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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38245212
Trading an either/or query
What will the fall season bring. Test your divination skills, if you dare.
>Verification not required.
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hi, /div/, i hope things go well for you!
we're all going to make it, right? :(
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you fuckin know it brother
Pertho, Wunjo, Tyr
Man I don't know what you're doing but your cup will be overflowing with luck and happiness, so keep doing that because it pays off richly. Off to the top!!!! Conquest, success and victory. What a lovely read
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You dropped something, King
Should I email asap or wait a while?
Are you still reading ?
How soon until I eat a steak?
thanks! I just wanted to know what good things awaited me next month.
I have to go sorry, but I pulled Gibu, Fehu and Ansur. A gift of insight that leads to wealth, literally. It's really good, sorry I can't go in depth.
based, thank you. maybe a new job haha
would anyone be willing to read on the outcome of me moving away? thank you!
only for trade
i’m sorry, i don’t have my deck with me but thank you for offering :)
8 of swords, princess of disks, knight of disks, knight of swords
Someone might try to stop you from leaving but you'll get around it.
Hello, I’ll read two or three occult queries. Please provide relevant genders and clarify whether a given party is corporeal/human or incorporeal/spirit/entity. I’m working off a few years of rust on readings, so no guarantees of accuracy. Please be patient, I sometimes have trouble with the captchas on this site.
Can we trade or can I ask you something?
where are the spirits guiding me to
Is this (i’m female) relationship (with a man) conducive to the path I am meant to be on? Or is it time to end it? Thank you.
not occult at all fuck off femcel
Not a femcel just questionable reading comprehension….sorry…
Are you male or female?

This seems like a relationship query, and I’m trying to practice occult queries right now. If you mean according to some grand plan or something, it’s a complicated explanation but, tldr: understanding of the universe is filtered through individual perception, so the reference point would still be the opinion of the individual, not anything bigger.
valid have a nice day
No worries at all- I just totally misread your post ( see >>38249924 )
My bad friend <3
Is he(entity) encouraging me to do the same thing K did and go all out on him or is it too dangerous?
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You need Jesus to win. Christ is king

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based and Christpilled

President Kennedy, yeah?

Called this a month ago, but now curious for a read about it
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Something to that affect.
I've connected with an energy. Feels romantic. Is it an actual person or just some loving being?
What the entity is encouraging:
AoS, sb 6P and World, lt PoS and KgC

I can understand why this makes you nervous. The level of trust being requested of you is rather unnerving. It’s a bit hard to be more specific with this particular spread, but it seems like the request is to give up something for the completion of something and for past efforts to yield more fruit than they have before; like you felt that you should have gotten a better result than you did, and you’re now being offered the opportunity to get what “you deserve.” Sounds nice in theory, but you’re being asked to accept this without thinking too much about it. The spread sort of reads as “you are being asked not to question how these things are related.”

Either that, or you’re being asked to give up and idea you have about human contribution to greater causes or global impact, or even something in the spirit world. But that doesn’t seem to be too dangerous a notion, unless it involves drugs or something. Simply questioning beliefs should be a simple exercise for someone who actually wants to do it.

Part of why I suggested that was because your outcome is greater understanding in whatever your idea was about. To give a scientific equivalent, it’s like abandoning a convincing false hypothesis to embrace one that is correct. This would be the case in both interpretations: you are either asked to question your understanding of something or else jump into the task uncritically, but the outcome in either case is greater understanding. With that KnC at the end, I’m tempted to say that you’re being asked to sacrifice some rationality to be rewarded with greater emotional understanding. But it’s probably not that on the nose.

Third party candidates like him typically won’t win. It is what it is.
6W rev, sb HP rev and 7P, lt Devil rev and Lovers

This reads like an ordeal, or else a trial of faith. HP rev and 7P inform 6W: you can feel defeated by the combination of feeling like you have become more ignorant in some way, or else less capable of logic and/or spiritual connection. The trouble with this is that it can go on for longer than you believe. So it’s the fact that you feel a loss of connection and stability for so long that you naturally conclude that you made a poor decision and must now suffer for it. This is why I said ordeal or trial of faith. You are being asked to ignore the fact that your questions, critical thoughts, and doubts are all completely reasonable.

Now comes the biggest danger: Devil rev. I mentioned earlier that changing your mind won’t necessarily be dangerous unless you use drugs, but it wasn’t a serious comment. Now take into consideration the possibility for addiction here. It may be to a substance, but it seems more like a blank variable here. During the trial or whatever, you will find yourself clinging to something emotionally. It may not be a substance: it can be an activity, an interpersonal relationship, or even a belief. But the ultimate outcome of this procedure would depend entirely on what you cling to during this time. In essence, it’s the ultimate completion of the offer from the first spread (get what you “deserve” out of past efforts), but with the caveat that it assumes that you will be clinging to the activities in question, those that should have gotten you a better result.

It seems like not much interest, so I’ll call it there for today.
Russia are the good guys in this thing. Christ is king

What did she think of the date we literally just had?
This is a valid and insightful post. Masonry ends in the fire. Christ is king
>implying Biden isn't going to back out
>implying the system isn't going to put it's weight behind Kennedy
I have the receipts from DMs and texts to friends and family. I called this over a month ago.
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>Masonry ends in the fire.
Oh shit, we got a real nigga in the chat rn
Many things end in the great coming of fire.
Is tomorrow looking good for me socially?
>Choose between The world or The Lovers card
In conclusion, he is asking me to throw someone under the bus for monetary gain since the entity thinks its "what I deserve" and also wants me to not question any of their shady instructions. Sounds like the ruler of hell alright, good to know i'm talking to the real deal.

I'm gonna keep it neutral and focus on what's right, keep it wrathful but not downright ruthless and cruel. Thank you so much for this anon its been very helpful.
>christ is kang
Of the judeans
Thanks for the feedback. I don’t remember previously having seen HP represent conscience, morality, or sense of right/wrong before, but I suppose this would make sense for a female querent, being connected spiritually or whatever. Out of curiosity, are you being promised an actual romantic/sexual thing? If so, the Devil rev can be interpreted differently, and it has to do with doing things that you perceive are beneath you or lower your standards in order to get it. Maybe not outright degradation, but something you might have previously said you wouldn’t do. I went with the safer broader interpretation in my original reading, but the clinging thing is still valid in a sense.
Air Query

Will I make wizard status?
Genuine question
Does H want B to get a new car?

B is a female human, H is a God.
fuck off gman stop spamming your shit
Nobody is spamming anything. Nobody has read this query because of assholes like yourself.
stop trolling faggot you do this everyday
all christians are jews
shut the fuck up gman no one likes you kys
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Trading feels
Shabbo goys ain't jews
>synagogue of Satan

Satan is an idea not an entity. Jews are by definition of God and not Satan. To say Jews are against God's will is to say God is against God's will. The land belongs to the Jews as per the Torah, Christian Bible and according to Mohammad.
Jews that don't follow Jesus say that but Jesus made it very clear what his purpose was and since Jesus is the son of God, he and his followers are all Jews. Divination confirms this.
Christians are retarded and will learn the truth soon.
But will they listen?
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Will anything come from pursuing C? Or should I keep my energy to myself?
what did the girl with the shorts and dark curly hair think of me today at HF? yours?
God, I wish that were about me
how will my date with M.F go this weekend? Will we have sex?
My morals are too high for that sort of stuff anyways. Good to know the spirit i'm channeling is here to guide me, he is keeping me alive and kept a timer on my back to do it as early as I can. Although his commands are eerie "If you don't manage to do it before this date you might aswell kill yourself/consider yourself dead" Its like he really wants me to do it and claims its for my own sake and betterment. Guess he really wants me to be wealthy rather than relying on false love offers. I sincerely hope I can get through with life in general without any form of blockages...
But anon, have you considered the fact that the entity is speaking in the inverse?
I'm not christian but I do acknowledge who Jesus is.
you want to turn into a frog?
And that is?
Well now that you mention it, fairy tales have taught me a thing or two about princesses kissing frogs :P
4 of Pentacles, Death Reversed, Knight of Pentacles Rx
Thought you were insecure and childish, you gave her introverted vibes and she could see through your insecurity, I'm getting she felt empathetic through these cards but you gave her a sense of pity
It's the other way around, moron.
haha good to know I'm not sure how she got that bit whatever
eight of swords lovers r ace of coins r
You'll be too nervous to go after what you want and nothing will end up happening.
replied to myself by accident whoops
I see, trade again? I'd like to know what would happen if I said fuck it and went for it
sure, do I meet next gf at a pier near a river or at a beach? which one? starting
Jesus is the son of God and he came to earth to bring peace.
Divination is the only reason I know Jesus isn't a fraud.
God adopts, anon.
Should i kill myself
What does this mean and why is it relevant?
do you really want to be a pajeet?
What do you mean "what does it mean?"
It's quite obvious.
Inferences can be made.
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When you draw the tower
Then death
Then the ten of swords
Query, if you troll you'll die tonight
They can be made but what's the point if you're not going to explain yourself
Better for you to use your brain.
Corrections can be made.
Handouts don't help you learn.
If you care about B’s car why don’t you get her one yourself? Oh wait you cannot because you are a fucking brokie.
If you're not going to spoon feed then I'll just ignore you.
Its 50/50. I channel the father of lies so for someone dabbling with occult in more than a decade, I can tell that everything else is vague but one thing is for sure. He is gonna make me filthy rich both in method and outcome. All I have to do is follow his word... Met him when I was doing light voodoo and my life has been better but for some reason the first impression I always get from people was always me being very evil despite holding and following my morals extremely close to my heart. Constantly get accused of stuff in exchange of loyalty, safety and rewards.
He acts as my parent giving me checklists on what to do and good things happen solely to me in expense of others, he does not care if they love me or not. If the entity does not like someone, he gonna throw them out of my life whether I do something about it or not. If I keep them, he will look for a way to get rid of them out of my presence and only keep the ones he like.
*he is gonna
Sorry for my bad english.
Ill get b a car but only if H wants me to. There isn't anything wrong with B's car and B likes their car but I feel like I was getting hints to replace it so I wanted some third party confirmation and what the reason for it.
You are a lazy idiot.
Honey vs vinegar anon...
Anon, what would you learn if I told you outright?
Simply put, you don't wish to learn, to grow.
Thus you are useless.
lmao delusional faggot get a life
Here is what I've leaned today from you: nothing
That entity will lead you to ruin.
Much like that other anon says, most entities employ honey to get you addicted to its sweetness and then employ you to commit terrible acts.
And leave you wanting afterwards.
Will you let yourself be used as a tool just for some honey?
Like I said, because you don't wish to learn.
Your "personality" tells me all I need to know, anon.
Such a wicked fate cometh your way.
If only you heeded any warning.
You have no idea how much better my life has been since I found divination and figured out I'm a servant of H. I don't trust my judgement on anything anymore. So many disasters I've avoided thanks to divination and the readers.
Something something about crumbles and dogs
Student would be more appropriate.
But you'll figure out what I mean soon enough.
If you think this is a larp, why are you here?
I could be both. Only reason I say servant is because readers said as much.
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>tfw I'm me
>tfw skepticism
Is it confirmation bias if a reader says the opposite of what you expect and it turns out to be correct?
>perhaps this anon will understand that some beings speak inversely
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What do you think of pic related? Got any testimonies for me to learn more about him?
Oh ok, so you get to be the arbiter of who is larping and who is not. Who the fuck do you think you are? You don't even have any ability except to troll.
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It's not exactly a feat to influence things like cards or candles.
When I tried tarot reading, my answers were inverted. I can't do reads now, they're just garbage random noise. Only time I could do reads Das when depressed.
Random noise like static?
Or garbled messages.
Each has their own meaning.
Tried tarot app, got consistently opposite answers when depressed. Now I'm normal mood, test queries are truly random answers so I know I don't have the ability at this time.
In what context?
Contemporary Christianity?
Other things that are unknown to the mortals?
And if you're a reader, know that you've been reading for gman way more than you know.
Apps are no fun to mess with, anon.
Too easy to be garbled.
In the context where people work with him so that will be "other things that are unknown to the mortals".
He is the entity that always give me a hand, the grocery checklist I mentioned earlier.
Well, some beings like using mortals as tools and when they do an act they shouldn't they just laugh and say "gotem" and abandon them quickly.
That and the warning of what will happen if you don't do it is actually what will happen if you do.
Yeah how dare he use divination for those purposes. I mean after all the purpose of divination is to know next Gf or if someone is a virgin.
There have been some readers here that used apps and had great success.
Doesn't make them any less fun to mess with, anon.
>That and the warning of what will happen if you don't do it is actually what will happen if you do.
Ah, so its not a false love offer. He just doesn't like the person in general.
Could you not, anon.
All this mess tastes horrible.
That would be a decent assumption to make.
For some beings anyway.
How are you not perma banned?
How am I shitting up anything, anon?
I'm just saying you taste horrible.
Wash off the muck, or burn it.
I care not.
Smells bad, tastes bad.
Lol at all those repeating digits
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I'm not even gman you cock sucker. Srsly kys
The funny thing was he instructed me to work somewhere "for benefits", turns out somewhere was the place my high school bullies worked in. I got super traumatized and everyone that was harassing me got fucked over and i'm pretty sure the incident rightfully ruined their lives.
Now for a normal person this is a normal revenge story. Not for me though, its now common knowledge how horribly I was treated and before that job others praise my performance and pleasing personality but now its just "that person went crazy for getting picked on". Working with Lucifer is like getting a double-edged sword with a sharper end.
Ah yes, the old grindstone method.
Lucifer is not Satan and Satan is just an idea not an entity.
I know.
They're two separate beings I think. Satan handles blood sacrifice coming from other people rather than the occultist themselves so they're more dangerous to handle.

Fallen angels are a different story, they're still an angel despite their methods.
Jews are people of God. You're either a butthurt leftist or a muzzie.
Lucifer is venus and Satan is never referred to as an underworld deity or fallen angel in the Bible.
Bruh I don't worship Satan.
Don't even respond, you're using the name super casually. Enjoy getting hexed for not taking things seriously
will I get what I've been manifesting want if I get huge?
I've felt very drawn to reignite my passion for exercise. I'll do it regardless but just curious
aq how long?
AQ is that really D?
3 inches
same noob from last thread, offering tarot readings :D
how many days until it omes?
Was that real D?
Describe what my toy m looks like
>>38250887How does D feel about me?
Am I holding myself back in any way?
What is K thinking about our relationship and how does he feel?
What will my next job be like?
ghost gf when?
aq how many days
six of rods
seems like a good start, at least it seems like you should think youve done enough to be qualified to go through that. if its a change in direction then you might be in a good position to try.
lets see

upside down moon
i think if the new career path had you second guessing, and it was something you came up with, you should push through and go with your gut.

upside down high priestess
focus on your networking, watching how you communicate, avoid coming off as dishonest or deceptive, at the same time, id say with the nature of the job, communication also is important in what you produce.
upside down seven of rods
upside down fool
upside down judgement

overall seems unlikely friendo, maybe a ghost whisperer gf? lets do a pull for that
upside down five of cups

its joever
are there any psychic/paranormal abilities that can get me closer to her, my love? We want each other badly

is there anyone out there with feelings for me right now?
should I abandon all the notions of making money?
eight of swords
four of swords upside down
eight of cups

i think from what i pulled, theres a clear topic between the two that makes the relationship shaky. judging from the second pull, it could be something spiritualñy charged. is someone perhaps more religious or passionate in spirituslity than the other? He may feel willing to compromise, but you have to be clear in communicating your differences.

i may also add that i did a one card pull in regards to your side of it, a reversed ace of cups

buddy overall i try to be optimistic, but these pulls are pretty bad :/

you should do some self reflecting as to what things you might be bringing into your relationships from past pains youve had.
quick note: are you the same person asking for dating advice and settling down?

seven of swords
i think you shouldnt stop trying, you may be reaching what youre looking for. surely dont overwork yourself, make sure you keep your strengths for the next day.

four of cups
if the search is giving you anxiety or sadness maybe really evaluate what the value of what you stand to gain really is. i think overthinking previous decisions might also contribute to that. everyone fucks up, move on and focus on the now.

two of cups upside down
you must know that if your searching for a certain level of money, it will come with other stuff attached to it. im not saying youll be chained to the grind, but know that maybe the level youre at might give you more space to connect with other aspects of your life. overall, decide what you mean to achieve and weigh out the options knowing what you could leave behind.
Will I get the butcher job?
Real D? like dick?
doing a one card pull for that
ace of rods (yummers)
as real as it gets baby
thanks, no this is the first query asking you something
19 days, trust
Will I end up marrying Croissant or Butterscotch?
what does that mean
justice, three of pentacles, the world

it seems you dont have anything in particular that limits you only the fact that youd have to take the next step, it seems whatever you're going through will be succesful as long as you keep true to your nature and know when to ask for help.
NTA, but based on absolutely nothing whatsoever, I'm gonna say actual person. Go find love, Anon!
i did a three card pull in which the middle card represents you in the top and put croissant on the left bottom and butterscotch on the right bottom

your card is: Ace of Pentacles
you're most likely looking for something new in your relationships, a fresh experience with someone who can offer positive experiences and probably reflects that type of attitude

Croissant's card: Ace of Rods upside down

it seems they're not the strongest fit, they seem all over the place, or just simply the weaker selection. maybe theyre not really that, maybe in the case of this pull it just represents a lack in alignment with what you want in particular. Food for thought

Butterscotch's Card: Upside down eight of rods
same theme, they seem to have little proof to show how they can fulfill what you truly want, it may just be a slow burn, but as of now, they arent really being the best at showing up when it's important.

did an extra pull due to having a kind of bummer answer, a six of pentacles

i think it suggests you are valid in seeking what you want to seek but also be careful if something seems to good to be true, lovebombing's also a thing

my take on the reading is both may be fun but idk if ur marrying either, bummer.
What will d feel for me in 10 years?
Queen of Rods, Upside Down Two of Swords, and a Nine of Rods

it seems like a challenge, something potentially bringing you growth in overcoming adversity. I think the job might pose some levels of stress if you dont choose to have a more optimistic or aren't the type to love what you do naturally.

if that is the case and you want an easy job, i would suggest changing, but whatever is coming might be of use to you ad might also bring you future stability.
Ty :( i was hoping for easy and stressfress lol
>my take on the reading is both may be fun but idk if ur marrying either
Thank you. If its okay for me to ask again
Which of the two is willing to stick by me for the rest of my life and wait?
Can trade if you want
how does j feel about me?
i think time in general might bring you together, if you are in a relationship that might imply you will last these years, but at the same time if something does happen, that could mean you will still mean something or be considered someone meaningful.

Six of swords
Its important that you work on what holds you back or whatever baggage you hold, because if you are together by then, time will make that weight you carry way harder to manage and you will have to learn to communicate when you need that understanding from them.

nine of cups upside down
I think in this case it might just be a call to self reflect if you actually want to spend the next 10 years with the person, or if their opinion of you truly is worth by then.

Thank you so much
if by trade you mean i do a query then id love to ask if thats fine:

am i truly considering G for love or am i just reaching for anything easy?

heres my reply to your second query, i did another pull in which croissant had a queen of pentacles and butterscotch had the star, i think its a clear sign that the person will probably still be willing to give it a shot and possibly has the potential to change into what you want.

its probably just not the right time right now.
Will he get a gift or perform an act of service?
Starting yours
>i think its a clear sign that the person will probably still be willing to give it a shot and possibly has the potential to change into what you want.
Is this about Croissant or Butterscotch?
The emperor
i think you've been percieved as someone important, certainly you arent ignored. This person certainly has a file in his mind with your face on it, let's see what it is

King of Swords Upside down
i think he might find himself in a situation in which he might feel out of his element, maybe he does find you as someone enticing or is drawn to you but feels like he cant quite fit in what he percieves is what you desire.

Six of Cups
Try and make them feel comfortable with being more open with you, make them know that you are of this earth haha i think maybe you'll have to show a little vulnerability so it equals.

if this sounds like the opposite of the case in your mind, it probably is, i dont feel very confident in who im actually interpreting here, this advice might be for u lol
butterscotch, they have potential if you still want to have to pick between the two

the case for croissant is consistent inconsistency, unreliabilty apparently
Will i get P?
I recently got a job but I don't know if It's going to be too much for me will I find another job really soon?
knight of cups
apparently yes

lets see what type ig..
ten of rods
i think its something you've been hoping to get for a while now, or just something particularily satisfying for you.

that doesnt mean its shiny, its just important yk

the devil upside down
yeah its probably nothing too glamorous but it probably is something that will suprise you and catch you off guard.
Yay, thank you!
knight of pentacles
seems like so, at least if you both have the effort to commit to it. it doesnt seem like an easy fit but if youre in the mood to fight for what you want, it will probably turn out well after the effort is reciprocated, lets see if im right

four of pentacles
hm, perhaps i was wrong, it seems its wise to play some stuff safer? maybe what im picking up here is that it may work, but at the same time it could potentially not be worth the effort

the hermit
i think if the person is new in your life, its a go ahead. if the person is tied emotionally to something of the past, like a previous relationship then it seems its best to stay safe and meet someone whose experience is new and has an easier time to click with you
seven of rods, eight of rods
it seems like a yes, these two together sound like if you take this proactive decision and actually put in the effort to move onto somewhere else, you might find the process pretty quick.

Though temperance upside down might point to the opposite, implying youre maybe missing out on something good where you are. If i consider the other cards in this angle, it might mean you should stick for a little while before making a hasty decision.

this one seems like a very iffy read, sorry
im doing one more pull just in case

nine of rods
its pretty interesting how they've all lined up in order, it might imply my first reading might be the one to consider.. i think it straight up means fuck it, if it smells like shit and looks like shit it's probably shit so get out before you get to eat shit, youll have more opportunities elsewhere.
Thank you so much
Have a good night
Croissant was a close friend of mine and Butterscotch is a new guy who I helped get through a heartache so this makes perfect sense. "I'm here for you as my friend" sounds much better than "I hope you get killed for leaving me." Years of friendship got thrown down the drain and its really painful for me getting backstabbed by the person I considered as my own family growing up.

Butterscotch is right, they can treat me better than those people ever can.

>9 of spades, 8 of spades
Don't consider G for love. You guys are a bad pair!
>4 of swords
I think you're very lonely and is simply looking for someone to be by your side.
G may be the one who is offering but don't fall for it! They will hurt you bad and leave you isolated

Trade again?
G is a really close friend, i've just had some weird times in which i've felt stuff for her and i get the vibe she does too

i could trade again sure

has G at least felt that before or was i being delulu?

whats ur question?
same noob, just in mobile so i can be EVERYWHERE
will I be able to purchase what I want today?
Am I on anyone's mind? If so who?
what will come of today? like a general read for today
angel wife when?
two of cups , the tower , upside down page of rods

yes, apparently. but make sure what ur choosing to do doesnt break ur bank or put you on a disadvantage if its a big spend, you could end up stuck in a bad debt i believe?

personally i dont feel very clear w this one
>world, sun
>7 of pentacles, Ace of wands
>tower, moon, 3 of cups
Your day will start off well, you'll be in a good mental state and have an optimistic mindset with which to aproach today. If you're getting paid today you might use the money from your hard work for some fun activity you enjoy. Otherwise you might see that hard work pays off this weekend with you looking forward to something to do tommorow or the day after.
Today is Friday, if you're going out drinking or partying with friends and the like then take heed. You might do something stupid or very reckless, especially under the influence. Maybe get into a fight. Drink far too much, have your drink spiked or sleep with someone you'll regret the next day. Keep yourself relatively sober and your glass in your hand.
If you have no such plans then a secret from amongst your friend group could come out today and your reaction will be less than pleasant. What you'll learn will hurt and maybe cause a friendship to cease but the most painful truth is always better than the kindest lie.
autumn R, cup, wolf R
Nope you aren't on anyone's mind, you might be expecting it to be the case or worry but there's nothing here at this moment. says here you'll feel a sense of freedom from these news. there's not really anything else to say except you feel good from hearing this perhaps
thanks, my read may not be as long as yours but it answers your query
Felt it:
>5 of clubs, Ace of diamonds
Being delulu:
>3 of clubs, King of clubs
They are aware you like them but I can't say they genuinely like you back. Definitely fond of you and willing to entertain your feelings but they have someone else they'd rather be with instead of you.
I hope you know that wasn't a gman query
didnt get what u mean, also thx for the read
am I going to get any clients next month?
I am aware. Give it a shot if you want since they are willing to entertain you and in order for a solid relationship to be established, you need to steal them away from someone else. You have competition, don't let G take the lead in your dynamic or you will be left broken. Become the King of Clubs that they want
can I get a general for summer?
How will my night out go?
I'm going out drinking with a coworker and his friends.
I'm male
What can you tell me about the next creative works ill make?
Starting yours
>2 of wands
>6 of swords
>3 of cups
They'll be unrelated to what you made before I think. It'll be something you have to plan out but also seek out, like a new discovery that makes you venture into previously untouched territory instead of what you've done so far. You might have to seek inspiration or ideas from third parties like friends or aquaintences in other creative fields. Could have something to do with teamwork or travel
5 wands R, 10 cups, temp R
You'll start the night by getting into an argument with someone either one of the ppl you go with or a stranger. While you're out you'll have a great time. Perhaps you will even meet someone and start to hook up. However you won't get to seal the deal and the night will end in a fish's tail
Thanks seems accurate
upside down page of pentacles
doesnt seem to be the case, but maybe it means its not gonna be easy

upside down queen of swords
maybe working on presentation and communication might help your image and bring in clients

maybe it also could mean a suggestion to maybe find a person who might help you in the process of marketing yourself or promoting you.

five of cups
buddy, this doesnt sound the best, youll probably be disappointed if you dont take other actions, you have to switch it up.

this might also explain why the warnings of the spending.
Thanks bud, have a good day ol chap
nine of swords, seven of rods upside down, eight of rods upside down

there may be a situation during your summer that might slow down the pace of your life and occupy you, potentially something stressful. I'd suggest finding time to disconnect from whatever thing that might distract you or make you lose whatever progress you seem to be heading.

This doesnt mean you abandon the responsibility of the situation, it just means it's not the end of the world so dont get too caught up and lose any momentum.
fuck my life man
general for the rest of the year?
Trading lewd

Please talk like a person.
AQ anyone?
can i get a single card
they are talking like a person, a crazy one.
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I'm giving bottom of the barrel shit-tier garbage disgusting horrific one card draws for the next 20 mins.
I'm warning you to not send me your query.

>2 of pentacles
Will i get my dick wet tonight?
should i have a coffee and donut snack today? i haven't had coffee in months...
I'll have a shitty reading, my fine gentleman.
>7 of cups
you might flirt with some girl but it won't lead to anything

>9 of pentacles
nom nom nom

>the retard
you clearly didn't post a query
Financial situation please?
>4 of pentacles
Much love for the pull
N’s feels on me?
>knight of cups
N likes you
will I ever get an angel wife?
>the emperor
no, someone is a tight arse

>5 of pentacles
... try for an average wife?

That's it. My curse upon these lands is over.
That is the most accurate reading I've got so far...
what can I say?
I'm pretty good
Heh. Thanks anon.
We're gonna die anyway. Who cares?
What are G's feelings for me?
I don't know how to say this properly, so I'll just type.
I saw my horoscope last week, that had some unpleasant things in it, mainly my lack of caring will be my downfall, and I mentioned it on here, and a kind person did a reading for me, and that confirmed my belief in this. I did somewhat believe (before last week), but now fully do, and get the message, after something happened this morning while high af. I don't know who/what I spoke to but that was real. I can't fully remember what was said, but get it's serious, will be hard, but things will be alright, as long as I do my part.
Would she like the L?
>dude weed lmao so deep
kill yourself druggie
don't shit up the thread with your garbage
I won't kill myself, but I get what you are saying.
Pot is shit. You should stop smoking that garbage.

Also, most potheads lag behind on life and end up being human garbage.
Is the Moon on my side today?
Trading demon
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3 readings
love general familia
Was it an old man who slashed my tire?
I had an interview on wednesday, will i get the job?
>my lack of caring will be my downfall
>takes a substance that makes you care less
See the problem here?
should i go there alone
2 of pents rev
6 of wands rev
World rev
It's a good time to invest in yourself and cater to your own needs. Any ongoing relationship you may have going on now will be severely affected by your inner struggles and emotional disbalance but there's time to salvage some of this.

If you're single it's better to broaden your horizon. Find new hobbies, new friends and a wider social circle to meet people you can date in the meantime until you have your inner stuff under control.

5 of pents rev
9 of pents rev
Knight of wands
Wth? Yes he did. Did you called him off or did you offered some food and never delivered? He's just a spiteful piece of shit but then again that's your everyday hobo.

They have those self made knife so be careful around themand don't confront them unarmed.
thanks, there's 2000 old ppl there, I have to find the right one
Ace of wands
Moon rev
High priestess
This is bad news but not because you didn't get the job. It's undecided yet. There's some heavy scrutiny here and the pick hasn't been made.

Ask next week maybe.

Wheel of fortune rev
3 of swords
Knight of swords rev
I would hold fast for a short while. Don't rush into something you'll latee regret.

Do you really need this? Desperation will severely mess you up and your plans.
>This is bad news but not because you didn't get the job. It's undecided yet. There's some heavy scrutiny here and the pick hasn't been made.
Thank you anon, here, take some chi
Well didn't wanna hear my q?
You got the reading, I love chaos so it's not like I really care in what order I do stuff.

Does it resonate or you think a reinterpretation is nedeed?
No it's somewhat accurate to the situation.

Was gonna ask if anything happened between T and I when they hungout

T being my ex and I being old friend
I see. That leaves us 3 different scenarios here:

One of them hold themselves with their intentions.

They were interrupted and just let things be.

One of them had to leave the other hanging.

So in short, no they couldn't do anything even if they wanted to. Nothing happened.
Yea she hit him up to buy coke but never did is what he told me. I think she was trying to make me jealous.

Thanks anon. Would you be willing to answer 1 more q pertaining to her? I don't mind trading if you have a q
Can you expand on that? lol
I have friends and such. It's the "more than friends with the opposite gender" part that I can't figure out. I know they can sense the loneliness and it's a massive red flag, hence why I need to find a way to fix it on my own.
what can I do to get to her? yours?
Near future between me and T?

Will post after you fyi
I am garbage.
Only overuse, I use it to dumb myself down on purpose, and did it too much. It is/was handy, as I'm a coward so hide from everything, and that was a handy way to ignore more faults.
Yes, I see I am the problem.
You there anon?
Air Query

Should I try reconnecting with E?
ace of cups
king of pentacles
6 of wands
knight of pentacles
high priestess
you'll have a lot of feelings for each other, you will become their main provider and someone to look up to. Other than that you have got to start making more romantic moves to keep her locked and keyed!
yeah just posted yours
Should I become a cop to punish entitled, shitty drivers of Georgia?

Will NOIR60, get punished for their entitled shitty driving behavior that almost got me in a wreck?
>4 of swords, 3 of pents, high priestess, 8 of pents

Well id say give it a break and a rest for a little while, maybe a few days of no contact and then try casually and simply reaching out. Obviously if the vibe doesn't seem right back off but steady and consistency seems like the move here. Don't be overbearing or if you start to come off as creepy pull away and reset.
we already want each other, I just don't know how to make it possible. she's too far away
Well if that's the case the read suggests constant hard work and steady effort to build what you need to reach them. Along with a little support from them would be nice.
Chances of finding a gf that just wants to cuddle?
I don't even care about sex anymore, I just want a girl I can hold and be held by
Was my voodoo accepted? Will they be punished?
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iz u blk?
AQ or Trading
What code of racial purity are we using to determine that?
And I would like to see your voodoo credentials.
My question is: Should I keep up with my daytrading endeavour? I feel like I have the knowledge but not the mental fortitude.

mine >>38252338
>8 of Cups, 10 of Wands, 5 of Cups R
Yikes. I'd say time to give it up, friend.

Have you tried the biopharma calendar? That's what I trade and it does pretty well.
What does she think of me? You?
Is it over?
yeah, that tracks. that's all i've been focusing on so it's just confirmation to stay the course. thanks, man
9 of Wands Rx, Magician Rx
yes but it certainly won't be straightforward or easy.

well that sucks. I used to trade crypto until it died down in 2021, and forex since then. I've learned a lot, but for some reason I just can't take the next step towards profitability.
The tower

owari da
>yes but
Always the case, isn't it? lol

Thanks, pal.

>next step towards profitability
Ride the bio phrama calendar. You trade companies at the last stage of FDA approval and you win 80% of the time.
what was the reason the old man vandalized my car?
starting once you confirm
Are you fr?
yes that's what I pulled, no trolling.
you can give me another query

After B passed, they left a hole in my life. I don't know whether to look for something to fill it with or leave it.
What was her reaction when I said those things? family-related
Iii of Cups, Knight of Cups, World

He wanted initially to steal your car, impress a woman and travel with her across state lines
strength R, 4 cups, hermit
thinks you lack moral fiber, like you're in your shell or guarded and thinks you might be some loner
>fill hole or leave it

Who or what was B?
Would B really want you to go through life with a void like that?
Will me and M.F have sex this weekend or nah?
hi, what's the query?
Aq or trade
Who has a strongest magical powerlevel? Me (initial M) or YL?
You can leave 2 queries but you gotta deliver first.
>strongest magical powerlevel
That would be me. About reach wizard status next year. Get on my level
Nigga I'm Lv33. I'm just curious.
Oh, my apologies, master. As you were
no queries
feedback is deeply appreciated by me!
meee f, 18
Last night's song was dope. Bring it.
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hit me
hit me
why can't I have the dickslap too wtf
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let's goooo
I'd like one.
hit me
You were laying on the couch. Or some cushy thing. A slap is for standing people isn't it?

Can I have one? I'll give you feedback
eight of rods
this being my first pull might mean two things
either the year has gone by pretty quickly for you, or that youve had to juggle many things one after the other, maybe both. It's been a pretty interesting year so i think it could be the second interpretation.

nine of swords upside down
whatever stuff i mentioned youre juggling, take a time to reset, let that stress go.
i think also how the visuals of the cards relate (rods facing right, swords facing left / eight vs nine) it might mean that maybe soon these problems will end. also maybe the year might just have a more regular pace for you in the coming months

upside down temperance
watch your habits and focus on how you use your free time, you may be put in situations that might test that self control. in case of the situations you may be struggling with, dont cope with negative habits, they might stick during this period.
Is he going to leave me
I have seen this query many times while lurking and I have not been able to reply to you for one reason or the other, which makes me think fate or ill luck must be at play here.
8 of pents rev
9 of pents, Wheel of fortune rev, Strength rev, Pope rev
This is a really strong no. Whoever this guy may be can't take no more and it's been like this since long ago.

You should be finding ways to work on your relationship.
M 29
Yeah and my dumbass brain just messed the most important bit.

This is a strong yes and the female has a lot of blame.
Will me and S. finally be together next month? She seems interested, but we're taking it really slowly
still offering reads? i have a query
does a (male) think i’m out of his league and i could do better?
Should i hit on M? Do i have a chance with her?
Male about female
a lot of replies, makes sense for venus day











Hi I’m S (M, 19). Would my sister let me fuck her?
hmm, this is resonating but i’m just struggling a bit with finding out what this means. im guessing it’s just a bit of a “everything will be okay” theme to the song which is helpful for me to hear lots of things bothering me are on my mind rn and i just wanna know if i’ll be happy/satisfied in the end, and i think the song says i will? ty for the song also! :3
Hopefully today
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Are you californian by any chance?
lol alright you got me with this one, lately i have been forcing myself to sit down and think about my future a little more seriously. thanks, anon!
Thanks! That resonated a lot with my current situation. The song is about going back with a former partner and I want my ex back (I'm manifesting her return as a matter of fact), but at the same time I feel like I'm slowly faling for a friend and I feel like the feeling might be mutual. With this girl a lot of our interactions revolve around me encouraging her to achieve better results, as in believing in her and in her abilities. The link you've posted for my song makes it start at 1:14 with the sentence: "I wanna believe in you, I wanna believe", which I interpret as a positive sign for a potential relationship with my friend. The chorus speaks to me about my friend while the rest of the song makes me think about my ex gf.
I tried to be as thorough as possible in my feedback. Thanks again and I like the song. It'll go in one of my playlists!
Without a doubt. Probably take a couple of months and learn how to seduce her
let's see
Idk how this applies to me, but I love it. Thank you, Anon.
first of all, I have suicidal thoughts related to club 27 so nice of you for replying with a song of someone who actually killed himself
second, I'm clean off pot since christmas so I can't say anything about drugs atm
anyway, tyvm
Did you read some cards to get that answer, and which? If not what makes you think that?
None because you’re a fucking creep
I have yet to see an actual reading
The loser is quite fitting but the lyrics don't resonate
Should I email asap or wait some more?
If you return before the next thread is up, I'd like to ask how many, if any, spiritual guides do you see trying to connect to me. An individual description of them, or any messages from them, would be much appreciated but are not at this time too important to me.
Why has she not messaged me today?

Starting but I won't post till after you fyi
9 of swords, 8 of pents, page of wands

Yea I see you're stressing over it. Just go ahead and email now, but there's no need to rush or panic. It'll show that you care about whatever you contacting about.
Magician, 4 of cups, 9 of pents, 2 of swords

The will to act is being obstructed by a boredom and discontent. There are other things that are in the way and emotionally distressing. Seems like a self esteem issue and not something to do with you. I would wait a little while longer before expecting contact
Is M.F dtf? Outcome of trying something this weekend?
Ace of cups
Emperor rev, 6 of cups rev, Chariot, 10 of wands rev
No. She won't let you have sex with her. Your life will go to absolute shit if you force yourself on her i.e. your life will be hell if you rape her.

Look I know it's kinda common for cousins and siblings to play doctor and fool around when growing up but you're an adult now, if she hasn't made it obvious then she's not into it.
for fucks sake I should just kill myself at this point
I knew a guy like you so porn sick that his family rejected him, to this day (almost a decade later) everyone knew what he did and she made his life hell.
He ended up doing drugs losing all respect from his mom and no one talks to him, he makes okay money but struggles massively at work
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I was gonna read but I refuse to read for sisterfuckers time to touch grass
That’s awesome

How does F(female) felt after seeing me after all this year's?

I'm a male and aquarius

will we be together? me and NA?
Could I be KH(female) side piece?
I am bored angry and depressed all the time so I do weed often
Would be nice if you improve instead of thinking about having sex with your sister.
What if I want to have sex with that guys sister tho?
Not related to her? Good!
one card pulls
How is F feeling towards me?
If i talk with M and flirt with her theres any chance of something happenin?
Male (J) abt female
How can I train to have more faith in God and myself? I can also trade.
Am i in the next list to university? (Waiting list).
the star
7 of cups rx
They want things to come to fruition with you. Some level of idolization

the hermit
queen of wands rx
i'd say no friend. queen of wands rx usually represents "the other woman" and the hermit suggests that you should keep to yourself.

theres no reason not to put yourself out there though, if you aren't afraid of rejection.

the heirophant reversed
page of wands

Your venture with God is yours to discover. No one else can lead you on this path, the Page of Wands suggests. The Heirophant reversed implies some issue within your ancestry or family, maybe they hold different beliefs. Either way, you must open your mind, heart, and eyes to God. You can outright ask for signs. However, if you listen, and watch, God talks to you all the time, all around you. When you start noticing these signs, you are more reassured that there is something out there thats bigger and greater than you.

Aside from that, The heirophant also suggests that you actively pray, actively seek god, actively appreciate his gifts to you, to us. Show appreciation, be expressive.
not sure how you wanted me to frame this question so i'm just going to ask,
"will i be accepted to this university"

page of cups reversed
four of cups

Frankly, the cards say no. But to be honest, I wouldn't depend on this as a solid answer. Be patient. Don't worry.
1 month general with particular emphasis on health and finances please
Should I try getting into a relatonship with J(female)?

My initial is N
anything positive happening to me this summer?
will i get my wishes?
Is it gonna arrive in 4 days or less?
Will j love me?
could u give me a number from the card plz Thx
What am i suppose to do with the water bowl? (its related to mnifestation) I know i need a water ih but im not sure what to do with it
Am i going to become psychic?
How do i stop him from affecting it?
What does N feel for me currently?
did it work?
If i listened to these for a year would i get d back? Tysm
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Who will I have children potentially with? I'm female
ace of cups rx
queen of cups rx
ace of wands
6 of wands

Honestly? The sequence of cards makes me think this is a play by play of events. So, i would ultimately suggest sure, you should try tto court her, and in the end you will be successful. However the ace of cups rx makes me think that she might resist at first. Lots of cups cards. But if you remain resilient and consistent, I think it will end up how you want it.

the star
wheel of fortune rx
the lovers rx
Frankly, this is obviously a soured relationship spread. However it is overall positive. I think you could experience a heartbreak that frees you. Worst case scenario, no lover, and you give up on love because of it. Or at least thats the general vibe. The Star suggests positivity though, and it could be one of those puppy love, leave it as it is, life changing short lived kinds of love.

ace of wands rx
two of wands
Hmmmm. I can't say yes or no for sure. However, i think which ever outcome that happens, you will realize that your desires weren't actually what you wanted in the first place.

the empress rx
page of pentacles
I think yes. But I feel some level of stress here. Feeling out of touch or like you can't do what you want to do without this ((thing))
thanks anon, that was spot on.
My bad for requesting a general - much too broad a query for a one card read
>61 Yes tysm very accurate
what will happen after i die?
What will the outcome be between me and N.R?
What do i need to do in order to get it?
the devil rx
8 of swords rx

Is there some kind of history here? Someone is going through personal issues and although they are past the worst part, they are in no position for a relationship.

i suppose.
but it was the queen of pentacles.
in the image, she is holding a singular pentacle, surrounded by a bunny and flowers.

for shits and giggles, i pulled another
i got the tower rx ??
tried again got page of pentacles, who is also only holding one singular pentacle

i've seen you ask this a lot
if you have to ask, then why are you even messing with water?
for manifestation, you need to apply intention + active action in your life.
the ritual of manifestation is to trick the mind into reassuring itself as if what you want is already yours. you cannot simply "manifest" and then do nothing to achieve what you want. you are obviously confused about the water, which means that this method is not meant for you.

my own opinion, the only time ive ever used water for manifestation was adding a glass of water to my alter, for whatever, it just felt right. if you don't know what to do with the water then the water method isn't for you thats as simple as i can get.

if you insist on a card,
i got the fool reversed

not pulling a card for this.
are you willing to practice? i'll practice with you right now if you want.
practice makes perfect.
Thanks lol i guess it’s 1 then
How does he feel about me currently?
Will me and Fr end up having something?
3rd, Ty. I understand what you mean and i’ve been doing that the best i can. I asked two readers before how i can manifest this specific outcome, one told me she saw a bowl of water, another told me i needed a water dish or a fountain. So it popped up twice and now im curious but idk what i need to do with it Lol. Thanks anyway
How does S feel towards me?
10 of pentacles reversed

Uhhhhh. I mean. If you want my honest opinion you should let him interfere. Not sure the context, but the rule of thumb for this card in the reversed is "do you really want what you're asking for?" so i think sometimes intervention, is divine intervention. Theres nothing you can do to stop or control another persons actions. If you want my non tarot advice, make him assume you don't care if he does, this removes any power he thinks he has over you.

are you asking multiple questions?

knight of swords rx
seven of wands rx


can you elaborate? listen to what? listening to anything isn't going to bring a person back into your life.

there is no card in the deck that could possibly tell me who you would end up with. if you asked me "WILL I EVER HAVE CHILDREN" i could answer that. But which card in the deck do you think would give me a name?

At best, i'll pull and see if the cards have any initials on the image
three of cups
the hermit rx
four of cups rx
two of wands

This, my dear friend, is not something i can answer. do you believe in heaven and hell? if so, get right with "god" or, our overseer, the thing bigger than us, whatever you call it. But i'm a mere human being, i know nothing more than you know.

8 of swords
heartbreak and tragedy

the tower rx
the chariot
10 of swords rx
i get the feeling this is something you already had, and if so, its over. Theres nothing you could do to bring this back in your life. In fact, you have averted all crises related to this issue. you should move on. if not something you've already had, you must leave it alone, as it is not for you.

four of cups rx
queen of cups
Frankly, i wouldn't trust this person. It seems with the four of cups reversed, that he is settling for you in some way. At best, his thoughts are "i guess i'll give it a chance" but he is not fully in it yet. But willing to try
What will happen between me and A?
If i try enough, Will i be able to kiss M?
Should I stick with the old plan or should I switch to this new option?
I'm not, I'm asking about a male Gemini. I'm female. N is a common initial
Money soon?
Or job?
What colour is this toy
what does my project manager think of me
>heartbreak and tragedy

Thanks... It sounds about right
i see. do not rely too much on readers, as most of them just riff. if the water thing did not come to you naturally, its just others trying to give you something instead of nothing. be weary. there are a lot of "frauds" in here.

what was your original question to them?
what is it that you want to manifest? make sure to consider realistic and reality driven actions, not just esoteric.

have you asked me a question already? you feel familiar to me.

four of wands
the empress
ace of swords rx

I'd say yes.

four of cups
5 of wands
They want you to leave them alone, genuinely. They are likely playing nice but everytime they hear from you they get annoyed. If they contact you its because they're bored.

5 of swords rx
Someone is taking advantage here. Malicious intent is the best way i can describe it. Protect your energy and your heart.

Do not ask me multiiple questions. I already gave you your answer.

card for old
the chariot
twn of swords rx????

page of cups rx
queen of swords rx

I guess the old.

Thanks for still pulling me some cards I'll interpret them as best as I can
Will d get me pregnant?
I'm going to move on from one card pulls here in a few minutes.

Other anon sparked my curiosity,
Does anyone want to practice psychic/telepathy?

We can either test yours or test mine.
Perferrably I'll test yours.
Simple and easy. I can pick a simple image, give you some kind of idea [shape, place, number] etc and see how you all do
Am i going to become schizophrenic?
Thanks! I guess I'll stick to the old plan then. That's a confirmation of what I felt inside me all along btw
Thank you reader!!
how old are you?
and why would you think that
Thank you anon! I'll keep my distance and I'll leave them alone
I am 18 and i get really bad derealization
I knew it! Fuck them! Thanks for the reading Anon!
dumb ass tiktoker


Thank you, she def feels she's pretty cautious about it but just wanted to check. Appreciate ti
tiktoker?? well it fine whatever
you're too young for a schizophrenic disorder.

derealization is unironically a part of life. don't let the mental disorder trend get to you

AQ will i become psychotic
I hate zoomers so much its unreal
You're already as psychic as everyone ITT
I already had a psychotic episode on sunday and so idc what u think
How would S feel if I did go for holding her hand next time we hangout?
read a book and become interesting, develop entomology as a special interest instead of catching neuroses like pokemons you zoomer ass nigga
All information from materialshit is fake, i dont let jews teach me the truth real knowledge comes from the self LMAO
yet you consume social media all day instead and let hylics rape your mind instead of cracking open antiquarian books
>King of cups rx, Queen of wands rx, King of pentacles rx
Sounds like you’re going through some kind of emotional turmoil, your mental health is worsening and you are at risk of becoming psychotic so it’s crucial you seek professional help. Hope this helps anon
you dont know nything abt me
Tysm i was worried
You’ll be fine, it’s in your bet interest to talk to a doctor and get some meds
ya well i odo it just the med arent relly woking tat well

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