.
I wanted to be in a creative career, like an artist or like a musician. Or even an actor! Lol. I do have memories of losers online telling me that I’m gonna fail and be homeless.

> you thought you actually wanted
you are also impatient. you need to wait. the best decision forr you only comes with patience, maybe even years
Yeah, I’m trying to improve my craft everyday before my uni fall semester starts. I guess I need to be patient when doing it.

>possibly a sister
I do have a niece that’s like a sister to me lol

>mostly your anxiety is here
Yeah I overthink about how I should act, I’m figuring out my self esteem
sweet thanks! this saves me a lot of time and money and worries !
Well I want to move out on my own.
That's my main big thing. Then get a new job, save up cash etc
ah geez dude thanks I gotta get my head right appreciate it
Delete tik tok or keep it?
T r a d i n g
Do you think your read could be a warning to not chose the easy way out? It's as though the defentuons of the cards could mean "don't chose the safest options, don't feel change and walk away. You'll remain disappointed where you are?"
Outcome between me and the cute blonde?
Q u e r y?
yeah it seems like a very apprehensive energy, safe energy, that really robs you of experiencing or enjoying life, the ducking and running and hiding and avoiding and risk management and everything, steals your soul it seems
This one, let me know when you start so I'll start yours
is pursuing bodybuilding a stupid waste of time or good idea for me? you?
Should I delete my social media on tik tok or should I keep it? The app keeps censoring my videos. Starting yours
>page of pents
>2 of pentacles, emperor
>5 of cups, sun
Hmm. I don't see intimacy here. I think your weekend at theirs might get delayed due to a nessecary change in scheduling. I think it'll be the male that needs this done and while disappointment reigns it could be temporary for this weekend.

If things go through again no intimacy and largely due to the male. There could an improvement in eachothers mood so maybe a quick sesh of hanky panky. Things won't go according to your plans but you'll leave Ms place happy.
what am I doing wrong/fucking up in my life or how am I fucking up my life? i'm scared im fucking everything up and time is running out. you?
3 of Swords, 5 of Swords, Judgement
She's bad news anon these cards are bad, you two aren't compatible and she's someone you'll want to avoid
Wow, I thought we were on good terms?
thing is you are but shes vicious, not someone you want anything with
2 of pent 8 of pent RX 10 of pent 6 of pent knight of pent knight of pent

50/50 yes or no for first card, followed by card of this activity of keeping it not leading to any substantial development, but the rest of the cards keep saying keep it. Is there another option you can do? Like open a new account, or appeal something, or wait for an update, or something? Because the account does have value---and long term value, whatever it is you're doing with tiktok does give you substantial long term value.
What is with this new crop of readers and just interpreting cards as "bad". At least learn the cards a little bit more deeply.
You might be picking up the energy of the fake blonde then. She's a bitch
New diviner. Probably shit at it. Hit me and expect nothing
what will the next 5 months be like for me? or, what am I doing wrong in my life, I feel like I'm fucking my life up. Thank you, I'm female.
Did an interview yesterday, will i get the job?
does a (male) think about me?
Knight R, mermaid, whale, peacock, dragon, garden R, snake
Yes you would make yourself more attractive despite the burdens it might bring. It has tons of benefits and if you maintain it long enough you would even start to have fun doing it. You are told to stick to a routine
what are M's (f) feelings towards me?
Okay. What can I expect from now until the end of the year?
Do they talk about me with one another? If so what do they say?
Male asking about two females
I'll give you one I know the answer to, to give you feedback. Why didn't I (male) date FS (female) back in 2019/2020?

I'm not a regular here, but I have noticed that many readers are reading cards in isolation instead of against each other in the spread. I've seen this issue everywhere, not just here.
hey thanks and no hate but... what deck even is that, is that even tarot?
She detests you lol
Its an oracle deck. Its similar to tarot
Hey Div! Does anyone have any good Purification or self cleansing techniques to remove any bad energy or attachments?

Will give some free reads for advice
are those even accurate?
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Hiiii welcome!
If you want a test question for practice: what were the main reasons why I broke up with A (one of my ex boyfriends)?
Can provide feedback
Yes just as accurate as tarot
>I'm not a regular here, but I have noticed that many readers are reading cards in isolation instead of against each other in the spread.
That's what happens when you have 0 intuition. You're not supposed to read cards robotically like an AI, you have to get to pieces together and let them create a story in your mind.
people read with literal stones and sticks and still get accurate results, whatever works works
Most Divination cards have similar energy's and meanings. They are are just as accurate as tarot. It's just a different form of divination
Do the egg technique or take a shower. If you have salt rub salt in a bath on skin. Nothing beats sage though

Should I keep posting only once a day or increase my posting on social media?
That's like asking are Runes just as accurate as Tarot
umm idk in detail but you could rub egg (like still in the shell) on yourself and then crack it in a glass. and i think you also have to be careful of how you dispose of it to make sure it’s gone completely, i think you should flush it? but if i wete you id go outside and dispose of it desu i’m not sure if you should flush it
Thanks for the response. Starting now.

(can you elaborate on the egg technique)
You are fucking up your life by doing nothing about it. You know what steps to take yet you sit there and mull them over and over again. Get out there and go hiking, backpacking. If you live by trees go out there and touch them. Your next 5 months will be the same if you do nothing new. Get rid of your old birkenstocks. Are you blonde female with glasses by chance? Maybe brunette? It looks fuzzy to me. Green frog, chicken. Next 5 months have potential but you have to go out. out out out out out.

No. But you will stumble across some random job inside of a wooden looking cabin. Lots of wood inside. Red leather chair. Green lamp. There's your job.

Inappropriate lewd thoughts. Stalks your social media. Doesn't think he should go for you. Acne on his face. Stuck in a rut. You can do better.

She likes the looks and attention she gives you but nothing deeper. She's a bit shallow in that regard. Staring at her legs while she wears dresses and skirts gives her an ego boost. ego. ego. ego.

Nothing exciting really. Do you work in a kitchen or have a kitchen job? The holiday season will be busy and you'll get paid a bonus during that time. Other than that I don't see much happening.

Radio silence, bud.

Thanks. I know I'm mentally ill. Feedback is welcome although I don't even know what I'm doing.

She rejected you and kept playing dumb games. Hot and cold. Usage of phone. Talking about you in a groupchat and the inevitable answer came up as no. Looks like she was leading you on with another dude. Hooked up with her once? I don't know seems like hooked up once. empty battery. empty hook.kek
Lbrp, bornless ritual, smudging yourself with sage, taking a shower while visualizing the water clean any impurities in your aura or breathing in white energy and exhaling negative energy in meditation. Pick any of those.
Align your chakras!
What’s up with people readings about me and money? I’m not even asking about money but I gotten multiple of them about I should make money. Even though I’m just a student in uni and being provided by my parents.
Look up egg cleansing. You have the internet...use it
LBRP is considered the go-to ritual to remove bad energy and negative spirits, so id suggest you look into that. Have also heard that it may get rid of some good energy too, not too sure about that.
Another thing is, literally, take a cold shower. This is one i do, basically start warm water then get it colder and colder. Water is magical and you can imagine negative energy leaving you, maybe imagine it as a black liquid and visualise it coming off you. You can also look into pore breathing, where you breathing in the wish/quality you like, and breathe out the negative energy you are feeling. Both of this is from Franz Bardon. I've experienced good success with this.
Also, one i like to do sometimes is visualise an umbilical cord connecting me to the earth, and grounding myself. And of course, actual grounding too by just putting feet on grass.
Finally, in the long term, become more virtuous, root out your negative qualities and become a better more loving person. That virtue is the ultimate protection, nothing can harm the virtuous person.
Hope this helps
I did an interview yesterday, will i get the job? Thanks
Seconding salt - you can rub it on you if you don't have a bath, then let it was off, visualizing it scrubbing off and washing off whatever ick is afflicting you. |

Sage smudging. Frankincense. Lavender works too. Heard Florida Water works too, never tried.

Aspersion if you have a deity you trust to bless the water through you, but that method is generally weaker.

Star Ruby. Sword banishing ritual.

Whatever clicks with you. They are not mutually exclusive.
"Should they post more on social media?"

>fool, page of cups, 7 of wands

Well more interaction and updates of what's going on wouldn't be bad, but don't over do it. Update as things happen but try to avoid giving mindless pointless details of whatever comes or happens. You will receive more interaction the more sustenance the post has.
>But you will stumble across some random job inside of a wooden looking cabin. Lots of wood inside. Red leather chair. Green lamp. There's your job.
Damn, very ominous, what kind of job is it?
Toxic, manipulation, gaslighting. That's all I see and feel. Smells like gasoline and I hate it.
Maybe a general for July?
Thanks anon! Have a Query?
Burning things like sage is kind of basic, but it works for some people. If you do energy model, the cleanse is pretty straightforward. Even grounding is helpful. If you do spirit model, you can try a simple ritual like LBRP.

It's about the reader, not the tool.

Intuition is helpful, but I was referring to the practice of treating a spread like a story. Most readers don't do that; they usually just tell you the meaning of one card at a time. In person it's usually worse, because they just make everything some version of "the universe is telling you to heal."

>She rejected you and kept playing dumb games
Actually I was never interested in her but enjoyed her conversation and wanted a simple favor from her, about which I was upfront. She tried to seduce me, but I played dumb and pretended to be oblivious. There was sexual tension, and I did find her attractive, but I saw no long-term potential, so I decided not to waste my time on a fling.

Which method are you using?
What’s up with me getting financial readings? Even though I didn’t ask for it, I’m just a student in uni being provided by my parents
Will I travel to that country this summer?
Toxic to some degree, yeah. There were other big reasons alas.
Three days general?
whatever this ghost next to me says
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Pic related. Help.
Hmmm... Does my kitty cat know I love her? :( I hope she does
tysm. honestly i just wanted to know if he was thinking about me at all
my gut says this reading is tracking, but it still feels weird to me because he just feels like he doesn’t think that way if that makes sense.

>Inappropriate lewd thoughts.
not surprised LMAO
>Stalks your social media
he only has my twitter so i’m guessing if he is stalking he just relooks at that, or this is moreso a desire to do.
>Doesn't think he should go for you.
this is the part that throws me off desu. not in a “your reading is inaccurate” way, im just surprised! with the other stuff you mention after, i’m guessing this is because he’s thinking i’m out of his league or smth, but when i recall certain texts, this tracks more.
>Acne on his face.
he does have some LMAO but is this like tying back with this idea i’m getting that he thinks i’m out of his league?
>Stuck in a rut.
about me?
tysm for thé read, it was good!!!!
>You can do better.
well considering the other thoughts this tracks
What is the friendly spirit attached to me like? What are his goals?
Trading an either/or query
Finance Gen July
>because he just feels like he doesn’t think that way if that makes sense.
as in i feel like he doesn’t feel like he thinks like that.
Is the kitty aware of the feeling anon has for them?

>hierophant, temperance, ace of pents

she know's you are her caregiver and it can imagine a life without you <3

She probably comes off as disinterested a lot though
cant imagine*!!!!!
you guys suck
We love you anon
What is it?
Next gf for me lol
Is it better to email ASAP or wait a little longer? Yours?
Would you like a general advice read?
should I get P.L, L.C or M.D?
Starting yours

Thanks for letting me know. This ghost is an idiot then.

1. Nothing of importance
2. Its hot and muggy
3. Some nice food

Looks white and translucent. Seems like he just wants you to do his bidding on this Earth. Ever tried automatic writing? He also seems bored

Tight wallet but you'll spend anyhow.

I fucking spit and swallow

Give me feedback so I can slap this fucking ghost around to give me better information.
Does H want J to sell the truck?
talk shit post read
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baby.... ty bestie!
What does my near future(year or something) look like?
doesn't resonate much, thanks
Like really get into it and free yourself up
Will I hear from d soon?
will i get my desires?
im neetanon asking about how interview went. I will let you know if i did get it or not.
You said
> But you will stumble across some random job inside of a wooden looking cabin. Lots of wood inside. Red leather chair. Green lamp. There's your job.
Which, idk, im applying for bs corporate shit this sounds like some lynchian spook job or something, also someone with just a degree isnt stumbling into a job i got no experience apart from working as a waiter
Is d going to return?
I'm a borderline retard. Thank you for the comments. I just talk to this retarded ghost next to me :-]

Yeah but for a good price. Try FB marketplace kek

Financial freedom finally yippee! One of your friends will turn on you but it's for the better. They have too many issues. New Years will be fun for you. Drink all the champagne you can.
>1. Nothing of importance
>2. Its hot and muggy
>3. Some nice food
really. Thank you.
Can I ask one more?
Does she think about me?
apologies, just very anxious rn. you retards are cool
Does A stalk my t? tysm
I'll perform 3-5 rune readings. Skipping at my discretion.

You skipped me
How soon until I eat a steak?
>fool, 7 of wands
This one starts promising but will be pretty frought with other people trying to drag you down
>queen of cups, ace of swords
Only if this one really appeals to you, it will take hard self work and determination
>10 of pents, tower
This is like PL but even worse, don’t go with this option desu it will make you miserable
What do i need to do with the bowl of water to manifest my d back? i know i need a bowl of water but idk what to do with it
will i get my wish? tysm
Me please :)
C female
G male
Will g get me something?
Me B male
She E female
What did she think when I offered her my help?
Will I hear from d soon?
Me f
Just anything
Hm. Can you get a name or even just the initial?
New job?
Next good thing in my life?
S, Female.
What should I work towards in order to improve?
Female and female

Does H want B to get a new car?
Sorry mate. I'm new kek

Probably not if you're asking.

Not likely.

Yeah when she's sitting at her desk working. But it's a distant memory she doesn't hold much meaning to.

Dang. My bad homie. You get them because there's a part of you thinking about finances particularly after uni.


So many questions. I don't even know what I'm doing
Well, that sounds jolly (tho indeed something I'm currently working on and tryin to achieve)
We'll see you if you are correct
Thank you
Can you describe what this toy looks like
Maybe? I've just got this one particular monkey on my back and idk how to get rid of it on my own.
Will I eat a steak soon?
>Yeah when she's sitting at her desk working. But it's a distant memory she doesn't hold much meaning to.
We were together six hours ago, but I got what you are saying.
Thank you.
Is he gonna leave me
ofc, and your ghost sounds cool lmao. can i have just a little elaboration on a part of the reading though ><
why does he think i can do better, and that he shouldn’t go for me :/
Gebo, Raidho, Thurisaz (inverted)

Yes, you will and it should excel you to great heights as this is a crucial part of your journey. Your vantage point will change, causing you to redirect because you will see new ways in which the accomplishment can be built upon. The wish you're asking about may have something to do with being able to assert your will despite the pushback of others by finding the right ways to tend to your vulnerabilities.
>anime forum
I thought this was a Peruvian llama trading site?
Air Query

Is there any way to salvage things with the jewish girl?
Huh... I didn't know David Duchovney was a Berserk fan.
Iwar, Raido, Kauna
No, move on

Anything I can do to avoid turning into a rotten person? It all seems like such bullshit and I'm so angry and frustrated for so many reaons. I don't know how to cope with this shit.
Is he wearing shoes right now?
Gah! She was exactly what I was looking for. God dammit

Thanks, Anon
Sowilo, Mannaz (inverted), Ingwaz

Sowilo is about guidance and honor, representing the sun which is another positive omen. This is counteracted a bit by Mannaz (inverted) to where I think that the delivery was a little off because it's about social identity and basically self-awareness. The manner in which you made this offering might've been perceived as a little awkward, but she saw it as sweet and is open to communicating further with you. She brushes off the nervousness with the understanding that you're still maturing. Let me know if this resonates.
NTA but who is "gman"?
idek who they are either and i’ve been on /div/ for over two years LMAO
People like you really turn /x/ into a shitty place. You should be permabanned.
How will my date with V go?
Jara, Tyr, Bjarkan
Conflict is unavoidable. Concentrated effort and will power is a must if you want peace. Do not wallow in the bullshit and don't be careless. It's a challenge, how will you meet it?
A schizophrenic retard who shits up these threads by thinking some imaginary friend demon shit is running his life by the name of H and he spams readers with his bullshit queries daily. And he's obsessed with some girl who doesn't want him by the name of G. In short a faggot who you shouldn't read for, he's cancer just like that faggot who always posts odds and pussy shit
Is e jealous of the guy I was with?
What's my next gf like? starting g
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looks like all the retarded cancerous faggots came out to play, Everyone report the shit out of these faggots right now or another thread will go to complete dogshit as usual.
you described most people on /x/ you fucking douchebag. srsly go kys.
No he didn't he's just angry someone called him out on his bullshit, that loser is dying alone so he instigates because he has no life beside being a dumb little faggot ass larper here.
tell H to suck my dick faggot, right after I nut in G again
I am Alex. Who are you?
Stay mad faggot and get off the fucking thread
kys martin
what the fuck are you on about retard? these dipshits aren't readers at all just faggots who shit up the thread daily. These threads have gone to shit because of these shitstains and no one calls them out.
Thanks. The mind really does eat itself up now and then.
>tfw schizophrenic retard

How did you know?
Iwar, Raido, Ansur
I don't think so. He seems mature.
Thank you!
I don't think he actually knows I was with a guy desu
Can I ask if I'll hear from d soon?
You don't even know me retard, stop shitting up the board because I exposed you as the faggot you are
Go head, everybody and their mother has been nutting in G.
Good, then stfu about "Gman"...nobody cares and you're shitting up the thread.
>all these newfags complaining about gmanposting
you don't even know who you're talking to. Half the people being accused of being GMAN are in fact NOT GMAN. Seriously you make this place so much worse than GMAN ever could. At least GMAN's queries don't look like trolling.
Stop samefagging gman you're pathetic
Trading scry for scry
My query is if I'll see d soon
Describe the appearance of my next lover, sexual or romantic, even if it's just a one night thing. I'm male into female. What is your query? I am not doing anything occult at the moment.
should i move with A?
*as in I'm straight, I'm a dude interested in women
I'm not a tranny lol
haha mods really warned me for saying fuck off gman. this place has gone to shit
Will I meet my next gf at CI or somewhere else? starting when you confirm
Ok. Is there any items from my past I need to get rid of in order for me to unblock my financial constraints?
Because you're harassing anonymous posters assuming they are some guy.
Disgusting. What the Hell is happening to this place?
quit samefagging gman
this is why people left for discord
starting yours
Likelihood of meeting your next gf at CI is very high and so is the Likelihood of meeting your next gf somewhere else

It will happen faster at CI if you take the leap of faith and flirt or just straight up ask a girl out

Cards = CI. The fool 6 of pentacles high priestess

Cards for somewhere else= 6 of cups five of swords ace of cups

Sorry can I change my query to if he will ask me out again soon he just messaged me
Go on then. How do I fix my money problems? No vague wishy washy shit, I need specific steps
yes that's fine re starting
>left for discord
which is odd considering all I heard was bitching about discord lol
Get a job
Ty :)
eight of wands r two of cups magician
Not soon but he will, there's something else going on right now with him but once he does things have the potential to be good.
Thank you :)
no it's pretty nice actually, you probably just got invited to another server to avoid trolls like you infiltrating
yeah lmk if you want to trade more
Lol never. I just know I saw readers here complaining about discord
That's the old server lol
I assume you left, best of luck
I'm down
Will d put in the effort he needs to to be with me?

Sure, anything you can tell me about the next girl I'm romantically or sexually involved with? starting
Yes im here. Was busy with something. Doesn't seem like you're serious in trading
Kk starting
I'm not posting first, and if you posted starting why would you leave to go do something? I'll find someone else if you're that busy.
Alright why not just tell the truth and say you're a tradecuck. Waste of time
should I go through with the trip I have scheduled in august or try to cancel it, what would be the best outcome? you?
Nice projection, now do everyone a favor and fuck off. And get a job.
Judgement the fool queen of swords

Someone who takes calculated risks but no bullshit kind of attitude
Smart and young or someone who is quite youthful despite her age

The fool , the tower, the world

Sex will be really fun and kinky, someone will get emotional about it maybe her she will get attached and if you guys stay together you will both be very satisfied

Sorry I'm fairly new to this any feedback would be awesome
Two of Swords Rev
Page of Swords
Four of Swords Rev
He might at first but it's possible you or him might feel restrained somehow or overwhelmed with the relationship, leading to him trying to really fix things with you. However the fix may not be as quick as you wish.
one last bump
Cool ty
Anything you can tell me about sex with him in the future? You can ask me something else too if u like
Does S still like me? How deep are his emotions
Just do it
If she rejects you try someone else if not you get a hot french girl
I don't mind if she's getting attached! that's okay. I don't know her yet probably, thanks for the read she sounds great
sure, can you tell me more about how I meet her? starting
He definitely still likes you and sees you as a friend or partner but is losing hope about the situation, maybe trust issues or focusing on the bad... his emotions... might be deep, he might feel a deep psychic connection to you, subconscious sort of deep, surface level he loves spending time with you and thinks about you all the time in reflection
2 of sword 2 of cup star rx 3 of cup 4 of cup high priestess
Eh, fair enough. She seemed cool enough to just laugh it off if nothing else.
You still here anon? Would love to do a read, i was afk for a bit and just now saw all the replies and would love to do a read for your q

Can I get a read on how to deal with the loneliness?
three of swords knight of cups the devil
queen of wands ten of cups page of swords
Is there anyone that you’re involved with that is influential in this trip?
There will be emotional pain for you if you go. You will be heartbroken by something, you will struggle with issues possibly pertaining to things like addiction or sexuality. You will meet this situation with your heart in your hands and possibly with some form of expectation placed on you. You might feel alienated by the locals.
If you stay, you likely will be enforcing a boundary of some kind. The situation will do well for you, not only for happiness sake, but you will embark on a change to some kind of dynamic within your life and/or a relationship. It will give you some kind of leverage. It is possible that you might need to be really mindful of the way you go about the logistics of cancelling, by using tact in the process.
Ten of Swords Rev Devil, Page of Wands Rev
A new experience that will revitalize you completely and be extremely pleasurable. Although one of you will be inexperienced and maybe fumble a bit but it'll still be good.
Q? Mine is would it be a good idea to apply for a job next month?
The star , 4 of pents , wheel of fortune
The question is harder for me...
My immediate thought is somewhere with water and then I was thinking maybe the bank... possibly on a vacation if you're taking one anytime soon but with the wheel of fortune the place isn't as necessary as is the actions you take to aquire a gf like don't be too stingy
Thnks so much
Checks out
would I ever have a chance with I?
bump <3*~
six of swords ace of cups king of coins
it will go well for you. You will be able to show your skill. You will have to deal with bosses and such, but if you prove yourself as someone who is useful it will go great. You will have to work hard utilizing different techniques to move into the position, but things are looking good.
Urur, Laukr, Naudir
The loss is an opportunity in disguise. You're living a lifestyle you've outgrown, went into the darkness to emerge as light. Being called to do a true study of who you are.
Teake the path of least resistance as this is a wild ride out of your control.
‘To achieve your wants,
you often need to experience the very opposite.’
Needs that can be met by reacting positively to deprivation, delays and restrictions need to be endured and fears need to be faced.
Come to terms with and acknowledge this dissatisfaction; then use it as motivation for change.
Get a job or volunteer somewhere.
I think you both misunderstand. I've got a "life" and all that. Friends, income, the works. It's the romantic side of things that just refuses to come together. Idk what to do about it, but it's soul crushing.
care to trade or answer aq?
Do you have money? Are you in your thirties?
>>Take the path of least resistance as this is a wild ride out of your control.
>>reacting positively to deprivation, delays and restrictions need to be endured and fears need to be faced.
Come to terms with and acknowledge this dissatisfaction; then use it as motivation for change.
>>‘To achieve your wants, you often need to experience the very opposite.’

Imma add to work on your reading comprehension skills
6 of cups rx knight of wands rx star rx 8 of cups

Not from these cards but maybe if you change your mindset?
Sure, what's your q? here's a freebie
I'm 29 and yeah, I guess I'm doing okay for myself.

>as motivation for change
But change what? Idk what else to do different.
how about you make a new /div/ general nigga
definitely looking for a finance/career general! Thanks so much
Sure, pal. brb
can I ask something ? nta In just wanted a ten day general.
>>But change what? Idk what else to do different.
That's the whole point of it, the lack of romance makes you feel x. How do you deal with x? what can you learn from x about you?

I'll post in the new!
>what can you learn from x about you?
I've had 10 years with this now. I think I've learned about everything I can.
I just asked who he was, man...

I see, thank you buddy.
np, best of luck
How is my weekend looking socially? Is my intuition on my side?
You've been ten years alone despite being employed with your own place? Do you not have friends or come across people?
Problem is, this guy accuses everybody of being gman.

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