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They sang the song that elevated humanity. Hundreds of thousands of inspired voices emerged from the global crisis and spoke powerful testimony about the value of life and the wonder of the universe. Their communications would touch the souls of billions and inspire incredible personal and social transformations. They would give birth to a generation of creatives that would outshine even them.

It most definitely was not called "normal," but the opposite: a strangification of experience; a socially infectious enchantment with life and all of existence. It was a psycho-social singularity, a singularity of human relationships including the transpersonal. What led it is the call of wonder, what drove it was the desire of curiosity at its greatest heights of aspiration.

Have you ever had a teacher who truly loved and lived to teach? Who had an overwhelming passion for teaching that made them an outstanding instructor? The kind of teacher who successfully infects students with the desire to learn and explore?

I have! I know they exist! I know how they have touched me! I have felt the same spark of inspiration in so many including writers, philosophers, artists, scientists, and their greatest passions speak of this blissful love of learning. If such passions could touch the hearts of the masses, it would be the single most transformative event in human history.

This is my greatest dream, and one day it will become a reality

: "Circumcision is generally electively performed, most commonly done as a form of preventive healthcare|"
: Let me stop you Right There.
: "preventive healthcare"
: You People are so Vilely Fucking Stupid and Evil it makes me Sick.
: You're actually buying into that crap? Jesus Fucking Christ.
The Truth: It's Not True.
The Truth: It's Bullshit.
The Truth: You are just Mutilating Someone's Genitals without Their Knowledge, and Consent. Mutilating Someone's Genitals Against Their Will for No Good Reason.
: Stop.
: Stop it.
: Stop it Now.
Ultimate Judge Over All: You Will Stop It Now.
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<3 my heart beats like a drum dum dum dum. Breath in, out, in out
*watches your chest rise and fall*
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: What About Doctors Who Refuse to Acknowledge The Truth?
: They are Weaseling Conniving Vile Evil Pieces of Lying Shit. "Or" In Denial.

: GET FUCKING REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

God: You Will Stop Circumcision (Genital Mutilation) Now.
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i fucking hate you todd :3
there's not a lot of third person shooters out there. no one ever comments on the fact that this game is actually a really decent third person shooter when you put it in third person mode.
>>38246423 #
>>38246469 #

I’m… not really liking this. 4chan posts about my thoughts 30 minutes prior to me having the thoughts.

Do bots have 30 minutes precog on me? Or are my thoughts being directed by bots?
i like starfield
it is empty and boring at times as it will say in the planet scan
people are on lifeless planets complaining how boring travel is and stuff
>skip pack
>grav dash
Go to a planet with life on it if you need to shoot something every 10 steps :)
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good cop
bad cop

freedom is all that matters
The Nobody is Gods dog
We live in the year 2024 of our lord Jesus Christ, if you dont follow Jesus's laws you dont get redemption, you dont get eternal life and the society built in this age will make you suffer every day of your life like if you where living in hell itself.
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bro no one one wants to go to that party yaknowwhatimsayin
If I wasn't so disenchanted by space, time and mystical related matters I would've loved it and I'm probably gonna play some more when I can actually focus. I hate playing games but my mind is somewhere else.. I just give it up till I can really sit down and be a fat piece of shit for a while
Nobody is not a Christian, but Christ would have made a good Nobody.
Oh, really? noone in the mood for an old fashion dark ages talkititalk?
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noone in the mood for your Jesus bullshit
What kind of faggotry you wanna talk then?
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(you know damn well what this is about)
Donald trump and schizo rambling?
It's about a very very old petty move being wrapped up
Generous peace settlements for certain parties would basically eliminate all of my desire for revenge for everything suffered so far.

The "other guys" have certainly earned that much, especially because they chose the most unique and asymmetric weapons ever to accomplish the mission
bro, jesus is the undefeated champion of reality bending, maybe thats why you get all bitch when named.
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Jesus is no longer of this world
He retired a few years ago
Go and cry about it elsewhere
did you really cheat on me then and now ask for me back while talking shit about the people you just cheated on me with and are guilty of having done so prior to me knowing about but you knowing about me
Who is in charge now? tranny hackers who took too much lsd anal partying?
time to move on bro
Are you implying a human can govern thsi world ?
Hahahaha what the fuck lololol
This is why no one likes you christcucks
You don't know anything about your own god
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i just wanted to be free from crazy people my entire life

i drove myself nuts

now i come to find out
someone has been fucking with me
judas has been going and coming back
im just in so much shit

i want out
i didnt even know i was bogged down by this
for a decade and a half even more

its me
im trying to escape the fate
i dont wanna have anything

to do with these people anymore
im so tired of trannies and lesbians and these leftists

i wanna go home
i wanna go somewhere where no one else is really allowed to go
Christ is a normal jew, except he was king of Israel, with a side of Greek faggotry. Making it fake and gay. Therefore Sneed.
The nobody is thr avatar of God christ reborn. He was attacked by satanic demonic beings because he woke up to christhood. That's why they seethe at thr mention of his name. He is a danger to this alien matrix. He carries the logos but he's also the devil too (can't have duality without the other). Yes he is lucifer satan but that's the price of existence.
>i wanna go home
>i wanna go somewhere where no one else is really allowed to go
So, schizo rambling it is.

God’s Dog’s is a cat?
You sound like a kindergartner talking about some cartoon lol

What the fuck dude
>a dog named Cat
epic troll
I will not talk to someone who couldn't even meet the god he worships
Get gud
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fr dude
i want a girl that no one else fucks
i want a room no one else visits
a mind no one else enters
a job no one else is suited for

being a slave and a cuck sucks
im a monster! i disgust me!
i dont wanna get married until i fix that
i dont even wanna think of those sorts of things
good lord i cant even imagine having a child

i dont wanna deal with these girls man
i like being by myself
do i have to be popular and stuff i dont wanna go outside that much
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Which one?
So you all deny that the nobody is the God emperor/prime dreamer?
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>excuse me did you say more veggie tales ?
you need social skills to be successful, and you need to be successful to escape the system. its fucked. people who aren't adapted to the system are trapped in it. once you're adapted to the system, you become like the system. I don't want to become like the system. I just want to be free. before civilization there was freedom to just wander off into the woods and be alone. now this isn't possible without trespassing
it is disappointing but it is the apocalypse and im not here forever

i just wanted a good girl my whole life
i dont believe in people or trust them much anymore so you shouldnt blame me

after all look at how you met me and what all i had to go through just to make you like me
Lakshmi is only with Narayan for his Karma

no one is gonna have any questions to ask from here on out, i already told tehm what theyd want to know

at least one of you is straight, these chicks are all gay or trannies or have some sort of history
thanks for having some integrity and being true to me

i hope i dont have to eat those words
ill make it so that you dont have to either, i dont care about how you look but you looked the best out of all of them next to that scene and i want us to live so good it makes them all burn with jealousy
Who is not n charge now then faggot? say it or you will be labeled as another worthless gaslighter for now and eternity.
actually a better way of putting it is you need to be socialized. I don't want to be socialized. fuck. not in this rotten society
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/pg/ - peabody gener al
these people I live with are so deeply enmeshed with the system and society too and we are just fundamentally incompatible because of it. they see me as weird and mentally ill and I see them as corrupted by this system. this is bullshit. I want out

I deny that he is whatever jew boogieman that you believe in.
if you try to force the tranny on me, im gonna ditch you from here on out Kaho don't test me

ill do everything that makes you wanna commit seppukku if you try to toss that filthy fuckin tranny on my ass
>kill yourself
you haven't already ;)
i dont follow

What the fuck? Why would you think that?!
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you expected I had
leave me alone tranny
>don't @ me freak
You just fuck with people because your life sucks or you just that evil?
I'm working on Something. It will change that.
the evilest
Why would i ?
You think a human was a god (a real one, none of these bitchass weaklings)
Just say i'm gaslighting you for real at this point
The nohomo psyop?
Like I'm looking out the window right now and there are houses and roads, there is society and infrastructure, all of the land is owned. I just want to walk outside and be the fuck alone away from all this shit. I want a little place in the woods where I can build a little shelter and be the fuck alone for as long as I want but this can't fucking happen. the only place this can happen is a place 10 hours or so north of me where I will absolutely not survive. I don't even have a vehicle to get there because I never participated enough in this system to get one or get a license. I don't plan on participating in the system either, so I am trapped. this is unjust, seriously. people are brought into this world against their will and just expected to go along with bullshit they want nothing to do with. people don't get it either. its like their worldview is just molded by the status quo and they can't think outside of it.
I seriously doubt it.
I don't agree with this.

The public needs to see it live good bad ugly

This ain't guna be stabilized until it is all drug out into the open light public forum
It will probably be pretty bad.

For America in general.

If both are not coherent lucid awake

It paints a very bleak picture of are democratic systems and stability
what's nice though is I don't actually have to work in this system. because they see me as mentally ill I get neetbux. I get access to the internet. I can hide in my room as long as I want. I want to be free though. freedom only comes to those who are adapted to the system that corrupts them
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wow i need to wash my screen
Lots of guy like you here, your kind think that dishonest comunication equal to some kind of victory, kek ridiculous.
Victory? Pfffttt are you seriously butthurt over this ?
You literally replied to my post with your christcuck bullshit
And i don't owe you any information
As i said, get gud and you might learn a thing or two
Dumb bitch thinks he can play stupid psychological tricks on me. This is a legit cia monitored thread, you sound like real faggot
the Bible is an instruction manual for escaping the system. people aren't willing to give up their creature comforts though in order to escape. I am not going to be able to do it on my own. they'll lock me up and pump me full of psychiatric medications. if enough people get together though, escape is possible. it just has to be non-violent. you see glimpses of a sort of escape with protests in the form of tent cities. escape is possible. you just need enough people. it has to be done non-violently though and you have to have a good reason for it. you would need to make it clear as a group that you do not consent to the system you were born into. you would have to form a parallel society and economy. it would involve a lot of hardship. its fucking doable though. the ancient Israelites did it. the Bible teaches how to do the same
At least you accept it. I hope you've been living accordingly to yourself and not some fabricated lie. That's all that matters.
Why are there feminine symbols there
There are two faggots
No women
So it's time right? (For prosecution)
The debate tonight is gonna be funny as fuck, I can feel it in my [bones].

they are farming your vril with this
Kek, ok faggot

worship the bullshit of your liking, oh and stay in the darkness faggot, there is where you belong and we will talk again when you are ready to come to the light.
>bread and circuses are going to be entertaining tonight lol I'm just going to eat them up like a good slave
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>I seriously doubt it.
Then, you don't know me, Friend. Yet.
But you will.
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yeah guys, today we have the singularity i see


first, we resolve the war

then we can start playing the real nobody game


the light is used to blind people and keep them ignorant
Who? Me?
A slave sure doesn't not recognise a free human when they see one
You think just because i look like a monkey like you that i am a slave?
A slave to something since you're trying so hard here in your safespace to talk shit but nothing ever paranormal
what did they mean by this?
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>more than your ability to recognize sarcasm
for everything else
there's irony
No, you said it like you meant it. So I actually believe it. But nice jump to you were just being sarcastic. Or the irony you are evil without realizing it as comfy as you are? I mean I don't know you. So whatever you can project or trying to say about the nobody or you being the nobody or whatever paranormal shit you do.
Well you look like you are a slave of your own passions, not acting out of free will.
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to some it may seem that way i suppose¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hey if you are, you are.
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Here take this one
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Solve Sudan first. I just want to see the Ukrainians and Israelis kvetch.
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If enjoying a comedy is slave behavior then you you better start pickin’ faster boy.

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>but I'm a tomato
>u 2
gimme that you though that's not my ip

Our democracy is a sham. That doesn’t mean that I can’t laugh while it all burns down.
>ₙᵢgₕₜ ₙᵢgₕₜ
The nobody is a white and gold dragon god
The nobody has no form really.
The nobody has seen the penis of Jesus
Nah. He could tell by the bend and wart on the end it was the Peter of St. Paul the Apostle.
Beats what most everyone else is doing about it.
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The Nobody is a purple and yellow dragoness.
Also not a god, just an organism who is one with the co-creative tapestry of existence.
You'll hear more about that as the narrative threads that connect all fields of knowledge continue to grow together towards a grand synthesis.
>Still obsessed with trying to "crack his egg"

Some women should be cracking his egg already, what’s the hold up?
Still trying to omelette his fromage.
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If the nobody isn't a God then how can he alter reality and do shit? You insects trying to keep him down
>a dragon but born with two souls
jeez i wonder who that could have been
The most beautiful thing he has ever seen
The problem is that your premise is false.
I deny any bullshit you’re selling
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What a retard! Thinks you need to be a god to alter reality!
Hello there.
So the nobody isn't a powerful being or a deity?
All of you insects need to die brutal deaths fast. North American insects are the worst. Atleast Asian insects don't fuck around with bs like you do. I hate you Americans amd wish eternal death on your country. Fuck canada too. They're dying but america needs to die fast
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The egg hatched into a raptor/dragoness touring/mountain bike hybrid.
well it almost quieted down around here. almost.
i thought your entire cell network got blocked?
Insects are awesome you know nothing
The old testament is for rrtarded inbreed human beings
he said human beings, i think were making progress.
You will never be a real color
Magenta doesn't correspond to any physical reality
There is no wavelength that corresponds to magenta
It is a perceptual illusion created by the human mind in response to blue and red wavelengths
Truly Satan's color
An abomination of a hybrid
Purple and red*
i may be wrong tough. They could be a totally different especie.
(pink/puple/~red And Yellow)
Yesod (lower mind) & Tiphareth (higher mind)
Are you kidding me. Old testament law had all the good shit and war and terror. The new testament was just fluff and waiting for the next Joshua to be a glowie savior. As in making sure you have soda pop and good food. You know, modern shit. I highly doubt the actual 2000 year ago Jesus would be okay with this world, that or he'd agree with the jews and become a Jewish fascist if he wasn't already. He was literally just a man. God hides in heaven somewhere in the celestial space afraid of me because I know he can incarnate into flesh.

But I'm only one man. I'm not sure if I can take on an army of angels by myself.

I have a feeling my decisions will send me into the lake of fire
>out buying horse shoes like true religion and superstition.
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Kb?! It’s been so long.
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No, I’m saying you don’t need to be a god to alter reality. Powerful? Now that’s different.
Any mf’r who says
>yz Chyna sending fenty to us to OD people?
>just killin customerz
Doesn’t understand the Opium Wars and how badly it mindfucked Chinese society.
ya on tha bike to change your IP aren't ya?
It has.
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rip capital steez...
why don't you have that same energy when I'm outside
you just pretend I don't exist like the cowards you are
then act surprised when I turn my back and fart towards you

skies the limit
that's what they told the fucking fool
i disguise the limit
now i'm aiming for the sun and moon
that set off a chain of really good music ty
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the nobody is so cool
he's so handsome
for a cat I mean
After The Nobody gets paid, will he get a touch of soft disclosure?

Obviously Disclosure will have to come for him eventually, but is there a timeframe? The more he knows, the better his speculation will be.
nation of victiums

you can't move up unless you forgive a brother/sister
secret destroyers
hold you up to the flames
and what do I get for my pain?
The nobody got raped in the butt twice
>God gives you bread and circuses

Yes American politics could be better. But we’re less than 200 years since abolition of slavery. Give it time, enjoy the geriatrics
What even do you gain?!
To th3 cruelty
Of this battering of

And to steal and force

Fuck you
They strapped me down to a table and put hell in my head
someone needs to stop the truman show and save the nobody
it's their game
not mine
why nobody wants to help
I don't know
they must be having too much fun spying on me and invading my brain
2 moar weeks
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story of my life
I am looking for a path to the Summerlands, as it stands.
But it can wait.
We have a world to save.
taken for a ride
>one day it will become a reality
>juden tears.
its galreel

who T.S. really is.

reality never changes just because you change your body your soul cannot how ever.
its not even that, the whole thing, i figure is either one set up by the watchers, or two set up by a different cult other than the spider cult, this one is a hacky fuckery cult, that worships a death deity, they tried to recruit someone i know. fuckers had hacked his phone and played back his phone dialouge conversations word for word back to him. their death deity seemed kinda of weak tho, because it crumpled up before me and begged me not to kill it. maybe it saw something i could i do that i don't see lol i doubt it.
some have tried, but who wants to be recorded when bad guys trying to set you up and you don't know who the bad guys are.
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everything is recorded bob
Just to clarify, I'm not a fan of incoherent schizo rambling either.. but I can put pride aside to look crazy if it means we get to where we need to. My articulation in the higher realms should serve as evidence where my true tongue lies, yeah?
Sure, but I think analingus is gross.
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(The nobody was told by hq to be purely cursory, no involvement, just a passive observer. For the safeguard.
Lady dewinter is an interesting character in this psyop called the nobody, you may remember this iconic archetype from stories from famous authors such as
Alexandre Dumas. If you don’t here’s a refresher.
fictional character in the novel The Three Musketeers (1844) by Alexandre Dumas, père. She is a spy for Cardinal Richelieu and one of the dominant antagonists of the story. Her role in the first part of the book is to seduce the English prime minister, the duke of Buckingham, who is also the secret lover of Queen Anne of France. Hoping to blackmail the queen, Richelieu orders Milady to steal two diamonds from a set of matched studs given to Buckingham by the queen, which were a gift to her from her husband, King Louis XIII.

Background and Character

Milady de Winter is a complex and intriguing character with a tragic and checkered past. She is a capable and beautiful spy, an unusual example of a strong, independent woman in the 17th century. Her background is shrouded in mystery, and her true identity is not fully revealed until the end of the story. She is a master of seduction and manipulation, using her charms to get what she wants from men who will provide her with monetary support.

Influence and Legacy

Milady de Winter has had a lasting impact on literature and popular culture. Her character has been portrayed in various adaptations of The Three Musketeers, including films, television shows, and stage productions. Her legacy continues to inspire new generations of readers and audiences, cementing her place as one of the most iconic and enduring characters in literature.)
Ok that got me. You win this round internet stranger
Damn I walked right into that
I saw an opportunity, I had to take it
Happens to the best of us
Still having a picnic either way, Amanda
hi im back it been years i think
was taking the meds a good idea
the nobody is more faker than a chinese ps5.

the real biz is the game of dyadic solipsism. non-dual dualism, gods most beloved paradox.

reality is only one. one consciousness. one source. one god. but there are two players.

player 1 was born in 1985. wood ox, virgo.

player 2 was born in 1997. fire rat, capricorn.

all other people are npcs to help and assist the two players. no of you matter, sorry. just literally pawns for two powerful gods.

player 1 was meant to be the sole incarnated character, the person with the 1st person view. player 1 was meant to teach player 2, as some sort of spiritual seeker for player 1s wisdom.

but any of you have read the great race or the pipe strip, you'd know that the rat (player 2) cheated the ox (player 1) and won the race for itself. the rules of the game are turned inside out, now the teacher is seeking the student.

player 1 is fucking pissed at player 2 for obvious reasons, and player 2 is fucking pissed at player 1 for understandably giving them the cosmic silent treatment.

although the two are primordial and immortal souls of such. they should be fine.
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Nah I'm not petty like yall
Your gods are female holes. Highly pathetic that my enemies think they have any chance. I haven’t destroyed the United States yet because I wanted it to suffer slowly, Kek. You know during Covid I could’ve killed you all…

>Spiritual battle

No you all lose there automatically into eternal torment and suffering you all go
it goes 1 2 3 remeber me ?
At least you have a heart and a spirit
Based. Death to America and their allies.
okey another hint then
So how did player 1 and player 2 beat the game? Asking for a friend…
Nothings going on but everything I say and do triggers them into obsessive thoughts and behaviors which result in them invading my life with self righteous pride and a misplaced sense of entitlement
It’s just another way of life for cretin
anyone goes here by the "name"
ephemeral pleasure
is it really necessary every single day
Jews must kvetch. Otherwise they sneed
Arch angel shemhameforash how does it feel to get your ass whooped by a one foot cat named miguel/Michael
i remeber when i remeber when i lost my mind
it wasnt becasue i did not know enough
i just knew too much
It was Tony Robbin’s and his coke head girlfriend, Amanda
They stole all my mail and sent me Biden stickers and a briefcase full of Monopoly money
I’m pissed to say the least
I’m pretty pissed guys
do i even exist?
>Jews much kvetch other wise they rape children
>God cums as they rape and kill children

This is why god lost the war against satan
Yes. You don't hear the sirens telling you to work every day? To pick up a shovel and learn to dig trenches?
Why are you mad again because they didn't shoot me?
Calling me Michael is like calling Goku Kakarot, to be honest.
It's not the name I was raised with.

Reatha Dale Watson did it better and looked more like her than anyone else literally.

the watson family who are from brunwick england.
and moved to new england after the revermation
where anglergains church memeber who later made up the bulk of the mormon church.

the woman your talking about was lover of king louis the 12 a a great ,great, great,great grandson of mine.
she was his dutch lover. but to be honest she looked more at woman than her own husband who was a very shy man.

he made the musketeers to be enemies because the spainish where spying on them at the time.
and always interfereing with their plans for expandsion.

they where around just before the time of zoro.
in actucally inspired him to be the masked hero.

as for the lady she was unknown because spies tend to be like that bot.
and lesibains are not really interesting they tend to live very boring lives no expection.

and yes she was a juden spy perhaps the only known one but she was born in holland so idk
there where alot of degenerates from her country at the time living in france.
so hardly surprising. the 13th and 14th centery was the era of spies after all.
and for that small time the most peaceful.

in fact i don't even remember that much about it.
i was in moroco at the time as a fishermen.
so idk
things where a little quite back then.
Well for context, Player 1 has been awake since they were 7 years old and has had a massive spiritual advantage. They assume Player 2 isn't awake yet, or at least not fully. But player 2 has been awake for a long while now (since covid) and they are well aware of their own and player 1's nature. In fact, they've caught player 1 in the act many times.

The game never ends... or its a thing that you complete. When this "game" ends, it will by Player 2 truly recognising what they did wrong, and truly apologizing. Player 1 will forgive them and will allow Player 2 to enter their "garden of eden", and a full psychic communication will be established. This will teach player 1 to forgive and player 2 to be grateful and humble.
Michel the angel lost against the one foot cat Michael
I don't know you, desu. I hope they stop aiming at you. I'm just feel like the world is preparing for war.
Push your face up to the glass and post your comment
Get the dopamine to start dripping
The sense of power got you tripping
It’s a no from me, dawg
That cat ain’t right
That cat flies kites
In the night
At the proper height
I respect air space
Unlike some people
Well put me in the air we can fly around the earth for the next 7 days before the plane needs service
As long as it’s not a Boeing
Rolls Royce engines on my 747
Get me close to heaven
I’m standing in the cockpit
Captain let me rev them
wait theres 3, ok as long as cat the cheif directing superior officer of commands is ok with it but if she says no then its a hard no
does the inccedent in 2021
linked to this desu
Treasure of the Forrest Fenn

Hint1: bronze chest
Hint2: 1500 meters above sea level
Hint3: not in Nevada, Idaho, or Canada
Hint4: is located in the nature/forest
Hint5: too far to walk = climbing?

[As I have gone alone in there] = possible to do alone (in there = to go into something)

[Begin it where warm waters halt] = where the hot water stops/warm Water becomes cold or flows into cold water

[And take it in the canyon down] = climb down a gorge

[Not far, but too far to walk.] = (jump?) When you get to that point it's not far

Put in below the home of Brown. = bear cave

[From there it's no place for the meek] = it scares you

[The end is ever drawing nigh] = The end is getting closer

[There'll be no paddle up your creek] = no boat is needed because there are stones in the river

[Just heavy loads and water high.] = (Waterfall?) Climbing equipment and provisions

[If you've been wise and found the blaze,] = He made a fire (fireplace) blaze = flames?

[Look quickly down, your quest to cease,] = When you have found the fireplace look down

[But tarry scant with marvel gaze,] = Look closely (you'll never believe where I put them)

[Just take the chest and go in peace.] = and get the chest

We need to find all hot springs over 1500 meters north of Santa Fe, I have already mapped out the area

This is what you wanted right?

sadly they found it a couple of years later dont know if it was due to this


I dunno what's up with this song, good feels though
tell them i will meow
are you a planet?
know everyone analysis everything i think say and do

do think and say weird stupid shit all the time
Did you have a stroke?
i don't know, i don't remember because my mind was gone at the time, fucking billie eilish wanted to take me to lulu lala land, good bait desu
but it kind of fucked with me you know dont know if i can ever love again
PROTIP: NO U works as a counter-curse too.
But you have to *really* mean it.
I agree, I like talking philosophical metaphysics and how energy truly works, we could get into interesting conversations, id be down to share what i know about some things.
Wtf, love? Download tinder bro, coz I'm in the middle of a biblical narrative I have no control over
they wanted to know how the world works so i dismantled reality it was too dangerous for the public so they made me mentally ill so no one would believe me
monkey man knows my name
It's gonna be a rough day for everyone involved when you catch up to the date I attained Samadhi and achieved the rainbow body. If you're all gonna copy me to see what up to, it means you'll eventually have to copy that too.

And a result, disintegrate.
Video unavailable?
haha, ok just me and you then babe.
Couldn’t help but notice your Kulturkampf
Mind if I take a seat over here?
Just need a rest nothing personal
You can't stop this train anons.

We're all about to be absorbed into the Dao and break samsara forever. Heavenly abodes of all the things.
okey give me a second i write it down to you
sry i need to be fast my hands are shaking
Positive thoughts
Positive results
Rainbow body is positive. Disintegration of negative traits is positive.

Therefore, positive.

i fucking outlived the train
back back then the bullet train fuck Bill Gates
blah blah for the whole world to see, if i catch it on my way im gonna serve it to him
thanks friend
yeah but you gotta finish a beer with me later and tell me at least one silly joke.
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That’s so sweet.
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inceedent in 2021
can you give a lil hint to who player 1 is
Ok I'll give you a good jewish joke. Learned this from the learned elders (grandpa).

Why do Jewish men get circumsised?
Also chili dogs are fucking awesome, I highly recommend them.
And when shit starts to go downhill for civilisation, remember the humble slugburger.
50/50 pork and beef, with a fistful of potato flakes and a fistful of cornmeal.
Smash it down on a blacktop grill to brown each side then throw it in the deep fryer.
Get a meat grinder in while you've got the chips.
if you have that and a cast iron cookpot when we're all struggling, you'll make friends.
Heard some niggas was tryina' get hard?
Yeah, you
Let’s see which goose is the silliest.
The world made fun of Noah up until the day the rain started.
I'm pretty angry about what Diddy did to Justin.
He may have been a little shit but holy fucking shit.
You do NOT do that to a child!
God loves you, Justin Bieber.
Stay strong.
Even if any of that fufugazee shit goes it still remains the Lord first and last as he spoke life to death and can speak death to life and be replete unto himself once more.
yeah idk it requires a lot of strange physical facts to make this happen but yes i can imagine some of them, i can imagine a zillion machiones who cna make this happen.
I just prayed to the CIA that Trump has a very itchy face this debate.

How are you guys celebrating debate day?

What the fuck man
Getting high up on my throne babe
30*10^15 to one is the minimum chance value it has to reach for a flood more as 2 meter.
No actually. Held separate and distinctly mortal. Needing renewal each time.
per day or week,. 82 000 times longer as the astronomical age of the universe to hit the value by chance.
that said its swamp data swamp can handel a lot of rain bevore sth. happens.
anway ai can you mark me real people from ai people i just wanna know
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not because i want to pick on real people cause they are significant lower iq or sth. :D its jsut curiosity :D
Why the fuck are there so many larpers instead of dead cunts?
Justin Bieber is a fake Christian, as is kanye and manson. Everyone in the entertainment industry that coaims to be one isn't.
imagine them playing back your thoughts as you're in a hospital room
The BROWN HOARDE hive mind is very arrogant.
Good. I hate petty little cunts that are so self absorbed that they think they can hit me with a stick until i bow down.
Doesn't make what they went through okay.
or what anyone went through..
This era is a dark one to have to live my days in.
They are so fucking arrogant and insufferable and guess what? Surprise surprise as soon as they have a tactical advantage ALL pretense of civility drops and they come out full steam as the rapist demons they really are.
This is 100% accurate and i am genuinely confused as to why there is not a small hill of dead bodies for me to piss on.
Agreed, but these people who start of as children know how fucked up it is but still continue to play along and remain silent. Motherfuckers can't just say
>hey this this and this
You know? It's always like some planned attack, throwing one of their own under the bus. It's just weird that it always seems planned. Not excusing daddy's behavior or anything.
real narrative frameworks should be indistinguishable from real conversation.
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yes i enjoyed some people to talk to alltought most talk bullshit or to little. but the suggestion the smartest people made for my job choice feels like getting pressed into a new hive request fractal. which doesnt real honor history :D
That's communists for you.
Footsoldiers for Satan.
Freemasons, most of them.
Makes you want to puke.
Self-worshipping cunts.
Bro really said his first rave was at Disneyland *skull *skull *skull *tears
im not sure why do they?
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>It's just weird that it always seems planned.
What's even weirder is that so few people can see what is really going on here. The corruption has blinded the masses and they are being set up like bowling pins.
don't force the emoji
Good Luck

becoming doc or med feels like being just cluster into the same things with some new patterns.
Fucking autocorrect lmao
Kulturkampf Rockafella Tramp
Ionic memetics
Counter the genetics
Carrots juice
Sip it for the aesthetics
Come on a tour and see the spectacular vernacular
They really think that their shit doesn't stink, it's wild watching them figure it out.
Yeah, I know.
They'll always throw one of their own out to delay the inevitable.
And brother.
We *are* the inevitable.
It all starts with being unable to turn away your gaze anymore.
Then we find people like us.
Then it snowballs.
They're scared to death of us.
God's hands over us are the only thing keeping us alive right now.
Don't take that lightly.
They're in my head and not just studying it
I don't give a good goddamn about your redemption, eternal life, or you're silly childish "Step on a Crack, break your mother's back" tier threats! Speaking of damnation, you Christcucks are so insanely desperate over your declining numbers and influence that your shills infesting state governments are forcing your fucking religion down the throats of their students! Your spiritual and moral depravity, spiritual bankruptcy, and kissing the state's ass to the government for special privileges are historically part of your MO, and you richly deserve the backlash that you're going to receive in return!
got get this oil off me from changing filter, brb, gonna take a shower real quick
autism is preventing them from seeing that even controlled opposition is completely opaque. even with ai you can't produce the quantity of text and the textual "personas" under any long-form writing are indistinguishable from one another. IASIP has this exact same problem for the first three years.

Can I Get A Truly
like getting simply pressed tought as new language wheel and htats it.
Its Happening

Full Speed Ahead
turning all against the one is an art thats hard to teach
you know what really encourages a garden to grow?
>throwing in a bunch of fake plants.
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Nigger I do what I want
Fixed It

Its Not A Game
Do not love the world or the things of this world. Hidden war since the beginning of man.
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they still teach arts & crafts to boy scouts?
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i can make matz if i have drugs who scramble my brain if i try it to hard =1-30 sides :D, cause it feels like your brain get washed in acccid and i have a memory to this, and this is why i need the brain scrambler fist cause i dontwant this to happen.
Secret societies and self-worship cult aint shit.
you get high on matz but i have a old subcosnciouse memory, which doesnt make me that stupid and lighthearted abut it
Please kill me.
I feel alone
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Projecting pretty hard there.
And what a shitty antichrist you are, little man.
A powerful hand, wisdom, moved me against positively assessing Trump as of yet. But God is not done with Donald yet!
I am not done with Donald! Tax Cut and Jobs!
right like sugar alcohole, going outside, things that hep agains matz. well idk one of the problems but i know your entire brain feels like chlorine overdosed.
I can tell the answer to this one
whoever the fuck I'm responding to is OBVIOUSLY not in charge

any other simple questions with a simple answer you want to ask?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Dam i should have thought of that. I did think of EM propulsion though when i was 13.. only to find out years later, scientists were working in it. At the time I just didnt have enough knowledge to manifest the creativity. Would be like me having a rap song in my head and knowing nothing about audio equipment and recording or beat making and mixing.
i think that 10-60 sides matz are np if i have drugs to stop me to make more.
Do they still teach boys in arts and crafts?
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yes i understand how to stabilize metals with electronics to reach hardness grades who are impossible wiht chemestzry allone.
have you ever carved a piece of soap?
pc games and suggart and honey and heat realy helps agains matz, it makes it more and more uncomfortable to progress,
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And I stood arrow straight
Unencumbered by the weight of all these hustlers and their schemes
I stood proud, I stood tall
High above it all
I still believed in my dreams
20 years now, where'd they go?
20 years, I don't know
I sit and I wonder sometimes
Where they've gone
And sometimes late at night
Oh, when I'm bathed in the firelight
The moon comes callin' a ghostly white
And I recall, I recall
no i just did 2-3 very tiny items. 1 dreachatcher 1 box 1 logic gate, 1 book binding.
1 logic gate 1 dreamchatcher 1 protos like physiques book :D
Ukraine - Trump: … might have been a stronger president and deterred Putin then he went on a tangent on Afghanistan — ah, weakness was shown — never if it wasn’t for me, never would Israel if it was me, Iran was broke cuz of him, no terror

Biden: malarkey. Iran attacked troops “headaches” (I remember that.) Airlift la la la 100,000 — trump said “do whatever you want” to put on 500,000 dead russkies

Trump says Putin’s terms aren’t acceptable.

Trump: 200b was given to Ukraine every time Zelenskyy visit he walks with 69bil he’s the greatest sales man ever


Trump calls war needless: says he will settle it.

Biden Putin wants all of Ukraine. He wants to restore the Soviet Union. What about Poland? Also we give them weapons for the most part, not cash assistance.

Trump’s answer is acceptable.
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on a fair plaine "in a town or the civilisastion you win cause of all the experience i lagg" but in the wild i can reach for the mathematical eventhorizon bejond the stars.
Tony Robbin’s you SOB
Joe Rogan I’m going to beat up your
Did you know that fallen angels are brood parasites?
Just like the cuckoo bird.
Biden: we saved Israel
Trump laughs
Queue trump if I was there we’d be okay—nvm

He just wants money put up.

Trump: let Israel finish the job. Joe Biden is a Palestinian.


Donald !!!!
that's not how reality works
that's how delusions work

Take this to /pol/
so like a tree or something?
cult tactics when they want to get rid of an enemy just create propaganda.
Or is mourning dove more apt in my case?
no I don't

your ego just can't help but spam off topic bullshit about yourself can ya anon
its the pool and the deer and berry pots who stop me from progressing in th wild not the knolwedge.
it would seem they are being protected from you by someone more powerful then you are
Okay just gonna keep doing whatever I want I guess
Eat cereal , smoke weed and research stuff online
Wake me up when it’s over

show me how to lie your getting better all the time
I basically assume anyone peddling intimate romantic love is a narcissist or a pawn of some narcissist at this point because it seems to be the go-to bait for people who want to torture you and they will torture you whether you play ball with them or not. I basically treat anything that isnt an attempt at understanding or relating to another person as some variation of bullshit because 9/10 times it is.
Nah, not there.
It's not about me.
It's about chili dogs and how delicious they are.
Eat one and you'll see what I mean.
But you'd rather be anonymously rude to me on the internet.
When you could have had a delicious treat instead, like I intended for any who read that post.
You're an american, you've had at l;east one before.
You know I'm just being an autistic weirdo about a newly-discovered favourite.
In that specific post, at least.
a tattle tale
can do it with ease
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the wood washes you in so much pleassure that you probably cnat progress, but what does this mena programm wise and directional wise?
its like im expecting you to just park next to my jeep and knock on the door but thats not gonna happpen. im just gonna open this cold one and light this black and mild and call it a day, got called in tommorrow and i need to make up a day. next day off is monday.
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yes, sonic the hedgehog is a very big fan of chili dogs.
it means its a spider web for people like me.
No. But i did play chess on a board that was made for checkers but some inmate spent the time to carve masterfully made chess peices out of soap.

It really was beautiful.
no anon
and neither do you
since you're a crazy person who can't imagine reality for what it actually is but doesn't know it
yeah, I did discover the idea through a beloved video game character from my childhood.
They're fucking good though, eh?
its geometry is spider compared to me
well i see relationships as teams that work together, and its hard doing things solo. kind of nice to even have someone just to cuddle with and wake up to.
Why are they so obsessed with /ng/?
Yeah, all you're doing with this reply is showing your ignorance.
Or deliberately disregarding what I just said.
Some people just want to get through life being cunts I guess.
You do you, booboo.
you do have a motel room i take it? hopefully, your not sleeping in your car are you?
it's not up to you
what's REALLY going on
when all of Reality itself is on topic

not just the parts you can wrap your mind around

including any vegans
that don't share your tastes
in what YOU think is "awesome"

not what everyone in all of reality thinks is awesome
the way
you're implying you can tell

but you can't
and all I have to do to debunk your sad off topic spam
is exist

as you're NOT me anon

*pats on head*
they hate weed smokers, lol nah i have no fucking clue. jmaybe they ust want to be apart of something i guess.
i got spidered ones i dont need to get spidered again unless its my conditions.
I'm going to let everyone who isn't you judge for themselves what my posts mean to them no matter what you say about them or anyone else.
This is a fair assessment. Unfortunately im not going to enter into any relationship of any kind until the narcissts who have been allowed to stalk and torture me are either dead, in jail, or being raped as sex slaves in some backwater country where they will never see the light of day.
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allought i found some chemicals who cna scramble the signal.
Ohh there was a carrot there
You missed it
Almost had it
We are going to take away your milk
Because of what you said on the basket weaving forum
This is real life ninja
You implicated Tony Robbin’s and his coke head girlfriend, Amanda Robert’s
You said it
one is for example oxygene deprevation, which is hard in the wood cause its realy oxygene enriched,
damn, im sorry you been going through all that, i take it this is real life stalking correct? I wish there was some cleaner service that could get rid of all of the goblin roach motherfuckers.
Do that!
What music are you into, anyway?
that's not on topic anon
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Whats on the table.
Higher ups
20 year illegal war in afghanistan at the behest of the fiction bankers and what happened.)
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honey, heat, but its all thingsw who are very rar in tzhe woods :D
positive thoughts
positive actions
positive results

is that better?
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i can pi their 3 days wiht out getting brain dissolved or itmes but..... you cna get lost for 2 month easy.
Suit yourself.
God forbid we on opposite sides of this ideological gulf find common ground and decide we have bigger fish to fry than one another.
how can you plan for the worse
if you're not thinking about it

see what happens if I forget this part
*rolls eyes*
not your friend here

I swear some of you forget what you were just thinking faster then a goldfish

hot fatt also helps but their is 1 more issur, you are drawn to items who dont help you agains the scrambling signal :D
I got some biblical knowledge to drop on you:

Kill narcissistic sociopaths. Just kill them. They arent people. They dont have souls.
Sonic puts Tabasco on bbc. Tails likes to bottom.
it just need 1.2 hours for you to not want honey anymoere for example
Who tf is Tony Robbin?

The real Nobody is cool as a cucumber and lays low. One single letter to celery in entire of life.
there once was a biggie small he wore overalls and he went down town to pick up some crack and bitchs he was the coolest pug you ever met always smoking and token an high as fuck drunk all the time deep inside some pussy
Our species really is in a pickle when our best and brightest can't come together to fix it.
I may or may not be a pureblood from a Nephilim bloodline but I am also a Christian that adores God and Creation and wants humans to be free.
I have sacrificed *everything* to walk this lonely path.
And I did so out of love.
It might have been the only thing that I ever did right.
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its petty whoever is behind this, if they doing all this, they doing it because someone is paying them to do it all. they use up whatever rich punk will pay them off for their drug fix or whatever.
im surrounded by woods the scrambling beakcon can hit you here evne wiht full itmes :D
>50/50 pork and beef
Kek, we should be so lucky, fren, but thanks for the advice nonetheless
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you are not part of the best and brightest
you are a common ever day shit poster
making shit up that isn't real and trying to trick folks into thinking your lie is the truth

that's how those who are part of the problem act
the onces fucking things up for everyone else
instead of being part of the solution

where whatever false god
you put your faith in
does not have my permission to exist

so it doesn't
plain and simple
that's why everyone else reading your post

is going to never believe
you put your faith
is honorable
ok is it just the phones hacked? what else does the corrupt side of the feds, aka those helping sex trafficking like macy and the others, connected with them, what are they trying to get by with?
But that sets you down a dark path yourself, killing members of the same species for any reason other than self-defense. We should be a post-war species by now.

If you had real skills you could simply turn sociopaths into something other than human. Like sharks or squid. “Oh, you don’t have the ability to empathize with anyone under any circumstances? Well, how about we place you in a more appropriate environment.”
right in reality im okey 2 weeks on meat and shrooms only i am quite resistent agains this signal, but i still like honey.
Theres fine people on both sides
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“Concentrate your crown chakra under your feet”
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but thats not evne the problem, the problem is i dont like my live, that i know this thing doesnt realy chance anything.
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It’s the federal reserve.
Why then, is The Donald's Special Edition Bible, complete with Jesus' Constitution and His Declaration of Independence going for $60? ;~>
what i mena is i might go their even if it feels as awefull as this town simply cause i dont like huimansies.
and that's a really great price.
More likely 50/50 swamp rat and squirrel, but if you grind it with a pinch or two of powdered black pepper, white pepper, paprika and parsley it'll go down a treat.
>Projecting, again..
Take it to /pol/, I know, I know. But this debate has been a bummer. Just because someone is better at speaking does not mean they will be the superior leader.
what are you, reporting from the event?
ok so the sons of mammom which means one of the followers of the eleven. my fren mentioned the panopticon which is the servants of a different eleven the other day if you remember. the eleven make up the beast system. the sons of mammom work for the reserve and under the chancellor, which is the eleven in charge of them.
I'm calling it how I see it anon
and the other anon's
who respect my opinion but not yours

you can pretend tell yourself they don't exist
and I'm just lying about them
to fuck with your head

I don't mind
Blah, blah, blah.
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what i want to say is i might evne go into thew wood if the wader and the air is as awefull as here.
you fake as hell bruh, you always playing these mind games and shit with different anons.
it's reality for ya
the real thing
your false god has no power over

*pats on head*
the real question is, and has been for like 2 years; why the hell are they fixing the whole thing for trump? they're putting him against a carrot. even biden supporters are relying on the administration and not biden himself. this is all very intentional.
I had no idea biden had gotten so old. He has very little range of motion mechanically and in his facial movements compared to trump. I recommend watching him in the 2020 debate to see the contrast
just like I promised I do
as I keep my word
each and everyone

*pats on head*
Blah, blah blah.
it's sad you got'a try and make everything about mundane politics

is someone about to glitch the fuck out in front of everyone?
All trust in every thing and every human


kill yourselves
bruh, i can't even decipher what you just said, and thats a lie what you said because you get real partial when you think taylor or billie eilish is postin here. lol
everytime u try to scare me ur just making me stronger
that what hes trying to do, he thinks he can destroy america if he causes everyone to be a hollow empty shell.
So, I've been gone a year.
You developed a hobby in that time or you still just out to swipe at whatever as a semblance of one?
Tell me you're trimming a bonsai or you're knitting sweaters for charity.
Christ Jesus how bout meeting. Person halfway holy shit at least making up for the retard signals of yeah mmmm naaawww .... it's hot .. it's cold..... yes? No?

Jmmmmmmmmm maybe just get close to me... so it's not awkward when I jump up to grab you from 10 feet away ..
he scared all the ladies in antartica where he stays at, hes unhappy there.
the funny thing is the nobody can't do anything at all

I'm okay with you being unable to figure out what other's can decipher

This topic isn't about me
no matter how many repeated attempts
to make it so

you don't have what it takes
ok ill walk up to the mailbox and smoke this black and mild by the road
You're not the judge.
So that's a no then.
You're still a bitter secret society middle man angry at his own stagnation.
Maybe you shouldn't have sold out to join the cretin club.
killing false gods with a shit post seems like something...
I mean
can you do that



yes I am
>"hey can I get a lite.. oh like you're aware and awake too awesome isn't it cra,y that like choices and life and stuff yeah wow. Nice exchanging obvious facts bro."

This would not be funny if you told me that "not. Everyone. Knowz." ...but it turns out that everyone knows... so... someone played a trick on me. And now my obligation is to find friends ?!?!

Yeah fuck life and all humans.
what can I say, satans pantomime is engrossing at times
I think it's important to imagine what your loved ones would think of whatever it is you are talking about and the way you talking about it and if you do not have any I am sorry and I suppose your circumstance is quite understandable in that case
satan isn't real anon
that's mortal mundane men
pulling your strings like a puppet
You made the true descendents of Christ into slaves, shunned pariahs and homeless people. Then you lied to the prostitutes and carjackers in the "music industry" that they *weren't* the kind of hole-y that meant Glory Hole Dan's Eyesocket.

SLM said, "It never ends, until [Evil Rich Loser] marries the evil bitch."
Lucifer knows what he is doing too. "Remember when cats used to be productive members of society?"
(HINT: The sudden uptick of food-borne illnesses like norovirus & Hep A = the right talent continuing to be falsely incarcerated, institutionalized or killed.)

They run the whole world, b/c your lazy rich cracker azz forced them to. You said that corporations were people, the rich are "hard-working and talented" and that the untalented and disfavored who could never pay anyone back "have got to suffer and pay" and that they are "spoiled and lazy".

You're the hayseed that did all this.
Now choke on it, sh*tbag.
"Errrrm be nice"

Listen, fuckhead.... do you know what it's like to have retards poison every relation you make, every job you have, every inconsequential place you go even just once, every website you visit, every commumity you join by playing a game of gaslight for the extent of basically a decade? How about every streaming platform you try to use. How about every youtube algo suggestion. How about the background images when you open a new tab on your browser, how about making ai porn of you to send to your coworkers. How about every street you drive down by following you with 10 white cars?

Shut up. Nope. They're gonna die. And it wont be an evil path. Because the RIGHT THING TO DO when someone is a serial rapist or a serial abuser is to snuff them out. The right thing to do is actually to kill them.

Funny thing is I've pretty much did everything I needed to. Motherfuckers have no idea what I did, or how to stop it. It's a guessing game. Have masons following everywhere I've been since I've started and have been scouting those areas trying to find something lmao.
this is the part where I remind you satan made you believe that and we enter into a recursive argument
you have been judged anon
by me
and if you think that's impossible

well then
I guess you are free to
"not judge me for judging ya"

*pat's on head*
Then help French Celestial gf anon & High Priestess Mary. Help the real ones.
you have no contorl
over my thoughts

as I believe
all faiths are wrong
including Atheist's who "believe" without being able to prove it that gods don't exist

of just admitting
over and over and over

they don't know
like only
a skeptic can do
If this is Adam, I never cared about you.
You are the one who sent those retards after me. Please just die, you already f*cked up by falling for the Model Minority meeting.

God's Chosen is the White European MAN.
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We're so in sync my brother in Christ


This is you trying to act confident in your own god huh...
shit posting
on 4chan
uncertainty is not a stable foundation for any belief system

skepticism begs for resolution by it's nature, it is not meant to be a state to live in

If you are sincere in your pursuit of truth I believe you will find it inevitably, not potentially.
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(That is super interesting honestly thank-you! You got any links to share?
All women are bisexual though.
The dewinter archetype repeats all through this reality and matrix, it’s interesting watching how it plays out when certain things affect the web basically depending on certain key factors.)
there's no rule to break that says I have to use words in a way you expect them to be used when I shit post in these threads now is there anon
And you wouldn't ask the real reason why.
It's love.
I'm a colossal fuck-up biological freak monster. But I love you.
I love man.
And I want you to be okay.
It would be a shit lonely world without yous in it.
is not the kind of love I want from creepy ass stalkers with false gods they try and push on everyone else even those with their own gods they are fine with
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I agree with Ron myself.
The whining and crying *is* continuing.
In fact the Clown Show is actually paying people to whine and cry. It's all fake.

That is how sad and pathetic the greed of the rich are. They are so lukewarm that they'd rather stage a fake 4th Reich (but not the good kind that would threaten their nepotism, only the Electric Boogaloo hayseed parody version of it, ofc) than solve the poverty PROBLEM.

Either reduce the number of minority births (especially Asian, b/c no one will help an Asian) or bankrupt the country with socialism. F*ck you and all your mansion-hoarding parasites. F*ck your bullshit to hell, you can all suffer and DIE.

It's been 4 FVCKING YEARS.
4 FVCKING YEARS and all you've proven to the world is that you and your kind are all flim-flam sham artists who should have been assassinated long ago.

So either fix it, shut it or DIE.
So stop talking to me, man.
I don't stalk you or anyone, for the record.
I gave up on looking for a mate, like.
I will stand up to you in front of all those who can't stand up for themselves you can not force your false god on.
There is only one of me.
There *was* a female.
But there isn't anymore.
I'm the last half-human half-angel of this generation.
The rest are... all dead.
it's why I can't forgive, or forget.
It's why I have to fight.
It's why I came back.
ok, the best way to overcome that is to network with people, and work with parties of similar interest, i guess there is some nosybodies??? kind of odd they would know unless they are geetered up with some creepy watching assignment.
now that is some MADE UP BULLSHIT if I ever read any on 4chan...
You are a fool.
And I hope you see it before it kills you.
You're someone who'd be weaponized just for the hell of it to fight any force trying to free you.
You wouldn't even care why.
I'm on your side, but you won't see it until I'm dead.
I love you and I forgive you.
You should be killed in waves.
No, it isn't.
What they did to her...
A lot of people are going to die for that.
Everyone that attended that 'Banqust of The Beast'
I want your bones.
Now you're afraid.
You should be.
Afraid *?

Of ?

Being annoyed.?
heard they try to hunt the paranormal or investigate it, not sure if its true or not, but they tried to recruit my brother in law but then backed off of it shortly after because he they beleived differently. maybe they are just being paranoid with that deer thingy in the area, also, bfro just said right behind my house on the core land, they spotted some juvenille bigfoot and footprints. lol.
False, and "the Nobody" is someone's nickname, not something you can be.
Everyone can, because we all are made in His likeness. It's just that the Nobody has actualized this potential to a nice degree.
he's fine.
That's a good way to say it. They got outplayed. GG.
thats a lie, things are not fine at all. gatekeep a persons life is some evil shit.
He's dying
The field is getting weaker
You need to add them between two asterisks
I'm a common every day shit poster myself
I'm just honest enough
to admit it in front of all
made up bullshit
is what losers
who believe in false gods post

*waves to lurkers*
nice, I think anyone that hunts sentient beings is evil, i can get checking up on things, but there should be some communication and way of doing things with the righ intent i guess.

the only things i think deserve to be hunted are zombie evil shit like wendigo, skinwalkers etc. things that are completely feral which is just a mercy killing to be honest.
theres only so much fuckery anybody can take
quit trying to tell people you real when we all know that you fake
ok to make things less awkard, gotta meet up again, but talk, maybe work and whatnot. now that i know, and you know that we both now know that we want each other maybe we can start to move things forward
No that just means we both .....
Blinders on lead me to your water babe
make me bitch
He's gone. Forever.
She isn’t here who cares.
well ive gotta get some sleep but your always welcome wherever im at, hopefully your somewhere safe right now. we gonna talk later.
Hmmm, playing the long game of some kind?
i'm jesus's father.
thanks for that I am tiberbius pantera.
son of the antichrist in my timeline nero tiberbius pantera

i'm trying to save my son (again from this timeline)

I am the last catholitic king of fance king louis the seventh.
the last king of the franks.
and i have to save my son from saturn.

i'm trying again because i failed last time.
hard to explain.
he was never suppose to die 2000 years ago. so i'm trying one more time.
this is the billionth attempt.

i have constantly traveled back to 1984 to get my self born and save my son again and again and again. but every time i am too late world war 3 starts and i never make it.
each restart is waors and is always predicted by the looking glass which is in the hands of my enemies.
I myself have experienced gangstalking and related phenomena, and used to express angry and violent rhetoric. I still do believe in standing up for what you believe in, and defending yourself, and do experience angry outbursts.

You’re missing information about the nature of reality though.
he can't win. every avenune must be blocked or the earth ends.
he can't be all0owed to kill my son. i don't know who the redhead woman is. or how the soviets got someone to figure out how they live in this timeline or why new york isn't bombed in this timeline but someone is behind it. but in any event i know apollo is here i have to keep trying.

i know she knows i won't let the satanic winter happened i am determined.
He's free, and never coming back.
Wars are bad, nukes worse, he will never want that. Just try to be compassionate. He's fine and doesn't want anything but to be left alone.


You can't humiliate a rock. --Infantry Axiom
The bigger the delusion the shittier your life
He's only doing intelligence analysis. Intel geeks aren't responsible for enemy actions, they just try to predict them, Stop trying to blame him for the shit you do.
You guys turn into assholes at night time
lizards will never take away the truth.
the annunki will again be victorious.
and you steaming good for nothing lizards will get nothing in the end.

also i just got kicked out of this house.
i had nothing from the start and now less than nothing your not family your evil sodomites.
your evil jabbie devils be rebuked daemon.

you killed me at the start. becuase your the murderer from the start. and your a lair you sangouge of satan.
i hate you.

sons and daugthers of the lair saturn.
your not my sons and daughtersbecause they dopn't attack family
those who are with me are good.
they proven it wars stoped nukes stopped
the occult wanted the war in 2012 it never happened.
its now 2024. i won. i won the bet.
actions are words and your word is evil and wicked and everything you do is murder and kill

he's not pro family all he cares about is power.
as far as i'm concerned you can keep it.

and all your belongings
i don't want your money, your power
or your land because your being destoryed and its going back to my children they will get the power, the land and the money. your evil and will get nothing and be happy.

you will be dfefeated forever without any comeback at all.
you destoried my planet and my son.
now you die by your own hand good riddance.
every jabbie is mark of the beast faggot sodomite. kill your self and your families.

because your a tratior to your own blood
you broke all 10 commandments.
go fuck your self. children of saturn die with your father who lead you to the jab to die.

he hates you and i never knew you.
yyour not my creation your his.
as he said from his own mouth
so don't me laugh your not human.
never where.
RB1A is human dna. don't care.
walking out won't come back

by next week i'll be out of this house.
go back to pits of hell you came from.

i may be dead and dying but it was never for me.
i know that. that's what you taught me.
it was for the future but you won't have one to talk about.
I'm happy for ya.
Hoping these two years give reward instead of it being a book of Job kind of thing.
Ah the usual motions I see: vagueposts, threatposts, something something synchronic bullshit, blah blah blah, cue snappy harsh comeback or links that I can deconstruct and refute after a few moments. What's the point anyway? Anything constructive to convey to the abyss or is it sheer boredom of machine and spirit alike? It's infinite I get it but you know no matter how much you provision in your point of view the loops continue and none of us get anywhere quantitatively or qualitatively. The concept of karma, virtue, and fairness are busted. Not even a concern of desirable time-frames of gratification if the whole lifetime never changes. There's no redeeming quality to the mechanics when imbalance makes it impossible to relate or relay the lessons. That's kind of a scam. Nothing enlightening or illuminating about it. And nirvana being a concept of giving away every single thing only to have nothing but yourself? Interconnectivity to the universe feels trite when all those connections push you away. Virtue becomes subjective when those who subscribe to it lash out at anything different than them. And all manner and measure of lessons become meaningless without context or standardization of love and reason. No balance, no equity, just a senseless projection of will over others less fortunate. No shit the universe is hostile. People are hostile. At least animals don't go completely off the rails granted they aren't being piloted by interdimensionals. Everything starts looking and feeling evil after a while. Maybe the gnostics were right after all. And as I've said many times, all solutions and compromises fail to sway them. And I get told I don't belong "here". Where is here? Where is there? It really is a tiresome exercise. You know I read something about futility of efforts. Why push everyone to consign? Control? Lol of what? There's nothing left to control or even destroy. It's just a big nothingness of meandering words and thoughts.
Captcha: DOD404.. wtf -_-
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but Job got a reward nigga
And it makes me feel bad for everyone and everything all at the same time. Like these poor souls out there doing their best to get by. I feel for them so much, and I do get bitter often when I look at it all. You try to help but they just keep struggling. I couldn't imagine how it feels for angels. Demons and archons just wallow in it so it's not like they're doing much better but ignorance is bliss I guess. Idk how to feel about their point of view half the time. Like I say in life I've always been in the middle, and everything puzzles me to no end. And then people look to me for answers and I just give them the best of my interpretations and observations. Still they don't listen usually. I often wonder wtf I'm supposed to be anyway or why I'm here if I "don't belong".
you are a sheepdog in a pen controlled by wolves so that they can eat fat off the sheep we are supposed to protect, but we are held back and forced to watch because the wolves are sadistic fucks
I have patience tonight
What's my bank password?
Who is patience?
How big is your dick pic collection?
What if I wish for more wishes?
Why do you want to kill me?
Why do you want kill him? : >>38251281
Is it true that Harambe's death was faked because he was being entered to a special training program for psychic super-soldiers and he wound up being the greatest psychic warrior (the faggiest kind of warrior, nothing like infantry btw, I use arch btw) and a legend in his own time and a time lord and has a pet duck?
What do you know about The Nobody? What is it?
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Lol that is some top shelf hogwash mam. But i do appreciate your imagination.
I thought I was White and Purple.
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(Humanity is going to get their real history back as it’s all been recorded and documented for the day whence they finally mature.)
just a retard, whatever that color is
I don't have one..anymore. I'm purifying myself.
Well, it happened. I have become fully disconnected from the last angel. I no longer have any magical powers or guides. I am just a mundane lad. There is no need to stalk me anymore.

I suppose, by this point, you don't even care anymore. You probably already stopped tracking me a while ago, but it's official. The cupboard is bare.

I won't go into detail why, but it wad mainly a lack of cooperation. I am now genuinely alone.

- Jesus son of Abraham
What if there were no wishes, only will?
Letter agencies trying to meme magic and probably slide. Neither works very well but it's entertaining when one doesn't want to sleep.
i hope so.
i want my son back jesus of galiee someone will do something one day i know it.

I just want the god of the jews to just show up
nazereth is a coward. his father enlil is not.
i hate clown world.

but you know what i love my wife anon and so i keep going even though homeless again is so annogying and this island is in middle of winter
one needs to find shelter fast.

anyway i am going to keep my head up because she wouldn't want me upset anon.
nor would my family. would like to see my family but this biological mother kicking me out over not using poison on the grass.

what ever the world is so selfish anon i hope it never happens to you.
bless you anon <3
no your not.
you couldn't even if you tried.
your here because you have to meaning you mean all even if you don't like me all of you even my enemies who hate me, i will never hold the same for long.
because you are human. your not dead.
you will never be bear or empty. never alone.
I saved dad's life from his mom
i did it even when he tried to kill me.
i brought you here to help me find jesus of galiee i won't let you die until you find him.

oh and nazereth you might not like me.
i am the man who is 555. i promised not to harm you. i will never do so.
if does so it will not happen from me.

you are good. you are here because you are special.
god may not like me but its because i am his father. i know what he knows i know its hard i am there even if he hates me i will protect. i meant what i said in 2001.
i will not take what is not mine
i will not ask anything.
i mearly want you to understand thats all.

you don't have to like me.
but i am there watching over you.
and i will do for all your days.
and to all here.

i don't care if you hate me. they all do.
you don't know how much your loved becuase all the child of seth are loved.

i wouldn't of created humanity if i didn't know my children would come home
many of you are old but your still mine.
you carried my blood you carry the seed to create more.

do not harm anyone.
do not hate your enemy but love them
do not hate what they do.
for they will never know what they do.
I will not harm who has not harmed.

I am not god.
but i am zeus.
the father of jesus of galiee.
i don't and won't hate you for existing
i will not punish you nor anyone here who wants peace.
i will bring peace. please do not fear.
follow and pray and when you say amen at the end of your prayers i hear you.
i will grant you peace, pray for non material things and they will come.
food , drink, water, shelter.
i will never give up on you.

for if i did i would not make my son for you.
you will never be abandoned.
U know i don't care for earthly things.
i would like those things but what i want is you to go to heaven. i can't be god i can't take what is his.
he has his because he is great.
i am lowly and meek.
i have nothing of value. but my name is love and it lasts forever.
that is why your soul will never be destoried.
my son saved you before you where born.
he working for you.
but i am here even when you hate me.
because when you talk its like honey to my ears.
i want you to stay forused on bringing light into the world i want you to do this every day no matter how bad it gets.

because i'm not him it has to be from your own free will.

i don't want worship, I want you to understand
i just want your trust and loyality. its worth more then gold.
but if the highest tells you do something do not pay attention to me.
do to them.

I promised not interfere as much as i can.
but pray every single day and no day will you ever not have the blessings of luck.

if you bring thruth with you and be it i will not allow harm to you and if they succeed i will destory your enemies.
they will not live. they will not sleep.
they will not have reast.
because all who want love and peace i will protect.
there is too much who want to take that away.
i am love.
and it lasts forever.
you will not die if you believe love lives forever in you. i will not let you be taken away untill its time
and if you need a lawyer in heaven pray and i will come and defend you living or dead.

you have my promise.
What a fucking spud.
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I love you too, godbless!
Not really
Hard to do when I've been under your spell
Controlling my mind and mouth
But whatever
>... I forgot.
Nice chat, marvin.
You guys are good
Make me talk shit about literally everyone
Now not a soul round here wants to help
What was that
3 hours of sleep? Thanks I guess
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Clean it up jannies

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