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Welcome to Divination General!
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Previous thread: >>38249568
have a good weekend, /div/
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Does anyone want to practice telepathy/psychic ability?

basically i'll pick something simple, [a shape, number, physical location, zodiac sign, name, etc]

and you guess what it is

or vice versa, i'm willing to practice as well
What physical location I am thinking?
you want like city / country name or am i guessing something along the lines of like "my friends basement" i need some sort of context
Okay, I’m thinking of a city
Will I get a job soon?
immediatetly, new york

ive got
something bangladesh

orange like sand. falljuah iran/iran/jorden where ever the fuck that god forsaken city is

mexico/brazilian city

[i know i'm wrong]
TRADING multiple qs
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doing readings, don't really give a shit
no next gf questions

please be something meaningful and worth my time
what are they? i don't nec want to trade
i guess uhhhh
"will this last forever?"
what does my project manager think of me? he gives me an intriguing vibe
Lol I was trying to think of Manila, I was thinking of NYC for a sec
Could I get some advice on how to help the world and be a guiding light for the people surrounding me? I'm trying to be a mentor and have a positive impact on the world but I feel like I could get better.
Will I enter a new relationship in the first half of July?
why am I still thinking about C.
Does he feel remorse for how he treated me.
Will i be able to get a kiss from M? Shes preety and i think she might give me a chance
Please I asked in the previous thread but didn't get a response. I just want to know how N feels about me currently. It's fine if you don't want to read this one though
Will S give me a chance soon?
Thanks Poncho!
I feel like I’m running out of time when it comes to making my passions into reality. I really like artistic stuff and I want that as a career. So I’m practicing everyday before fall semester. But I feel like I wanted to speed up my progress beforehand. And how I wanted to be successful/famous for my work. Now I feel like I’m just doing it for the fame and not for enjoyment. I wanted to post my stuff online but it’s like I don’t know what’s my mindset going into it. What should I do? Like I wanted to be successful and wanted to rush my progress quickly.
July 2nd - 11th
How will my work situation change in the next few months?
Thank you so much!
king of cups five of cups six of cups
I understand things are feeling very optimistic right now. Things from the past will be brought to light. This will feel like a huge setback for the situation. It is entirely up to you to make your own decision about how to proceed though.
When will it come?
The correct choice is to be the better person and walk away, yes?
Pls poncho, will i get my wishes? will i??????
do you see a bf in sight
How much does she want it done daily?
I'm a social failure stuck in a relationship I'm growing to hate what the fuck do I do lol
ace of cups rx
death rx
three of pent rx

Honestly, friend? He thinks you're not cut out for the job. He sees you as a neet at best. secluded, antisocial or awkward, resisting change in the sense you're not adapting well to the position or he thinks it isn't right for you. Willing to give you the benefit of the doubt though. Esoterically he gives me the vibe of someone charming yet condescending, testing you subtly. Isn't sure if the position is right for you. Sorry.

bless your heart
the moon rx
the emperor rx
7 of pent
Although this may be what you want, you are too immature and unwise for this level of work. Likely you are young and without life experience. Your heart is in the right place, but you cannot guide others when you lack the ..... experience.....knowledge... to do so. Please don't lose this motivation. But you must first know the darkness of reality to even begin to help people in need. Because remember, the people in need, have likely been through the depths of hell. What could you possibly offer someone who has faced darkness if you yourself have a starry eyed view of the world? Patience and time, is your advice.

the fool
8 of swords
page of swords

No. If anything, he prides himself on what he did to you.

ok this is maybe the third or fourth time you've asked me this. if you're immature enough to be asking KiSheS constantly, you're not ready for literally anything this girl has. shes likely way more experienced than you and you are obviously very very young. my only advice is if you want to "kiss" someone then try to do it but be ready for rejection.

at least give me some context then because there are so many N questions that i can't help but think you're the same person.
genders, ages, zodiac signs, something. and i will pull
September - October but there is a need to rebalance the division of responsibility and effort
What should J do with that truck?
Interesting! I'll keep it in mind and if I'll be around these threads I'lll give you some feedback! Thanks again!
will it return?
If you wanna answer my query there it is
Do D and V secretly hate me?
I desperately need money and a job any of those coming to me soon?
Yes but there there is temptation and trials ahead. Stick to putting in the efforts or be left broken
AQ will i be fine without meds? i hate the side effects
I mean this as sincerely as possible, there is a phenomenon among zoomers where they are so obsessed with fame. They have absolutely no idea what fame even means. What is it that you're doing to achieve this? Is it unique? Does it have a market?

aside from mthat, do you know what selling your soul means? Are you aware that ALL famous people attend parties where they anal fuck eachother and have to homosexually have sex to get anywhere in the industry? Are you aaware of the rampent pedophilia? Are you aware that you cannot just not do these things and become famous? Are you being realistic? Are you willing to prick your finger and provide blood for every party? Are you willing to whore yourself out for money and fame?

Be serious.

9 of wands rx
queen of cups
Frankly i think it will be the same or slightly better. There isn'nt anything extravagent about this spread. Consider that a good thing!
i'm so fucked, jesus
that's the vibe ive been getting but i thought he really liked me as an employee, he said he rly likes the work ive done so far :(
thanks fren
Will doing this give me the results im after? Thanks
A suitor but he is immature and overly emotional. Get involved with him at your own peril
Will he get me pregnant on purpose in future?
The last one.
I'm female asking about a male. I feel his energy is around me and it's making me feel schizo. Or overall, I think I am going schizo about it all.
I'm 29, he's 30. We are both Geminis.
And I'm pretty sure he's still pissy at me.

Even just one card will suffice if possible
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non esoteric advice

How long have you been in this relationship and how old are you?

Let me remind you, relationships are not always about love. They are about comittment. Sometimes, its easy to not realize what you have in front of you, especially if youve been out of the game for awhile and have no idea what the dating market is like. However, if its serious, abuse, cheating, etc, then its time to leave. But context is important in these types of questions.

ace of wands
death rx
strength rx
Hate? No. But my honest interpretation of this is that they are jealous of you in some regard. Not real friends to say the least. They hate themselves, not you.

the chariot!!!!!
9 of wands rx
Absolutely yes. But only if you're willing to change and actually commit to a job.
I feel like I’m answering my own question here. But I really enjoy doing it and I wanted to be successful from my own craft. I feel like people who just doing it for fame, they’re the most troubled ones. While people who just enjoy doing it, they stay away from that.
what will happen if i do it?
Thanks! I suspected I was too naive to be a mentor, but life is making me face so many different situations and I'm learning a lot. Just one year ago I wouldn't have been able to do what I can now and I'll be even better in another year! I'll get better and better. I refuse to leave this world without leaving a positive lasting impact on it at some level! Time and patience will give me what I need!
prove him wrong anon. There is no ending in that reading. But he seems to have high standards. Maybe you've been getting by with the bare minimum. Put in a little extra effort. The energy i get is you can absolutely impress him and get a promotion or a raise, but his opinion of you matters in this regard, especially if he is newer than you. You can do it.
There is no doubt in my mind that you can achieve your dreams. However, you are still starry eyed. And you have to understand life is much more than what you've experienced. Ask yourself, if someone came to you, who was 10 years older, and said "ive been molested as a child, the rest of my life i ran from it, am addicted to drugs, watched my mother hang herself after she told me it was my fault" etc, are you really equipped to help such a person? Do you really have advice beyond "its not your fault"

I don't want to extinguish the flame in your heart. I'm only bringing this up as an example, are you really equipped to help the people who need it the most? The only thing that can help you, is time, and experience.
Is that commie a pedo?
Sell the truck
Gift the truck
Do nothing with the truck
Ty god bless
Any good luck on my love life till the end of this year?
i go above and beyond on the work he gives me, i think its my personality since i am spergy and this position is 4 social people desu
should've done accounting
He's super horny lately

>How long have you been in this relationship and how old are you?

A year and I'm 21. He flew across the country to live with me. We met initially when I was trying to live somewhere else. I'm a man too

He's cute he's attractive but I kinda didn't wanna do the whole long distance/living together shit but he screamed at me to "grow up" and he knew that that would convince me

This isn't the first time being in a relationship where someone is extremely attached and dependent on me. He has no licence and I bought the apartment were living in

Fuck man, I just want a chance to breathe. I want to find out if I like pussy or not. I want to be alone, figure shit out by myself

He does household chores, I'm attracted to him, and he's really sweet but holy shit I just wanna be me. I never really got the chance to be me
How can I work on my manifestations ?
Is it going to come this week?
You are 100% correct. I'll get there eventually, but now I have to focus on living and helping others with what I'm equipped to understand and process with what life taught me. As you said, it's about time and patience and seeing some small results coming from my actions lately made me feel so happy and motivated to go on that I have no doubt that I'll get there! Thank you so much!
Listen to me, lad. Truly from the bottom of my heart. If he's not right for you he's not right for you.

But i'm telling you right now, that it is so SCARY living with a partner, the permanence, the "what ifs" all of it, is very hard. If he chooses you, if he clings to you, and there are no other issues, you don't realize how good you have it. It's so easy to fantasize about the grass on the other side. But i promise you, its just the jitters.

Ask yourself if you love him, and don't let fear cloud your answer.
KOS rx, TH rx
Nah you’re better off taking them, consult a healthcare professional instead of 4chan
Nah he’s just impulsive
Yes i am willing to sell my soul for fame :)
I'm a man too. Did you even read what I wrote. Fuck you you low IQ Indian man. Go kill yourself, I mean it
That's an entirely unwise decision.
Does that female friend of mine have feelings for me?
Thank you

30 day general?
Of course not lol, I just feel like doing that type of stuff is my passion. Like I would do that or something adjacent to that as a career
That is some good info.
Thanks, anon
when is she going to stop bothering me and leave?
Oh you're a faggot and you want to know if you're straight. Nvm, disregard my post.
Hey Poncho. Do you have any insight for how my husband’s job search?
What does C feel for me these days? Nonromantic
Will I have any luck applying for the new B job opening?
*for my husband’s job search?
What meds are they?
Then do it as a career and become skilled at it.
Does he plan to wait ?
I take quitipine and diazepam
I am I’ve been doing it since childhood. Thanks
Does b ever miss me?
Well I guess that guy fucked off
Thank you, anon. This rings true. Much appreciated.
where are the meds!!!
is vaping making it worse by alot?
I know you sleep like a lil baby
XD lol i sleep all day Now and i can barely think any more i hate it
when will my hands heal?
I woke up 2 times last night and everytime I went back to sleep I dreamt about the same girl i knew years ago in different circumstances. What does it mean?
It funny i though the quitipin would make me eatmore bu it did the opposite
does she ever think about me?
Is he mad I won't see him this weekend?

will i enjoy being a paralegal more than i enjoy my current job?
AQ will that work?
Does C truly believe I could be successful at what they suggested or were they just trying to be nice and saying what I wanted to hear?
Will me and that group go out again?

If I met with S tonight what would have been the outcome?
I use playing cards if that's okay.
Trading lewd
how does G feel about me?
Did that scammer on FB A really do anything spiritual towards me or am I just over thinking?

Will post after you just a heads up
q does my q have to b lewd too
How does she feel about me romantically-speaking?
all good starting yours
nah I just put a disclaimer since some readers would rather not read those kinds of qs, what's your Q?

thank u tho
ten of wands the chariot knight of swords
This spread talks almost completely about putting in effort, hard work, and facing an issue head on. I get the sense that this entire spread is talking more so about you and your approach than anything to do with how she fits into the equation, which actually says things about her too. She’s kind of thrown in the towel on the effort piece, making moves, etc.
She sees you as someone who might be hard working in other aspects of life possibly, but its really more about the confines of this relationship. She sees you putting in all of the work, she sees you doing all of the approaching, and the truth is this is a good thing and a bad thing. She appreciates the energy, but sometimes you might seem a little hasty. It’s in every position in the spread.
Ultimately though the spread indicates positive feelings.
Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Wands Rx, Knight of Swords
He didnt anon you're good, he's an uninitiated normie who knows nothing about spirituality, they may have threaten you or said something that stuck with you but that's just their M.O, all bark and no bite, they like hurting with harsh words
How will divorce proceedings go, any advice?
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pulling runes for a while
Can you tell me what I can expect to happen in july?
For the most desired outcome, is a mixture of these two ideas the right choice or should this be re-examined?
Am I ever getting a girlfriend or some friends?
How will mu finances/material situation look like next month?
Will he get me pregnant on purpose one of these days?
>4 of spades, 8 of spades, 9 of spades, 5 of hearts
She feels secure towards you despite their current state of their mind. They feel something is missing whenever you are around them and feel some sort of emptiness despite feeling happiness surrounding you at the same time. You're their happy pill that cheers them up on a bad day despite their severe depression. It leans on friendship rather than romance.
>In order to change this into something better
>3 of hearts, Jack of spades, Queen of clubs
Be the security blanket that they need and you shall have their heart. Show them that you will be there no matter what flaws they have and how many wrongs they do.
>8 of clubs, Jack of clubs
Show that you're the best option for them in all aspects for them to like you more.
You will have to work really hard for this but it is possible although you will feel drained from doing so.
For now, its purely friendship and camaraderie
What does my husband have to do to get the right job for him?
what sort of career path should i look into?
So she seriously likes me and not in a "get pranked" sort of way?
Should I be the better man and walk away?
this one please
what does the future for my career hold? i’m feeling despondent
I seek a mentor for guidance into the study of the mysteries. Where can I find them?
Does T see me as her future spouse?
will i get my d back?
Are my spells going o work?
Ansur, Naudir, Algir

Ah, there's a disaster looming. Protect any weak points in your life as bad news are coming. Be ready to ask for help, it will be granted.

Ingwar, Thurs, Tyr
It really is. But with the berries come thorns, so be ready to commit to your course of action. Won't be as smooth as you'd like but the fruits are worth it.

Mannar, Kauna, Thurs
If you change your current mindset, absolutely. You are going to have some growing pains. Act with kindness and without expectations of any sort.

Ingwar, Iwar, Bjarkan
Remains stable but also a new source is conceived. A project approved

Algir, Isa, Jara
Not yet. It's not the right time for a baby, for the best. When this current cycle in your life (not the biological one lol) ends, you can try

Iwar, Laukr, Ehwar
Patience. Really think through his decisions and commit to them, there's also a sense of self sabotage. Encourage him to deal with a defeated attitude, he can do what he puts his mind to. Counseling might help.
Yea I assumed so. Starting yours. Sorry was afk cooking
Will I have problems tomorrow?
will i improve self confidence and image, causing self transformation this year?
>Moon, chariot, ace of swords

They have their doubts hidden but do think your more than capable if you apply yourself fully. I Don't think they were just trying to be nice even if they do harbor slight skepticism.
Hey runebro can you tell me what she thinks of me?
I see, trade again? I'd like to know how it would turn if did focus on the field they suggested
Thank you. I expect a bumpy ride here because there’s usually a lot of trial and error with this, but I think I have a general grasp of what would create a nice outcome.
Am I getting any closer to being able to communicate with the spirit attached to me?
Noooo, hopefully nothing serious.
Thank you!
Will I be called up on July 12th?
what movie am I watching?

Will he want to though?
For sure.

Will T end up dating G again or will she not give him a chance?

any chance of anything happening between her (Lu) and I?
should I consult a marketing strategist before I do any of my new found work?
How Will tomorrows event go?
Queen of Wands King of Swords Rx Ace of Wands Rx, clarified by The Devil, 4 of Cups and 6 of Wands
the man in this situation is a huge autist who does not pick on even the most obvious social queues, I think the woman will indeed go after him and try something but it will fly through the male's head, this will in turn lead to a deep sexual frustration on the woman's part and she'll be extra prideful and dismissive, I'm going through the classic interpretation of Queen = Woman King = Male here so feel free to switch the genders if you feel like the read doesn't resonate
Tell me a thing I need to know. Thanks.
Will that fledgling attempt to piss me off again?
What would have happened if I met up with S today?
With all due respect it looks like you answered a g man query. This may not be correct to tell you the truth.
will things get eventful social and romance wise in the fall? had a reading that it was going to exceed my expectations.
Sowelu, Ingwar, Bjarkan, extra Ansur
I think you already know what would make you really happy. It's brewing within you. What would be your dream life? It's written for you.
If it's artsy or creative even better.

Pertho, Kauna, Isa
Yes, this cup is empty. Stay on your lane.

Thurs, Sowelu, Fehu
A brief struggle but you get what you want from it. Happier times.

Jara, Raido, Hagal
Ok first of all the advice here is to ride the storm. It's a cleansing one, but harsh. Won't last forever but it's currently out of your control. Be patient and kind to yourself.
As an extra I got Urur, you'll reinvent yourself after this shit goes away.

Ansur, Dagr, Sowelu
Ask for book recommendations after reading for a while. Chat to people about them, the right teacher comes at the right time.

Odal, Hagal, Raido
Not quite... more of a trial of life in a partnership, sorry

Urur, Thurs, Mannar
No, embrace the change.
Yea G is her ex she still likes and he keeps around. She says she wants to work things out with me after fight we had but shes seeming to give him more attention and all that.

I doubt it will work in the long run though
Am I getting a job really soon?
>King of cups, page of swords, king of swords

Well it seems it will be emotionally gratifying and you'll have the wit and intelligence to keep up and thrive. I see opportunities to climb the ladder and take out any competition along the way.

Super good vibes from this anon I think you should really commit to whatever this is.

Willing to trade 1 more time?
yessir I'd like to know if I could make a longterm living out of this or if it will be more of a hobby
I assumed it was a job personally anon is why I worded it like that but I'll do a read.

So I guess I just wanted to see where I'll fit into T's life moving forward since it doesn't seem like it'll last long-term like that for them. I'm E
thank u rune anon. i had the 1st career query. i want to be in the film business and i have connections thru my uncle but the family drama is insane and he tried to ruin my dad's life. i am so sad idk what to do. ;_;
ah its alright, in that case I'd like to change my q, I have a sort of "rival" acting in this field who's already very accomplished, I'll call them V.V, I'd like to know if I'll be able to surpass them or if I'll just stay in their shadow
Word, I'll start now

Your last cards for that q though we're,

>Page of cups, death, emperor, 2 of swords

Starting ur next one
Naudir, Raido, Gibu
Not yet, you need to refine your process or methods. Apply yourself more and you'll get results

Jara, Laukr, Wunjo
Yes!!! but don't lose track of your goals, keep working, always

Wunjo, Naudir, Iwar
Ah, you seem overconfident and might appear arrogant. "Needs humility"

It sounds very good tho! Good luck

Isa, Ehwar, Pertho
You need more stillness to get the proper frequency. You'll get there eventually

I hope not, but there's help!!!


Urur, Gibu, Jara

Fehu, Naudir, Algiz
Want to? yes, but not until finances (or being available for a child) are just right

Ansur, Isa, Dagr
Not for a while. She has to know you way better to make a choice, but seems willing, just indecisive

Naudir, Algir, Urur
Yeah get someone to do the heavy lifting because you need guidance

Ansur, Ingwar, Dagr
Really well :)

Tyr, Bjarkan, Sowelu
Workout, you seem stagnant

Raido, Naudir, Kauna
Nothing good comes from ruminating on it. Seek elsewhere...

Fehu, Laukr, Hagal
Well yeah you're getting your world rocked

Thurs, Sowelu, Tyr
Not as soon as you'd like but it will be a really good one. You're on your way, hang in there

Ansur, Algir, Pertho
It's on your path dear anon. Be really, really candid with your dad, because you're set on a golden way. Don't keep it hidden tho that will hurt everyone.
Will I find love soon?
You there anon? I have your spread
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Raido, Ehwar, Odal
Not until you go through a big transformation. Think of the Death card in tarot.
When you do tho, that's the love you'll cherish for life.

I'm all done guys have a good night!
What does J think of me? is there any chance of us working out
where will i get lots of financial freedom
Thank you :)
I'll try to stay positive. Ty.
I'm waiting on your post btw anon
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Sorry, I missed yours.
Dagr, Raido, Sowelu
I think not, you're golden

Odal, Pertho, Dagr
They think the world of you. Make a move
should I hire an expert to help me out or just look for help for free?
starting when you confirm
I love that turn of phrase, thank you.
my bad something came up, posting urs soon
hi! any good news for the rest of this year?
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It's been weird with this one girl I know. She's probably going to be moving next year but there's some chemistry between us. I tried to shoot my shot almost a year ago but bc we were coworkers at the time I got a firm no but we're both leaving our shithole job soon so there's hope I think. She's a Leo, I'm a Cancer, and we get along really fucking well and I love her with all my heart. I need to know what I need to do to ensure the best outcome for the both of us, because while I wanna try my shot one last time I really don't wanna jeopardize the wonderful friendship we have because I want nothing but the world for her.

It's been a while since I've done a reading on ppl so I'm down to trade/answer for mfs,I do Thoth and Futhark so if you have a preference just let me know.

Also does anyone know anything about the I Ching or Kau chim techniques? A lot of my personal philosophy is based around the Wuxing as I've found the elements of that make far more sense to me than the traditional European ones (Not to say there's no merit to them) and would like to start dipping my toes into something that feels like it's pulling more from that.
Will she follow the moon to me?
>Spirit Anon
That's reassuring, thank you for the read and pointing that out.
4 of Swords 6 of Wands 8 of Wands The World 8 of Swords 9 of Swords Page of Cups 6 of Cups
Where do you fit in their future? The page of cups, the spread acknowledges a major cycle coming to a close (world + 8 of wands), theres a lot of stress and worries headed their way and you can slither in and offer them relief in these trying times, you'll be somewhat of a comic relief to them, someone to help light things up, they'll be very grateful for the help you'll give them but I see it more as friendship then romance, if you want something longterm now is the time to plant the seeds
Thanks I still have ur spread
trading next gf
you there? I have your spread, waiting for you to post so I can deliver
two of swords ace of wands queen of wands
it may be difficult for you to stay receptive to the information this person will provide you. Goals will become harder to focus on. You will have to keep focused even as things change. Communicating openly with this person and staying receptive to their information in order to honor the purpose of hiring them is paramount as you might find their attitude unsavory at time. It will be a woman and she will confuse you.
free help
the high priestess four of coins seven of wands
You are being cautioned against your frugality undermining your outcome. You cannot enter a rivalry with this person. You will be able to find someone good though, because you will be able to discern who will be of most assistance.
both options have their drawbacks. I think that since you have a better understanding of the situation it may be your call. I would probably try to find another option?
>Star, page of cups, 5 of wands, empress

Well there's gonna be a struggle between the 2 of you for sure but the star and empress puts the worries of you losing or living in their shadow to rest. The power struggle will likely be brief and you'll exceed past them in their own world with the more effort you commit to the craft.

I think by the end of it they'll be more impressed than angry with you of the outcome.

So for my q T is gonna get stressed and I'm gonna be able to comfort? In your opinion how would I go about making it romantic if possible?
elephant R, cup, book R, winter R
it says that you are currently waiting to be hired or to hear back from a job, you need to be patient. it will be in a job where you will be comfy and hopeful to keep making money, however there is a drawback and that's you will often times be confused or possibly overwhelmed. a job that is in serious need of help.
thanks, trade again if you want?
can you tell me about your deck?
what of it? its an oracle deck
Thanks Anon, have a good night and weekend
doing iching reads for the next 30 min or so. no next gf
what does the future hold in store for me?
what is the best way I could maximize my gains in providing a marketing strategy for my own business?
Will I get to see my gma sooner than I think?
Is he going to do it?
What is my next job like?
Will they follow through with the tip?
Will I have advancement towards my ultimate goal soon?
things are going to improve in the next months between us?
What is something that will happen soon?
44 unchanging. a continuation of something that started in the past. are you addicted to substances or in a conflict with someone/how are you getting along with your family?

50.23456 > 8
hexagram 8 is about cooperation, so either take someone's advice or hire a marketing consultant.
the changing lines are related to whatever basic stuff you'd usually expect to hear when it comes to marketing, but hard to go into specifics
you should do whatever you want and once you come up with a strategy stick with it, it will profit you better than doing nothing

give me the context for this q
Is now a good time to take up a loan at the bank?
I want to see my gma soon but i need to save enough money so hopefully I will make a good amount sooner than i think and i can see her sooner
how socially retarded am i

maybe it will sound stupid, but after the break up i still feel her feelings around, like when she has a good day or a bad day i feel it.
don't know if release the relationship or try one more time.
2nd, thanks
not all at, I wanted to move on from someone though. I'm doing very well with family and don't use substances.
Yea I guess. We could meet up later anyway,
is there some form of karma associated with answering peoples questions like in a reading?
"What happens if I take out a loan now?"
in the near future it will benefit you. you'll get what you want from it and feel like you made a good choice. in the further future things will go sideways for a while

you can take out the loan but make sure you can pay it back

that's really sweet.
38.2 you'll see her, but not because you saved enough money. you should facetime

90 out of 100

23.346 > 62
don't try one more time. let her go. if she tries, however, you can be open to it. focus on the details.

yw anon

44 is called temptation and i associate it with conflict and whatever else temptation can apply to.

She can't ft
How does C feel about me these days? Not romantic

> thanks for your reading! i was looking for a good answer and you deliver it
what is the outcome if I request MA for funding?
30 day general? If u do those idk I don’t wanna ask something specific and psych myself out, just wanna know how ill be doing
When will I likely need to move?
When will I hear from K next?
dude, no wonder i have no friends
Does she see a future with me?
why not?

19.2 thinks you have integrity and are sensitive

yw and good luck

what is ma?

39.5 when you're at your lowest someone will lend a helping hand so don't despair

10.1 > 6
a mix of mental illness and resentment. trauma? people can tell if you're bitter
She doesn't have a smartphone...
Or computer she just has a flip phone and landline
Will I be able to use LoA techniques to get a gf?
its a person
How will d feel about me in 5 years?
Next gf
Will I ever have a kid with T?

Will post after you fyi
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Doing (5) 1-2 cards readings
>genders of everyone including yourself
No next gf/bf and no occult queries
This is mine

I'm male they're Female.
awww i hope you get to see her soon anon.

you should ask
What do I have to do to find happiness, or at least some peace?
>knight of pentacles, seven of wands, five of swords
Physically, yeah. Neither of you are impotent. But if you do have children, your relationship is gonna go to shit. In fact it's on the verge of collapsing already, although you may not be able to see the cracks. Break it off amicably while you still have time. I'm sorry man.
What will my next workplace be? Or the next one with an offer I should accept?
Will he do it?
Im female
Btw can you switch my query to love gen if you can't do next gf
Did something try to protect me(f) and my family yesterday? We were trying to go to the movie theater. My niece fell down the stairs, I twisted my foot lol, and then my brother’s car won’t start. So we came back home.
how do people perceive me
centauress, compass R
you have a goal in mind however things will come to a halt sooner or later, you are not meant to stay with T and if you do decide to proceed with them you will become a single mother, pick carefully because most men don't want single mothers or raising someone else's spawn
find a way to love yourself, only by doing self-love will you attract happiness or peace
no gender no reading
too vague, say specifically what it is or don't bother me
yes it seems like it, something or someone that kept you happy or from causing additional havoc to happen
Show me he cares
someone else didn't include their gender and I read for them so ill read for you too
Deer reversed
you will be overly cautious making you appear paranoid or like you're afraid of making any mistakes. you might lack work experience or be new in this field
Female asking about a male
What are N's current feelings for me?
I feel afraid of showing others what I actually am. What will others feel about me after knowing how i live behind the scenes
Are you Empathau? Because you guys have the same image
yes if it isn't already being shown it will be soon although it might be subtle, if he's asking you questions its because he cares
elephant R
someone who is overly emotional and cares more about the past than the present or future
Love gen, M
DONE ALL READINGS. better luck next time. for those who can't count I said I would only do 5 you greedy selfish bastards
and no im not empath although I am an empath as well
This one please
Next gf
do you want an accurate description of her looks or you want to know her personality? if you choose looks ill scry, it will cost you 2 tarot readings of yours for my 1 scry. deal?
did you speak to him in the last year?
3 if you can give me an approximate date (like on the order of months/seasons)
Ok thanks
what hemisphere do you live in? my q's are:
what is the outcome if I seek the assistance of a radio marketing consultant?
should I start looking for a new place to move into at this point?
will I be able to get the business grant later this year if I apply to it?
starting after you confirm
Will I get to live in the city I grew up in again?
wow, do you see what's wrong with your query? so much stupid in a few posts I cannot ignore how dumb you are
alright since you can't tell me which hemisphere you live in I cannot include months. starting yours as well

North sorry about that
Perhaps so, but I can't get myself in trouble by being the first to communicate.
It's much more complicated than it seems
When will I need to move? Male.
>seven of swords, chariot, page of cups
It'll work out well for you. If you find the right guy (probably younger) he might give you some creative ideas you could use to better your business.
>5 of pentacles, king, hierophant
Seems like you got severely fucked over in the past financially, which is likely why you are hesitant about moving now. If you choose to move, your landlord is probably going to be an ass about apartment rules (no pets, no weed, etc).
>the fool, justice, death
High risk, high reward. If the government or whoever you're applying to discovers something shady in your past (that you might not be aware of) your whole business might come crashing down. But if it goes through, your life will be changed for the better. 60/40 don't risk it.
How will this week go for me
Its a white woman with pale skin and long straight brown hair. she is very young and quite thin. I would say around 20 years old, maybe less. she is roughly 140 lbs and is about 5'4. she likes wearing a single ponytail or tying her hair like that. she is pretty and doesn't often wear makeup, natural beauty. simple type of girl, doesn't have a lot of additional shit on her or accessories she's pretty basic. dresses like jean shorts with a simple tank top. honestly she doesn't need much to look good. I give her a 8.5/10. maybe she's that hot because she's in her prime.
you will meet her at the end of the summer or August/September. it will be sunset turning into night time when you meet her and you will both be outside. seems to be in some place where's there's a lot of people walking outside. seems like a pier or beach nearby. or at least some shops. idk its hard to tell if there's water really close by maybe it just looks like a busy strip
Hmm... I'm going to Jacksonville in August so you're definitely on to something. Thanks!
Who'll win the elections this year
When would I need to tell people about that one thing?
too vague
i'm not that other person who replied but i am curious about your situation.
Can I get a read on V.M’s feelings for me?
what is the outcome in the long run if I advertise my gaming channel?
starting once you confirm
Asked a few tarot readers, all said Trump.
World is doomed then. Hopefully he gets impeached in a year
Did any sexual happen between P and T tonight?


Could we have fcked tonigh?
Lol. Who cares. Probably. Idc
hi, was the noob in the last two threads offering tarot readings.

Does L blame it on me?
Empress Rx Hermit 2 of Pentacles Rx
It wouldn’t be fruitful if that was what you were expecting, it would be a “splurge” so to speak but you’d be feeling down afterwards
This is mine if ur willing
What will be the result of texting her today?
Will it come back?
next move?
summer R, whale, autumn R
they feel like you're hot headed and someone who speaks with eloquence however someone who may be sick or mentally unwell
Repair that alternator or replace?
Trump is far better than Biden or kamala. You might not be old enough but things were better under trump.
should I just close down my gaming channel?
upside down empress
i think its pretty clear its probably not ur business to assume what happens to others so this first pull kinda fits with the situation, its best to focus on you booboo... i think this first pull is to tell you you're maybe giving it too much thought and work on focusing on ur own stuff.

high priestess
even tho i just said not to get in that business i will provide the answer and its most probably a yes. Not sure if sexual but probably something meaningful or intimate happened and you were right to pick up on it.

knight of pentacles
if ur interested in P or T i think this pull might be to focus on what u bring to the table and try and show what ur worth for the person.

if youre not interested and just was curious or looking out for the person then i think it might be the opposite effect, asking you to let your friend have their own hand in life, kind of the same deal w the upside down empress.
Why do women treat me like garbage?
Would R make a good mother?
Trade again?
q? keep swearing or remove the R rated language as much as possible?
the world
i think youve been thinking on this for quite a while and considering this as something that might push you in a large direction from the headspace youve been at. I think this pull might just be acknowledgement of what you've felt about her.

i dont know if its confirming your belief, but im sure its just a reflection of how youve felt about the situation. lets see, but the world sounds like a solid first pull

five of pentacles upside down
also looking pretty good, showing you the signs to not be too concerned, even if it works or not, its no serious harm done, either u have positive results or you live to fight another day.

seven of swords
work out what you say correctly and you might have a positive outcome. If this person is someone with a negative history with you, i'd suggest you be careful with being led on. Maybe you find success with the person, but be careful if the person is being deceitful

if not, and it's someone new, i think it might just mean to be precise in what you say to be effective this time and not have to try another time.
Thank you :) Ok I will try.
Yeah mine is will we have sex this weekend or nah
He said he doesn't want to do what I asked is he going to change his mind and try to come back ?
9oc looks good

5oc meh

moon lmaoooo noice yeah

you're sweet to want the world for her.

3oc nah
four of rods, upside down ace of rods, upside down three of rods

i think overall they all point to no or just positive resolutions. im sure if it's something negative you hope doesnt return, its probably not or you will have enough time in advance to prevent something bad from happening.

Next fck?
King of Cups 3 of Wands 4 of Swords
Spreads says you’ll follow your gut anyway and do what you think is best, I think in this context it means swearing and editing intuitively
I kind of want it to or at least have that option if I turn it down. It got good and negative aspects to be fair.
Will d be good to me?
unicorn, knight R, fairy R
seems like it, although it might be risky or feel perilous
seven of rods upside down
work on your self image, aspire for something better and work on becoming that new person you've pictured.

i think it might also mean don't get too cocky, ur not that guy...yet

upside down the star
focus on being more optimistic and acknowledge if you feel disappointed of whatever you percieve youve failed, just focus on being patient.

yeah focus also on finding someone with experience or learning deeper of whatever youre aspiring to do. find succesful examples and if its possible try and apply or learn from them.
should I still go through with the ongoing plans of the Patreon content?
did just one pull for this bc personally sounds like a silly thing to ask in tarot lolol

but u got a ten of rods
i think it might mean replace it altogether, its best if you take that direct decision so it pays off in the long run. buy the alternator anon

We will eventually fuck won’t we?
two of cups, the tower, upside down wheel of fortune

i think so lol, u might want to explore other options, the gaming channel seems like something that doesnt seem to have much to show for. if its something ur doing purely for profit and dont see any results, quit it

if its something that u do and ur passionate about i think u should make it something more casual.
10ow rx


knight op eventually
yeah its not for profit its purely for fun. thanks
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Hey there :3
Can I get a money reading for the rest of year?
two of swords, upside down four of swords, upside down death

seems like its not exactly a clear cut answer but she certainly will have her challenges and moments that maybe you'd consider negative.

i think her perspective towards being a mother and her actions might reflect being fearful of the effects of the change of becoming a mother.
Pls im scared

magician, 4os, justice, blank and ace oc

Well this is a nice spread, something I would want if I got a money reading haha. If you're manifesting something concerning money you'll be getting it and more. Make sure to keep your eyes on the prize and don't lose sight of what your goal for finances it. Balance things out, don't spend willy nilly once the flow starts and make sure to deposit into savings, stonks, whatever else will keep your money secure and growing. Not much to say but your money situation will be improving quite greatly and your prayer has been answered senpai <3

Don't be. If the vibes aren't vibing then leave. Your own security and safety comes above all. Be smart and put your own self worth / security above all. You'll be just fine listen to your gut and if anything seems sus gtfo asap. godspeed my love
Im mostly joking but maybe he is addicted to sex or something...ty!
the hermit backwards, four of pentacles backwards, king of pentacles

seems like the person overall has many issues to work out, with either being too busy or to involved, the person is probably also too distant from the emotional aspects that might matter to you.
Hi poncho
Anything about my next bf u can tell me?
What is j's next move towards me?
Thank you :)
You have difficulty putting desire to make a connection on the friendship level. The thought is there but you fail to commence. Timidity, failure to act quickly enough in the past and rejection has set you back. Also there seems to be a lack of effort to jump in when the time is needed. Now you seem to be too sharp with words or illogical in your approach to the fair sex.

The lesson here is you need to reign in the habit of being too emotionally involved and bitter towards females. Maybe you havent found the right one for you but it seems they avoid you because they sense you have something hidden inside of you. Something tells me that you have only the physical on the mind, which you have to look past to find something deeper.

Once you stop looking at the physical and become cool and stop being so calculated and let things flow naturally, relations will evolve.


What will be the thing that brings me into contact with K?
He's a lot younger than me I dunno what I expected
the tower, wheel of fortune upside down, three of pentacles upside down

i think whatever you asked for is a dealbreaker for him, its potentially a bad idea to hope for him to return if you dont compromise and find a happy medium, there is still chance to find equal footing and find something that pleases you both.
sheeit. well. I have loads to say on this but I bite my tongue and cheeks on this one. Best of luck anon. Keep your wits about you and I wish you nothing but love and happiness
Thank you!
L ignored an idea or opportunity in a critical moment and now blames everyone but themselves. This person is a liar, or at the very least unable to take responsibility when needed. It seems like L will likely not take any action soon to correct the issue at hand. Failure to look within.

Be wary of L and tread lightly, they will deceive again. It will be in small ways here and there but it can turn into a larger issue for important matters.

Be aware, stay away.

Could I ask you this please?
will listening to these for a year give me d back?
how many days will they arrive?
what will happen after i die
thanks darlingweeb, i really hope so
upside down the sun, six of pentacles upside down, six of rods

reconsider your direction in what ur putting out, maybe just hold back a little bit and redo whatever that feels like something that doesnt seem genuine. if u do that, i think you might be good.
the world will keep turning and you will go to as-sirat
No the world Ill end
Yeah got you boo

lovers rx, 7op, 5op, 6os rx, 2oc rx

At the moment it looks like he is considering you BUT there's a lot of "nos" in this. Not so seriously. into it but there's a little tingle in the back of his mind. Something burdensome in this spread. Perhaps even another woman he considers over you and you are essentially the "second" choice I hate to say.

I feel like I've read for you on something similar about D. Got the wheel of as a 1 card pull. Seems good to me but if you're listening to subliminals I would suggest not overloading on them. Try forgetting about it for a bit desu
thanks noob!
Will I see him again?
For sure - rooting for you

ah I'm running low on juice but I don't really do timing as it's always changing. If you have another Q feel free to shoot.
Thanks i don’t think they’re subliminals i made affirmations and loop them at night
You would have been disappointed. You desire something stable or at the very least jovial but are met with people who are selfish and this may have caused turned you bitter over time. S wouldn't have put in effort and want everything you have to offer but not put any energy in return. It's good you didnt see each other.

AQ how many days
oh noice - desu things come when you forget them. this is the one time my horrible memory comes to play lol wishing you the best :3
>3 of cups
Three days bitch
Tysm i hope that works
She was my partner that we're planning on building a life together with and she had her ex over and ghosted me all day until a few minutes ago. It was a concern of mine for that reason. Thanks for the read though
Last call.

I need to get rid of some energy so hit me with some y/n q's. Will potentially do a few full spreads we'll see.
thanks i hope so
You have doubts and you are correct. I see you getting caught. Try another approach, you will be surprised what disarming honesty can do for a situation. It makes it easier to lie in the future.

Will i do it?
should I reach out an olive branch (friendly peaceful) to A or has that ship sailed?
Hey poncho would you be willing to take a q? I can trade if needed
Am i ever going to become psychic? ty
would i like being s?

Will my business give me the financial success & recognition I desire? Perhaps more importantly will it help people?
Wow that’s interesting. He is indeed a liar and not to be trusted. I am not in contact with him and I don’t think I will be? I was only wondering, it’s something I thought about. If we ever cross paths once more I will definitely make sure to keep away.
Is p going to me the results i want?
How do I acquire sex?
What should I do regarding her?
Will I see d again?
What for?
3os no

10oc - do it
better to try and make peace than have never extended it all imo. At least you will have tried

Strength - looks good. most people can through practice, others born with it. dont give up. gambare gambare

temperance rx -mmm seems unbalanced. don't force yourself to like it if it don't feel right

6oc - looks like neither but perhaps you're overlooking a certain aspect in the business that needs a lil clean up.Hermit was hiding behind.
Yes. It's going to be a difficult journey and tiring but you will be wealthier and wiser for it. The only thing you have to do is commence.

ten of pentacles, upside down ten of cups, upside down ace of rods

i think he may work something towards having more stable with you, this might have a good reaction from you because i think you find this person to be important and potentially """"the one"""" unfortunately there is risk in having communication problems or arguing in the future, maybe he is way over his head. maybe stability wasnt something he truly wanted? im unsure but thats what i got
Thank you
Will K come back soon?
He "blames" you but dont take it personally. He shifts blame to everyone. Take care of yourself and be good
is it going to involve v?
can S make it happen?
id like a reading and willing to trade

- what should i do about C's feelings for G
Is ‘that’ going to happen if i did it?
Did I move to the correct place?
2oc - looks good

high priestess rx, 7op rx, 3oc

Give her a bit of time and allow her to enjoy her friends and what she can at the moment. Allow her a bit of space perhaps and then try again.
Knight os fell out when I was spreading the cards out.

huh. empress, emperor rx

you will see d again - looks like during a time when you're feeling anxieties and in a weird emotional state desu

page op rx - doesn't look soon

4os - looks like it

high priestess rx - not alone
We have been fighting. Tysm
Would my last resort work?
Yes. It's time to take some time apart because things are moving forward too quickly. He will be mad for a bit but get over it quickly.

7op - work it up brah

2op - seems like it

world - yep

Was it reversed? 6 of cups is generally a positive card that relates to healing and nostalgia so a little confused why it’s neither based on that. I relate to the hermit though
Shit sorry yeah it was reversed I thought I typed it. My brain is mushy today.
Thanks so much :)
Nice to hear
Til next time my loves
The thing to note is you must be fair with the emotions of others. The heart desires what it will but the benefit I see is that the heart is also fickle. The last ditch effort you have is to stop trying and give up. This could easily back fire and it will cause you pain but you will receive good news in the matters of the heart July 2nd -11th.

Sleep tight. SoCal represent. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
will me and V fuck this weekend?
haha sweet dreams when you get to them <3 stay cool
Will I get money soon?
Sorry buddy. It's time to move on. Be good.

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Always B)
Should I buy M.D or nah
would making a move on that woman be a bad idea?
Thank you I can believe it <3
Does she want to see me again?
How will g feel next time we meet?
Did I really met god last time I overdosed or was that just bs
Trading lewd
Should I buy N.C or save up for P.L?
how does A feel about me after what I told her last time we spoke?
starting once you confirm
real shit? ill read your badonkers
Sex in July? If so who with?
I already posted for pervious anon.
I'll ask this tho>>38258089
mine is this one
Knight of Cups King of Wands 10 of Pentacles Rx
Whatever it was it has certainly lingered and festered in their head, they have romantic ideals over it that won't pan out well in the long term, whatever you told them was like putting a bandaid in a deep wound, its good for now but will require more maintenance in the long term
the hermit, the hierophant, upside down temperance

sounds like a probably not friend...
but if it does happen, its probably gonna happen with someone unexpected and something sloppy, ig

did another pull and it showed me an eight of rods upside down, its probably not gonna be the time for that friendo
forest, key
deer R, star
they are both good options but it seems like P.L will give you a renewed sense of hope or like its a better outcome
Did my first ever reading earlier (for myself), first did a single card pull, ace of pentacles reversed, and came to the conclusion I want to believe, in myself and more importantly in something (could it also mean it is time to start caring, as I've been in lay down and rot mode for almost 30 years? I think it is). I was happy with that, I feel I made some progress to starting to believe. And just thought to pull a couple more cards (was intending on 3 but only pulled 2 as it felt right), and I got high priestess reversed and ace of wands.
This feels like an amazing opportunity I'm being given, for growth.
Should I meet with them or stay home?
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Naks I'm gonna be up for the next 45 minutes if you're around and wanna try to trade
>page of swords, 2 of swords rev, 7 of wands
Nah, they're gonna put up resistance. Less cuz they don't wanna and more cuz they have shit to do and can't make the tjme
I'd like a second opinion on this one
Trading occult
AQ if i did TMITO would it work?
Hi all, practicing my readings so going to do a few 3 card spreads. Take all answers with a grain of salt, it's been a while.
General for July, next month?
can you tell me what my progress for the weekend will be? I haven't decided what ill do yet
Is he actually sad and heartbroken?
should I stop producing season 2 at this point?
Trading for dream interpretation

I went on a date with a guy, and we went to a place where all the dresses on the racks were ones that I loved. I don't remember the rest, but I was surprised when I checked the labels.
Moon lmao, nice
how will my weekend with M be like, will we have sex?
Is the demon from last night the same entity as the two little girls I have also encountered?
I'll trade for second opinion on this one>>38258189
Can you do this one? >>38258252
Does o(f) actually want to be with me or am I just a temporary thing for her
Ace of Cups, 8 of Cups, 7 of Wands

The card to focus on here is the 8 of Cups, a card that speaks of abandoned success and a sense of aimlessness. The Ace of Cups is a good card to have - pleasure and happiness in general. As an Ace it signifies the beginning and in this spread I think that this is particularly pertinent. You either already have, or will, begin a new relationship or some other thing that will bring you pleasure and happiness, but the 8 of Cups indicates that as quickly as you gained interest from it, you will lose interest. The 7 of Wands is very out of place in this spread, totally overwhelmed by the 2 water cards and so it's influence on this spread is diminished. It could indicate a quarrel of some sort that leads to your abandonment of what could be a great thing. I would say that you should try and take advantage of every opportunity that brings you happiness and to stick with it. The Ace of Cups promises great happiness and pleasure but not if you take it for granted.
Sure waiting on you
6 of Cups, King of Swords, 9 of Cups

I can't tell you what you'll do but this spread is clear in that whatever you do end up doing, it will be greatly successful, meaningful, and you will be happy doing it. The 6 and 9 of Cups are both cards of enjoyment and happiness, and indicate either the beginning of a wish being fulfilled, or a wish truly being fulfilled. The Swords are a suit of action, and the King of Swords is the embodiment of this. He is here to remind you that without action nothing will change, it is on you to be courageous and take your life and destiny into your own hands. I think even if you don't do that, the currents of fate are bringing you happiness and success regardless though.
Thank you reader
Thank you reader
What’s something I can look forward to?
Prince of Cups, 10 of Cups, 7 of Swords

The Prince of Cups and the 7 of Swords both indicate an untrustworthy character, and the 10 of Cups is a card that indicates that things in the person's life are settled and they are happy with the outcome. I don't want to make assumptions but from this spread it seems like whatever he says is not necessarily the truth. The spread could also relate to you though, so interpret as you wish.
Willi ever see G again?

Not Gman query
The Hanged Man, 8 of Cups, 8 of Swords

I'm going to read this as The Hanged Man is if you do stop producing it, the 8 of Cups as an insight to you, and 8 of Swords if you don't stop producing it.

I think the 8 of Cups here is probably accurate to apply to you because of the very nature of the question you're asking: it is the card of abandoned success and declining interest.

The Hanged Man is not a generally positive card, but in this spread it could indicate a new perspective on things. If you do decide to stop producing it, you will not be happy about it in the short term but in the long term the insights you gain through the suffering could spur on something greater.

The 8 of Swords shows a narrow perspective and implies that you are too focused on the small things that don't allow you to see the bigger picture. This self-limitation will hold you back. You are too focused on success or failure to see the greater benefit of carrying on.

I think overall the spread asks you to consider why you actually want to produce season 2? Is it out of passion or out of desire for success? These prisons will not allow you to express yourself and will lead to your continued disinterest. Stopping and viewing things from a different perspective are key regardless of what you choose to do - you must find what drove you to begin producing it in the first place.
What’s the message/lesson that I’ve been ignoring these days?
Thank you reader
How will I be doing in July? I’d like to start pulling my weight more financially with my small business and I also feel scared of drama and have been stressing about the past, feeling like ppl may want to come ruin me.. whatever you see, please, thank you
4 of Swords, The Lovers, Death

A key theme through all the cards in this spread is change. The 4 of Swords is strengthened by The Lovers, and I would take this to mean that the change is for the better. The Lovers reminds you that communication is key here and that your other will be able to help you through your anxiety. It is also a card of impulse and action, as are the Swords in general. Death is also a symbol of change, so I believe that whatever you have gone into this weekend believing will have changed by the end of it - and likely for the better. Based on this I'd guess you have sex, but your conception that you are going to have sex might be the very thing that changes and it would be important to understand that the change is likely for the better.
Thank you reader
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3 readings. I choose.
General for rest of year?
what should I occupy my free time with today for the greater good of everyone?
Judgement, 8 of Swords, 3 of Wands

The 8 of Swords is strengthened on both sides and implies your narrow vision. You are asking the wrong question. Judgement in this spread implies to me that you have already made your mind up on this matter. Whatever I say or interpret is irrelevant. The 3 of Wands indicates confidence but it hard to not read in the context this spread as confidence to a fault - arrogance. These are all powerful cards, but I think this spread is inviting you for introspection above all else. What is the prison that is holding you back from answering the question yourself? Does the question matter at all? If there are demons of any form coming to you, should the question not be how to get rid of them?

Maybe a harsh interpretation in which case I apologise, my own bias likely played into this one but I hope it was at least somewhat useful still.
What should I be doing rn to make the most money over the summer?
What is stopping me from doing things with my whole and entire soul?
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What a bunch of lame queries.
Strength rev, 3 of wands rev, 9 of cups rev, Temperance, 7 of cups
Some struggle, some failed romance, some squirrel stealing food from the neighbour but nothing too worrisome. You'll survive.

Focus on solving problems instead of wallowing in self pity. Things will pick up be the end of the year... either that or you'll have a nervous breakdown and tell everyone to go yuck fhemselves and stop giving a shit.

King of pentacles, 10 of cups, Devil, Temperance rev, 10 of pents
Any hobby that doesn't involve playing vydia all alone or shaking the weasel (i.e. fap).
2nd, thanks but I guess the greater good of everyone can go to hell then
Thank you
Looks like shit
10 of Wands, The Lovers, 10 of Pentacles

I'm going to read this as the 10 of Wands is if you don't meet them, The Lovers as an insight to you, and the 10 of Pentacles if you do.

The 10 of Wands is not a particularly positive card. It is one of struggle and injustice. You are strong but the 10 of Wands implies that you are using that strength for selfish and material ends. It is quite happy next to the Lovers though, a card of action and impulse - I assume this is the way you are currently leaning. I think should you stay home, communication is key to avoid the negatives of the 10 of Wands.

This is in stark contrast to the 10 of Pentacles, which hates being next to the Lovers. Your natural impulse is to avoid meeting them, but if you did decide to meet them it could lead to great success: whatever that might be for you. It is typically associated with money or other material gain, but it could be anything that you cherish dearly.

I think all in all you know where your heart leans and that it would take a great deal of effort for you to overcome your natural impulse, but it could be potentially more beneficial for you if you did.
Thank you
No thank you, yeah your question is much better than mine, I don’t have an answer for that. I just asked on impulse.
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3 of cups, 9 of pents, 10 of pents, 6 of wands, King of wands
Avoid OF/fansly/chaturbate. Avoid gambling.

Focus on parties and social events. Are you a good looking girl or do you perform something out of the ordinary? Seems like you can capitalize on your look and organizing parties or being the soul of the party will grant you some bucks.

I'm not a soul scryer or aura reader tho.
Magiccian, 9 of wands, 8 of swords rev, 10 of swords rev
.... Damn. You have the oddest good luck in the world, the way I can describe this is being blessed by Helel before their fall. Take some time to meditate on this since I can't figure by just a bunch of colored cardboard if this karmic, a soul contract or just sheer luck.

There's not much else to do here. You're quite a blessed one but you are the one who has to find works around the flip side of the coin. Repent and pray I guess, and don't fear asking for those things your heart yearns over.
Did she cheat on me last night?
6 of Wands, 3 of Wands, Queen of Pentacles

As the Wands are the first suit, in this spread I'll read that as a new beginning. The 6 of Wands indicates success and gain through hard work. The hard work itself will be rewarding to you though - a feeling that you have done something well. It is very happy next to the 3 of Wands, which together show your pride of a job well done. They are both positive cards and should be reminders to enjoy the process, it's not all about an end result. The Queen of Pentacles could either be you or someone that comes into your life. If it is you, then you will enjoy the fruits of your labour and carry on your work for the sake of enjoyment, as you've already achieved success. It could also imply an intelligent, kind, and truthful woman coming into your life that will further help you in your building of material gains.
Ye I knew it was a half assed query. Enjoy your night... and learn to shave your hand I guess.

Yeah, maybe it will be less shit if you stop giving a shit sooner.

Justice rev
Lovers, 2 of swords, 3 of pents rev
Naw dude. I don't think she went all the way. They may had fooled around, kissed and she may had gotten wet down under but she didn't spread them open.

Not really sure if this is good news tho.
Damn I was expecting something more along the lines of me being a pussy but if it’s deeper than that ig I’ll take a look into it

Thanks for the read anon
Thank you. That's actually an improvement from her usual behavior assuming your interpretation is correct. Pathetic I know but I don't deserve better.
My readings are getting worse now I think, I apologise to the last few querents and those I have yet to get to. Hopefully they will still bring some insight.

The Prince of Wands, 7 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles

My first instinct when reading this spread is that one of you is the Prince of Wands, the other is the Queen of Pentacles. You are separated by the 7 of Pentacles - a card of disappointment and crushed hopes. Whatever struggles you went through previously are still very much present in the mind of one or both of you. Should you be reconnected there is not much in this spread to signify anything good coming out of it.

If you relate more to the Prince of Wands (or are a male querent) then your impulses are likely getting the better of you. Your desire for action is trying to bring you back to the 7 of Pentacles, where there was nothing much to begin with. You want to see G but you are bound to the disappointment and crushed hopes of the 7 of Pentacles.

If you relate more to the Queen of Pentacles (or are a female querent), then you likely are more aware of the past 7 of Pentacles, they are in your suit and so still very much in your mind. You will struggle to let the failures go, but you have already gained whatever success you could from G and you would be wise to remember that. You don't want to see G but the disappointments of the past keep them in your mind. Thinking about "what could have been" will stop you thinking about what you have right now.
Im a woman so probably me making bank thank you
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When did you last touch grass Div?
8 of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, The Chariot

The 8 and King of Pentacles both compliment each other well but are both incredibly material. The 8 of Pentacles implies that you are frugal to the point of a potential fault. You are likely either wealthy or particularly concerned with becoming wealthy. This Chariot further reinforces the idea that you are determined to become wealthier or carry on increasing your already substantial wealth. These aren't necessarily bad things, but I think the lesson to be learned is that there is more to life than simply money or material things. You might be working too hard, or too careful about your spending to enjoy yourself. Take a step back and think about the other parts of life that aren't work or what you're currently focusing on.
I work outdoors so everyday since 16.

Not sure what femcels and retards mean with this. There are many inmature and imbeciles bewteen normies and other dregs.

Having sex, being social and partying every single weekend isn't the top of the world.
Trading demon
You haven’t touch grass then

Mine is does she love me?
How am I the idiot? He obviously haven’t touch grass
Prince of Cups, The Universe, Prince of Pentacles

A tricky spread that involves an awful lot of people. I think in this context the Universe being the middle card indicates a balance of all things, right now - things are as they should be and they will carry on as such. The Princes either side of the Universe indicates that there are people coming into your life with wisdom that will be there to help you if you accept it. The Prince of Cups will be a man who is very creative that will help you find new perspectives on your life (or business in this case maybe?), and the Prince of Pentacles is one who amplifies success in material things - he is reliable and steady like the Earth we stand on. While the people coming in your life will have a considerable effect on you, I think the Universe is reminding you that everything is balanced and you are going to get through this.

I pulled another card at this point because I honestly didn't want to lie to you if these people coming into your life were going to ruin you - thankfully the card that was pulled was the 10 of Cups. It is a card of permanent, long-lasting success and happiness. It tells you that things will be settled in the way that is best for you, and that the outcome will be one that you desire. I think this pulls the spread together nicely and indicates that while people will come into your life, they will only serve to help you get closer to your happiness and desires.
Are you for real? Out of pity I'll read that and another query worth answering, or just that if you want.

Is my request the best? Or should I put more mind to it?

I'll start yours in a second, let me do a prayer first.

And thanks yea this girl is really fucking me up when I usually don't give them the opportunity too.

If your willing I would like to know what will happen with me and them in the distant future?
2 of cups
9 of pents rev, 3 of swords, 6 of wands rev, Queen of pents rev
Ok, don't heed this that much mind but this is good news and bad news so you have to bear them with me.

Yes, she does "Love" you.

The biggest issue we have here is that this is the 2 of cups instead of the lovers. It's a good card but the one card representing love or the Lovers itself but please try to not take this wrong. She just doesn't know how to give and express her love.

The only way I can accurately describe this is "damaged goods". She loves you but it's hard to express it.
>5 of wands, king of cups, page of swords

Well it seems like whatever your dealing with has sharp and quick tongue and may try to convince you of something otherwise but you will receive what you are looking for if you stick to your plan. There will be slight push back but nothing of a drastic nature that you aren't prepared for.

You will be emotionally fulfilled and I see you reaching success with whatever you seek.

If you don't mind me asking can I ask what book or ritual you trying and the safety measure taken? I just started reading "the lesser key of Solomon" to start practicing myself
Yea she's very much so "damaged goods" this read seems spot on it just sucks is all.

Would you be willing to do my follow up q?
Empress rev, 2 of cups, 8 of wands rev
Magician rev, Wheel, Chariot
Shit. I'll be straight with you, I wouldn't advice anyone to be in a misserable relationship.

There's definitely love here but a lot of strife and pain too.

If you both go your separate way things will be incredibly better, literal heaven and hell difference.

Look, nobody can force you or forbid you from being with someone you love not even Gods, goddessess, saints or even demons for the very same matter. Love is love and is untransmuttable but we are laid out a scenario of chooaing your welbeing or love.

You'll be together as longas you both want to be together and you'll be on your own when one of you desire to leave. Love is like that so as long as you want to be together you'll have to get used to her.
he says hes outdoors everyday, by literal definition he's touching grass at some point.
Yea it hurts. I think I'll step away next time I see them and let them know.
new thread

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